Monday, March 28, 2022

Three Prerogatives of the Divine Life

 “My blessed daughter, it is really this to live in my Will, to acquire the right of daughter, and God acquires the supremacy, the command, the right of Father, only He knows how to unite together the one and the other, and form one life alone.

Now you should know that one who lives in my Divine Volition acquires three prerogatives. First: the right of Divine life. All that which she does is life that she feels, if she loves she feels the life of love, and as life she feels it flow in the mind, in the breath, in the heart, in everything she feels the vital virtue that forms in herself not the act that is subject to cease, but the continuation of an act that forms life, if she prays, if she adores, if she repairs, she feels the incessant life of the Divine prayer, adoration, reparation, not human, that is not subject to interruption. So that every act done in my Will is a vital act, that the soul acquires, in Him everything is life and the soul acquires the life of the good that she does in Him, what great difference between a good that possesses life and a good or act that as she does it, the life of that act finishes, as life she holds it in her power, and feels the continuation of the life of that good, instead as act, she won’t hold it in her power, nor will she feel the continuation of it, and that which is not continuous, cannot be called life. And only in my Will are these acts found full of life, because they have for beginning the Divine life which is not subject to finish, and therefore can give life to everything and everyone, instead outside of Him all things, even the greatest works, find the end, and oh, what (a) beautiful prerogative that only my Will can give, to feel her acts changed in the soul into perennial Divine life.

“Now to the first prerogative goes out in field the second, that is the right of property. But who is it who endows her? Who constitutes her proprietor? My Will himself, because in Him there is not poverty, everything is abundance, abundance of sanctity, of light, of graces, of love, and since he possesses these as life, it is just that she possesses as hers these Divine properties, so that she feels herself mistress of the sanctity, mistress of the light, of the grace, of the love and of all the Divine goods, and only in my Will there is this Mastery outside of Him, (the human) one gives everything by measure and without making them owners, what difference between the one and the other. From the second is born the third prerogative: the right of glory. There is no thing that she does, little or great, natural or supernatural, that is not given the right of glory to her, right to glorify their Creator in everything, even in the breath, in the heartbeat, right to be glorified themselves, in the glory of He from whom there is no glory that doesn’t come forth. Therefore, in my Will you will find all and all at your disposition and with right, not human but Divine, of which my Will himself loves to surrender these Divine rights of his to you, loving the creature as his true daughter.” October 27, 1935

Every single time you enter into our Will, recognizing these gifts and making them yours, you are giving us the opportunity and the glory as if we were repeating again all that we have done for love of the creatures. Our Will is the repeater of all our works. It repeats them - renews them always in every instant - each time the creature wants to receive them. And while they give themselves, they remain at their place. They give themselves still remaining. By giving themselves, they lose nothing, rather, they are more glorified. Therefore, be attentive to live always in our Will." September 11, 1938

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