Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Celestial Queen - Announcer, Messenger and Leader


Book of Heaven, Vol. 30, March 13, 1932

 The works done on one’s own are not enjoyable, but company renders them pleasant, it pushes one to work, it sweetens the Sacrifice and forms the Most Beautiful Works; and in seeing you call Our Celestial Mama as your Guide, your Prisoner Jesus exulted with Joy in having Her Sweet Company in Our Work.

“You must know that She was the True and Celestial Prisoner of My Divine Will, therefore She knows all the secrets, the ways, She possesses the Keys of Its Kingdom.  Even more, for each Act that the Queen Prisoner did, She prepared in Her Act the place to receive the acts of the creature done in the Divine Will; and—O! how the Celestial Sovereign stands in waiting, and at attention, to see whether the creature operates in My Fiat, so as to take these acts with Her Maternal Hands and enclose them in Her Acts, as pledges, as antidotes, that the Kingdom of the Divine Will is wanted upon earth.  So, this Kingdom was already formed by Me and by the Celestial Lady—It already exists, It only has to be given to creatures. 

“In order for It to be given, it is necessary to know It; and since She is the Holiest, the Greatest Creature, who knew no other kingdom but the Kingdom of My Divine Will alone, She occupies the first place in It; by Right, the Celestial Queen will be the Announcer, the Messenger, the Leader of a Kingdom so Holy.  Therefore pray Her—invoke Her, and She will act for you as Guide, as Teacher, and with Love, all Maternal, will receive all your acts and will enclose them in Her own; and will say to you: ‘The acts of My daughter are like the Acts of Her Mama; therefore they can stay with Mine, in order to double the Right for creatures to receive the Kingdom of the Divine Will.’  Since this, His Kingdom, God must give and the creature must receive, it takes the acts of both sides in order to obtain the intent. 

“So, She who holds more Ascendancy, more Power, more Empire over the Divine Heart is the Sovereign of Heaven; Her Acts will be at the Head, with the retinue of the other acts of creatures, changed into Divine by virtue of My Will, to give them the Right to receive this Kingdom.  And God, in seeing these Acts, will feel moved to give It for the sake of that Love that He had in Creation, as He Created everything so that His Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, and each creature be a Kingdom of His Will, that would have Its Total Dominion.  Therefore, always forward in Operating and Living in the Supreme Fiat.”

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