Sunday, January 30, 2022

Abandonment to the Will of God


Volume 1 – What I want from you is that you abandon yourself in my arms as if you were dead. Until you keep your eyes opened to look at what I am doing and at what the creatures do and say, I cannot operate freely upon you. Don’t you want to trust Me? Don’t you know how much I love you, and that everything I allow, either through creatures, or from demons, or directly from Me, is truly for your good and serves for nothing but to lead the soul to that state for which I have chosen her? Therefore, I want you to remain in my arms with your eyes closed, without looking at and investigating this or that, trusting Me completely, and letting Me operate freely.”

Volume 12, July 2, 1918 - I was saying to my beloved Jesus: ‘Jesus, I love You; but my love is small, therefore I love You in your love, to make it great. I want to adore You with your adorations, pray in your prayer, thank You in your thanksgivings.’ Now, while I was saying this, my lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, as you placed your love in mine in order to love Me, yours remained fixed in mine, and it became longer and larger within mine; and I felt I was being loved the way I would want the creature to love Me. And as you adored in my adorations, prayed, thanked, these remained fixed in Me; and I felt I was being adored, prayed and thanked with my adorations, prayers and thanksgivings. Ah! my daughter, it takes great abandonment in Me. And as the soul abandons herself in Me, I abandon Myself in her; and filling her with Myself, I Myself do what she must do for Me. But if she does not abandon herself, then what she does remains fixed in her, not in Me; and I feel the operating of the creature as full of imperfections and miseries - which cannot please Me.”

Vol. 12, August 6, 1919 – “Abandonment in Me is the image of two torrents, each one unloading itself into the other with such impetus, that their waters blend together; and forming gigantic waves of water, they arrive at even touching Heaven, to the point that the bed of those torrents remains dry. And the roaring of those waters, their murmuring, is so sweet and harmonious, that Heaven, in seeing Itself touched by those waters, feels honored and shines with new beauty; and the Saints, in chorus, say: ‘This is the sweet sound and the harmony that enraptures, of a soul who has abandoned herself in God. How beautiful it is - how beautiful it is!’”

Another day He told me: “What do you fear? Abandon yourself in Me, and you will remain surrounded by Me as though within a circle, in such a way that if enemies, occasions or dangers come, they will have to deal with Me, not with you; and I will answer for you. True abandonment in Me is rest for the soul and work for Me; and if the soul is restless, it means that she is not abandoned in Me - a just pain restlessness is, for one who wants to live of her own, doing great wrong to Me, and great harm to herself.”

 Volume 13, Oct. 18, 1921“…disturbance is nothing other than lack of abandonment in Me, and I want you so abandoned in my arms, that you must have not even one thought of yourself; and I will take care of everything.”

Volume 16, Feb. 10, 1924 – “If the soul did not live completely abandoned in my Will, she would be like someone who lived in a sumptuous palace, and now leaned out of a window, now out of a balcony, now went down to the main door. So, only seldom or in passing does the poor one pass through some of the rooms, and therefore she knows little of the regime, of the work that is needed, of the goods which are there present, of what she can take, and of what she can give. Who knows how many goods are in there, and she knows little about it, therefore she does not love that palace as she should love it, nor does she esteem it as it deserves.

 Now, for the soul who lives in my Will and is not completely abandoned in It, self-reflections, cares for herself, fears, disturbances, are nothing other than windows, balconies, and main doors that she forms in my Will; and by going out very often, she is forced to see and feel the miseries of human life. And since the miseries are her own property, while the riches of my Will are mine, she becomes more attached to the miseries than to the riches, and so she will not come to love, nor will she enjoy what it means to live in my Will. And having formed the main door, one day or another she will go away to live in the miserable hovel of her own will. See, then, how complete abandonment in Me is necessary in order to live in my Will. My Will does not need the miseries of the human will; It wants the creature to live together with It - beautiful, just as It delivered her from Its womb, without the miserable provision that she has formed for herself in the exile of life. Otherwise, there would be disparity, which would bring sorrow to my Will and unhappiness to the human will.”

Volume 20, Nov. 16, 1926 – “…the more you abandon yourself in the Supreme Will, the more you advance along Its ways, the more knowledges you acquire, and the more you take possession of the goods which are in the Divine Will; because in It there is always something to know and to take.”

Vol. 32, April 23, 1933 - “The virtue of abandonment is the greatest virtue, it is binding God such that He takes care of the abandoned one in His Arms.  Abandonment says to God: ‘I do not want to know anything of myself; this life of mine is Yours, not mine, and Yours is mine.’  Therefore, if you want to obtain everything, if you want to Truly Love Me, live abandoned in My arms, let Me hear the echo of My Life in every instant: ‘Into Your hands I abandon myself completely,’ and I will carry you in My arms as the dearest of My children.”

 Volume 35, Mar. 6, 1938 – My daughter, when the creature abandons herself in our Will, our satisfaction is so great that she pours into Us, and We pour into her, giving her our new Life, new love, new sanctity and new knowledge of our Supreme Being. When the creature abandons herself in our Divine Volition, We can make the greatest prodigies and the most surprising graces in her, since our own Will will receive and deposit what We want to give to the creature. By abandoning herself in our Will, she storms Heaven, and her empire is such that she imposes herself over our Divine Being, enclosing It within her littleness; while she, triumphant, encloses herself within our Divine Womb.”

Volume 36, June 12, 1938“Oh, if everyone abandoned themselves in my arms! The earth would disappear for them, they wouldn't pay attention to anybody, I would be enough for all. I love, so much, the one who lives abandoned in my arms that I show her the greatest excesses of my love, my love jokes, my caresses. I reach the point of inventing new love tricks to keep them busy and centered in my love. Therefore, live abandoned in my arms and in everything you will find your Jesus defending, helping and sustaining you."

Vol. 36, Sept. 5, 1938 - “…I was thinking to myself: it seems to me difficult to live in It; how can the creature reach this point? The human weaknesses, the circumstances of life, many times, are too painful; the unexpected encounters, the so many difficulties that one doesn't even know what to do - wouldn't all these things lead the creature astray from a life so holy that it would take a perfect attention not to? And my sweet Jesus, continuing His say with such a tenderness that I felt my heart exploding, added: "My little daughter of my Will, my interest and my continuous yearning for the creature to live in my Will is such that, once we've made the agreement, Myself and her, with a firm decision that she must live in my Fiat - this being My Will - I am the first one who makes the sacrifice to obtain the intent, so that she may live in It. I place Myself at her disposal. I give her all the graces, light, love and the very knowledge of my Will, so that she herself has to feel the need to live in It. When I want something, and she promptly accepts doing what I want, I take care of everything; and when she fails for weakness, for inconstancy or for negligence, not for will, I come to compensate, and I do what she was supposed to do, transferring to her what I did as if she had done it.”

From In Sinu Jesu, When Heart Speaks to Heart -

 “How does one come to that degree of trust?  By entrusting to Me very little things, day by day, as they arise, and by leaving them to Me. This was also the wisdom of My priest Don Dolindo.  ‘Jesus’, he used to say to Me, ‘you take care of this.’ And then he went his way lighthearted and confident that I would honor the confidence he placed in Me.”

Jesus, I abandon myself to you. You take care of everything!


 Novena of Abandonment by Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo (d. 1970)

Day 1

Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to Me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


Day 2

Surrender to Me does not mean to fret, to be upset, or to lose hope, nor does it mean offering to Me a worried prayer asking Me to follow you and change your worry into prayer. It is against this surrender, deeply against it, to worry, to be nervous and to desire to think about the consequences of anything. It is like the confusion that children feel when they ask their mother to see to their needs, and then try to take care of those needs for themselves so that their childlike efforts get in their mother’s way. Surrender means to placidly close the eyes of the soul, to turn away from thoughts of tribulation and to put yourself in My care, so that only I act, saying “You take care of it”.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


Day 3

How many things I do when the soul, in so much spiritual and material need, turns to Me, looks at Me and says to Me; “You take care of it”, then closes its eyes and rests. In pain you pray for Me to act, but that I act in the way you want. You do not turn to Me, instead, you want me to adapt your ideas. You are not sick people who ask the doctor to cure you, but rather sick people who tell the doctor how to. So do not act this way, but pray as I taught you in the our Father: “Hallowed be thy Name“, that is, be glorified in my need. “Thy kingdom come“, that is, let all that is in us and in the world be in accord with your kingdom. “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven“, that is, in our need, decide as you see fit for our temporal and eternal life. If you say to Me truly: “Thy will be done“, which is the same as saying: “You take care of it”, I will intervene with all My omnipotence, and I will resolve the most difficult situations.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


Day 4

You see evil growing instead of weakening? Do not worry. Close your eyes and say to Me with faith: “Thy will be done, You take care of it.” I say to you that I will take care of it, and that I will intervene as does a doctor and I will accomplish miracles when they are needed. Do you see that the sick person is getting worse? Do not be upset, but close your eyes and say “You take care of it.” I say to you that I will take care of it, and that there is no medicine more powerful than My loving intervention. By My love, I promise this to you.

O Jesus, I surrendered myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


Day 5

And when I must lead you on a path different from the one you see, I will prepare you; I will carry you in My arms; I will let you find yourself, like children who have fallen asleep in their mother’s arms, on the other bank of the river. What troubles you and hurts you immensely are your reason, your thoughts and worry, and your desire at all costs to deal with what afflicts you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

 Day 6

You are sleepless; you want to judge everything, direct everything and see to everything and you surrender to human strength, or worse—to men themselves, trusting in their intervention—this is what hinders My words and My views. Oh, how much I wish from you this surrender, to help you; and how I suffer when I see you so agitated! Satan tries to do exactly this: to agitate you and to remove you from My protection and to throw you into the jaws of human initiative. So, trust only in Me, rest in Me, surrender to Me in everything.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


Day 7

I perform miracles in proportion to your full surrender to Me and to your not thinking of yourselves. I sow treasure troves of graces when you are in the deepest poverty. No person of reason, no thinker, has ever perform miracles, not even among the saints. He does divine works whosoever surrenders to God. So don’t think about it anymore, because your mind is acute, and for you, it is very hard to see evil and to trust in Me and to not think of yourself. Do this for all your needs, do this all of you and you will see great continual silent miracles. I will take care of things, I promise this to you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


Day 8

Close your eyes and let yourself be carried away on the flowing current of My grace; close your eyes and do not think of the present, turning your thoughts away from the future just as you would from temptation. Repose in Me, believing in My goodness, and I promise you by My love that if you say “You take care of it”, I will take care of it all; I will console you, liberate you and guide you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)


Day 9

Pray always in readiness to surrender, and you will receive from it great peace and great rewards, even when I confer on you the grace of immolation, of repentance and of love. Then what does suffering matter? It seems impossible to you? Close your eyes and say with all your soul, “Jesus, you take care of it”. Do not be afraid, I will take care of things and you will bless My name by humbling yourself. A thousand prayers cannot equal one single act of surrender, remember this well. There is no novena more effective than this.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!

Friday, January 28, 2022

The Echo of Love



In the month of May, we honor Mary Our Mother and Queen of the Divine Will.  St. Louis de Montfort said, “Mary is the wonderful echo of God. The more a person joins himself to Her, the more effectively she unites him to God.” “It is Mary who leads every soul straight to God and to union with Him.”  He says, “She is the sure means, the direct and immaculate way to Jesus and the perfect guide to Him.” He who finds Mary finds life.”  “…She is the dawn which precedes and discloses the Sun of Justice.”

In the Book of Heaven, Jesus speaks many times about this echo, “the echo of love”. He tells us to be His echo, the echo of His Life, the echo of His Celestial Mama, because She alone lived perfectly and fully in the Supreme Volition and therefore, She will be our teacher and guide.  As we pray and offer reparation to God, we form one single echo of reparations between us and Him, and His justice is calmed, not only in the present time, but also in the future.  In His Divine Appeal to His children on earth, Jesus tells us that it is our Mother and Queen who is traveling among the people of the nations disposing and preparing them to live in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, forming Divine Life in them.

There is so much we can say about Mary Our Mother, but most importantly, we must remember what Jesus tells us in the Book of Heaven that it is Mary who sees who in anyway is disposed and wants to live of the Divine Will.  He reminds us that in difficulties to always remember that She is around us, sustains us, strengthens us, and takes the “wretched rags” of our human will into Her maternal hands to make it receive the Life of the Supreme Fiat. She is the teacher of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.  Let us always be attentive and obedient to Her.

And so, as we read the words of Jesus in the Book of Heaven, we also become His echo, so that, like Mary, all Jesus did and suffered may resound like a deep echo in the depths of our souls.  It is Her maternal echo that resounds in us giving us the Grace of making the eternal Fiat reign in us.

Let us become the echo of His Love united to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that through Her Heart we may offer perfect Love to God and return to Him the Love with which He loves us.

Book of Heaven, Vol. 24:  The Kingdom of Our Fiat is exactly this: the return of Our divine echo, not the far away echo which has often resounded to the hearing of man from the time he withdrew from Our Will; but the continuous echo which will resound in the depth of souls and transforming them, it will form Divine Life in them giving back to them the order of man as he was created.”


Lynne B.  5/2/16

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What is Truth?


"Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. 

No man cometh to the Father, but by me."  John 14:6

Luisa: Finding myself in my usual state, I was following the Hours of the Passion of my sweet Jesus, especially when He was presented to Pilate, who asked Him what His Kingdom was. And my always lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, that was the first time in my terrestrial life that I dealt with a gentile authority, who asked Me what my Kingdom was. And I answered him that my Kingdom is not of this world, for if it were of this world, thousands of legions of Angels would defend Me. But, with this, I opened my Kingdom to the gentiles, and communicated to them my celestial doctrines; so much so, that Pilate asked me: ‘What? You are a king?’ And immediately I answered him: ‘I am King, and I have come into the world to teach the truth.’ With this, I wanted to make my way into his mind in order to make Myself known; so much so that, as though struck, he asked Me: ‘What is the truth?’ But he did not wait for my answer; I did not have the good of making Myself understood. I would have said to him: ‘The truth is I; everything in Me is truth. Truth is my patience in the midst of so many insults; truth is my sweet gaze among so many derisions, calumnies, contempts. Truths are my affable, attractive manners in the midst of so many enemies, such that, while they hate Me, I love them, and while they want to give Me death, I want to embrace them and give them life. Truths are my words, dignified and full of celestial wisdom. Everything in Me is truth. The truth is more than majestic sun which, as much as one would want to trample it, rises more beautiful, more luminous, such as to shame the very enemies, and to knock them down at its feet.” 

 Pilate asked Me with sincerity of heart, and I was ready to answer him, while Herod asked Me with malice and out of curiosity, and I did not answer. So, to those who want to know holy things with sincerity, I reveal Myself more than they expect; but with those who want to know them with malice and out of curiosity, I hide Myself, and while they want to make fun of Me, I confound them and make fun of them. However, since my Person carried the truth with Itself, It performed Its office also in front of Herod. My silence at the stormy questions of Herod, my modest gaze, the air of my Person, all full of sweetness, of dignity, of nobility, were all truths - and operating truths.”  Book of Heaven, June 1, 1922

 “…when Pilate asked Me whether I was a king, I answered: ‘My Kingdom is not of this world, for if It were of this world, millions of legions of Angels would defend Me’. And Pilate, in seeing Me so poor, humiliated, despised, was surprised, and said with greater emphasis: ‘What? You are a king?’ And I, with firmness, answered him and all those who are in his position: ‘I am King, and I have come into the world to teach the truth. And the truth is that it is not the positions, the kingdoms, the dignities or the right of command that make man reign, that ennoble him, that raise him above all. On the contrary, these things are slaveries, miseries, which make him serve vile passions and unjust men, while he too commits many unjust acts that disennoble him, cast him into mud, and draw the hatred of his subordinates upon him. So, riches are slaveries, positions are swords, by which many are killed or wounded. True reigning is virtue, the stripping of everything, to sacrifice oneself for all, to submit oneself to all. This is the true reigning that binds all, and makes one loved by all. Therefore, my Kingdom will have no end, while yours is near to perishing.’ And, in my Will, I made these words reach the ear of all those who are in positions of authority, to let them know the great danger they are in, and to put on guard those who aspire to positions, to dignities, to command.”  Book of Heaven, Dec. 1, 1922


 Lynne Bauer, Sept., 2020

Your Words, Lord, are Spirit and Life

 Sunday Jan. 22, 2022

The words of the Responsorial Psalm today (Psalm 19) “Your words, Lord, are Spirit and Life” took on an entire different meaning to me.  It has been my understanding that Jesus telling Luisa to “pay attention” meant that we should be attentive to what Jesus is telling us so we can understand His Words – in every place that He speaks whether the Book of Heaven, Scripture, etc.  After hearing the words “Your words, Lord, are Spirit and Life”, I now understand that it is more than just reading and understanding His words – that every word we read are “Spirit and Life”.  Every word of His contains Life – the Life of the Spirit of God.  (I understood much more but hard to put into words) LB

Wed. Jan. 26, 2022 - This morning I sat down and picked up Volume 35, (Sept. 12, 1937) of the Book of Heaven, and Jesus seemed to confirmed my thoughts: 

“You must know that each Word is an Outpouring of Our Love to the creature.  So, every Word that We have already said on Our Divine Will is Love that We’ve poured out.  Being refreshed by this Outpouring We have continued to talk, to form a chain of Our Love Outpourings, since what We had kept within Ourselves was a repressed Love.  If you knew how much this Love-Pouring means and the Goods it produces...!  This unleashing of Our Love fills Heaven and earth, invests all, and embalms all sufferings;  It becomes the day in the night of guilt, converting sinners, straightening one who is limping in the good, strengthening the good ones.  In sum, there is no Good that a Word of Our Outpouring of Love cannot do.  Therefore, letting Us speak is the Greatest Good that can be done for the creatures:  it is Our Love being returned; it is giving a Divine Life to the creatures; it is the Greatest Glory We can receive.

“What can one of Our Words not do?  It can do all.  One can say that whoever is disposed to listen to It gives life to Our Word, since We never speak if We don’t find one who wants to listen.  The one who listens loves Us so much that We feel as if she wanted to give Us life in the midst of the creatures, so We give Our Life at her disposal.  Therefore, be attentive to listen.  Let Us pour out Our Love, because many times, when We have nobody to whom to express Our Love, these Outpourings are justly turned into Justice.”

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Living in the Divine Will is...

Sept. 11, 1924:  “Ah, daughter, neither you nor those who direct you have known what it means to live in my Will; this is why you do not appreciate it, and keep it as a thing of no importance – and this is a pain for Me. On the contrary, this is the thing which interests Me the most, and which should, more than anything else, interest all! But, alas, they pay attention to other things – things which are less pleasing or indifferent to Me, rather than to that which glorifies Me the most, and which gives them, also on this earth, immense and eternal goods, rendering them owners of the goods which my Will possesses.”

Sept. 3, 1925: My Will makes one think in a way which is different from the human way; It makes one look at my Will in all created things, speak with the echo of my Will, work through the veils of my Will. In a word, one does everything, all at once, according to my Supreme Volition, which leads the creature, rapidly, to perfect Sanctity; while the other virtues act slowly, little by little. My Redemption Itself, without the Prime Act of my Will, serves as dressing of the deepest wounds, as medicine for man, not to let him die; as antidote, not to let him fall into hell.”

Sept. 18, 1924: “My daughter, the living in my Will is the living that is closest to the blessed of Heaven. It is so distant from one who is simply conformed to my Will and does It, faithfully executing Its orders - as much as Heaven is distant from the earth, as much as the distance between a son and a servant, and between a king and a subject. Moreover, this is a gift which I want to give in these times, so sad - that they may not only do my Will, but possess It. Am I perhaps not free to give whatever I want, when I want, and to whom I want? Isn’t a master free to say to his servant: ‘Live in my house, eat, take, command as another myself"? And so that nobody may prevent him from possessing his goods, he legitimizes this servant as his own son, and gives him the right to possess. If a rich man can do so, much more can I do it.”

“This living in my Will is the greatest gift I want to give to the creatures. My Goodness wants to show off more and more love toward creatures, and since I gave them everything, I want to give them the gift of my Will, so that in possessing It, they may appreciate and love the great good they possess.”

Feb. 20, 1924: “Now, to live in my Will is exactly this: to have the purpose, the joys, the feasts of Creation returned to Us. And you say that I should have kept it hidden in my Church, without manifesting it? I would have turned Heaven and earth upside down; I would have overwhelmed the souls with an irresistible strength, in order to make known that which will be the fulfillment of Creation. Do you see how much I care for this living in my Will, which places the seal upon all my works, so that all of them may be complete? It may seem to you that this is nothing, or that there are similar things in my Church. No, no - for Me, on the contrary, it is the All of my works, and you must appreciate it as such, and be more attentive in fulfilling the mission I want from you."  

Oct. 23, 1924: "My daughter, you do not know what my Will on earth is. It shows that, after so many of my lessons, you have not understood well. You must know that the soul who, here, lets my Will live within her, as she prays, as she suffers, as she works, as she loves, etc., forms a sweet enchantment to the divine pupils, in such a way as to enclose, with her acts, the gaze of God in that enchantment; and so the Omnipotent One, taken by the sweetness of this enchantment, feels disarmed of many chastisements which the creatures draw upon themselves with their grave sins.  This enchantment has the virtue of preventing my justice from pouring out, with all its fury, upon the face of the earth, because my justice too remains enchanted by my Will operating in the creature.

June 18, 1925: “Do you think that things will always be as they are today? Ah, no! My Will will overwhelm everything; It will cause confusion everywhere – all things will be turned upside down. Many new phenomena will occur, such as to confuse the pride of man; wars, revolutions, mortalities of every kind will not be spared, in order to floor man, and to dispose him to receive the regeneration of the Divine Will in the human will. And everything I manifest to you about my Will, as well as everything you do in It, is nothing but preparing the way, the means, the teachings, the light, the graces, so that my Will may be regenerated in the human will.

If this were not to occur, I would not have manifested so much to you, nor would I have kept you sacrificed in a bed for such a long time, in order to place in you the foundations of the regeneration of my Will in yours, and therefore keep you in continuous exercise within my Will. Do you think that my continuous being within you, feeding you my prayer, and making you feel my pains which, together with Me, acquire another value, other effects, another power – is nothing? I could say that I am making the first statue, the first soul of the regeneration of my Will in her. Then, it will be easier to form copies. This is why I always say to you: ‘Be attentive, for this about something too great, and about the most important thing which exists in Heaven and on earth. It about rescuing the rights of Our Will; about giving back to Us the purpose of Creation; about returning to Us all the glory for which all things were made, and about making Us pour out all the graces which Our Will had established to give to the creatures, had they fulfilled Our Will in everything."  (Jesus Himself gave Luisa the title of the Volumes:  The Book of Heaven – The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which He was Created by God)

Feb. 10, 1924:  “…in my All-seeingness, I see that these writings will be for my Church as a new Sun which will rise in her midst; and men, attracted by its radiant light, will strive to transform themselves into this light and become spiritualized and Divinized, and therefore, renewing the Church, they will transform the face of the earth.

The doctrine on my Will is the purest, the most beautiful, not subject to any shadow of the material or of interest, either in the supernatural or in the natural order. Therefore, just like the Sun, It will be the most penetrating, the most fecund, and the most welcomed and appreciated. And being Light, It will make Itself understood and will make Its own way. It will not be subject to doubt or suspicions of error; and if some words will not be understood, it will be because of too much light, which, eclipsing the human intellect, will not allow them to understand the whole fullness of the Truth. However, they will not find one word which is not true. At the most, they will not be able to comprehend it fully.

Therefore, in view of the good which I see, I push you to neglect nothing in writing. One saying, one effect, one simile on my Will can be like beneficial dew upon the souls, just as dew is beneficial on the plants after a day of burning sun, or like a pouring rain after long months of drought. You cannot understand all the good, the light, the strength contained in one word; but your Jesus knows it and knows the ones whom it will serve and the good it will do."

Now, as He was saying this, He showed me a table in the midst of the Church, and all the writings on the Divine Will placed on it. Many venerable people surrounded that table and were transformed into light and divinized; and as they walked, they communicated that light to whomever they encountered. Then Jesus added: "You will see this great good from Heaven, when the Church will receive this celestial food, which will strengthen her and make her rise again to her full triumph."

May 1, 1925: “To you, Firstborn Daughter of my Divine Will (Luisa), it is given to make known the qualities, the value, the good It contains, and Its eternal sorrow of living unknown - hidden, in the midst of the human generations; even more, despised and offended by the evil ones, and placed by the good ones at the level of the other virtues, as if It were a little light which is lit by men - as virtues are in comparison with my Will - and not the Eternal Sun that my Will is.

The mission of my Will is the greatest that can exist: there is no good which does not descend from It; there is no glory which does not come from It. Everything is centered in It: Our interior Works and those which We have delivered; the Creation of the angels, of the world, of men; all virtues, all merits, all predestinations, all goods, all the glory of the chosen ones, all the mysteries of the infinite love, which are still unknown to man; and the past, the present, the future – all in one Act and in act, and in one single point.

Therefore, be attentive, and do not want to waste time with doubts or uncertainties. Everything I told you for this mission was necessary - not for you, but for the honor, the glory, the knowledge and the sanctity of my Will and of Its dominion in the creatures. And since my Will is one, one was to be the creature to whom I had to entrust It, and through whom It would make Its rays blaze, to do good to all."

May 4, 1925: Therefore, do not be surprised at the great and marvelous things I may tell you for the sake of this mission, or at the many graces I may give you; BECAUSE THIS IS NOT ABOUT MAKING A SAINT, BUT ABOUT SAVING THE GENERATIONS. This is about rescuing a Divine Will, for which everything must return to the beginning, to the origin from which everything came, so that the purpose of my Will may have its complete fulfillment."


Excerpts taken from Volumes 16 and 17 - Book of Heaven

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Conception of the Eternal Word


            On the conception of the Eternal Word

Book of Heaven, Vol. 15, Dec 16, 1922


I was thinking about the act in which the Eternal Word descended from Heaven and was conceived in the womb of the Immaculate Queen; and from within my interior, my always lovable Jesus put out one arm, surrounding my neck, and in my interior told me: “My beloved daughter, if the conception of my Celestial Mama was prodigious, and She was conceived in the sea which came out of the Three Divine Persons, my conception was not in the sea that came out of Us, but in the great Sea which resided within Us - Our very Divinity - which descended into the virginal womb of this Virgin, and I was conceived. It is true that it is said that the Word was conceived, but my Celestial Father and the Holy Spirit were inseparable from Me. It is true that I had the acting role, but they were concurring.

Imagine two reflectors, each one reflecting the same subject into the other. These subjects are three: the one in the middle takes on the operating, suffering, supplicating role; the other two are with it, concur with it, and are spectators. So, I could say that one of the two reflectors was the Sacrosanct Trinity, and the other was my dear Mama. During the brief course of Her life, by living always in my Will, She prepared for Me in Her virginal womb the little divine ground in which I, Eternal Word, was to clothe Myself with human flesh, since I would never have descended into a human ground. And as the Trinity was reflected in Her, I was conceived. So, while that same Trinity remained in Heaven, I was conceived in the womb of this noble Queen.

All other things, as great, noble, sublime and prodigious as they may be - even the very conception of the Virgin Queen – they all remain behind. There is nothing, neither love nor greatness nor power, that can compare to my conception. Here it is not about forming a life, but about enclosing the Life that gives life to all; not about expanding Myself, but about restricting Myself so as to let Myself be conceived; and not in order to receive, but to give - the One who created everything enclosing Himself within a created and tiny little Humanity. These are works only of a God, and of a God who loves, and who, at any cost, wants to bind the creature with His love in order to be loved.

But this is nothing yet. Do you know where all my love, all my power and wisdom blazed forth? As soon as the divine power formed this tiny little Humanity, so little as to be comparable to the size of a hazelnut, but with the members all proportioned and formed, and the Word was conceived in It, the immensity of my Will, enclosing all creatures, past, present and future, conceived all lives of creatures in It; and as mine grew, so did they grow within Me. So, while in appearance I seemed to be alone, when observed under the microscope of my Will, all creatures could be seen, conceived in Me. It happened with Me as when one sees crystal clear waters: while they appear to be clear, when they are observed under a microscope, how many microbes cannot be seen? My conception was such and so great that the wheel of Eternity remained stunned and ecstatic in seeing the innumerable excesses of my love, and all prodigies united together. The whole mass of the Universe was shaken in seeing the One who gives life to everything restrict Himself, make Himself small, enclose everything, in order to do… what? To take the lives of all and make all be reborn.”


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Luisa the first


October 6, 1922
The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in the Divine Will, was done by Jesus. Luisa, the first one to live in the Divine Will.

“All human acts, according to the purpose of Creation, were to have life in my Volition, and form in It their plane of all human acts changed into divine acts, with the mark of supreme nobility, sanctity and wisdom. It was not Our Will that man withdraw from Us, but that he live with Us, growing in Our likeness and operating with Our own manners. This is why I wanted that all his acts be done in my Will - to give him the place in which to form his own little river within the immense sea of my Will. I acted like a father who, possessing great lands, says to His son: ‘I give you, in your possession, the center of my possessions, so that you may not go out of my boundaries and may grow in my riches, with my own nobility and with the greatness of my works, and so that all may recognize that you are my son.’ What would be said of him if he did not accept the great gift of his father and went into a foreign land to live of miseries, disennobling himself, enslaved to cruel enemies? Such was man.

Now, this plane, this little river in my Volition, I want from you. Let each one of your thoughts flow in It, so that, in the reflections of Our intelligence, which is thought of each one, it may rise over each intelligence and give Us the homage of each thought in a divine manner. Let your words and works flow as well, so that, in the reflection of Our word ‘Fiat’, which made all things and is word of each one, and in the reflections of the sanctity of Our works, which is life and motion of everything, they may rise and hover over everything, giving Us the glory of each word and of each work, with Our own word ‘Fiat’ and with the very sanctity of Our works. My daughter, if all that is human – be it even one thought - is not done in my Will, the human plane takes no possession, the little river is not formed, and my Will cannot descend upon earth to make Itself known and to reign.”

On hearing this, I said to Him: ‘My Love, Jesus, how is it possible that after so many centuries of life of the Church, which has put out so many Saints - and many of them have astonished Heaven and earth with their virtues and with the wonders they performed - they would not operate fully in the Divine Will so as to form this plane You are talking about? Were You waiting just for me, the most incapable, the most bad little one, and ignorant, in order to do this? It seems just incredible.’ And Jesus: “Listen, my daughter, my wisdom has means and ways which man ignores, such that he is obliged to lower his forehead and adore it in mute silence; and it is not up to him to dictate to Me the laws, whom I should choose and the appropriate time, which my goodness disposes. And besides, first I had to form the Saints who were to resemble Me and copy my Humanity in a more perfect way, as much as is possible for them; and this I have already done. Now my goodness wants to go beyond, and wants to give in to greater excesses of love; and therefore I want them to enter into my Humanity and copy what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. If the first have cooperated with my Redemption in order to save souls, to teach the law, to banish sin, being limited within the centuries in which they lived, the second will go beyond, copying what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. They will embrace all centuries, all creatures, and rising above all, they will put in force the rights of Creation which are due to Me, and which concern the creatures, bringing all things to the first origin of Creation and to the purpose for which Creation came out. Everything is ordered in Me: if I issued Creation, It must return to Me ordered, just as It came out of my hands.

The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in my Will, was done by Me; I left it as though suspended, and the creature, except for my dear and inseparable Mama, knew nothing. This was necessary. If man did not know the way, the door, the rooms of my Humanity, how could he enter inside of Me and copy what I did? Now the time has come for the creature to enter into this plane and do also something of her own within mine. What is the wonder if I have called you as the first one? And besides, it is so true that I have called you as the first, since to no other soul, though dear to Me, have I manifested the way of living in my Will, the effects of It, the wonders, the goods which the creature operating in the Supreme Volition receives. Check as many lives of Saints as you want, or books of doctrines - in not one of them will you find the prodigies of my Volition operating in the creature and of the creature operating in It. At the most, you will find resignation, union of wills; but in not one of them will you find the Divine Will operating in her, and she in It. This means that the time had not come in which my goodness would call the creature to live in this sublime state. Even the very way I make you pray cannot be found in anyone else. Therefore, be attentive. My justice demands this, my love is delirious; so, my wisdom disposes everything in order to obtain the intent. It is the rights, the glory of Creation, that We want from you.”

“The Saints and the Church have known until now the conformity with the Will of God, the complete abandonment, even the union with God’s Will, with His Divine Volition.   We can see examples of this from such Saints as St. Francis deSales or St. Vincent DePaul (and for that matter, hundreds of other Saints) in the expression: “to empty oneself of himself and unite his will totally to God’s such that there is only one will with His.”  We could say that this is the highest point.  And how does Luisa’s doctrine differ from this union of wills?  In the chapter dated Oct. 6, 1922 (Vol. 14), Luisa asks the question how it is that she was the first to live in the Divine Will after so many centuries and so many Saints in the Church.  (read from the highlights above).  This is to say that from the union of wills, which has been already experienced, Luisa enters into the unity of Wills, and into the activity of that Unity, to the activity and life of the creature in the Divine Will, along with Its effects, etc.”   Jose’ Luis Acuna

 “…the greatest Saints, those richest in grace and virtue, will be the most assiduous in praying to the most Blessed Virgin, looking up to Her as the perfect model to imitate and as a powerful helper to assist them…this will happen especially towards the end of the world, and indeed soon, because Almighty God and His holy Mother are to raise up great Saints who will surpass in holiness most other Saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above the little shrubs…these great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides.  They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin…  Saint Louis de Montfort

Thursday, January 20, 2022

"I Thirst"

“I Thirst”


"Afterwards, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said: I thirst."   John 19:28

Jesus is God, therefore His Love and His Thirst are infinite.  He, the Creator of the universe asked for the love of His creatures.  He has thirst for our love...These words:  "I thirst""...Do they echo in our soul?  St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta


“My good daughter! The Pain that most transfixed Me on the Cross was My ardent Thirst.  I felt I was burning alive since all the vital humors had gone out through My Wounds, which were burning and wanted to quench, like many mouths, Their terrible Thirst.  I just couldn't contain Myself anymore, so I shouted: ‘I Thirst!'  This, ‘I Thirst,’ remained and is always in the act of saying: ‘I Thirst!'  I never stop saying it.  With My open Wounds, with My burnt Lips, I am always repeating: ‘I am burning—I Thirst! Please, Give Me a little drop of your love to soothe My ardent Thirst.'

 “In everything the creature does I keep repeating with My Mouth, opened and burned: ‘Let Me drink. I'm burning of Thirst.'  My dislocated and Wounded Humanity had only one cry: ‘I Thirst!'   Therefore, as the creature walks, I shout to her steps with My dry mouth, ‘Give Me your steps—done for love of Me, to quench My Thirst.'  If she works, I ask for her works—made only for love of Me, to cool My burning Thirst; if she speaks, I ask for her words; if she thinks, I ask for her thoughts—as many little drops to refresh My ardent Thirst.  It wasn't just My mouth that was burning, but all My Most Holy Humanity felt the urgent need of a refreshing bath for the ardent Fire of Love that burned within Me; and since it was for the creatures that I was burning in Excruciating Pains, only creatures, with their love, could quench My ardent Thirst and give to My Humanity a refreshing bath.  Now, I left this cry: ‘I Thirst!' inside My Will and I made the commitment to make the creatures hear it over and over again—to move them to compassion for My burning Thirst; to give them My Bath of Love and receive theirs—though being just little drops—to quench My devouring Thirst.  But who is listening to Me?  Who has compassion for Me?  Only the one who Lives in My Will.  All the others play deaf and even increase My Thirst with their ingratitude—making Me restless and with no hope of refreshment.

  “And not only My ‘I Thirst,’ but all that I did and said in My Will, is always in the act of saying to My Sorrowful Mother: ‘Mother, here are Your children.'  I place Her at their side as help and Guide, to be loved by her children; every instant She feels Her own Son close to all the children.  O! how much She Loves them giving them Her Maternity, to make Myself Loved as She Loves Me.  Not only this, but by offering Her Maternity She offers Perfection also among creatures, so that they Love each other with Maternal Love, which is a constant, sacrificing, unselfish Love.  But who receives all this Good?  Only the one who Lives in Our Fiat feels the Maternity of the Queen.  She feeds Her children with Her Maternal Heart, to let them suck and receive the Maternity of Her Love, Her Sweetness, and all the riches of Her Maternal Heart.  Book of Heaven, Vol. 36, April 20, 1938


"If the agony in the Garden was in a special way for the dying, the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath. They are both agonies, but one is different from the other: the agony in the Garden, full of sadness, of fears, of anxieties, of frights; the agony on the Cross, full of peace, of imperturbable calm. And if I cried out ‘I thirst!’, it was the insatiable thirst that all might breathe their last in my last breath; and in seeing that many would go out of my last breath, out of grief I cried out ‘Sitio!’ [‘I thirst!’], and this ‘sitio’ still continues to cry out to all and to each one like a bell at the door of each heart: ‘I thirst for you, oh soul! O please, never go out of Me, but enter into Me and breathe your last in Me!’  Book of Heaven, Vol. 9, July 4,1910

  “My daughter, poor daughter, courage, the privation of Me excites the desire more, and in this excited desire the soul breathes God; and God, feeling more ignited by this excitement of the soul, breathes the soul.  In this breathing each other - God and the soul - thirst for love ignites more, and since love is fire, it forms the purgatory of the soul, and this purgatory serves her, not as just one Communion a day, as the Church allows, but as a continuous communion, just as the breathing is continuous.  But these are all communions of most pure love – only of spirit, not of body; and since the spirit is more perfect, as a consequence, love is more intense.  This is how I repay, not one who does not want to receive Me, but one who cannot receive Me, depriving himself of Me to content Me.”   Book of Heaven, Vol. 5, Dec. 5, 1903

Lynne Bauer May 13, 2020


From my notes, Aug. or Sept. 2019

While praying the 33 day Consecration (33 Days to Morning Glory, Day 21), after reading something that was quoted by Mother Teresa and the Offertory verse (Psalm 68:21) for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, I seemed to understand what my mission was!  Several years ago, I was told by Jesus during Adoration that I had a mission to accomplish (as we all do). Remembering an experience I had just after coming into the Catholic Church; I had stopped in the Adoration chapel just before Mass (St. Paul of the Cross, No. Palm Bch. FL) and as soon as I walked in the chapel door, my heart burst out with the words, “I live to console You!”  This was not even in my thoughts, but the words just welled up in my heart and it was impossible to hold them in – there was no holding them back.  All these years I have not understood what this “mission” could be until I read the words of Mother Teresa, “Be the one.”  Be the one to console Jesus by satiating his burning thirst for love.  She writes, “Tell Jesus, I will be the one.  I will comfort, encourage and love Him...Try to be the one to share with Him, to comfort Him, to console Him.  So, let us ask Our Lady to help us understand.”  And the Psalm that day was, “My heart had expected reproach and misery.  And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, and there was none: and I sought one that would console me, and I found none”. 

It goes on to say, But what exactly does this mean?  What does it mean to satiate the thirst of Jesus?  Two things: to console Jesus the Head of his Mystical Body and to console him in the members of his body.”  The prayer for that day was, “Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary, Help me to ‘be the one’ to console Jesus with Mary.

Now, as I sit here in Adoration, I feel this is where I can console Jesus – in His Temple (the Church) and I, like Mary and Joseph go in search for Him and can always find him here – in his Temple.  I feel like Mary Magdalene crying tears at his feet and Veronica wiping his Sacred Face. This is consoling the His Divine Heart.  When I offer my acts united with his, offered through the Heart of Mary, I console Him.  When I bring everyone, all of humanity, to the Mass and Adoration with me, I console him.  When I pray the Hours of the Passion and read his words in the Book of Heaven, offering every word back to Him for the salvation of souls, I console Him.  When I visit the sick and the dying, then do I console him. When Jesus says, “I thirst’, I console Him, Head of His Mystical Body, and I console Him in the members of His Body.

I ask Our Lady to give me Her Heart to console the Heart of Her Son and tell her, I will be the one!”

Lynne Bauer

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Last will be first and the first will be last


Gospel - Mk 10:28-31

Peter began to say to Jesus,
'We have given up everything and followed you."
Jesus said, "Amen, I say to you,
there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters
or mother or father or children or lands
for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel
who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age:
houses and brothers and sisters
and mothers and children and lands,
with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come.
But many that are first will be last, and the last will be first."


Book of Heaven - Vol. 19, May 6, 1926

‘Before’ and ‘after’ do not exist in Our Will, but everything is first act. Therefore, one who lives in Our Will, even if she came as last, comes always before everything. So, it is not the era in which souls come out to the light of time that will be considered, but whether the Life of my Will has been in them as center of life, reigning and dominating in all of their acts, just as It reigns and dominates in the womb of the Divinity. These will be the first; their acts done in Our Will will rise above all the acts of the other creatures, and all will remain behind; therefore these souls will be Our crown.


Lynne B. Feb. 28, 2017

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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