Thursday, June 9, 2022

The man born blind and the Kingdom of God (Jn. 9:1-41)

 Excerpts from the Gospel   Jn 9: 1-41

 As Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth.
His disciples asked him,
"Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents,
that he was born blind?"
Jesus answered,
"Neither he nor his parents sinned;
it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.
We have to do the works of the one who sent me while it is day.
Night is coming when no one can work.
While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
When he had said this, he spat on the ground
and made clay with the saliva,
and smeared the clay on his eyes,
and said to him,
"Go wash in the Pool of Siloam" —which means Sent—.
So he went and washed, and came back able to see...

 ... And do you believe in the Son of Man?"
He answered and said,
"Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?"
Jesus said to him,
"You have seen him,
the one speaking with you is he."
He said,
"I do believe, Lord," and he worshiped him.
Then Jesus said,
"I came into this world for judgment,
so that those who do not see might see,
and those who do see might become blind."

Book of Heaven, Vol. 38, Nov. 13, 1938

Now, you must know that Its kingdom will be formed and founded on the truths I have manifested. The more truths I manifest, the more sumptuous, beautiful, majestic and superabundant in goods and joys this kingdom will be. My truths will form the regime, the laws, the food, the fierce army, the defense and the very life of those who will live in It. Each of my truths will have its own distinct office: one will be the Master; one the most loving Father; one the most tender Mother who carries her daughter on her lap to protect her from every danger, rocking her in Her arms, feeding her with Her love, clothing her in light. In sum, every truth will be the bearer of a special good.

See how this kingdom of my Will will be; I have been talking so much about It. I feel sorry when you are not attentive enough to write everything, because you will cause an additional good to be missing, since creatures will enjoy according to their knowledge. Knowledge will reveal the life, the light and the good for them to possess. It is almost impossible to possess a good without knowing it. It would be as if they had no eyes to see, no intelligence to understand, no hands to work, no feet to walk, and no heart to love. On the other hand, the first thing knowledge does is to give them eyes, to prevent them from being like the poor blind. It lets them look, understand and desire the good and the life it wants to give them.

Book of Heaven, Vol. 30, May 15, 1932

“My daughter, you should know that although I burn from the desire to see my Divine Will reign, I cannot yet give this gift; first the truths that I have manifested, (with) creatures knowing them, they will have the great good to form the sight in order to be capable of understanding him and hence dispose themselves in order to receive a gift so great. One can say that now (they) lack their eye in order to see and the capacity in order to understand him. And therefore first I have manifested so many truths on my Divine Will, and as creatures will know these truths of mine, thus will they form the orbit where to put the pupil inside and animate it with sufficient light in order to be able to look at and understand the gift, that more than sun will be given and entrusted to them. If I might want to give it today, I would do as if I might want to give a sun to a blind one; poor little one, with the whole sun given she would be always blind, nor would her fate change nor would she receive any good, rather she would have a sorrow to hold a sun for gift and to not even see it nor receive the beneficial effects of it. Instead one who might not be blind, how many goods would she not receive [with] holding a sun for gift at her disposition! It would be her perennial feast and would put her in the condition of giving light to the others, and she would be surrounded and loved by everyone in order to obtain the good of the light that she possesses. Whence to give the great gift of my Divine Will, that more than sun will change the fate of the human generations, today it would be to give him to the blind, and to give him to the blind would be to give them useless gifts, and I don’t know how to give useless things. Therefore I wait with divine patience and delirious that my truths make (their) way, prepare souls, enter in them and form the eye animated with sufficient light, that [creatures] can not only look at the gift of my Fiat, but [have] the capacity in order to enclose him in themselves, so that he forms there his kingdom and extends his dominion. Therefore patience and time make things done as is appropriate and as our Sovereignty merits in the work.

The New Era and The Holy Spirit


Marie-Michel Philipon, O.P. (a great spiritual theologian who wrote many books on some of the greatest saints such as St. Therese of Lisieux and St Elizabeth of the Trinity) and Editor of Conchita, A Mothers Spiritual Diary, wrote: To depart from the spirit of the Gospel and from the teachings of the Cross would be to deny Christ. We are speaking in the same sense Therese of Lisieux spoke of a "wholly new way." We are incontestably in a new era of spirituality.

What constitutes its newness is:
1)  A calling of all, even of the laity, even of married people, to the greatest holiness.
2)  Through 
transfiguration of daily life, the sanctification of the profane, divinization by faith, by love and by the spirit of sacrifice in ordinary life.
3)  The greatest holiness. Transcendence of the message of the Cross.
Even the most banal (smallest) actions are made of value to the infinite by the offering of love in union with Christ, in imitation of the last years on earth of the Mother of God, in the service of the nascent (early) Church.  (Excerpts taken from Conchita’s Diary “A New Type of Holiness”, pgs. 244-245

 Pope Benedict XVI: 

“The love story between God and man consists in the very fact that this communion of will increases in a communion of thought and sentiment, and thus our will and God’s will increasingly coincide:  God’s will is no longer for me an alien will, but is now my own will, based on the realization that God is in fact more deeply present to me than I am to myself.  (Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas Est)

Pope Benedict XVI: 

"Thus," the Pope said, "Jesus tells us that it is only in conforming one's own will to the divine will that the human being attains his true greatness, that he becomes 'divine'; it is only by going out of himself -- only in his 'yes' to God -- that the desire of Adam and of us all is fulfilled -- that of being completely free. This is what Jesus accomplishes in Gethsemane: by placing the human will within the divine will the true man is born, and we are redeemed."  (General Audience 2012)

 Pope John Paul II speaks of a “New and Divine Holiness:

In 1997 on the centenary of the founding of the Rogationist Fathers, in a letter to the Rogationists the Pope spoke about their founder, Saint Hannibal di Francia, saying, “The modern means that human sciences and contemporary technology make available and that you rightly try to use in your apostolic work will only be effective if they are sustained and guided by the original charismatic inspiration of the blessed founder (now Saint), who saw in the Rogate (in English – pray) the man God Himself had provided to bring about that “new and divine” holiness with which the Holy Spirit wishes to enrich Christians at the dawn of the third millennium, in order to “make Christ the heart of the world.”

…turning our eyes to the future, we confidently await the dawn of a new Day… “Watchmen, what of the night?” (Is. 21:11), and we hear the answer: “Hark, your watchmen lift up their voice, together they sing for joy: for eye to eye they see the return of the Lord to Zion”…. “As the third millennium of the Redemption draws near, God is preparing a great springtime for Christianity and we can already see its first signs.” May Mary, the Morning Star, help us to say with ever new ardor our “yes” to the Father’s plan for salvation that all nations and tongues may see his glory. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message for World Mission Sunday, n.9, October 24th, 1999;

 “The world is exactly at the same point as when I was about to come upon earth. All were awaiting a great event, a new era, as indeed occurred. The same now; since the great event, the new era in which the Will of God be done on earth as It is in Heaven, is coming – everyone is awaiting this new era, tired of the present one, without knowing what this new thing, this change, is about, just as they did not know it when I came upon earth. This expectation is a sure sign that the hour is near.”  Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta, Book of Heaven, July 14, 1923

To Conchita Our Lord said (Conchita, A Mothers Diary):

 "'It is time that the Holy Spirit reign.' Very moved, the Lord told me this. He went on, 'and not a remote reign as something very sublime, even though it be so and there is nothing greater than He since He is God united and consubstantial with the Father and the Word. But it is necessary that He reigns, here, right close, in each soul and in each heart, in all the structures of My Church. The day on which there will flow in each pastor, in each priest, like an inner blood, the Holy Spirit, then will be renewed the theological virtues, now languishing, even in the ministers of My Church, due to the absence of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit, the sole remedy. Let the ministers of My Church react, through the medium of the Holy Spirit, and the whole world of souls will be divinized. He is the axis around which revolve the virtues. There is no virtue without the Holy Spirit. The decisive impulse for raising up My Church from the state of prostration in which she lies, consists in reviving the cult of the Holy Spirit. Let His place be given Him, that is, the first in intellects and wills! No one will be lacking anything with this heavenly wealth. The Father and I, the Word, We desire an ardent and vitalizing renewal of His reign in the Church.'"

Conchita:  "Lord, yet the Holy Spirit reigns in the Church, why do You complain?"
Jesus: "Woe to Her were it not so!  Certainly the Holy Spirit is the soul of this so dearly loved Church! But that about which I am complaining is that there is such little consideration for this gift of heaven, and to Him there is not accorded the importance due. His devotion in hearts is routine and languishing, indifferent, secondary. This brings about countless evils not only in the Church but in all souls.”

 Jesus to Conchita: "May the whole world have recourse to this Holy Spirit since the day of His reign has arrived. This last stage of the world belongs very specially to Him that He be honored and exalted.”

From the Diary of St. Faustina:

Jesus: “You will cancel out your will completely during this retreat and, instead, my complete Will shall be accomplished in you.”  Write these words on a clean sheet of paper: “From today on, my own will does not exist”, then cross out the page.  And on the other side, write these words, “From today on, I do the Will of God everywhere, always, and in everything.”

For the rest of her life, St. Faustina prayed continually to be consecrated into a “living host” in whom the Will of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit would reign as in the Blessed Sacrament.

 …at the “end time” the Lord’s Spirit will renew the hearts of men, engraving a new law in them. He will gather and reconcile the scattered and divided peoples; he will transform the first creation, and God will dwell there with men in peace.Catechism of the Catholic Church

 According to the Cathechism of the Catholic Church (CCC #1352) the works of God are three:  Creation (God the Father), Redemption (Jesus) and Sanctification (The Holy Spirit)

 “I said that this will happen especially towards the end of the world, and indeed soon, because Almighty God and his holy Mother are to raise up great saints who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above little shrubs.”  “These great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides.  They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin.  Illumined by her light, strengthened by her food, guided by her spirit, supported by her arm, sheltered under her protection, they will fight with one hand and build with the other.”  “…she is the dawn which precedes and discloses the sun of Justice, Jesus Christ...”   “As she was the way by which Jesus first came to us, she will again be the way by which he will come to us the second time, though not in the same manner.”  God Alone, True Devotion to Mary, St. Louis Marie de Montfort


Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your well beloved Spouse.


Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Friday, June 3, 2022

The Celestial Truths and Divine Lives

The Celestial Truths (Knowledges) and Divine Lives

 Volume 30, January 24, 1932 - I was feeling all concerned about the many Truths that blessed Jesus has told me on His Divine Will; and while I felt in me the Sacred Deposit of His Truths, I also felt a holy fear of how I kept them in my poor soul, and many times badly exposed, without that attention that befits Truths that contain Infinite Value.  And O! how I would like to imitate the Blessed, who, while they know so much about the Divine Will, don’t say anything to any of the pilgrim souls—they keep them all with themselves; they are Beatified, they are delighted, but from up there they send not even one word to make known a single Truth of the many they know. 

 But while I was thinking of this, my Lovable Jesus, visiting my little soul, all Goodness, told me:  “My daughter, each Word I have spoken to you about My Divine Will has been nothing other than a little visit that I have made to you, leaving in you the Substance of the Good that each of My Words contains; and not trusting you, because you were incapable of keeping a single Word of Mine, I Myself remained as Custodian of the Infinite Value of My Truths that I deposited in your soul.  Therefore, your fears are not just—I Myself guard everything.  These are Celestial Truths, Things of Heaven, Outpourings of Love of My Will, and from many centuries, which had been repressed; and before deciding to speak to you, I had already decided to remain in you in order to keep what I would deposit in you.  You enter the secondary order—I Myself am the First Custodian.”

 “Now, since these little visits of Mine are bearers of Celestial Things, you will bring them with you into the Celestial Fatherland as Triumph of My Will and as guarantee that Its Kingdom not only will come upon earth, but has established Its beginning of Its Reigning.  Those that will remain on paper will leave the Perennial Memory that My Will wants to Reign in the midst of the human generations; and they will be spurs, incitements, Divine Supplications, Irresistible Strength, Celestial Messengers, Captains of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, and also Powerful Reproaches to those who should occupy themselves with making known a Good so Great, and who, out of indolence and vain fears, will not let them go around through the whole world, so that they may bring the Good News of the Happy Era of the Kingdom of My Will.  Therefore, abandon yourself in Me, and let Me do.”


 Vol. 35, Sept. 20, 1937 - “You must know that when We want to do Good to the creatures, or to reveal a Truth—which is the Greatest Good We can give them, because by speaking It We make of It a Gift—first We mature it within the Womb of Our Divinity.  Then, when We can no longer contain it, because Our Love is such that It wants to see the creatures possessing that Gift—to the extent of becoming fidgety and delirious and even of making Us languish for desire to see that Good transmitted to them,...  We give it.  We find Ourselves in the painful conditions of a poor mother who, once her pregnancy comes to term, feels as though she would die if she didn’t deliver her baby into daylight.  We cannot die, but if We don’t deliver to the light the Good to which We want to give Birth, Our Love reaches such Excesses that, if creatures could see it, they would understand how much a God can Love, and how much they constrict Us when they don’t accept the Gift We want to give them.

“Therefore, when We find one who receives It, We confirm the Gift—We make a feast, feeling Victorious for the Good We gave them.  And Our Baby delivered with so much Love, being received by one single creature, will go around to all the creatures, and by Its Generative Virtue It will Regenerate many other Births, filling the whole world.  We will have the Great Glory of seeing Heaven and earth filled with Our Gift and Our Goods, and of seeing it possessed by those who want to receive it.  We feel everywhere the Loving voices—the notes of Our Speaking Love, returning to Us Our repressed Love.  We could not deliver this Gift of Ours, had We not found at least one creature willing to receive.

 “Doing Good is a passion for Us. Giving is the continuous delirium of Our Love, and in finding one who receives It, We feel Our Life and Our Rest in that Gift.  We Love so much the first one who disposes herself to receive Our Gift that We trust her, We make of her Our Secretary.  And she, feeling so much Loved by Us, makes the commitment to love Us for all—and O, what a contest between her and Us!

“You must know that each Word is an Outpouring of Our Love to the creature.  So, every Word that We have already said on Our Divine Will is Love that We’ve poured out.  Being refreshed by this Outpouring We have continued to talk, to form a chain of Our Love Outpourings, since what We had kept within Ourselves was a repressed Love.  If you knew how much this Love-Pouring means and the Goods it produces...!  This unleashing of Our Love fills Heaven and earth, invests all, and embalms all sufferings;  It becomes the day in the night of guilt, converting sinners, straightening one who is limping in the good, strengthening the good ones.  In sum, there is no Good that a Word of Our Outpouring of Love cannot do.  Therefore, letting Us speak is the Greatest Good that can be done for the creatures:  it is Our Love being returned; it is giving a Divine Life to the creatures; it is the Greatest Glory We can receive.

 “What can one of Our Words not do?  It can do all.  One can say that whoever is disposed to listen to It gives life to Our Word, since We never speak if We don’t find one who wants to listen.  The one who listens loves Us so much that We feel as if she wanted to give Us life in the midst of the creatures, so We give Our Life at her disposal.  Therefore, be attentive to listen.  Let Us pour out Our Love, because many times, when We have nobody to whom to express Our Love, these Outpourings are justly turned into Justice.”

 Jesus kept silent.  Who can say what remained inside my mind?  I don’t have the words to say it.  Therefore I stop and abandon myself in the arms of Jesus to rest together with Him, Who Loves me so much and wants to be Loved in return; Who gives me the whole of Himself to be Loved as He Loves me.  So, I continued my round in the Creation, to trace the Acts done by the Divine Volition and make them mine; to be able to Love Him the way He Loved me.

 And I was wandering around in the blue vault, thinking to myself:  “This Heaven serves as a vault for the residents of the earth, and as a pavement for the Celestial Residents.  So, since it serves everyone, all have the duty to adore the One who, with so much Love, Created this Celestial Vault to give to us.’  So I called all the Angels, the Saints and all the residents of the earth with me, so that all would return Love, adoration, glory and thanksgiving to our Creator, for He Loved us so much that He gave us this Heaven.  In the Divine Will I could call and embrace everyone—as if all were one, they Loved with me.

Sweet Jesus felt Loved and wounded by so many voices, and with Unspeakable Love, told me: “My daughter, the Power of one Act in My Will is such as to seem unbelievable.  As you were calling everyone, I felt Loved by all; and since you have free will—worthy of merit—as you emitted your act, My Will unleashed from Itself a Greater Love, Glory and Happiness, by which all felt invested.  The Angels and the Saints receive a higher Glory and Happiness, and feel more Loved by God in return; while those on earth receive more Help and Graces, according to their disposition.   All the Acts done in My Will receive this great Good, because My Will belongs to all, and all have a right to that Act.  Since it is an act from a pilgrim soul, who gains the merit of every good she does, that merit becomes a common Merit, and also common Joy, Love and Glory.  If you knew what it means to be Loved more by God in return, and the Joy and the Glory that a God can give, O, how much more attentive you would be!  The Angels and the Saints, who know It, long for your call in order to have this Great Good.  And when you don’t call them, all concerned, they say:  ‘She is not calling us today?’  Therefore, although you are on earth, your merit runs to Heaven to give New Love and New Happiness to the Celestial Residents.

 “O, how I wish that all knew what it means to Live in My Will. This Knowledge is like the appetite, which causes one to desire and to enjoy the food eaten.  But without appetite, one feels aversion toward that same food, and does not enjoy it.  Such is the Knowledge:  it is the little door for My Gifts—the Good I want to give to creatures, and it is the Confirmation of Possession.  Knowledge generates esteem and appreciation of My Truths–only then do I speak; when I know that My Words are Loved, listened to, and appreciated.  Even more, when I see esteem and love I feel attracted by My same Love to Manifest more Truths.  But if I don’t see it I remain silent, and I feel the pain of My repressed Love... You will not do this to Me, will you?”


Vol. 35, Jan. 24, 1938 - “This Good will be so Great that no other good can be compared to it; all other goods will be like many little drops before the sea-like little sparks before the sun.”  “All the knowledge is directed to this:  to unchain the creature from her will, from her passions and from her miseries. 


Vol. 35, March 12, 1938 “Who can tell you what this creature’s life is like, formed within Ourselves?  It is Our Paradise that We form within her.  By being born again in Us, she gives Us always New Joys, and New Surprises of Happiness, because as she is Reborn, she is born again in Our Power, Wisdom, Goodness and Sanctity.  Recognizing Our Life in her, We Love her as We Love Ourselves.

“Now, as she is born again within Us many times, We give her virtue to be able to receive Our Sowing, so that We can sow in her as many of Our Divine Lives as We want.  And here It is—Our Will, coming into the picture.  With Its Fiat, My Will Speaks and Creates; It Speaks and sows Divine Lives, making them grow with Its Breath, feeding them with Its Love, giving them with Its Light the Colors of all Its various Beauties.  And since this is Life Reborn in Us many times, and grown within Us, We have Infused in her all the Attributes necessary to be able to receive the sowing of Our Divine Lives.  These Lives are the Most Precious.  They possess the Creative Virtue—they have Our same Value.  We can say:  ‘We Ourselves formed many of Our Lives and sowed them within the creature.  Comparing these Lives to the sun, its light remains like shadow before Them.  The expanse of Heaven is small compared to Them.’

 “Would you like to know what the use of these Lives of Ours will be, that have been formed with so much Love in the creature?  They will serve to populate the earth, and to Generate the Life of Our Will in the human family.  They are Our Lives, My daughter.  Our Life never dies—It is Eternal, with Us.  Therefore, They are all in waiting to take possession of the creatures, in order to form One Single Life with them.  And this is also the cause—Our Great Divine Reason for which We have been Speaking for so long about Our Divine Will.  Each Word We say is one of Our Lives that We deliver—it is a Birth that We give to the Light.  

 “Every Word that We pronounce on Our Fiat is a Life that We expose, that puts Itself in communication with the creatures.  Every Knowledge that We Manifest carries Our Kiss, so that the creature may form Our Life at every breath.  And since Life has motion, warmth, heartbeat and breath, she must also feel, by necessity, this Life of Ours within herself.  This Life will have the virtue of Transforming the life of this fortunate creature into Itself.  Therefore, My daughter, be attentive.  Do not allow even one Word on Our Fiat to escape you, because they are Lives—Lives that We Live inside other creatures.  The value of one single Word on Our Fiat is so Great that the whole of Creation...O, how behind it remains.  The Creation is Our Work, while one Word on Our Fiat is Life, and the Life always costs more than all the Works.”     

“If a soul could possess one act alone done in My Will, and all  the good works  of all creatures of all centuries could be put together, they could never equal this single at done in My Will because It is Life that reigns in this act, while in the other works done outside of My Will there is no life, but a work without life…Therefore, as much as other creatures may do or sacrifice themselves, they can never please Me if I do not see the Life of My Will flow within them.”  Aug. 6, 1928



Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Effects of Prayer in the Divine Will


Volume 12, January 31, 1918
I was abandoning all of myself in Jesus, when He told me: "My daughter, dissolve yourself in Me. Dissolve your prayer in Mine, so that your prayer and Mine may be one single prayer, and one would not recognize which one is yours and which Mine. Your pains, your works, your will, your love - dissolve them all in my pains, in my works, etc., so that they may mix one with the other, and form one single thing; to the extent that you may be able to say, ‘What belongs to Jesus is mine’, and I may say, ‘What is yours is Mine.’

Imagine a glass of water, which is poured into a big container of water. Would you be able to distinguish, afterwards, the water of the glass from the water of the container? Certainly not. Therefore, for your greatest gain and my highest contentment, repeat often in whatever you do: ‘Jesus, I pour this into You, so that I may do not my will, but Yours’, and immediately I will pour my acting into you."

Volume 14, April 21, 1922 - So I spent the morning praying together with Jesus in His Will; but - oh, surprise! As we prayed, one was the word, but the Divine Volition diffused it over all created things, and its mark remained on all of them. It brought it into Heaven, and not only did all the Blessed receive its mark, but it was for them cause of new beatitude. It descended to the bottom of the earth, and even into Purgatory, and all received its effects. But who can say how it was to pray with Jesus, and all the effects that it produced?

Then, after we prayed together, He told me: "My daughter, have you seen what it means to pray in my Will? Just as there is no point at which my Volition does not exist – It circulates in everything and in everyone; It is life, actor and spectator of everything - in the same way, the acts done in my Volition become life, actors and spectators of all, even of the very joy, beatitude and happiness of the Saints. Everywhere they bring light, the balsamic and celestial air which unleashes joys and happiness. Therefore, never depart from my Will; Heaven and earth await you to receive new joy and new splendor."


Volume 14, August 29, 1922 - Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking about how much my sweet Jesus did and suffered to save souls; and He, on coming, told me: "My daughter, all that my Humanity did - prayers, words, works, steps and pains - is in act of giving itself to man. But who takes it? Who receives the grafting of my works? One who draws near Me, and prays uniting herself with Me, receives the grafting of my prayer and the goods it contains. One who speaks, who teaches, united with Me, receives the grafting and the fruits of my words; and in the same way, one who works, who suffers, united with Me, receives the grafting and the goods which are contained in my pains and works. Otherwise, all the goods which I acquired for the creature remain suspended; and not being grafted with Me, she cannot enjoy the use of the goods that my Humanity wants to give with so much love. If there is no union, the goods of one remain as though dead for the other.

Imagine a wheel: the center of the wheel is my Humanity; the rays, all that It did and suffered; the circumference on which the rays are fixed is the whole human family which rotates around the wheel. Now, if this circumference, this second circle of the wheel, does not draw near to receive the connection with the rays, the rays remain suspended and cannot communicate the goods which the center of the wheel contains. Oh, how much I suffer in seeing so many goods of mine suspended, which human ingratitude not only does not receive, but despises and tramples! This is why with great eagerness I go in search for souls who want to live in my Will: to be able to fix in them the rays of my wheel. My Will will give them grace, so as to be able to form the circumference of the second circle of the wheel, and they will receive all my goods which others reject and despise."

Volume 16, July 30, 1923 - I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will, and my sweet Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, every time the soul enters my Will to pray, to work and to do other things, she receives as many Divine colors, one more beautiful than the other. Don’t you see how much variety of colors and of beauty nature contains? These are the shadows of the variety of colors and beauty which my Divinity contains. But how do plants and flowers acquire such variety of colors? To whom did I give the office to color so many different plants with so many different colors? To the Sun. Its light and its heat contain fecundity and variety of colors, such as to embellish the whole earth. And if only the plants exposes itself to the kisses of its Light, to its embraces and to its heat, the flower blooms, and as though returning to It the kiss and the embrace, it receives the shades of the colors and forms its beautiful complexion.

Now, the soul who enters into my Will symbolizes the flower which exposes itself to receive the kiss and the embrace of the sun, to receive the different colors which the sun contains. And by returning them, she receives the different colors of Divine Nature. She is really the celestial flower which the Eternal Sun, by the breath of Its Light, has colored so well as to perfume Heaven and earth, and delight with its beauty the very Divinity and the whole Celestial Court. The rays of my Will empty her of what is human and fill her with what is Divine. And so one can see in her the beautiful rainbow of my attributes.

Therefore, my daughter, enter often into my Will, in order to receive the tones and the different colors of the likeness to your Creator."

Volume 19, March 9, 1926 - “My daughter, I have won the little flame of your will, and you have won Mine.  Had you not lost yours, you could not have won Mine.  Now we are both happy – we are both victorious.  But, look at the great difference which exists in my Will:  it is enough to do an act, a prayer, an ‘I love You’ once, that, taking its place in the Supreme Volition, that same act, prayer or ‘I love You’, remains always in the act of being done, without ever ceasing.  In fact, when an act is done in my Will, that act is no longer subject to interruption:  after it is done once, it is done forever, as if it were continuously being done.  The operating of the soul in my Will comes to partake in the ways of the divine operating:  when it operates, it does always the same act, with no need of repeating it.  What will your many ‘I love You’s’ in my Will be, always repeating their refrain:  ‘I love You, I love You…’?  They will be many wounds for Me, and will prepare Me to concede the greatest grace:  that my Will be known, loved and fulfilled.  Therefore, in my Will, prayers, works, love, enter into the divine order, and one can say that it is I Myself who prays, works, loves.  And what could I deny to Myself?  In what would I not delight?”

Volume 35, March 12, 1938 -  “My blessed daughter, the Living of the creature in Our Will is Our amusement, Our enjoyment, Our Perennial occupation.  You must know that, as the creature Unites to Our Volition and enters into It, Our Will kisses the human will, and the human will kisses Our Will.  We Ourselves Love, Pray and ask of Ourselves that Our Will may come to Reign in the human generations.  The creature disappears inside Our Divine Sea like a little drop of water, and what remains is Our Prayer, that wants to invest everything with Its Power, to obtain what We have asked of Ourselves.  We cannot do without answering Our own Prayer. 

“Therefore, once We have Prayed, We set Ourselves on the way, wandering across all nations and through every heart, to see if We find even a small disposition to Live in Our Will.  So We take that little disposition in Our Creative Hands; We Purify it, Sanctify it and embellish it, placing inside of it the First Act of Our Will.  And We wait... to be able to place the Second Act, the Third Act of the Life of Our Fiat, and so forth.  Therefore, all that the creature does in Our Will is actually done by Ourselves:  We Love, We Pray.... One can say that We commit all of Ourselves in order to give what We want, and it is impossible not to grant to Ourselves.  Do you see then, what it means to Live in Our Will?  It is the imposition of the creature over Ourselves, making Us do what she wants—making Us give what she wants Us to give.”

Volume 36, July 6, 1938 - “My daughter, as the creature calls My Will in her acts—in her prayer—My Will repeats that act together with her, praying together with the creature; and since Its Immensity is everywhere, the Creation, the sun, all Heaven, the Angels and the Saints feel within themselves the Strength of that Creative Prayer, and all of them pray.  The Prodigy of this Prayer is Omnipotent and It involves all, giving Itself to all.  Only those who, ungrateful, don't want to receive it, remain without Its effects.  Therefore, My Will possesses the virtue of Prayer.  O! how Beautiful it is to see It Praying in Its Divine way, and with Its Creative Virtue that imposes Itself on all, making everything pray.  This Prayer imposes itself on Our Divine Attributes, making Us pour rains of Mercy, Graces, Forgiveness and Love.  It is sufficient to know that it is Our Prayer, to say: ‘It can give everything.’ Now, you must know that, whether the creature does or does not do Our Will, whether she Lives in It or not, she is already in Its Immensity; or better still, My Will is Life of her life and Act of her acts, and It continuously assists her with Its Creative and Preserving Act.  Therefore, one who Lives in It, can feel Its Life, Its Power, Its Sanctity and how much I Love her. 

“It happens to her as to the fish who lives in the sea and who knows it.  She feels this Divine Sea that is her bed carrying her in the arms of its Celestial Waters.  It feeds her, it makes her consume herself within It.  It amuses and embellishes her, and if she wants to sleep, It forms her bed in Its depths; permits nobody to awaken her.  It even sleeps together with her.  Such is the Love of My Will for the one who Lives inside Its Sea—and who knows It—that It does in her all the Arts It wants to do.  If It wants to think It thinks in her; if It wants to look It looks through her eyes; if It wants to speak It speaks, keeping her in continuous communication, telling her many of the Wonders of Our Eternal Love. If It wants to Work It Works; if It wants to walk It walks; if It wants to Love, It Loves.  My Fiat is always busy with her, and she not only recognizes It, but she never leaves It alone.  She sinks more and more in Its Sea, because she knows that if she gets out of the Sea she'll lose her life.  The creatures that Live in Our Will are Our Celestial Residents, and with their Love, they delight in forming the waves of Our Sea, to amuse Us and make Us Happy. 

“On the other hand, those who live in the Immensity of Our Love, but do not know Us, don't feel anything of this.  They don't feel Our Paternal Attentions, that press them to Our Womb.  They live inside Our Sea as if they did not live at all—so unhappy—as if they were not Our children.  They are like strangers, and since We are not known, We are forced by their ingratitude not to tell them even a Word, and to keep repressed inside Our Womb the Goods that We had to give them.  And seeing Our poor children dissimilar from Us, only because they don't know Us, is a suffering for Us.  Even if We gave to them, it would happen as the Gospel says: don't give pearls to the pigs, because they don't know what they are, and they would cover them with mud and trample on Them.  Therefore, it is Knowledge that allows creatures to understand where We are, with whom they live, what they can receive and what they have to do.  So, those who do not know are the true blind because they can't see anything, no matter how many Goods are placed around them: they are the vagabonds of Creation.”

Vol. 12, May 1, 1920 - My misery makes itself felt more and more. I was saying in my interior: ‘My Jesus, what a life mine is!’ And He, without giving me time to say anything else, quickly answered: "My daughter, for one who lives in my Will, Sanctity has only one point - a continuous ‘Glory be’, followed by ‘As it was in beginning, it is now and ever shall be, world without end.’ There is nothing in which she does not give glory to God - complete in everything, always stable, always equal, always queen, without ever changing. This Sanctity is not subject to setbacks or losses - but to always reigning. Therefore, Its foundation is the ‘Glory be’, and Its prerogative is the ‘As it was in the beginning, etc.’"

 Saint Annibale di Francia – Letter to Luisa, Oct. 13, 1926:  “Every word of Our Lord is more than a pearl, it is more than a precious diamond!  We don’t know for which future souls these words are in the Divine mind.  Our Lord says some words and He wants them written for the good of those souls!”



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