Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Sanctity of Living in the Divine Will

Book of Heaven, Volume 12

November 27, 1917

               “In all sanctities there are always Saints who first gave beginning to [that] type of sanctity.  Thus there was the Saint who began the sanctity of the penitents, another who began the sanctity of obedience, another of humility, and so on for all the rest of the sanctities.  Now, I want that you be the beginning of the Sanctity of living in My Volition.

               “My daughter, all the other sanctities are not exempt from the loss of time, or of personal interest—as, for example, [in] a soul who lives completely (attentive) to obedience, there is much (loss) of time.  [By] talking and talking she continually distracts herself from Me, and puts virtue in My place.  If she does not have the occasion of receiving all orders, she lives worried.  Another suffers temptations, oh, how much loss of time!  She never tires of telling all her trials, and puts virtue in My place.  Moreover, many times these sanctities go to pieces.

               “But the Sanctity of living in My Volition is exempt from personal interest, from the loss of time.  There is no danger that she [this soul] exchange Me for the virtues.  Thus living in My Volition is Me.  This was the Sanctity of My Humanity on earth, and therefore I did all for everyone without the shadow of interests.  Self-interest takes away the imprint of the Divine Sanctity.  Thus she can never be a Sun.  At the most, for however beautiful, she can be a star.

               “Alas, My daughter, the present generation deserves to be completely destroyed.  Moreover, if I permit that a few remain of it, it is to form these Suns of the Sanctity of the living in My Will, who, by My example, will redo all that the other creatures, past, present, and future, owed Me.  Then the earth will give Me true glory, and My Fiat Voluntas Tua, ‘as in Heaven so on earth,’ will have completion and fulfillment.”

Volume 12 - January 29, 1919

It then appeared that He said to me:  “My beloved daughter, I want to make known to you the order of My Providence.  In the course of every two thousand years I have renewed the world.  In the first two thousand I renewed it with the Deluge.  In the second two thousand I renewed it with My coming upon the earth in which I manifested My Humanity, from which, as from so many cracks, My Divinity shown forth.  Moreover the good and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have experienced the fruit of My Humanity, and by licking [this fruit] have enjoyed some of My Divinity.

               “Now we are about at the end of the third two thousand years, and there will be a third renewal.  This is the reason for the general confusion, it is nothing other than the preparation of the third renewal.  Moreover, if in the second renewal I manifested that which My Humanity did and suffered, and very little of what the Divinity worked, now, in this third renewal, after the earth has been purged and a great part of the present generation destroyed, I will be even more magnanimous with creatures and I will carry out the renewal by manifesting that which My Divinity did in My Humanity:  How My Divine Volition worked with My Human Volition.  How everything remained linked in Me.  How I did and redid everything, and even every thought of every creature was redone by Me and sealed with My Divine Volition.  My Love wants to vent itself, and wants to make known the excesses that My Divinity worked in My Humanity in favor of creatures, excesses that went above and beyond the excesses that My Humanity worked externally.

               This is also why I often speak to you about living in My Volition, which until now I have not manifested to anyone.  At the most they have known the shadow of My Will, the grace and sweetness that doing it contains.  But penetrating within, embracing Its immensity, multiplying oneself with Me and penetrating everywhere—while remaining on earth—as well as in Heaven and in hearts, abandoning human ways and working with Divine ways, this is not yet known—so much so that to many it will appear foreign, and who does not have a mind open to the light of Truth will not comprehend anything.  But little by little I will show the way, manifesting now one truth, now another, about living in My Volition, [such] that they will end by understanding it.

Volume 14

October 6, l922

Luisa:  the First to Live in the Divine Will

My daughter, if everything that is human--even a single thought--is not done in my Volition, man cannot take his proper place.  The stream does not form and my Will is unable to descend to the earth to be known and reign."

On hearing this I said to him:  "My Love, Jesus, is it possible that after so many centuries of life of the Church that the many Saints who have surprised heaven and earth by their virtue and marvels, didn't do anything in your Divine Will so as to form the plane of which you speak?.  It seems incredible to me that you are expecting this plane from me who am the most incapable, the worst, and the most ignorant to do it."   And Jesus said:  "Listen, my daughter, my Wisdom has means and ways which man ignores and obliges him to bow his head and adore in mute silence.  And it is not for him to prescribe laws to me or tell me whom I should choose or the best time my Goodness disposes.  Moreover, I had to first form the Saints to resemble Me and copy my Humanity in the most perfect way, as far as it was possible for them to do.  And I have already completed this. 

Now my Goodness wishes to go still further, reaching the greatest  excesses of love.  I want, therefore, that my children enter my Humanity and copy what the Soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will.  If those who were first cooperated with my Redemption in the salvation of souls, teaching the law and conquering sin during the centuries in which they lived, those who are second can go beyond, copying what the Soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will.  In so doing they will embrace all ages and all people.  Rising above every creature, they will restore the rights of Creation--my own as well as those of creatures.  They will take all things to the prime origin of Creation and to the purpose for which creation came to be.

Everything has its order in Me.  If creation came forth from Me with order, it should return to Me with the same order as when it left my hands.  Now I have already transformed the first plane of human acts into divine acts in my Volition.   I left these acts as if suspended and the creature did not know anything about this, except my dear and inseparable Mother.  And this was necessary.  And if man did not know the way, the door, and the rooms of my Humanity, how could he have entered to do what I did.  But now the time has come for the creature to enter into this plane and do his acts  in mine. 

Why do you marvel that I have called you to be the first?  Moreover, it is particularly true that I have called you to be first.  And to no other creatures, however much I love them, have I shown how to live in my Volition, Its effects and marvels and the goods the creature receives who operates in my Supreme Volition. 

Search through the lives of as many Saints as you wish or in all the books of doctrine and you will not find the prodigies of my Will operating in the creature and the creature operating in mine.  At most you will find resignation, abandonment and union of wills, but not my Divine Will operating in the creature and the creature, in turn, operating in the Divine Will.  This means that the time had not arrived in which my Goodness should call the creature to live in this sublime state.  Even the very manner I have you pray is not found in any other creature.  Therefore, be attentive.  And since my Justice urges it and my Love ardently seeks it, my Wisdom disposes everything so as to obtain this.  What We want from you are the rights and glory of Creation."

No one else has entered into my Divine Will to do everything that my Humanity did.  My Saints have done my Will, but they have not entered within to take part in all that my Will does and to take as within a blink of the eye all acts from the first to the last man and make themselves actors, spectators and divinizers.  By only doing my Will, one cannot succeed in doing everything that my Eternal Volition contains; and my Will descends into the creature in a limited way, only to the extent that the creature can contain It.  But he who enters within my Will becomes larger and diffuses like solar light in the eternal flights of my Will; and finding my acts and those of my Mother, he places his own there, also.

“Look into my Will:  do you see there any acts done by creatures, which are added to my own and which extend to the final act that will be done on this earth?  Look well, but you will find none, which means that no one has entered.  It has been reserved to my little daughter to open the doors of my Eternal Will, to unite her acts to mine and to those of my Mother, thus rendering all our acts in triplicate before the Supreme Majesty, and for the good of creatures.  Now, having opened the doors, others can enter provided they are disposed to so great a good.”

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