Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Rounds of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification


               They are an exchange of life, which is amplified and nourished with the Life of the Supreme FIAT.

               To give back to God the Glory which is due to Him.  To place oneself in relation with the attributes of God, which are spread throughout the Creation, and to impetrate the Kingdom of the Supreme FIAT upon earth.

               Acts of love, of reparation, of praise, of thanksgiving, of blessing, of recognition and of gratitude.

               To the Single and Continuous Act of God.

               With the immensity of God and with the creative and preserving power of the Divine Will, which sustains the whole Creation, including man.

               Love of gratitude, of recognition, of thanksgiving, of union, and an exchange of Light, because one receives Light to then give back the fruit of Light.
               An exchange of life, of peace, of serenity; an amplification and expansion of the soul in God, and of God in the soul.

               It is not simply going around to admire the created things.  Many holy souls have done this.  Here, instead, we are dealing with the possession of the very Life that sustains the Creation.  But in order to make It our own, we must enter into the Will of God, the Creator – that is, to unite ourselves to that FIAT through which the whole machine of the universe was released, to pronounce the FIAT in His Most Holy Will, to take possession of It, give thanks and offer It in return, to then receive It again and return It again.
               The more one goes around, the more the rounds is expanded, and the globe of Light – the Light of God, His Life within us – is expanded, while the human will, which induces us to perform human acts, becomes weaker.
               It is like putting the plug into the socket.  It is like the antenna of the TV.
               By doing the rounds we unite ourselves to the FIATs of Creation and of Redemption, to crown them and complete them with the act of the Third FIAT:  “FIAT Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven”.
               This FIAT is the fulfillment of the Work of God.  It is a step one takes toward Heaven, and a step that Heaven takes toward the creature, to the extent of reaching the Unity of Life in the Divine Will, like innocent Adam.
               These are powerful, holy acts, according to how the soul lives in the Divine Will.
               The rounds serve to form the nourishment of the soul.  They are acts of Light, because God is Light.
               It is the prayer of Glory; it is the prayer without personal interest, because one asks nothing for oneself, but only for the glory of God and for the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  Not even a shadow of human interest enters into it.
               The rounds are immense, because created things are linked to each other like members to the head; so, if one prays and reaches one created thing, at the same time one reaches all other things, because the acts are multiplied to the infinite through the lifeblood that circulates in the whole universe:  the Creative and Preserving Power of the Divine Will.
It is the life of Heaven that God wants to fecundate and complete in all the creatures who open their hearts to these knowledges.
               Jesus in the Holy Host also does His rounds, because, remaining in the Eucharist, He goes around all hearts, in order to fecundate His Divine Life in them and bring them back to the possession of Sanctity and to the Unity of the Most Holy Trinity.
               “…I pray that they may all be one. Father! May they be in us, just as you are in me and I am in you.  May they be one, so that the world will believe that you sent me.” (John 17,21)
               To go around in the Divine Will means to love, to appreciate, to praise and to possess God.
               That love which you have encountered in the sun, is the love that God has placed there for you; once you have reached it, by virtue of the act done in the Divine Will, it has become yours. 
               To enter into the works of God means to unite oneself in all and to penetrate into everything through the echo that reaches everything  and unites all.
               The rounds unite us to the Redeeming FIAT as the means of reconciliation between the Divinity and humanity; they form us and prepare us for the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God within us.  (Ref.: Vol.15 – Feb. 16, 1923)

               This Kingdom is within you.
               “No one will say,  ‘Look, here it is!’ or,  ‘There it is!’; because the Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17, 21).
               This is the Gift!
               Why Gift?  Because the human creature could never equal God.  And what can worthily glorify God but to give Him His own Love, Power, Goodness…?  But this can happen only if we enter into the sphere of Eternity – into the Divine Will.  In this way, one can give back to God what he has received.
               From here, the institution of the prayer of the Our Father.  With this prayer the seed of the Kingdom was sown, and for two thousand years the Church has been watering this seed by teaching it and having it recited by the great and the little, by the sick and the healthy, by the learned and the ignorant.  (Ref.: Vol.26 – Aug. 25, 1929)
               The FIAT contains the operating act of the Divine Will, and the Divine Will creates with Its creative word and multiplies the acts of the human creature who lives in the Most Holy Will of God.
               To go around in the Divine Will means to unite oneself to the acts done by Jesus in His Most Holy Humanity.
               “Man must begin to penetrate into my Eternal Will…” (Vol.15 – Feb. 16, 1923)
               Jesus operated within the sphere of His Divinity – that is, in Eternity, where the Act is always present, because God is eternal and His acts are eternal.
               E.g.:  The universe, the whole Creation, is always in act.
               In the same way, man, with his immortal soul, by virtue of the Holy Baptism lived in Its wholeness, even down here on earth can live the Divine Life, on earth as It is in Heaven, and ascend back to his original innocence.
               Man possesses a creation within himself – made of spirit, not of matter.
E.g.:  faculties, powers, intelligence, memory, will, thoughts, desires, love, character, tendencies, etc…
               It is all a spiritual patrimony that, if used and lived in the Divine Will, enters into direct contact with God through the whole Creation, and becomes Divine inheritance.
               This is the inheritance given to us by God, but it has not been benefited from, because of original sin.

“Continuing my usual round in the Supreme Will, I was saying to myself:  ‘My Jesus, your Will embraces and encloses everything, and I, in the name of the first creature that came out of your creative hands, up to the last one that will be created, intend to repair for all the oppositions of the human wills made against Yours, and to take within me all the acts of your adorable Will which the creatures have rejected, in order to return them all with love and adoration; in such a way that there may be no act of Yours without the correspondence of one act of mine…”  (Vol.20 – Oct. 15, 1926)                                                                                                                                                              


Do you want to know how to grow in the FIAT? 
“By calling it in everything you do, whether natural or spiritual.  In fact, everything is in the Divine Will; therefore It wants to love together with you, and if you call It, It gives you Its Love in your power in order to be loved; It gives you Its sanctity to make yourself a saint, Its light to make Itself known and to eclipse your weaknesses, miseries and passions, so that they may no longer have life in you, but only Its Will, laying and forming Its Life in your little act…”
(From the Letters of Luisa – Corato, January, 2, 1939)

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