Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Mysteries of Light


The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan: 

 The Baptism of Fire

“My daughter, the baptism at birth is by water, therefore it has the virtue of purifying, but not of removing tendencies and passions. On the other hand, the baptism of victim is baptism by fire, therefore it has not only the virtue of purifying, but of consuming any passion and evil tendency. Even more, I Myself baptize the soul, bit by bit: my thought baptizes the thought of the soul; my heartbeat baptizes her heartbeat; my desire her desire, and so on. However, this baptism is carried out between Myself and the soul, according to whether she gives herself to Me without ever taking back what she has given Me.  Book of Heaven, Vol. 11, Mar. 13, 1912

“My daughter, I recommend that you not get out of my Will, because my Will contains such power as to be a new Baptism for the soul - and even more than Baptism itself. In fact, while in the Sacraments there is part of my Grace, in my Will there is the whole fullness of It. In the Baptism, the stain of original sin is removed, but passions and weaknesses remain. In my Will, since the soul destroys her own volition, she also destroys passions, weaknesses and all that is human; and she lives of the virtues, of the fortitude and of all the Divine qualities.”  Book of Heaven, Vol. 9, Mar. 23, 1910

“I saw God’s Holy Spirit – as a devastating fire – inundate the world.  This fire did not bring peace, not mercy, but devastating punishment.  Where ever the flame of the Holy Spirit swept through, the evil spirits by the thousands fell back to hell.”  (Sr. Natalia, The Victorious Queen of the World) 

The Wedding Feast of Cana:

Now listen to Me: my Son had come back from the desert, and was preparing Himself for His public life; but first He wanted to be present at this wedding, and therefore He allowed Himself to be invited. We went there, not to celebrate, but to work great things for the good of the human generations. My Son took the place of Father and King in the families, and I took the place of Mother and Queen. With Our presence We renewed the sanctity, the beauty, the order of the marriage formed by God in the Garden of Eden – that of Adam and Eve – married by the Supreme Being in order to populate the earth, and to multiply and increase the future generations. Marriage is the substance from which the life of the generations arises; it can be called the trunk from which the earth is populated. The priests, the religious, are the branches; but if it were not for the trunk, not even the branches would have life. Therefore, through sin, by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam and Eve caused the family to lose sanctity, beauty and order. And I, your Mama, the new innocent Eve, together with my Son, went to reorder that which God did in Eden; I constituted Myself Queen of families, and impetrated the grace that the Divine Fiat might reign in them, to have families that would belong to Me, and I might hold the place of Queen in their midst.  (The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will)

          .  “Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.”  Rev. 21:9-27, Rev. 22:6 “And behold, I am coming soon.”    

Proclamation of the Kingdom:

“As you write new things concerning Me and all that is related to Me, I invent new favors with which to reward you and I prepare to reveal to you new truths so that I can give you new rewards. I have always loved more, and have reserved greater graces for, those who have written about Me, because they are the continuation of my life of evangelization, the spokesmen of my word. I reserved what is not contained in my gospels to reveal it to whoever would write about Me. My life of preaching did not end then.... with the death of my Humanity. No, I must preach always, as long as there are generations of creatures."  Book of Heaven, Vol. 14, Feb. 14, 1922

“…in my all-seeingness, I see that these writings will be for my Church as a new Sun that will rise in its midst and then, attracted by its brilliant light, would apply themselves to transporting themselves into this light and go forth spiritualized and divinized by which, renewing the Church, they will transform the faith of the earth.”   Book of Heaven, Vol. 16, Feb. 10, 1924

The Transfiguration:

“My daughter, do you see how beautiful is the Sun of my Will?  What power!  What marvel!  In as far as the soul wishes to fuse itself in it to embrace everyone, my Will, transforming Itself into Sun, wounds the soul and forms another sun in her.  Once these acts are formed, they are changed to rays that wound the Sun of the Supreme Will.  And, enclosing everyone in this light, everyone glorifies and satisfies their Creator.  And what is more, it does not do this with human glory, satisfaction, or love, but the love and glory of the Divine Will, because the Sun of my Will has operated in her.  Do you see what it means to do acts in my Will?  This is living in my Volition:  That the Sun of my Will, transforming into sun the human will, act in her as in Its own center."  Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, Sept. 17, 1924

            “When Jesus will return in His divine glory and appear to all humanity, each one will be called to undergo the same experience as Peter, James and John underwent on Mount Tabor, because Jesus will manifest Himself in his splendor and his humanity will be completely transfigured in the most brilliant light of his divinity.”  (To the Priests, MMP #597)

“…through the power of the Spirit who dwells in man deification already begins on earth; the creature is transfigured and God’s kingdom inaugurated.”  The Light of the East, Pope John Paul II

The Institution of the Eucharist:

“I wanted to hide Myself under these Eucharistic veils and, so hidden, enter into her to form this transformation of the creature into Myself.  But in order for this transformation to take place, the dispositions were needed on the part of creatures; and my love, giving in to excess, in instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist, released from within my Divinity more graces, gifts, favors and light for the good of man, to render him worthy to receive Me.” Book of Heaven, Vol. 15, March 27, 1923

“Listen my daughter, when I instituted the Eucharistic Supper I saw and called all to come to Me, all generations, from the first to the last man, so that I could give to all my Sacramental Life, and not just once but just as often as man needs corporal nourishment.  I desired to constitute Myself as the nourishment of their souls.  But I felt very abused when I realized that this, my Sacramental Life, was encompassed by indifference, by carelessness, and even by ruthless death. I felt all the crudeness of the death of my Sacramental Life, and so painfully, so repeatedly. But then I took a better look and, making use of the Power of my Will, I called around Me the souls that were to live in my Will, and oh, how happy I felt!”  Book of Heaven,  Vol. 14, July 6, 1922

“Jesus instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist saying, ‘This is My Body, this is My Blood.’  And before twenty-four hours had passed, with the same lips He pronounced, “Behold your mother”, and it was because He not only gave Himself to you in order to nourish you as your food, but also to give me to you as your mother.”  Roses and Thorns, Concepcion Cabrera de Armida

            “…you can very well shrink all of yourself within my Will to be able to form the host of yourself in my Will.  For every act you do in my Will, you will make a host for Me; and I will feed Myself from you, as you do from Me.  What forms the host?  “ My own Life in it.”  Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, Oct. 20, 1917

“This last stage of the world belongs very specially to Him (the Holy Spirit) that He be honored and exalted…”  (Jesus to Conchita)

Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Feb. 5, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2019

Our Lady of America


Excerpts from messages to Sister Mildred Neuzil from Our Lady (1954-1959)

Nihil Obstat – Daniel Pilarczyk, STD

Imprimatur – Archbishop Paul F. Leibold, VG

“I am Our Lady of America.  I desire that my children honor me, 
especially by the purity of their lives.”

“My child, I entrust you with this message that you must make known to my children in America.   I wish it to be the country dedicated to my purity.  The wonders I will work will be the wonders of the soul.  They must have faith and believe firmly in my love for them.  I desire that they be the children of my Pure Heart.  I desire, through my children of America, to further the cause of faith and purity among peoples and nations.  Let them come to me with confidence and simplicity, and I, their Mother, will teach them to become pure like to my Heart that their own hearts may be more pleasing to the Heart of my Son.”  Sept. 25, 1956

“I come to you, O children of America, as a last resort. I plead with you to listen to my voice. Cleanse your souls in the Precious Blood of My Son. Live in His Heart, and take me in that I may teach you to live in great purity of heart which is so pleasing to God. Be my army of chaste soldiers, ready to fight to the death to preserve the purity of your souls. I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your land. Be my faithful children as I have been your faithful Mother.  These are my words, O my daughter. Make them known to my children. I desire to make the whole of America my shrine by making every heart accessible to the love of my Son.”  Sept. 27, 1956

Our Lady then asked me to draw a picture of her first appearance. She also requested a statue made according to this likeness and placed, after being solemnly carried in procession, in the Shrine of The Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. She wishes to be honored there in a special way as Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin.  Nov.15, 1956

"Tell the Bishops of the United States, my loyal sons, of my desires and how I wish them to be carried out. Through him who is head over you, make known the longings of my Immaculate Heart to establish the reign of my Divine Son in the hearts of men and thus save them from the scourge of heaven, both now and hereafter."  Our Lady, again addressing herself to me, spoke sadly yet hopefully:  "My daughter, will my children in America listen to my pleadings and console my Immaculate Heart? Will my loyal sons carry out my desires and thus help me bring the peace of Christ once again to mankind?”  Jan., 1957

“My beloved daughter, what I am about to tell you concerns in a particular way my children in America. Unless they do penance by mortification and self-denial and thus reform their lives, God will visit them with punishments hitherto unknown to them.”  Sept,. 1957

"What happens to the world depends upon those who are living in it. There must be much more good than evil prevailing in order to prevent the holocaust that is so near approaching. Yet I tell you, My daughter, that even should such a destruction happen because there were not enough souls who took My warnings seriously, there will remain a remnant untouched by the chaos who, having been faithful in following Me and spreading My warnings, will gradually inhabit the earth again with their dedicated and holy lives. These souls will renew the earth in the power and light of the Holy Spirit, and these faithful children of Mine will be under My protection, and that of the Holy Angels, and they will partake of the life of the Divine Trinity in a most remarkable way. Let my dear children know this, precious daughter, so that the will have no excuse if they fail to heed my warnings.”  Jan. 3, 1984

Prayer to Our Lady of America, Patroness of our Land

Written at the behest of Our Lady, October 5, 1956 by Sister Mary Ephrem (Mildred Neuzil)

Oh Immaculate Mother, Queen of our country, open our hearts, our homes, and our land to the

coming of Jesus, your Divine Son. With Him, reign over us, O heavenly Lady, so pure and so

bright with the radiance of Gods light shining in and about you. Be our leader against the powers

of evil set upon wresting the world of souls, redeemed at such a great cost by the sufferings of

your Son and of yourself, in union with Him, from that same Savior, Who loves us with infinite


We gather about you, O chaste and holy Mother, Virgin Immaculate, Patroness of our beloved

Land, determined to fight under your banner of holy purity against the wickedness that would

make all the world an abyss of evil, without God and without your loving maternal care.

We consecrate our hearts, our homes, our Land to your Most Pure Heart, O great Queen, that the

kingdom of your Son, our Redeemer and our God, may be firmly established in us.

We ask no special sign of you, sweet Mother, for we believe in your great love for us, and we

place in you our entire confidence. We promise to honor you by faith, love, and the purity of our

lives according to your desire.

Reign over us, then, O Virgin Immaculate, with your Son Jesus Christ. May His Divine Heart

and your most chaste Heart be ever enthroned and glorified among us. Use us, your children of

America, as your instruments of peace among men and nations. Work your miracle of grace in

us, so that we may be a glory to the Blessed Trinity, Who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us.

May your valiant spouse, St. Joseph, with the holy Angels and Saints, assist you and us in

"renewing the face of the earth." Then when our work is over, come, Holy Immaculate Mother,

and as our Victorious Queen, lead us to the eternal kingdom, where your Son reigns forever as

King.  Amen

This message was given by Our Lady through Fr. Gobbi (Marian Movement of Priests) on May 17, 1987

“My motherly Heart wants to save all of this so great nation.  I welcome you today, O America, into the refuge of my Immaculate Heart.  I put myself at your side to help you to recover.  I myself am traveling your roads in search of all my poor children, wandering, sick marginalized, wounded, stricken, abandoned and betrayed.  I welcome you into My Heart today, O Church of my Jesus, who are living and suffering here, O Church, one, holy, catholic, apostolic, united to my Pope of Rome.  The times of your sufferings are now counted.  Soon you will flower again, when my Immaculate Heart will have its triumph, and your light will return to shine with such intensity that it will draw all those who live in this great continent.  From my shrine (Nat’l Shrine pf the Immaculate Conception, Washington D.C.)  I encourage you all, and I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Friday, February 15, 2019

The New Heavens and The New Earth

Lynne Bauer, Oct. 16, 1996
Added from my notes:   

During Adoration this morning, I asked Our Lord for guidance in knowing how He wanted me to use the gifts He has given to me. He spoke saying, "My little one, do you not know that it was I who called you here (to the Adoration chapel)? Pray for your brothers and sisters. I need more prayers and sacrifices - I am losing so many souls. The darkness will become even darker before the Light comes. You will be as lambs among wolves." I told Him I was sorry for missing Mass this morning (I had already asked Him earlier in the morning to forgive me) - He said, "Never look back My child, only pray!  The Holy Spirit had inspired a prayer in me the last two days something like this: Come Lord and water this parched desert with your heavenly dew. Let the fountains of water flow from you heart as rivers across the dry land watering it so that the seeds sprout and grow into beautiful flowers nourished by the Sun. I immediately understood that the New Heavens and New Earth spoken of in Revelations was to come into our own hearts, and that our hearts would become as flowers springing up and growing into blossoms nourished by the Sun. 

When I got home from the chapel, I picked up the book "True Life in God" (Vassula) to read. Jesus said to Vassula, "The New Heavens and the New Earth will be when I will set My throne in you." "Allow my Holy Spirit to come to you as a roaring fire and purify you by burning all the dry plants (bad habits, sins) remaining in you and replace them with celestial seedlings and delightful vineyards," "winter is past, and the flowers (virtues) appear on your soil - the vineyard is forming its first flowers giving out their fragrance - this is Our Paradise.. "all the fruits are the virtues that are agreeable in Our Eyes...


See, because Creation has not moved from my Will in anything, the sky is always azure and starry, the sun is full of light and heat. The whole Creation is in perfect harmony; one thing is support of the other. It is always beautiful, fresh, young; It never grows old, nor does It lose one shadow of Its beauty; on the contrary, It seems that each day It rises as more majestic, giving a sweet enchantment to all creatures. So would man have been, had he not withdrawn from my Will; and so are the souls who live in my Will: they are the new heavens, the new suns, the new earth - all flowery; even more, more varied with beauty and enchantment.”   Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, May 1, 1921

The Fiat issued the Creation, and from the Fiat It receives continuous preservation. If my Fiat withdrew, It would resolve into nothing; and if It remains intact, without changing, it is because It has not gone out of the Fiat. However, I have not repeated a new Fiat, otherwise other new heavens, other new suns and stars would come out, but one different from the other. On the other hand, in the soul who lives in my Will it is not just one Fiat, but repeated Fiats. Therefore, as the soul operates in my Will, I repeat the Fiat, and new heavens are extended, new suns and stars; and since the soul contains an intelligence, these heavens are new heavens of love, of glory, of light, of adoration, of knowledge - forming such variety of beauty that I Myself remain enraptured. The whole of Heaven, the Saints, the Angels, cannot detach their gaze from her, because while they are looking at the variety of the heavens that she contains, other new ones extend, one more beautiful than the other. They see the Celestial Fatherland copied in the soul who lives in my Will - the multiplicity of the new things multiply to the infinite.  Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, Aug. 20, 1921

 “My daughter, what is not enjoyed today, will be enjoyed tomorrow; what now seems darkness because it finds blind minds, will turn into Sun tomorrow for those who have eyes. How much good they will do. So, let's keep doing what we've done. Let's do what is needed from our side so that nothing may be missing of help, light, good and surprising truth to make my Will known and to make It reign. I will use every means of love, grace and chastisement. I will touch all sides of creatures in order to have my Will reign. When it will seem that the true good is about to die, then, it will rise again more beautiful and majestic."  Book of Heaven, Vol. 36, Sept. 18, 1938

Our Lady through Fr. Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests, #505, Nov. 21, 1993
“The glorious reign of Christ will be above all established in hearts and souls.”  “The glorious reign of Christ will correspond to a general flowering of holiness and purity, of love and justice, of joy and peace.  For the hearts of men will be transformed by the powerful force of the Holy Spirit…”  “The glorious reign of Christ will be established after the complete defeat of satan and all the spirits of evil and the destruction of satans diabolical power.  “The glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the triumph of the Eucharistic reign of Jesus…”  “Your heavenly Mother is leading you on toward these new heavens and this new earth, the Mother who is gathering you today from every part of the world to prepare you to receive the Lord who is coming.”

 Our Lady through Fr. Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests, #536, Jan. 1, 1995
“Sufferings never before experienced are awaiting you, because the moment of a universal renewal is drawing close.  Satan will be defeated; the power of evil will be destroyed; Jesus will restore His glorious reign among you, and in this way the new heavens and the new earth will be formed.  Without an extraordinary intervention of my motherly love, you would not be able to support the pain of the great trial which has now come for all.”

“The acts done in my Will, carrying the Creative Power within themselves, will be the new salvation of man; and descending from Heaven, they will bring all goods upon earth.  They will bring the New Era, and the triumph over human iniquity.”  Book of Heaven, Volume 12 - April 26, 1921

“The world is exactly at the same point as when I was about to come upon earth.  All were awaiting a great event, a new era, as indeed occurred.  The same now; since the great event, the new era in which the Will of God may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, is coming – everyone is awaiting this new era, tired of the present one, but without knowing what this new thing, this change is about, just as they did not know it when I came upon earth.”
  Book of Heaven, Volume 15 - July 14, 1923

“The glorious reign of Christ will be above all established in hearts and souls.”  “The glorious reign of Christ will correspond to a general flowering of holiness and purity, of love and justice, of joy and peace.  For the hearts of men will be transformed by the powerful force of the Holy Spirit…”  “The glorious reign of Christ will be established after the complete defeat of satan and all the spirits of evil and the destruction of satans diabolical power.  “The glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the triumph of the Eucharistic reign of Jesus…”  “Your heavenly Mother is leading you on toward these new heavens and this new earth, the Mother who is gathering you today from every part of the world to prepare you to receive the Lord who is coming.” 
MMP, #505, Nov. 21, 1993

“The new era, which I announce to you, coincides with the complete fulfillment of the Divine Will, so that at last there is coming about that which Jesus taught you to ask for from the Heavenly Father: ‘Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’”  From the perfect fulfillment of the Divine Will, the whole world is becoming renewed because God finds there, as it were, His new garden of Eden where He can dwell in loving companionship with His creatures.”
  MMP, #453, Aug. 15, 1991

“Sufferings never before experienced are awaiting you, because the moment of a universal renewal is drawing close.  Satan will be defeated; the power of evil will be destroyed; Jesus will restore His glorious reign among you, and in this way the new heavens and the new earth will be formed.  Without an extraordinary intervention of my motherly love, you would not be able to support the pain of the great trial which has now come for all.”
  MMP #536, Jan. 1, 1995

CCC #671 Though already present in his Church, Christ's reign is nevertheless yet to be fulfilled "with power and great glory" by the King's return to earth. This reign is still under attack by the evil powers, even though they have been defeated definitively by Christ's Passover. Until everything is subject to him, "until there be realized new heavens and a new earth in which justice dwells, the pilgrim Church, in her sacraments and institutions, which belong to this present age, carries the mark of this world which will pass, and she herself takes her place among the creatures which groan and travail yet and await the revelation of the sons of God." That is why Christians pray, above all in the Eucharist, to hasten Christ's return by saying to him: Marana tha! "Our Lord, come!"

Isaiah 46:9-11 Remember the former things long past, for I am God, and there is no other, I am God, and there is no one like me: Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things which have not been done, saying: My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure.” 

Revelations 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Revelations 21:5 And he that sat on the throne, said: Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me: Write, for these words are most faithful and true.

“Await with a penitent soul the coming of the great age which is getting closer and closer with each day!”  Victorious Queen of the World 

Isaiah 65:17-21
Thus says the LORD: Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; The things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind. Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create; For I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a delight; I will rejoice in Jerusalem and exult in my people. No longer shall the sound of weeping be heard there, or the sound of crying; No longer shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not round out his full lifetime; He dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years, and he who fails of a hundred shall be thought accursed. They shall live in the houses they build, and eat the fruit of the vineyards they plant.

L. Bauer, Feb. 2016

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

From Union to Unity

From Union to Unity

This morning I found myself in such disheartenment and I saw myself so bad, that I myself rendered myself unbearable. When Jesus came, I told Him of my pains and the miserable state I was in, and He said to me: “My daughter, do not want to lose heart. It is my usual way to operate perfection little by little, and not everything in one instant, so that the soul, in seeing that she is always lacking something, may push herself and make all efforts in order to reach what she lacks, with the purpose of pleasing Me more and of sanctifying herself more. And I, drawn by those acts, feel compelled to give her new graces and celestial favors, and in this way a commerce, fully divine, forms between the soul and God. Otherwise, if the soul possessed within herself the fullness of perfection and therefore of all virtues, she would not find ways by which to strive, to please Me more, and so the tinder with which to start the fire between creature and Creator would be missing. (Book of Heaven, Sept. 5, 1899)

Jesus to Conchita, (from "Conchita, A Mothers Spiritual Diary"):

"It is not possible to imagine transformation into Christ as a static reality. Divine life, communicated to man in his earthly pilgrimage, is of itself in constant progress."

"From the outset of all Christian life, by the new birth 'of water and of the Spirit,' transformation into Christ begins, but it is but an initial transformation, a seed which must grow."

"Even on the summits of the spiritual life this vital progress continues. This life of union still mounts toward unity, of course not a unity in the order of being, but in the intentional order of knowledge and of love."

"Listen. There are many progressive degrees in the transformation. The highest degree on earth corresponds to a transformation of the creature not only in its manner of thinking and of acting which becomes divine, but which, in a certain sense, causes it to disappear an annihilate itself to give place to Me.

"This degree is the work of the Holy Spirit alone who becomes the soul of this soul and the life of this body.

"This point which leads to union, even more, to unity, is the point of perfection which approaches most the Trinity.
"The creature left to itself would be incapable of attaining this degree without the most powerful aid of Him who is the inexhaustible Source of graces, the Holy Spirit. The mystical incarnation attracts the Holy Spirit, loving, mighty and divine of the Word who possesses the soul. Transformation is in the innermost part and the most noble of the creature" (Diary, Aug. 6, 1912).

“There is still a higher stage in this Divine Will.  It is total self-surrender, interiorly to this same Will of God.  This self-surrender leads to the highest summit of perfection: It is the supreme stage of all virtue ( Diary, June 6, 1900)

Novena of Abandonment by Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo (d. 1970)
Day 1
Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to Me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

 Day 2
Surrender to Me does not mean to fret, to be upset, or to lose hope, nor does it mean offering to Me a worried prayer asking Me to follow you and change your worry into prayer. It is against this surrender, deeply against it, to worry, to be nervous and to desire to think about the consequences of anything. It is like the confusion that children feel when they ask their mother to see to their needs, and then try to take care of those needs for themselves so that their childlike efforts get in their mother’s way. Surrender means to placidly close the eyes of the soul, to turn away from thoughts of tribulation and to put yourself in My care, so that only I act, saying “You take care of it”.
O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

 Day 3

How many things I do when the soul, in so much spiritual and material need, turns to Me, looks at Me and says to Me; “You take care of it”, then closes its eyes and rests. In pain you pray for Me to act, but that I act in the way you want. You do not turn to Me, instead, you want me to adapt your ideas. You are not sick people who ask the doctor to cure you, but rather sick people who tell the doctor how to. So do not act this way, but pray as I taught you in the our Father: “Hallowed be thy Name“, that is, be glorified in my need. “Thy kingdom come“, that is, let all that is in us and in the world be in accord with your kingdom. “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven“, that is, in our need, decide as you see fit for our temporal and eternal life. If you say to Me truly: “Thy will be done“, which is the same as saying: “You take care of it”, I will intervene with all My omnipotence, and I will resolve the most difficult situations.
O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

 Day 4
You see evil growing instead of weakening? Do not worry. Close your eyes and say to Me with faith: “Thy will be done, You take care of it.” I say to you that I will take care of it, and that I will intervene as does a doctor and I will accomplish miracles when they are needed. Do you see that the sick person is getting worse? Do not be upset, but close your eyes and say “You take care of it.” I say to you that I will take care of it, and that there is no medicine more powerful than My loving intervention. By My love, I promise this to you.
O Jesus, I surrendered myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

 Day 5
And when I must lead you on a path different from the one you see, I will prepare you; I will carry you in My arms; I will let you find yourself, like children who have fallen asleep in their mother’s arms, on the other bank of the river. What troubles you and hurts you immensely are your reason, your thoughts and worry, and your desire at all costs to deal with what afflicts you.
O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

Day 6
You are sleepless; you want to judge everything, direct everything and see to everything and you surrender to human strength, or worse—to men themselves, trusting in their intervention—this is what hinders My words and My views. Oh, how much I wish from you this surrender, to help you; and how I suffer when I see you so agitated! Satan tries to do exactly this: to agitate you and to remove you from My protection and to throw you into the jaws of human initiative. So, trust only in Me, rest in Me, surrender to Me in everything.
O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

Day 7

I perform miracles in proportion to your full surrender to Me and to your not thinking of yourselves. I sow treasure troves of graces when you are in the deepest poverty. No person of reason, no thinker, has ever perform miracles, not even among the saints. He does divine works whosoever surrenders to God. So don’t think about it any more, because your mind is acute, and for you, it is very hard to see evil and to trust in Me and to not think of yourself. Do this for all your needs, do this all of you and you will see great continual silent miracles. I will take care of things, I promise this to you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

  Day 8

Close your eyes and let yourself be carried away on the flowing current of My grace; close your eyes and do not think of the present, turning your thoughts away from the future just as you would from temptation. Repose in Me, believing in My goodness, and I promise you by My love that if you say “You take care of it”, I will take care of it all; I will console you, liberate you and guide you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

  Day 9

Pray always in readiness to surrender, and you will receive from it great peace and great rewards, even when I confer on you the grace of immolation, of repentance and of love. Then what does suffering matter? It seems impossible to you? Close your eyes and say with all your soul, “Jesus, you take care of it”. Do not be afraid, I will take care of things and you will bless My name by humbling yourself. A thousand prayers cannot equal one single act of surrender, remember this well. There is no novena more effective than this.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!

L. Bauer

Divine Love

Divine Love
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