Saturday, February 1, 2025

Another dream about the Church

 Written 9/3/17 - A dream I had two nights ago:

My husband and I were walking into a large building for Mass.  I assumed was a Catholic Church but it seemed very different as it was filled with many people and was quite noisy.  My husband turned to me saying that there was another Church right next door where a Priest we know well (Fr. Orr) was celebrating a Latin Mass.  We ran next door to a tiny building hoping not to miss Mass and saw that there were no pews or kneelers – only sofas and chairs.  I realized somehow I was not in a Church, but a house.  There were only about 5 or 6 people there.  I saw the Priest sitting in a corner in a chair and I sat down next to a lady on the sofa waiting for Mass to begin. Suddenly I found myself completely alone. I ran from the building and was followed by men with weapons but somehow got away from them.  I understood interiorly that this happened because of something the Pope had said, and I also understood that those left behind had been killed.  What I understood from this dream was that the Latin Mass was going to be suppressed and the large Church next door was a replacement for the Catholic Church.

Written 9/4/17 - I dreamed that I was alone with no others around me, and I sensed that all the others I had been with were killed.  I looked up and in front of me on top of a hill I saw about eight to ten men with weapons who I understood were after me. I ran down a hill and then had to run up a steep hill that was quite far away to reach a patch of trees that I thought would hide me. I asked Jesus as I ran to help me as I was not able to run that far and up a steep hill but I made it to the top and into the trees.  When I got to the trees I began to feel guilty and thought to myself that perhaps I was to stay where others were killed – that it may have been God’s Will, but that I ran in fear of those who were after me.

Then I awoke and realized how this seemed to be a continuation of the dream from the previous night.  Today someone posted on a Catholic blog the picture of all the dead at the foot of the hill with Our Blessed Mother standing at the top (I think this was a vision from Lucia at Fatima).  I wonder if this represents what I was shown in my dreams – my climbing a large steep hill and Our Lady being the safety of the trees!

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Bride

 On July 13, 1994, I had a very vivid dream – I was standing in a beautiful long wide isle filled

with a bright light and was standing to the right of a bride in a very beautiful large glowing white

gown. I looked directly at her, but there was no face to be seen (I remember trying so hard to

see her face!). I heard the sounds of many other people who seemed to be on the left side of

the bride, but didn’t see anyone, just felt their presence. Looking down the isle I saw a large

archway on the right where a very majestic man entered into the isle and walked up to the

bride. I immediately knew it was Our Lord. He never looked at me but only the bride. When

he arrived in front of the bride, who was standing on my left, He spoke saying that He would be

there soon and that she would not have to wait much longer.

On Feb. 26, 2009, I had been reading Vol. 24, May 26, 1928 and read the following:

“...they knock at the doors of my Divine Will - they repeat the knocking, and some knock

strongly, some slowly. However, there is always someone who knocks and asks that the doors

be opened, so that my Will may descend to reign upon earth. And since everything is

established and ordered by the Divinity, It waits for the one who must give the strongest knock

which, forcing the doors with invincible strength – the very strength of my Divine Will – will open

wide the doors, and with her sweet chains of love, will bind the Eternal Will to make It come and

reign in the midst of creatures. She will be like a bride who, bejeweling the groom with her

loving chains, will carry him as though in triumph into the midst of creatures. And just as

the Holy Virgin put an end to the night hours of the patriarchs and prophets, and formed the

dawn to make the Sun of the Eternal Word rise, so will this one form the dawn to make rise the

Sun of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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