Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Fire of the Holy Spirit




The Victorious Queen of the World, Sr. Natalia of Hungary (1901-1992)

I saw God's Holy Spirit — as a devastating fire — inundate the world.  This fire did not bring peace, nor mercy, but devastating punishment.  Wherever the flame of the Holy Spirit swept through, the evil spirits by the thousands fell back to hell.  But before everything was ruined, I saw the Holy Virgin fall on her knees before Jesus, praying, asking for mercy for the world.  Jesus did not look at her, but watched the Heavenly Father.  The Heavenly Father did not pull back His hand extended over the world in His just anger.  Then the Holy Virgin took from her shoulder the mantle of peace and suddenly covered the world with it.  All those parts of the world that were covered with the mantle escaped the punishment and shone in the blue color of peace.  But where the mantle did not cover the surface, the red color of anger could be seen glowing like embers.  I understood that we could escape from the just punishment of God only if we sought refuge under the mantle of our Blessed Virgin Mother, and pleaded for mercy through her.


The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Elizabeth Kindelmann (1913-1985)

“The flame of grace which I give you from my Immaculate Heart must go from heart to heart.  It will be the miracle which will blind Satan.  It is the Flame of Love and unity and we shall extinguish fire with fire: the fire of hate with the fire of love!  I obtained these graces from our heavenly Father through the wounds of my Holy Son.


 Book of Heaven, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta  (1865-1947)

  I saw that He was carrying an iron rod in His hand, which had a ball of fire at the top. ..

While saying this, He was swinging the rod He had in His hand, in the act of wounding man. I said to Him: ‘Lord, what are You doing?’ And He: "Do not fear; do you see this ball of fire? It will cause fire, but will only strike the evil – the good will receive no harm."  (Vol. 2, Aug. 10, 1899)


"My daughter, if you want to be always transformed in Me – even more, to be one single thing with Me - love Me always and you will maintain your transformation with Me. In fact, love is fire, and whatever woods are thrown into the fire, small or big, green or dry, they all take the form of fire and convert into fire itself; and after these woods have been burned, one can no longer discern which wood was one and which another, neither the green one nor the dry one – one can see nothing but fire. The same when the soul never ceases to love Me. Love is fire that transmutes the soul in God; love unites, its flames invest all of the human operations and give them the form of the divine operations."  (Vol. 10, Oct. 1, 1910)


"My Love is fire, but not like material fire which destroys things and reduces them to ash. My fire vivifies and perfects, while it burns and consumes all that is not holy - desires, affections, thoughts which are not good. This is the virtue of my fire: to burn evil and to give life to good. Therefore, if the soul does not feel any tendency to evil within herself, she can be certain that my fire is in her. But if she feels fire mixed with evil within herself, it is very doubtable whether that be my real fire."  (Vol. 11, Apr. 10, 1913)


I will purify the earth by fire, because the stench that emanates from it is such that I cannot bear it.  Many will remain buried in the fire.  In this way I will make the earth come to its senses.  (Nov. 2, 1917)


To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, Fr. Gobbi  (1930-2011)

“By the fire of the Spirit of Love, the work of the great purification will be quickly accomplished.” “It (the Church) will be deprived of its earthly goods and purified of many of its means of power that once again it may become poor, humble, simple and chaste.  In its pastors and its flock, it will again be crucified that It may give perfect witness to the Gospel of Jesus.” “Through the power of fire and blood, the whole world will also be renewed.  Humanity will return once again to the glorification of the Father, through Jesus, who will at last have established his reign in your midst.”   (#246, May 30, 1982)


“The great mercy will come to you as a burning fire of love and will be brought by the Holy Spirit, who is given to you by the Father and the Son, so that the Father may see Himself glorified and the Lord Jesus may feel Himself loved by all his brothers.” “The Holy Spirit will come down as fire, but in a manner different from his first coming; it will be a fire which will burn and transform everything, which will sanctify and renew the earth from its foundations.  It will open hearts to a new reality of life and lead all souls to a fullness of holiness and of grace.  You will know a love that is so great and a sanctify that is so perfect that it will be such as you had never known before.”  (#357, July 3, 1987)


The Holy Spirit will come to establish the glorious reign of Christ and it will be a reign of grace, of holiness, of love, of justice and of peace.  With his divine love, He will open the doors of hearts and illuminate all consciences.  Every person will see himself in the burning fire of divine truth.  It will be like a judgment in miniature.  And then Jesus Christ will bring his glorious reign in the world.”  (#383, May 22, 1988)


“Miraculous and spiritual tongues of fire will purify the hearts and the souls of all, who will see themselves in the light of God and will be pierced by the keen sword of his divine truth.”  (#574, May 26, 1996)


After the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit


The Victorious Queen of the World, Sr. Natalia of Hungary 


Jesus showed me in a vision that after the cleansing, mankind will live an angelic and clean life.  There will be an end to the sins against the sixth commandment and an end to lies!  The Savior showed me that unceasing love, happiness and divine joy will signify this future clean world.  I saw the blessing of God abundantly poured out upon the earth.  Satan and sin were completely defeated and took leave.  The cleansed world will gain, through the Blessed Virgin Mother, the peace of the Lord.


"My Immaculate Mother will be victorious over sin with her power as Queen.  The lily represents the cleansing of the world, the coming Age of Paradise, when humanity will live as if without sin.  This will be a new world and a new age.  This will be the age when mankind will get back what it lost in Paradise.  When My Immaculate Mother will step on the neck of the serpent, the gates of hell will be closed.  The hosts of angels will be part of this fight."


“I brought peace when I was born, but the world has not yet enjoyed it.  The world is entitled to that peace.  Men are the children of God.  God breathes His own Spirit into them.  God cannot let Himself be put to shame, and that is why the children of God are entitled to enjoy the peace that I promised.”


“Await with a penitent soul the coming of the great age which is getting closer and closer with each day!”  Jan. 31, 1987


Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary, Ven. Conchita deArmida (1862 – 1937)


"'It is time that the Holy Spirit reign.' Very moved, the Lord told me this. He went on, 'and not a remote reign as something very sublime, even though it be so and there is nothing greater than He since He is God united and consubstantial with the Father and the Word. But it is necessary that He reigns, here, right close, in each soul and in each heart, in all the structures of My Church. The day on which there will flow in each pastor, in each priest, like an inner blood, the Holy Spirit, then will be renewed the theological virtues, now languishing, even in the ministers of My Church, due to the absence of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit, the sole remedy. Let the ministers of My Church react, through the medium of the Holy Spirit, and the whole world of souls will be divinized. He is the axis around which revolve the virtues. There is no virtue without the Holy Spirit. The decisive impulse for raising up My Church from the state of prostration in which she lies, consists in reviving the cult of the Holy Spirit. Let His place be given Him, that is, the first in intellects and wills! No one will be lacking anything with this heavenly wealth. The Father and I, the Word, We desire an ardent and vitalizing renewal of His reign in the Church."  (Feb. 19, 1911)


“One of the main fruits of the mystical incarnation is the reign of the Holy Spirit which must bring about the disappearance of materialism.” (Feb. 19, 1911)


“This new Pentecost, this sanctifying action of the Spirit, must begin with priest and extend itself to the entire people of God as on the first Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and on the whole community assembled in the Cenacle.”


To My Priests, Ven. Conchita deArmida


“This holy Breath will sweep away all the impurities hearts, and all the errors in minds that they may correspond to Its influence.  The face of the world will be renewed, and all things will be restored in Me.”


Marie Julie Jahenny (1850-1941)


“The world will be laid in its casket, but after being cleansed in its own blood, it will be resurrected in such glory as I was resurrected from My grace…The rein of My peace will be wonderful and from the rising sun to the setting sun My name will be praised and will be called on for help.  This will be a call to all the nations to come and find refuge in My Heart.


Book of Heaven, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta


“O iniquitous world, you are doing everything you can to cast Me away from the face of the earth, to banish Me from society, from schools, from conversations - from everything.  You are plotting how to demolish temples and altars, how to destroy my Church and kill my ministers; while I am preparing for you an Era of Love - the Era of my third FIAT.  You will make your own way in order to banish Me, and I will confuse you by means of Love.  I will follow you from behind, and I will come toward you from the front so as to confuse you in Love; and wherever you have banished Me, I will raise my throne, and there will I reign more than before - but in a more astonishing way; so much so, that you yourself will fall at the foot of my throne, as though bound by the power of my Love.”


“Ah, my daughter, the creature rages more and more in evil!  How many machinations of ruin they are preparing!  They will reach the point of exhausting evil itself.  But while they are occupied with following their own way, I will be occupied with making the Fiat Voluntas Tua have Its completion and fulfillment, and my Will reign upon the earth - but in a completely new way.  I will be occupied with preparing the Era of the third FIAT in which my Love will show off in a marvelous and unheard-of way.  Ah, yes, I want to confuse man completely in Love!  Therefore, be attentive - I want you with Me, in preparing this Celestial and Divine Era of Love.  Volume 12 - February 8, 1921


The acts done in my Will, carrying the Creative Power within themselves, will be the new salvation of man; and descending from Heaven, they will bring all goods upon earth.  They will bring the New Era, and the triumph over human iniquity.  Therefore, multiply your acts in my Will to form the weapons, the gifts, the graces, so as to be able to descend into the midst of creatures and wage the war of love on them.”  Volume 12 - April 26, 1921




To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, Fr. Gobbi


It will be the Spirit of Love, with his powerful action of fire and of grace renewing the very foundations of the whole world.  It will be He, the Spirit of Love, with his great force of holiness and of light, bringing my Church to new splendor, making it therefore humble and poor, evangelical and chaste, merciful and holy.  It will be the Spirit of Love, through the fire of innumerable sufferings renewing all creation, that it may become that garden of God, that terrestrial paradise in which Jesus will always be with you, like a sun of light reflecting its rays everywhere.”   (#284, Jan. 28, 1984)


Take courage, resume the journey in trust and hope.  You are approaching moments of grace in which you will see flow out upon the world the torrents of divine mercy.  The world will then be purified by this divine fire of love, and it will be completely renewed, so that Jesus may bring into your midst his kingdom of grace and of holiness, of justice, of love and of peace.”  (#602, Dec. 8, 1997)


St. Augustine“My Lord, grant that your Flame of Love may burn in me and growing into a single flame may it burn constantly on the altar of my heart.  May your Flame of Love burn through my soul and consume it, so that the last day of my life may be a day of union with you forever. Amen.”


Consecration to the Holy Spirit


O Holy Spirit, receive the perfect and total consecrate of all my being.


Deign to be from this moment hence in every instant of my life and in my every action:
my Director, my Light, my Guide, my Strength and all the Love of my heart.


I abandon myself without reserve to all Thy divine action


 and I want always to be docile to Thy inspirations.


Holy Spirit, transform me with Mary and in Mary into Christ Jesus


 for the glory of the Father and the salvation of the world.



Come, O Holy Spirit.

Come and change the face of the earth.

Come quickly.

Come in these last times.

Come now that the great trial has arrived.

Come and bring us your second Pentecost

so that our eyes may see your greatest miracle

that of the new heavens and the new earth.




Lynne Bauer, Sept., 2015


Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Veil

 Tues. 3/28/95 7:30AM (two years after coming into the Catholic Church)

Adoration Chapel -  St. Paul of the Cross, N. Palm Bch FL –

 While praying with my eyes closed, a bright light filled my vision. From the light I saw what appeared to be a very large chair with a high back and side arms. It was as though looking through a fog of light. I then could see, very vaguely, an outline of a person engulfed in the light. As the light was so bright, I could not see clearly. At first, I doubted what I was seeing.  Then my mind began to think of our heavenly Father and I fell into a prayer to Him. I then said to Him, "How can people not know that you are their Father, our Daddy. How can they think of you as being anything other than that (thinking about people who had been calling Him Father-Mother).” Jesus himself told us in the Lord’s Prayer – “Our Father”. I continued to think that this was my imagination even as I continued seeing this vision before me. It startled me to hear Him say to me, "Love them as I love them." I then thought that this was possibly the enemy trying to trick me so I immediately prayed to cast out any evil spirits, but it just stayed there before my eyes.

A little while later I heard, “The veil will soon come down!”  For some reason I didn't want to listen as I could feel that He was going to say something else, so I began praying again. He again said, "The veil will soon come down. Then you will see wonders as you have never seen.  Moments later He said, I Am, (slight pause) Yahweh.”   

All of this must have taken about 20 minutes. It was as if in slow motion. His voice was so very tender and loving! He spoke very slowly and clearly. My body felt as though I were no longer there in the chapel, but when someone came in the door, I was aware of their presence.   After I left the chapel, throughout Mass and for some time later, my body felt "numb". I have felt the peace of Our Lord before, but never anything quite like this. During Mass at the elevation of the Host, I saw a light come out of the back of the Host, facing Fr. Art. After communion, extremely bright lights were flashing in my head mostly coming from the right side and many shadows appeared.

3/29/95 Late PM - My husband had asked me for this message (above) and while reading it said he didn't understand what "The veil will soon come down" meant. We had just prayed for an answer when a Bishop speaking on EWTN showed a picture of Pope Leo XIII. There was a lady in the picture who was wearing a veil on her head - her hands were on the veil looking as though she were going to pull it down over her face. The Bishop went on to explain that this represented a death approaching or that Rome or a civilization was coming to an end, or that there was going to be a new time approaching.

Lynne Bauer

Added 7/5/22 from The Book of Heaven

Volume 26, April 7, 1929

Luisa:  After forty years and more without going out in the open air, today they wanted to take me out into the garden on a wheelchair.  Now, as I went out, I found myself with the sun investing me with its rays, as if it wanted to give me its first greeting and its kiss of light.  I wanted to give it tit for tat by giving it my kiss, and I prayed the little girls and the sisters who were accompanying me to all give their kiss to the sun, kissing in it that Divine Will which, like Queen, was veiled with light.  All of them kissed it.

Now, who can say my emotion after so many years, in finding myself in front of that sun which my lovable Jesus had used in order to give me so many similes and images of His adorable Will?  I felt invested not only by its light, but also by its heat; and the wind, wanting to compete with the sun, kissed me with its light breeze, in order to refresh the hot kisses that the sun was giving me.  So, I felt like they would never stop kissing me – the sun on one hand, and the wind on the other.  Oh! how vividly I could feel the touch, the life, the breath, the air, the love of the Divine Fiat in the sun and in the wind.  I could touch with my own hand how created things are veils which hide that Volition which created them.

Hebrews 6 - "Thus we have as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm which reaches into the interior behind the veil, where Jesus has entered on our behalf as forerunner..."

Monday, October 2, 2023

The New Era

 Marie-Michel Philipon, O.P. (a great spiritual theologian who wrote many books on some of the greatest saints such as St. Therese of Lisieux and St Elizabeth of the Trinity) and Editor of Conchita, A Mothers Spiritual Diary, wrote: To depart from the spirit of the Gospel and from the teachings of the Cross would be to deny Christ. We are speaking in the same sense Therese of Lisieux spoke of a "wholly new way." We are incontestably in a new era of spirituality.

What constitutes its newness is:
1)  A calling of all, even of the laity, even of married people, to the greatest holiness.
2)  Through 
transfiguration of daily life, the sanctification of the profane, divinization by faith, by love and by the spirit of sacrifice in ordinary life.
3)  The greatest holiness. Transcendence of the message of the Cross. 
Even the most banal (smallest) actions are made of value to the infinite by the offering of love in union with Christ, in imitation of the last years on earth of the Mother of God, in the service of the nascent (early) Church.  (Excerpts taken from Conchita’s Diary “A New Type of Holiness”, pgs. 244-245

 Pope Benedict XVI: 

“The love story between God and man consists in the very fact that this communion of will increases in a communion of thought and sentiment, and thus our will and God’s will increasingly coincide:  God’s will is no longer for me an alien will, but is now my own will, based on the realization that God is in fact more deeply present to me than I am to myself.  (Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas Est)

Pope Benedict XVI: 

"Thus," the Pope said, "Jesus tells us that it is only in conforming one's own will to the divine will that the human being attains his true greatness, that he becomes 'divine'; it is only by going out of himself -- only in his 'yes' to God -- that the desire of Adam and of us all is fulfilled -- that of being completely free. This is what Jesus accomplishes in Gethsemane: by placing the human will within the divine will the true man is born, and we are redeemed."  (General Audience 2012)

 Pope John Paul II speaks of a “New and Divine Holiness:

In 1997 on the centenary of the founding of the Rogationist Fathers, in a letter to the Rogationists the Pope spoke about their founder, Saint Hannibal di Francia, saying, “The modern means that human sciences and contemporary technology make available and that you rightly try to use in your apostolic work will only be effective if they are sustained and guided by the original charismatic inspiration of the blessed founder (now Saint), who saw in the Rogate (in English – pray) the man God Himself had provided to bring about that “new and divine” holiness with which the Holy Spirit wishes to enrich Christians at the dawn of the third millennium, in order to “make Christ the heart of the world.”

…turning our eyes to the future, we confidently await the dawn of a new Day… “Watchmen, what of the night?” (Is. 21:11), and we hear the answer: “Hark, your watchmen lift up their voice, together they sing for joy: for eye to eye they see the return of the Lord to Zion”…. “As the third millennium of the Redemption draws near, God is preparing a great springtime for Christianity and we can already see its first signs.” May Mary, the Morning Star, help us to say with ever new ardor our “yes” to the Father’s plan for salvation that all nations and tongues may see his glory. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message for World Mission Sunday, n.9, October 24th, 1999;

 “The world is exactly at the same point as when I was about to come upon earth. All were awaiting a great event, a new era, as indeed occurred. The same now; since the great event, the new era in which the Will of God be done on earth as It is in Heaven, is coming – everyone is awaiting this new era, tired of the present one, without knowing what this new thing, this change, is about, just as they did not know it when I came upon earth. This expectation is a sure sign that the hour is near.”  Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta, Book of Heaven, July 14, 1923

To Conchita Our Lord said (Conchita, A Mothers Diary):

 "'It is time that the Holy Spirit reign.' Very moved, the Lord told me this. He went on, 'and not a remote reign as something very sublime, even though it be so and there is nothing greater than He since He is God united and consubstantial with the Father and the Word. But it is necessary that He reigns, here, right close, in each soul and in each heart, in all the structures of My Church. The day on which there will flow in each pastor, in each priest, like an inner blood, the Holy Spirit, then will be renewed the theological virtues, now languishing, even in the ministers of My Church, due to the absence of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit, the sole remedy. Let the ministers of My Church react, through the medium of the Holy Spirit, and the whole world of souls will be divinized. He is the axis around which revolve the virtues. There is no virtue without the Holy Spirit. The decisive impulse for raising up My Church from the state of prostration in which she lies, consists in reviving the cult of the Holy Spirit. Let His place be given Him, that is, the first in intellects and wills! No one will be lacking anything with this heavenly wealth. The Father and I, the Word, We desire an ardent and vitalizing renewal of His reign in the Church.'"

Conchita:  "Lord, yet the Holy Spirit reigns in the Church, why do You complain?"
Jesus: "Woe to Her were it not so!  Certainly the Holy Spirit is the soul of this so dearly loved Church! But that about which I am complaining is that there is such little consideration for this gift of heaven, and to Him there is not accorded the importance due. His devotion in hearts is routine and languishing, indifferent, secondary. This brings about countless evils not only in the Church but in all souls.”

 Jesus to Conchita: "May the whole world have recourse to this Holy Spirit since the day of His reign has arrived. This last stage of the world belongs very specially to Him that He be honored and exalted.”

From the Diary of St. Faustina:

Jesus: “You will cancel out your will completely during this retreat and, instead, my complete Will shall be accomplished in you.”  Write these words on a clean sheet of paper: “From today on, my own will does not exist”, then cross out the page.  And on the other side, write these words, “From today on, I do the Will of God everywhere, always, and in everything.”

For the rest of her life, St. Faustina prayed continually to be consecrated into a “living host” in whom the Will of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit would reign as in the Blessed Sacrament.

 …at the “end time” the Lord’s Spirit will renew the hearts of men, engraving a new law in them. He will gather and reconcile the scattered and divided peoples; he will transform the first creation, and God will dwell there with men in peace. —Catechism of the Catholic Church

 According to the Cathechism of the Catholic Church (CCC #1352) the works of God are three:  Creation (God the Father), Redemption (Jesus) and Sanctification (The Holy Spirit)

 “I said that this will happen especially towards the end of the world, and indeed soon, because Almighty God and his holy Mother are to raise up great saints who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above little shrubs.”  “These great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides.  They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin.  Illumined by her light, strengthened by her food, guided by her spirit, supported by her arm, sheltered under her protection, they will fight with one hand and build with the other.”  “…she is the dawn which precedes and discloses the sun of Justice, Jesus Christ...”   “As she was the way by which Jesus first came to us, she will again be the way by which he will come to us the second time, though not in the same manner.”  God Alone, True Devotion to Mary, St. Louis Marie de Montfort


Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your well beloved Spouse.


Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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