Thursday, February 27, 2025

Reflections on Confession from the Book of Heaven


Reflections on Confession from the Book of Heaven


Some reflections on Confession from the Book of Heaven

Volume 1

I would say to Him: “…my beloved, give me sorrow for my sins, so that, consumed by sorrow and by regret for having offended You, my sins may be erased from my soul, and also from your memory. Yes, give me as much sorrow, for as much as I have dared to offend You. Even more, let sorrow surpass this, so that I may draw more intimately close to You.”

All humbled and confused as I was, prostrated at the feet of the good father Jesus, through the rays He was sending into my mind, I tried to excite myself more to sorrow by saying - though I don’t remember everything: „Great, immense, has been the evil I have done against You. These powers of mine and these senses of my body were meant to be as many tongues with which to praise You. Ah! instead, they have been like many poisonous vipers which were biting You and were even trying to kill You. But, holy father, forgive me – do not want to cast me away because of the great wrong I have done to You by sinning.’

And Jesus: “And you – do you promise to sin no more, and to banish from your heart any shadow of evil that might offend your Creator?”

And I: “Ah! yes, with all my heart I promise You. I would die a thousand times rather than sin again. Never again, never again.”

And Jesus: “And I forgive you, and I apply to your soul the merits of my Passion, and I want to wash it in my Blood.”

And as He was saying this,  He raised His blessed right hand and pronounced the words of the absolution – exactly like the words that the priest says, when he gives absolution. And in the act of doing this, a river of blood poured down from His hand, and my soul was completely inundated by it.

Volume 6 – September 7, 1904

I was concerned because I had read in a book that the reason for so many frustrated vocations is the lack of incessant sorrow for sin; and since I do not think about this, but I only think of blessed Jesus and of how to have Him come, and I occupy myself with nothing else, I thought to myself of what a bad state I was in. Then, as I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, attention on not committing sin makes up for the sorrow; and even if one were sorry, but in spite of this he committed sins, his sorrow would be vain and fruitless. On the other hand, a continuous attention on not committing sins not only takes the place of sorrow, but pushes grace continuously to help the soul in a special  way not to fall into sin, and it maintains the soul always purged. Therefore, continue to be attentive on not offending Me even slightly, for this will make up for all the rest.”


Volume 6 – July 18, 1905

“My daughter, when a confessor manifests to the souls his way of operating in their interior, he
loses the drive to continue to operate; and the soul, knowing the purpose that the confessor has over her, will become negligent and nervous in her operating. In the same way, if the soul manifests her interior to others, in revealing her secret her drive will evaporate, and she will be left all weakened. And if this does not happen when she opens herself to the confessor, it is because the power of the Sacrament keeps the steam, increases the strength, and places its seal upon it.”

Volume 9 – August 3, 1910

And Jesus added: “My daughter, do not trouble yourself, when there is true sin, it is not necessary for Me to say it; the soul already perceives it by herself, because sin, when it is voluntary, upsets the natural humors: man undergoes as though a transformation in evil, he feels as though soaked with the sin he has voluntarily committed. Just as true virtue transforms the soul in good, her humors remain all in harmony among themselves, and her nature feels as though soaked with sweetness, with charity, with peace – so it is with sin.  So, have you perceived this turmoil? Have you felt as though soaked with impatience, with anger, with disturbances?” And while He was saying this, He seemed to look deep into me, to see whether that was in me, and it seemed that it was not. And He continued: “You yourself have seen it”.

Volume 14 – November 16, 1922

Afterwards, I was receiving absolution, and I said to myself: „My Jesus, I want to receive it in your Will.‟ And immediately, without giving Me time, Jesus added: “And I absolve you in my Will; and as I absolve you, my Will puts the words of absolution on the way, to absolve whomever wants to be absolved, and to forgive whomever wants forgiveness. My Will takes all, not one alone; but those who are disposed will take more than anyone.”

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