Sunday, February 13, 2022

Breath of God - Restoration of Man


“What does it take to Restore this man?  We will return again to Breathe on him with Stronger and Growing Love.  We will Breathe in the depth of his soul; We will blow more Strongly into the center of his rebellious will—but so Strongly as to shake the evils by which he is trapped.  His passions will remain floored and terrified before the Power of Our Breath.  They will feel burning by Our Divine Fire.  The human will, will feel the Palpitating Life of its Creator, and it will hide Him—like a veil, so that man will return to be the Bearer of his Creator.  O, how Happy he will feel!  We will Restore him and Heal him with Our Breath.  We will be like a most tender mother who has a crippled child, and by breathing, whispering and blowing, she pours herself on her child; only then she will stop blowing on him—when she will have healed him and made him beautiful, like she wanted him to be.  The Power of Our Breath will not leave him.  We will stop Breathing on him only when We see him coming back into Our Paternal Arms.  We want him Beautiful, like Us.  Only then will We feel that Our child has recognized Our Paternal Goodness, and how much We Love him. 

“See then, what it takes to make Our Will come and Reign upon earth:  the Power of Our Omnipotent Breath.  With It We will Renew Our Life within him.”  Vol. 35, Dec. 21,, 1937


Breathe on me, breath of God,
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love the things you love,
And do what you would do.

Breathe on me, breath of God,
Until my heart is pure,
Until with You I will one will,
To live and to endure.

Breathe on me, breath of God,
My soul with grace refine,
Until this earthly part of me
Glows with Your fire divine.

Breathe on me, breath of God,
So shall I never die,
But live with You the perfect life
In Your eternity.

About the above prayer:

Perhaps a year before I came into the Church, I was travelling to a horse show in Ocala, FL.  As we were driving by a Catholic Church on the way to the showgrounds, we noticed that people were just going in to Mass so Ed (my husband), who was at that time just returning to the Church, said he wanted to go and pulled into the parking lot.  I fought him as I did not want to go.  Let me back up a little – on the drive going to Ocala, Ed was telling me about a place called Medjugorje that someone told him about, where the Mother of God was appearing.  He told me all about the story he was told by his friend.  Well, we went to the Mass that morning, and I sat listening to the Priest (Fr. O’Dougherty) give his homily – all about the Mother of God appearing in a place called Medjugorje!  Everything he spoke about was exactly what Ed had been telling me on the way there!  The Priest then picked up the bulletin and opened it to a prayer that he asked everyone to pray.  I read the prayer one time, put down the bulletin, and that prayer became imbedded in my heart – I never forgot it!  It became a prayer that I prayed almost every day even after coming into the Church.

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