For the past several days I have been feeling very
abandoned by Our Lord and have been praying to Him to allow me to be with Him
as I used to be, and I felt that He no longer listens to my prayers. Then this
morning at Church just before Mass began, a prayer rose up within my heart
begging God to save us from the evil of this world ("she begged Him to
drive the devil out ofher daughter "), and for some reason I prayed that
"even the dogs eat the scraps from the table ' . 1 had not read the Gospel
prior to Mass so I was very amazed when it was read. I understood very much
while listening to this Gospel, but cannot explain in words — other than to say
that we must have great faith to understand that God will overcome the evil of
this world and rid it of evil! ("the devil has gone outfrom your daughter
Gospel, Mark 7:24-30
He left
that place and set out for the territory of Tyre. There he went into a house
and did not want anyone to know he was there; but he could not pass

25 At once a
woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit heard about him and came and fell
at his feet.
26 Now this
woman was a gentile, by birth a Syro-Phoenician, and she begged him to drive
the devil out of her daughter.
27 And he said
to her, 'The children should be fed first, because it is not fair to take the
children's food and throw it to little dogs.'
28 But she
spoke up, 'Ah yes, sir,' she replied, 'but even dogs under the table eat the
scraps from the children. '
29 And he said
to her, 'For saying this you may go home happy; the devil has gone out of your daughter.
30 So she went
off home and found the child lying on the bed and the devil gone.
LB - Feb. 9, 2012
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