Monday, December 19, 2022

Nine Excesses of Love



As for example, for one hour, with my thought, I brought myself to Paradise, and I imagined the Most Holy Trinity:  the Father, sending the Son upon earth; the Son, promptly obeying the Will of the Father; the Holy Spirit, consenting.

My mind was confused in contemplating a mystery so great, a love so reciprocal, so equal, so strong among Themselves and toward men; and then, the ingratitude of men, and especially my own.  I would have remained there, not for one hour, but for the whole day; but an interior voice told me:  “Enough – come and see other greater excesses of my love.”






Then, my mind brought itself into the maternal womb, and remained stupefied in considering a God so great in Heaven, now so annihilated, restricted, constrained, as to be unable to move, and almost even to breathe. The interior voice told me:  “Do you see how much I have loved you?  O please, make Me a little space in your heart; remove everything which is not Mine, so you will give Me more freedom to move and to breathe.”

My heart was consumed; I asked for His forgiveness, I promised to be completely His own, I poured myself out in crying; but – I say this to my confusion – I would go back to my usual defects.  Oh Jesus, how good You are with this miserable creature!



THIRD EXCESS OF LOVE – December 18th 


As I moved on from the second to the third meditation, an interior voice told me:  “My daughter, place your head upon the womb of my Mama, and look deep into it at my little Humanity.  My love devoured Me; the fires, the oceans, the immense seas of love of my Divinity inundated Me, burned Me to ashes, and sent their flames so high as to rise and reach everywhere - all generations, from the first to the last man.  My little Humanity was devoured in the midst of such flames; but do you know what my eternal love wants Me to devour?  Ah!  Souls!  And only then was I content, when I devoured them all, to remain conceived with Me.  I was God, and I was to operate as God - I had to take them all.  My love would have given Me no peace, had I excluded any of them.  Ah!  My daughter, look well into the womb of my Mama; fix well your eyes on my conceived Humanity, and you will find your soul conceived with Me, and the flames of my love that devour you.  Oh!  How much I loved you, and I do love you!”

I felt dissolved in the midst of so much love, nor was I able to go out of it; but a voice called me loudly,

saying:  “My daughter, this is nothing yet; cling more tightly to Me, and give your hands to my dear Mama, that She may hold you to her maternal womb.  And you, take another look at my little conceived Humanity, and watch the fourth excess of my love.”



 FOURTH EXCESS OF LOVE – December 19th

“My daughter, from the devouring love, move on to look at my operative love.  Each conceived soul brought Me the burden of her sins, of her weaknesses and passions, and my love commanded Me to take the burden of each one of them.  And it conceived not only the souls, but the pains of each one, as well as the satisfaction which each one of them was to give to my Celestial Father.  So my Passion was conceived together with Me.  Look well at Me in the womb of my Celestial Mama.  Oh!  How tortured was my little Humanity.  Look well at my little head, surrounded by a crown of thorns, which, pressed tightly around my temples, made rivers of tears pour out from my eyes; nor was I able to make a move to dry them.  O Please! Be moved to compassion for Me, dry my eyes from so much crying - you, who have free arms to be able to do it.  These thorns are the crown of the so many evil thoughts which crowd the human minds.  Oh! How they prick Me, more than thorns which sprout from the earth.  But, look again – what a long crucifixion of nine months:  I could not move a finger or a hand or a foot.  I was always immobile; there was no room to be able to move even a tiny bit.  What a long and hard crucifixion, with the addition that all evil works, assuming the form of nails, continuously pierced my hands and feet.”  So He continued to narrate to me pains upon pains – all the martyrdoms of His little Humanity, such that, if I wanted to tell them all, I would be too long.

I abandoned myself to crying, and I heard in my interior:  “My daughter, I would like to hug you, but I am unable to do so - there is no room, I am immobile, I cannot do it.  I would like to come to you, but I am unable to walk.  For now, you hug Me and you come to Me; then, when I come out of the maternal womb, I will come to you.”  But as I hugged Him and squeezed Him tightly to my heart with my imagination, an interior voice told me:  “Enough for now, my daughter; move on to consider the fifth excess of my love.”



FIFTH EXCESS OF LOVE – December 20th And the interior voice continued:  “My daughter, do not move away from Me, do not leave Me alone; my love wants your company.  This is another excess of my love, which does not want to be alone.  But do you know whose company it wants?  That of the creature.  See, in the womb of my Mama, all of  the creatures are together with Me – conceived together with Me.  I am with them, all love.  I want to tell them how much I love them; I want to speak with them to tell them of my joys and sorrows – that I have come into their midst to make them happy and to console them; that I will remain in their midst as a little brother, giving my goods, my kingdom, to each one of them at the cost of my life.  I want to give them my kisses and my caresses.  I want to amuse myself with them, but – ah, how many sorrows they give Me!  Some run away from Me, some play deaf and force Me into silence; some despise my goods and do not care about my kingdom, returning my kisses and caresses with indifference and obliviousness of Me, so they convert my amusement into bitter crying.  Oh!  How lonely I am, though in the midst of many.  Oh! How loneliness weighs upon Me.  I have no one to whom to say a word, with whom to pour Myself out, not even in love.  I am always sad and taciturn, because if I speak, I am not listened to.  Ah! My daughter, I beg you, I implore you, do not leave Me alone in so much loneliness; give Me the good of letting Me speak by listening to Me; lend your ear to my teachings.  I am the master of masters.  How many things do I want to teach you!  If you listen to Me, you will stop my crying and I will amuse Myself with you.  Don’t you want to amuse yourself with Me?”

And as I abandoned myself in Him, giving Him my compassion in His loneliness, the interior voice

continued:  “Enough, enough; move on to consider the sixth excess of my love.”



 SIXTH EXCESS OF LOVE – December 21st

“My daughter, come, pray my dear Mama to set aside a little space for you within her maternal womb,

that you yourself may see the painful state in which I find Myself.”  So, in my thoughts, it seemed that our Queen Mama made me a little room to make Jesus content, and placed me in it.  But the darkness was such that I could not see Him; I could only hear His breathing, while He continued to say in my interior:  “My daughter, look at another excess of my love.  I am the eternal light; the sun is a shadow of my light.  But do you see where my love led Me - in what a dark prison I am?  There is not a glimmer of light; it is always night for Me – but a night without stars, without rest.  I am always awake…what pain!  The narrowness of this prison - without being able to make the slightest movement; the thick darkness…; even my breathing, as I breathe through the breathing of my Mama – oh, how labored it is!  To this, add the darkness of the sins of creatures.  Each sin was a night for Me, and combined together they formed an abyss of darkness, with no boundaries.  What pain!  Oh, excess of my love - making Me pass from an immensity of light and space into an abyss of thick darkness, so narrow as to lose the freedom to breathe; and all this, for love of creatures.”

As He was saying this, He moaned - moans almost suffocated because of the lack of space; and He cried.  I was consumed with crying.  I thanked Him, I compassionated Him; I wanted to make Him a little light with my love, as He told me to.  But who can say all?  Then, the same interior voice added:  “Enough for now; move on to the seventh excess of my love.”




The interior voice continued:  “My daughter, do not leave Me alone in so much loneliness and in so much darkness.  Do not leave the womb of my Mama, so you may see the seventh excess of my love.  Listen to Me:  in the womb of my Celestial Father I was fully happy; there was no good which I did not possess; joy, happiness – everything was at my disposal.  The angels adored Me reverently, hanging upon my every wish.  Ah, excess of my love!  I could say that it made Me change my destiny; it restrained Me within this gloomy prison; it stripped Me of all my joys, happinesses and goods, to clothe Me with all the unhappinesses of creatures – and all this in order to make an exchange, to give them my destiny, my joys and my eternal happiness.  But this would have been nothing had I not found in them highest ingratitude and obstinate perfidy.  Oh, how my eternal love was surprised in the face of so much ingratitude, and how it cried over the stubbornness and perfidy of man.  Ingratitude was the sharpest thorn that pierced my heart, from my conception up to the last moment of my life.  Look at my little heart – it is wounded, and pours out blood.  What pain!  What torture I feel!  My daughter, do not be ungrateful to Me.  Ingratitude is the hardest pain for your Jesus – it is to close the door in my face, leaving Me numb with cold.  But my love did not stop at so much ingratitude; it took the attitude of supplicating, imploring, moaning and begging love.  This is the eighth excess of my love.”




“My daughter, do not leave Me alone; place your head upon the womb of my dear Mama, and even from the outside you will hear my moans and my supplications.  In seeing that neither my moans nor my supplications move the creature to compassion for my love, I assume the attitude of the poorest of beggars; and stretching out my little hand, I ask - for pity’s sake, and at least as alms - for their souls, for their affections and for their hearts.  My love wanted to win over the heart of man at any cost; and in seeing that after seven excesses of my love, he was still reluctant, he played deaf, he did not care about Me and did not want to give himself to Me, my love wanted to push itself further.  It should have stopped; but no, it wanted to overflow even more from within its boundaries; and from the womb of my Mama, it made my voice reach every heart, with the most insinuating manners, with the most fervent prayers, with the most penetrating words.  And do you know what I said to them?  ‘My child, give me your heart; I will give you everything you want, provided that you give Me your heart in exchange.  I have descended from Heaven to make a prey of it.  O please, do not deny it to Me!  Do not delude my hopes!’  And in seeing him reluctant – even more, many turned their backs to Me – I passed on to moaning; I joined my little hands and, crying, with a voice suffocated by sobs, I added:  ‘Ohh! Ohh! I am the little beggar; you don’t want to give Me your heart - not even as alms?  Is this not a greater excess of my love; that the Creator, in order to approach the creature, takes the form of a little baby so as not to strike fear in him; that He asks for the heart of the creature, at least as alms, and in seeing that he does not want to give it, He supplicates, moans and cries?”

Then I heard Him say:  “And you, don’t you want to give Me your heart?  Or maybe you too want Me to moan, beg and cry in order to give Me your heart?  Do you want to deny Me the alms I ask of you?”  And as He was saying this I heard Him as though sobbing, and I:  ‘My Jesus, do not cry, I give You my heart and all of myself.’  Then, the interior voice continued:  “Move further; pass on to the ninth excess of my love.”


 NINTH EXCESS OF LOVE – December 24th


“My daughter, my state is ever more painful.  If you love Me, keep your gaze fixed on Me, to see if you can offer some relief to your Jesus; a little word of love, a caress, a kiss, will give respite to my crying and to my afflictions.  Listen my daughter, after I gave eight excesses of my love, and man requited them so badly, my love did not give up and wanted to add the ninth excess to the eighth.  And this was yearnings, sighs of fire, flames of desire, for I wanted to go out of the maternal womb to  embrace man.  This reduced my little Humanity, not yet born, to such an agony as to reach the point of breathing my last.  But as I was about to breathe my last, my Divinity, which was inseparable from Me, gave Me sips of life, and so I regained life to continue my agony, and return again to the point of death.  This was the ninth excess of my love:  to agonize and to die of love continuously for the creature.  Oh! What a long agony of nine months!  Oh! How love suffocated Me and made Me die.  Had I not had the Divinity with Me, which gave Me life again every time I was about to finish, love would have consumed Me before coming out to the light of day.”


Then He added:  “Look at Me, listen to Me, how I agonize, how my heart beats, pants, burns.  Look at Me - now I die.”  And He remained in deep silence.  I felt like dying.  My blood froze in my veins, and trembling, I said to Him:  ‘My Love, my Life, do not die, do not leave me alone.  You want love, and I will love You; I will not leave You ever again.  Give me your flames to be able to love You more, and be consumed completely for You.’


Thursday, December 1, 2022

A Dream


Written 9/3/17 - A dream I had two nights ago:

My husband and I were walking into a large building for Mass. I assumed was a Catholic Church but it seemed very different as it was filled with many people and was quite noisy. My husband turned to me saying that there was another Church right next door where a Priest we know well (Fr. Orr) was celebrating a Latin Mass. We ran next door to a tiny building hoping not to miss Mass and saw that there were no pews or kneelers — only sofas and chairs. I realized somehow I was not in a Church, but a house. There were only about 5 or 6 people there. I saw the Priest sitting in a corner in a chair and I sat down next to a lady on the sofa waiting for Mass to begin. Suddenly I found myself completely alone. ran from the building and was followed by men with weapons but somehow got away from them. I understood interiorly that this happened because of something the Pope had said, and I also understood that those left behind had been killed. What I understood from this dream was that the Latin Mass was going to be suppressed and the large Church next door was a replacement for the Catholic Church.

Written 9/4/17 - I dreamed that I was alone with no others around me, and I sensed that all the others I

had been with were killed. I looked up and in front of me on top of a hill I saw about eight to ten men with weapons who I understood were after me. I ran down a hill and then had to run up a steep hill that was quite far away to reach a patch of trees that I thought would hide me. I asked Jesus as I ran to help me as I was not able to run that far and up a steep hill but I made it to the top and into the trees. When I got to the trees I began to feel guilty and thought to myself that perhaps I was to stay where others were killed — that it may häve been God's Will, but that I ran in fear of those who were after me.

Then I awoke and realized how this seemed to be a continuation of the dream from the previous night.

Today someone posted on a Catholic blog the picture of all the dead at the foot of the hill with Our Blessed Mother standing at the top (l think this was a vison from Lucia at Fatima). I wonder if this represents what I was shown in my dreams — my climbing a large steep hill and Our Lady being the safety of the trees!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Three Prerogatives

“My blessed daughter, it is really this to live in my Will, to acquire the right of daughter, and God acquires the supremacy, the command, the right of Father, only He knows how to unite together the one and the other, and form one life alone. Now you should know that one who lives in my Divine Volition acquires three prerogatives. First: the right of Divine life. All that which she does

is life that she feels, if she loves she feels the life of love, and as life she feels it flow in the mind, in the breath, in the heart, in everything she feels the vital virtue that forms in herself not the act that is subject to cease, but the continuation of an act that forms life, if she prays, if she adores, if she repairs, she feels the incessant life of the Divine prayer, adoration, reparation, not human, that is not subject to interruption. So that every act done in my Will is a vital act, that the soul acquires, in Him everything is life and the soul acquires the life of the good that she does in Him, what great difference between a good that possesses life and a good or act that as she does it, the life of that act finishes, as life she holds it in her power, and feels the continuation of the life of that good, instead as act, she won’t hold it in her power, nor will she feel the continuation of it, and that which is not continuous, cannot be called life. And only in my Will are these acts found full of life, because they have for beginning the Divine life which is not subject to finish, and therefore can give life to everything and everyone, instead outside of Him all things, even the greatest works, find the end, and oh, what (a) beautiful prerogative that only my Will can give, to feel her acts changed in the soul into perennial Divine life. “Now to the first prerogative goes out in field the second, that is the right of property. But who is it who endows her? Who constitutes her proprietor? My Will himself, because in Him there is not poverty, everything is abundance, abundance of sanctity, of light, of graces, of love, and since he possesses these as life, it is just that she possesses as hers these Divine properties, so that she feels herself mistress of the sanctity, mistress of the light, of the grace, of the love and of all the Divine goods, and only in my Will there is this Mastery outside of Him, (the human) one gives everything by measure and without making them owners, what difference between the one and the other. From the second is born the third prerogative: the right of glory. There is no thing that she does, little or great, natural or supernatural, that is not given the right of glory to her, right to glorify their Creator in every thing, even in the breath, in the heartbeat, right to be glorified themselves, in the glory of He from whom there is no glory that doesn’t come forth. Therefore in my Will you will find all and all at your disposition and with right, not human but Divine, of which my Will himself loves to surrender these Divine rights of his to you, loving the creature as his true daughter.” October 27, 1935

Every single time you enter into our Will, recognizing these gifts and making them yours, you are giving us the opportunity and the glory as if we were repeating again all that we have done for love of the creatures. Our Will is the repeater of all our works. It repeats them - renews them always in every instant - each time the creature wants to receive them. And while they give themselves, they remain at their place. They give themselves still remaining. By giving themselves they lose nothing, rather, they are more glorified. Therefore be attentive to live always in our Will." September 11, 1938

Sunday, November 20, 2022




 Luisa:  I was thinking about today’s Feast – that is, the Feast of Christ the King; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, the Church does nothing but intuitively grasp what She must know on my Divine Will and how Its Kingdom must come.  Therefore, this Feast is the prelude of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat. Indeed, the Church is doing nothing other than honoring my Humanity with those titles which, by right, are due to It; and when She has given Me all the honors that befit Me, She will move on to honor and to institute the Feast to the Kingdom of my Divine Will, by which my Humanity was animated. The Church proceeds step by step, and now She institutes the Feast to my Heart, now She consecrates the century, in all solemnity, to Christ the Redeemer, and now She moves on, with greater solemnity, to institute the Feast to Christ the King. Christ the King means that He must have His Kingdom, He must have peoples worthy of such a King. And who will ever be able to form for Me this Kingdom if not my Will? Then, yes, will I be able to say: ‘I have my people – my Fiat has formed it for Me.’ Oh! if the leaders of the Church knew what I have manifested to you about my Divine Will, what I want to do, Its great prodigies, my yearnings, my sorrowful heartbeats, my anguishing sighs, for I want my Will to reign, to make everyone happy, to restore the human family - they would feel that in this Feast of Christ the King is nothing other than the secret echo of my Heart which, echoing in them, without their knowing it, has them institute for Me the Feast of Christ the King in order to call their attention and reflection. ‘Christ the King…. And His true people – where are they?’ And they would say: ‘Let us hasten to make His Divine Will known; let us let It reign, that we may give a people to Christ the King, whom we have called so. Otherwise, we have honored Him with words, but not with facts’.”  (Vol. 25, 10/28/1928)

 Divine WillIn 1994, on the day of the Feast of Christ the King, in the main Church, Archbishop Carmelo Cassati, in the presence of a large crowd, including foreign representatives, officially opened the beautification cause of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta.

Divine Mercy (Saint Faustina) – “Write this:  before I come as the just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy.” (Diary, #83, told to St. Faustina in 1934)

Thursday, November 3, 2022

A New Pentecost



Excerpts from CONCHITA - A Mother's Spiritual Diary

"On sending to the world a new Pentecost, I want it inflamed, purified, illuminated, inflamed and purified by the light and fire of the Holy Spirit. The last stage of the world must be marked very specially by the effusion of the Holy Spirit. He must reign in hearts and in the entire world, not so much for the glory of His Person as for making the Father loved and bearing testimony of Me, although His glory is that of the whole Trinity" (Diary, Jan. 26, 1916).

"Tell the Pope that it is My will that in the whole Christian world the Holy Spirit be implored to bring peace and His reign into hearts. Only this Holy Spirit will be able to renew the face of the earth. He will bring light, union and charity to hearts.”

"The world is foundering because it rejects the Holy Spirit, and all the evils which afflict it have therein their origin. The remedy is found in Him. He is the Consoler, the author of all grace, the bond of union between the Father and the Son and the supreme conciliator since He is charity, uncreated and eternal Love.”

"May the whole world have recourse to this Holy Spirit since the day of His reign has arrived. This last stage of the world belongs very specially to Him that He be honored and exalted.”

"May the Church preach Him, may souls love Him, may the whole world be consecrated to Him, and peace will come along with a moral and spiritual reaction, greater than the evil by which the world is tormented.”

"May all at once this Holy Spirit begin to be called on with prayers, penances and tears, with the ardent desire of His coming. He will come, I will send Him again clearly manifest in His effects, which will astonish the world and impel the Church to holiness" (Diary, Sept. 27, 1918).

"Ask for this renewal, this new Pentecost, for My Church has need of priests sanctified by the Holy Spirit. The world is foundering in the abyss since it lacks priests who will help it from falling in; priests who bear the light to shine on the paths of good; pure priests to pull out of the mud so many hearts; priests afire who will fill the entire universe with divine love.”

"Ask, supplicate heaven, that all may be restored in Me by the Holy Spirit" (Diary, Nov. 1, 1927).

"I want to return to the world in My priests. I want to renew the world of souls by making Myself seen in My priests. I want to give a might impulse to My Church infusing in her, as it were, a new Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, in My priests" (Diary, Jan. 5, 1928).

"To obtain what I ask, every priest must make a consecration to the Holy Spirit, asking Him, through Mary's intercession, to come to them as it were in a new Pentecost, to purify them, to fill them with love, possess them, unify them, sanctify them and transform them into Me" (Diary, Jan. 25, 1928).

"One day not too far away, at the center of My Church, at Saint Peter's there will take place the consecration of the world to the Holy Spirit, and the graces of this Divine Spirit, will be showered on the blessed Pope who will make it.”

"It is My desire that the universe be consecrated to the Divine Spirit that He may spread Himself over the earth in a new Pentecost." (Diary, March 11, 1928).


Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Saturday, October 22, 2022

My experience on Dec. 6, 2017 - for your discernment

  1. lynnfiatFiat Voluntas Tua

    Dec. 6, 2017 – around 5:30AM

    This morning just after waking, I was shown very clearly three people (interiorly I knew they were men) dressed in long black robes with hoods over their heads and faces. Two of the people disappeared leaving one of them standing there. As I looked, I saw appear over his head in large bright letters that said, “His Holiness”. Then it disappeared. My feelings were that what I was shown was not something good. (Interiorly I felt this did not relate to Pope Francis)

    I don’t know if this has any bearing on what I was shown, but after my prayers I went to my computer and felt I was lead to read “OnePeterFive”. The article I read was, “A Call for Cooperation between Catholicism and Freemasonry.”

    Our Lady has warned us of the error of Freemasonry many times through Fr. Gobbi (Marian Movement of Priests). “Ecclesiastical Masonry seeks to destroy this reality through false ecumenism, which leads to the acceptance of all Christian Churches, asserting that each one of them has some part of he truth. It develops the plan of founding a universal ecumenical Church formed by the fusion of all the Christian confessions, among which the Catholic Church.

Monday, October 3, 2022

The Mysteries of Light


The Mysteries of Light


A mystery is defined a “any truth that is unknowable except by divine revelation.”  In order to understand the mysteries of God, we must do as Mary did and ponder these things in our hearts.  Let us then ponder these Mysteries of Light:


The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan

As Christ descends into the waters, the heavens open wide and the voice of the Father declares him the beloved Son while the Spirit descends on him to invest him with the mission which he is to carry out.


The self-manifestation of Jesus at the wedding at Cana

The first of the “signs” worked by Jesus – the changing of water into wine at the marriage in Cana – clearly presents Mary in the guise of a teacher, as she urges the servants to do what Jesus commands (cf. Jn 2:5). Contemplating the scenes of the Rosary in union with Mary is a means of learning from her to “read” Christ, to discover his secrets and to understand his message.

Our Heavenly Queen says, “...with my presence at this wedding, I looked at the future centuries, I saw the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth, I looked at families, and I impetrated for them that they might symbolize the love of the Sacrosanct Trinity, so that Its Kingdom might be in full force.”  (The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will)

“Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.”  (Rev. 21:9-27, Rev. 22:6) “And behold, I am coming soon.” 

We must always pay attention to the words of Our Blessed Mother, “Do whatever He tells you!”

The proclamation of the Kingdom of God, with his call to conversion


 “When Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of God, He is quite simply proclaiming God, and proclaiming Him to be the living God, who is able to act concretely in the world and in history and is even now so acting…The new and totally specific thing about His message is that He is telling us:  God is acting now – this is the hour when God is showing Himself in history as its Lord, as the living God, in a way that goes beyond anything seen before.”  “…For the Kingdom of God means ‘dominion of God,’ and this means that His Will is accepted as the true criterion.”  “God has a will with and for us and it must become the measure of our willing and being; and the essence of ‘heaven’ is that it is where God’s Will is unswervingly done.”  (Pope Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth)


The Transfiguration of Jesus before the Apostles on Mount Tabor.


“When Jesus will return in His divine glory and appear to all humanity, each one will be called to undergo the same experience as Peter, James and John underwent on Mount Tabor, because jesus will manifest Himself in His splendor and His humanity will be completely transfigured in the most brilliant light of His divinity (To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, #597)

In contemplating Christ's face we become open to receiving the mystery of Trinitarian life, experiencing ever anew the love of the Father and delighting in the joy of the Holy Spirit.

The institution of the Eucharist, as the sacramental expression of the Paschal Mystery.


“…you can very well shrink all of yourself within my Will to be able to form the host of yourself in my Will.  For every act you do in my Will, you will make a host for Me; and I will feed Myself from you, as you do from Me.  What forms the host?  My own Life in it.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, Oct. 20, 1917)


“I want you to be My Host and have the intention, renewed as often as possible day and night, of offering yourself with Me on all the patens on earth.”  (Conchita, A Mothers Spiritual Diary, pg. 161)


“You are a living Host, pleasing to the Heavenly Father.”  (Divine Mercy in my Soul, #1826)


“Among the mysteries of light, I included the institution of the Eucharist.  Mary can guide us toward this most holy sacrament, because she herself has a profound relationship with it. Pope John Paul II, Esslesia de Eucharistia)

Mary, Mother of God, be our mother, too.

The Holy Spirit will come to establish the glorious reign of Christ and it will be a reign of grace, of holiness, of love, of justice and of peace. With His divine love, He will open the doors of hearts and illuminate all consciences. Every person will see himself in the burning fire of divine truth. It will be like a judgment in miniature. And then Jesus Christ will bring His Glorious reign in the world. To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, May 22nd, 1988

John 1:4 – In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Our Lady is the bride of the Holy Spirit.   Her flame of Love will illuminate the world fully when sin is conquered, and the age of the Holy Spirit will arrive.  Our task is to work for the coming of this victory.  Stephen A. Foglein, “The Flame of Love”

L. Bauer

Friday, September 30, 2022

The Mystical Incarnation

 From Conchita di Armida, "A Mothers Spiritual Diary"

"You must live in continual contact with the Trinity"

"You must live in continual contact with the Trinity, united to the three Divine Persons by the grace of the mystical incarnation: with the Father offering Him His Word, with the Son, giving delights to the Father, with the Holy Spirit accepting Him for your spirit, the inspirer of your feelings and of all that you are, transforming you since you are possessed by Him.

"You must live, breathe, labor, in the bosom of these three Divine Persons. They must constitute your atmosphere, your breathing, your existence. Thus, you will sanctify your life and what you are, divinizing your whole being and each of your steps to heaven.

"From today on, you must live more and more in this intimacy with the Trinity, drawing from It light, the way you conduct yourself, force, grace and all the help needed to carry out your mission on earth. You should not leave on high, as on a throne and far away this trinity of Persons, but live, breathe and dwell in its bosom, under its fecund influence, in the radiance of Its divinity, in the shadow of Its grace. If you are possessed by the Holy Spirit, if you really possess Him, you will not be able to separate yourself from Him, but on the contrary, you will remain most intimately united with the Father and the Word.

"If in your soul there is operated the mystical incarnation, there attracted by the Word, will be found the Father and the Holy Spirit. If, the Holy Spirit and the Word divinize you in this so innerly a manner, if they enter into you, the Father who by nature holds the first place in these operations, will unite you to Him, from whom proceeds all fecundity and might, drawing you by a grace of special filiation, burying you in His eternity of all perfections" (Diary, July 19, 1906).

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

First Saturdays and the Holy Rosary


I shall come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and Communions of reparation on the first Saturdays. If my requests are heard, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, fomenting wars and persecution of the Church. The good will suffer martyrdom; the Holy Father will suffer much; different nations will be annihilated. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, which will be converted, and some time of peace will be granted to humanity."

Our Lord told Sister Lucia in an apparition in Rianjo, Spain in the summer of 1931, “Make it known to My ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, they will follow him into misfortune. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.“

Sister Lucia reported later that Our Lord also complained to her, “They did not wish to heed My request! … Like the **King of France they will repent of it, and they will do it, but it will be late. Russia will have already spread its errors in the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer.” (from

**Our Lord was referring to His request to King Louis XIV of France on June 17, 1689 to solemnly consecrate his country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our Lord made His request known through St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and no French King publicly obeyed the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Eventually, on June 17, 1789, 100 years later, King Louis XVI was stripped of his power by the National Assembly and less than four years later, was beheaded. It is said that while he was in the Bastille, King Louis XVI attempted to consecrate France, but by that time, of course, it was far too late to achieve the desired results.

Book of Heaven - October 16 A.D. 1918

“Now I want to tell you something consoling. Italy, France, now win, and Germany loses. All nations have some black stains, and all of them deserve humiliations and crushing. There will be a general uproar confusion everywhere; by the sword, by fire and by water, by sudden deaths, by contagious diseases, I will renew the world - I will make new things. The nations will form a sort of tower of Babel; they will reach the point of being unable even to understand one another; the peoples will rebel among themselves, they will no longer want kings. All will be humiliated, and peace will come only from Me. And if you hear them say ‘peace’, it will not be true, but apparent. Once I have purged everything, I will place my finger in a surprising way, and will give the true peace. And then, all those who are humiliated will return to Me; and Germany will be Catholic - I have great designs upon her; England, Russia, and every place where blood was shed, will rise again to faith and will be incorporated into my Church. There will be the great triumph and the union of peoples. Therefore, pray - and it takes patience, because this will not be so soon, but it will take time.” 

For the love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray the Rosary and make your First Saturdays.

Monday, August 15, 2022

A New Pentecost



Excerpts from CONCHITA - A Mother's Spiritual Diary

"On sending to the world a new Pentecost, I want it inflamed, purified, illuminated, inflamed and purified by the light and fire of the Holy Spirit. The last stage of the world must be marked very specially by the effusion of the Holy Spirit. He must reign in hearts and in the entire world, not so much for the glory of His Person as for making the Father loved and bearing testimony of Me, although His glory is that of the whole Trinity" (Diary, Jan. 26, 1916).

"Tell the Pope that it is My will that in the whole Christian world the Holy Spirit be implored to bring peace and His reign into hearts. Only this Holy Spirit will be able to renew the face of the earth. He will bring light, union and charity to hearts.”

"The world is foundering because it rejects the Holy Spirit, and all the evils which afflict it have therein their origin. The remedy is found in Him. He is the Consoler, the author of all grace, the bond of union between the Father and the Son and the supreme conciliator since He is charity, uncreated and eternal Love.”

"May the whole world have recourse to this Holy Spirit since the day of His reign has arrived. This last stage of the world belongs very specially to Him that He be honored and exalted.”

"May the Church preach Him, may souls love Him, may the whole world be consecrated to Him, and peace will come along with a moral and spiritual reaction, greater than the evil by which the world is tormented.”

"May all at once this Holy Spirit begin to be called on with prayers, penances and tears, with the ardent desire of His coming. He will come, I will send Him again clearly manifest in His effects, which will astonish the world and impel the Church to holiness" (Diary, Sept. 27, 1918).

"Ask for this renewal, this new Pentecost, for My Church has need of priests sanctified by the Holy Spirit. The world is foundering in the abyss since it lacks priests who will help it from falling in; priests who bear the light to shine on the paths of good; pure priests to pull out of the mud so many hearts; priests afire who will fill the entire universe with divine love.”

"Ask, supplicate heaven, that all may be restored in Me by the Holy Spirit" (Diary, Nov. 1, 1927).

"I want to return to the world in My priests. I want to renew the world of souls by making Myself seen in My priests. I want to give a might impulse to My Church infusing in her, as it were, a new Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, in My priests" (Diary, Jan. 5, 1928).

"To obtain what I ask, every priest must make a consecration to the Holy Spirit, asking Him, through Mary's intercession, to come to them as it were in a new Pentecost, to purify them, to fill them with love, possess them, unify them, sanctify them and transform them into Me" (Diary, Jan. 25, 1928).

"One day not too far away, at the center of My Church, at Saint Peter's there will take place the consecration of the world to the Holy Spirit, and the graces of this Divine Spirit, will be showered on the blessed Pope who will make it.”

"It is My desire that the universe be consecrated to the Divine Spirit that He may spread Himself over the earth in a new Pentecost." (Diary, March 11, 1928).


Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Sword of Sorrows


“My own Kingdom was in the Heart of my Mother; and this, because Her Heart was never disturbed even slightly; so much so, that in the immense sea of the Passion, She suffered immense pains, Her Heart was pierced through by the sword of sorrow, but She did not receive the slightest breath of disturbance. Therefore, since my Kingdom is Kingdom of peace, I was able to extend my Kingdom within Her, and to reign freely without any obstacle.”

Book of Heaven, Vol. 15, March 23, 1923 The sorrows of the Celestial Mama, and how the Divine Fiat acted in them. 

I was thinking of the sorrows of my Celestial Mama, and my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, I was the first King of sorrows, and being Man and God, I had to centralize everything within Me in order to have primacy over everything, even over sorrows. Those of my Mama were nothing other than the reverberations of mine which, being reflected in Her, made Her share in all my sorrows which, piercing Her, filled Her with such bitterness and pain that She felt Herself dying at each reverberation of my sorrows. But love sustained Her and gave Her life again. Therefore, not only for honor, but also by right of justice, She was the first Queen of the immense sea of Her sorrows.” While He was saying this, I seemed to see my Mama in front of Jesus, and everything that Jesus contained, the sorrows and the piercings of that Most Holy Heart, were reflected in the Heart of the sorrowful Queen. At those reflections, many swords formed in the Heart of the pierced Mama; and these swords were marked by a Fiat of light, in which She remained circumfused, in the midst of so many Fiats of most refulgent light which gave Her so much glory that there are no words to narrate it. 

Then, Jesus continued, saying: “It was not the sorrows that constituted my Mama as Queen and made Her shine with so much glory, but it was my omnipotent Fiat, which was braided to Her every act and sorrow, and constituted Itself life of each of Her sorrows. So, my Fiat was the first act that formed the sword, giving Her the intensity of pain that It wanted. My Fiat could place all the sorrows It wanted in that pierced Heart, adding piercings upon piercings, pains upon pains, without a shadow of the slightest resistance. On the contrary, She felt honored that my Fiat would constitute Itself life of even a heartbeat of Hers; and my Fiat gave Her complete glory and constituted Her true and legitimate Queen.”



Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Friday, August 5, 2022

Invocation to the Divine Will in all our Actions



From the Hours of the Passion

(Linking ourselves to Luisa)

I am nothing, God is everything, Father I love You! 

I want to unite myself to your Divinity, and I dissolve my nothingness in It, and in this way I give You everything.

Come Divine Will to Live in our Lives

How can I live without Jesus? Sorrowful Mama, do not leave me alone, take me with You; but first place all of myself in Jesus. Empty me of everything, in order to place all of Jesus within me, just as You placed Him within Yourself.

-          to think in our minds,

Fusing myself in your mind, I want to reunite all the thoughts of the creatures within You and fuse them in your thoughts, in order to find sufficient reparation for all evil thoughts, and for so many suffocated enlightenments and inspirations. I would like to make all thoughts one with Yours, to give You true reparation and perfect glory.

-          to flow in our blood,

It seems to me that to the rivers of iniquities that the creatures send You, You want to answer with rivers of blood, so that these sins may be drowned in it, and with it You may give to each one the deed of your forgiveness.

-          to look with our eyes,

I want to fuse my eyes in Yours, and also those of all creatures, to be able to repair with your own eyes for all the evil we have done with our sight.

-          to listen in our hearing,

I ask for your forgiveness, and I repair for all the times You called us and we have been deaf, or we have pretended not to hear You; and You, my weary Good, have repeated your calls – but in vain! I want to fuse my hearing in Yours, and also that of all creatures, to make a continuous and complete reparation.

-          to speak in our voices

I want to fuse my tongue in Yours, and also the tongues of all creatures, in order to repair with your own tongue for all sins and evil discourses.

-          to breath in our breathing,

Come, O life of my heart, at that moment, to return to me all I have given You: your company, your Heart as bed and rest, your arms as support, your labored breath to relieve my toils; in such a way that, in breathing, I will breathe through your breath which, like purifying air, will purify me of any stain, and will dispose me to enter the eternal beatitude. 

-          to beat in our hearts,

I fuse myself in your Heart, allow me to enclose all the affections, heartbeats and desires, to repair for them together with You, and to give to everyone your affections, heartbeats and desires, so that no one may ever again offend You.

-          to move in all our actions,

I want to fuse myself in your neck, in your chest, in your shoulders, in your hands, in your feet, to be able to repair together with You for all attachments, and therefore give to all the chains of your Love; to be able to repair with You for all the coldness, and so fill the breasts of all creatures with your fire, as I see that You have so much of it, that You are unable to contain it; and to be able to repair with You for all illicit pleasures and for love of comforts, to give to everyone the spirit of sacrifice and love of suffering.

-          to suffer in our suffering; and may our souls become consumed and fused with Your Will to become living crucifixes, immolated only for the Glory of the Father,

Everything I have, everything I am – everything is for You, O my Jesus. Should my pains be necessary in order to save even one soul alone – here I am, I am ready to suffer everything. I offer myself wholly to You - do with me whatever You best please.

-          to pray in us and then offer these prayers to Yourself as ours to satisfy for the prayers of all

I pray You that your passion be always in my mind, in my heart, in my gazes, in my steps and in my pains, so that, wherever I turn, inside and outside of myself, I may always find You present in me. And You, give me the grace never to forget what You have borne and suffered for me. May this be the magnet which, drawing my whole being into You, will never again allow me to go far away from You.

-          to infuse in us the Faith of Mary Most Holy in order to possess You and She possessed You

O my Jesus, I want to diffuse myself in everything, and in those wounds embittered by the many misbeliefs, I desire that the shreds of my body tell You, always: "I believe - I believe in You, O my Jesus, my God, and in your Holy Church, and I intend to give my life to prove my Faith to You!"

-          to infuse in us the Hope of Mary Most Holy in order to desire You as She desired You,

O my Jesus, alas, how tortured is your poor Heart! How to comfort so much pain? I will diffuse myself in You; I will place my heart in Yours, my ardent desires in Yours, so that any evil desire may be destroyed.

-          to infuse in us the charity  of Mary Most Holy in order to love You as She loved You

On that wound, O Jesus, which makes You suffer so much from coldness and lack of love, I intend to place many little bits of my flesh, to say to You constantly: "I love You, I love You, I love You!"

-          to adore in us, and since Your Will multiplies acts to the infinite, thus we intend to give You the satisfaction and adoration as if all had assisted at Holy Mass, and give to all the fruit of the Sacrifice and impetrate salvation for all,

On that wound which gives You so much pain from the so many irreverences to your Most Holy Person, I intend to place a piece of myself, to tell You always: "I adore You, I adore You, I adore You!"

- In washing Father we love You; come Divine Will to wash in our washing and wash all souls of every stain.

O please, O Jesus, with these tears of yours and this water with which You washed the feet of the apostles, let us wash the souls who must receive You; let us purify their hearts; let us inflame them, and shake off the dust with which they are dirtied, so that, when they receive You, You may find in them your satisfactions, instead of your bitternesses.

-In dressing Father we love You; come Divine Will in our dressing and dress all souls with Your Light.

O please, let us give them His Blood, that It may administer to them the necessary aids, and with Its light, It may make them understand the good which is in suffering and the likeness to Jesus they acquire.

-In taking food and drink Father we love You; come Divine Will to live in us with the food of Your Divine Will

O Jesus, as I remain upon your Heart, give food also to me, as You gave it to the apostles: the food of love, the food of the divine word, the food of your Divine Will. O my Jesus, do not deny me this food, which You so much desire to give me so that your very Life may be formed in me.

-In reading and writing Father we love You; come Divine Will in our writing and write Your Will in all hearts

Jesus, my Mother come to write together with me. Lend me your most holy hands so that I may write that which pleases You and only that which You want.

-In working Father we love You, come Divine Will to work in our working

I want to fuse myself in your hands to repair for all the evil works, for the good done badly and with presumptuousness, and give to all the fragrance of your works.

-Upon going to sleep Father we love You; come Divine Will to rest in our rest and extend Your Peace over all the world.

While I sleep, continue to be my sentry, and wake me up whenever You need to. Give me your kiss and your blessing, and I kiss your Heart, and in It I continue my sleep.

-To our Guardian Angel; Our Angles Our Guardians, make all souls always live in the Most Holy Will of God.

My guardian Angel, precede us; go and dispose the souls who must receive this Blood, so that not one drop may remain without its abundant effect.

In the Holy Name of Jesus – Amen!

"Jesus and Mary, to You I give my heart and my soul"

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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