Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Treasure

The Treasure

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."  Matthew 13:44

The Field:  Book of Heaven, Oct. 20, 1923 – “You must know that the soul is my field in which I work, sow and harvest; but my favorite field is the soul who lives in my Will. In this field my work is delightful.”

LB - March,15, 2018 - This morning while in prayer just before Mass, I went through a prayer that I sometimes pray saying to Jesus something like “You are my heart, my life, my breath and my everything” – and for some reason I added, “You are my treasure.”   Since I have not heard Jesus speak to me in so very long or had any visions, I was quite surprised to see Him interiorly standing in front of me holding out towards me in His Hands something that looked like a crystal.  I continued to see this until just before receiving Holy Communion. I do not remember if this was before or after having received Holy Communion, but I suddenly saw Jesus enter into me, this was something I felt inside of me that is impossible to explain.  He stood with His back to me, still holding out the crystal in His hands as though wanting to give it to others. Somehow I understood that this represented a gift He gave to me and that I was to share His gift with others.   

Doubting what I had seen, when I returned home I picked up my Louis de Montfort Consecration to Day Five and read:  Mt. 6:19-21 – “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”   Then I read the Resolution for this day:  “In your prayer tonight, put all of the spiritual treasures that you receive during the day into the hands of Mary so that She can guard them and augment them for you.”  

Book of Heaven, April 26, 1899 - “I am so very pleased with the souls who are detached from everything, not only in the affect, but also in the effect, that insofar as they keep stripping themselves, so does my light keep investing them, and they become just like crystals, which are such that the light of the sun finds no impediment to penetrate inside, as it finds with buildings and other material things.”

Book of Heaven, Jan. 30, 1916 - Now, my Will crystallizes the soul, and everything she does is reflected in Me; and I, wounded and enraptured by these reflections, send her all my light, so as to form another sun in her. So, it seems that there is one sun in Heaven and another on earth. What enchantment - and what harmonies between them! How many goods are poured out for the good of all! But if the soul is not fixed in my Will, it can happen to her as to the sun which is formed in the glass, which is a passing sun: after a while, the glass remains in the dark, and the sun in Heaven remains alone.”

Book of Heaven, Jan. 6, 1902 - “…if one tries to continue my life by doing what I did wherever he can – and where he cannot, at least with the desire and the intention – I keep it in my hands as if I were continuing my whole life in that soul, not as something past, but as if I were now living. This is a treasure in my hands, because as I double the treasure of everything I operated, I dispose it for the good of the whole of mankind. So, would you not want to be one of these?” 

Book of Heaven, Feb. 7, 1908 - “My daughter, it is true that life is a weight, but when this weight is carried with Me, and one finds out that at the end of his life he can unload this weight within Me, he will find this weight changed into a treasure, in which he will find gems, precious stones, diamonds and all riches, such as to make him happy for eternity.”   

Book of Heaven, November 6, 1922 -  “My Will crystallizes the soul; and just as when any object is placed close to a crystal, another object is formed within it fully similar to the one which is placed in front of it, in the same way, my Will reflects everything It does in these souls, crystallized by my power; and they repeat and do what my Supreme Will does. And since my Will is present everywhere, in Heaven, on earth and in every place, these souls, containing my Will within them as their own life, wherever my Will acts, like crystal, they absorb It into themselves, and they repeat my act. So, as I act, I take greatest delight in placing Myself in front of them to see my own action being repeated in them. They are my mirrors, and my Will multiplies them for each act It does, and everywhere…” 

Book of Heaven, January 18, 1928 - I was thinking to myself about the big issue concerning the writings on the Divine Will, which are in Messina, brought there by the blessed memory of venerable father Di Francia: how myself and my other superiors absolutely want them here, while the superiors in Messina, rigorously recommended by the venerable father before dying, want to keep them over there, for their publication when God pleases. So, we do nothing but [send] letters of fire, back and forth – them, to keep them, and us, to get them back. And I was feeling all worried, bored and tired, and was saying to myself: ‘How could good Jesus allow all this? Who knows whether He too feels disappointed?’ And He, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, you are worried, but I am not disappointed at all; on the contrary I enjoy in seeing the interest that priests take in these writings which will form the Kingdom of my Will. This means that they appreciate the great good of them, and each one would want to keep such a great treasure with himself, to be the first to communicate it to others. And while the issue of who is going to win lasts, one approaches the other in order to consult one another on what to do. And I enjoy that more of my ministers get to know that there is this treasure so great, of making known the Kingdom of my Divine Will; My daughter, what great treasure has been entrusted to you with so many truths I have told you on my Divine Will; a treasure which has its source in its divine womb, and which will always give light without ever ceasing. My truths are more than sun, which gives light to the earth, invests it, fixes on it; and in fixing on it, it gives birth, on the face of it and for each thing, to the effects and the goods which its light contains. But, jealous, it does not detach its light from its center; and this is so true that, as it moves on to illuminate other regions, the earth remains in the dark. On the other hand, the Sun of my truths, while it does not detach from its center, fixing itself in the soul, forms in her the perennial day….”  “and I use this to form the first priests of my coming Kingdom of my Fiat.”

Book of Heaven, November 4, 1928 - My daughter, what great treasure has been entrusted to you with so many truths I have told you on my Divine Will; a treasure which has its source in its divine womb, and which will always give light without ever ceasing. My truths are more than sun, which gives light to the earth, invests it, fixes on it; and in fixing on it, it gives birth, on the face of it and for each thing, to the effects and the goods which its light contains. But, jealous, it does not detach its light from its center; and this is so true that, as it moves on to illuminate other regions, the earth remains in the dark. On the other hand, the Sun of my truths, while it does not detach from its center, fixing itself in the soul, forms in her the perennial day….” 

“The Spirit took me to the top of a great mountain which was very high, and the angel showed me Jerusalem, the Holy City which is that of the Lord.  It was coming down out of heaven from God.  It gleamed with the splendor of God; its radiance was like that of a precious stone, like a gem, clear as crystal.  The city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.”  Rev. 21:10 – 11, 23-27

“The Holy City shall, in the end, gather together that humanity which has been redeemed and saved, once it will have been set completely free from the slavery of satan, sin and evil, by means of the purification the great tribulation and the terrible chastisement.” 
“The sinful city will now have vanished, and thus all creation will open itself with joy to receive the Hoy City, the new Jerusalem, come down out of heaven, the permanent dwelling place of God with men.
  (“To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” MMP #483)

Lynne Bauer, Mar/April, 2018

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Truths of the Divine Will

November 7, 1937
How all the truths written about the Divine Will will form the Day for those who will live in It. The Queen of Heaven yearns with love, wanting to endow her children.

I felt my poor mind as though crowded by so many truths that Jesus made me write about the Divine Will; and I was thinking to myself: ‘Who knows when these truths on the Divine FIAT will come to light, and what good they will produce?’ My sweet Jesus, surprising me with His little visit, all goodness and tenderness told me: “My daughter, I too feel the love-need of making you see the order that these truths will have and the good they will produce.  These truths on my Divine Will will form the day of my FIAT in the midst of the creatures. According to their knowledge, this day will be rising. So, as they begin to know the first truths which I have manifested to you, a most splendid dawn will arise - provided that they will have good will and the disposition to make their own life of these truths. However, these truths will also have the virtue of disposing the creatures, and of giving the light to many blind who don’t know my Will or love It.

Then, once the dawn is risen, they will feel invested by a celestial peace, and more strengthened in the good. They, themselves, will yearn to know more truths, which will form the beginning of the day of my Divine Will. This beginning of the day will increase the Light and the Love; all things will turn into good for the creatures; passions will lose the power to make them fall into sin. One can say that they will feel the first order of the divine good, which will facilitate their actions for them. They will feel a strength with which they can do everything, since its primary virtue is exactly this: to inject in the soul a transformation of her nature in good. So, feeling the great good of the beginning of the day, they will long for the day to advance. They will then know more truths which will form the full day.  In this full day they will vividly feel the Life of my Will within themselves - its joy and happiness, Its operative and creative virtue within them. They will feel the possession of my very Life, becoming the bearers of my Divine Will. The full day will provoke in them so much yearning to know more truths that, once known, they will form the full afternoon. In this, the creature will no longer feel alone: between her and my Will there will be no more separation. What my Will will do, she will do as well - operating together. All will be her own by right - Heaven, earth, and God Himself.

Do you see then, how noble, divine and precious will be the scope of these truths which I made you write on my Divine Will in order to form the day of the creature?
For some they will form the dawn; for some the beginning of the day; for some others the full day and, lastly, the full afternoon. These truths will form, according to their knowledge, the different categories of the souls who will live in my Will. One knowledge more, or one less, will make them rise or stay in the different categories. Knowledge will be the hand to boost them up to the higher categories - it will be the very life of the fullness of my Will within them. Therefore, I can say that with these truths I formed the day for whoever wants to live in my Divine Will - a day of Heaven, greater than Creation itself; not of sun or stars, because each truth has the virtue of creating our Life in the creature. Oh, how this surpasses the whole of Creation! Our Love surpassed everything in manifesting so many truths on my Divine Will. Our glory, on the part of the creatures, will be full, because they will possess our Life to glorify Us and to love Us.  As far as the emerging of these truths goes, just as I had the power and the love to assist the one to whom I had to manifest them, in the same way I will have power and love to invest the creatures, and transform them into these very truths. And feeling their life, they will also feel a great need to give to the light what they feel within themselves. Therefore, don’t get worried. I, Who can do all, will do all and take care of all.”

After this, I was following the acts of the Divine Will, which contained all the works, love, prayers, sufferings, palpitating life, breaths, and all that the Queen of heaven has done, as if she was just doing them. And I hugged them, I kissed them, I adored them and offered them in order to obtain the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth. Then, my sweet Jesus, continuing His say, added: “My blessed daughter, one who lives in my Will can enter everywhere, and can give Me everything, even my Celestial Mother - as if she were her own; the way in which She loved Me, and everything that I did. This creature can even duplicate my Life - as if It were her own, and give It to me to love me. 
You must know that, as I formed the day of the creature by manifesting many truths on my Divine Will to you, so the Sovereign of Heaven, with her Love, sufferings, prayers and acts - which, done in my Divine Will, filled heaven and earth, forming the appropriate endowment for those who will live in It - with great anxiety longs and sighs to be able to equip her children! She sees herself immersed in many riches of Grace, Love and Sanctity, but she can’t find her children to equip them, since they don’t live in that same Will in which she lived. Look, my daughter, how it is written in everything she did and suffered: ‘for my children.’ Therefore, if she loves, she calls her children to receive the endowment of her love in order to make Us recognize them as her children and as Our children too, and to love them as We love Her; if she prays, she wants to give the endowment of her prayer.... In sum, she wants to provide them with all her Sanctity, with her pains, and with the very Life of her Son.

How touching it is to hear her and to look at her keeping her children within her Maternal Heart, as if inside a sacrarium. In all her acts and breaths she calls her children, and says to our Supreme Being: ‘All that I am and possess, is all for my children. Please, listen to me! I feel my Heart bursting for love! Have mercy on a Mother, who loves and wants to provide for her children, to make them happy! My happiness is not full. I feel it halved because I don’t have my children delighting together with Me. Therefore, hurry - may the Divine Will be known, so that they may also know the restlessness of their Mother, and how I want to provide for them, and make them happy and holy!’

Do you think that We remain indifferent before this touching scene; before she, who is in spasms of love - so much that, with her maternal tenderness and with her rights as a Mother, she prays to Us, and begs Us? Ah, no! How many times, because of her concerns, I manifest more surprising truths on my FIAT, to give her free rein to pour out to her children a more extensive provision, since she will be allowed to do it only in accordance with their knowledge. Therefore, you too, enter my Divine Will and, together with this Celestial Mother, pray and supplicate that our Will may be known and reign in all the creatures.”

Lynne B.

Saturday, September 21, 2019



“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;

Fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Prov. 1:7

Our Lord to St. Catherine of Siena“Do you know, my daughter, who you are and who I am?  If you have this two-fold knowledge you will be happy.  You are she who is not, I am He who is.  If you keep this truth in your heart, never will the enemy be able to deceive you.  You will escape his snares.  Never will you consent to commit an act which is against My Commandments, and you will readily acquire all grace, all truth, all clarity.”

Ven. Conchita de Armida (Diary, August 8, 1896):  “…I can but lower myself into the bottomless abyss of my nothingness.  I close my eyes, I believe, and I adore...!  I believe there is no better lesson of humility than this.  How can anyone believe, before God and in the presence of such grandeur, that he is something of grandeur, miserable atom that he is?  How can he think he is something good in comparison with this goodness without limits?  How can he declare himself perfect in the presence of such a light on these infinite perfections.  How can he esteem himself pure, in the face of this eternal Truth?  Oh what fools we are, we others, poor beings of this world, when we believe we are something or consider ourselves capable of the least thing!  In truth, after I touched God and had an imperfect notion of His Being, I wanted to prostrate myself, my forehead and my heart in the dust and never get up again!”

Ven. Conchita de Armida (I AM, Eucharistic Meditations on the Gospel): “I am Who am,” and nobody can understand all the meaning within these sublime, divine words that could only be pronounced by God Himself.

“I Am Who am,” that is, I am the One Who is eternally infinite, the One Who has no beginning, the One Who will have no end; the Almighty, Immense, Uncreated, God of love.  Who is holy by essence, the Creator of all that exists or can exist, the wholly Unique One, the Sovereign Who created everything for Himself, the God of Kindness,"

"Who possesses Himself and gives Himself without measure.  He Who is!  More cannot be said."

Conchita: “He is everything, I am nothing.  He is eternal in His perfections, I am limited.  He is merciful, I am in misery.  He humbled Himself for my love; I am proud, hard, insensitive to so much tenderness.”

Excerpts from the Book of Heaven:

Volume 1

        You must be like an infant in swaddling bands who, unable to move by himself, even to walk or move a hand, must rely on its mother for everything.  In that way, I want you to remain near Me—like an infant—to always ask for my help and assistance, acknowledging your nothingness and expecting everything from Me.”

        With this type of talk I became little, and I annihilated myself to the point that I sometimes felt my whole being dissolved and dismembered—incapable of taking a step or a breath without the sustenance and assistance of Jesus.  I therefore tried my utmost to satisfy Him in everything by becoming humble and obedient.

Volume 1

        He gave me other new insights regarding self—annihilation saying, "You are not, and should not consider yourself more than a shadow that quickly passes by and eludes you as you try to catch it.  If, therefore, you want to see something in yourself that is worthy of Me, consider yourself nothing; and I, pleased with your true debasement, will pour my All into you." Saying this, my good Jesus impressed on my mind and heart a self—annihilation of such magnitude, that I wanted to hide myself in the deepest abyss.  Knowing how impossible it was for me to hide my shame from Him as I continued the destruction of my self-esteem, He would say, "Get closer to Me, lean on my arm.  I will support you and give you strength to always work for Me and do all for Me."

Volume 1

        Luisa: Have You forgotten that I am wicked and that without You I can do no good?

        And Jesus sweetly and calmly answered; “I do this so you will understand what you are without Me.  Do not despair.  I am doing this to you for your greater good, to prepare your heart to receive the new graces I shall bestow upon you.  Until this time I have helped you visibly; but now, invisibly, I will make you feel your nothingness with your own hand.  I will cause you to sink into the most profound humility; and I will endow you with my graces—the best ones—to prepare you for the high levels to which I want to raise you.  So instead of despairing, be joyful with Me and thank Me, because the quicker you traverse this stormy sea, the quicker you will reach the harbor of salvation.  The severer the tests I will subject you to, the greater the graces I will bestow upon you.  Have courage, therefore, for soon I shall come to console you in your sorrow.”

Volume 2, May 26, 1899

“Contempt of yourself is praiseworthy when it is well invested by the spirit of Faith; but when it is not invested by the spirit of Faith, instead of doing you good, it can harm you. In fact, in seeing yourself as you are, unable to do anything good, you will be discouraged, disheartened, without daring to take one step on the path of good. But by leaning on Me – that is, by investing yourself with the spirit of Faith – you will come to know and despise yourself, and at the same time, to know Me, confident of being able to do anything with my help. And here is how, by acting in this way, you will walk according to the truth.”

Luisa: “How much good these words of Jesus did to my soul! I comprehended that I must enter into my nothingness and know who I am, but I must not stop there. Rather, immediately after I have known myself, I must fly into the immense sea of God, and stay there, to draw all the graces that my soul needs; otherwise, my nature remains weakened and the devil will look for means in order to cast it into discouragement.”

Volume 2, June 2, 1899

        This morning my sweetest Jesus wanted to make me touch my nothingness with my own hands.  In the act of showing Himself, the first words that He directed to me were, "Who am I and who are you?"  In these words I saw two immense lights.  One contained God, and in the other I saw my misery, my nothingness.  I saw myself to be nothing but a shadow as that shadow projected by whatever object illuminated by the sun, shadow that ceases to exist when the sun passes to other points.

        Thus my shadow, thus my being, depends upon the mystical sun, God, Who in a mere instant can dissolve this shadow that the Lord has given me, it not even being mine.  It causes horror to think of it.  Smelly, putrid and all wormy, yet in this so horrid state I was constrained to be together with a God so Holy.  Oh, how I would have been content if it were given to me to hide myself in the darkest abysses!

        After this, Jesus said to me, "The greatest favor that I can do for a soul is to make it know itself.  The knowledge of self and the knowledge of God go hand in hand.  For as much as you shall know yourself, this much shall you know God.  The soul that has known itself, seeing that by itself it can work nothing of good, transforms the shadow of its being into God and it happens that in God it does all its operations.  Then it happens that the soul is in God and walks with Him, without looking, without investigation, without speaking.  In a word, it is as if it were dead, for, knowing in depth its nothingness, it does not dare to do anything by itself but it blindly follows the influences of the operations of the Word.  It seems to me that to the soul that knows itself, it happens as to those persons who go by train.  Who, while they pass from one point to another, without taking one step by themselves, make long trips, but all in virtue of the train that transports them.  Thus the soul, placing itself in God, as the persons on the train, makes sublime flights in the way of perfection, knowing fully that it is not of itself but in virtue of that blessed God Who carries it in Himself.  Oh, how the Lord favors, enriches and concedes the greatest graces to that soul that attributes all, not to itself, but to God!"

Volume 2, June 12, 1899

…Jesus seemed to clothe my soul with the garment of Faith, of Hope and of Charity, and in the very act of clothing me, Jesus whispered to me the way I was to exercise myself in these three virtues. Now, while I was doing this, unleashing another ray of light, Jesus made me understand my nothingness. Ah! I seemed to be like a grain of sand in the middle of a most extensive sea, which is God; and this little grain went to disperse itself inside that immense sea – but it was lost in God. Then He transported me outside of myself, carrying me in His arms, and kept whispering to me various acts of contrition for my sins. I only remember that I have been an abyss of iniquities. Lord, oh, how many awful ingratitude I have had toward You!

Volume 3, January 31, 1900

    Jesus:  “What is the passport to enter into the kingdom of grace? It is humility. Through humility, by always looking at her nothingness and seeing that she is nothing but dust or wind, the soul will place all her trust in grace, so much so, as to make of it her master. And grace, taking dominion over all of the soul, leads her along the path of all virtues, and makes her reach the summit of perfection.”   

Luisa:  What would a soul without grace be like? It seemed to me that she would be like the body without the soul, which becomes stinking and spews worms and rot from all parts, so much so, as to become an object of horror to the human sight itself. In the same way, without grace, the soul becomes so abominable as to be horrifying to the sight – not of men, but of God Trice Holy. Ah, Lord, free me from such misfortune, and from the abominable monster of sin!

Volume 3, February 5, 1900

      “My daughter, sometimes the soul feels an encounter in some virtue, and plucking up her strength, the soul overcomes that encounter; and then, that virtue becomes more resplendent and rooted in the soul. However, the soul must be very attentive in order to avoid that she herself might provide the little rope to let herself be bound by lack of confidence; and she will do this by always restricting herself within the circle of truth, without ever leaving it, which is the knowledge of her nothingness.”

Volume 3, May 20, 1900

     “My daughter, all things have their origin from nothing. If this very machine of the universe which you are admiring with its great order had been full of other things before I created it, I could not have put my creative hand to make it with such great mastery and to render it so splendid and adorned. At the most, I could have undone everything that might have been there, to then redo it according to my liking. But we always come to this: all of my works have their origin from nothing, and when there is a mixing with other things, it is not decorous for my majesty to descend and operate in the soul. But when the soul reduces herself to nothing and rises to Me, and takes her being within Mine, then I operate as the God that I am, and the soul finds true rest. And here is how all virtues, from humility to the annihilation of oneself, begin.”

Volume 3, June 20, 1900

      “As for the rest, I do not want you to think about it, because the most perfect, the most sublime humility is that of losing every reason and of not discoursing on ‘why’ and ‘how’, but of undoing oneself in one’s own nothingness. And while the soul does this, without realizing it, she finds herself dissolved in God, and this produces in the soul the union most intimate, the love most perfect toward her highest Good. This, however, to the greatest advantage of the soul, because in losing her own reason, she acquires divine reason, and in losing every discoursing about herself – whether she is cold or warm, whether the things that happen to her are favorable or adverse – she will be interested in and will acquire a language fully celestial and divine. In addition to this, humility produces a garment of safety in the soul, in such a way that, wrapped in this garment of safety, the soul remains in the most profound calm, embellishing all of herself in order to be pleasing to her dearest and beloved Jesus.”

Volume 3, June 27, 1900

      “My daughter, what I want from you is that you no longer recognize yourself in yourself, but that you recognize yourself only in Me. So you will no longer remember yourself, nor will you ever again have recognition of yourself, but you will remember Me, and un-recognizing yourself, you will acquire the recognition of Me alone. According to how much you will forget and destroy yourself, so will you advance in the knowledge of Me and will recognize yourself only in Me. Once you have done all this, you will no longer think with your mind, but with mine; you will not look with your eyes, you will no longer speak with your mouth, nor will you palpitate with your heart, work with your hands, or walk with your feet, but will do everything with mine. In fact, in order to recognize herself only in God, the soul needs to go to her origin and to return to her beginning – God, from whom she came - and to conform all of herself to her Creator. And anything which she keeps of herself and which is not conformed to her beginning, she must undo and reduce to nothing. Only in this way, naked, undone, can she return to her origin, recognize herself only in God, and operate according to the purpose for which she was created. This is why in order to conform to Me completely, the soul must render herself indivisible with Me.”

Volume 3, August 3, 1900

      “My daughter, why do you look for Me outside of yourself, while you could find Me more easily within yourself? When you want to find Me, enter into yourself, go deep into your ‘nothing’, and there, without yourself, in the most tiny circle of your ‘nothing’, you will see the foundations that the Divine Being laid within you, as well as the factories It raised in you. Look and see.”

      I looked again and I saw solid foundations and very high walls that reached up to the heavens; but that which stupefied me was to see that the Lord had done this beautiful work upon my nothing, and the walls were all walled up, with no openings. One could see only one opening in the vault, which corresponded only to Heaven, and in this opening dwelled Our Lord, upon a stable column that rose out of the foundations, formed over nothing. Now, while I was looking, all stupefied, blessed Jesus added: The foundations formed over nothing mean that the Divine Hand operates there where there is nothing, and It never mixes Its works with material works. The walls without openings around mean that the soul must have no correspondence with earthly things, in such a way that there may be no danger that even a little bit of dust may enter, because everything is walled up well. The only correspondence that these walls allow is with Heaven – that is, from nothing to Heaven, from Heaven to nothing; and this is the meaning of the opening made in the vault. The stability of the column means that the soul is so stable in good that there is no contrary wind that can move her. And my dwelling upon it is the sure sign that the work done is fully divine.”

Volume 4, November 11, 1900

       “Ah, my daughter, do not go out of my Will, because by going out of my Will, you come to lose the knowledge of Me, and not knowing Me, you come to lose the knowledge of yourself. In fact, only in the reflections of the light can one distinguish with clarity whether there is gold or mud; if everything is darkness objects can easily be confused. Now, the light is my Will, which gives you the knowledge of Me, and in the reflections of this light you come to know who you are; and in seeing your weakness, your pure nothingness, you cling to my arms and, united with my Will, you live with Me in Heaven. But if you want to go out of my Will, first you would come to lose true humility, and then you would come to live on the earth and would be forced to feel the earthly weight, to moan and sigh like all the other unfortunate who live outside of my Will.”

Volume 4, December 24, 1902

        “My daughter, one who believes himself to be something before Me and before men, is worth nothing.  One who believes himself to be nothing is worth everything – first, before Me, because if he does something, he does not think he does it because he can do it, having the strength and the capacity, but rather, because he receives from God the grace, the helps and the lights; therefore it can be said that he does it by virtue of divine power, and one who has divine power with him is already worth everything. Second, before men, because this acting by virtue of divine power makes him operate in a completely different way, and he does nothing but send forth the light of the divine power he contains within himself, in such a way that the most perverted ones, without wanting it, feel the strength of this light and submit to his volition; and here is how he is worth everything also before men. On the contrary, one who believes himself to be something, in addition to being worth nothing, is abominable to my presence, and because of his ostentatious and particular manners - for he believes he is something and makes fun of others - men keep him pointed out as an object of derision and of persecution.”

Volume 8, November 18, 1907

       Luisa:  ‘My sweet life, how bad I have become – I feel I am reduced to nothing. I no longer feel anything in me, everything is empty; I just feel an enchantment in my interior, and in this enchantment I wait for You, so that You may fill me. But in vain do I wait for this filling; on the contrary, I feel I always return to nothing.’ And Jesus: “Ah, my daughter! And you afflict yourself for you feel reduced to nothing? Rather, I say to you: the more the creature is reduced to nothing, the more she is filled with the All. And if she left even one shadow of herself, that shadow would prevent Me from giving all of Myself, completely, to the soul. Your constant returning to nothing means that you are dissolving your human being to reacquire the Divine.”

Volume 9, December 22, 1909

I felt my very nature being consumed and melted into nothingness. Those seeds of strength, of light, of knowledge which I seemed to feel – everything turned into nothing. I felt I was dying; yet, I live. In the meantime He came back, and taking me in his arms, He seemed to sustain this nothingness of mine, telling me: “Do you see, my daughter, how, as the little seed of your strength, the little lamp of your light, the little knowledge of Me that you have, and all of your other little qualities dissolve, my strength, my light, my wisdom, my beauty and all of my other qualities take over and fill this nothingness of yours? Aren’t you happy?”

Volume 11, Good morning to Jesus

       Jesus, Jesus, may our will be one; one our love, one our contentment. Never leave me alone, for I am a nothing, and the nothing cannot be without the All.

Volume 11, 4th July, 1912

       “My daughter, what is the matter? Do you want to waste time? Do you want to go out of your nothingness? Stay in your place - in your nothingness - so that the All may keep Its place in you. Know, however, that you must die completely in my Will: to suffering, to virtues - to everything. My Will must be the tomb of the soul; and just as in the tomb one’s nature is consumed to the point of disappearing completely, and through that very consummation it will rise again to new and more beautiful life - in the same way, the soul, buried in my Will as though inside a tomb, will die to suffering, to her virtues, to her spiritual goods, and will rise again in everything to Divine Life.”

Volume 12, June 14, 1917

“My daughter, the more the soul strips herself of herself, the more I clothe her with Myself. The more she believes she can do nothing, the more I act in her, and I do everything. I feel all my love, my prayers, my reparations, etc. being placed in act by the creature; and to give honor to Myself, I listen to what she wants to do. Love? I go to her and love together with her. Does she want to pray? I pray together with her. In sum, her stripping and her love, which is mine, bind Me and force Me to do with her whatever she wants to do. And I give to the soul the merit of my love, of my prayers and reparations; and to my highest contentment, I feel my Life being repeated, and I make the effects of my operating descend for the good of all, because it is not of the creature, who is hidden in Me - but it is mine.”

Volume 12, December 6, 1917

“So, how could other things, outside of my Will, ever please Me, as beautiful as they might be? They are always low, human and finite acts. Instead, the acts in my Will are noble, divine, without end, infinite - as it is my Volition. They are similar to mine, and I give them the same value, love and power of my own acts; I multiply them in everyone; I extend them to all generations, to all times. What do I care if they are small? They are always my acts being repeated, and that’s enough. And then, the soul places herself in her true nothingness - not in humility, in which she always feels something of herself. And, as a nothing, she enters into the All, and she operates with Me, in Me and like Me - completely stripped of herself, not caring about merit or self-interest, but all intent only on making Me content, giving Me absolute lordship over her acts, without even wanting to know what I do with them. Only one thought occupies her: to live in my Will, praying Me to give her the honor. This is why I love her so much, and all my predilections, my love, are for this soul who lives in my Will. And if I love others, it is by virtue of the love which I have for this soul, and which descends from her - just as the Father loves the creatures by virtue of the love He has for Me.”

Volume 12, December 26, 1919

“…And besides, what do the Sacraments do if not unite the soul with God? What is to do my Will? Isn’t it perhaps to unite the will of the creature with her Creator? To dissolve oneself in the Eternal Volition - the ‘nothing’ ascending to the ‘All’, and the ‘All’ descending into the ‘nothing’. It is the noblest, the most divine, the purest, the most beautiful, the most heroic act that the creature can do.

Volume 14, March 3, 1922

“My daughter, now it is appropriate that I set to work again, to work the soil of your soul, so as to be able to sow the seed of my word in order to nourish you. I act like a farmer when he wants to sow in his field: he forms little trenches, makes some furrows, and then sows in them the seeds, and again he covers with earth the little trenches and the furrows in which he has sown the seeds, so as to keep them sheltered and give them the time to germinate, to then harvest them increased a hundredfold, to make of them his food. But he is careful not to put too much earth over them, otherwise he would suffocate his seeds and would make them die under the earth, and he would run the risk of remaining on an empty stomach. Now, so I do: I prepare the little trenches, I form the furrows, I enlarge the capacity of her intelligence to be able to sow my divine word, and therefore form the food for Me and for her; then I cover the little trenches and the furrows with earth - which is humility, nothingness, the annihilation of the soul, some little weakness or misery of hers. This is earth, and it is necessary that I take it from her because I lack this earth; and so I cover everything and I wait with joy for my harvest. Now, do you want to know when too much earth is placed over my seed? When the soul feels her miseries, her weaknesses, her nothingness, and she afflicts herself. She thinks about it so much as to waste time; and the enemy uses this in order to cast her into disturbance, discouragement and despondency. This is all earth in excess over my seed. Oh! how my seed feels itself dying – how it struggles to germinate under this earth. Many times these souls tire the Celestial Farmer, and He withdraws. Oh! how many are the souls such as these.”

Volume 16, November 10, 1923

“My dear little one, I have chosen you little, because the little ones let one do with them whatever he wants. They do not walk by themselves, but let themselves be guided; even more, they are afraid to place one foot on their own. If they receive gifts, feeling incapable of keeping them, they place them on the lap of their mama. The little ones are stripped of everything, nor do they care about whether they are rich or poor; they are concerned with nothing. Oh! how beautiful the tender age is - full of grace, of beauty and of freshness. Therefore, the greater is the work I want to do in a soul, the littler I choose her. I like childlike freshness and beauty very much; I like it so much that I preserve these souls in the littleness of the nothingness from which they came. I let nothing of their own enter into them, so as not to let them lose their littleness, and therefore preserve the divine freshness and beauty from which they came.”

Volume 19, April 16, 1926

“My daughter, everything you experienced – your full abandonment in the arms of our Celestial Father, no longer feeling your own life – is the image of the living in my Will.  In fact, in order to live in It, the creature must live more of God than of herself; even more, ‘the nothing’ must give life to ‘the All’, to be able to do everything, and to have her act at the top of all the other acts of each creature. Such was the life of my Divine Mama. She was the true image of the living in my Will. Her living in It was so perfect, that She did nothing but receive from God, continuously, all that She was to do in order to live in the Supreme Volition. So, She received the act of supreme adoration, to be able to place Herself at the top of every adoration which all creatures were obliged to do for their Creator. In fact, true adoration has life within the Three Divine Persons. Our perfect concord, Our reciprocal love, Our one Will, form the most profound and perfect adoration within the Sacrosanct Trinity. Therefore, if the creature adores Me, but her will is not in accord with Me, it is vain word – not adoration.”

Volume 20, May 8, 1930

“My daughter, one then feels the true life in herself, when she enters in my Divine Will, because in Him the creature sees with clarity her nothing(ness) and how this nothing feels the need of the All, that is of He who drew her from the nothing in order to live; and as she recognizes herself, the All fills her with himself. This nothing feels the true life, she finds in him the immediate contact of sanctity, of goodness, power, love and divine wisdom; she recognizes in herself the power of the creative work, his palpating life and the extreme need of this divine life, otherwise she feels as if in herself there might not be life. It is only my Will that makes her true nothing(ness) recognized by the creature and [my Will] goes continually blowing on this nothing in order to maintain the divine life always inflamed in her, in order to make her grow as a worthy work of our creative hands. Instead without our Will the creature feels as if she might be something and the All remains outside of the nothing.”

Volume 19, May 27, 1926

 “My daughter, feeling your nothingness more does not oppose the living in my Will; on the contrary, it is a duty of yours. All of my works are formed over nothing, and this is why the All can do what He wants. If the sun had reason, and someone asked it: ‘What good do you do? What are your effects? How much light and heat do you contain?’; it would answer: ‘I do nothing, I just know that the light given to me by God is invested with the Supreme Will, and I do whatever It wants. I extend wherever It wants, and I produce the effects It wants; and while I do so much, I remain always nothing and the Divine Will does everything in me.’ The same for all my other works - all their glory is to remain in their nothingness in order to give the whole field to my Will, to let It operate. Only man wanted to do without the Will of his Creator, he wanted to make his nothingness operate, believing himself to be good at something; and the All, feeling Himself placed after the nothing, went out of man, who reduced himself from superior to all, to inferior to all. Therefore, let your nothingness be always at the mercy of my Will, if you want the unity of Its light to operate in you and call the purpose of Creation back to new life.”

Volume 19, June 15, 1926

…I felt full of defects and totally bad; therefore, as blessed Jesus came, I told Him: ‘Jesus, my life, have pity on me – look at how full of defects I am, and how much badness there is in me.’ And He, all goodness and tenderness, told me: “My daughter, do not fear, I am here, watching over you and keeping your soul in custody, so that not even the slightest sin may enter into your soul. And where you or others see defects and badness, I find none; rather, I see that your ‘nothing’ feels the weight of the ‘All’. In fact, the more I elevate you intimately to Me and I make known to you what the ‘All’ wants to do with your ‘nothing’, the more you feel your nothingness and, almost frightened and crushed under the All, you would want escape from manifesting and, even more, from writing on paper that which the ‘All’ wants to make of this ‘nothing’ of yours. More so since, as much reluctance as you feel, I always win and make you do what I want.  This happened also to my Celestial Mama, when She was told: ‘I hail You, Mary, full of grace; You will conceive the Son of God.’ On hearing this, She was frightened, She trembled, and said: ‘How can this happen?’ But She ended up saying: ‘Fiat Mihi secundum verbum tuum.’ She felt all the weight of the All over Her nothing and, naturally, She was frightened. So, when I manifest to you what I want to do with you, and your nothing is frightened, I see the fright of the Sovereign Queen being repeated; and compassionating you, I lift your nothing, I strengthen it, that it may endure sustaining the All. Therefore, do not be concerned about this, but rather, think of letting the All operate in you.”

Volume 20 January 25, 1927

“How beautiful is the Kingdom of my Will – the nothing dissolved in the All, and the All fused in the nothing; the lowliness of the creature rising into the Divine height, and the Divine height descending into the depth of the creature. They are two beings bound together, inseparable, transfused, identified, such that it can barely be recognized that they are two lives palpitating together. All the magnificence, the sanctity, the sublimeness, the prodigies of the Kingdom of my Will, will be exactly this: the faithful copy of the soul in God, and the copy of God, whole and beautiful, in the soul. Therefore, the children of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will be as many images of little Gods in my Kingdom.”

Lynne Bauer, JMJ 

Aug. 8, 2014 - revised Sept 21, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Mystical Incarnation

The Mystical Incarnation

(Excerpts from A Mother's Spiritual Diary - Bl. Conchita DeArmida

and The Book of Heaven – Luisa Piccarreta)

"I, from the moment of My Incarnation in Mary's most pure womb, acquired graces. I want you, transformed into Me, living out of My own life, not to do from now on anything else. You must forget yourself, and day and night offer up everything for the salvation and perfection of souls.”

"Listen, you are going to make a chain. Each hour of your life will be one of its golden links, if you offer it for this intention, and I want you to stop only on your death.”

"This chain began in Me, the chain of expiation on earth, will be changed into graces. I began this chain with My Incarnation, and as its reflection in your heart, I have wished to associate you with it out of pure bounty.”

"The Chain is to live 'in Christ-Jesus' with His same salvific intentions.”

"All virtues not enwrapped in love will not be part of this chain which binds Me, the Word, to earth, and so much ingratitude has not been able to break. Who, then, do you think sent it to earth? The Holy Spirit, (on) the day of the Incarnation in Mary"   
(Diary, June 21, 1906).

"You must live in continual contact with the Trinity, united to the three Divine Persons by the grace of the mystical incarnation: with the Father offering Him His Word, with the Son, giving delights to the Father, with the Holy Spirit accepting Him for your spirit, the inspirer of your feelings and of all that you are, transforming you since you are possessed by Him.”

"You must live, breathe, labor, in the bosom of these three Divine Persons. They must constitute your atmosphere, your breathing, your existence. Thus, you will sanctify your life and what you are, divinizing your whole being and each of your steps to heaven.”

"From today on, you must live more and more in this intimacy with the Trinity, drawing from It light, the way you conduct yourself, force, grace and all the help needed to carry out your mission on earth. You should not leave on high, as on a throne and far away this trinity of Persons, but live, breathe, and dwell in its bosom, under its fecund influence, in the radiance of Its divinity, in the shadow of Its grace. If you are possessed by the Holy Spirit, if you really possess Him, you will not be able to separate yourself from Him, but on the contrary, you will remain most intimately united with the Father and the Word”.

"If in your soul there is operated the mystical incarnation, there attracted by the Word, will be found the Father and the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit and the Word divinize you in this so innerly a manner, if they enter into you, the Father who by nature holds the first place in these operations, will unite you to Him, from whom proceeds all fecundity and might, drawing you by a grace of special filiation, burying you in His eternity of all perfections" (Diary, July 19, 1906).

"Listen. There are many progressive degrees in the transformation. The highest degree on earth corresponds to a transformation of the creature not only in its manner of thinking and of acting which becomes divine, but which, in a certain sense, causes it to disappear an annihilate itself to give place to Me.”

"This degree is the work of the Holy Spirit alone who becomes the soul of this soul and the life of this body”.

"This point which leads to union, even more, to unity, is the point of perfection which approaches most the Trinity.”
  (Diary, Aug. 6, 1912)

“I insist that, for simplifying your acts in one finality, super-naturalizing them in God, you simplify your loves in one only love, in that of God, whence comes love of neighbor in the Unity of this God.”

"Learn to have but one only outlook, one only tendency, one only affection and will in God. Employ your existence loving God most simply, without detours, without complications, without seeking other ways or paths to come to Him, but seek only this essential Unity in which you must plunge yourself.”

"The very virtues you practice, direct them all to this Center of love, to this Unique Being whence all grace and holiness come, to this unity which is God. The Holy Spirit, one with the Father and the Son will bear you on His wings up to the heart of this Unity, that you may understand, move, breathe and live in It. This divine Spirit, on spiritualizing you, that is, on unifying you, will make you penetrate into what is Spirit, that is, into the essential Divinity, having prior to this passed through Jesus Christ in your transformation into Him in virtues and through love.”

"This is most sublime, but not impossible for the creature. This is not an ideal perfection I ask of you, but a most practical perfection by means of the exercise of virtues. This implies renunciation, simplification for uniting oneself more closely with Simplicity itself: God, one in the spirituality of His substance, this One in Three and these Three in One, indivisible and all perfect”

"All that you do and practice, cast it as often as possible into this Unity which must bring you along by the infinite perfection of its ever new beauties and by its infinite love. Your pains, your sufferings, your joys, your acts of renunciation, your desires and your hopes, your needs and your feelings, cast them all into this Unity which by its contact will simplify your life, the essence of your life, until you come to make yourself like to this unity itself in the plurality of virtues" (Diary, April 15, 1913).

"Loving is perfecting and living with the love the Father has for the Son, that is, through the Holy Spirit - (this) is the most sublime perfection.

"Once transformation into Jesus is brought about in a soul, the Holy Spirit also becomes the spirit of the creature raised to a more or less higher degree according to the intensity and amplitude of transformation, which strictly depends on the growth of the soul in virtue. The Holy Spirit absorbs the creature's spirit in the course of transformation and fills it with this so pure love which is Himself. Then, it is with this same Love that the creature loves the divine Word, that is, with the same Love with which the Father loves Him, with absolute Love.

"Loving with the Holy Spirit is the grace of graces, the fusion of divine charisms, it is heaven itself placed at the disposition of that poor creature. The creature no longer acts, for its is the Holy Spirit who acts, whose heart beats, and who lives in it, and who loves with it and wholly surrounds it" (Diary, April 17, 1913).

"The mystical incarnation is a grace of transformation in view of an assimilation of the creature with its model Jesus, who I am." (Diary, Dec. 11, 1913) 

"The mystical incarnation attracts the Holy Spirit, loving, mighty and divine of the Word who possesses the soul. Transformation is in the innermost part and the most noble of the creature." (Diary, Aug. 6, 1912) 

"Do not think that in the mystical incarnation of the Word it is I who act, but the Trinity of the Divine Persons do so, each one of them operating according to His attributes, the Father, as Father, engendering: the Word as Son, being born; the Holy Spirit making fertile this divine action in the soul." (Diary, Sept. 22, 1927).

"One of the main fruits of the mystical incarnation is the reign of the Holy Spirit which must bring about the disappearance of materialism" (Diary, Feb. 19, 1911).

Conchita's spiritual director, Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez told her: "The teacher and model of this life, is Mary. Contemplate Her. Imitate Her and throw yourself into Her motherly arms" (Diary, Sept. 17, 1927).

As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus came as crucified, and after He shared His pains with me, while I was suffering, He told me: “My daughter, in the Creation I gave my image to the soul; in the Incarnation I gave my Divinity, divinizing humanity. And since in the very act, in the very instant, in which the Divinity incarnated Itself in humanity, It incarnated Itself in the cross, in such a way that from the moment I was conceived, I was conceived united with the cross – it can be said that just as my cross was united with Me in the Incarnation which I did in the womb of my Mother, so does my cross form as many other incarnations of mine in the wombs of souls. And just as the cross forms my incarnation in souls, the cross is the incarnation of the soul in God, destroying in her everything that gives of nature, and filling her with the Divinity so much, as to form a sort of incarnation – God in the soul, and the soul in God.” I remained as though enchanted on hearing that the cross is the incarnation of the soul in God, and He repeated: “I am not saying union, but incarnation, because the cross penetrates so much into her nature as to make her nature itself become suffering, and where there is suffering there is God, as God and suffering cannot be apart. And the cross, forming this incarnation, renders this union more stable, and the separation of God from the soul almost as difficult as is separating suffering from nature. On the other hand, through union, the separation can easily occur. It is understood, always, that this is not the Incarnation, but a simile of the Incarnation.”  Book of Heaven, Vol. 6, Dec. 22, 1903

 Lynne Bauer

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Seven Sorrows

“Each day, child, meditate for a few minutes on the Passion of Jesus, and I promise you that you will be holy.”



(Excerpts taken from Roses and Thorns by

Blessed Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita)

The First Sorrow – The prophecy of Simeon

“…there was a thorn for me in the words of Simeon, which embittered my soul for life; sorrow without a name, hearing that Jesus was destined as the ruin and resurrection of many in Israel, and to be a sign of contradiction.  Simeon said, ‘This child is destined for the ruin and the resurrection of many in Israel, and as a sign of contradiction.’  Then he continued immediately, prophesying, ‘And a sword shall pierce your own soul.’  What sword?  To see my children wander down the slope of vice, scorning the Gospel.  Stay and see if there is a greater sorrow for a mother than the eternal misfortune of her children.

The Second Sorrow – The flight into Egypt

“With what sorrow I recall the night of terror in which an angel told my spouse Joseph that we must flee into Egypt with the Child because Herod sought to kill Him.  It was not Herod who obliged the Son of God to flee, but the son of God who wished to do this.  He did not flee out of fear, but by design; not out of need, but of power.  There He was to seek out sorrow for the continuance of His path to Calvary in a burning desert, through a pagan land, by suffering the hardships of the long road in bad weather, by living in even greater poverty, exiled and without liberty, hiding Himself from men for your salvation.”  “My soul was crushed by the pain of what He was to suffer…”  “The echo of the wailing mothers whose children were sacrificed to save the life of the Savior – those innocent flowers, the first of the martyrs – reached me; my soul was drowned in sorrow…”

The Third Sorrow – The loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple

“What my heart endured at that time no one can conceive.  Can you even imagine Mary without her Jesus, the Virgin Mother without her divine son, the immaculate sheep without her holy Lamb who takes away the sins of the world?  Finally, after three deathly days for my heart, we found Him in the Temple among the doctors who looked upon Him, overwhelmed with His wisdom.”  “I humbled myself although I had no fault.  Night and day I wept and sacrificed myself until I found Him.  You must do the same.”

The Fourth Sorrow – The meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross

“With a glance of my soul, I followed Jesus as He left the house of Herod, in the white robe of a fool, the people hissing and howling with furious delight.  I saw Him as a criminal in the presence of Pilate…”  “I followed Him to the scourging, and, O child of my soul!  I did not die only because I had to be your mother.  O barbarous torment, which I will never forget!”  “Then I saw Him bearing the cross.”  “I saw how He spoke to the women who wept for Him with so much love.” 

 The Fifth Sorrow – The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

“And among the throng of people and the crosses and the thieves who accompanied the innocent Lamb, I saw Him mount the hill of Calvary, staggering, and I saw Him extend Himself upon the cross in order to be nailed to it, so that He might attract you to Him when He was raised on high.  Each hammer beat opened a deep wound in my heart.”  “I saw how they nailed His purest hands, which knew only how to bless, and His sacred feet, which became fatigued in seeking you.  Then I heard those last words of life, of pardon, of mercy.  “During the three hours of torment I saw Him agonizing, and at the end, my child, dying without any support other than the cross, the nails, and the thorns.”

The Sixth Sorrow – The taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross

“There I stood to defend Him with a multitude of angels, who wept at the outrageous sacrileges…”  I waited until that divine Body would pass from the cross on which He expired to the living cross from which He was born.  And thus it was that I received the holy Body of Jesus in my trembling arms; with all the delicacy of my love, I took the crown of thorns from His blessed brow; and, my soul burning with celestial tenderness, I tried to communicate again some warmth and life to the cold Body of my son, because not even in death did He wish to close His arms so that He could wait for you to throw yourself into them.”

The Seventh Sorrow – The burial of Jesus

“The next farewell was when the stone closed the holy sepulcher and one body and two hearts remained in it: that of Jesus and mine; or, only one, so great a unity had we known!  What terrible sorrow, comprehensible only to a mother!  And I remained alone, alone; because everything was as nothing for me without Jesus.”

Book of Heaven - December 21, 1903 
Effects of the sorrows of the Celestial Mama

…. The Most Holy Virgin told me:  “My daughter, courage along the way of sorrow.  See, these seven suns which come out from within my Heart are my seven sorrows which produced much glory and splendor for Me.  These suns, the fruits of my sorrows, dart continuously through the throne of the Most Holy Trinity which, feeling wounded, sends Me seven channels of grace continuously, making Me the owner; and I dispense them for the glory of all Heaven, for the relief of purging souls, and for the benefit of pilgrim souls.”  While saying this, She disappeared, and I found myself inside myself.   

Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Divine Love

Divine Love
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