Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Novena of Abandonment - Fr. Dolindo

 Novena of Abandonment

Day 1

Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to Me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


 Day 2

Surrender to Me does not mean to fret, to be upset, or to lose hope, nor does it mean offering to Me a worried prayer asking Me to follow you and change your worry into prayer. It is against this surrender, deeply against it, to worry, to be nervous and to desire to think about the consequences of anything. It is like the confusion that children feel when they ask their mother to see to their needs, and then try to take care of those needs for themselves so that their childlike efforts get in their mother’s way. Surrender means to placidly close the eyes of the soul, to turn away from thoughts of tribulation and to put yourself in My care, so that only I act, saying “You take care of it”.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


 Day 3

How many things I do when the soul, in so much spiritual and material need, turns to Me, looks at Me and says to Me; “You take care of it”, then closes its eyes and rests. In pain you pray for Me to act, but that I act in the way you want. You do not turn to Me, instead, you want me to adapt your ideas. You are not sick people who ask the doctor to cure you, but rather sick people who tell the doctor how to. So do not act this way, but pray as I taught you in the our Father: “Hallowed be thy Name“, that is, be glorified in my need. “Thy kingdom come“, that is, let all that is in us and in the world be in accord with your kingdom. “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven“, that is, in our need, decide as you see fit for our temporal and eternal life. If you say to Me truly: “Thy will be done“, which is the same as saying: “You take care of it”, I will intervene with all My omnipotence, and I will resolve the most difficult situations.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


 Day 4

You see evil growing instead of weakening? Do not worry. Close your eyes and say to Me with faith: “Thy will be done, You take care of it.” I say to you that I will take care of it, and that I will intervene as does a doctor and I will accomplish miracles when they are needed. Do you see that the sick person is getting worse? Do not be upset, but close your eyes and say “You take care of it.” I say to you that I will take care of it, and that there is no medicine more powerful than My loving intervention. By My love, I promise this to you.

O Jesus, I surrendered myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


 Day 5

And when I must lead you on a path different from the one you see, I will prepare you; I will carry you in My arms; I will let you find yourself, like children who have fallen asleep in their mother’s arms, on the other bank of the river. What troubles you and hurts you immensely are your reason, your thoughts and worry, and your desire at all costs to deal with what afflicts you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


 Day 6

You are sleepless; you want to judge everything, direct everything and see to everything and you surrender to human strength, or worse—to men themselves, trusting in their intervention—this is what hinders My words and My views. Oh, how much I wish from you this surrender, to help you; and how I suffer when I see you so agitated! Satan tries to do exactly this: to agitate you and to remove you from My protection and to throw you into the jaws of human initiative. So, trust only in Me, rest in Me, surrender to Me in everything.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


Day 7

I perform miracles in proportion to your full surrender to Me and to your not thinking of yourselves. I sow treasure troves of graces when you are in the deepest poverty. No person of reason, no thinker, has ever perform miracles, not even among the saints. He does divine works whosoever surrenders to God. So don’t think about it any more, because your mind is acute, and for you, it is very hard to see evil and to trust in Me and to not think of yourself. Do this for all your needs, do this all of you and you will see great continual silent miracles. I will take care of things, I promise this to you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


 Day 8

Close your eyes and let yourself be carried away on the flowing current of My grace; close your eyes and do not think of the present, turning your thoughts away from the future just as you would from temptation. Repose in Me, believing in My goodness, and I promise you by My love that if you say “You take care of it”, I will take care of it all; I will console you, liberate you and guide you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


 Day 9

Pray always in readiness to surrender, and you will receive from it great peace and great rewards, even when I confer on you the grace of immolation, of repentance and of love. Then what does suffering matter? It seems impossible to you? Close your eyes and say with all your soul, “Jesus, you take care of it”. Do not be afraid, I will take care of things and you will bless My name by humbling yourself. A thousand prayers cannot equal one single act of surrender, remember this well. There is no novena more effective than this.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!

Saint Hannibal Maria di Francia and Luisa


St. Hannibal Maria di Francia

“Little Son of the Divine Will”


The meeting of St. Hannibal Maria Di Francia (1851-1927 Messina) with Luisa Piccarreta was caused by his presence in the diocese and city of Trani for the opening of the religious house of nuns of the Daughters of Divine Zeal in April 1910. From then until May 25 1927, a few days before the death of the saint from Messina, a deep spiritual relationship and a regular correspondence developed between them.

Luisa’s revelations about the Divine Will and her writings on the Divine Volition attracted St. Hannibal so much so that he felt he had become a nothing before the great Mercy of the Lord, and the great deposit of the Revelations about the Divine Will, and they became constantly the object of his meditation. Especially in the last months of his life, when pleurisy had no way out, he felt a strong closeness to Luisa and a participatory analogy to her sufferings: “I suffer anguishing nights and you who were with Jesus the nights, remember me who spend them in agony”. Luisa offered to share St. Hannibal’s his nocturnal sorrows as well as confided in him great things regarding her spiritual life.

Besides being the extraordinary confessor of Luisa, in 1926 St. Annibale was designated by Archbishop Mgr. Giuseppe M. Leo as the Ecclesiastical Reviser for the publications of his three Dioceses Trani, Barletta and Bisceglie and jurisdiction over Luisa, “as far as your writings and their publication – that is, to handle you and to dispose the publication as I believe is right (his words)”.This responsibility kept him real busy, almost continuously to detach him from the founder commitments: “I want you to know that since I have totally dedicated myself to the great work of the Divine Will, I practically don’t concern myself at all with my institutes. I talk about it with spiritual people, I keep to this point with those who are able to listen and I promote it as much as I can, even in my institutes”.

Luisa’s trust in Saint Hannibal was blind; she referred to him whether or not to print her manuscripts: “if you see that they are nonsense and that nothing good can do for souls please tear up and burn them”. She wrote that in reference to the delicate nature of the content, “things concerning many punishments, priests, so it is  a strong suffering for me to disclose them to others. I wrote them only for obedience and nothing else”.

And St. Hnnibal replied: “There are points which, though true and holy if looked at with the spirit and with holy simplicity, would yet clash with prudence to publish, and one would have to face the criticism of the Ecclesiastical Authority, which would cast a prejudice over the whole Work. There are a few chapters which must be left for when you are in Heaven”.

The Canon Saint from Messina had a great esteem for Luisa. In the Preface to the Hours of the Passion, he calls “sublime” the revelations which, always excepting the judgments of the Holy Church, we piously believe to have been given by Our Lord Jesus Christ to a soul, a dearest daughter and disciple of His, a privileged woman, at a mystical level, who wants to live solitary, hidden and unknown.

A most pure virgin, wholly of God, the littlest one that He found on earth with no education, endowed with an extraordinary familiarity with Jesus, the right person for a mission so sublime that no other can be compared to it - that is, the triumph of the Divine Will upon the whole earth, in conformity with what is said in the ‘Our Father': Fiat Voluntas Tua sicut in Coelo et in terra. She is the spouse of Jesus Crucified, who spends the night in painful ecstasies and in sufferings of every kind, during the day, sitting on her bed doing her needlework - nothing appears. On the contrary, she appears as a healthy person, happy and jovial. She speaks, converses, laughs when appropriate, but receives few friends. She listens kindly and comforts, but never advances to make prophecies, never a word which might hint at revelations. The great comfort which she presents is always one, always the same: the Divine Will. Although she possesses no human knowledge, she is abundantly endowed with a Wisdom all celestial - with the Science of the Saints. Her words illuminate and console. In short she is the Firstborn Daughter of the Divine Will.

Luisa was deeply impressed by the wisdom, prudence and holiness of Di Francia that she called Father with an immense offspring for many poor and destitute orphans gathered and she assured him that Jesus will repay the many sacrifices an hundredfold, He will reward your generosity so much. She finally revealed prophetically: the Lord will reward you greatly  for the work of the 24 hours, and it is one of the most beautiful gems that will shine above your head.

It was St. Hannibal who asked Luisa to write the 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ between 1913-14. Considering it a golden book for the current times, he arranged to give it the title and to cure four editions that went systematically snapped up in several thousand copies. The same fate happened to Childhood Memories: your lady which is Holy Obedience want you to write everything you remember of your childhood, infancy and youth as far as the blessed intimate relation with the Divine Lover, adding the beginning of illness which confines you to bed .... .The book began to be printed in Oria on July 1926.

The hardest work started by St. Hannibal was undoubtedly the correction and printing of the volumes on the Divine Will. His idea was to publish the work in Messina where he had the chance to keep everything under control especially as regards the proofreading. But as in Messina  they have many works, he transferred the work in Oria in his Anthonian typography, where there were “young typographers who, quickly and with great love, have appreciated very much the privilege conceded to them by Our Lord to publish these writings”. The typography was duly authorized to purchase a good assortment of typographical characters from the factories. Oh! if I were in the vigor of my strengths and of my mind, how I would wish to fly to Oria to dedicate myself to this divine enterprise! .

At the beginning of 1927 several sheets were in the course of being printed. The difficulties to make the work advance promptly were determined by the many things to read and correct, by the precarious state of his health and the diabolical struggles that he suffered: the infernal spirits would want to bewilder this  great Work,  F. Hannibal confessed to Luisa, “I won’t tell you how I feel the demon rage—or rather, many demons; this is why I often make exorcisms against Satan in the Name of Jesus”.

I tell you in the highest secrecy, that in order to destroy me the devil took the form of a person we know in order to bring me shocking news, because of which I was taken by a palpitation that was about to kill me – but then I discovered the deception. All this because it was a publication because of which Hell trembles so much…

The commitment by Saint Hannibal for the publication of Luisa’s writings was sacrosanct so much so that he said that if he should pass away, his priests would continue the work of the publication, because “we are already a Religious Order approved by the Holy Church, and therefore we can give greater guarantee than a simple individual”. His closest collaborator P. Pantaleone Palma who had realized the extent and the exceptional nature of such an undertaking, had not all the material time, having been confined to the Holy Stairs, where he died on September 2, 1935.

The last year of Father Hannibal’s life is characterized by a copious correspondence with Luisa. Besides issues related to the revision of the writings and the press, correspondence shows the true situation of St. Hannibal health. “For myself, I let you know that I am not in good health. I feel my strength exhausting, and I spend some nights sleepless. I had to suspend, in the middle of it, the work of the correction of the proofs… at the mere thought of the great work of all these publications, I feel as though frightened by a mental impotence!” .

Luisa had made him hope for a healing especially in order to attend to the publication of the writings on the Divine Will. S. Hannibal was happy and conscious: it seems that the Lord wants it, both because He has placed all of the writings—that is, the great deposit of His Divine Revelations—in our power, and also because of the special enlightenment that the Lord has given me on how to regulate the publication, which you will see rather soon in the first booklet that is being printed in Oria; and also because of the great means and equipment that are necessary, as well as labor—and of all this, the Lord has given us, and gives us, a unique abundance.

Di Francia’s confidence continued to be great: ask Our Lord, with faith and love, at least to be able to perform my miraculous healing. I ask you this for the sake of the 19 Volumes which are locked in the Archive of and for those which are now in process…. In my mind there is the whole plan and carrying out of the grandiose Publication. But things did not work out that way. In Volume 22 (June 1, 1927) Luisa noted: I had received the unexpected news of the death of Reverend Father Di Francia. He was the only one left to me, to whom I could open my poor soul. How well he could understand me - it was to a saint that I would entrust myself, who had very much comprehended all the value of what Jesus had told me about the Divine Will. He had so much interest in it that, with insistence, he had taken all the writings with himself in order to publish them,,, I did not want it, and only because he was a saint I had to surrender

The zeal for the mystery of the Passion of Jesus and the exercise of the Divine Will strengthened St. Hannibal to the point of fiddling with a little work about the Divine Will, the possibility of setting up a Spiritual Universal Pious Union, called ‘Children of the Divine Will’It will be instituted in a very simple way. There will be neither registers, nor regulations, nor reunions, nor payments, nor obligations of conscience. With the help of the Lord we will print thousands of Cards on which there will be the recitation of the little chaplet of the Divine Will, formed, in two parts… I will present this Pious Union, with ecclesiastical approval, to the Sacred Congregation for the Indulgences in Rome, and I hope it will be enriched with holy Indulgences. It will serve to spread the publications and the knowledge of the Revelations about the Divine Will throughout the world…, these Cards will be translated into many languages and spread in many nations.. It is not about houses of Sisters dedicated as Daughters of the Divine Will that should be formed in the world….but  all Religious Houses of men and women, and all lay categories, and any person in the entire world., can become son or daughter of the Divine Will, by simply accepting the Card…. There will not be registers for memberships, nor regulations, but men and women supporters to spread the Cards.

All his fervor, stubbornness and goodwill surrendered before the running disease:  I no longer review the proofs of the first printing, but my people do. And the Preface? Alas! I no longer have the mind to be able to dictate it! …Yet, if I am able to dictate it, the Preface will come out so simple and effective as to impress even the highest personalities of the Holy Church, including the Supreme Pontiff.

And in this he was truly prophetic.

The Saints not only meet on the streets of Providence, but they become the one for the other providential support in the development of mutual knowledge and dissemination of the respective charisma.

What St. Hannibal did over the last 17 years of his existence in favor of Luisa Piccarreta for the dissemination of the great Work of the Divine Will, is now systematically repaid by Luisa herself through the singular phenomenon of amazing spread in all parts the world of her writings and spirituality of the Divine Will. They have become a catalyst that is helping enormously the Knowledge of the life and holiness of Hannibal Maria Di Francia, the apostle of prayer for vocations, father of orphans and the poor and ... "Little Son of the Divine Will".

di P. Angelo Sardone rcj

Friday, December 17, 2021

The Treasure


The Treasure

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."  Matthew 13:44

The Field:  Book of Heaven, Oct. 20, 1923 – “You must know that the soul is my field in which I work, sow and harvest; but my favorite field is the soul who lives in my Will. In this field my work is delightful.”[LB1] 

LB - March,15, 2018 - This morning while in prayer just before Mass, I went through a prayer that I sometimes pray saying to Jesus something like “You are my heart, my life, my breath and my everything” – and for some reason I added, “You are my treasure.”   Since I have not heard Jesus speak to me in so very long or had any visions, I was quite surprised to see Him interiorly standing in front of me holding out towards me in His Hands something that looked like a crystal.  I continued to see this until just before receiving Holy Communion. I do not remember if this was before or after having received Holy Communion, but I suddenly saw Jesus enter into me, this was something I felt inside of me that is impossible to explain.  He stood with His back to me, still holding out the crystal in His hands as though wanting to give it to others. Somehow I understood that this represented a gift He gave to me and that I was to share His gift with others.   

Doubting what I had seen, when I returned home I picked up my Louis de Montfort Consecration to Day Five and read:  Mt. 6:19-21 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”   Then I read the Resolution for this day:  “In your prayer tonight, put all of the spiritual treasures that you receive during the day into the hands of Mary so that She can guard them and augment them for you.”  

 Book of Heaven, April 26, 1899 - “I am so very pleased with the souls who are detached from everything, not only in the affect, but also in the effect, that insofar as they keep stripping themselves, so does my light keep investing them, and they become just like crystals, which are such that the light of the sun finds no impediment to penetrate inside, as it finds with buildings and other material things.”

Book of Heaven, Jan. 30, 1916 - Now, my Will crystallizes the soul, and everything she does is reflected in Me; and I, wounded and enraptured by these reflections, send her all my light, so as to form another sun in her. So, it seems that there is one sun in Heaven and another on earth. What enchantment - and what harmonies between them! How many goods are poured out for the good of all! But if the soul is not fixed in my Will, it can happen to her as to the sun which is formed in the glass, which is a passing sun: after a while, the glass remains in the dark, and the sun in Heaven remains alone.”

Book of Heaven, Jan. 6, 1902 - “…if one tries to continue my life by doing what I did wherever he can – and where he cannot, at least with the desire and the intention – I keep it in my hands as if I were continuing my whole life in that soul, not as something past, but as if I were now living. This is a treasure in my hands, because as I double the treasure of everything I operated, I dispose it for the good of the whole of mankind. So, would you not want to be one of these?”

Book of Heaven, Feb. 7, 1908 - “My daughter, it is true that life is a weight, but when this weight is carried with Me, and one finds out that at the end of his life he can unload this weight within Me, he will find this weight changed into a treasure, in which he will find gems, precious stones, diamonds and all riches, such as to make him happy for eternity.”  

Book of Heaven, November 6, 1922 -  “My Will crystallizes the soul; and just as when any object is placed close to a crystal, another object is formed within it fully similar to the one which is placed in front of it, in the same way, my Will reflects everything It does in these souls, crystallized by my power; and they repeat and do what my Supreme Will does. And since my Will is present everywhere, in Heaven, on earth and in every place, these souls, containing my Will within them as their own life, wherever my Will acts, like crystal, they absorb It into themselves, and they repeat my act. So, as I act, I take greatest delight in placing Myself in front of them to see my own action being repeated in them. They are my mirrors, and my Will multiplies them for each act It does, and everywhere…”

Book of Heaven, January 18, 1928 - I was thinking to myself about the big issue concerning the writings on the Divine Will, which are in Messina, brought there by the blessed memory of venerable father Di Francia: how myself and my other superiors absolutely want them here, while the superiors in Messina, rigorously recommended by the venerable father before dying, want to keep them over there, for their publication when God pleases. So, we do nothing but [send] letters of fire, back and forth – them, to keep them, and us, to get them back. And I was feeling all worried, bored and tired, and was saying to myself: ‘How could good Jesus allow all this? Who knows whether He too feels disappointed?’ And He, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, you are worried, but I am not disappointed at all; on the contrary I enjoy in seeing the interest that priests take in these writings which will form the Kingdom of my Will. This means that they appreciate the great good of them, and each one would want to keep such a great treasure with himself, to be the first to communicate it to others. And while the issue of who is going to win lasts, one approaches the other in order to consult one another on what to do. And I enjoy that more of my ministers get to know that there is this treasure so great, of making known the Kingdom of my Divine Will; My daughter, what great treasure has been entrusted to you with so many truths I have told you on my Divine Will; a treasure which has its source in its divine womb, and which will always give light without ever ceasing. My truths are more than sun, which gives light to the earth, invests it, fixes on it; and in fixing on it, it gives birth, on the face of it and for each thing, to the effects and the goods which its light contains. But, jealous, it does not detach its light from its center; and this is so true that, as it moves on to illuminate other regions, the earth remains in the dark. On the other hand, the Sun of my truths, while it does not detach from its center, fixing itself in the soul, forms in her the perennial day….”  “and I use this to form the first priests of my coming Kingdom of my Fiat.”

Book of Heaven, November 4, 1928 - My daughter, what great treasure has been entrusted to you with so many truths I have told you on my Divine Will; a treasure which has its source in its divine womb, and which will always give light without ever ceasing. My truths are more than sun, which gives light to the earth, invests it, fixes on it; and in fixing on it, it gives birth, on the face of it and for each thing, to the effects and the goods which its light contains. But, jealous, it does not detach its light from its center; and this is so true that, as it moves on to illuminate other regions, the earth remains in the dark. On the other hand, the Sun of my truths, while it does not detach from its center, fixing itself in the soul, forms in her the perennial day….”

“The Spirit took me to the top of a great mountain which was very high, and the angel showed me Jerusalem, the Holy City which is that of the Lord.  It was coming down out of heaven from God.  It gleamed with the splendor of God; its radiance was like that of a precious stone, like a gem, clear as crystal.  The city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.”  Rev. 21:10 – 11, 23-27

“The Holy City shall, in the end, gather together that humanity which has been redeemed and saved, once it will have been set completely free from the slavery of satan, sin and evil, by means of the purification the great tribulation and the terrible chastisement.” 
“The sinful city will now have vanished, and thus all creation will open itself with joy to receive the Hoy City, the new Jerusalem, come down out of heaven, the permanent dwelling place of God with men.
  (“To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” MMP #483)


Lynne Bauer (LB), Mar/April, 2018


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Third Renewal

 Book of Heaven, January 29, 1919

God will accomplish the third renewal of humanity by manifesting what His Divinity did within His Humanity.

I was doing the adoration to the wounds of blessed Jesus, and at the end I recited the Creed, intending to enter into the immensity of the Divine Will, in which are all the acts of creatures, past, present and future, and even those acts which the creature should do and, because of negligence and wickedness, she has not done. And I was saying: ‘My Jesus, my Love, I enter into your Volition, and with this Creed I intend to redo, to repair, all the acts of faith which creatures have not done, all the disbeliefs, and the adoration which is due to God as Creator.’

While I was saying these and other things, I felt my intelligence being dissolved in the Divine Will, and a light investing my intellect, inside of which I could see my sweet Jesus. And this light spoke and spoke - but who can say everything? I will say it confusedly; and besides, I feel such repugnance, that if obedience were not so strict, but more indulgent, it would not force me into such sacrifices. But You, my Life, give me strength, and do not leave the poor little ignorant one on her own.

Now, it seemed that He was saying to me: “My beloved daughter, I want to make known to you the order of my Providence. Every course of two thousand years I have renewed the world. In the first two thousand years I renewed it with the Flood; in the second two thousand I renewed it with my coming upon earth, in which I manifested my Humanity, from which, as though from many fissures, my Divinity shone forth. And the good and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have lived of the fruits of my Humanity, and, in drops, they have enjoyed my Divinity. Now we are at the turn of the third two thousand years, and there will be a third renewal. This is the reason for the general confusion - it is nothing other than the preparation for the third renewal; and if in the second renewal I manifested what my Humanity did and suffered, and very little of what the Divinity was operating, now, in this third renewal, after the earth has been purged and the current generation destroyed for the most part, I will be even more generous with creatures, and I will accomplish the renewal by manifesting what my Divinity did within my Humanity; how my Divine Will acted with my human will; how everything remained linked within Me; how I did and redid everything, and even one thought of each creature was redone by Me and sealed with my Divine Volition. My love wants its outpouring, and wants to make known the excesses which my Divinity operated in my Humanity for the good of creatures, which surpass by far the excesses that my Humanity operated externally. This is also why I often speak to you about the living in my Will, which I have not manifested to anyone until now. At the most, they have known the shadow of my Will, the grace, the sweetness that doing It contains; but to penetrate inside of It, to embrace immensity, to multiply oneself with Me and penetrate everywhere, even while being on earth, both into Heaven and into the hearts, to lay down the human ways and act with the divine ways - this is not yet known; so much so, that not to a few will it appear strange, and those who do not keep their minds open to the light of truth will not understand a thing. But I, little by little, will make my way, manifesting now one truth, now another, of this living in my Will, so that they will end up comprehending It.

Now, the first link which connected the true living in my Will was my Humanity. My Humanity, identified with my Divinity, swam in the Eternal Volition, and kept tracing all the acts of creatures in order to make them Its own, and give to the Father a divine glory on the part of creatures, and bring to all the acts of creatures the value, the love, the kiss of the Eternal Volition. In this sphere of the Eternal Volition, I could see all the acts of creatures that could possibly be done and were not done, and the very good acts done badly; and I did those which were not done, and redid those done badly. Now, these acts, not done, and done only by Me, are all suspended in my Will, and I await the creatures to come to live in my Volition, and repeat in my Will that which I did. This is why I chose you as the second link of connection with my Humanity, forming one single link with mine, living in my Volition, repeating my very acts. Otherwise, on this side my love would remain without outpouring, without glory on the part of creatures for what my Divinity operated in my Humanity, and without the perfect purpose of Creation, which must be enclosed and perfected in my Will. It would be as if I had shed all my Blood, suffered so much, and no one had known it. Who would have loved Me? Which heart would be shaken? No one; and therefore in no one would I have had my fruits, the glory of Redemption.”

And I, interrupting the speaking of Jesus, said: ‘My Love, if there is so much good about this living in the Divine Will, why have You not manifested it before?’ And He: “My daughter, first I had to make known what my Humanity did and suffered on the outside, to be able to dispose souls to knowing what my Divinity did on the inside. The creature is incapable of comprehending my work all together; therefore I keep manifesting Myself little by little. Then, from your link of connection with Me, the other links of creatures will be connected, and I will have crowds of souls who, living in my Volition, will redo all the acts of creatures; and I will have the glory of many suspended acts done only by Me, also from creatures - and these, from all classes: virgins, priests, lay people, according to their office. They will no longer operate humanly, but penetrating into my Will, their acts will multiply for all in a way fully divine; and I will have, on the part of creatures, the divine glory of many Sacraments received and administered in a human way; others, profaned; others, sullied with interest; and of many good works in which I remain more dishonored than honored. I so much long for this time; and you, pray and long for it together with Me, and do not move your link of connection with mine, starting, yourself, as the first one.”

Saturday, December 4, 2021




“Jesus came to save you, to teach you all the virtues which He Himself first practiced; He came to buy heaven for you with His Blood – to die for you on a cross so that He may be with you always.

Look at His glorious little eyes which already seek to gaze at you; see those rosy lips, which already utter your name in order to declare His love for you; see His little hands of ermine which are eager to bless you.  Behold Him thinking of you, crying for you, asking that I, His humble mother take Him to your side and  place Him in your arms to caress you.

This tender Child who weeps is the Almighty, Who seeks to touch your heart.  This Child, Who cannot speak yet, is infinite activity which nothing wearies; this Child is the Creator of the universe, eternal Wisdom, supreme Beatitude. This Child will be a martyr of love for God and men, Who will sweat blood, Who will die on a gibbet; He is everlasting Beauty, Life itself, limitless Glory Who will give Himself to you as food in this world.”

Excerpts from “Roses and Thorns”, Concepcion Cabrera de Armida

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Roses and Thorns


“The first roses are the interior souls, who operate in their interior. These souls are symbolized by the rose petals which are turned inwards, adding a distinction of beauty, of freshness and of solidity, with no fear that some petals may fall to the ground. The external petals symbolize the blooming that the interior soul does outwards; receiving life from within her, her works are fragrant with holy charity and, almost like lights, they strike the eyes of God and of her neighbor.  Book of Heaven, October 2, 1903

I found myself outside of myself in the midst of a multitude of people; and up high there was the Queen Mama, speaking to that people and crying, so much so that, holding a bunch of roses on Her lap, She wet them with Her tears. I could not understand anything of what She was saying; I could only see that the people wanted to make tumults, and that the Celestial Mama was praying them, crying, to calm down. Then She detached one rose and, pointing to me in the midst of so many people, She threw it to me. I looked at it; the rose was pearled with the tears of my dear Mama, and those tears invited me to pray for the peace of the peoples.  Book of Heaven, May 1, 1921

“…because in the field sowed by Me, weeds and thorns have grown so much as to become trees. And these thorny trees do nothing but inundate my field with poisonous and pestilent waters, to the point that if some ear of grain remains intact, it receives nothing but punctures and stench, so much so, that it is impossible for more ears to germinate – first, because they lack the ground, which is occupied by so many noxious plants; second, because of the continuous punctures they receive, which give them no peace. So, behold the necessity of the slaughter – to root out so many bad plants; and of shedding of blood – to purge my field of those poisonous and pestilent waters. Therefore, do not want to grow sad at this beginning, because not only there where I have sent chastisements, but in all other places is purgation needed.”  Book of Heaven, July 21, 1900

Charity and obedience have their own thorns, which open large wounds and make the heart bleed; but they make the most ruby-red, fragrant and beautiful roses bloom.  Book of Heaven, Oct. 1, 1909

“Take the Rose which says ‘Love’ and rejoice in the ineffable mystery which it represents.  It is crimson and white.  Accept it, my child to adorn yourself with it, a rose uprooted from my heart.  It is a memento of your Virgin Mother; it is a token which insures heaven which I purchased for you.  Carry it in your heart and think of me when you see it, as the joyful Mother of Jesus.  The Thorn which this rose leaves in my heart is the ingratitude of many who will pass through the world without giving the least thought to the incomparable benefit of the Incarnation.”  Roses and Thorns, Meditation II – The Annunciation

“The promises of God were brought to fulfillment; the vows of the patriarchs, the signs of the just, the groan of men and their cries of impatience asking heaven to drop down its dew, that earth might bud forth a Savior. All this was for your happiness, but I knew very well all the thorns which it contained for me.  I was to be the mother of the Victim of your salvation.  Child of my sorrows, take this rose, pure as light, which my heart, full of tenderness, gives you today.  You will find the word FIAT written on its petals so that you remember all the days of your life, and especially today, the great love your mother holds for you.”  Rose and Thorns, Meditation III – Fiat

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