Friday, September 25, 2015

The Mystical Incarnation

The Mystical Incarnation
(Excerpts from A Mother's Spiritual Diary - Bl. Conchita DeArmida
and The Book of Heaven – Luisa Piccarreta)

"I, from the moment of My Incarnation in Mary's most pure womb, acquired graces. I want you, transformed into Me, living out of My own life, not to do from now on anything else. You must forget yourself, and day and night offer up everything for the salvation and perfection of souls.”

"Listen, you are going to make a chain. Each hour of your life will be one of its golden links, if you offer it for this intention, and I want you to stop only on your death.”

"This chain began in Me, the chain of expiation on earth, will be changed into graces. I began this chain with My Incarnation, and as its reflection in your heart, I have wished to associate you with it out of pure bounty.”

"The Chain is to live 'in Christ-Jesus' with His same salvific intentions.”

"All virtues not enwrapped in love will not be part of this chain which binds Me, the Word, to earth, and so much ingratitude has not been able to break. Who, then, do you think sent it to earth? The Holy Spirit, (on) the day of the Incarnation in Mary"   
(Diary, June 21, 1906).

"You must live in continual contact with the Trinity, united to the three Divine Persons by the grace of the mystical incarnation: with the Father offering Him His Word, with the Son, giving delights to the Father, with the Holy Spirit accepting Him for your spirit, the inspirer of your feelings and of all that you are, transforming you since you are possessed by Him.”

"You must live, breathe, labor, in the bosom of these three Divine Persons. They must constitute your atmosphere, your breathing, your existence. Thus, you will sanctify your life and what you are, divinizing your whole being and each of your steps to heaven.”

"From today on, you must live more and more in this intimacy with the Trinity, drawing from It light, the way you conduct yourself, force, grace and all the help needed to carry out your mission on earth. You should not leave on high, as on a throne and far away this trinity of Persons, but live, breathe, and dwell in its bosom, under its fecund influence, in the radiance of Its divinity, in the shadow of Its grace. If you are possessed by the Holy Spirit, if you really possess Him, you will not be able to separate yourself from Him, but on the contrary, you will remain most intimately united with the Father and the Word”.

"If in your soul there is operated the mystical incarnation, there attracted by the Word, will be found the Father and the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit and the Word divinize you in this so innerly a manner, if they enter into you, the Father who by nature holds the first place in these operations, will unite you to Him, from whom proceeds all fecundity and might, drawing you by a grace of special filiation, burying you in His eternity of all perfections" (Diary, July 19, 1906).

"Listen. There are many progressive degrees in the transformation. The highest degree on earth corresponds to a transformation of the creature not only in its manner of thinking and of acting which becomes divine, but which, in a certain sense, causes it to disappear an annihilate itself to give place to Me.”
"This degree is the work of the Holy Spirit alone who becomes the soul of this soul and the life of this body”.
"This point which leads to union, even more, to unity, is the point of perfection which approaches most the Trinity.”
  (Diary, Aug. 6, 1912)

“I insist that, for simplifying your acts in one finality, super-naturalizing them in God, you simplify your loves in one only love, in that of God, whence comes love of neighbor in the Unity of this God.”

"Learn to have but one only outlook, one only tendency, one only affection and will in God. Employ your existence loving God most simply, without detours, without complications, without seeking other ways or paths to come to Him, but seek only this essential Unity in which you must plunge yourself.”

"The very virtues you practice, direct them all to this Center of love, to this Unique Being whence all grace and holiness come, to this unity which is God. The Holy Spirit, one with the Father and the Son will bear you on His wings up to the heart of this Unity, that you may understand, move, breathe and live in It. This divine Spirit, on spiritualizing you, that is, on unifying you, will make you penetrate into what is Spirit, that is, into the essential Divinity, having prior to this passed through Jesus Christ in your transformation into Him in virtues and through love.”

"This is most sublime, but not impossible for the creature. This is not an ideal perfection I ask of you, but a most practical perfection by means of the exercise of virtues. This implies renunciation, simplification for uniting oneself more closely with Simplicity itself: God, one in the spirituality of His substance, this One in Three and these Three in One, indivisible and all perfect”
"All that you do and practice, cast it as often as possible into this Unity which must bring you along by the infinite perfection of its ever new beauties and by its infinite love. Your pains, your sufferings, your joys, your acts of renunciation, your desires and your hopes, your needs and your feelings, cast them all into this Unity which by its contact will simplify your life, the essence of your life, until you come to make yourself like to this unity itself in the plurality of virtues"
(Diary, April 15, 1913).
"Loving is perfecting and living with the love the Father has for the Son, that is, through the Holy Spirit - (this) is the most sublime perfection.

"Once transformation into Jesus is brought about in a soul, the Holy Spirit also becomes the spirit of the creature raised to a more or less higher degree according to the intensity and amplitude of transformation, which strictly depends on the growth of the soul in virtue. The Holy Spirit absorbs the creature's spirit in the course of transformation and fills it with this so pure love which is Himself. Then, it is with this same Love that the creature loves the divine Word, that is, with the same Love with which the Father loves Him, with absolute Love.

"Loving with the Holy Spirit is the grace of graces, the fusion of divine charisms, it is heaven itself placed at the disposition of that poor creature. The creature no longer acts, for its is the Holy Spirit who acts, whose heart beats, and who lives in it, and who loves with it and wholly surrounds it" (Diary, April 17, 1913).

"The mystical incarnation is a grace of transformation in view of an assimilation of the creature with its model Jesus, who I am." (Diary, Dec. 11, 1913) 

"The mystical incarnation attracts the Holy Spirit, loving, mighty and divine of the Word who possesses the soul. Transformation is in the innermost part and the most noble of the creature." (Diary, Aug. 6, 1912) 

"Do not think that in the mystical incarnation of the Word it is I who act, but the Trinity of the Divine Persons do so, each one of them operating according to His attributes, the Father, as Father, engendering: the Word as Son, being born; the Holy Spirit making fertile this divine action in the soul." (Diary, Sept. 22, 1927).

"One of the main fruits of the mystical incarnation is the reign of the Holy Spirit which must bring about the disappearance of materialism" (Diary, Feb. 19, 1911).

Her spiritual director, Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez told her: "The teacher and model of this life, is Mary. Contemplate Her. Imitate Her and throw yourself into Her motherly arms" (Diary, Sept. 17, 1927).

As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus came as crucified, and after He shared His pains with me, while I was suffering, He told me: “My daughter, in the Creation I gave my image to the soul; in the Incarnation I gave my Divinity, divinizing humanity. And since in the very act, in the very instant, in which the Divinity incarnated Itself in humanity, It incarnated Itself in the cross, in such a way that from the moment I was conceived, I was conceived united with the cross – it can be said that just as my cross was united with Me in the Incarnation which I did in the womb of my Mother, so does my cross form as many other incarnations of mine in the wombs of souls. And just as the cross forms my incarnation in souls, the cross is the incarnation of the soul in God, destroying in her everything that gives of nature, and filling her with the Divinity so much, as to form a sort of incarnation – God in the soul, and the soul in God.” I remained as though enchanted on hearing that the cross is the incarnation of the soul in God, and He repeated: “I am not saying union, but incarnation, because the cross penetrates so much into her nature as to make her nature itself become suffering, and where there is suffering there is God, as God and suffering cannot be apart. And the cross, forming this incarnation, renders this union more stable, and the separation of God from the soul almost as difficult as is separating suffering from nature. On the other hand, through union, the separation can easily occur. It is understood, always, that this is not the Incarnation, but a simile of the Incarnation.”   Book of Heaven, Vol. 6, Dec. 22, 1903

Lynne Bauer

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