Monday, October 28, 2019

The Inner Cloister

“The Holy Spirit wants to give Christians a ‘new and divine holiness’
at the Dawn of the Third Millennium” - Pope John Paul II

       In the Book of Heaven,  Jesus tells us of the souls that live in the celestial sea of the Supreme Volition, “These souls are the hidden inhabitants of the celestial waves which live for the honor and for the enrichment of the infinite sea of my Will.  And as fish are hidden imperceptibly in the sea to nourish man, so also do these souls remain hidden in the divine sea, silent, yet still forming my greater glory in creation.”  “For the souls that lives and works in my Will, I, more than a tender mother, hide it in my Will.”  Vol. 17, 8/9/24)
      “This is the beauty of the interior life of the soul: without speaking and without instruction, she ensures that nothing external either attracts her or disturbs her; that all her attraction and all her goods are enclosed within.”  (vol. 5, 6/30/1903)
      Luisa once was inside a garden where there were various rose bushes.  Some were beautifully in bloom, shaped just right, about half open.  Some of the other roses, however, were losing their petals; as soon as the gentlest breeze came along, they began shedding their petals until nothing but the stem was left.  She was told, “The first roses are those souls that act interiorly.  These roses display a beauty, a freshness, and a steadfastness that prevents any petal from falling to the earth.  Their half-closed petals are a symbol of the opening that the interior life of the soul makes to the external world. Having life within them, their works are perfumed with Holy Charity; like lights, they shine forth to God and to their neighbor.  The second roses are external souls: the little good that they do is done on the outside for all to see.  Their petals are fully opened; that is, they do not have God and His Love as their sole aim.  And where this does not exist, the petals (that is, the virtues) are weakly attached.  As soon as even a gentle breeze of pride comes along, the petals fall to the ground-likewise for pleasure, self-love and human respect.”  (vol. 5, 10/2/1903)
      “ be able to rest in God, inner silence is necessary...”  “But what is this inner silence?  It is to silence our own passions by holding them in check; to impose silence on desires, inclinations and sentiments; in summary, on everything which does not call God.”  (vol. 3, 5/20/1900)
      “ the interior souls there should not be disturbance.  And if it enters there, it is because they come out of themselves, and doing so, they act as executioners of themselves.  By going out of herself, the soul holds on to so many things that do not benefit her and that are not God, and sometimes, even things which do not look after the true well-being of the soul.  Wherefore, by returning to herself and carrying things which are extraneous, the soul tears herself from herself, and with that she comes to weaken herself and weaken Grace.  For this reason always stay in yourself, and you will always be calm.” (vol. 3, 8/31/1900)
        “...why are you looking for Me outside of yourself - as you could more easily find Me in yourself?  When you want to find Me, enter into yourself, reach into your nothingness....” (vol. 3, 8/3/1900)
        To Conchita (Ven. Maria Concepcion Cabrera de Armida), Jesus speaks of “the inner cloister”:
            “I want to make you a saint known to Me alone.  That is why I take care of you, advise you, direct you, watch over you...I want you to be a mirror of hidden virtues ...nothing external. “You are to live cloistered in the very inner sanctuary of your souls, for there is where dwells the Holy Spirit.  It is in this sanctuary you must live and die.  There are your delights, your consolations, your repose.  Do not look elsewhere for it.  You will never find it.”
            “From today on, enter into the innermost regions of your soul, into those areas so unknown to so many others, but where is found that happiness which I am.  Enter into it never to leave it.  And here is the path which will lead you there: the inner...”
            “Here is your cloister, your religious perfection.  It is not enough to immure your body, to be a nun....The ‘inner cloister’ is essential for the sanctification of the soul within to be all Mine.  You must never leave this inner sanctuary, even in the midst of your outside obligations.”
            “There, in this sanctuary, which no one sees, is found true virtue and consequently the contemplation of God and the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.”  (Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary, 8/15/1897)
            Mother Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche (1868-1915) spoke about the interior life in her book containing messages from Our Lord, The Love and Service of God Infinite Love”.  She says, “The interior life does not consist, as some people wrongfully think, in the suppression of all activity; if that were so, it would be incompatible with good works, which are the fruit of charity.  The interior life can be established and maintained in the midst of the most exacting employments, and many Saints who have added luster to the Church have prove this by their lives which were filled with holy works and, which were at the same time, altogether interior.”  She goes on to say, “Let us unite ourselves with the Virgin Mary and, like her, completely recollected in our interior, let us seek Jesus, Who reposes there in silence and in peace.  Let us think of the sentiments of Mary, and like her, detaching our souls more and more from the exterior, passing things of time, let us live with the Divine Master that interior life which will be for us a prelude of the life of happiness in Heaven.”
St. Faustina was told by her confessor, “Let God push your boat out into the deep waters, toward the unfathomable depths of the interior life.”
            From the writings of St. Louis Marie de Montfort“Because Mary remained hidden during her life, she is called by the Holy Spirit and the Church, Alma Mater, Mother hidden and unknown.  So great was her humility that she desired nothing more upon earth than to remain unknown to herself and to others, and to be known only to God.”
            Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity speaks of interior silence saying, “It seems to me, that to keep one’s strength for the Lord is to unify one’s whole being by means of interior silence, to collect all one’s powers in order to employ them in the one work of love, to have this single eye which allows the light of God to enlighten us.  A soul that debates with itself, that is taken up with its feelings, and pursues useless thoughts and desires, scatters its forces, for it is not wholly directed toward God.  Its lyre does not vibrate in unison and when the Master plays it, He cannot draw from it divine harmonies, for it is still too human and discordant…How indispensable this beautiful inner unity is for the soul that wants to live here below the life of the blessed….”
Mt. 6:16:  “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Luke 17:20“The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed, and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is’ or ‘there it is’.”
            Luke 2:19: “And Mary kept in mind all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
 Lynne Bauer, 1998

Friday, October 25, 2019

The New Heavens and the New Earth

The New Heavens and the New Earth

My daughter, what is not enjoyed today, will be enjoyed tomorrow; what now seems darkness because it finds blind minds, will turn into Sun tomorrow for those who have eyes. How much good they will do. So, let's keep doing what we've done. Let's do what is needed from our side so that nothing may be missing of help, light, good and surprising truth to make my Will known and to make It reign. I will use every means of love, grace and chastisement. I will touch all sides of creatures in order to have my Will reign. When it will seem that the true good is about to die, then, it will rise again more beautiful and majestic."  Book of Heaven, Volume 36, Sept. 18, 1938

“…as the soul operates in my Will, I repeat the Fiat, and new heavens are extended, new suns and stars; and since the soul contains an intelligence, these heavens are new heavens of love, of glory, of light, of adoration, of knowledge - forming such variety of beauty that I Myself remain enraptured. The whole of Heaven, the Saints, the Angels, cannot detach their gaze from her, because while they are looking at the variety of the heavens that she contains, other new ones extend, one more beautiful than the other. They see the Celestial Fatherland copied in the soul who lives in my Will - the multiplicity of the new things multiply to the infinite.  Book of Heaven, Aug. 20, 1921

 "Daughter of my Will, each act in my Will is a new heaven which extends above the head of the soul – one more beautiful than the other. The air of these heavens is divine, and brings with itself Sanctity, Love, Fortitude, and contains all flavors together. This is why one can feel a balsamic and sweet air. My Will in Heaven confirms, beatifies, brings happiness, and penetrates everywhere; It transforms and divinizes everything within Itself. While in the soul who possesses these new heavens of my Will on earth, It operates, and as It operates, It delights in extending new heavens. Therefore, my Will works and operates more in the pilgrim soul than in the Celestial Jerusalem. Up there, the works of the Saints are complete - there is nothing left to do; while here, my Will has always something to do in the soul in whom It reigns.”  Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, Feb. 15, 1925

“Everything that is of the earth, everything – everything you must remove, not only from your heart, but also from your body. You cannot understand how harmful are the slightest earthly shadows, and how much they hinder love.”  Book of Heaven, Vol. 1
Suffering never before experienced are awaiting you because the moment of a universal renewal is drawing close. Satan will be defeated; the power of evil will be destroyed; Jesus will restore His glorious reign among you, and in this way the new heavens and the new earth will be formed.  Without an extraordinary intervention of my Motherly love, you would not be able to support the pain of the great trial which has now come for all.”  Marian Movement of Priests #536, Jan. 19 1995

“…until there be realized new heavens and a new earth in which justice dwells, the pilgrim Church, in her sacraments and institutions, which belong to this present age, carries the mark of this world which will pass, and she herself takes her place among the creatures which groan and travail yet and await the revelation of the sons of God.”  CCC #671

L. Bauer

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Garment of the Divine Will


June 12, 1899

“Jesus seemed to clothe my soul with the garment of Faith, of Hope and of Charity, and in the very act of clothing me, Jesus whispered to me the way I was to exercise myself in these three virtues.”

Nov. 21, 1899

“…our dear Queen Mama came to my help, carrying a pure white garment in Her hands, and all loving, She told me: “Daughter, do not fear; I Myself want to make up for you by clothing you with my innocence, so that, in reflecting Himself in you, my Son may find the greatest delight that can be found in a human creature.” 

“So She clothed me with that garment and She offered me to my dear Good, Jesus, telling Him: “Accept her out of regard for me, O dear Son, and delight in her.”

June 20, 1900

“…humility produces a garment of safety in the soul, in such a way that, wrapped in this garment of safety, the soul remains in the most profound calm, embellishing all of herself in order to be pleasing to her dearest and beloved Jesus.”

Oct. 31. 1900

I found the Queen Mama. As She saw me, She began to speak about Justice, and how It is about to clash with all Its fury against the people. She said many things about this, but I don’t have the words to express them. In the meantime I could see the whole of heaven filled with points of swords against the world. Then She added: “My daughter, you have disarmed divine Justice many times, contenting yourself with receiving Its blows upon yourself. Now that you see It at the summit of Its fury, do not lose heart, but be courageous; with heart full of holy fortitude, enter into this Justice and disarm It. Do not be afraid of the swords, of the fire, or of anything you may encounter; in order to obtain the intent, if you see yourself wounded, beaten, burned, rejected, do not draw back, but rather, let this be a spur for you to move on. See, so that you may do this, I Myself have come to your help by bringing you a garment; as your soul wears it, you will acquire courage and fortitude so as to fear nothing.” Having said this, from within Her mantle She pulled out a garment woven with gold, streaked with various colors, and She clothed my soul. Then She gave me Her Son, telling me: “And now, as a pledge of my love, I place my dearest Son in your custody, that you may keep Him, love Him and content Him in everything.

Try to act in my stead, so that, as He finds all His contentment in you, the discontent that all the others give Him may not cause Him too much pain.”

May 30, 1904

“…my Passion serves as garment for man, which covers his greatest miseries, embellishes him and gives back to him all the good of which he had deprived himself and had lost because of sin. So I give it to you as gift, that you may use it for yourself and for whomever you want.” On hearing this, a great fear came to me in seeing the greatness of the gift, fearing that I might not be capable of using this gift and therefore I might displease the Giver. So I said: ‘Lord, I do not feel the strength to accept such a gift - I am too unworthy of such a favor. It is better if You keep it, for You are everything and know everything, and You know to whom it is necessary and appropriate to apply this garment so precious and of immense value. But I, poor one, what can I know? And if it is necessary to apply it to someone and I do not do it, what strict account would You not ask of me?’ And Jesus: “Do not fear, for the Giver Himself will give you the grace not to keep the gift He has given you as useless. Can you believe that I would give you a gift to do you harm? Never.” I did not know what to answer, but I remained frightened and suspended, intending to hear what lady obedience thought about it. It is understood, however, that this garment wants to signify nothing other than all that Our Lord operated, earned and suffered, in which the creature finds the garment to cover her nakedness stripped of virtues, and riches with which to enrich herself, beauties to render herself beautiful and to embellish herself, and the remedy for all her evils.”

June 22, 1906 

Continuing in my state of sufferings, ever increasing, blessed Jesus came for a little, and showed me a garment, all adorned and whole, without seam and opening, suspended above my person. While I was seeing this, He told me: “My beloved, this garment is similar to my garment, which I have communicated to you by having shared with you the pains of my Passion, and by having chosen you as victim. This garment covers and protects the world, and since it is whole, no one can escape its protection. But the world, with its abuses, no longer deserves to be covered by this garment, but to feel all the weight of the divine indignation. So I am about to draw it to Myself, to be able to give vent to my justice, which has been restrained for a long time by this garment.”

At that moment, it seemed that the light I had seen in the past days was inside this garment, and the Lord awaited both one and the other to absorb them into Himself.

Oct. 15, 1919

“…as the soul enters into the Divine Volition, she strips herself of herself, and I clothe her of Me, with royal garments; and these garments place on her the seal that she is my daughter. My Kingdom, just as It is Mine, is hers; and defending Our rights, she takes part in judging and in condemning others.”

Jan. 1, 1920

My daughter, my Will is wheel, and one who enters into It remains encircled inside, to the point of not being able to find an opening to go out; and everything she does remains fixed on the eternal point, and pours into the wheel of eternity. But do you know what the garments are of the soul who lives in my Will? They are not of gold, but of most pure light; and this garment of light will serve her as mirror to make all of Heaven see how many acts she has done in my Will. In fact, in each act she has done in my Will, she enclosed the whole of Me, and this garment will be adorned with many mirrors, and in each mirror the whole of Me will appear. So, from whatever side she will be looked at - from behind, from the front, to the right, to the left - they will see Me, and multiplied for as many acts as she has done in my Volition. A more beautiful garment I could not give her; it will be the distinction of only the souls who live in my Will.”

 Sept. 24, 1922

“My daughter, cover Me and warm Me, for I am cold. See, the creature, by sin, had stripped herself of all goods, and I wanted to form for her a more beautiful garment, weaving it with my works, pearling it with my Blood, and adorning it with my wounds. But what is not my sorrow in seeing this garment, so beautiful, being rejected, as she contents herself with remaining naked? And I feel stripped in them, and I feel their cold. Therefore clothe Me, for I need it.”

And I: ‘How can I clothe You? I have nothing.’ And He: “Indeed you can clothe Me - you have my whole Will in your power. Absorb It into yourself and then put It out, and you will make Me the most beautiful garment - a garment of Heaven, and divine. Oh! how warmed I will be; and I will clothe you with the garment of my Will, so that we may be clothed with one single uniform.”

Feb. 28, 1926

More so, since in order to live in my Will, the soul is first stripped of the garments of the old guilty Adam, and is clothed anew with the garments of the new and holy Adam. Her garment is the light of the Supreme Will Itself, through which all Its divine manners are communicated to her, which are noble and communicative to all. This light makes her lose the human features and restores in her the physiognomy of her Creator. What is the wonder, then, if you take part in all that the Divine Will possesses, since one is the life and one the Will? Therefore, be attentive. I recommend to you - be always faithful to Me, and your Jesus will keep the pace of making you live always in my Will. I will be on guard, that you may never go out of It.”

 Feb. 26 1927

Therefore, operating in my Will is the greatest miracle, and the fullness of all acts united together, and the triumph of the Divine act in the human act, because my Will was as though sterile in the midst of creatures, and It is now made happy by Its first daughter, in whom It sees Its many newborns who will come to light. So, It will no longer live as a sterile mother in the midst of the people, but as a mother fecund with many children. It used to be a widow, because in creating the first man It espoused the human nature, dowering it with the immense riches of Its Will, as the seal of the marriage It formed with man. As he withdrew from It, It remained a widow for many centuries; but now It has removed the mourning of Its widowhood, and marrying again, It has taken Its garments of bride and has released Its dowries into the field, once again - and the seal of the dowries are the knowledges about It, through which It offers the gift of the riches It possesses. Therefore, my daughter, be attentive in preserving your garments of bride, and in enjoying the dominions that my Will has given you as dowry.”

Lynne Bauer

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