Friday, January 27, 2017

The Third Renewal of Humanity

January 29, 1919
God will accomplish the third renewal of humanity by manifesting what His Divinity did within His Humanity.

I was doing the adoration to the wounds of blessed Jesus, and at the end I recited the Creed, intending to enter into the immensity of the Divine Will, in which are all the acts of creatures, past, present and future, and even those acts which the creature should do and, because of negligence and wickedness, she has not done. And I was saying: ‘My Jesus, my Love, I enter into your Volition, and with this Creed I intend to redo, to repair, all the acts of faith which creatures have not done, all the disbeliefs, and the adoration which is due to God as Creator.’

While I was saying these and other things, I felt my intelligence being dissolved in the Divine Will, and a light investing my intellect, inside of which I could see my sweet Jesus. And this light spoke and spoke - but who can say everything? I will say it confusedly; and besides, I feel such repugnance, that if obedience were not so strict, but more indulgent, it would not force me into such sacrifices. But You, my Life, give me strength, and do not leave the poor little ignorant one on her own.

Now, it seemed that He was saying to me: “My beloved daughter, I want to make known to you the order of my Providence. Every course of two thousand years I have renewed the world. In the first two thousand years I renewed it with the Flood; in the second two thousand I renewed it with my coming upon earth, in which I manifested my Humanity, from which, as though from many fissures, my Divinity shone forth. And the good and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have lived of the fruits of my Humanity, and, in drops, they have enjoyed my Divinity. Now we are at the turn of the third two thousand years, and there will be a third renewal. This is the reason for the general confusion - it is nothing other than the preparation for the third renewal; and if in the second renewal I manifested what my Humanity did and suffered, and very little of what the Divinity was operating, now, in this third renewal, after the earth has been purged and the current generation destroyed for the most part, I will be even more generous with creatures, and I will accomplish the renewal by manifesting what my Divinity did within my Humanity; how my Divine Will acted with my human will; how everything remained linked within Me; how I did and redid everything, and even one thought of each creature was redone by Me and sealed with my Divine Volition. My love wants its outpouring, and wants to make known the excesses which my Divinity operated in my Humanity for the good of creatures, which surpass by far the excesses that my Humanity operated externally. This is also why I often speak to you about the living in my Will, which I have not manifested to anyone until now. At the most, they have known the shadow of my Will, the grace, the sweetness that doing It contains; but to penetrate inside of It, to embrace immensity, to multiply oneself with Me and penetrate everywhere, even while being on earth, both into Heaven and into the hearts, to lay down the human ways and act with the divine ways - this is not yet known; so much so, that not to a few will it appear strange, and those who do not keep their minds open to the light of truth will not understand a thing. But I, little by little, will make my way, manifesting now one truth, now another, of this living in my Will, so that they will end up comprehending It.

Now, the first link which connected the true living in my Will was my Humanity. My Humanity, identified with my Divinity, swam in the Eternal Volition, and kept tracing all the acts of creatures in order to make them Its own, and give to the Father a divine glory on the part of creatures, and bring to all the acts of creatures the value, the love, the kiss of the Eternal Volition. In this sphere of the Eternal Volition, I could see all the acts of creatures that could possibly be done and were not done, and the very good acts done badly; and I did those which were not done, and redid those done badly. Now, these acts, not done, and done only by Me, are all suspended in my Will, and I await the creatures to come to live in my Volition, and repeat in my Will that which I did. This is why I chose you as the second link of connection with my Humanity, forming one single link with mine, living in my Volition, repeating my very acts. Otherwise, on this side my love would remain without outpouring, without glory on the part of creatures for what my Divinity operated in my Humanity, and without the perfect purpose of Creation, which must be enclosed and perfected in my Will. It would be as if I had shed all my Blood, suffered so much, and no one had known it. Who would have loved Me? Which heart would be shaken? No one; and therefore in no one would I have had my fruits, the glory of Redemption.”

And I, interrupting the speaking of Jesus, said: ‘My Love, if there is so much good about this living in the Divine Will, why have You not manifested it before?’ And He: “My daughter, first I had to make known what my Humanity did and suffered on the outside, to be able to dispose souls to knowing what my Divinity did on the inside. The creature is incapable of comprehending my work all together; therefore I keep manifesting Myself little by little. Then, from your link of connection with Me, the other links of creatures will be connected, and I will have crowds of souls who, living in my Volition, will redo all the acts of creatures; and I will have the glory of many suspended acts done only by Me, also from creatures - and these, from all classes: virgins, priests, lay people, according to their office. They will no longer operate humanly, but penetrating into my Will, their acts will multiply for all in a way fully divine; and I will have, on the part of creatures, the divine glory of many Sacraments received and administered in a human way; others, profaned; others, sullied with interest; and of many good works in which I remain more dishonored than honored. I so much long for this time; and you, pray and long for it together with Me, and do not move your link of connection with mine, starting, yourself, as the first one.”

Sunday, January 15, 2017



Vol. 2, Feb. 28, 1899, How Luisa sees the Divinity of Jesus.

Since the confessor told me to explain to him how I see, sometimes, the Divinity of Our Lord, I answered him that it was impossible for me to be able to tell him anything. But, at night, blessed Jesus appeared to me and almost reproached me because of this refusal of mine, and then He made two most luminous rays flash through me. With the first one I comprehended in my intellect that Faith is God and God is Faith. I tried to say a few things about Faith; now I will try to say how I see God - and this was the second ray.

While I am outside of myself, and I find myself in the height of the heavens, I seem to see God within a light; and He Himself seems to be light, and in this light there is beauty, strength, wisdom, immensity, height, depth – without end or boundaries. Even in the air that we breathe there is God Himself being breathed; so, each one can make Him one’s own life, as indeed He is. Nothing escapes Him, and nothing can escape Him. This light seems to be all voice – and without speaking; all operating – while it always rests. It is present everywhere – without occupying anything; and while it is present everywhere, it also has its own center. Oh! God, how incomprehensible You are. I see You, I feel You, You are my life, You restrict Yourself within me, while You remain always immense and lose nothing of Yourself. Yet, I feel I am stammering, and it seems to me that I am unable to say anything. 

In order to explain myself better, according to our human language, I will say that I see a shadow of God in all Creation, because in all Creation – somewhere He has cast the shadow of His beauty, somewhere His fragrances, somewhere His light, as in the sun, in which I see a special shadow of God. I see Him as though veiled in this sphere, as the king of all other spheres. What is the sun? It is nothing other than a globe of fire. One is the globe, but many are the rays; from this we can easily comprehend: the globe – God; the rays - the immense attributes of God.

Second. The sun is fire, but it is also light and heat - here is the Most Holy Trinity veiled in the sun: the fire is the Father, the light is the Son, the heat is the Holy Spirit. However, the sun is one, and just as one cannot separate the fire from the light and from the heat, so one is the power of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, who cannot really be separated from one another. And just as fire, in the same instant, produces light and heat, in such a way that fire cannot be conceived without also conceiving the light and the heat; in the same way, the Father cannot be conceived before the Son and the Holy Spirit, and vice versa, but all Three of the Them have the same eternal beginning.

I add that the light of the sun diffuses everywhere; in the same way, God, with His immensity, penetrates everywhere. However, let us remember that this is but a shadow, because the sun cannot reach where it cannot penetrate with its light, while God penetrates everywhere. God is most pure Spirit, and we can represent Him with the sun that makes its rays penetrate everywhere, without anyone being able to grab them with his hands. Moreover, God looks at everything – the iniquities, the evils of men – and He remains always as He is, pure, holy, immaculate. A shadow of God is the sun, which sends its light over rubbish, and remains immaculate; it spreads its light in the fire, and is not burned; in the sea, in the rivers, and is not drowned. It gives light to all, it fecundates everything, it gives life to everything with its heat, and is not impoverished of light, nor does it lose any of its heat. Even more, while it does so much good to all, it has need of no one, and remains always as it is – majestic, resplendent, ever immutable. Oh! how well can one recognize the divine qualities in the sun. With His immensity, God is present in the fire, and is not burned; in the sea, and is not drowned; under our steps, and is not trampled. He gives to all, and is not impoverished, and has need of no one; He looks at

everything – even more, He is all eyes, and there is nothing He does not hear. He is aware of each fiber of our hearts, of each thought of our minds, and, being most pure Spirit, He has neither ears nor eyes, and regardless of any happening, He never changes. The sun, investing the world with its light, does not tire; in the same way, God, giving life to all, helping and ruling the world, does not tire.

A man can hide, he can place shades in order not to enjoy the light of the sun and its beneficial influences, but he does nothing to the sun – the sun remains as it is, while all the evil will fall upon man. In the same way, by sin, the sinner can move away from God and no longer enjoy His beneficial influences, but he does nothing to God – the evil is all his own.

The roundness of the sun also symbolizes to me the eternity of God, which has no beginning and no end. The very light of the sun, penetrating, is such that no one can restrict it within one’s eye; and if one wanted to fix on it in its full midday, he would remain dazzled; and if the sun wanted to draw closer to man, man would be reduced to ashes. The same for the Divine Sun: no created mind can restrict It within its little mind in order to comprehend It in all that It is; and if it wanted to try, it would remain dazzled and confused; and if this Divine Sun wanted to display all Its love, allowing man to feel It while he is in his mortal flesh, he would be reduced to ashes. 

So, God has cast a shadow of Himself and of His perfections over all Creation; it seems that we see Him and touch Him, and we are touched by Him continuously.

March 13, 1899 Charity is nothing other than an outpouring of the Divine Being. All Creation speaks of the love of God for man, and teaches the way in which he must love Him.

This morning, beloved Jesus did not make Himself seen in the usual way, all affability and sweetness - but severe. I felt my mind in a sea of confusion, and my soul so afflicted and annihilated, especially because of the chastisements seen in these past days. In seeing Him in that appearance I did not dare to tell Him anything; we looked at each other, but in silence. Oh! God, what pain. Then, in one instant, I also saw the confessor, and Jesus, sending forth a ray of intellectual light, spoke these words: “Charity. Charity is nothing other than an outpouring of the Divine Being, and this outpouring I have diffused over all Creation, in such a way that all Creation speaks of the love I have for man, and all Creation teaches the way in which he must love Me - from the largest being to the most tiny little flower of the field. 

“See”, it says to man, “with my sweet fragrance and by always facing the sky, I try to send an homage to my Creator. You too, let all your actions be fragrant, holy, pure; do not offend my Creator with the bad odor of your actions. O please! Oh man”, the little flower repeats to us, “don’t be so senseless as to keep your eyes fixed on the earth; but raise them up to Heaven. See, up there is your destiny, your Fatherland – up there is my Creator and yours who awaits you.”

The water that flows continuously before our eyes also says to us: “See, I have come out of darkness, and I must flow and run so much until I get to bury myself in the place from which I came out. You too, Oh man, run - but run into the bosom of God, from which you came out. O please! I beg you, do not run along the wrong paths, the paths that lead to the precipice; otherwise - woe to you!”

Even the wildest animals repeat to us: “See, Oh man, how wild you must be for all that is not God. See, when we see that someone gets close to us, with our roars we strike so much fear, that no one dares to come close to us any more, to disturb our solitude. You too, when the stench of earthly things - that is, your violent passions – are about to make you muddy and make you fall into the abyss of sins, with the roars of your prayers and by withdrawing from the occasions in which you find yourself, you will be safe from any danger.” And so with all other beings, such that it would take too long to tell them all; with one voice they resound among themselves, and repeat to us: “See, Oh man, our Creator has created us for love of you, and we remain all at your service. And you, don’t be so ungrateful – love, we beg you; love, we repeat to you; love our Creator.”

After this, my lovable Jesus told me: “This is all I want: love God and your neighbor for love of Me. See how much I have loved man – and he is so ungrateful. How can you want Me not to chastise them?” At that very moment, I seemed to see a terrible hail, and an earthquake that is to cause considerable damage, to the point of destroying plants and men. Then, with all the bitterness of my soul, I said to Him: ‘My always lovable Jesus, why so indignant? If man is ungrateful, it is not so much because of malice, but because of weakness. Oh! if they knew You a little bit – oh! how humble and palpitating they would be. Therefore, placate Yourself. I recommend to you at least Corato and those who belong to me.’ As I was saying this, it seemed to me that, even if something should happen, it would be nothing compared to what will happen in other towns.

“My daughter, good is always good. Even more, you must know that each prayer, each reparation, each act of love, any holy thing that the creature does, is one more paradise that she acquires. So, the simplest holy act will be one more paradise; one act less, a paradise less. In fact, every good act comes from God, and therefore in every good act the soul takes God; and since God contains infinite, innumerable, eternal, immense joys - so many that the very Blessed will not arrive at enjoying them all throughout all eternity - it is no wonder, then, that since each good act acquires God, God is almost bound to substitute them with as many contentments. So, if the soul suffers even distractions for love of Me, in Heaven her intelligence will have more light and will enjoy as many more paradises for as many times as she has sacrificed her intelligence; and so much more will she comprehend God. If she suffers coldness for love of Me, so many paradises will she enjoy of the variety of contentments which are present in my love; if darkness, so many more contentments in my inaccessible light; and so with all the rest. This is what one prayer more or one less means.”

February 20, 1919 In each created thing God placed a relation, a channel of graces, a special love between the Supreme Majesty and the creature. 

“My daughter, enter into Me - into my Divinity, and run in my Eternal Will. In It you will find the creative power as though in act of issuing the machine of the entire universe. In each thing I created, I placed a relation, a channel of graces, a special love between the Supreme Majesty and the creature. But the creature would not consider these relations, these graces, this love; so, God would have suspended the Creation, not recognized and appreciated. But in seeing my Humanity, which would appreciate such a great good, and which, for each created thing, would have Its relations with the Eternal One, recognizing Him, loving Him, not only for Itself, but for the whole human family, He did not look at the wrong of the other children, and with highest contentment, He extended the heavens, dotting them with stars, knowing that those stars would be many and varied relations, innumerable graces, rivers of love, which would flow between my Humanity and the Supreme Being. 

The Eternal One looked at the heavens and remained content in seeing the immense harmonies, the communications of love which He opened between Heaven and earth.

Therefore, He moved forward, and with one single creative word He created the sun, as the continuous relater of His Supreme Being, endowing it with light, with heat, placing it suspended between Heaven and earth, in act of holding everything, of fecundating, warming, illuminating everything. With its searching eye of light, it seems to say to all: ‘I am the most perfect preacher of the Divine Being. Reflect yourselves in me, and you will recognize Him. He is immense light, He is endless love, He gives life to everything, He has need of nothing; no one can touch Him. Look well at me, and you will recognize Him; I am His shadow, the reflection of His majesty, His continuous relater.’ 

Oh! what oceans of love, of relations, opened between my Humanity and the Supreme Majesty. So, each thing you see, even the tiniest little flower of the field, was one more relation between the creature and the Creator. Therefore, it was right for Him to want a recognition for it, one more love on the part of creatures. I undertook everything; I recognized Him, and I adored the creative power for all. But my love toward such great goodness is not content; I would want other creatures to recognize, love and adore this creative power, and - as much as it is possible for creature – to take part in these relations which the Eternal One has spread through the whole world, and, in the name of all, to pay homage to this act of creation of the Eternal One. 

But do you know who can pay this homage? The souls who live in my Will. In fact, as they enter into It, they find, as though in act, all the acts of the Supreme Majesty; and since this Will is present in everything and in everyone, they remain multiplied in everything, and can pay honor, glory, adoration and love for all. Therefore, come into my Will, come together with Me before the Divine Height, as the first one to pay Him homage as the Creator of everything.”

“Do you want to hear Love? All Creation tells you Love. If the stars twinkle, they tell you Love; if the sun rises, it gilds you with Love. If it shines with all of its light in its full day, it sends arrows of Love to your heart; if the sun sets, it tells you: ‘It is Jesus that dies of Love for you.’ In the thunders and lightnings, I send you Love, and smacking kisses I give to your heart. It is Love that runs upon the wings of the winds; if the waters murmur, I extend my arms to you; if the leaves move, I clasp you to my Heart; if the flower gives out its fragrance, I cheer you with Love.

All Creation, in mute language, tells you, in chorus:  ‘From you alone do I want life of Love’. Love do I want, Love I desire, for Love I beg from within your heart. I am only content if you give Me love.”

Monday, January 9, 2017

Baptism of the Lord

….John addressed them, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water.  But one mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to loose.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”  Luke 3;16

“A collection of memories of the Servant of God

Luisa Piccarreta was born on April 23, 1865 the Sunday after Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday), in Corato, Bari, to Nicola Vito and Rosa Tarantino, who had five daughters: Maria, Rachele, Filomena, Luisa and Angela. A few hours after Luisa’s birth, her father wrapped her in a blanket and took her to the main church for baptism. Her mother had not suffered the pangs of labor: her birth was painless.  On another occasion, a great flame was seen to flare up from a little hill not far from the farm. Since Luisa liked to play on that hill, her mother and father hastened there immediately to put out the fire. It turned out to be unnecessary: Luisa was quietly sitting on a rocky peak, gazing into the sky without a trace of fire around her.

Book of Heaven - November A.D. 1925

If I see the newborn being baptized, I cry with sorrow, because while with baptism I restore his innocence - I find again my child, I give back to him the rights over Creation which he had lost, I smile at him with love and satisfaction, I make the enemy flee from him, that he may no longer have any right over him, I entrust him to the Angels and all Heaven makes feast for him –

Book of Heaven - March 23, A.D. 1910

"My daughter, I recommend that you not get out of my Will, because my Will contains such power as to be a new Baptism for the soul - and even more than Baptism itself. In fact, while in the Sacraments there is part of my Grace, in my Will there is the whole fullness of It. In the Baptism, the stain of original sin is removed, but passions and weaknesses remain. In my Will, since the soul destroys her own volition, she also destroys passions, weaknesses and all that is human; and she lives of the virtues, of the fortitude and of all the Divine qualities."

Book of Heaven  -- March 13, 1912

The victim Baptism by fire has effects superior to the Baptism by water.

Jesus continues to speak about the state of victim, telling me: "My daughter, the Baptism at birth is by water; it has the virtue to purify, but not to take away tendencies and passions. On the other hand, the Baptism of victim is Baptism by fire, therefore it has not only the virtue to purify, but also to consume any passion and evil tendencies. I Myself baptize the soul, bit by bit: my thought baptizes the thought of the victim soul; my heartbeat baptizes her heartbeat; my desire her desire, and so on. This Baptism is done between Myself and the soul, according to whether she gives herself to Me without ever taking back what she gave Me.

This is why, my daughter, you don’t feel evil tendencies and such. It comes from your state of victim, and I tell you this for your consolation. So, tell Father G. to be well attentive, for this is the mission of missions - the apostolate of apostolates. I want him always with Me, and all intent within Me."

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Promise of the Five First Saturdays

The Promise of the Five First Saturdays
". . . I promise to assist at the moment of death,
with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who,
on the First Saturday of five consecutive months shall confess,
receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary,
and keep Me company for fifteen minutes while meditating
on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary,
with the intention of making reparation to Me."

Our Lady of Fatima to Sister Lucy 12/10/25


O God of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great
confidence in Our Most Holy Mother, whom we invoke under the title
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and grant us by Her most powerful
intercession, all the graces, spiritual and temporal, which we need.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
IMPRIMATUR: +Francis Cardinal Spellman Archbishop of New York
February 21, 1961

Monday, January 2, 2017

The "Our Father"

Volume 23 - February 5, 1928

Promise, in Eden, of the future Redeemer.  Solemn promise, in the ‘Our Father’, of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  How God feels the joy of Creation being repeated.

“My daughter, as Adam sinned, God made him the promise of the future Redeemer.  Centuries passed, but the promise did not fail, and the generations had the good of Redemption.  Now, as I came from Heaven and formed the Kingdom of Redemption, before departing for Heaven, I made another promise, more solemn, of the Kingdom of my Will; and this was in the ‘Our Father’.  And so as to give it more value, and to obtain It more quickly, I made this formal promise in the solemnity of my prayer, praying the Father to let His Kingdom come, which is the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven.  I placed My very Self at the head of this prayer, knowing that such was His Will, and that, prayed by Me, He would deny Me nothing; more so, since I prayed with His very Will, and I asked for something which was wanted by my Father Himself.  And after I had formed this prayer before my Celestial Father, certain that the Kingdom of my Divine Will upon earth would be granted to Me, I taught it to my Apostles, that they might teach it to the whole world, so that one might be the cry of all:  ‘Your Will be done, on earth as It is in Heaven.’  A promise more sure and solemn I could not make.  Centuries are like one single point for Us, but Our words are accomplished acts and facts.  My very praying to the Celestial Father:  ‘Let It come – let your Kingdom come; your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’, meant that with my coming upon earth the Kingdom of my Will was not established in the midst of creatures; otherwise I would have said:  ‘My Father, let Our Kingdom, which I have already established on earth, be confirmed, and let Our Will dominate and reign.’  Instead, I said:  ‘Let It come.’  This meant that It must come, and creatures must await It with that certainty with which they awaited the future Redeemer, because there is my Divine Will, bound and committed, in those words of the ‘Our Father’; and when It binds Itself, whatever It promises is more than certain.  More so, since everything was prepared by Me; nothing else was needed but the manifestation of my Kingdom - and this I am doing.  Do you think that my giving you so many truths about my Fiat is only to give you simple news?  No, no; it is because I want everyone to know that Its Kingdom is near, and to know Its beautiful prerogatives, so that all may love – may yearn to enter, to live in a Kingdom so holy, full of happiness and of all goods.  Therefore, that which seems difficult to you is easy for the power of Our Fiat, because It knows how to remove all difficulties, and to conquer everything - the way It wants, and when It wants.”

Volume 26 - August 25, 1929

How Jesus created the seed of the Divine Fiat in forming the ‘Our Father’.  The virtue that the light possesses.

I was thinking about the Divine Fiat and how Its Kingdom could ever be realized upon earth.  It seemed impossible to me – first, because there is no one who occupies himself with making It known, and if anything is said or planned, it all resolves into words, while facts are – oh! how far away, and who knows which generation will have the good of knowing what regards the knowledges about the Divine Will and Its Kingdom; second, it seems to me that the earth is unprepared, and I believe that in order to have such a great good - that the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Its knowledges, dominate the earth - who knows how many prodigies will precede it!

But while I was thinking about this and other things, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and told me:  “My daughter, you must know that my coming upon earth and everything I did in Redemption, my very Death and Resurrection, was nothing other than preparatory act for the Kingdom of my Divine Will; and when I formed the ‘Our Father’, I formed the seed of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat in the midst of creatures.  And if, when I speak, I create and I make the greatest, most beautiful and marvelous works come out of nothing, much more so when, with the empire of my speaking prayer, I have the virtue of creating what I want.  Therefore, the seed of the Kingdom of my Will was created by Me in the act of my praying, as I formed and recited the ‘Our Father’.  And if I taught it to the Apostles, it was so that the Church, by reciting it, might water and fecundate this seed, and they might dispose themselves to model their lives according to the dispositions of my Divine Fiat.

My knowledges about It, my many manifestations, have developed this seed; and since they have been accompanied by the acts done by you in my Divine Will, so many little grains have formed as to form a great mass, from which each one can take his part - always if they want to - in order to live of the Life of the Divine Will.  Therefore, everything is there, my daughter – the most necessary acts.  There is the seed created by Me, because if there is no seed, it is useless to hope for the plant; but if the seed is there, it takes work, the will of wanting the fruit of that seed; and one is sure of having the plant, because, by possessing the seed, one has in his power the life of the plant of that seed.  There are those who water this seed in order to make it grow - each ‘Our Father’ that is recited serves to water it; there are my manifestations in order to make it known.  All that is needed are those who would offer themselves to be the criers - and with courage, without fearing anything, facing sacrifices in order to make it known.  So, the substantial part is there – the greatest is there; the minor is needed – that is, the superficial part, and your Jesus will know how to make His way in order to find the one who will accomplish the mission of making known my Divine Will in the midst of the peoples.  Therefore, on your part, do not place any obstacle - do what you can, and I will do the rest.  You do not know how I will overwhelm things and will dispose the circumstances, and this is why you reach the point of doubting that my Fiat will be known and Its Kingdom will have Its Life upon earth.”

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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