Sunday, August 29, 2021

Chastisements (1993-1997)

 Offered for your discernment:

Messages and visions of chastisements – from 1993-1997

 May 15, 1993  (I came into the Church Jan. 12, 1993)

In a vivid dream, I saw a large brilliant cross against a dark sky just above the horizon.  I was standing in a very large barren field – no trees, plants, buildings, nothing but an ashen looking ground.  A thought came to me that everything had been destroyed.  There were people as far as the eye could see in front of me, and I was standing towards the back of them off to their left.  As the cross began to disappear, a very large ball of light appeared also on the horizon, like a ball of fire only somehow brighter.  The ball of fire appeared to the right of the cross.  When the cross was visible, the people were just standing and staring at it in awe, but when the ball of light appeared, everyone prostrated to the ground.


End of June, 1995

“The world is covered with darkness.  Soon the light will come to dissipate the darkness, yet many will be lost as they will not open to the light.”


July, 30, 1995

“Soon there will be a whirlwind coming.  Hold on to me that you may not be swept away by the wind.”  (Somehow I understood that this did not mean a weather whirlwind, but something coming to the earth or Church – the wind represents error)


Beginning of Feb., 1996

(A vision of light – I knew God the Father was going to speak.)  Soon as storm of fire will come.  I have sent My Son and My daughter and still they do not listen.  Do not fear my little one.  I hold you in the palm of My hand.  You will be lifted up above the fire.  I am coming.  Tell my children.  Be prepared.  I can wait no longer (pause) I can wait no longer.  I Am your Father.”

Later this day I asked for a confirmation of this message.  Ed had left the Bible opened to the book of Rev. which speaks about a fire coming.  Then I opened it at random first to Jude 23, “Save other by snatching them out of the fire” then to 2Peter 3:7 “The present heavens and earth have been reserved by the same word for fire, kept for the day of judgment and of destruction of the godless.”


Mid-Feb., 1996

I had been reading a book about a coming chastisement and asked Our Lord if this was going to happen and if it would come from man or from Him.  He answered me saying, “Both!  The disasters will come one upon the other.  They will look to the heavens as there will be nowhere else to turn!”


Mid August, 1996

“How long shall I wait?  Pray for your bother and sisters.  The scales are tilting.  The world Is falling deeper into darkness and it will be shattered.  But first, My mercy shall come!  My light will be there for all who want to be drawn into it.  Do not allow satan to distract you.  Know my child that satan hates you.  Keep focused on me alone.”


Beginning of Oct., 1996

While praying my morning prayers, I saw what appeared to be a glistening sea of water as though the sun were shining on waves of water making them appear as glass, and a feeling of great peace came over me.  Suddenly up from the sea came a large dark mass beginning on the left side and then almost covering the sea completely. Upon seeing this, the peace left me.  A while later while getting ready for Mass, I heard interiorly, “I do not want you to drown in the sea of doubt.  Listen carefully to My words and go where I lead you.  Latch on to me and do not let go!”  (and a little later) “Take heed of My words as I do not want you to be swept away in the tide of disbelief that is coming upon the world.”


Wed. Oct. 16, 1996

“Pray for your brothers and sisters.  I need more prayers and sacrifices – I am loosing so many souls.  The darkness will become even darker before the light comes.  You will be as lambs among wolves.”


Nov. 6, 1996

I was praying before Mass began and asked for God’s mercy on the U.S. after the results of the elections yesterday.  I told Him we were like wounded fighters in need of time to heal our wounds and He replied, “There is no time!”  I understood that we will have to rebound immediately in times when evil seem to win and to trust completely in Our Lord.


Jan. 29, 1997

Before Mass in the Adoration chapel a great sadness suddenly came over me.  It is impossible to describe what I felt and saw interiorly.  My attempt to explain:

I saw a vision of Jesus standing at a distance from me and could sense that He was very angry.  I then saw a very large bowl in His hands and it looked as though He were about to pour it out.  I then saw Our Lady standing off to His right side looking at Him and I ran to Her side dropping to the ground.  I called Her, but She did not answer, nor did she look at me but continued to look at Jesus.  I called again and she said very softly, “Son”.  The bowl then disappeared from Jesus’ hands and the vision left.


March 31, 1997

I was praying for Priests, and saw an interior vision of a large group of people who I later understood to be Priests, standing to the left of a very steep cliff.  To the right of the cliff was total darkness.  They were standing as though they were waiting for something, all crowded together. Some were standing close to the edge of the cliff and others farther away and they were looking about in different directions.  I understood that I must increase my prayer for Priests.


Apr., 1997

“My Law is in My Church.  Read Romans.  This is why I will come to purify the Church.”


April, 1997

“So many are lost.  Time is very short, shorter than you think.  The dim light within their souls will be taken away.”


May, 1997

“The Antichrist is at the door!”

From Fr. Gobbi’s book:  “In this period of history, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design; that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and of His Church.  A false Christ and a false church.  Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adore by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist.  You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, of the great tribulation and of the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false Christ and the false church.  Then the door will be open for the appearance of the man or of the very person of the Antichrist!  (MMP, Fr. Gobbi #407)


 Nov. 1997

I was thinking how wonderful it will be when the Church is renewed as Our Lord tells us, and He spoke to me saying, “But My Passion (for the church) must come first.”  “I will be with you - I will be your food, I will be your shelter.


These are parts of the messages and visions given to me only up until the end of 1997.  There is more explanation of some of them in my notes.  I will work on those from my writings from 1997 to present.

Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Friday, August 27, 2021

Prayers and Meditations


Prayers and Meditations



A Poem for Jesus:

Feb., 1998

 All that is mine is Yours –

All that is Yours is mine–

Therefore, I give you my mind,

               And I take Your mind to think with

I give you my eyes,

               And I take Your eyes to see with

I give you my mouth,

               And I take Your mouth to speak with

I give you my ears,

               And I take Your ears to listen with,

I give you my hands,

               And I take Your hands to work with,

I give you my feet,          

               And I take Your feet to walk with,

I give you my heart,

               And I take Your Heart to love with!


 Meditation on the Presentation of Jesus:

 Mon. Jan 2, 1995

 As Our Holy Mother presented Jesus in the Temple, She present to us Her Heart united to the Heart of Her Son, asking for our hearts in exchange, that She might present them to God the Father.  We must offer our hearts to Them for this spiritual exchange of hearts.


Meditation on the Finding of Jesus in the Temple:

After this exchange of hearts, we find within the temples of our hearts the pure Hearts of Our Holy Mother and Our Lord.  This is where we find Jesus & Mary united with us and where the Triumph of Her Heart will begin.**

**Friday, Feb. 7, 2003, Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament:  (added on 3/6/09)

After receiving Holy Communion; I saw within my soul Jesus sitting upon my heart as if on a throne; His back towards me, looking out, with something like a staff in His right hand.  He spoke to me saying, “It is from here I will reign!”  Jesus then turned into a little child, but remained sitting upon my heart with the staff remaining in His Hand.  Jesus then spoke again saying, “I will reign in those who love Me.”


 Meditation, mid-Jan., 1995

As I was meditating on a letter Sr. Maureen wrote me, it came to me that the same way the Church is being pulled apart today, Jesus’ limbs were pulled apart as they nailed Him to the Cross.   As this thought came to me, Jesus spoke to me saying, “You will suffer with Me!”


Meditation on the Presentation of Jesus:

Sat., Feb. 4, 1995

As Our Lady presented the Infant Jesus to God the Father in the Temple, She also presents Him to us each day at the Mass (in the Temple), and also presents each of us to God the Father as She presented Jesus to Him.  As Simeon and Anna knew that this Infant was the son of God, we also must see Him in the Eucharist with the same faith as they did.  We must believe in His true Presence.  Jesus has told me that the “abomination will soon be set up in the temple” and that we must continue to walk in faith – “to be His Light” in the darkness surrounding us.  I have complained to Him to open the hearts of all the people that they may return to Him, and He has told me many times that He “will not impose on their will.”  He cannot enter the hearts of so many as they are hardened and filled with pride – that many of them will be lost.  We are asked to continue to pray for them during this time of Mercy that their hearts may open.   This is where the “abomination” begins – in the heart”, but will “soon be set up in the temple”.  As Our Lady presented Jesus, She by tradition, was to be purified according to the Law (though She was already pure!) – the Church must also be purified!


March 6, 1995, Adoration Chapel:

When you were lost, I found you,

When you were hungry, I fed you,

When you were thirsty, I gave you a drink,

Do for Me what I have done for you.


June 12, 1995, Adoration Chapel:

While meditating on the Resurrection, I thought about why the Apostles did not recognize Our Lord When they saw Him.  He told me they did not recognize Him because they were seeing with their

“human eyes” and not with the “eyes of their souls.”  Then He said that I was like them – I do not believe that He is speaking to me – that I should “listen with the ears of my soul.”


Meditation, sometime the beginning of 1996:

Our Lord calls out to His Father, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”  The Light from the Father diminishes within Him and Heaven seems to no longer hear Him.  He sees before Him the souls of all those who would abandon Him and the extinguished lights of all those who would be lost forever – being deprived of the ones He could not save – His greatest torment.  How many would be lost?  Did He feel that He suffered in vain?  He sees His Churches and chapels empty – no one is there to console His great sorrow.  He sees those who abandon His Church – His Mystical Body – abandoned by so many.  Even His apostles have abandoned Him.   He is alone with only His Mother to comfort Him.  In sorrow, He cries out, “I thirst!” – thirsting for the souls that He is in agony for, thirsting for the souls He knows He is to die for.  He is truly the “spurned one”.  He continues today to pour out His Mercy for those who are lost, that they might repent and be saved.  He feels as much abandoned today as He did when He hung upon the Cross.  He cries out to the Father for us….(unfinished)


 Meditation on the Resurrection, Aug. 10, 1996:

After the sacrifice came the Resurrection – after the sacrifice of the Mass, when we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, our hearts become the tomb where He rests and He is resurrected in us.  I was lead to understand that as His Holy Face was imprinted on the shroud, His Divine Features are also imprinted upon our hearts.  In the promises to those devoted to His Holy Face, Our Lord has said, “They will, as the pious Veronica, wipe my Adorable Face outraged by sin, and I will imprint My Divine Features in the souls.”


Adoration Chapel, Oct. 17, 1996, from Our Lord:

When you are filled with joy – I Am

When you are filled with sorrow – I Am

When you are filled with peace – I Am

When you are filled with Love – I Am

I Am is with you


Meditation of the Presentation, Oct. 21, 1996:

During the Mass, I become a Bethlehem.  The cave where Jesus is to be born is inside my heart.  I try to prepare a place fit for Him to be born, but it is cold and dark inside, and yet, He chooses to be born here.

Upon His arrival, my cave becomes all Light and the darkness and cold within disappear.  Mother Mary wraps Him tightly in my heart as She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes.  The Lord is now with Me!  I go to bring Him to others.  It is time to present Him to God the Father; I bring Him within me to the temple (the Mass) to present Him to the Father.  He leaves my heart as He leaves the arms of Our Mother to be placed in the arms of Simeon (the Priest).  Simeon takes Him into his arms and blesses God.  (My eyes have seen your salvation which you prepared in sight of all the peoples.”  My eyes look at Jesus in the Eucharist – our salvation – prepared in sight of all the people at the Mass.  Then Jesus is given back to me as Simeon handed Him back to Mary.  This “sign that will be contradicted” is now with me.  As I carry Him with me, I know that I too become a sign of contradiction.


Words of Love, because He first loved me, Nov., 1996:

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord,

You have breathed life into my famished soul.

You alone meet the hunger which only grace can fill,

The thirst which only You can quench.

Your promises are my hope,

Your Words, the joy of my heart.

Through the sword flowed the Living Water

that flowed through this desert reviving it,

bringing life once again to the parched land.

A whisper heard within my heart,

a bright light which questioned me.

I answered, “Yes”, but did not understand.

You called me to Yourself.

With hands outstretched you beckoned me.

You watered your flower in need of nourishment.

The rays poured out from Your Heart,

pierced for love of me.

You lifted up my soul in your powerful arms,

and held me close to You,

Filling my heart with an unknown love,

leaving your imprint upon my soul.

My spirit rejoices in You, my Savior.

My soul is filled with Your Light.


April 3, 1997:

Sometimes my heart is so filled with joy – I think it may burst;

Sometimes my heart is so filled with sorrow – I think I may die;

Sometimes I feel nothing, neither joy nor sorrow  - these are the worst times;

Oh that I would feel something!  I welcome even sorrow or pain instead of emptiness.


Meditation:  “…and She laid him in a manger because there was no room for them at the Inn” Luke 2:7


I pray to become empty – for my heart to become an empty space as the cave in which Jesus was born, and not to be full, as the Inn which had no room.  I pray to you my Mother, to place Jesus in my heart as you placed Him in the manger so that His glorious Light will inflame my poor heart, burning away all the impurities and all that which is not of God, filling the darkness of my soul with His Light.  May all be drawn to His Light as the Shepherd’s were drawn to the cave of His birth.  My Jesus, I pray that you will rest here in my heart where I will warm you with the warmth of Your very Love and form within me the empty space in which you will place the Celestial Gift of the Divine Will.   Amen


Sat., July 5, 1997, Adoration:

I was meditating on the Finding of Jesus in the Temple and the suffering of Mother Mary as She searched for three days for Her Jesus, and I thought about myself when I sometimes do not feel His presence.  How miserable I become!~  At one point during the Mass, I again thought about Our Lady and St. Joseph going in search of Jesus, and He said to me, “I did not leave them!”  I received light to understand that Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple, but He did not go off leaving them – it was they who left Him.  I knew that He was making me understand that it is never He who leaves us, but us who leave Him.  And where is it that we will find Him?  - in the Temple (the Church) and in the Temple of our hearts where He dwells.”

A few days after this, I picked up the Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, pg. 73, and read, “I do not leave you – no, no.   This is an accusation you make against your Jesus.  I never leave anyone!  The creatures withdraw from Me, not I from them.  Rather, I go behind them and next to them.”


April, 1998, Meditation on the Resurrection:

I thought about Jesus’ words to Mary Magdalene, “Do not touch Me for I have not yet ascended to My Father.”  How holy and pure we must be before we touch our dear Lord.  How many are the impure hands that touch Him each day when receiving Him in the Eucharist!  How many the impure hearts into which He descends each day!


Aug., 1998, Meditation on the Presentation:

I saw Anna as representing all the faithful,  “and coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God…”  (Luke 2:38) In faith, we come forward to receive Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, and we give thanks to God for a gift so great!  We go out from the “Temple” to speak of Jesus to all who will listen, “…and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.”


 Aug. 14, 1998:

I was thinking about John the Apostle as he rested his head upon the Heart of Our dear Lord:  John, what did you feel?  What did you hear?  Did you hear His Heart speaking to yours?  Were you engulfed in the flames of love bursting from His adorable Heart?  What did you say to Him?  Oh John, how I desire to rest my head upon the heart of my Jesus once again.  But He is as gone for me.  I no longer feel Him near me as I once did.  Have I not done His Will?  He has given me so many graces.  Have I used them as I should have?  Jesus, as you take your Light from me, I see myself as You see me, and I am sick at what I see!  I feel weighed down by sin, covered with filth and mud – yet my soul still clings to You.  I see myself grabbing on to the hem of Your robe and I will never let go.  I will continue to cling to You, my sweet Jesus, with all my strength.

During the Mass this day, I was praying that You would remember me for I feel so abandoned and alone.  I said to You, Jesus my heart, am I being detached from You? , and I heard very softly within my heart, No, no my Lynne.  You are a part of My Heart.   Would I tear out part of My Heart and throw it away?”


True fasting, Aug., 1998:

 I now understand what “true fasting is:  it is not the fasting on bread and water, although this is where we begin; it is the denying of self – fasting from what we desire for what God desires.  This does not only relate to food, but to everything.  We must discern what God’s desires are and what are our own.  It is only in this way that we may truly be emptied of self so that God may fill us.  Our Lady has taught us, as children, to fast on bread and water to allow us to understand this ultimate truth.


Sometime the end of 1998:

I wait to hear once again the sound of Your Voice whispering within my soul,

I wait to see once again your beautiful face within my soul,

Oh, how I long for you May God!

I feel as if the Holy Spirit has abandoned me,

And yet, I know you are before me as spectator, watching my every move,

listening to my every word.

Oh, when will you return to me My Divine Master?

You are everything to me, and how can I live without You?

It is a void you are making in my soul which you will fill with Yourself –

Praise you My God – my breath, my life, my all!


Dec. 29, 1998:

Before Mass during prayer, I understood that I had nothing to offer God, that everything comes only from Him – I could not even love Him as I should, and a most beautiful prayer came to me something like this, “I love you my God, but I do not love you as you love me, therefore, I take the love with which you love me and make it my own so that I may offer you this same love with which you have loved me.”  Immediately I heard within my heart, “This is what will make us one!”


Beginning of 1999:

Consider this regarding women who want to be Priests:  I thought about the fourth joyful mystery of the Rosary, the Presenting of Jesus – Our Lady offered Her Son to the Father, not with her hands, but through the hands of Simeon the Priest!  Even the Mother of God did not offer Him through her own hands – if God wanted women to be Priests, certainly it would have been His will to be offered through the hands of The Immaculate One, and not through Simeon’s!


 An understanding given through prayer, beginning of Dec., 1999:

I do not have any words to explain this, but in my feeble way I will attempt:

Sometimes after receiving Holy Communion (offered in the Divine Will), I seem to feel nothing within me – it is as though I no longer exist.  I felt this even more today and wondered why this would be.  As soon as this thought came to my mind, I was given Light to understand that as Jesus gave everything of Himself, I, in being united to Him, also must give everything of myself until there is nothing left of me – as the Host is broken and consumed until there is nothing left – so must I be.


Thurs., July 8, 1999:

Before Mass, I was inspired to pray for everyone to “listen with the ears of their souls and see with the eyes of their souls.”  Just after receiving Holy Communion, I understood that the Eucharistic Reign of Christ will be within our souls (we will see Him with the eyes of our souls), that this is NOT an exterior reign; we will become as living Hosts.  I understood so much but it is impossible for me to explain in words.   Immediately after this, I heard clearly within me, “And you will see Me as I Am!”


Prayer, July, 1999:

Oh my Jesus, please remove from me all that keeps me from living in your Holy Divine Will.  If there is anything of which I am unaware of that keeps me outside of Your Will, make it known to me that I may repent of it so as to live firmly in Your Will.  I ask you to make me into that image you had of me when I was first in Your Thoughts, and do not allow me to distort that image.  May I grow ever more in Your Light as to form a Heaven for you on earth and to be united with you forever for all Eternity.  Amen


A meditation on the prophecy of Simeon:

Heavenly Mother, I enter into Your sorrow at the prophecy of Simeon when you presented with St. Joseph the child Jesus in the Temple.  The joy you felt upon presenting Jesus to the Father was taken away by the words spoken by Simeon, “…and your heart will be pierced also…(Luke 2:34)   Oh, my sorrowful Mother, in these words was the knowledge given to you how many would reject your Motherly embrace and in rejecting you, would also be rejecting your Jesus.  How many souls were contained in your Hearts that would reject the many Graces that you wanted to offer them.  My sweet Mother, to make reparation to you for all the rejection you suffered upon seeing those souls that would not only reject your Jesus, but would also reject you, I bring you the love of all the faithful throughout the ages.  I bring you the love of Jesus, your Son; of the Holy Spirit, your spouse; and Our Heavenly Father, to comfort and console you in this great sorrow.  I will remain always with you upon your lap begging together with you that the Kingdom come on earth, as it is in Heaven.


 A poem I wrote many years ago at Christmas time just after having come into the Church:

 Our Loving Jesus, meek and mild,

Says “Bring to Me your little child.

Sit him down before me please,

And I will grant him all his needs.”

 But we are too busy, we haven’t the time.

 “My Gifts are great and beyond compare,

Show Me that you truly care.

I only ask a few moments of your time,

I will give you all I have, because you are mine.”

 But we are too busy, we haven’t the time.

 “I Am your Father, your Brother, your Friend,

I will never abandon you – I will be with you until the end.

You are my children, this you should know.

I will wait ‘til you come, for I love you so!”

 But we are too busy, we haven’t the time.


Sometime Feb, 1996:

After a meditation class (we were meditating on being with Jesus at the Jordan), Sr. Maureen asked me why I didn’t put Jesus’ sandals on my feet when we were meditating.  After I spoke with her, I knew that I had to do this, and immediately I felt fear within me – not even knowing why.  I prayed to Our Lady to take away all my fears and to offer them to Jesus, asking for her help in what I was about to do.

Jesus is sitting before me.  I kneel down at His feet taking one foot into my hands.  I slip off His sandal and kiss the wound on His foot.  I now take the other foot into my hands and do the same.  I stand up and slip both sandals onto my own feet saying as I do so, “Yes, I will lord, because I love you.”  I follow Jesus who now stands up and walks in front of me, and Mother Mary is on my left walking besides me.  We walk only a few steps and Jesus turns around facing me.  He doesn’t say a word, but I am enlightened and know that the Holy Spirit who will fill me completely, once I am empty, will do everything – I need do nothing!  What is there to fear?  I need only get out of His way!”  I understood after this that during my meditation class I was very comfortable being a little girl in the arms of Our Lord, but I feared having to be like Him – walking in His sandals!


 I do not belong of the earth,

I belong to Heaven.

In order for me to get to Heaven,

I must spend my time on earth,

Acting as though I belong to Heaven!


Meditation on the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple:

I go together with Mary and Joseph and the Infant Jesus to the Temple.  My eyes cannot go away from Him who is my life and my all.  Mary presents Him to the Priest, Simeon.  I look at Him in Simeon’s arms and oh, how I wish He were in my arms, but lo – I am to sinful and wretched to dare touch Him!  I therefore, stare in awe at His beautiful and adorable face and contemplate with what Love He loves us all.  Oh my sweet Mother, how sorrowful is your heart to hear Simeon say, “and your heart too will be pierced!”  At that moment you saw how many sins caused your heart and the Divine Heart of Jesus to be pierced.  Forgive me – forgive us all!


 Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Abomination of Desolation - Dn. 12:9-12


Marian Movement of Priests, #366 Oct. 13, 1987 – Anniversary of the Last Apparition at Fatima

“These are seventy years during which I have descended from heaven into your midst as the Woman Clothed with the Sun.  These are seventy years during which my Adversary satan, has come up from the abyss into your midst, to manifest himself as the Red Dragon in all his terrible power.  In fact, he has succeeded in extending his reign in many nations and in spreading his action of denial and of rebellion against God to every part of the earth.  Thus, during the period of these seventy years, the Red Dragon has bound men with the chain of his slavery.”

“You have lived seventy years as slaves of my Adversary, who has succeeded in transforming the world into the city of Babylon, perverse and sinful, which with the cup of pleasure and of luxury, has seduced all the nations of the earth.  But now the period this Babylonian slavery is about to end.”  “In this Marian Year, the heavenly Mother is opening the door upon the new era of your liberation.”  (1987)

 Marian Movement of Priests, #485 – Dec. 31, 1999

“The fourth sign is the horrible sacrilege, perpetrated by him who sets himself against Christ, that is, the Antichrist.  He will enter into the holy temple of God and will sit on his throne and have himself adored as God.”

‘This one will oppose and exalt himself against everything that men adore and call God.  The lawless one will come by the power of satan, with all the force of false miracles and pretended wonders.  He will make use of every kind of wicked deception, in order to work harm.’ (Thes. 2,3,9-10)

‘One day, you will see in the holy place he who commits the horrible sacrilege. The prophet Daniel spoke of this.  Let the reader seek to understand.’  (Mt. 24:14)

“Beloved children, in order to understand in what this horrible sacrilege consists, read what has been predicted by the prophet Daniel: ‘Go, Daniel; these words are to remain secret and sealed until the end time.”

‘Now, from the moment that the daily Sacrifice is abolished and the horrible abomination is setup, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.  Blessed is he who waits with patience and attains one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.’ (Dn. 12:9-12)

“The Holy Mass is the daily Sacrifice, the pure oblation which is offered to the Lord everywhere, from the rising of the sun to its going down.

The Sacrifice of the Mass renews that which was accomplished by Jesus on Calvary.  By accepting the Protestant doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal, that is to say, a remembrance of that which Jesus did at His Last Supper. And thus, the celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed.  In this abolition of the daily Sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege accomplished by the Antichrist, which will last about three and a half years, namely, one thousand two hundred and ninety days.”

June, 1972 – Pope Paul VI – “The smoke of satan has entered the Church.”

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Eucharistic Experiences

 I have been discerning for quite sometime about posting this, but I feel Our Lord desires this because of the lack of faith in the Church and in our world.  I begin with my coming into the Catholic Church in Jan. 1993.  This is offered for your discernment.  Your are free to believe or not to believe, but be sure that what I have written is what I have experienced in truth and from my heart.  Some of this is copied from my notes and other is written from memory:

This particular writing is written from memory on March 12, 2018:  I had been drawn to Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for some time prior to coming into the Church.  One day I had been in the Adoration chapel at St. Paul of the Cross in North Palm Bch., FL and while in prayer, I saw interiorly a vision of Jesus standing in before the Monstrance with His hands out towards me and said to me, “Come to me.”  I understood immediately what this meant and went to one of the Priests and told him what I experienced.  He told me he wanted me to come into the Church right away, and he set the date for January 12, 1993 – my dad’s birthday. I had a choice to either go with my family to my dad’s birthday party or give myself to Jesus.  I chose the latter, much to the dismay of my family.  There were very few people at the Church – only my husband, a few friends, and two of our Priests. The Bishop was not present, but the Priests had his permission for the ceremony.  (March 14, 2018 – (two days after what I have written above) During my Adoration hour today, I was reading from the book “In Sinu Jesu” and read: “How often did I say to my disciples, ‘Come to me.’”  Once again I thank Our Lord for this confirmation!)

Sat. June 5, 1993 – Adoration chapel St. Josephs Church, Stuart, FL (pg. 12 of my notes)

During Adoration a shape of a heart, a faint redish color, appeared in the lower left corner (facing the Host) of the Host.  This heart was not visible when I first came into the chapel, but only appeared as I was praying while looking at the Host.  I was alone in the chapel.  (As I had entered into the Catholic Church in Jan. of this year, only 5 months prior to this experience, I wasn’t aware that the Blessed Sacrament could not be left alone which happened many times at this church during my visits for Adoration).  When the heart appeared, I went directly in front of the large Host to see if it was possibly a reflection coming from somewhere, but as there were no windows or anything that could have caused this, knelt down before the Host and prayed.  My mind kept thinking how perfect the shape of the heart was – I just kept saying this to myself over and over.  Then while praying I heard in my interior, “By My cross and resurrection, I have saved you.”

1993 – St. Josephs Church, Stuart, FL

During the Mass I felt a coldness in the Church which I did not usually feel as when I enter a Catholic Church I can feel the presence of God, but this day that presence was not there.  As I was so upset, a thought came to me that perhaps I should leave the Church as I felt God was not present in this Church, but I remained there.  As the Priest elevated the Host during the Consecration, I saw a bright light just to the left and above the Host which seemed to draw slowly into the Host.  Upon seeing this, I felt tremendous peace within me.

April 9, 1994 – St. Josephs Church, Stuart, FL – the day before Divine Mercy Sunday

Once again I had the feeling of my soul being elevated and during the Consecration surrounding the Host was a bright light especially on the left side.  I doubted what I was seeing and a thought came to me that it was a reflection from the windows.  Then when the Priest consecrated the Precious Blood, rays of light came from the top of the chalice.

May 28, 1994 – St. Paul of the Cross, North Palm Bch., FL

During the Mass there was a fragrance of roses around me especially when I approached the altar during Communion.  I felt a presence to my left side as I received Jesus.

Tues. 3/28/95 7:30AM - Adoration Chapel at St. Paul!s

While praying with my eyes closed, a bright light filled my vision. From the light I saw what appeared to be a very large chair with a high back and side arms. It was as though looking through a fog of light. I then could see, very vaguely, an outline of a person engulfed in the light. The light was very bright and I could not see clearly at all. At first I thought my mind conjured up a great sight! then began to think of Our Heavenly Father and fell into a prayer to Him. I then said to Him, "How can people not know that you are their Father, our Daddy. How can they think of you as being anything other than that (thinking about all the people that call Him Father-Mother, not recognizing Him as their Father). " I still thought that this was my imagination as I continued seeing this vision before me. It startled me to hear Him say to me, "Love them as I love them." I then thought that this was possibly S. trying to trick me so I immediately prayed to cast out any evil spirits, but it just stayed there before my eyes. A little while later He said,  “The veil will soon come down.”  For some reason I didn't want to listen as I could feel that He was going to say something else, so I began praying again. He again said, "The veil will soon come down. Then you will see wonders as you have never seen. " Moments later He said, I Am,(slight pause)Yahweh. "  All of this must have taken about 20 minutes. It was as if in slow motion. His voice was so very tender and loving! He spoke very slowly and clearly. My body felt as though I were no longer there in the chapel, but when someone came in the door, I was aware of their presence After I left the chapel, throughout Mass and for some time later, my body felt "numb". I have felt the peace of Our Lord before, but never anything quite like this. During Mass at the elevation of the Host, I saw a light come out of the back of the Host, facing Fr. Art. After communion, extremely bright lights were flashing in my head mostly coming from the right side and many shadows appeared.  

The next night (3/29/95), my husband asked me for this message and while reading it said he didn’t understand what “The veil will soon come down” meant.  He had just prayed for an answer when a Bishop speaking on EWTN showed a picture of Pope Leo NIII. There was a lady in the picture who was wearing a veil on her head - her hands were on the veil looking as though she were going to pull it down over her face. The Bishop went on to explain that this represented a death approaching or that Rome or a civilization was coming to an end, or that there was going to be a new time approaching.

 Sunday, April 2, 1995 – St. Paul of the Cross

This morning at Mass just after the Consecration, I saw the face of Jesus to my left (my eyes were closed at the time).  His head was surrounded with a crown of thorns; His cheeks sunken and hollow; His eyes staring above me and over my right shoulder.  The vison seemed to be in black and white, but I saw very clearly His eyes not staring at me, but past me and very, very sad.  He did not speak, but it came to me that reparation needed to be made for all who receive Him in a state of mortal sin.

April 26, 1995, early AM – St. Paul of the Cross

Jesus told me that I would feel His presence in a special way this day.  The moment I knelt down before Him in the Adoration chapel, I could feel great power coming from the Blessed Sacrament.  This power filled my entire being; my vision was filled with bright lights that seemed to flash inside my head.  The entire day I felt the presence of Our Lord and continuously praised Him.  It was as though He was with me the whole day and night.  My body seemed to float wherever I went.  Thank you, Jesus for this grace!

August, 1995, Adoration chapel St. Paul of the Cross

I saw an image of Jesus on the Cross and my heart was broken with sorrow for what He was suffering – the loss of souls.  He spoke to me of His suffering and said that we are still not listening.  He allowed me to fell just a drop of His sorrow and thanked me for my tears.  I continued to cry most of this day!

Friday, Sept. 1, 1995 Adoration chapel

I asked Our Lord to increase the love in my heart.  He replied that love does not come without suffering and asked if I were willing to suffer.  After I replied, I felt Him very happy.  He then said to me, “I want you closer to Me.  I will lift up your soul to Me.”  At that moment I felt myself being drawn towards the Host.  It seemed that my body remained kneeling where it was a but another part of me was moving towards the Host. (impossible to explain!) My body was completely immersed in peace.  In spirit I kissed the face of Jesus and then felt I had done something bad.  He told me to always kiss Him as this pleases Him very much and is consoles Him.

Dec. 17, 1996 – Immediately after receiving Holy Communion, I became totally absorbed in His Love and almost could not take one step forward to return back to my seat.  I guess it was my Angel that returned me because I certainly was incapable.

Wed. Jan. 29, 1997 AM – St. Paul of the Cross, North Palm Bch.

Just before Mass I was in the Adoration chapel and saw a vision of Jesus standing at a distance from me and could feel that He was very angry.  I thought His anger was directed to me and I racked my brain trying to understand what I could have done to offend Him so much.  Suddenly I saw a very large bowl in His hands and it looked as though He were about to pour it out.  I could no longer look at Him as I felt His terrible anger.  Then I saw Mother Mary standing off to His right side looking at Him and I ran to Her dropping to the ground besides Her.  I called to Her, but She did not answer nor did She look at me but continued to look at Jesus.  I called again and She said very softly, “Son.” – nothing more.  The bowl then disappeared, but Jesus’ anger did not abate. I left the chapel for Mass and at one point during the Mass, I heard very loudly as to echo through my heart, “They are still not listening!”  I have been disturbed by this all day – I am writing this at 2:45PM in the chapel as I returned for Adoration this afternoon.

The next day:  I know how strange what I have written above seems, and if I had not felt His anger I would have thought this to be my imagination.  I feel that it is only through Mother Mary that God’s anger lessons at all!  Today I do not feel His presence and my soul seems as though in total darkness.  I have been thinking about what Jesus said to me on Monday about His bitterness – while praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet I gathered the courage to tell Him, “Pour your bitterness into me my sweet Jesus – it is for love of you and because I know that you love me!”  The most bitter suffering for me is to not feel His presence!

Thurs. Jan. 30, 1997 – St. Paul of the Cross

I began thinking about the vision I had yesterday and thought to myself that if this were from God then why was I so very upset all day long. As I began thinking that this may have been a trick of satan, I asked though the intercession of Luisa Piccarreta for confirmation that it was from Our Lord and not my imagination. During the Mass after receiving Holy Communion, I suddenly found the infant Jesus in my arms- oh, what great joy I felt!  I pressed Him to my heart and kissed the tears that ran down His little face.  As we prayed the Rosary after Mass, it was my turn to pray a decade, which so happened to be the Nativity.  What a beautiful gift I was given – a most beautiful meditation while I held our Jesus in my arms!  After the Rosary, I went to Sr. Maureen’s class which was to be about the prayers of the Mass. Before beginning class, she asked everyone to meditate on the infant Jesus and to see God the Father watching His Son. I immediately understood that this was an answer to my prayer.  Thank you, Jesus, Mary and Luisa!

Friday, Jan. 31, 1997 – St. Paul of the Cross

 (I do not want to write about this but am doing so in obedience to my Jesus who has told me to write everything because His words and actions through me are "so simple as to melt even hardened hearts".) When I awoke this morning, I felt Holy Mother's presence and felt as though she were right besides me. During Mass after receiving Holy Communion, I felt Jesus place His forehead upon mine (this happens to me often when I am looking at the picture of the Shroud of the Holy Face). He seemed so very sad and asked that I remain with Him this way all day to console Him. I have remained in His presence thus even up to when I am writing this. During the Rosary after Mass (we were praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the scriptural rosary), He remained with me in this special way and spoke to me during each scripture verse. He said how sad He is over how many souls He suffered for in vain. Other things I remember Him saying "The church will walk to Calvary as I did. " "As the veil in [he temple was rent in two, so will my church be. " My heart would have broken with sadness if I were not so happy over feeling Him so very close to me in this way! How can anyone reject Him who loves us so much? During each of the Our Fathers, Jesus looked up towards Heaven, but I did not hear His voice, I only felt Him praying with me to God our Father.

There is so much I would like to explain but am totally incapable and only through the Grace of God, if it so pleases Him, can I explain any of these things at all!

End of April, 1997 – Before receiving Communion, I prayed that Our Lady would be with me when I received Her Son in the Eucharist, that Her arms would be in mine to hold Jesus together with me, to embrace Him for everyone, that Her heart be in mine that we might love Him for everyone, that Her lips be in mine that we might kiss Him for everyone.  After received Communion, I felt Our Lady completely enfold me in Her mantle. It was as though She was within me, and we held Jesus together embracing and kissing Him for everyone.

Monday, April 28, 1997 – After receiving Holy Communion, I felt my body become very heavy as if I were being weighed down.  I felt this very much in my heart and it seemed to me that I could feel another heart beating within mine.  I do not know or understand this grace I was given and am not able to describe it.

July 15 1997 – It is not possible for me to describe the graces I receive from Our Lord, especially after receiving Communion.  I can only say that I feel Jesus very alive within me, but there are no words to explain this experience.

Nov., 1997 – Divine Will Conference, Rome GA – After receiving Communion, I saw Jesus within me, and resting my head upon His, I became totally lost in Him.  Suddenly my heart was overcome with sorrow.  I understood from this that He was sharing with His sorrow and tears.  How does one explain these graces?

July 8, 1999 – After receiving Communion, in an instant I understood that the Eucharist Reign of Christ will be within our souls (we will see Him with the eyes of our souls) – that this is NOT an exterior reign; we will become as living Hosts.  I understood so much but it is impossible for me to explain the understanding that was given to me in that moment.  Just after this I heard very clearly within me, “And you will see Me as I AM!”

July 27, 2001Just after receiving Communion, I seemed to see within me little Jesus, who was about 3 or 4 years old.  He ran towards me very excitedly and put out His hand towards mine.  Taking my hand in His, He said to me, “Come!”  I thought to myself that He wanted to show me something very beautiful as He was so excited.  We seemed to come across a very large field.  Then pointing towards the field He said, “Look!”  I looked out and saw a sea of bodies lying everywhere.  They looked so sad and broken.  He then said to me, “They need healing.”  I replied to Him, “But Jesus, there is nothing I can do for them.” He replied, “You will heal them with your heart, my Lynne.”  At that moment my heart became very heavy and I felt as if it could have broken for the sorrow I felt for them.

Aug. 30, 2001 (written the next day) Yesterday morning at Mass, I felt as if I were being held or surrounded by someone.  I felt our Heavenly Father speak to me saying, “I hold you in my arms.”   I cannot describe the feeling that came over me – I almost felt weightless (this feeling remained with me the entire day).  I felt incredible peace.  Then I heard, “Clothed in the garment of My Son you will be.”  After receiving Communion, it seemed to me that our Heavenly Father was so pleased to have His arms around me – as it was no longer me but His Son He was holding!

Friday, Feb.1, 2003 – Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament:  After receiving Holy Communion, I saw Jesus interiorly as sitting upon my heart as if on a throne; His back towards me, looking out, with something like a rod (a scepter?) in His right hand.  He spoke to me saying, “It is from here I will reign”.  He suddenly turned into a little child of about 3 or 4 years old, but remain sitting there upon my heart with the rod in His hand.  Jesus then spoke saying, “I will reign in those who love me.”

Nov. 1, 2013 – Before Mass began, I experienced someone before me (interiorly) and I was trying to pull something out of his hands.  It seemed as though I were fighting with this person for whatever it was that I had been trying to get, and that I became very strong in fighting for it.  After receiving Communion, I saw the entire earth was placed in my hands and I offered it to God loving Him and thanking Him for myself and for all, for all that He has given to us on earth and in the entire universe – I was praying the rounds of Creation. 

Written today, Jan. 2, 2014 – (This happened sometime in November, but I failed to write it because of my doubts, but since that time I think about this and it brings me to tears, so I write because Jesus wants me to):  Just before the Consecration of the Mass, little Jesus, who seemed to be about 2 years old, came into my thoughts, and suddenly I saw Him enter into the Host at the Consecration, coming from the right side of the altar.  After receiving Communion, I felt the Host form only what I can describe of as a soft ball, and I could feel a heartbeat on my tongue which I continued to feel even as I consumed the Host.  I felt great inner peace, but as I thought about what a great grace I had been given, I began to cry.  My Jesus, you have given me so much and what do I give You?  All I can give you is my nothingness.

June 12, 2015, St. John Neumann Church – This morning as I knelt down before Mass began, I seemed to feel the heart of Jesus beating from within the Tabernacle.  As Mass began, I found that it was the Feast of the Sacred Heart today which I had forgotten about.

All for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls

Lynne Bauer, JMJ


















Friday, August 13, 2021

The Bread of the Divine Will



John 6:31-35 - Our fathers did eat manna in the desert, as it is written: He gave them bread from heaven to eat. Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say to you; Moses gave you not bread from heaven, but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life to the world. They said therefore unto him: Lord, give us always this bread. And Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall not hunger: and he that believeth in me shall never thirst.

John 6:38 - "Because I came down from heaven, not to do my own will,

but the will of him that sent me."


Book of Heaven, Vol. 11, Sept. 25, 1913

I told the confessor that Jesus had said to me that the Will of God is the center of the soul; that this center is in the depth of the soul, and that, spreading Its rays like sun, It gives light to the mind, sanctity to the actions, strength to the steps, life to the heart, power to the word and to everything; and not only this, but also that while this center - the Will of God - is inside of us, so that we may never escape from It, and so as to remain at our continuous disposal, never leaving us alone or separated even for one minute - at the same time, It is also in front of us, on our right, on our left, behind and everywhere, and It will be our center also in Heaven. The confessor was saying, instead, that the Most Holy Sacrament is our center.

 Now, on coming, blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, I had to make it in such a way that sanctity might be easy and accessible to all - unless they did not want it - in all conditions, in all circumstances and in every place. It is true that the Most Holy Sacrament is center; but who instituted It? Who subdued my Humanity to enclose Itself within the small circle of a Host? Wasn’t that my Will? Therefore my Will will always have primacy over everything. Besides, if everything is in the Eucharist, the priests who call Me from Heaven into their hands, and who are in contact with my Sacramental Flesh more than anyone, should be the holiest and the most good; but instead, many of them are the worst. Poor Me, how they treat Me in the Most Holy Sacrament! And the many devout souls who receive Me, perhaps every day, should be as many saints if the center of the Eucharist were sufficient. But instead – and it is something to be cried over - they remain always at the same point: vain, irascible, punctilious, etc. Poor center of the Most Holy Sacrament, how dishonored It remains! 

Book of Heaven, May 2, 1923

“My daughter, oh! how well your acts done in my Will harmonize. They harmonize with mine, with those of my beloved Mama, and one disappears within the other, forming one single act - it seems like Heaven on earth, and the earth in Heaven; and the echo of one in three and of three in one, of the Sacrosanct Trinity. Oh! how sweet it sounds to Our hearing, how it enraptures Us, but so much as to capture Our Will from Heaven to earth. And when my ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ has Its fulfillment ‘on earth as It is in Heaven’, then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the Our Father take place - that is, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ I said: ‘Our Father, in the name of all, I ask You for three kinds of bread each day: the bread of your Will, or rather, more than bread, because if bread is necessary two or three times a day, this one is necessary at each moment, in all circumstances. Even more, it must be not only bread, but like balsamic air that brings life - the circulation of the Divine Life in the creature. Father, if this bread of your Will is not given, I will never be able to receive all the fruits of my Sacramental Life, which is the second bread we ask of You every day. Oh! how my Sacramental Life feels discomforted, because the bread of your Will does not nourish them; on the contrary, it finds the corrupted bread of the human will. Oh! how disgusting it is to Me! How I shun it! And even though I go to them, yet I cannot give them the fruits, the goods, the effects, the sanctity, because I do not find Our bread in them. And if I give something, it is in small proportion, according to their dispositions, but not all the goods which I contain; and my Sacramental Life is patiently waiting for man to take the bread of the Supreme Will, in order to be able to give all the good of my Sacramental Life. See then, how the Sacrament of the Eucharist - and not only It, but all the Sacraments, left to my Church and instituted by Me - will give all the fruits which they contain and complete fulfillment, when Our bread, that is, the Will of God, is done on earth as It is in Heaven.”

“Then I asked for the third bread - the material one. How could I say: ‘Give us this day our bread’? In view of the fact that, as man would do Our Will, what was Ours would be his, and so the Father would no longer have to give the bread of His Will, the bread of my Sacramental Life and the daily bread of natural life, to illegitimate, usurping, evil children, but to legitimate and good children, who would share in the goods of their Father; it is because of this that I said: ‘Give us our bread.’ Then will they eat the blessed bread; everything will smile around them, and Heaven and earth will carry the mark of the harmony of their Creator. “

“After this I added: ‘Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.’ So, charity also will be perfect. Then will forgiveness have the mark of heroism, as I had it on the Cross - once man has eaten the bread of my Will as my Humanity ate it. Then will the virtues be absorbed into my Will and receive the mark of true heroism and of divine virtues; they will be like many little rivulets which will gush forth from the bosom of the great sea of my Will.”

“And if I added, ‘And lead us not into temptation’ - how could God ever lead man into temptation? - it was because man is always man, free in himself, since I never take away from him the rights I gave him in creating him; and he, frightened and fearful of himself, tacitly cries out, and prays without expressing it with words: ‘Give us the bread of your Will, that we may reject all temptations; and by virtue of this bread, deliver us from every evil. Amen.’”

 “See, then, how all the goods of man find again their connection, the tight bond of the ‘Let Us make man in Our image and likeness’, the validity of each of his acts, the restitution of the lost goods, as well as the signature and the assurance that his lost happiness, both terrestrial and celestial, is given back to him. Therefore, it is so necessary that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, that I had no other interest, nor did I teach any other prayer but the ‘Our Father’. And the Church, faithful executor and depository of my teachings, has it always on Her lips, and in every circumstance. And everyone - learned and ignorant, little and great, priests and lay people, kings and subjects - all pray to Me that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.”  


Book of Heaven, January 10, 1926

“My Will makes Its way in the seed, as It makes the earth receive it, giving it the virtue of making it germinate and multiply. It performs Its crafting by calling the water to water it, the sun to fecundate it, the wind to purify it, the cold to make it take root, the heat to develop it and make it reach the proper maturity. Then It gives virtue to the machines to cut it, to thresh it, to grind it, so as to be able to give it the substance of bread; and calling the fire to cook it, It offers it to the mouth of the creature, that she may eat of it and preserve her life. See, then, how long a way and a crafting has my Will done in that seed; how many things It has called over that seed, to make it reach, as bread, the mouth of creatures! Now, who gives the final step to the way of my Will, and the fulfillment of the final act of my Supreme Volition? One who takes that bread and eats it as bearer of the Divine Will within it; and as she eats that bread, she eats my Will in it, to increase the strengths of her body and soul, as the Divine Will’s fulfillment of everything. The creature, one can say, is the center of the rest to which my Will aspires in all the ways and crafting It makes in all created things, in order to reach the creature.” 


Book of Heaven, July 4, 1927

“My daughter, just as in the sacramental host there are the little accidents of the bread, and your Jesus hides inside of them, alive and real – and as many Jesuses for as many as are the hosts - in the same way, in the soul there are the accidents of the human will, not subject to being consumed like the accidents of my Sacramental Life, and therefore more fortunate and more solid. And just as the Eucharistic Life multiplies in the hosts, so does my Divine Will multiply my Life in each act of the human will, which, more than accident, lends itself to the multiplication of my Life. As you were making your will flow within Mine and wanted to give Me to each one, so was my Will forming my Life in yours, and from Its light It released my Life, giving Me to each one, and – oh! how happy I felt that the little daughter of my Will was forming so many of my Lives in the accidents of her will, to give Me not only to animate creatures, but to all things created by Me. So, as I was multiplying my Life, I felt I was constituting Myself the King of all: King of the sun, of the sea, King of the flowers, of the stars, of the heavens – in sum, of everything. My daughter, one who lives in my Will possesses within herself the fount of the source of the Sacraments, and can multiply Me as much as she wants and in whatever way she wants.”


Book of Heaven, September 15, 1929

My daughter, the first who will do my Divine Will and will live in It, will be like the yeast of Its Kingdom. The many knowledges which I have manifested to you about my Divine Fiat will be like the flour for the bread, which, in finding the yeast, becomes fermented – as much flour as one puts in. But the flour is not enough – it takes the yeast and the water in order to form the true bread, to nourish the human generations. In the same way, the yeast of the few who live in my Divine Volition is necessary to Me, as well as the multiplicity of the knowledges about It, which will serve as the mass of light that will give all the goods which are needed in order to nourish and make happy all those who want to live in the Kingdom of my Divine Will. Therefore, do not worry if you are alone and few are those who know, in part, what regards my Divine Will; as long as the little portion of the yeast is formed, united to Its knowledges, the rest will come by itself.” 


Book of Heaven, May 10, 1931

“My daughter, just as the yeast has the virtue of fermenting the bread, so is my Will the fermentator of the acts of the creature. As she calls my Divine Will into her acts, they remain fermented by It, and form the bread of the Kingdom of my Will. Now, in order to make much bread, the yeast is not enough, but it takes much flour; it takes someone who must do these acts of uniting flour and yeast; it takes water, bond of union to be able to knead flour and yeast, so that the yeast may communicate the fermenting virtue, and the flour may receive it. Then it takes the fire, to cook this bread, to form it as nourishing and digestible bread. Now, does it not take more time, more acts, to form it, rather than to eat it? The sacrifice is in forming it; as for eating it, it is done quickly, and one feels the taste of the sacrifice. So, my daughter, the yeast of my Divine Fiat, which has only the virtue of fermenting your acts, emptying them of the human will in order to convert them into bread of Divine Will, is not enough, but it takes a continuation of acts, of sacrifices – and for a long time, in such a way that my Will, with Its fermenting virtue, will ferment all these acts so as to form much bread and keep it prepared and in store for the children of Its Kingdom. When everything will be formed, what is left is to dispose the events; and this is easier, and is done quickly, because it is in Our power to move the secondary causes in order to do what We want. Did I not do likewise for Redemption? My long thirty years of my hidden life were like the yeast in which all my acts were fermented, to form and ferment the great good of Redemption. The short life of my public life and my Passion was my fermented bread that my Divine Will formed and fermented in my acts which, like bread, I broke for all and gave to eat, so that all might receive the bread of the redeemed ones, to acquire the necessary strengths to put themselves in safety. Therefore, give yourself no concern; think of doing your duty and letting not one of your acts escape in which you do not put the yeast of my Divine Will, so that your being may remain fermented by It; and I will think of all the rest.”  


L. Bauer, Aug. 3, 2018

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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