Sunday, July 30, 2017

Teresa Higginson and Luisa Piccarreta

Teresa Helena Higginson and Luisa Piccarreta

In 1889, Teresa wrote: “And I think it is that soul that is drooping as the vine under the weight of heavenly gifts and saturated through and through with the Precious Blood, that is His Infinite Wisdom, He has ordained to make known His holy Will to the world.  For He continually shows me this precious soul so dear to Him, and frequently before He makes known to me anything concerning this heavenly devotion (to His Sacred Head) He comforts me also with it.  For when I feel my poor heart breaking with sorrow at the coldness in which He is treated and the way He is betrayed even by His priests, He shows me this soul as His consoler and refuge, this lily in which He delights, and the will of this holy one blending so completely with His that they seem as one, this understanding in which the light of God shines as the midday sun in the clear waters of a spring, and that memory that is always recollected in God, that heart that pants languishes for Him and wastes itself away in longing desire to be dissolved and be one with Him for all eternity.

Oh my God, how much You have taught me in this soul which You drew from the same abyss of nothingness as myself, and yet, through her ready compliance with Thy adorable Will in all things, Thou hast raised her to a pinnacle of perfection which but very few saints have ever reached.  Oh my God, how wonderful are Thy works and how incomprehensible Thy judgments and unsearchable Thy ways.  For this jewel of Thy house is a wonder to the angels and Thou Thyself has shown me that this soul is one of the center pieces of Thy Sacred Heart.  I know not whether this soul is a priest, or even a male or female saint, but I know you will join with me in thanking God for all He has done for it, and allowing us, unworthy as we are, to live and worship before this same tabernacle where in His Love He deigns to listen to us as well as to this great servant of His Sacred Heart.

I think our dear Blessed Lord shows me this soul to humble me, for I always feel that I am sinking away in the abyss of my own nothingness whenever He allows me to see it, and yet my whole soul seem to overflow with gratitude to Him for raising this soul to such perfection, and love and admiration at His work and delight beyond utterance at His reserving her to comfort and console to love and adore Him as she does.  And this last week, after our Beloved Lord has shown me the greatness of His gifts to this saint, He has made me feel what black ingratitude it would be if she refused to fulfill His designs.  I understand that, of course, it will be a great humiliation for her to undertake the great work which I think He intends, and I pray for and compassionate her exceedingly, yet I burn with desire to see His holy Will accomplished and say with her and for her ‘Thy holy will be done, for Thou art my light and strength, Thou art my protector and Helper, what shall I fear.’

Although I have no curiosity to know who this chosen one is, yet I feel an ardent desire to be near her and to render her some service, to go and meet her as St. Elizabeth went to meet our Blessed Lady our dear Mother Mary at the time of the Visitation.

In 1889 at the age of 24, Luisa was granted the grace of a mystical marriage to Jesus and of living in His Divine Will.

“I had spent about three years in the state already described, continuing to remain in bed, when one morning Jesus made me understand that he wanted to renew the marriage — not on earth, like the first marriage — but in heaven, in the presence of the whole heavenly court, and that I should be prepared for such a great grace… One morning — it was the eve of the Nativity of Mary Most Holy [September 7, 1889] — and my always kind Jesus himself came to dispose me…

                                                                                                                                                                                  While my soul prepared itself with ardent yearnings for receiving the grace that Jesus himself wanted to give me, Jesus came back and transported me outside of my body, up into Paradise. And there, in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity and of all the heavenly court, he renewed the marriage. Jesus brought out a ring adorned with three precious stones, white, red and green, and he gave it to the Father, who blessed it and gave it back to the Son again. The Holy Spirit took my right hand and Jesus placed the ring on my ring finger. Then I was admitted to the kiss of all three divine Persons, and each of them blessed me… After this, I remember that a few days had passed and I received Communion. I lost consciousness, and I saw, present before me, the Most Holy Trinity whom I had seen in heaven… when a voice came from their midst and said: ‘Do not fear; have courage. We have come to confirm you as Our own, and to take possession of your heart’. While this voice was saying this, I saw the Most Holy Trinity descend into my heart and take possession of it – and there, they took up their dwelling place. But who could describe the change that occurred in me? I felt divinized; it was no longer I who lived, but they were living in me.”  (Vol. 1)

L. Bauer, 7/28/2017

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