Saturday, January 22, 2022

Luisa the first


October 6, 1922
The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in the Divine Will, was done by Jesus. Luisa, the first one to live in the Divine Will.

“All human acts, according to the purpose of Creation, were to have life in my Volition, and form in It their plane of all human acts changed into divine acts, with the mark of supreme nobility, sanctity and wisdom. It was not Our Will that man withdraw from Us, but that he live with Us, growing in Our likeness and operating with Our own manners. This is why I wanted that all his acts be done in my Will - to give him the place in which to form his own little river within the immense sea of my Will. I acted like a father who, possessing great lands, says to His son: ‘I give you, in your possession, the center of my possessions, so that you may not go out of my boundaries and may grow in my riches, with my own nobility and with the greatness of my works, and so that all may recognize that you are my son.’ What would be said of him if he did not accept the great gift of his father and went into a foreign land to live of miseries, disennobling himself, enslaved to cruel enemies? Such was man.

Now, this plane, this little river in my Volition, I want from you. Let each one of your thoughts flow in It, so that, in the reflections of Our intelligence, which is thought of each one, it may rise over each intelligence and give Us the homage of each thought in a divine manner. Let your words and works flow as well, so that, in the reflection of Our word ‘Fiat’, which made all things and is word of each one, and in the reflections of the sanctity of Our works, which is life and motion of everything, they may rise and hover over everything, giving Us the glory of each word and of each work, with Our own word ‘Fiat’ and with the very sanctity of Our works. My daughter, if all that is human – be it even one thought - is not done in my Will, the human plane takes no possession, the little river is not formed, and my Will cannot descend upon earth to make Itself known and to reign.”

On hearing this, I said to Him: ‘My Love, Jesus, how is it possible that after so many centuries of life of the Church, which has put out so many Saints - and many of them have astonished Heaven and earth with their virtues and with the wonders they performed - they would not operate fully in the Divine Will so as to form this plane You are talking about? Were You waiting just for me, the most incapable, the most bad little one, and ignorant, in order to do this? It seems just incredible.’ And Jesus: “Listen, my daughter, my wisdom has means and ways which man ignores, such that he is obliged to lower his forehead and adore it in mute silence; and it is not up to him to dictate to Me the laws, whom I should choose and the appropriate time, which my goodness disposes. And besides, first I had to form the Saints who were to resemble Me and copy my Humanity in a more perfect way, as much as is possible for them; and this I have already done. Now my goodness wants to go beyond, and wants to give in to greater excesses of love; and therefore I want them to enter into my Humanity and copy what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. If the first have cooperated with my Redemption in order to save souls, to teach the law, to banish sin, being limited within the centuries in which they lived, the second will go beyond, copying what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. They will embrace all centuries, all creatures, and rising above all, they will put in force the rights of Creation which are due to Me, and which concern the creatures, bringing all things to the first origin of Creation and to the purpose for which Creation came out. Everything is ordered in Me: if I issued Creation, It must return to Me ordered, just as It came out of my hands.

The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in my Will, was done by Me; I left it as though suspended, and the creature, except for my dear and inseparable Mama, knew nothing. This was necessary. If man did not know the way, the door, the rooms of my Humanity, how could he enter inside of Me and copy what I did? Now the time has come for the creature to enter into this plane and do also something of her own within mine. What is the wonder if I have called you as the first one? And besides, it is so true that I have called you as the first, since to no other soul, though dear to Me, have I manifested the way of living in my Will, the effects of It, the wonders, the goods which the creature operating in the Supreme Volition receives. Check as many lives of Saints as you want, or books of doctrines - in not one of them will you find the prodigies of my Volition operating in the creature and of the creature operating in It. At the most, you will find resignation, union of wills; but in not one of them will you find the Divine Will operating in her, and she in It. This means that the time had not come in which my goodness would call the creature to live in this sublime state. Even the very way I make you pray cannot be found in anyone else. Therefore, be attentive. My justice demands this, my love is delirious; so, my wisdom disposes everything in order to obtain the intent. It is the rights, the glory of Creation, that We want from you.”

“The Saints and the Church have known until now the conformity with the Will of God, the complete abandonment, even the union with God’s Will, with His Divine Volition.   We can see examples of this from such Saints as St. Francis deSales or St. Vincent DePaul (and for that matter, hundreds of other Saints) in the expression: “to empty oneself of himself and unite his will totally to God’s such that there is only one will with His.”  We could say that this is the highest point.  And how does Luisa’s doctrine differ from this union of wills?  In the chapter dated Oct. 6, 1922 (Vol. 14), Luisa asks the question how it is that she was the first to live in the Divine Will after so many centuries and so many Saints in the Church.  (read from the highlights above).  This is to say that from the union of wills, which has been already experienced, Luisa enters into the unity of Wills, and into the activity of that Unity, to the activity and life of the creature in the Divine Will, along with Its effects, etc.”   Jose’ Luis Acuna

 “…the greatest Saints, those richest in grace and virtue, will be the most assiduous in praying to the most Blessed Virgin, looking up to Her as the perfect model to imitate and as a powerful helper to assist them…this will happen especially towards the end of the world, and indeed soon, because Almighty God and His holy Mother are to raise up great Saints who will surpass in holiness most other Saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above the little shrubs…these great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides.  They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin…  Saint Louis de Montfort

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