Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Mass and the Holy Eucharist

Volume 1

Now, while seeing Jesus or the priest celebrating the Divine Sacrifice, Jesus would make me understand that in the Mass there is all the depth of our sacrosanct religion.  Ah! yes, the Mass tells us everything and speaks to us about everything.  The Mass reminds us of our redemption; It speaks to us, step by step, about the pains that Jesus suffered for us; It also manifests to us His immense love, for He was not content with dying on the Cross, but He wanted to continue His state of victim in the Most Holy Eucharist.  The Mass also tells us that our bodies, decayed, reduced to ashes by death, will rise again on the day of the judgment, together with Christ, to immortal and glorious life.  Jesus made me comprehend that the most consoling thing for a Christian, and the highest and most sublime mysteries of our holy religion are:  Jesus in the Sacrament and the resurrection of our bodies to glory.  These are profound mysteries, which we will comprehend only beyond the stars; but Jesus in the Sacrament makes us almost touch them with our own hands, in different ways.  First, His Resurrection; second, His state of annihilation under those species, though it is certain that Jesus is there present, alive and real.  Then, once those species are consumed, His real presence no longer exists.  And as the species are consecrated again, He comes again to assume His sacramental state.  So, Jesus in the Sacrament reminds us of the resurrection of our bodies to glory:  just as Jesus, when His sacramental state ceases resides in the womb of God, His Father, the same for us – when our lives cease, our souls go and make their dwelling in Heaven, in the womb of God, while are bodies are consumed.  So, one can say that they will no longer exist; but then, with a prodigy of the omnipotence of God, our bodies will acquire new life, and uniting with the soul, will go together to enjoy the eternal beatitude.  Can there be anything more consoling for a human heart than the fact that not only the soul, but also the body will be beatified in the eternal contentments?  It seems to me that on that day it will happen as when the sky is starry and the sun comes out.  What happens?  With its immense light, the sun absorbs the stars and makes them disappear; yet the stars exist.  The sun is God, and all the blessed souls are the stars; with His immense light, God will absorb us all within Himself, in such a way that we will exist in God and will swim in the immense sea of God.  Oh! how many things Jesus in the Sacrament tells us; but who can tell them all?  I would really be too long.  If the Lord allows it, I will reserve saying something else on other occasions

Volume 3 - May 1, 1900
…“My daughter, if the Eucharist is the deposit of the future glory, the cross is the disbursement with which to purchase it.  If the Eucharist is the seed which prevents corruption – like those aromatic herbs that prevent decomposition when applied to cadavers – and gives immortality to soul and body, the cross embellishes and is so powerful that if debts have been contracted, it becomes their guarantor, and it more surely obtains the restitution of the debt’s deed.  And after it has satisfied every debt, it forms for the soul the most refulgent throne in the future glory.  Ah, yes, the cross and the Eucharist alternate, and one operates more powerfully than the other.”

Volume 4 - July 3, 1902
“My daughter, each period of my life receives from man distinct and special acts and degrees of imitation, of love, of reparation and other things.  But the period of my Eucharistic Life is all life of hiddenness, of transformation and of continuous consummation; so much so, that I can say that after my love reached the excess and was even consumed, in my infinite wisdom I could not find any other external sign to prove my love for man.  And just as my Incarnation, Life and Passion on the cross receive love, praise, thanksgiving, imitation - my Sacramental Life receives from man an ecstatic love, a love of dissolving oneself in Me, a love of perfect consummation; and as the soul is consumed in my very Sacramental Life, she can say that she performs, before the Divinity, the same offices that I perform continuously before God for love of men.  And this consummation will make the soul overflow into eternal life.”

Volume 11 - September 25, 1913
“My daughter, I had to do in such a way that sanctity might be easy and accessible to all - unless they did not want it - in all conditions, in all circumstances and in every place.  It is true that the Most Holy Eucharist is center; but who instituted It?  Who constrained my Humanity so that It might be enclosed within the little circle of a Host?  Wasn’t that my Will?  My Will will always have primacy over everything.  Further, if everything is in the Eucharist, the Priests who call Me from Heaven into their hands, and who are in contact with my Sacramental Flesh more than anyone should be the most saintly and the most good; instead, many are the worst.  Poor Me, how they treat Me in the Holy Eucharist!  And the many souls who receive Me, perhaps every day, should be many saints if the center of the Eucharist were sufficient.  Instead - and it makes one want to cry - they remain always at the same point:  vain, irascible, punctilious, etc.  Poor center of the Most Holy Eucharist, how dishonored It remains!

Volume 12 - December 26, 1919

I was thinking to myself:  ‘How can it be that doing the Will of God surpasses even the Sacraments?’  And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, why are Sacraments called Sacraments?  Because they are sacred - they have the value and the power to confer Grace and Sanctity.  However, these Sacraments operate according to the dispositions of the creatures; so much so, that sometimes they remain even fruitless, unable to confer the good which they contain.  Now, my Will is Sacred and Holy, and It contains altogether the virtue of all the Sacraments.  Not only this; It does not have to work to dispose the soul to receive the goods which my Will contains.  In fact, as soon as the soul has disposed herself to do my Will, she has already disposed herself by herself, and my Will, finding everything prepared and disposed, even at the cost of any sacrifice, communicates Itself to the soul without delay, pouring the goods It contains, and forming the heroes - the martyrs of the Divine Volition, the most unheard-of portents...  And then, what do the Sacraments do if not unite the soul with God?  And what is to do my Will?  Isn’t it perhaps to unite the will of the creature with her Creator?  It is to dissolve oneself in the Eternal Volition - the nothingness ascending to the All, and the All descending into the nothingness.  It is the most noble, the purest, the most beautiful, the most heroic act that a creature can do.

Ah, yes, I confirm it to you, I repeat it:  my Will is Sacrament, and It surpasses all the Sacraments together - but in a more admirable way; without mediation from anyone; with nothing material.  The Sacrament of my Will is formed between my Will and the will of the soul; the two wills are tied together and form the Sacrament.  My Will is Life, and the soul is already disposed to receive Life; It is Holy, and she receives sanctity; It is Strong, and she receives fortitude; and so with all the rest.

On the other hand, how much my other Sacraments have to work to dispose the souls - if they manage at all!  And how many times these channels which I left to my Church remain beaten up, despised, oppressed!  Some even use them to praise themselves, turning them against Me to offend Me.  Ah, if you knew the enormous sacrileges committed in the Sacrament of Confession, and the horrendous abuses of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, you would cry with Me for the great pain!  Ah! yes, only the Sacrament of my Will can sing glory and victory.  It is full in Its effects, and untouchable by creature’s offense.  In fact, in order to enter my Will, the creature must lay down her will, her passions; only then does my Will lower to her, investing her, identifying her with Itself, making portents out of her.  Therefore, when I speak about my Will I become festive - I never stop; my joy is full, and no bitterness enters between Me and the soul.  But for the other Sacraments, my Heart swims in the pain.  Man has turned them into founts of bitterness, while I gave them as founts of graces.”

Volume 13 - November 26, 1921

I have been watching over each one of your Acts, and immediately I made my Volition flow, as to a place of honor.  I Myself knew how many graces were necessary, having to work the greatest miracle that exists in the world, which is that of living continuously in my Volition: the soul must assimilate everything of God in its act, so as to give it back again intact, just as the soul assimilated it, and then to assimilate it again.  Thus, it even surpasses the miracle of the Eucharist: the accidents of bread and wine possess neither reason nor will nor desires that could put themselves in opposition to my Sacramental Life.  The Host does nothing itself; the work is all my own: if I want it, then I do it.  Instead, to bring about the miracle of living in my Volition, I must bend a human will and reason, a desire, and a love that is purely free: how many things are necessary?  And so, there are many souls who go to communion and who take part in the miracle of the Eucharist; but, because they would have to sacrifice themselves more in order to bring about the miracle of my Will having life within them, there are very few who are so disposed."

Volume 14 - July 6, 1922

Listen my daughter, when I instituted the Eucharistic Supper I saw and called all to come to Me, all generations, from the first to the last man, so that I could give to all my Sacramental Life, and not just once but just as often as man needs corporal nourishment.  I desired to constitute Myself as the nourishment of their souls.  But I felt very abused when I realized that this, my Sacramental Life, was encompassed by indifference, by carelessness, and even by ruthless death. I felt all the crudeness of the death of my Sacramental Life, and so painfully, so repeatedly. But then I took a better look and, making use of the Power of my Will, I called around Me the souls that were to live in my Will, and oh, how happy I felt!  I felt as if surrounded by these souls which the Power of my Will had absorbed and the center of whose life was my Volition. I saw in them my own immensity; within them I found myself protected from all creatures, and I entrusted to them my Sacramental Life. I deposited my Sacramental Life in them not only for them to cherish, but also for them to reciprocate Me with a life of their own for each consecrated Host. This is natural for them to do because my Sacramental Life takes its life from my Eternal Will, which these souls have as the center of their lives. Therefore, when my Sacramental Life is formed within them, the same Will that Acts within Me, Acts also within them. As I feel their lives within my Sacramental Life their lives are multiplied in each HOST and I feel that they give Me in reciprocity Life for Life. Oh, how I exulted upon seeing you as the first soul whom I called in a special way to live in my Will!  I deposited in you the first of all my Sacramental Lives, and I entrusted you to the Power and Immensity of my Supreme Will so that they would render you capable of receiving this deposit.  From that moment you were present to me and I made you the depository of my sacramental Life and, in you, all those who would live in my Will.  I gave you primacy over all, and justly so, because my Will is above all, even above the Apostles and the priests. It is true they consecrate Me, but their lives do not remain conjoined with mine. What's more, they abandon Me, they forget Me, and take no care of my Presence. On the other hand, those souls who live in my Will are lives within my very Life, and, therefore, inseparable from Me. That is why I love you so; it is my own Will in you that I love."

Volume 15 - March 27, 1923
I wanted to hide Myself under these eucharistic veils and, so hidden, enter into her to form this transformation of the creature into Myself.  But in order for this transformation to take place, the dispositions were needed on the part of creatures; and my love, giving in to excess, in instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist, released from within my Divinity more graces, gifts, favors and light for the good of man, to render him worthy to receive Me.  I could say that it released so much good as to surpass the gifts of Creation.  First, I wanted to give him the graces in order for him to receive Me, and then Myself, to give him the true fruit of my Sacramental Life.  However, in order to anticipate souls with these gifts, it takes a little emptying of themselves, hate of sin, and desire to receive Me.  These gifts do not descend into rot, into mud.  Therefore, without my gifts they do not have the true dispositions to receive Me, and in descending into them, I do not find the space to communicate my Life; I am as though dead for them, and they are dead for Me; I burn, and they do not feel my flames; I am light, and they remain more blinded.  Alas! how many sorrows in my Sacramental Life.  Many, feeling nothing good in receiving Me because of lack of dispositions, reach the point of nauseating Me; and if they continue to receive Me, it is to form my continuous Calvary and their eternal damnation.  If it is not love that pushes them to receive Me, it is one more affront that they give Me - one more sin which they add to their souls.  Therefore, pray and repair for the many abuses and sacrileges that are committed in receiving Me in the Sacrament.”

Volume  18 - November 5, 1925

"Do not allow your love to stop; run to all the Tabernacles, each Sacramental Host; and you will hear the Holy Spirit moaning with unnarratable sorrow in each Host.  When souls receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist, not only their life is given to them, but my Own Life.  Thus, the fruit of this Sacrament is to form my Life in them; and each Communion serves to make my Life grow, to develop in them in such a manner that they are able to say 'I am another Christ.'  But, oh Me, how few take advantage of it!  Indeed, how many times do I descend into hearts and find arms that wound Me; and they repeat the tragedy of my Passion to Me!  And, as they consume the Sacramental Species, instead of pressing Me to remain with them, I am constrained to go out bathed in tears, crying over my Sacramental lot; and I do not find anyone to quiet my crying and my doleful moans…  If you could break the veils of the Host that cover Me, you would find Me bathed in tears, knowing the lot that awaits Me in descending into hearts.  "Therefore, let your exchange of love be continuous for each Host to quiet my crying; you will render less sorrowful the moans of the Holy Spirit.  Do not stop; otherwise, We will not find you always together with Us in our moans and in our secret tears; We will feel a void in your exchange of love…

Volume 36 – April 21, 1938

I was always along the way of the Divine Will and, feeling worried, I said to myself:  how can it be that so many divine lives can be formed in us for as many acts that we do in It?  And my always adorable Jesus, in order to let me understand better, told me: "My daughter, everything is easy to us because when we find one who gives her human will to live in Ours, we delight to form even in the motion, in the breathing, in the step, new lives which move, breathe and speak.  The human will gives us many veils in which we form many of our lives.  This is the ultimate expression of our love, and we like it so much that, provided that the human will gives us its little veil, we populate all its acts with the variety of our divine lives.  And, then, my Eucharistic Life proves and confirms what I am telling you:  aren't, perhaps, the accidents of the Bread like small veils in which I am consecrated, alive and real in body, blood, soul and Divinity?  If there are one thousand Hosts, I form my life in each one of them.  If there's one Host only, I form one life.

But what does the Hosts give to me?  Nothing.  Not one 'I love you'- not a breath, not a heartbeat; not a single step to accompany.  I am lonely and many times this loneliness oppresses me - embitters me - and I burst into tears.  How heavy it is for me not having one to whom I can say a word.  I am in the nightmare of a deep silence.  What can the Host give to me?  The hiding place in which to hide myself.  The tiny little prison to make me, I would almost say... to make me unhappy.  But since it is my Will that wants me to remain in each Sacramental Host - and my Will never brings unhappiness, either to Us or to the creatures who live in It - It makes flow in my Sacramental Life our celestial joys, which are inseparable from us.  This, from our side, but the Host never gives me anything.  It doesn't defend me, it doesn't love me.  Now, if I form my lives in the Hosts that give Me nothing, how much more would I form them those who live in my Will.  

The difference between my Sacramental lives and the many lives I form in one who lives in my Will is incalculable.  It is greater than the difference between Heaven and earth.  It is, primarily, that we are never alone, and having company is the greatest joy that delights both the divine and the human life.  Now you must know that, as I form my Life in the thought of the creature who lives in my Will, I feel the company of the human intelligence, which courts me and loves me.  It comprehends me, placing its memory, intellect and will in my power.  Since these three powers were created in our image, I feel our eternal memory - which forgets nothing - given to us for company.  I feel the company of my Wisdom, which understands me and also the company of the human will fused with Mine - loving me with my eternal love.  How could I not multiply, for each of her thoughts, as many of our lives.  When we find her understanding and loving us more, we can say that we find our reward, since the more lives we form, the more we let ourselves be understood.  We redouble our love and she loves us more.  If we form our life in her word, we find company in her word, and since our Fiat is her own, we also find all the prodigies it operated when our Fiat was pronounced.  If we form our life in her breath we find her breath, which breathes together with ours and keeps company with our omnipotent breath which, in creating her, gave her life.  If we form our life in her motion, oh!, we find her hands that hug us, squeeze us tightly and don't want to leave us, ever again.  If we form it in her steps, they follow us everywhere. 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Time of the Holy Spirit - Conchita de Armida

"'It is time that the Holy Spirit reign.' Very moved, the Lord told me this. He went on, 'and not a remote reign as something very sublime, even though it be so and there is nothing greater than He since He is God united and consubstantial with the Father and the Word. But it is necessary that He reigns, here, right close, in each soul and in each heart, in all the structures of My Church. The day on which there will flow in each pastor, in each priest, like an inner blood, the Holy Spirit, then will be renewed the theological virtues, now languishing, even in the ministers of My Church, due to the absence of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit, the sole remedy. Let the ministers of My Church react, through the medium of the Holy Spirit, and the whole world of souls will be divinized. He is the axis around which revolve the virtues. There is no virtue without the Holy Spirit. The decisive impulse for raising up My Church from the state of prostration in which she lies, consists in reviving the cult of the Holy Spirit. Let His place be given Him, that is, the first in intellects and wills! No one will be lacking anything with this heavenly wealth. The Father and I, the Word, We desire an ardent and vitalizing renewal of His reign in the Church.'"

Conchita:  "Lord, yet the Holy Spirit reigns in the Church, why do You complain?"

Jesus: "Woe to Her were it not so!  Certainly the Holy Spirit is the soul of this so dearly loved Church! But that about which I am complaining is that there is such little consideration for this gift of heaven, and to Him there is not accorded the importance due. His devotion in hearts is routine and languishing, indifferent, secondary. This brings about countless evils not only in the Church but in all souls. That is why the Works of the Cross have just come to renew devotion to Him and to extend it
throughout the earth. May the Holy Spirit reign in souls, and the Word will be known and honored, the Cross taking on a new force in the souls spiritualized by divine Love.

"To the extent the Holy Spirit will reign, sensuality, which today invades the earth, will disappear. The Cross will never take root unless beforehand the soil is made ready by the Holy Spirit. That is why He appeared to you first even before the vision of the Cross. It is because of this He is at the summit of the Cross of the Apostolate.

"One of the main fruits of the mystical incarnation is the reign of the Holy Spirit which must bring about the disappearance of materialism"
(Diary, Feb. 19, 1911).

Friday, February 21, 2020

Appeal of the Queen of Heaven





From "The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will"

Dearest daughter, I feel the irresistible need to come down from Heaven to make you my maternal visits. If you assure me of your filial love and faithfulness, I will remain always with you in your soul, to be your teacher, model, example and most tender Mother.

I come to invite you to enter the Kingdom of your Mama - the Kingdom of the Divine Will - and I knock at the door of your heart, that you may open it to me. You know, with my own hands I bring you this book as a gift; I offer it to you with maternal care so that, in reading it, you may learn in your turn to live from Heaven and no longer from the earth.

This book is of gold, my daughter. It will form your spiritual fortune and your happiness also on earth. In it you will find the fount of all goods: if you are weak, you will acquire strength; if you are tempted, you will achieve victory; if you have fallen into sin, you will find the compassionate and powerful hand which will raise you again. If you feel afflicted, you will find comfort; if cold, the surest way to get warm; if hungry, you will enjoy the delicious food of the Divine Will. With It you will lack nothing; you will no longer be alone, because your Mama will keep you sweet company and with all her maternal care will take on the commitment to making you happy. I, Celestial Empress, will take care of all your needs, provided that you agree to live united with me.

If you knew my anxiety, my ardent sighs, and also the tears I shed for my children! If you knew how I burn with desire that you listen to my lessons, all of Heaven, and learn to live from the Divine Will!

In this book you will see wonders; you will find a mama who loves you so much as to sacrifice her own beloved Son for you, in order to allow you to live of that very life from which she lived on earth.

Do not give me this sorrow - do not reject me. Accept this gift of Heaven I am bringing you; welcome my visit and my lessons. Know that I will go all over the world; I will go to each individual, to all families, to religious communities, to every nation, to all peoples, and if needed, I will go about for entire centuries until, as Queen, I have formed my people, and as Mother, my children, who may know the Divine Will and let It reign everywhere. Here is the purpose of this book. Those who will welcome it with love will be the first fortunate children to belong to the Kingdom of the divine Fiat, and with gold characters I will write their names in my maternal heart.

Do you see, my daughter? That same infinite love of God, Who wanted to use me in the Redemption to make the Eternal Word descend upon earth, calls me into the field once again, entrusting to me the difficult task, the sublime mandate to form the children of the Kingdom of His Divine Will on earth. Therefore, with maternal care I put myself to work, preparing for you the way which will lead you to this happy Kingdom. For this purpose I will give you sublime and celestial lessons, and, finally, I will teach you special and new prayers, through which you will bind the heavens, the sun, the creation, my own life and that of my Son, and all the acts of the saints, so that in your name they may beseech the adorable Kingdom of the Divine Volition. These prayers are the most powerful because they bind the divine work itself. Through them God will feel disarmed and won over by the creature. Confident of this help, you will hasten the coming of His most happy Kingdom, and with me you will obtain that the Divine Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, according to the desire of the Divine Master.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Be you therefore perfect...

“Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.”  Matthew 5:48

How is it possible to be perfect in this world?  There is only one way, and that is through offering everything to our Heavenly Father through the Sacred Heart of His Son, Jesus, and to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  It is only in this way that our actions become perfect in the eyes of God and we become perfect as our “heavenly Father is perfect.”

On May 7, 2010, Jesus told a Benedictine Monk, “I do not ask for perfection from those whom I have chosen to be My friends; I ask only that they give Me their imperfection and the burden of their sins, and allow Me to do for them what, of themselves, they are incapable of doing.”  He goes on to say, “Did I not say to My Apostles on the night before I suffered, “Without Me, you can do nothing?”  Why is this word of Mine so often forgotten?  It is a word of immense power for the healing and liberation of souls because, understood rightly, it obliges them to run to Me in every necessity of body, mind, or spirit, and to allow Me to be their Savior, their Physician, and their God.”  (“In Sinu Jesu – When Heart Speaks to Heart”)

And through Luisa Piccarreta in the Book of Heaven, Jesus tells us, “It is said in the Holy Gospel: ‘Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect’ - no less; it is also added that no one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven if he is not similar to the image** of the Son of God; and many other things. About all these, no one says that they have been exalted too much, and that these are things not conforming to truths spoken by my very mouth. Only because to you I said that I wanted to compare you to the Virgin - to make you Her faithful copy, I have exalted you too much? So, comparing those to Me was not exalting them, nor did anyone raise any doubt or difficulty; but then, comparing to the Virgin – that’s too much exaltation. This means that they have not understood well the mission of the knowledge of my Will. Indeed, I repeat to you that I not only place you near Her as Her little daughter, on Her maternal lap, that She may guide you, instruct you on how you must imitate Her, to become Her faithful copy by always doing the Divine Will; so that, from Her lap, you may pass onto the lap of the Divinity. In fact, the mission of my Will is eternal, and it is precisely the mission of Our Celestial Father, who wants, commands, expects nothing else but that His Will be known and loved, that It be done on earth as It is in Heaven. So you, making this eternal mission your own and imitating the Celestial Father, must want nothing else for yourself and for all but that my Will be known, loved and fulfilled. And besides, when it is the creature who exalts herself, one should think about it; but when she remains at her place and I exalt her, all is permissible to Me – making one reach wherever I want, and the way I want. Therefore, trust Me and do not be concerned.”   April 15, 1925

**Oct. 12, 2014:  I had a dream that I was looking at a beautiful picture of Jesus and said to someone standing near me, “What a beautiful picture of Jesus.”  Then I heard said, “There is a difference between a picture and an image. A picture is not an image – an image is a reflection.”

L. Bauer, April 19, 2018

Tuesday, February 11, 2020



September 8, 1927 - After this, I was following the Holy Divine Volition in the act in which my sweet Jesus separated from the Sovereign Queen to go into the desert; and while compassionating both one and the other, I thought to myself: ‘How could the Sovereign Queen separate from Her dear Son for as many as forty days? She who loved Him so much – how could She endure being without Him? I, who do not have Her love, suffer so much for a few days that He deprives me of Himself; what must it have been for my Mama?’ Now, while I was thinking of this, my adored Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, We both suffered in separating from each other, but Our sorrow was suffered in a divine way, not in a human way, and therefore it did not separate either from happiness or from imperturbable peace. Happy, I departed for the desert – happy, the height of my Celestial Mama stayed. In fact, the sorrow suffered in a divine way has no virtue of shading even slightly the divine happiness, which contains endless seas of joys and of peace. Sorrows suffered in a divine way are like little drops of water in the immense sea, the power of whose waves has the virtue of changing them into happiness. The sorrow suffered in a human way has the virtue of breaking true happiness and of disturbing the peace; the divine way – never. More so, since my Queen Mama possessed the Sun of my Will by grace, and I possessed It by nature. So, the Sun remained in Her and remained in Me, but Its rays did not separate, because light is indivisible; therefore, in that same light She remained in Me and followed my acts, and I remained in Her as Her center of life. So, the separation, while true, was apparent; in substance We were fused together and inseparable, because the light of the Divine Will placed Our acts in common as if they were one alone. And besides, I went to the desert to call back that same Divine Will of Mine which, for forty centuries, creatures had deserted from their midst; and I, for forty days, wanted to remain alone, to repair for the forty centuries of human will during which Mine had not possessed Its Kingdom in the midst of the human family; and with my very Divine Will I wanted to call It back again into their midst, so that It might reign. 

Upon returning from the desert, I deposited It in my Mama, with all those acts of Divine Will which creatures had rejected and had kept as though in a desert, so that She might be the faithful depository, the repairer and the empress of the Kingdom of my Will. Only the Sovereign Lady could possess this deposit so great, because She possessed within Herself the very Divine Will which could contain the Will deserted by creatures. How could We occupy Ourselves with Our sorrow of being separated for forty days, when it was about reintegrating - about calling back Our Divine Will to reign in the midst of creatures? In Our sorrow We were more than happy, because We wanted to place the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat in safety, and the Celestial Queen was waiting with yearnings for my return, in order to receive the deposit of the new Sun, so as to requite with Her love all of Its acts, which the human ingratitude had rejected. She acted as true Mama to my Divine Will, acting as true Mother also for creatures, impetrating for all the life, the happiness, the joy of possessing the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat. My daughter, the number forty is symbolic and significant in my life down here. When I was born, for forty days I wanted to remain in the grotto of Bethlehem - symbol of my Divine Will which, while being present in the midst of creatures, was as though hidden and outside of the city of their souls. And I, in order to repair for the forty centuries of human will, wanted to remain outside of the city for forty days, in a miserable hut, crying, moaning and praying, to call back my Divine Will into the city of souls, so as to give It Its dominion. And after forty days I went out to present Myself to the temple, and reveal Myself to the holy old Simeon. He was the first city I was calling to the knowledge of my Kingdom; and his joy was so great, that he closed his eyes to the earth to open them to eternity. Forty days I spent in the desert, and then, immediately, I did my public life, to give them the remedies and the means in order to reach the Kingdom of my Will. For forty days I wanted to remain on earth after my Resurrection, to confirm the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat and Its forty centuries of Kingdom which It was to possess. So, in everything I did down here, the first act was the restoration of the Kingdom; all other things entered into the secondary order, but the first link of connection between Me and creatures was the Kingdom of my Will. Therefore, when it is about my Will, I hold nothing back, neither light, nor sacrifices, nor manifestations, nor happiness – they are seas that I release from Myself so as to make It known, to make It reign, and to make It loved.”

October 10, 1928 - ‘After forty years, and months, that I had not seen the Tabernacle, that I had not been given to be before His adorable sacramental presence – forty years, not only of prison, but of exile – finally, and after so long an exile, I have come back as though to my fatherland, though a prisoner, but no longer exiled, near my Jesus in the Sacrament; and not once a day, as I used to do before Jesus made me a prisoner, but always – always. My poor heart, if I have it at all in my chest, feels consumed at so much love of Jesus.’ But while I was thinking of this and other things, my Highest Good, Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, do you think that my keeping you imprisoned for forty years and more has been by chance, without a great design of mine? No! no! The number forty has always been significant and preparatory to great works. For forty years the Jews walked in the desert without being able to reach the promised land, their fatherland; but after forty years of sacrifices they had the good of taking possession of it. But, how many miracles, how many graces, to the point of nourishing them with the celestial manna during that time. A prolonged sacrifice has the virtue and strength to obtain great things from God. I Myself, during my life down here, wanted to remain in the desert for forty days, away from all, even from my Mama, to then go out in public to announce the Gospel which was to form the life of my Church – that is, the Kingdom of Redemption. For forty days I wanted to remain as risen, to confirm my Resurrection and to place the seal upon all the goods of Redemption. So I wanted for you, my daughter: in order to manifest the Kingdom of my Divine Will, I wanted forty years of sacrifices. But, how many graces have I not given you! How many manifestations! I can say that in this great length of time I placed in you all the capital of the Kingdom of my Will, and everything that is necessary in order to make creatures comprehend it. So, your long imprisonment has been the continual weapon, always in the act of fighting with your very Creator, to have you manifest my Kingdom. Now, you must know that everything I have manifested to your soul, the graces I have given you, the many truths you have written on my Divine Will, your pains, and everything you have done, has been nothing but a gathering of the materials in order to build; and now it is necessary to order them and to get everything settled. And just as I did not leave you alone in gathering the necessary things which must serve my Kingdom, but I have been always with you, so will I not leave you alone in putting them in order and in showing the great building which I have been preparing together with you for many years. Therefore, our sacrifice and work is not finished. We must go forward until the work is accomplished.”

November 27, 1926 - And Jesus: “Yet, from you (Luisa) must come the generation of these children. What mother has suffered so much? Who has been confined in a bed for forty years and more, for the love of forming a birth from herself, and of giving to the light the generation of her children? No one. What mother, as good as she may be, has sacrificed her entire existence to the point of enclosing within herself the thoughts, the heartbeats, the works, so that everything might be reordered in the birth she carried, wanting to give life to it - not once, but as many times for as many acts as her child does? No one. Do you yourself not feel within yourself the generations of these children, by following their thoughts, words, works, steps, in order to reorder them all in my Will? Do you not feel like wanting to give life to each one, provided that they may know my Will and be regenerated in It? Everything you do in your interior and suffer, is nothing other than the formation and the maturation of this birth, all of Heaven. This is why I have told you many times: your mission is great, there is no one who can equal it, and highest attention is needed.”

May 30, 193  - “This happened in the Redemption, every manifestation that was made by us on the descent of the Word upon the earth, it was a step that we made toward mankind, and as they longed and prayed for it, and they manifested to the people our manifestations, prophecies and revelations, thus they made so many steps toward the Supreme Being. So that they remained walking toward us, and we toward them, and as the time of having to descend from Heaven in earth drew near, thus we augmented the Prophets in order to be able to make more revelations, in order to be able to expedite the walk on both parts, so very true that in the first times of the world there was not any prophet, and our manifestations [were] so scarce that it can be said that one step was made every century. This slowness of walk cast coldness on the part of creatures, and almost held her from all in a way to say, my descent upon the earth (was) an absurd thing, not a reality, like one thinks today on the Kingdom of my Will: a way of saying and almost a thing that cannot be. Hence the Prophets came after Moses, almost in the last times, near to my descent upon the earth, which behind our manifestations the walk on both was expedited, and then the Sovereign Lady of Heaven came, whom not only walked, but raced in order to expedite the meeting with her Creator, in order to make him descend and make him complete the Redemption. You see therefore how my manifestations on my Divine Will are certain proofs that He walks in order to come to reign upon the earth, and that the creature to which they have been made with an iron constancy walks and races in order to receive the first meeting, in order to give her soul in order to make him reign, and thus give him the step to make him reign in the midst of creatures. Therefore your acts are continuous, because only continuous acts are those that expedite the walk, overcome every obstacle, and alone are the conquerors that conquer God and the creature.”

Lynne Bauer, JMJ 2018

Monday, February 3, 2020

Seeds of the Divine Will


“Whatever one does for God is never lost; rather, the seed is formed, which, in sprouting, makes Life be born again, more flourishing, strong and beautiful.  Everything you have done, both for yourself and for others, is seeds that you have formed – seeds which make the Life of the Divine Will be born again.  However, our cooperation is needed – our repeated acts in the Fiat, which like beneficial water, water the seed in order to form the life.  And once the life has been formed, it takes our will united with His to make it grow; it takes our continuous love in order to nourish it.  Therefore, nothing is lost for us if we really want to live from the Divine Will.  This Life exists within us, it did not escape; however, one must not abandon it, but make it grow and nourish it. The trouble is, rather, for those who have not yet known it, because knowledge is necessary in order to possess.”  (from the Letters of Luisa, #69)

Aug. 19, 1900 - “Do not want to meddle in other people’s business; let us leave them alone, because everything has its time. When the time of judgment comes, then will be the time to discern all things, which will be sifted well, so that one will come to recognize the grain, the straws and the sterile and noxious seeds. Oh, how many things that appear to be grain will be found straws and sterile seeds on that day, worthy only of being thrown into the fire!”

Jan. 28, 1905 - “My daughter, the cross is seed of virtue, and just as one who sows harvests for ten, twenty, thirty, and even one hundred - in the same way, the cross, being seed, multiplies virtues and perfections, and it embellishes them in an admirable way. So, the more crosses thicken around you, the more seeds of virtue are sown into your soul. Therefore, instead of afflicting yourself when a new cross comes to you, you should rejoice, thinking that you are acquiring another seed, with which you can enrich, and even complete, your crown.”

October 28, 1915 - This morning, my always lovable Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter, my life on earth was nothing but seeds sown, which my children will harvest, as long as they remain on the same land in which I sowed these seeds. And according to their attitude for harvesting, my seeds will produce their fruits. Now, these seeds are my works, words, thoughts, and even my breaths, etc.; and if the soul harvests them all, making them her own, she will be enriched in such a way as to purchase the Kingdom of Heaven. But if she does not, these seeds will serve as her condemnation.”

Dec. 10, 1921 - As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, telling me: “My daughter, how great is an act done in my Will. See, if you asked the sun: ‘How many seeds have you fecundated, how many of them have you multiplied from the moment you rose above our horizon?’; neither the sun, nor any other creature, as learned as he might be, would be able to tell you, even with an approximate number, either how many seeds it fecundated or how many of them it multiplied.

Now, an act done in my Will is more than sun, which multiplies, not human, but divine seeds, to infinity. Oh! how greatly it surpasses the fecundity and the multiplicity of the seeds which the sun has fecundated. An innovation in the spiritual world takes place - such a harmony, that all are attracted. In hearing this harmony, those who are most disposed get warm; thousands and thousands of effects arise like many seeds; and since the act done in my Will carries with itself the creative power, it fecundates those seeds in a way which is incalculable to the finite mind. So, the acts done in my Will are divine seeds which carry with themselves the creative power, and which, more than suns, not only fecundate, but create seeds, and multiply them to infinity. They give Me the field for new creations, set my power in motion, and are the bearers of the Divine Life.”

January 25, 1922 - As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter, the more truths I manifest to you, the more specialties of beatitudes I give to you as gift. Each truth contains within itself a distinct beatitude, happiness, joy and beauty; so, each additional truth you know brings beatitude, happiness, joy, beauty into yourself, with which you remain enriched. These are divine seeds that the soul receives, and by manifesting them to others, she communicates these seeds and enriches whomever receives them. Now, since the truths that one has known on earth are divine seeds which sprout with beatitudes, joy, etc. in Heaven, when the soul is in her Fatherland they will be electric wires of communication through which the Divinity will unleash from Its womb so many acts of beatitude for as many truths as she has known. Oh! how she will remain inundated by them, as though by many different immense seas. She already has the seed, and by having the seed, she has the void in which to be able to receive these immense seas of happiness, of joy and of beauty. One who does not have the seed, who has not known a truth while on earth, lacks the void in order to be able to receive these beatitudes.”

Feb. 21, 1922 – “This is precisely the virtue of my Love: to make Me die and, from my consummation, form many seeds, to place them in the hearts of all creatures, so as to make Me rise again and form with them one single life with Me.”

March 3, 1922 - “My daughter, now it is appropriate that I set to work again, to work the soil of your soul, so as to be able to sow the seed of my word in order to nourish you. I act like a farmer when he wants to sow in his field: he forms little trenches, makes some furrows, and then sows in them the seeds, and again he covers with earth the little trenches and the furrows in which he has sown the seeds, so as to keep them sheltered and give them the time to germinate, to then harvest them increased a hundredfold, to make of them his food. But he is careful not to put too much earth over them, otherwise he would suffocate his seeds and would make them die under the earth, and he would run the risk of remaining on an empty stomach. Now, so I do: I prepare the little trenches, I form the furrows, I enlarge the capacity of her intelligence to be able to sow my divine word, and therefore form the food for Me and for her; then I cover the little trenches and the furrows with earth - which is humility, nothingness, the annihilation of the soul, some little weakness or misery of hers. This is earth, and it is necessary that I take it from her because I lack this earth; and so I cover everything and I wait with joy for my harvest. Now, do you want to know when too much earth is placed over my seed? When the soul feels her miseries, her weaknesses, her nothingness, and she afflicts herself. She thinks about it so much as to waste time; and the enemy uses this in order to cast her into disturbance, discouragement and despondency. This is all earth in excess over my seed. Oh! how my seed feels itself dying – how it struggles to germinate under this earth. Many times these souls tire the Celestial Farmer, and He withdraws. Oh! how many are the souls such as these.” And I: ‘My Love, am I one of these?’ And He: “No, no - one who does my Will is not subject to forming earth that suffocates my seed; rather, many times I find not even humility, but only their nothingness, which produces little earth, and I can only place one layer of it over my seed. And the Sun of my Will quickly fecundates it; and it germinates, and I make great harvests, to then quickly return to sow my seed again. And besides, you can be sure of this; don’t you see how so very often I return to sow new seeds of truths into your soul?”

Sept. 20, 1922 – “And if the soul did not have the seeds of all goods, she could not receive the goods which my Will contains. And if - may this never be - she had some seeds that are not good, she would be an intruder, without nobility and decorum. Therefore, she herself, feeling ashamed, would go out of It, nor would she get any taste and contentment, keeping within herself things which are extraneous to my Will. This is why I have marked even the drops of your blood, your bones, your heartbeats; and the marks are these eyes of light, so that nothing - nothing may come out of you which is not holy, and which is not directed to Me.”

June 18, 1925 – “The seed sowed by the sower under the earth wants its return: that the seed generate more seeds - ten, twenty, thirty times more. The tree planted by the farmer wants the return of the generation and multiplication of the fruits. The water drawn from the fount gives the return of quenching one’s thirst, of washing and cleaning the one who has drawn it. The fire that is lit gives the return of warming. In the same way, all the other things created by God, who has the power to generate, contain the virtue of regeneration; they multiply and give their return. Now, is only this Will of Ours, which came out of Us with so much love, with so many manifestations and with so many continuous acts, to remain without Its return of the regeneration of other human wills into Divine? A seed gives more seeds, a fruit generates another fruit, man generates another man, a teacher forms another teacher. Is Our Will alone, powerful as It is, to remain isolated, without return and without generating Our Will in the human will? Ah! no, no - this is impossible. Our Will will have Its return; It will have Its divine generation in the human will; more so, since this was Our first act for which all things were created – that Our Will transform and regenerate the human will into Divine. Will is what came out of Us – will is what we want. All other things were done in the secondary order, while this was done, established, in the primary order of Creation.”

Aug. 2, 1925 - “My daughter, come with Me to work in this garden. We must plant in it celestial and divine flowers and fruits. It is now almost empty, and if there is any plant at all, it is terrestrial and human; therefore, we have to root them out, so that this garden may be fully pleasing to my Son Jesus. The seeds which we must plant are all my virtues, my works, my pains, which contain the seed of the Fiat Voluntas Tua. There was nothing I did which did not contain this seed of the Will of God. I would have contented Myself with doing nothing, rather than operating or suffering without this seed. All my glory, the dignity of Mother, the height of Queen, the supremacy over all, came to Me from this seed. The whole of Creation, all beings, recognized Me as dominating over them, because they saw in Me, reigning, the Supreme Will. Therefore, we will unite everything I did together with everything you have done with this seed of the Supreme Volition, and we will plant it in this garden. So, we fused the seeds which my Celestial Mama had, which were many, together with the few mine, which I don’t know how I found; and we began to form little holes in which to place the seeds.”

Dec. 25, 1927 – “Now, one who has sowed has the right to harvest; and since it is a divine field, I am the owner of it - not only to harvest, but to sow it again. So, I am doing nothing other than sowing it again. Don’t you see how I am all intent on the work of sowing seeds of light into this field, so that, as they germinate, the new suns of the knowledges on my Will may come out? And work brings silence, and my silence is warmth, maturation and fecundity, in order to transform the little seeds of light into more refulgent suns. I work in you always, either in one way or in another; the work of my Divine Will is long, and therefore I am always occupied and I keep you occupied.”

June 25, 1928 – “As man withdrew from my Will, his lot changed; and I wanted to go into the desert in order to call back the blessings of my Celestial Father and, by calling my Will to reign, restore the earth, populate it everywhere and fecundate it, in such a way that the earth will produce more seeds, and more beautiful ones, such as to increase it a hundredfold, rendering it more fecund and of radiant beauty. How many great things will do the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat! So much so, that all the elements are all in waiting – the Sun, the wind, the sea, the earth and the whole Creation – to deliver from their womb all the goods and effects which they contain. In fact, since the Divine Will that dominates them does not reign in the midst of creatures, they do not put out all the goods which they enclose within them, giving them only what they have to as alms, and as to servants. So, the earth has not produced all the seeds; the Sun, not finding all the seeds, does not produce all the effects and goods It contains; and so with all the rest. This is why all await the Kingdom of the Fiat – to show creatures how rich they are, and how many admirable things the Creator has placed in them for love of the ones who were to be the children of His Will.”

Sept. 8, 1929 The Birth of the Virgin

“This Celestial Baby Girl, by keeping Our Divine Will intact within Her soul, without ever doing Her own, reacquired all the rights of Adam innocent before Her Creator, and the sovereignty over all Creation. Therefore, all felt themselves being reborn in Her, and We saw in this Holy Virgin, in Her little Heart, all the seeds of the human generations. So, through Her, humanity reacquired the rights lost, and this is why Her birth was the most beautiful, the most glorious birth. From Her very birth, She enclosed within Her maternal little Heart, as though in-between two wings, all generations, as children reborn in Her virginal Heart, so as to warm them, keep them sheltered, and raise them and nourish them with the blood of Her maternal Heart. This is the reason why this tender Celestial Mother loves creatures so much – because all are reborn in Her, and She feels the life of Her children within Her Heart. What can Our Divine Will not do wherever It reigns and has Its Life? It encloses everything and everyone, and makes one the provider of good to all. So, all feel, under Her blue mantle, the maternal wing of their Celestial Mother, and they find in Her maternal Heart their little place in which to take cover.”

March 9, 1930 - “My daughter, the knowledges on my Divine Will are the ways which can lead creatures into the arms of light of my Divine Fiat. The knowledges are the seeds, and this seed makes the beginning of the Life of my Divine Fiat be born in the creature; the knowledges – each of them will be like many sips of life, which will form in the creature the maturation of this Divine Life.”

March 12, 1930 – “These seeds are not light, but they symbolize, some the flower, some the fruit, some a little plant, and some a precious gem; and I feel the homage of the flower, of the fruit, and so forth – but not the homage of a sun. And as all these acts are gathered, to enclose them in my Fiat, they remain as they are – each one with the nature that the seed gave it; and they appear as acts that the creature can do, not as acts that my Divine Will can do with Its seed of light in the acts of creatures. The seed of Divine Will is not given by It, if not when the creature lives in It, and gives It the first place of honor in her acts.”

June 8, 1931 – You must know that everything good, holy, that is done in my Divine Will is nothing other than seeds that germinate in the field of the soul, placing as though many seeds of divine light, which set a beginning that will have no end. In fact, everything that is done in my Divine Will is sown, germinates, grows in an admirable way on earth, while one is living, but the completion will be formed in Heaven; the final development, the variety of the beauties, the shades, the most beautiful and striking tints, will be given to her in the Celestial Fatherland.”

Feb. 24, 1933 – You should know that my truths are seeds that I the Celestial Farmer continue to sow in souls, and if I make my seeding, with certainty I must gather the fruit. Many times it happens to Me as to the poor sower that casts his seed in the earth, which for lack of moisture the earth doesn’t hold the strength to eat the seed in order to digest it and to convert it in earth and give the substance that it has absorbed from the seed and give the ten, the twenty, the one hundred of the seed that it has eaten. Other times while he casts the seed, for lack of rain the earth is made hard over the seed and the substance of the seed that it encloses doesn’t find the way in order to make life go forth, and the poor farmer must have patience to receive the harvest of his seeds. However, with having sowed the seed he has already done a thing and can have hope of who knows that a rain might give moisture to the earth, which possessing the substance of his seeds, it will put forth that which he has sowed, or else taking away the hardness and shifting it forms the ways in order to let his seed reproduce. So that the sower in spite that the earth doesn’t produce immediately, the multiplicity of the seed that it received, the time, the circumstances, the rain, can produce a most abundant harvest that he didn’t expect. Now if the farmer in spite of all the difficulties of the earth, can hope to receive an abundant harvest, more so I, Celestial Farmer, having put forth from my Divine bosom, so many seeds of Celestial truths, in order to sow them in the depth of your soul, and from the harvest I will fill the whole world.”

Sept. 17, 1933 – All things possess the virtue to reproduce similar things, the seed produces other seeds, the flower other flowers, the bird other little birds, and so on with the rest, not producing similar things is to go against divine and human nature. Therefore, not having the creature similar to us, is one of our greatest sorrows, and only one who lives of our Will, can be joy, and bearer of glory and of triumph for our creative work.”

April 4, 1938 - “My good daughter of my Will, my love was so great in the creation of man that I gave him my Will as his own primary Life and as absolute necessity, to the extent that he couldn’t do any good without It. The earth cannot produce anything without water, since water is like the soul of the earth. But without the sun which fecundates, purifies and embellishes the earth with its light and heat, the water would serve only to make the earth moldy, rendering it like a muddy sewer, which would release a contagious air capable of infecting the earth. But these three elements - water, earth and sun - are not enough. Seed is needed to produce, from the earth, the most beautiful blooms, plants and fruits which delight the farmer and form the food for all the human generations. You see, if only one of these elements was missing, the earth would be so sterile, gloomy, and obscure as to be frightening. It is the necessity of the union of these elements that forms the beauty, the utility, the goodness and the fecundity of our Creative Works. Separated, they can be harmful and noxious to the poor creatures - united, they can do a world of good.

In the same way, I created the strong necessity of my Will in the creature. I created the soul, like water for the earth, which had to flow - more that water - in the earth of the body. I created my Will in it, like Sun, light and heat, which had to vivify, fecundate and embellish it, but with so much beauty as to continuously enrapture Us for love of her. Then, just as the farmer throws the seeds into the earth to make it produce, my Will assumed the commitment of throwing many divine seeds into the creature, which had to rise like many Suns, one more beautiful than the other, to produce blooms and celestial fruits, which had to serve as food for the creatures, and even as food for their Creator; for our Food - our Life - is our Will. Do you see then, the necessity of the union of acts which, like seeds, are formed by the creature?”

June 12, 1938 – Now, you must know that every knowledge I manifest and every act done in my Will, thanks to this knowledge, is like a divine seed acquired by the soul. This seed will produce new divine science. Oh! how she will be able to speak the language of her Creator. Every truth will be a new celestial language with the virtue of being understandable to those who listen and want to receive this divine seed. This seed will produce new life of sanctity, new love, new goodness, new joy and happiness. These seeds of truth will be as many divine properties acquired by the soul.

The joy we receive when the soul operates in our Will is such that we communicate it to all the Blessed. You must know that as many are the divine seeds which the soul acquires by knowledge of my Fiat, so many more degrees of our knowledge and glory will we extend to her when, having finished her life down here, she will come to our Heavenly Fatherland. To each knowledge acquired on earth will correspond a double knowledge of our Supreme Entity in our Celestial residence. To each Divine seed a degree of glory, joy and happiness”.

Nov. 26, 1938 - "My blessed daughter, my Will wants to give, but It wants to find the soul disposed. It is like the earth for the farmer: no matter how many seeds he may possess, if there were no earth on which he could throw those seeds, and if the earth had a mind and was not disposed to receive his seeds, the poor farmer would feel as if those seeds, meant to enrich the earth, were thrown back in his face and his eyes. Such is my Will: It wants to give, but if It doesn't find the soul disposed, It cannot find a place for Its gifts. With great pain, It would feel as if they were being thrown back in Its face; so if It wants to talk to her, It would find her deaf. Therefore, disposition prepares the soul, opening divine doors and providing the sense of hearing. But if the soul first hears what my Will wants to give, she is placed in communication so that she may love It and long for what she is about to receive. If she is not disposed we don't give anything, because we do not want to expose our gifts to uselessness.

On the other hand, disposition is like the earth which surrenders to the farmer - surrenders to anything he wants, letting him work, hoe and plow, to safely cover the seeds with which he fills it. In the same way, if our Supreme Being finds the disposition, We do our works. We prepare her, we participate in her, and with our creative hands we prepare the place for our gifts and form our most beautiful works. But if she is not disposed, with all our power we can do nothing, because her interior is cluttered up with stones, thorns, wicked passions; and since she is not disposed, she does not allow us to take them out. How many sanctities go up in smoke for lack of disposition. Further, if she is not disposed, she does not adapt herself to living in our Divine Will. On the contrary, it seems that It is just not for her. Its sanctity floors her; Its purity makes her feel ashamed; Its light blinds her. But if she is disposed, she flings herself into Its arms, and she lets us do whatever we want with her. She even remains there like a tiny little baby receiving our works with so much love as to feel enraptured. And what does our Will do? It makes flow in her Its divine motion, and with this divine motion she finds all our works in action; she kisses them, hugs them and invests them with her little love. She finds my conception and my birth in action, and with her love she wants to be conceived and reborn with me. And not do only I let her do this, but, finding one who is reborn together with me, I feel such a joy as to be repaid for having come upon earth.

But she doesn't stop here. The divine motion she possesses makes her run everywhere to find all that my Humanity - like a fierce army - did: my tears, my words, my prayers, my steps, my pains; she takes, she kisses, she adores - everything. There is nothing I did that she does not invest with her love. What does she do then? She makes everything her own, and, in a manner all childish and graceful, she locks all things up inside her womb. Then she rises high. She comes before our Divinity, places these things all around us, and with emphasis of love she says: 'adorable Majesty, how many beautiful things I am bringing to you. All are mine and I bring you all, because all love you, adore you, glorify you, and return to you the great love that you have for me and for all.'”

Vol. 15, May 8, 1923:

Ah! my daughter, I had created man like a flower, which was to grow, acquire color and fragrance, in my very Divinity. By withdrawing from my Will, it happened to him as to a flower that is snatched away from a plant. As long as it remains in the plant, the flower is beautiful, lively in its color and fragrant in its perfume; once it is snatched away from the plant, it withers, it fades, it becomes ugly, and reaches the point of giving off a bad odor. What a lot this was for him, and what a sorrow for Me who, with so much love, wanted to grow this flower in my Divinity, to delight and amuse Myself with him! 

Now, by my omnipotence, I want this detached flower to bloom again, by transplanting it once again into the womb of my Divinity; but I want a soul who would want to live in the womb of my Volition. She will be the seed that she will lend to Me, and my Will will do all the rest. In this way, my delights of Creation will come back, I will amuse Myself with this mystical flower, and I will be repaid for Creation.”

Lynne Bauer Dec. 22, 2017

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