Monday, January 17, 2022

Luisa the Trumpet



The Seventh Trumpet   "Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever.”  Rev. 11:15

“Now, after having made known the goods of Redemption, and how I want everyone to be saved, giving them all the means that are needed, I move on to make known that there is another generation in Me, which I must deliver: my children who will live in the Divine Will; and that in my own Heart I keep all the graces prepared - all my interior acts done in the sphere of the Eternal Will for them, waiting for the kiss of their acts, for their union, so as to give to them the inheritance of the Supreme Will. Just as I received It, I want to give It to them, so that I may issue from Myself the second generation of the children of light. If my Humanity were not to give this inheritance which It possessed - that is, the Divine Will, the sole and only thing I loved and which gave Me every good - my descent upon earth would have been incomplete, nor could I say that I have given everything; on the contrary, I would have reserved for Myself the greatest thing, the most noble and divine part. See now, how necessary it is that my Will be known in all relations - in the prodigies, in the effects, in the value - what I did in this Will for the creatures, and what they must do. And this will be a powerful magnet in order to draw creatures, to make them receive the inheritance of my Will, and make the generation of the children of light come out into the field. Be attentive, my daughter; you will be my spokesperson - the trumpet, to call them and to gather this generation, so beloved and longed for by Me.”  Book of Heaven, October 27, 1922

 It happens to my Will as to an actor who must present his show to the audience. Poor one! How many hidden works, how many vigils, how many preparations; how much art does he not prepare even in his movements so that his postures may make the audience, now smile, now cry! In all this crafting, the actor does not make feast; on the contrary, he sweats, toils and labors. And when everything seems to be prepared, he prepares himself to call the public to see his show; and the more people he sees, the more he feels joy arise in his heart, for, who knows, he might be able to make a beautiful feast. But the true fulfillment of his feast is when, the show having been performed, full-handed, he feels coins of gold and silver flow in his hands, as appreciation and triumph of his show. But if after so many preparations, he sets everything up, he plays and plays toy trumpets, but nobody shows up, or just a few people who leave him alone at the first acts of the show – poor one, how he suffers, and the hope of his feast turns into mourning. Who is it that so much embittered that poor actor, so capable and kind in performing his scenes? Ah! the ungrateful people, who did not even want to be spectators of the scenes of that poor actor.  Book of Heaven, January 10, 1926

 My Gospel can be called vowels, consonants which, acting as trumpeters, called the attention of the peoples to await some more important lessons which were to bring them a good greater than Redemption Itself. My very pains, my death and my Resurrection, confirmation of Redemption, are preparation for the Kingdom of my Divine Will. They were lessons more sublime, and made everyone stand at attention, awaiting yet higher lessons. And this I have already done, after so many centuries – which are the many manifestations I have made to you about my Divine Will, and that which I have made known to you more: how It wants to come to reign in the midst of creatures, to give back to them the right of Its Kingdom which they had lost, to lavish upon them all the goods and all the happinesses It possesses. Book of Heaven, July 27, 1929

“My daughter, the principal means in order to make my Divine Fiat reign upon earth are the knowledges about It. The knowledges will form the ways, will dispose the earth to become Its Kingdom; they will form the cities, will act as telegraphs, as telephone, as postal service, as trumpeters, in order to communicate, city to city, creature to creature, nation to nation, the news, the important knowledges about my Divine Will. And the knowledges about It will cast into the hearts the hope, the desire to receive a good so great.  Book of Heaven, August 7, 1929


L. Bauer

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