Friday, May 31, 2019

The Feast of the Visitation

DAY 20, - The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Visit to St. Elisabeth; Sanctification of John.

My child, give Me your hand now, and follow Me, because I will continue to give you my lessons.

So I departed from Nazareth, accompanied by Saint Joseph, facing a long journey, and crossing mountains to go visit Elisabeth in Judea, who, in her advanced age, had miraculously become a mother. I went to her, not to make her a simple visit, but because I burned with the desire to bring her Jesus. The fullness of grace, of love, of light that I felt within Me, pushed Me to bring, to multiply – to increase a hundredfold the life of my Son in creatures.

Yes, my child, the love of Mother which I had for all men, and for you in particular, was so great, that I felt the extreme need to give my dear Jesus to all, so that all might possess Him and love Him. The right of Mother, given to Me by the Fiat, enriched Me with such power as to multiply Jesus as many times as there are creatures who want to receive Him. This was the greatest miracle I could perform: to have Jesus ready to give to whomever desired Him. How happy I felt.

How I wish that you too, my child, in approaching people and in making visits, would always be the bearer of Jesus, capable of making Him known, and yearning to make Him loved.

After several days of travel, finally I arrived in Judea, and I hastened to the house of Elisabeth. She came to meet Me in feast. At the greeting I gave her, marvelous phenomena occurred. My little Jesus exulted in my womb, and fixing on little John in the womb of his mother with the rays of His Divinity, He sanctified him, gave him the use of reason, and made known to him that He was the Son of God. And John leaped so vigorously with love and with joy that Elisabeth felt shaken. She too, touched by the light of the Divinity of my Son, recognized that I had become the Mother of God; and in the emphasis of her love, trembling with gratitude, she exclaimed: “Whence comes to me so much honor, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?”

I did not deny the highest mystery; rather, I humbly confirmed it. Praising God with the song of the Magnificat – sublime canticle, through which the Church continuously honors Me - I announced that the Lord had done great things in Me, His handmaid, and that because of this, all peoples would call Me blessed.

My child, I felt devoured with the desire to pour out the flames of love that consumed Me, and to reveal my secret to Elisabeth, who also longed for the Messiah to come upon earth. A secret is a need of the heart which, irresistibly, is revealed to persons who are capable of understanding each other.

Who can ever tell you how much good my visit brought to Elisabeth, to John, and to their whole household? Each one remained sanctified, filled with gladness, felt unusual joys, and comprehended things unheard-of. And John, in particular, received all the graces which were necessary for him, to prepare himself to be the precursor of my Son.

Dearest child, the Divine Will does great and unheard-of things wherever It reigns. If I worked many prodigies, it was because It had Its royal place in Me. If you let the Divine Will reign in your soul, you too will become the bearer of Jesus to creatures – you too will feel the irresistible need to give Him to all.

My hymn of Praise to God

Words of Love, because He first loved me, Nov., 1996:

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord,

You have breathed life into my famished soul.

You alone meet the hunger which only grace can fill,

The thirst which only You can quench.

Your promises are my hope,

Your Words, the joy of my heart.

Through the sword flowed the Living Water

that flowed through this desert reviving it,

bringing life once again to the parched land.

A whisper heard within my heart,

a bright light which questioned me.

I answered, “Yes”, but did not understand.

You called me to Yourself.

With hands outstretched you beckoned me.

You watered your flower in need of nourishment.

The rays poured out from Your Heart,

pierced for love of me.

You lifted up my soul in your powerful arms,

and held me close to You,

Filling my heart with an unknown love,

leaving your imprint upon my soul.

My spirit rejoices in You, my Savior.

My soul is filled with Your Light.
Lynne B.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Luisa, The Trumpet


The Seventh Trumpet

15 Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever.”

“Now, after having made known the goods of Redemption, and how I want everyone to be saved, giving them all the means that are needed, I move on to make known that there is another generation in Me, which I must deliver: my children who will live in the Divine Will; and that in my own Heart I keep all the graces prepared - all my interior acts done in the sphere of the Eternal Will for them, waiting for the kiss of their acts, for their union, so as to give to them the inheritance of the Supreme Will. Just as I received It, I want to give It to them, so that I may issue from Myself the second generation of the children of light. If my Humanity were not to give this inheritance which It possessed - that is, the Divine Will, the sole and only thing I loved and which gave Me every good - my descent upon earth would have been incomplete, nor could I say that I have given everything; on the contrary, I would have reserved for Myself the greatest thing, the most noble and divine part. See now, how necessary it is that my Will be known in all relations - in the prodigies, in the effects, in the value - what I did in this Will for the creatures, and what they must do. And this will be a powerful magnet in order to draw creatures, to make them receive the inheritance of my Will, and make the generation of the children of light come out into the field. Be attentive, my daughter; you will be my spokesperson - the trumpet, to call them and to gather this generation, so beloved and longed for by Me.”  Book of Heaven, October 27, 1922

It happens to my Will as to an actor who must present his show to the audience. Poor one! How many hidden works, how many vigils, how many preparations; how much art does he not prepare even in his movements so that his postures may make the audience, now smile, now cry! In all this crafting, the actor does not make feast; on the contrary, he sweats, toils and labors. And when everything seems to be prepared, he prepares himself to call the public to see his show; and the more people he sees, the more he feels joy arise in his heart, for, who knows, he might be able to make a beautiful feast. But the true fulfillment of his feast is when, the show having been performed, full-handed, he feels coins of gold and silver flow in his hands, as appreciation and triumph of his show. But if after so many preparations, he sets everything up, he plays and plays toy trumpets, but nobody shows up, or just a few people who leave him alone at the first acts of the show – poor one, how he suffers, and the hope of his feast turns into mourning. Who is it that so much embittered that poor actor, so capable and kind in performing his scenes? Ah! the ungrateful people, who did not even want to be spectators of the scenes of that poor actor.  Book of Heaven, January 10, 1926

My Gospel can be called vowels, consonants which, acting as trumpeters, called the attention of the peoples to await some more important lessons which were to bring them a good greater than Redemption Itself. My very pains, my death and my Resurrection, confirmation of Redemption, are preparation for the Kingdom of my Divine Will. They were lessons more sublime, and made everyone stand at attention, awaiting yet higher lessons. And this I have already done, after so many centuries – which are the many manifestations I have made to you about my Divine Will, and that which I have made known to you more: how It wants to come to reign in the midst of creatures, to give back to them the right of Its Kingdom which they had lost, to lavish upon them all the goods and all the happinesses It possesses. Book of Heaven, July 27, 1929

“My daughter, the principal means in order to make my Divine Fiat reign upon earth are the knowledges about It. The knowledges will form the ways, will dispose the earth to become Its Kingdom; they will form the cities, will act as telegraphs, as telephone, as postal service, as trumpeters, in order to communicate, city to city, creature to creature, nation to nation, the news, the important knowledges about my Divine Will. And the knowledges about It will cast into the hearts the hope, the desire to receive a good so great.  Book of Heaven, August 7, 1929

L. Bauer

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Sword of Justice

The Sword of Justice

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's foes will be those of his own household." Matthew 10:34-36

Christian iconography depicts St. Michael the Archangel, as a knight-warrior, wearing battle armor, and wielding a sword. St. Michael, whose name means, “one who is like God,” led the army of angels who cast Satan and the rebellious angels into Hell; at the end of time, he will wield the sword of justice to separate the righteous from the evil.

Book of Heaven, July 9, 1899:  My daughter, I make use of you in order to continue my Passion. Since my glorified body can no longer be capable of suffering, by coming into you, I make use of your body just as I used mine during the course of my mortal life, to be able to continue to suffer my Passion, and therefore to be able to offer you as living victim of reparation and propitiation before Divine Justice.” 

After this, it seemed that Heaven opened and a multitude of Saints came down, all armed with swords. A voice like thunder came out from within that multitude, saying: “We come to defend the Justice of God, and to take revenge on men, who have so much abused His Mercy!” Who can say what was happening on earth at this descent of the Saints? I can only say that some were fighting at one point, some at another; some were fleeing, and some were hiding. It seemed that all were in dismay. 

Book of Heaven, July 20, 1900:  I spent one night and one day being restless. From the very beginning I felt I was going outside of myself, without being able to find my adorable Jesus; I could see nothing but things that struck terror and fright in me. I could see that a fire was flaring up in Italy, and another one had flared up in China, and little by little, uniting together, they were blending into one. In this fire I could see the king of Italy who had suddenly died by a trick, and this was the means to ignite and expand the fire. In sum, I could see a revolt, a tumult, a killing of people. After having seen these things, I felt I was inside myself and I felt my soul being tortured, to the point of feeling I was dying; more so, since I could not see my adorable Jesus. Then, after much waiting, He made Himself seen with a sword in His hand, in the act of throwing it over the people. All frightened, and made a little daring, I took the sword in my hand, telling Him: ‘Lord, what are You doing? Don’t You see how many disasters will occur if You throw this sword? What grieves me the most is that I see that You are putting Italy in the middle. Ah, Lord, placate Yourself, have pity on your images! And if You say that You love me, spare me this bitter sorrow.’ And while saying this, I held on to that sword as tightly as I could.

Heaving a sigh, all afflicted, Jesus said to me: “My daughter, let it go - let it fall upon the people, for I can take no more.” And I, holding it more tightly: ‘I cannot let it go, I do not have the heart to do it.’ And He: “Have I not told you many times that I am forced not to let you see anything, otherwise I am not free to do what I want?” And while saying this, He lowered His arm with the sword, and placed Himself in the act of calming His fury.

Book of Heaven, Oct. 19, 1900:  As my adorable Jesus continued to come, I seemed to see Him in such great suffering as to arouse compassion. Throwing Himself into my arms, He said to me: “My daughter, break the fury of my Justice, otherwise….” At that moment, I seemed to see divine Justice, armed with swords, with darts of fire, such as to strike terror; and also the fortitude with which She can act. 

Book of Heaven, Oct. 31, 1900:  I felt myself outside of myself and I found the Queen Mama. As She saw me, She began to speak about Justice, and how It is about to clash with all Its fury against the people. She said many things about this, but I don’t have the words to express them. In the meantime I could see the whole of heaven filled with points of swords against the world. Then She added: “My daughter, you have disarmed divine Justice many times, contenting yourself with receiving Its blows upon yourself. Now that you see It at the summit of Its fury, do not lose heart, but be courageous; with heart full of holy fortitude, enter into this Justice and disarm It. Do not be afraid of the swords, of the fire, or of anything you may encounter; in order to obtain the intent, if you see yourself wounded, beaten, burned, rejected, do not draw back, but rather, let this be a spur for you to move on. See, so that you may do this, I Myself have come to your help by bringing you a garment; as your soul wears it, you will acquire courage and fortitude so as to fear nothing.” 

Book of Heaven, March 22, 1901: “Daughter, the chastisements are absolutely necessary. Rot and gangrene have entered all classes, therefore, fire and sword are necessary so that not everyone may perish.”

Book of Heaven, October 20, 1905: “My daughter, sin is fire, my Justice is fire. Now, since my Justice must remain always the same, just always in Its operating, without receiving any profane fire into Itself, when the fire of sin wants to unite to Its own fire, it pours it over the earth, converting it into fire of chastisement.”

Book of Heaven, Oct. 16, 1918: There will be a general uproar - confusion everywhere; by the sword, by fire and by water, by sudden deaths, by contagious diseases, I will renew the world - I will make new things. The nations will form a sort of tower of Babel; they will reach the point of being unable even to understand one another; the peoples will rebel among themselves, they will no longer want kings. All will be humiliated, and peace will come only from Me. And if you hear them say ‘peace’, it will not be true, but apparent. Once I have purged everything, I will place my finger in a surprising way, and will give the true peace. …There will be the great triumph and the union of peoples. Therefore, pray - and it takes patience, because this will not be so soon, but it will take time.”

Book of Heaven, September 1, 1922:  “The earth is about to unleash flames to chastise the creatures. My love, which runs toward them to cover them with graces, being rejected, turns into fire to strike them. So, humanity finds itself between two fires - fire from Heaven and fire from the earth.”

Sister Marianne de Jesus Torres:  While watching Our Lord’s agony on the Cross, God the Father said, “This punishment will be for the 20th century.”  Then she saw three swords over the head of Christ.  On each was written, “I shall punish heresy, blasphemy, and impurity.”  (from a compendium of the Caudernon, by Frias Francisco Anquita and Angel Francisco Perez)

“For My Sword is inebriated in heaven: behold it shall come down upon…the people of my slaughter unto judgement.”  “’…A nation’, Isaiah says, ‘will be struck by Justice’s sword’ but many more will be struck, since the world has fornicated with the devil in many of its parts.  And others yet are about to sin, despite everything I have done to keep the on the way of Life.”  “And how can I reign where hearts have turned into the homes of Lucifer’s children?”  (“The End Times”, Maria Valtorta)
And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed (Luke 2:35)

“…the world will be shattered at the triumph of my Divine Son.  Nevertheless, I am a mother, and I am grieved at the loss of many souls without faith, blind and obstinate in their errors.  Simeon said, ‘This child is destined for the ruin and the resurrection of many in Israel, and as a sign of contradiction.’  Then he continued immediately prophesying, ‘And a sword shall pierce your own soul.’  What sword?  To see my children wander down the slope of vice, scorning the Gospels.”  (“Roses and Thorns”, Concepcion Cabrera de Armida)

What dark thoughts the heretics have in their disregard for the Mother of God! They see her soul pierced with that lance on Calvary and they are unmoved. They will not call her “Blessed.” They will not proclaim her perpetual virginity, her Immaculate Conception, and sinlessness. Their protests of “Lord, Lord” will be of no avail before the Judge. Love of Mary is the sign of contradiction for all who claim to be Christian. He who will not have Mary for his mother cannot have God for his Father.  (Brian Kelly, The Sword Revealeth the Heart)

Blessed Catherine Emmerich often saw St. Michael with a flaming sword.  As the rosary is a weapon and the Word of God a two-edged sword, so here on earth the real St. Michael’s flaming sword is none other than the St. Michael prayer.  When we pray the St. Michael prayer, we are like the angel in Book of Genesis (3:24) with, “a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way.”

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Lynne Bauer, JMJ - Feb. 26, 2019

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Mary, Our Mother and Queen


In the month of May, we honor Mary Our Mother and Queen of the Divine Will.  St. Louis de Montfort said, “Mary is the wonderful echo of God. The more a person joins himself to Her, the more effectively she unites him to God.” “It is Mary who leads every soul straight to God and to union with Him.”  He says, “She is the sure means, the direct and immaculate way to Jesus and the perfect guide to Him.” He who finds Mary finds life.”  “…She is the dawn which precedes and discloses the Sun of Justice.”

In the Book of Heaven, Jesus speaks many times about this echo, “the echo of love”. He tells us to be His echo, the echo of His Life, the echo of His Celestial Mama, because She alone lived perfectly and fully in the Supreme Volition and therefore, She will be our teacher and guide.  As we pray and offer reparation to God, we form one single echo of reparations between us and Him, and His justice is calmed, not only in the present time, but also in the future.  In His Divine Appeal to His children on earth, Jesus tells us that it is our Mother and Queen who is traveling among the people of the nations disposing and preparing them to live in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, forming Divine Life in them.

There is so much we can say about Mary Our Mother, but most importantly, we must remember what Jesus tells us in the Book of Heaven that it is Mary who sees who in anyway is disposed and wants to live of the Divine Will.  He reminds us that in difficulties to always remember that She is around us, sustains us, strengthens us, and takes the “wretched rags” of our human will into Her maternal hands to make it receive the Life of the Supreme Fiat. She is the teacher of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.  Let us always be attentive and obedient to Her.

And so, as we read the words of Jesus in the Book of Heaven, we also become His echo, so that, like Mary, all Jesus did and suffered may resound like a deep echo in the depths of our souls.  It is Her maternal echo that resounds in us giving us the Grace of making the eternal Fiat reign in us.

Let us become the echo of His Love united to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that through Her Heart we may offer perfect Love to God and return to Him the Love with which He loves us.

Book of Heaven, Vol. 24:  The Kingdom of Our Fiat is exactly this: the return of Our divine echo, not the far away echo which has often resounded to the hearing of man from the time he withdrew from Our Will; but the continuous echo which will resound in the depth of souls and transforming them, it will form Divine Life in them giving back to them the order of man as he was created.”

Lynne B.  5/2/16

Friday, May 10, 2019

The Waters of the Divine Will

“Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city...”  Rev. 22:1

“I went releasing giant waves, they will sweep away everything into my Volition.  No longer hidden, its crashing waves will be seen by everyone and will touch everyone.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, 7/20/21)

Jesus tells Luisa: “If you do not write-and, consequently, do not open up the canals-of how many good things will you not deprive the others?”  “If other creatures do not want to make use of the sea (The Divine Will), of the sun of my Will in order to come to Me, they can make use of the little fountains and canals and take for their own good the things that belong to Me.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, 10/13/21)

“The more truths, effects and values that I revealed to you, the more canals I opened from the sea for the benefit of the others, so that these canals (truths) might give abundant water to the entire earth.” 

“Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city...”  Rev. 22:1

“I went forth like a canal from a river and like a water channel into a garden.  I said, ‘I will water my orchard and drench my garden plot’, and lo, my canal became a river, and my river became a sea.  I will again make instruction shine forth like *the dawn, and I will make it shine afar; I will again pour out teaching like prophecy and leave it to all future generations.  Observe that I have not labored for myself alone, but for all who seek instruction.”  Sirach 24:30-34

*the dawn  “...these souls will form the dawn to let shine the Sun of the Divine Fiat, so that the Will of God reign on earth as in Heaven.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 20, 5/26/28)

“...water can be called the queen of the earth.  It symbolizes my Will.” “My Volition, like water, flows in everything: now silent and hidden, now speaking and visible.” (Book of Heaven, Vol 13, 7/26/21)

“...when my Love causes the Era of my Will to begin growing, the new Era of maximum benefit for creatures, then the seas and rivers of my Volition will overflow; releasing giant waves, they will sweep away everything into my Volition.  No longer hidden, its crashing waves will be seen by everyone and will touch everyone.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, 7/20/21)

Jesus tells Luisa: “If you do not write-and, consequently, do not open up the canals-of how many good things will you not deprive the others?”  “If other creatures do not want to make use of the sea (The Divine Will), of the sun of my Will in order to come to Me, they can make use of the little fountains and canals and take for their own good the things that belong to Me.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, 10/13/21)

“The more truths, effects and values that I revealed to you, the more canals I opened from the sea for the benefit of the others, so that these canals (truths) might give abundant water to the entire earth.”  “For those who are disposed, there will be light that will enlighten them and water to refresh them, so that they will never want to detach themselves from these canals, because of the great good that they perceive and the new life that flows within them.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, 10/23/21)

“I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.  I will put in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia, the myrtle, and the olive; I will set in the desert the cypress, the plane and the pine together; that men may see and know, may consider and understand together, that the hand of the Lord has done this, the Holy One of Israel has created it.”  Isaiah 41:17-20

“...water can be called the queen of the earth"

“Only in the reflections of light can one know the crystal and what it contains. The same with you: one who carries the light of faith will touch what I operate in you with his own hand; if then he does not, he will see things in a natural way.”  Book of Heaven, November 18, 1900

“My Will crystallizes the soul; and just as when any object is placed close to a crystal, another object is formed within it fully similar to the one which is placed in front of it, in the same way, my Will reflects everything It does in these souls, crystallized by my power; and they repeat and do what my Supreme Will does. And since my Will is present everywhere, in Heaven, on earth and in every place, these souls, containing my Will within them as their own life, wherever my Will acts, like crystal, they absorb It into themselves, and they repeat my act. So, as I act, I take greatest delight in placing Myself in front of them to see my own action being repeated in them. They are my mirrors, and my Will multiplies them for each act It does, and everywhere; therefore, there is not one created thing in which they are not present: in the creatures, in the sea, in the sun, in the stars, and even in the Empyreum; and my Will receives from the creature the requital of my act in a divine manner. 

This is also the reason why I love so much that the living in my Will be known: to multiply more of these mirrors, rendered as crystals by my Will, so as to have my works repeated in them. Then will I not be alone any more, but I will have the creature in my company; I will have her with Me, intimately with Me, in the depth of my Will, almost inseparable from Me, as if she had just come out of my womb when I created her, having followed no other ways contrary to my Will. How happy I will be!”   Book of Heaven, November 6, 1922

Do you know where all my love, all my power and wisdom blazed forth? As soon as the divine power formed this tiny little Humanity, so little as to be comparable to the size of a hazelnut, but with the members all proportioned and formed, and the Word was conceived in It, the immensity of my Will, enclosing all creatures, past, present and future, conceived all lives of creatures in It; and as mine grew, so did they grow within Me. So, while in appearance I seemed to be alone, when observed under the microscope of my Will, all creatures could be seen, conceived in Me. It happened with Me as when one sees crystal clear waters: while they appear to be clear, when they are observed under a microscope, how many microbes cannot be seen? My conception was such and so great that the wheel of Eternity remained stunned and ecstatic in seeing the innumerable excesses of my love, and all prodigies united together. The whole mass of the Universe was shaken in seeing the One who gives life to everything restrict Himself, make Himself small, enclose everything, in order to do… what? To take the lives of all, and make all be reborn.”   Book of Heaven, Dec. 16, 1922

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Outpouring of the Spirit


I was reading a message Jesus gave to Vassula on Oct. 29, 1991.  Jesus told Vassula, “I will come back.” And Vassula writes next to this, “Second Pentecost.  The outpouring of the Spirit.  Joel 3”)  
I went to my Bible to read Joel 3 which speaks about “the day of the Lord” and in Verse 17 it says: “And Jerusalem shall be holy and strangers shall pass through it no more.”  A little while after this I read in Volume 15 from the Book of Heaven:

“Beloved daughter of Our Supreme Will, see, this whole machine of the universe – heavens, sun, seas, and all the rest – was created by Us to give it as a gift; but do you know to whom? To the ones who would do Our Will. Everything was given to them as to Our legitimate children. “…and Jerusalem shall be holy…” (Joel 3:17) We did this for the decorum of Our works, depositing them and giving them as gift, not to foreign people “..and strangers shall pass through it no more.” (Joel 3:17) or to illegitimate children, who would not understand the great goods contained in them, nor appreciate the greatness and the sanctity of Our works – on the contrary, they would waste them and despise them. On the other hand, by giving them to Our legitimate children, since in each created thing there is a distinct love and a special good for the one to whom the gift is directed, Our Will, dwelling in them, “and the Lord will dwell in Sion” (Joel 3:21) and forming Its very life in them, would make them comprehend all these loves, one distinct from the other, which are present in the whole Creation, as well as all the specialties of goods. So, they would give Us requital for each distinct love, and glory and honor for all the goods given to them. Our Will, which had created them with one Fiat, and which knew all the secrets - dwelling in Our legitimate children, with another Fiat would reveal Our secrets contained in all created things, and would make them give Us love for love. The harmonies, the communications, would be reciprocal between them and Us. And even though it seems that those who do not do Our Will enjoy and take part in them, yet the gifts are not theirs – it is as indirect cause, as usurpers, and as illegitimate children. More so, since my Will not dwelling in them, “Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom a wilderness destroyed”:  (Joel 3:17) they understand nothing or very little of my love which all Creation brings to them, and of the great goods present in It. Even more, many don’t even know Who created so many things - true foreign people who, while living of the things that belong to Me, don’t even want to recognize Me.

Jesus’ message to Vassula:
“Since they have rejected My Spirit, My Light and My Knowledge, I shall take away my Kingdom from them “Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom a wilderness destroyed” and give it to a people who can produce its fruit “So you shall know that I am the Lord your God who dwell in Zion my holy mountain” (Joel 3:17).  I shall then welcome these people as My own and ask them to come with Me and keep house with Me – in fact, this hour is here already.”

 “I will remove far off from you the northern enemy: and I will drive him into a land unpassable, and desert, with his face towards the east sea, and his hinder part towards the utmost sea: and his stench shall ascend…”  Joel 2:20

“And it shall come to pass after this, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh…”  Joel 2:28

Lynne B.
Sept. 23, 1999

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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