Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Music of the Divine Will



As I was in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus for just a little, who said to me: “Peace puts all passions in their place, but what triumphs over everything, establishes all the good in the soul and sanctifies everything, is to do everything for God - that is, to operate with the upright intention of pleasing God alone. An upright operating is what directs, dominates and rectifies the virtues themselves, and even obedience. In sum, it is like a conductor who directs the spiritual music of the soul.”  May 11, 1903

“My daughter, what will happen if the music ceases in the world?” And I: ‘Lord, what music should cease?’ And He added: “My beloved, your music. In fact, when the soul suffers for Me, prays, repairs, praises, thanks continually, this is continuous music to my hearing, which takes Me away from hearing the iniquity of the earth, and therefore from chastising as appropriate. Not only this, but it is music in the human minds, and it diverts them from doing worse things. So, if I take you, would the music not cease? For Me it is nothing, because it would be nothing other than transporting it from the earth to Heaven, and instead of having it from the earth, I would have it in Heaven. But how shall the world go on?”

Then, I was thinking to myself: ‘These are the usual pretexts so as not to take me. There are so many good souls in the world, who do so much for God, and among all of them I perhaps occupy but the last place, and yet He says that if He takes me the music would cease? There are so many who do it better for Him!’ While I was thinking of this, He came like a flash and added: “My daughter, what you say is true – that there are many good souls who do much for Me – but how difficult it is to find one who gives Me everything so that I may give all of Myself. Some retain a little bit of love of self, some self-esteem, some one affection, be it even for holy people; some a little vanity; some retain a little bit of attachment to the earth, some to interest. In sum, some a little thing, some another – all keep something of their own, and this impedes that everything be divine in them. So, since what comes from them is not fully divine, their music will not be able to produce those effects to my hearing and to the human minds. Therefore, their much doing will not be able to produce those effects, nor please Me as much as the little doing of one who keeps nothing for herself, and who gives herself completely to Me.”  Feb. 1, 1904


“My daughter, prayer is music to my hearing, especially when a soul is all conformed to my Will, in such a way that nothing can be seen in her interior but a continuous attitude of life of Divine Will. With this soul it is as if another God would come out and play this music for Me. Oh, how delightful it is! – to find one who matches Me and can render Me divine honors. Only one who lives in my Will can reach such a point, because all other souls, even if they did and prayed much, would always give Me things and prayers that are human – not divine; therefore they do not have that power and that attraction over my hearing.”  Jan. 6, 1906


“My daughter, one who does my Will loses her temperament and acquires mine, and since in my temperament there are many melodies which form the paradise of the Blessed - such that music is my sweet temperament, music the goodness, music the sanctity, music the beauty, the power, the wisdom, the immensity, and so with all the rest of my Being - the soul, taking part in all the qualities of my temperament, receives within herself all the varieties of these melodies. As she goes along doing even the littlest actions, she makes a melody for Me, and as I hear it, I immediately recognize that it is music that the soul has taken from my Will – that is, from my temperament - and I run to listen to it, and I like it so much that I am amused and cheered of all the wrongs which the other creatures do to Me.

My daughter, what will happen when these melodies will pass into Heaven? I will put the soul in front of Me; I will play my music, and she will play her own - we will dart through each other; the sound of one will be the echo of the sound of the other; the harmonies will mix together. In clear notes it will be known to all the Blessed that this soul is nothing other than the fruit of my Will - the portent of my Will; and all Heaven will enjoy one more paradise.  Mar. 3, 1912

It will happen as to one who has learned music, a job, or a science. When music is played, many listen and enjoy; but who understands? Who feels all those notes of joy or of sorrow penetrate into his intelligence and descend into his heart? Who feels as though being filled, and seeing, in act, the scenes which that music expresses? One who has studied, one who has worked hard to learn it. The others enjoy, but do not understand. Their enjoyment is in what sounds to their hearing, but their whole interior remains empty. The same for one who has learned sciences: who enjoys more - one who has studied and has worn out his intelligence over books, over many scientific things; or one who has only looked at them? Indeed, the one who has studied can earn fair profits, can occupy distinct positions; while the other one can only enjoy with his sight, if he sees things related to sciences. The same with all other things. If this happens on earth, much more so in Heaven, where justice weighs with the scales of love every little good act done by the creature, and on that good act places an unending happiness, joy and beauty. Now, what will it be for the soul who has lived in my Will, in which all her acts remain with an eternal and divine seed? The circle of Eternity will pour itself upon her to such an extent, that the whole Celestial Jerusalem will remain stupefied, and will make new feasts, and will receive new glory.”   Feb. 2, 1924


So I tried, as much as I could, to go around through all created things, to give to my God the requital of love, of glory, of gratitude, for everything He had done in Creation. I seemed to see in all created things the requital of love of my Empress Mama and of my beloved Jesus. This requital formed the most beautiful harmony between Heaven and earth, and bound the Creator to the creature. Each requital of love was a key, a little sonata of enrapturing celestial music.  Aug. 9 1925

“My daughter, it is just for one who is born in my Will to know the secrets It contains; and besides, the thing in itself is very easy and as though natural. Suppose that you went to live in a house, either for a short time or forever, in which there is beautiful music and a fragrant air, through which one feels infused with new life. Indeed you had not put that music or that balsamic air in it, but since you find yourself in that house, which is not yours, you come to enjoy both the music and the fragrant air, which regenerates your strengths to new life. Add that this house contains enchanting paintings, beautiful things that enrapture, gardens which you had never seen before, with so many different plants and flowers that it is impossible to count them all; delicious lunches which you had never enjoyed before.… Oh! how you amuse yourself; how you delight and enjoy yourself in admiring so many beauties, in savoring foods so tasty. However, of all this, nothing was made or placed by you; yet, you take part in everything just because you are in that house.  Feb. 28, 1926

“…the soul who lives in my Will, placed in the blue heavens, would be the most beautiful ornament for the this blue vault, such as to astonish Heaven and earth. She would have, all within herself, her Creator, a heaven, a sun, a sea – everything as her own; nor would she lack even the earth, all flowery, and the sweet singing of the birds, bearer of the joy of the harmonious music of her Creator, because each created thing contains a Divine note. Therefore, instead of throwing you down, they would aspire to keep you in their midst, because among the many prodigies which my Will contains, It has the power to portray all of Our works in the soul, and to centralize all of Its acts in her. It is not content if It does not see Its own beauty in the soul – if It does not find Its echo, Its joy and all of Itself.”  Nov. 6, 1926

By not doing your acts in my Will, you would lack the reflection of all Creation; and because you would lack Its reflection, on that day the heavens would not extend within you, the sun would not rise, the sea

would not flow in you, the new flowering would not bloom over your earth, nor could the joy, the music, the singing of the inhabitants of the air, and the sweet symphony of the spheres, be heard in you. My Will would not find Its echo in you, therefore It would feel the sorrow that, on that day, the little daughter of Its Volition did not give It the return of a heaven for love of It, because she lacked the reflection of Its heaven; she did not make the sun rise in return for Its eternal light; she did not let It hear the sea flowing, nor its sweet murmuring, nor the darting of the mute inhabitants of the waves. My Will would feel all of Its acts – the reflection of Its works, missing in you, nor could It form Its echo in you. And in Its sorrow, It would say: ‘Ah! Today my little daughter has not given me a heaven as I have given, nor a sun, a sea, flowers, singing, music and joy, as I have given to her. So, she has gone out of my likeness; her notes have not harmonized with Mine. I have loved her with many manifestations and with so much ruling love – she did not.’ See what you would do! My Will would not tolerate in you, Its little daughter, the void of Its works.”  Nov. 14, 1926

“My daughter, one who must possess the kingdom of my Will, must not only do It and live in It, but she must feel and suffer that which my Will feels and suffers within souls. What you feel is nothing other than the condition in which It finds Itself in the creatures. With what hardship It flows; what efforts does It not have to make in order to subdue the creatures, so that they may do Its Will. Keeping It repressed within their own will, they take away from It the best of Its life within them, which is Its energy, Its joy, Its strength; so It is forced to act under the pressure of a human will, which is melancholic, weak and inconstant. Oh, in what a heavy, bitter, crushing nightmare the creatures keep my Will! Do you not want, then, to take part in Its pains? My daughter, you must be a key, and whatever sound my Will wants to produce, you must be available to form the sound It wants to make. And when It has formed in you all the sounds It possesses – sounds of joy, of strength, of goodness, of sorrow, etc. – Its victory will be complete, having formed Its Kingdom in you. Therefore, think, rather, that this is a different and distinct sonata which It wants to play in you – it is one more key that It wants to add in your soul, because in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, It wants to find all the notes of the musical concert of the Celestial Fatherland, so that not even music may be missing in Its Kingdom.”  Jan. 4, 1927


“My daughter, you cannot comprehend what I feel for you – the joys, the happiness I feel because I find in you the first fruits of the Kingdom of my Will. I find the delights of the early fruits, the first fruits of the music which only the creature who lives in It can produce, because she takes all of Our notes which are in Our Will, makes them her own, and forms her beautiful music in Our Kingdom. And I – oh, how I delight in listening to her! I find the first fruits of order, the first fruits of true love which my Will has conceded to her; I find the first fruits of beauty, which enraptures Me so much that I cannot detach my gaze. So, I find all of your acts as first acts, which no one before you has given to Me. The first fruits are always the things which are liked the most, which are most attractive, and which are enjoyed the most. And if other similar things come after the first fruits, it is by virtue of the prime act that other similar acts could be formed; so, all the glory is of the prime act. Therefore, you will always have the first fruits in the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; there will be nothing done in It, which will not come from your prime act. So everyone will be turned to you – to you the beginning of the glory. Therefore, I want everything to begin from you, in order to form my Supreme Kingdom.”  Jan. 9, 1927

The Creation, echo of the Celestial Fatherland, contains music, the royal march, the spheres, the heavens, the sun, the sea, and all possess order and perfect harmony among themselves, and go around continuously. This order, this harmony and this going around without ever stopping, form such admirable symphony and music, that it seems to be like the breath of the Supreme Fiat blowing into all created things like many musical instruments, and forming the most beautiful of all melodies, such that, if creatures could hear it, they would remain ecstatic. Now, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will have the echo of the music of the Celestial Fatherland and the echo of the music of Creation. The order, the harmony and their continuous going around their Creator will be so great, that each one of their acts, words and steps will be a distinct melody, like many different musical instruments which will receive the breath of the Divine Will, in such a way that everything they do will be as many distinct musical concerts which will form the joy and the continuous feast of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat. For your Jesus there will no longer be difference between staying in the Celestial Fatherland, and descending to be in the midst of creatures in the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat upon earth. Then, Our work of Creation will sing victory and full triumph, and We will have three Kingdoms in one – symbol of the Sacrosanct Trinity, because all of Our works carry the mark of the One who created them.” Jan.28, 1927

Now, see then, the great necessity of the knowledges about It: they are not only the fundamental part, but the nourishment, the regime, the order, the laws, the beautiful music, the joys, the happiness of my Kingdom. Each knowledge possesses a distinct happiness; they are like many divine keys which will form the beautiful harmony in It. This is why I am abounding so much in telling you so many knowledges about my Divine Fiat, and I require of you greatest attention in manifesting them – because they are the base, and are like a formidable army, which will keep the defense and will act as sentries so that my Kingdom may be the most beautiful, the holiest one, and the perfect echo of my Celestial Fatherland.” Oct. 23, 1927

Only one who lives in my Will can sit at the divine table, can open all His treasures, can enter into the sacrarium of the most intimate secrets of the divine hiding places, and, as the owner, takes them and gives them back to her Creator. And, oh! how many things she puts in motion. She makes them arise, and places all the divine works in attitude, and now she plays a divine melody, now she performs a scene, of the most beautiful and touching, now she puts all of His love in motion, and making it arise again, she forms an enchanting scene, all of love, for her Creator. So, she is the renewer of all joys and happinesses for her Creator. See, as you wanted to give Me the kisses of the Queen Mama, you put them in motion and they ran to kiss Me. It happens to one who lives in my Divine Will as to someone who entered into a royal palace, and the king who lives in it has music concerts, objects with which to form the most beautiful scenes, and works of art of varied beauty. Now, the person who enters, sits at the music concert and plays. Attracted by that sound, the king runs and goes to listen to the sonata. Then, seeing that the king enjoys it, that person moves on and puts the objects in motion, putting the scene in action. The king remains enraptured, and even though he knows that those are his own things, yet, it was that person who put them in motion in order to give him pleasure.  Oct. 25, 1928

My daughter, all Creation forms the celestial band, because each created thing contains light, the power of my word Fiat, which produces the most beautiful music. And just as each created thing is not like any of the others, in the same way, my Divine Volition, in creating them with Its creating word, just as It made them one distinct from the other, so It placed in them a distinct sound, like many notes, such as to form the most beautiful concert, which no terrestrial music can imitate. The multiplicity of the sounds with the corresponding notes is so great, for as many as are the created things. So, the heavens contain one sound, each star has its distinct sound, the sun has another, and so with all the rest. These sounds are nothing other than the participation in the harmony which my Divine Will possesses. In fact, as It pronounces Its Fiat, by possessing the generative, communicative and fecundating virtue, wherever It is pronounced It leaves Its beautiful qualities of light, of beauty and of unreachable harmony. Is it perhaps not Its communicative virtue that communicated so much beauty, order and harmony to the whole universe? And is it not by Its breath alone that It nourishes the whole Creation, maintaining It fresh and beautiful, just as It created It? Oh! if creatures would let themselves be nourished by the breath of my omnipotent Fiat, all evils would no longer have life in them; Its generative and nourishing virtue would communicate to them light, beauty, order and the most beautiful harmony. What can my Fiat not do and give? Everything. Now, my daughter, as you were gathering all created things in order to bring them to Us as the most beautiful homage, to ask Us for Our Kingdom upon earth, since each thing has the notes and the sound within itself as its own property, immediately they began their music, so beautiful and harmonious, that Our Divinity pricked up Its ear and said: ‘The little daughter of Our Fiat is bringing Us Our celestial band, and in their sound, they say to Us: “May the Kingdom of Our Divine Will come upon earth”. Oh! how pleasing it sounds to Us, how it descends deep into Our inmost divine bosom, and it all moves Us to compassion for so many creatures without the life of Our Fiat. Ah! only one who lives in It can move Heaven and earth, and rise onto Our paternal knees to snatch from Us a good so great, which is the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven’.”  Mar. 8, 1929

“My little daughter of my Volition, my love repressed in me feels the need to relieve itself, otherwise it gives me such deliriums, that I feel suffocated by my own flames. Therefore. my speaking is a vent of love, it is a relief to my Heart, and in order to restore myself I go finding one who wants to listen to me? Now you feel where my love arrives and the great prodigy of the working life of my Will in the creature. One act more the creature does in my Will, is one harmony more that she casts between Heaven and earth, it is a new celestial music that she forms to her Creator, which is so very pleasant, more so that it comes from earth, because the things of Heaven are ours, no one can say in the Celestial Country that one gives to us, but (it is) we ourselves who give to them, who felicitates and beatifies everyone, instead the soul from the earth can say, I give to my Creator, and we feeling ourselves enraptured give our Will anew, as working life in her, so that she forms for us other new and more beautiful music. How beautiful it is to feel our Heaven in earth, to feel new celestial music, that issues forth from the wayfarer soul, all Heaven makes (a) new feast and we feel that also the earth is ours and we love her more. Every act more that she does in my Divine Will is a sweeping away (of) Heavens and earth in it, because everyone, Angels, Saints, they race in that act, also the Creation itself, in order to take their place of honor in the working act of my Will, no one wants to remain outside of the act of my Divine Fiat. The true centralization of everything and everyone happens, nor could my Will do less, as to put apart in his act, all those where He reigns.  Feb. 26, 1937

You must know that the Life of our Will keeps growing in the creature for every act she does in It; and when she reaches the fullness in which everything is my Will within her, We start displaying our Love and our graces, so that every instant We give her new Love and new surprising graces. We show our divine pomp, as well as the magnificence and splendor of our stratagems of love. All that We do to her carries the mark of the bounty of her Creator. When the soul is filled with of our Divine Volition We don’t hold anything back: what We have, We give - and whatever she wants is hers. The opulence We apply is such that We make one note of our divine melodies flow for each one of her acts, so that not even our music may be lacking within her. And she often plays to Us beautiful little sonatas from our divine notes - oh, how delighted We feel, in the harmonies of our melodies and divine sounds! You must know that for the soul who lives in our Will, We surpass the opulence, the pomp, the magnificence and sumptuousness that We used in the Creation. All was abundance: abundance of light which cannot be measured; extension of Heaven, opulent with beauties and adorned by many stars... Each thing was created with such abundance, invested with such splendor of opulence that nobody could ever need anything else; rather, everyone can give, without the need to receive.  Feb 7, 1938


 "My daughter, everything came out of Ourselves and was shaped by our creative hands: both the soul and the body. Both of them must be ours. In fact, we made the body as the organ, and each act done in the Divine Will was to form one key. It had to contain many notes and concerts of music, all different from one another. The soul, in union with the body, was supposed to be voice and song. By playing those keys, it was to create the most beautiful melodies. Now, an organ without a player is like a dead body; it's not fun, neither does it attract anyone. On the other hand, one who is good at music cannot exercise his art as a musician, if he doesn't have an instrument to play. Therefore, a living someone who speaks and moves is needed to create beautiful music; but the instrument is necessary too, with its keys, notes and so on. Both of them are necessary. Such is the soul and the body. There's such harmony, order and union, that one cannot do without the other.  May 17, 1938


“…during my birth my Divine Mama made me a beautiful surprise with her acts, with her love - with the Life of my Will which she possessed. She formed my Paradise on earth. She did nothing other than braid the whole Creation with her love, laying seas of beauty - making me enjoy our divine beauties within which her beauty was shining. How beautiful my Mother was - how beautiful to find her in the whole of Creation; she made me enjoy her beauty and the beauty of her acts. She spread her sea of love to make me find her love - my Paradise of love - in all created things. I delighted and exulted in my Mama's seas of love. She made for me, in my Will, the most beautiful tunes and the most delightful concerts, so that her little Jesus would not miss the music of the Heavenly Fatherland. My Mother took care of everything, so that nothing would be lacking of the enjoyment of the Paradise I had left. She kept forming, in each one of her acts, new joys to make me happy. By just leaning on her Heart I could feel such harmonies and contents as to be enraptured. By living in my Will, my Dear Mother carried Paradise in her lap and let her Son enjoy it. All her acts did nothing less than make me happy and redouble my Paradise on earth.  Dec. 25, 1938


L. Bauer, JMJ

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