Thursday, July 28, 2016

On the Holy Spirit - Conchita de Armida

"'It is time that the Holy Spirit reign.' Very moved, the Lord told me this. He went on, 'and not a remote reign as something very sublime, even though it be so and there is nothing greater than He since He is God united and consubstantial with the Father and the Word. But it is necessary that He reigns, here, right close, in each soul and in each heart, in all the structures of My Church. The day on which there will flow in each pastor, in each priest, like an inner blood, the Holy Spirit, then will be renewed the theological virtues, now languishing, even in the ministers of My Church, due to the absence of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit, the sole remedy. Let the ministers of My Church react, through the medium of the Holy Spirit, and the whole world of souls will be divinized. He is the axis around which revolve the virtues. There is no virtue without the Holy Spirit. The decisive impulse for raising up My Church from the state of prostration in which she lies, consists in reviving the cult of the Holy Spirit. Let His place be given Him, that is, the first in intellects and wills! No one will be lacking anything with this heavenly wealth. The Father and I, the Word, We desire an ardent and vitalizing renewal of His reign in the Church.'"

"Lord, yet the Holy Spirit reigns in the Church, why do You complain?"

"Woe to Her were it not so! Certainly the Holy Spirit is the soul of this so dearly loved Church! But that about which I am complaining is that there is such little consideration for this gift of heaven, and to Him there is not accorded the importance due. His devotion in hearts is routine and languishing, indifferent, secondary. This brings about countless evils not only in the Church but in all souls. That is why the Works of the Cross have just come to renew devotion to Him and to extend it throughout the earth. May the Holy Spirit reign in souls, and the Word will be known and honored, the Cross taking on a new force in the souls spiritualized by divine Love.

"To the extent the Holy Spirit will reign, sensuality, which today invades the earth, will disappear. The Cross will never take root unless beforehand the soil is made ready by the Holy Spirit. That is why He appeared to you first even before the vision of the Cross. It is because of this He is at the summit of the Cross of the Apostolate.

"One of the main fruits of the mystical incarnation is the reign of the Holy Spirit which must bring about the disappearance of materialism"
(Diary, Feb. 19, 1911).

Friday, July 22, 2016

Your Kingdom come!

"Your Kingdome come!"

The will of Mary Immaculate is so closely united with the Will of God that they seem to be only one will...Her will is united to and identified itself in the closest way with the Will of God.  She lives and operates only in God and through God.  So we should not be afraid to say that our only and deepest wish is to do the Immaculates will as accurately as possible.  By doing this, we shall belong to Her every day more.  And She shall take possession of our whole being."  The first seven centuries were only the preparation, the idea, the cause.  Now comes the realization of that truth, the manifestation of the Immaculate Virgin to souls;  Her introduction to souls with all the blessed effects which follow from it.  In every country there must arise Cities of Mary will soon see tears flowing from the eyes of the most hardened sinners; prisons will be emptied, honest workers will unite; families will overflow with virtue, peace, and happiness; all discord will be banished, for it is now the new era."  (Saint Maximilian Kolbe)

Prayer of Saint John Paul II
Immaculate Conception
Mary my Mother,
live in me, act in me, speak in and through me,
think your thoughts in my mind,
love through my heart,
give me your dispositions and feelings,
teach, lead and guide me to Jesus,
correct, enlighten and expand my thoughts and behavior,
possess my soul,
take over my entire personality and life,
replace it with Yourself,
incline me to constant adoration and thanksgiving,
pray in me and through me,
let me live in you and keep me
in this union always.  Amen

"This is our greatest hope and our invocation: 'Your Kingdom come!"  a Kingdom of peace, justice and serenity, which will re-establish the original harmony of creation."
Saint John Paul II, Papal Address on Psalm 97, Nov. 6, 2002

Father Philipon, (Theologian and Editor of Conchita's Diary)  "...we are incontestably in a new era of spirituality...a calling of all, even the laity, even of married people, to the greatest holiness."

Jesus to Saint Faustina:  I want to pour out My Divine Life into human souls and sanctify them, if they are willing to accept My Grace."  (Divine Mercy in My Soul)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Third Renewal

Book of Heaven, January 29, 1919

I was doing the adoration to the wounds of blessed Jesus, and at the end I recited the Creed, intending to enter into the immensity of the Divine Will, in which are all the acts of creatures, past, present and future, and even those acts which the creature should do and, because of negligence and wickedness, she has not done. And I was saying: ‘My Jesus, my Love, I enter into your Volition, and with this Creed I intend to redo, to repair, all the acts of faith which creatures have not done, all the disbeliefs, and the adoration which is due to God as Creator.’

While I was saying these and other things, I felt my intelligence being dissolved in the Divine Will, and a light investing my intellect, inside of which I could see my sweet Jesus. And this light spoke and spoke - but who can say everything? I will say it confusedly; and besides, I feel such repugnance, that if obedience were not so strict, but more indulgent, it would not force me into such sacrifices. But You, my Life, give me strength, and do not leave the poor little ignorant one on her own.

Now, it seemed that He was saying to me: “My beloved daughter, I want to make known to you the order of my Providence. Every course of two thousand years I have renewed the world. In the first two thousand years I renewed it with the Flood; in the second two thousand I renewed it with my coming upon earth, in which I manifested my Humanity, from which, as though from many fissures, my Divinity shone forth. And the good and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have lived of the fruits of my Humanity, and, in drops, they have enjoyed my Divinity. Now we are at the turn of the third two thousand years, and there will be a third renewal. This is the reason for the general confusion - it is nothing other than the preparation for the third renewal; and if in the second renewal I manifested what my Humanity did and suffered, and very little of what the Divinity was operating, now, in this third renewal, after the earth has been purged and the current generation destroyed for the most part, I will be even more generous with creatures, and I will accomplish the renewal by manifesting what my Divinity did within my Humanity; how my Divine Will acted with my human will; how everything remained linked within Me; how I did and redid everything, and even one thought of each creature was redone by Me and sealed with my Divine Volition. My love wants its outpouring, and wants to make known the excesses which my Divinity operated in my Humanity for the good of creatures, which surpass by far the excesses that my Humanity operated externally. This is also why I often speak to you about the living in my Will, which I have not manifested to anyone until now. At the most, they have known the shadow of my Will, the grace, the sweetness that doing It contains; but to penetrate inside of It, to embrace immensity, to multiply oneself with Me and penetrate everywhere, even while being on earth, both into Heaven and into the hearts, to lay down the human ways and act with the divine ways - this is not yet known; so much so, that not to a few will it appear strange, and those who do not keep their minds open to the light of truth will not understand a thing. But I, little by little, will make my way, manifesting now one truth, now another, of this living in my Will, so that they will end up comprehending It.

Now, the first link which connected the true living in my Will was my Humanity. My Humanity, identified with my Divinity, swam in the Eternal Volition, and kept tracing all the acts of creatures in order to make them Its own, and give to the Father a divine glory on the part of creatures, and bring to all the acts of creatures the value, the love, the kiss of the Eternal Volition. In this sphere of the Eternal Volition, I could see all the acts of creatures that could possibly be done and were not done, and the very good acts done badly; and I did those which were not done, and redid those done badly. Now, these acts, not done, and done only by Me, are all suspended in my Will, and I await the creatures to come to live in my Volition, and repeat in my Will that which I did. This is why I chose you as the second link of connection with my Humanity, forming one single link with mine, living in my Volition, repeating my very acts. Otherwise, on this side my love would remain without outpouring, without glory on the part of creatures for what my Divinity operated in my Humanity, and without the perfect purpose of Creation, which must be enclosed and perfected in my Will. It would be as if I had shed all my Blood, suffered so much, and no one had known it. Who would have loved Me? Which heart would be shaken? No one; and therefore in no one would I have had my fruits, the glory of Redemption.”

And I, interrupting the speaking of Jesus, said: ‘My Love, if there is so much good about this living in the Divine Will, why have You not manifested it before?’ And He: “My daughter, first I had to make known what my Humanity did and suffered on the outside, to be able to dispose souls to knowing what my Divinity did on the inside. The creature is incapable of comprehending my work all together; therefore I keep manifesting Myself little by little. Then, from your link of connection with Me, the other links of creatures will be connected, and I will have crowds of souls who, living in my Volition, will redo all the acts of creatures; and I will have the glory of many suspended acts done only by Me, also from creatures - and these, from all classes: virgins, priests, lay people, according to their office. They will no longer operate humanly, but penetrating into my Will, their acts will multiply for all in a way fully divine; and I will have, on the part of creatures, the divine glory of many Sacraments received and administered in a human way; others, profaned; others, sullied with interest; and of many good works in which I remain more dishonored than honored. I so much long for this time; and you, pray and long for it together with Me, and do not move your link of connection with mine, starting, yourself, as the first one.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Adam in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Adam in the Kingdom of the Divine Will 

Volume 15 - April 25, 1923
The Will of God is the royal way which leads to the Sanctity of the likeness of the Creator.  As Luisa continues on from where Adam left, God constitutes her the head of all, and the bearer of the happiness and the goods which had been assigned to all. I was praying, and my sweet Jesus came, placing Himself near me in order to pray together with me; even more, His intelligence was reflected in mine, and I prayed with His; His voice echoed in mine, and I prayed with His word.  But who can say the boundless effects of this prayer?  Then, afterwards, my beloved Jesus told me:  “My daughter, I wanted to pray together with you in order to strengthen you in my Will, and to give you the grace of letting you be present before the Supreme Majesty in the act of the creation of man.  As We endowed him with all goods, and his will was Ours, and Ours was his, everything was harmony between him and Us; whatever he wanted he would take from Us:  sanctity, wisdom, power, happiness, etc.  He was Our prototype, Our portrait, Our happy son.  So, at the beginning of his existence, Adam had a period in which he perfectly fulfilled the purpose for which he was created; he experienced what it means to live of the Will of his Creator, and We also were happy in seeing Our acts being reproduced in Our image.  Then, as he broke his will from Ours, he remained separated from Us; but the first acts of man are still in Our Will, and I want nothing else from you but to come into Our Will to continue on from where Adam left, so that you may bind within yourself all the harmonies that he broke.  And just as this first creature, because he was created by Us as the head of the whole human family, by withdrawing from Our Will brought unhappiness to all, in the same way, as you come to continue on from where he left, We constitute you the head of all, and therefore the bearer of that happiness and goods which had been assigned to all had they lived in Our Will.”   And I:  ‘My Jesus, how can this be possible?  If not even when You Yourself came upon earth to redeem us and to suffer so many pains, was the happiness acquired which the first man lost for himself and for all, how can it be now, that by binding myself within your Eternal Volition, I may give back this lost happiness?’  And Jesus:  “My daughter, all times are in my hands, I give to whomever I want, and I use whomever I want.  I could very well bring the happiness that my Will contains upon earth, but I found no human will that wanted to live perennial life in Mine, so as to retie the bonds of Creation, give Me back all the acts of the first man as if he had done them all with the seal of my Supreme Will, and therefore place the lost happiness in the field.  It is true that I had my dear Mama, but She had to cooperate with Me for Redemption.  Besides, man was a slave, imprisoned by his very sins, infirm, covered with wounds - the most repugnant ones; and I came as a loving father to shed my Blood in order to rescue him, as a doctor to heal him, as a teacher to teach him the way – the escape so as not to fall into hell.  Poor ill one, how could he extend himself in the eternal flights of my Volition if he was unable to walk?  Had I wanted to give the happiness which my Will contains, it would have been as though giving it to the dead and letting it be trampled upon.  He was not disposed to receive such a great good, and this is why I wanted to teach the prayer to dispose him, and I contented Myself with waiting for different eras, letting centuries upon centuries go by, to make known the living in my Will – to give the start to this happiness.”

And I:  ‘My Love, if with your Redemption not all are saved, how can it be that your Will will give this happiness to all?’  And Jesus:  “Man will always be free, I will never take away from him the rights which I gave him in creating him; only, in Redemption I came to open many ways, small paths and shortcuts to facilitate salvation, the sanctity of man, while with my Will I come to open the royal and straight way which leads to the sanctity of the likeness of their Creator, and which contains true happiness.  But in spite of this, they will always be free to remain – some on the royal way, some on the small paths, and some completely outside; however, in the world there will be what now is not – the happiness of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.  Man did his first acts in my Will and then he withdrew, therefore he was ruined; and since he was the head of all, all members were ruined together.  My Humanity formed the plane of all human acts in the Divine Will; my Mama followed Me faithfully; so, everything is prepared.  Nothing else is now needed but another creature who, wanting to live perennially in this Will, may come to take possession of the plane formed by Me, and may open the royal way to all, which leads to terrestrial and celestial happiness.”
Volume 16 - February 8, 1924
I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Divine Will, and in doing this, as the littlest of all, I place myself ahead of all generations, even before Adam and Eve were created, so that, before they would sin, I may prepare, ahead of them, the act of reparation to the Divine Majesty, because in the Divine Will there is neither past nor future, but everything is present; and also so that, being little, I may approach the Divine Majesty in order to plead with Him and do my little acts in His Will, so as to cover all the acts of creatures with His Divine Will, and therefore be able to bind the human will, which had split off, with the Divine, and make them one.  Now, while I was about to do this, my annihilation, my misery and extreme littleness were such that I said to myself:  ‘Instead of placing myself ahead of everyone in the Most Holy Will, I should rather put myself behind everyone, even behind the last man who will come.  Since I am the most abject and the most miserable of all, it is the last place that befits me.’  Now, while I was doing this, my beloved Jesus came out from within my interior, and taking my hand, told me:  “My little daughter, in my Will the little ones must be ahead of all; even more, inside my womb.  One who must plead, repair, unify Our Will, not only with her own, but with those of all, must be near Us and so united with Us as to receive all the reflections of the Divinity in order to copy them within herself.  She must have a thought which may be the thought of all; a word, a work, a step, a love, which may be of all and for all.  And since Our Will envelops everyone, may that thought of yours, which in Our Will be the thought of all, that act, that love, shine in each thought, word and act of all generations, and in the power of Our Will, may they become antidotes, defenders, lovers, operators, etc. If you knew with what love Our Celestial Father awaits you, and the joy, the contentment He feels in seeing you, so little, bring the whole Creation onto His lap, to give Him the return of all….  He feels the glory, the joys, the amusements of the purpose of Creation come back to Him.  This is why it is necessary that you come before all; and after you have come forward, you will make a turn in Our Will, and will go behind everyone; you will place them as though on your lap, and will bring them all into Our womb.  And We, in seeing them covered with your acts done in Our Will, will welcome them with more love, and will feel more disposed to bind Our Will with those of creatures, so that It may return to Its full dominion.  Therefore, courage; the
little ones get lost in the crowd, and this is why it is necessary that you come forward in order to fulfill the mission of your office in Our Will.  In Our Will, the little ones have no thoughts for themselves, nor their own things, but everything in common with the Celestial Father.  Therefore, just as everyone enjoys the sun, as they are all inundated by its light, because it was created by God for the good of all, in the same way, all enjoy the use of the acts done by the little daughter of Our Will, which, more than sun, dart over all, so that the Sun of the Eternal Volition may rise again with that purpose for which all generations were created.  Therefore, do not get lost in the crowd of your miseries, of your abjection, of self reflections, but think only about your office of little one of Our Will, and be attentive on fulfilling your mission.”
Volume 18 - December 20, 1925
‘My Love, Jesus, so, your eyes have shed also my tears, as well as those of our first father Adam.  And I want You to pour them upon my soul, to give me the grace not only to do your Most Holy Will, but to possess It as my own thing and my own will.’  At that moment, Jesus shook His head, and from His face tears flowed onto my poor soul; and He added:  “Daughter of my Will, indeed I shed your tears, so that, as they would pass through my eyes, I might give you the great gift of my Will.  That which Adam could not receive with his tears, even though they too passed through my eyes, you can receive.  In fact, before sinning, Adam possessed my Will, and with the possession of my Will he grew in the likeness of his Creator; and he grew so much as to form the enchantment of all Heaven, and all felt honored in serving him.  After sin, he lost the possession of my Will, and even though he wept over his fault and he sinned no more, he was able to do my Will, but not to possess It, because the Divine Offended One was missing, who was to form the new divine graft between the creature and the Creator, in order to let him cross again the thresholds of the possessions of the Eternal Volition.   This graft was made by Me, Eternal Word, after four thousand years, when Adam had already passed on to the thresholds of Eternity.  But in spite of this divine graft done by Me with tears and sighs and unheard-of pains, how many reduce themselves to the conditions of Adam after sin – merely doing my Will?  Others do not want to know It; others rebel against It.  Only one who lives in my Will rises to the state of Adam innocent, before falling into sin.  In fact, there is great distance between those who do my Will and those who possess It – the same distance which passes between Adam innocent and Adam after sin.  And I, in coming upon earth, was to act as God; I was to complete the work of man in everything; I was to raise him to the first point of his origin, by giving him the possession of my Will.  And even though many make use of my coming as remedy for their salvation, and therefore take my Will as medicine, as strength and as antidote in order not to go to hell, I will still wait, that souls may arise who take It as life; and by making It known, they may take possession of It.  In this way, I will complete the work of my coming upon earth, and the divine graft, formed anew with the creature, will have fruit.  Then will my tears turn into celestial and divine smiles, for Me and for them.”
Volume 19 - February 28, 1926
…in order to live in my Will, the soul is first stripped of the garments of the old guilty Adam, and is clothed anew with the garments of the new and holy Adam.  Her garment is the light of the Supreme Will Itself, through which all Its divine manners are communicated to her, which are noble and
communicative to all.  This light makes her lose the human features and restores in her the physiognomy of her Creator.  What is the wonder, then, if you take part in all that the Divine Will possesses, since one is the life and one the Will?  Therefore, be attentive.  I recommend to you - be always faithful to Me, and your Jesus will keep the pace of making you live always in my Will.  I will be on guard, that you may never go out of It.”
Volume 21 - April 8, 1927
How all the figures and symbols of the Old Testament symbolize the Children of the Divine Will.  How Adam fell from a high point to the bottom. 
I was thinking to myself:  ‘How is it that, by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam fell from such a height to such a low level?’  And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, in the natural order, one who falls from a very high point, either perishes completely, or remains so wrecked and disfigured that it is impossible for him to recover his original state of health, of beauty and of stature.  He will remain as a poor cripple, bent over and lame; and if he is a father, from him will come the generation of the cripple, of the blind, of the hunchback, and of the lame. In the same way, in the supernatural order, Adam fell from a point which was extremely high.  He had been placed by his Creator at a point so high as to surpass the height of the heavens, of the stars, of the sun.  By living in the Divine Will, he dwelled above everything – within God Himself.  Do you see, then, from what level Adam fell?  Given the height from which he fell, it was a miracle that he did not perish completely; but even though he did not perish, the blow he received with the fall was so violent, that it was inevitable for him to remain crippled, wrecked, and disfigured of his rare beauty.  He remained shattered in all his goods, numb in working, dazed in his intellect.  A continuous fever debilitated him, and weakened all of his virtues; therefore he no longer felt the strength to dominate himself.  The most beautiful character of man – the dominion of himself – had vanished, while passions took its place, to tyrannize him, and to render him restless and sad.  And since he was father and head of the generations, from him came the family of the cripple.   They think that not doing my Will is something trivial, but instead, it is the total ruin of the creature; and as many acts as she does from her own will, so many times does she increase her evils, her ruin, digging the most profound abyss in which to fall.”
Continued from Volume 21 - April 8, 1927
I was following the acts that the Divine Will did in all creation, and I was also searching for the acts It did in the first father Adam, as well as all those It did in all the saints of the Old Testament, especially those in which the Supreme Volition made Its power, Its strength, and Its vivifying virtue stand out.  And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, the greatest figures of the Old Testament, while being images concealing the future Messiah, enclosed also the gifts and the images symbolizing all the gifts that the Children of the Supreme Fiat would possess.  When he was created, Adam was the true and perfect image of the Children of my Kingdom.  Abraham was the symbol of the privileges and the heroism of the Children of my Will.  Calling Abraham to a promised land in which milk and honey would flow; making him the owner of that land, a land so fecund as to be enviable and yearned for by all the other nations – everything was a symbol of what I would do for the Children of my Will.  Jacob was another symbol of Them, because from him the twelve tribes of Israel were to descend, and from their midst the future Redeemer was to arise, who was to bind once again the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat to my children.  Joseph was the symbol of the dominion which the Children of my Will would have; and just as he did not let many peoples die of starvation, as well as his ungrateful brothers, so will the Children of my Divine Fiat have dominion and be the ones who will not let perish the peoples which will ask for the bread of my Will from them.  Moses was the image of the power; Samson, the symbol of the strength of the Children of my Will.  David symbolized the reigning of Them; all the prophets symbolized the graces, the communications and the intimacies with God which, more than within themselves, would dwell in the Children of my Divine Fiat. See, all these were nothing but symbols – images of Them; what will happen when the lives of these symbols will arise?  After all of these, came the Celestial Lady, the Sovereign Empress, the Immaculate, the Spotless – my Mother.  She was not a symbol or an image, but a reality – the true life, the first privileged daughter of my Will; and in the Queen of Heaven, I looked at the generations of the Children of my Kingdom.  She was the first unmatchable creature, who possessed, as whole, the life of the Supreme Volition, and therefore She deserved to conceive the Eternal Word, and to mature within Her maternal heart the generation of the Children of the Eternal Fiat.  Then came my own Life, in which the Kingdom that these fortunate Children were to possess, was established. From all this you can comprehend how the primary purpose of everything that God did, does, and will do, from the beginning of the Creation of the world, is to form the Kingdom of His Will in the midst of creatures.  These are all Our aims – this is Our Will; and to these Children, all of Our goods, Our qualities and Our Likeness, will be given.  And if I call you to follow all the acts that my Will has done, both in the Creation of the universe and in the generations of the creatures, not excluding either those which It did in my Mother, or those which It did in my own Life, it is to centralize all of Its acts in you, to give them to you as gift, to be able to release from you, all together, the goods that a Divine Will can possess, in order to form the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat with decorum, honor and glory.  Therefore, be attentive in following my Will.”

Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Divine Will and Creation

Volume 20 - November 1, 1926
What the Supreme Fiat does in each created thing, and the lessons It gives to the creatures in order to come and reign in their midst.

I was doing my usual round in the whole Creation, to be able to love and glorify as the Divine Fiat Itself loves and glorifies, in all created things. But while I was doing this, I thought to myself: ‘My sweet Jesus makes me go around through the whole Creation, almost to reach His Will in all of Its acts, to keep It company, to give to It my “I love You”, my “Thank You”, my “I adore You”, and to ask that Its Kingdom may come soon. But I do not know all that this Divine Will does in each created thing – I would like to know It, so that my act may be one with Its own.’
Now, while I was thinking of this, my always lovable Jesus, all goodness, came out from within my interior and told me: “It is right that the little daughter of my Will know what the One from whom her origin came, does. You must know that my Eternal Fiat not only fills the whole Creation and is life of each created thing, but It keeps all of Our qualities spread out throughout the whole Creation. In fact, Creation was to serve as terrestrial Paradise for the human family, and therefore It was to be the echo of the beatitudes and happinesses of Heaven. If It did not contain the joys and the contentments of the Celestial Fatherland, how could It form the happiness of the terrestrial fatherland? More so, since one was the Will – That which beatified Heaven, as well as That which was to make the earth happy. Now, if you want to know what my Will does in the heavens - in that blue which can be seen always firm and stretched out over the heads of all, there is no point in which heavens cannot be seen; both at night and at daytime they remain always at their place. So, Our Will keeps Our Eternity, Our Firmness that never changes, spread out in them. It remains always in Its perfect balance, nor does It ever change for any circumstance; and while It loves and glorifies Our Eternity - Our unshakeable Being, It makes the earth happy and says to man: ‘Look – take the heavens as model, which are always extended above your head. Be always firm in good, just as I am. From here, I am always stretched out to protect you, so that you too, like a second heaven populated with stars… - which to your eyes seem to be so bound to the heavens that one could say that the stars are daughters of the heavens - …so that you too will be firm in good, and the heaven of your soul will be populated with stars, like many births and daughters of yours.’
So, in doing your round in the Creation, when you arrive at the heavens, you too, united with Our Will, love and glorify Our eternity, Our unshakeable Being that never changes, and pray that It may render the creatures firm in good, that they may be the reflection of the heavens, and may enjoy the happiness brought by a good which is continuous and never interrupted.
Then, continuing your round in the space of Creation, you will arrive at the sun, a sphere which is closer to the earth than the heavens, in order to bring to the creatures the fount of terrestrial happiness, the similes of the beatitudes, and the flavors of the happiness of the Celestial Fatherland. Do you want to know, then, what my Will does in the sun? It glorifies Our interminable light, Our innumerable flavors. It loves and glorifies Our infinite sweetnesses, the indescribable shades of Our beauties; and with its heat, It echoes Our immense Love.
Oh! how the sun sings Our praises; how it loves and glorifies Our Divine Being. Just as Our Divinity, unveiled, beatifies the whole Celestial Fatherland with ever new acts, in the same way, the sun, faithful echo of its Creator, celestial bearer of the Supreme Majesty, veiled by its light in which my Will dominates and reigns, brings terrestrial happiness to the earth. It brings its light and its heat; it brings sweetness and almost innumerable flavors to plants, to herbs, to fruits; it brings warmth and fragrance to the flowers, and so many different shades of beauty, as to delight and embellish all nature. Oh! how the sun – or rather, my Will in the sun – through plants, fruits and flowers, offers true terrestrial happiness to the human generations. And if they do not enjoy it fully, it is because they have moved away from that Will which reigns in the sun; and the human will, placing itself against the Divine, breaks Its happiness. My Will, veiled in the light of the sun, while loving and singing the praises of Our divine qualities, from the height of its sphere says to man: ‘In everything you do, be always light, just as I am, so that the light may convert you completely into heat, and you may become as one single flame of love for your Creator. Look at me: by always being light and heat, I possess sweetness; so much so, that I communicate it to the plants, and from the plants to you. If you will always be light and heat, you too will possess the divine sweetness. You will have no more bile or anger in your soul; you will possess the flavors and the different shades of the beauties of the Supreme Being. You will be sun like me; more so, since God has made me for you, and you were made for Him, therefore it is right that you be more sun than I.’
See, my daughter, how many things you have to do united with my Will in that sphere of the sun. You must sing the praises, love and glorify Our light, Our love, Our infinite sweetnesses, Our innumerable flavors, Our incomprehensible beauty. You must impetrate for the creatures all the divine qualities that the sun contains, so that in finding the divine qualities within their midst, my Will may come to reign unveiled, with Its full triumph, in the midst of the human generations.
And now, my daughter, let us descend into the lower part of the earth; let us go into the sea, in which immense masses of crystal clear waters are piled up – symbol of divine purity. These waters are always walking – they never stop. They have no voice, yet they murmur; they are without life, yet so strong as to form waves so high, that they overwhelm and shatter ships, peoples and things, to then descend into their shore. And after they have knocked down the things which they invested, peacefully, as if they had done nothing, they continue their usual murmuring.
Oh! how my Will in the sea sings the praises, loves and glorifies Our Power, Our strength, Our eternal motion that never stops! And if Our Justice forms its just roaring waves, such as to knock down cities and peoples, like peaceful sea after the storm, Our peace is never disturbed, and my Will, veiled by the waters of the sea, says to man: ‘Be pure like these crystal clear waters. But if you want to be pure, walk always toward Heaven, otherwise you would putrefy, just as these waters, so pure, would become putrid if they did not always flow. Let the murmuring of your prayer be continuous, if you want to be strong and powerful like me - if you want to knock down the strongest enemies as well as your rebellious will, which prevents Me from unveiling Myself and going out of this sea to come to reign in you and extend in you the peaceful sea of my grace. How could you possibly want to remain below this sea that glorifies Me so much?’
You too, sing the praises, love and glorify Our Purity, Our Power, Strength and Justice, united to my Will which awaits you in the sea as Its own daughter; Our eternal motion toward the creatures in order to do good to them, and the continuous murmuring of Our Love through the created things, which, while murmuring love, wants the continuous return of the murmuring of the continuous love of the creatures. Pray that my Will may give them the divine qualities It exercises in the sea, so that It may come and reign in the midst of those who now keep It rejected in the whole Creation.
Therefore, if you want to know what my Will does in all Creation, go around in It, and my Fiat, finding Its daughter in all created things, will unveil Itself and will tell you what It does toward the Divine Majesty, and the call and the lessons It wants to give to the creatures.”
December 8, 1926
How one who lives in the Divine Will is the echo and the little sun. How these writings come from the Heart of Our Lord. The works of Our Lord are veils which hide the noble Queen of the Divine Will.

I was doing my usual acts in the eternal Volition, and my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, you are Our echo. As you enter into Our Will in order to love, to praise, to ask for the coming of Our Kingdom, We hear in you the echo of Our Love, the echo of Our glory, the echo of Our Fiat that wants to come upon earth in order to reign, that wants to be prayed, and prayed again, and be pressed to come to reign on earth as It does in Heaven. And as you go around through the whole Creation to follow the acts of the Supreme Will in It, We hear your echo in the sea, in the valleys, on the mountains, in the sun, in the heavens, in the stars – in everything. How beautiful is this echo – it is Our echo which resounds in all of Our things. In this echo, We hear the echo of Our voice, the motion of Our works, the treading of Our steps, the motions - the pulsation of Our heartbeat, and We greatly delight in seeing your littleness, as you, while echoing, try to imitate Our voice, to copy the motions of Our works, to make the same sound as Our steps, and to love with Our own heartbeat.”
Then, sighing, He added: “My daughter, if the sun had reason and saw a plant, a being, that wanted to become sun, the sun would increase all of its light, its heat and its effects over this being, so as to make it become sun. And even though it would not deny its light and its effects to the other beings - because it is in the nature of light to diffuse and to do good to all, wherever it is – the fortunate being which received, all together, all the reflections and all the goods that the sun contains, would become sun. What glory, what contentment would the sun not receive, in being able to form another sun? The entire earth, for many centuries, has never rendered it so much glory, so much love, by receiving its many effects, as this one being which has turned into sun.
By living in Our Fiat, the soul does nothing but imitate her Creator, and the eternal Sun concentrates all of Its reflections over her, in such a way that she becomes the little sun, in the likeness of the Divine Sun. Was this not exactly Our purpose and Our saying: ‘Let Us make man in Our image and likeness’? To make him without having him be like Us and carry within himself the image of the One who had created him, was neither decorous, nor worthy of a work of Our hands; nor would the generation of a being dissimilar from Us be Power of that regenerative breath which came from Our womb. What would one say of a mother who generated, not a child who had eyes, mouth, hands, feet and who was similar to her in all his limbs; at most, smaller than her in his limbs, but lacking nothing of all the organs of the mother – but she generated a plant, a bird, a stone, things which are dissimilar from her? It would be incredible – things against nature and unworthy of a mother, who was not able to infuse her image and all of her limbs in her newborn. Now, if all things generate and form things similar to them, much more so with God, prime Generator, whose honor and glory in forming the creatures was to form them as similar to Himself. Therefore, my daughter, let your flight in my Will be continuous, that It may concentrate Its rays over you, and darting through you, It may make of you Its little sun.”
After this, I felt tired and I could not make up my mind to write what my adored Jesus had told me. And Jesus, surprising me, to give me will and strength in order to do it, told me: “My daughter, don’t you know that these writings come from the depth of my Heart, and I make the tenderness of my Heart flow in them, to move those who will read them, and the firmness of my divine speech, to strengthen them in the truths of my Will? In all the sayings, truths, examples which I make you write on paper, I make flow the dignity of my celestial Wisdom, in such a way that those who read them, or will read them, if they are in grace, will feel in them my tenderness, the firmness of my speech and the light of my Wisdom, and as though in between magnets, they will be drawn into the knowledge of my Will. Those who are not in grace, then, will not be able to deny that it is light; and light always does good, it never does harm; it illuminates, it warms, it allows one to discover the most hidden things and moves one to love them. Who can say he does not receive good from the sun? No one. More than sun, I am releasing these writings from within my Heart, that they may do good to all. This is why I have so much interest that you write – for the great good I want to do to the human family; so much so, that I look at them as my own writings, because it is always I the One who dictates, and you are the little secretary of the long story of my Will.”
Then, I was following, in the Divine Will, everything that Jesus had done while being on earth in His Humanity, and I asked in each one of His acts that His Fiat may be known, and that It may come triumphantly to reign in the midst of creatures. And my highest and only Good, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, just as all Creation is a veil which hides my Will, in the same way, my Humanity and all of my works, tears and pains are many veils which hide my Supreme Fiat. It reigned in my acts, triumphant and dominating, and It laid the foundations in order to come to reign in the human acts of the creatures. But do you know who tears these veils to let It come out to dominate in her own heart? One who recognizes It in each one of my acts and invites It to come out. She tears the veil of my works, she enters into them, she recognizes the noble Queen, and she prays It – she presses It to no longer remain hidden; and opening her heart to It, she invites It to enter. She tears the veil of my tears, of my Blood, of my pains, the veil of the Sacraments, the veil of my Humanity, and giving her submission to It, she implores It to no longer remain veiled, but to make Itself known as Queen – which It is - in order to take Its dominion and form the children of Its Kingdom. From here the necessity that you go around in Our Will and in all of Our works – to find the noble Queen of Our Will hidden in them, to pray It to unveil Itself, to come out of Its apartments, so that all may know It and let It reign.”

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A meditation....

I was meditating on The Finding of Jesus in the Temple and the suffering of Mother Mary as She searched for three days for Her Jesus, and I thought to myself when I sometimes do not feel His presence, how miserable I become!  At one point during the Mass, I again thought about Our Lady and St. Joseph going in search of Jesus, and He spoke to me saying, "I did not leave them!"  I immediately understood that Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple, but He did not go off leaving them -  it was they who left Him.  I knew that He was making me understand that it is never He who leaves us, but us who leave Him.  And where is it that we will find Him?  In the Temple (the Church) and in the Temple of our hearts where He dwells.

A few days after this, I picked up the Book of Heaven, Volume 17, and read, "I do not leave you, no, no.  This is an accusation you make against your Jesus.  I never leave anyone.  The creatures withdraw from Me, not I from them.  Rather, I go behind them and next to them."

Thank you Jesus!  Fiat!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Veil - repost

Back in Nov., 2014, I posted "The Veil" (repeated below), and just after re-reading Volume 20 for about the third time, I believe I understand what Our Lord meant said when He told me, "The veil will soon come down.  Then you will see wonders as you have never seen."

From The Book of Heaven, Volume 20, Nov. 1, 1926:
"Therefore, if you want to know what my Will does in all Creation, go around in It, and my Fiat, finding Its daughter in all created things, will unveil Itself and will tell you what It does toward the Divine Majesty, and the call and the lessons It wants to give to the creatures.”

Dec. 8, 1926:  “…do you know who tears these veils to let It come out to dominate in her own heart?  One who recognizes It in each one of my acts and invites It to come out.  She tears the veil of my works, she enters into them, she recognizes the noble Queen, and she prays It – she presses It to no longer remain hidden; and opening her heart to It, she invites It to enter. She tears the veil of my tears, of my Blood, of my pains, the veil of the Sacraments, the veil of my Humanity, and giving her submission to It, she implores It to no longer remain veiled, but to make Itself known as Queen….”

 It seems to me that Our Lord was saying to me that when we live in the Divine Will and pray the Rounds of Creation -  Creation will unveil itself to us and we will then see wonders as we have never seen.
March, 1995 (two years after coming into the Catholic Church):  During Adoration while praying with my eyes closed, my vision was filled with a incredible bright light.  From within this light, I saw what appeared to be a very large chair with a high back and side arms. It was as though looking through a fog of light.  I then saw vaguely an outline of a person engulfed in the light.  As the light was very bright, it was hard to see clearly.  While looking into the light, I began to think of our Heavenly Father and a prayer welled up within me to Him.  Then I said, “How can people not know that you are their Father, their Daddy.  How can they think of you as being anything other than that. “   (people at that time had been calling Our Father – Father-Mother, and it bothered me – which is probably the reason for my saying what I did)  Continuing to see this vision before me,  I was startled to hear Him say, Love them as I love them!  A little while later I heard, The veil will soon come down.”  For some reason I didn’t want to listen anymore as I felt within me that He was going to say something else, so I began praying again so as not to listen, but again He spoke saying, “The veil will soon come down.  Then you will see wonders as you have never seen.”  Moments later He said, “I Am (slight pause) Yahweh”  All of this must have taken about 20 minutes (I was in the Adoration Chapel at the time), and was as if in slow motion.  The voice speaking to me was so loving and tender!  He spoke very slowly and clearly.  My body felt as thought I were no longer in the Chapel, but when someone came in the door I was aware of their presence.  After leaving the Chapel for Mass, I felt such incredible peace which I continued to feel throughout the day.  During Mass at the elevation of the Host, I saw a bright light come out of the back of the Host facing the Priest.  After communion, very bright lights were flashing in my head – mostly coming from the right side and many shadows appeared.  Late the next night, my husband asked me for this message and while reading it said he didn’t understand what “The veil will soon come down” meant (which I also didn’t understand)  He had just prayed for an answer, and while we were watching EWTN there was a Bishop who was showing a picture of Pope Leo XIII.  In the picture there was a lady who was wearing a veil on her head.  Her hands were on the veil looking as though she were going to pull it down over her face.  The Bishop went on to explain that this represented a death approaching or that a civilization was coming to an end – or that there was going to be a new time approaching.

Lynne B.

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