(Blessed Conchita De Armida)
Excerpts from
“Conchita, A Mothers Spiritual Diary”:
"You will be My altar and at the same time My
victim. Offer yourself in union with Me,
offer Me at each moment to the eternal Father, with the so exalted purpose of
saving souls and of glorifying Him. Forget everything and above all forget
yourself. Let that be your constant
occupation. You have received a sublime
mission, the mission of a priest. Admire
My bounty and show your gratitude.
Without you knowing it, I have given you what you desired so much, and
much, much more than that: the ability to be a priest, not that of holding Me
in your hands but in your heart and the grace of never separating Myself from
you. Achieve the grandiose finality of
this grace. As you see, it is not for
you alone but universal, obliging you with all possible purity to be at one and
the same time altar and victim, consumed in holocaust with the other Victim,
the sole Host which may be agreeable to God and which may save the world.
The Lord had told Conchita, sometime after the mystical
incarnation. "You are at once altar and priest, since you possess the most
holy Victim of Calvary and of the Eucharist and since you have the power of
offering Him constantly for the salvation of the world. It is the most precious
fruit of the great favor of My mystical incarnation in your heart… You are My
altar and at the same time you will be My victim. Offer yourself in union with
Me. Offer Me at every instant to the eternal Father, with the sublime intent of
saving souls and of glorifying Him. Forget all and especially yourself. Let
this be your constant concern, You have received a sublime mission. As you see,
it is not for yourself alone but universal, obliging you with all purity
possible to be at the same time altar and victim consumed in holocaust with the
other Victim, the Unique Host, pleasing to God and able to save the world"
(Diary, June 21, 1906).
"In the concrete, the mystical incarnation is nothing
other than a most powerful grace of transformation which simplifies and unites
to Jesus by purity and by immolation, rendering the being in its entirety, as
much as possible, like to Him. Because of this likeness of the soul to the
Incarnate Word, the eternal Father finds pleasure in it, and the role of Priest
and Victim which Jesus had on earth is communicated to it, in order that it
obtain graces from heaven for the whole world. That is why, the more a soul is
like Me, the more the Eternal Father hears it, not due to its worth but due to
its likeness and its union with Me and in virtue of My merits which constitute
what counts for obtaining graces" (Diary, Dec. 11, 1913).
Briefly, the mystical incarnation is a grace of
identification which Christ, Priest and Host, a grace which makes Him continue
on in the Members of His Mystical Body, His mission of glorifier of the Father
and Savior of men. It is a special grace of transformation in the priestly soul
of Christ.
"I want you to be My host and have the intention,
renewed as often as possible day and night, of offering yourself with Me on all
the patens on earth. I want you, transformed in Me by suffering, by love and by
the practice of all the virtues, to raise heavenward this cry of your soul in
union with Me: 'This is My Body, This is My Blood.' Thus by making yourself but
one with the Incarnate Word out of love and suffering, with the same intentions
of love, you will obtain graces for the whole world. You will offer Me Myself
and yourself also, with the Holy Spirit and through Mary, to the eternal
Father. "
"Such is the end and essence of My Works of the Cross;
a likeness of victims united to the great Victim, Myself, all pure, without the
leaven of concupiscence. They will be marked by the reflection of My Passion,
in order that there rise heavenward a unanimous cry: 'This is My Body, This is
My Blood.' Transformed into priests in union with the eternal Priest, they will
offer to heaven, on behalf of the Church and of priests their brothers, their
crucified bodies forming but one single Body with Mine, since they are members
of Him who is the Head, Christ the Redeemer.
"…one only Host,
one only Victim, one only Priest immolating Himself and immolating Me in your
heart on behalf of the whole world. The Father pleased, will receive this
offering presented through the Holy Spirit, and the graces of heaven will
descend as rain on the earth."
"When I pronounced these words: 'Do this in memory of
Me,' I was not addressing Myself only to priests. Of course, they alone have
the power to change the substance of bread into My most holy Body and the
substance of wine into My Blood. But the power to unite in one single oblation
all oblations belongs to all Christians. It belong to all Christians, members
of one single Body, to become one with the Victim on the altar by faith and
works, offering Me as Host in appropriation to My eternal Father" (Diary,
June 7, 1916).
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