Excerpts taken from Mother Angelica’s – Three Keys to the Kingdom and His Will and Mine
We are made in God’s Image:
Our Memory – resembles the Father – as the Father
knows Himself, we know ourselves through our Memory.
Our Intellect (understanding) – resembles the Son
– as the Son is the perfect Image of the Father, so our Understanding is the
exterior image of what we remember.
Our Will – resembles the Spirit – As the Holy Spirit is the Love
and Power that proceeds from the Father and the Son, so our Will is motivated
by love and accomplishes what the Memory and Understanding give it to desire.
The first step in our
efforts to glorify God is to know God's will. The second step, however, is the
most important and that is: how do we live in that Will—how do we
fulfill it—how do we
accomplish that Will with joy?
To do this we must look at
the life of Jesus. Jesus saw in every facet of His life, the Will of His
Father. He seemed preoccupied with it.
Perhaps the most helpful comment Jesus made about the Father's Will was when He said it was His food. Though each person's
state in life is different, each one's work and mission are different, the one common
goal we should all desire is that of living in His Will—not just
accomplishing it—but, like Jesus living in it. It should be the food and
nourishment of our souls.
Life should not be a battle of Wills—His and mine. Life is a never ending
call to love and an opportunity to respond with the same love—a call to
sacrifice our dearest possession just as the Father sacrificed His dearest
possession—an opportunity to say, "l love you, Father, more than
myself." Love then, is the axis on which the Will revolves. If our
love is selfish, our Will is geared toward self-gratification. If our love is
unselfish, our Will is directed toward the Glory of God and the good of our
cannot separate love from the Will, for love decides what direction the Will
takes. Even those
who reject God possess a kind of love—a love for evil—evil deeds—evil company.
Eventually, an eternal hatred is born from this love for evil. Pride is a
misdirected love and if unconquered during life, turns inward with such force,
its back is turned away from God forever. This is the great sin which is
difficult to repent of— not admitting error and not accepting dependence on
Change as We Share His Nature
MEMORY – To keep our Memory free of resentment, to substitute good emotions for bad emotions, to forgive and forget, to realize our own weaknesses.
UNDERSTANDING – To admit our limitations, to realize
His Transcendence, to accept His Revelations, to think as He thinks.
WILL – To have strength to do His Will, to see things
as He sees them, to prefer Him to ourselves, to do everything for Him.
With God’s Will – St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: “Charity
is the bond of perfection.” (Col. 3:14); and perfect love of God means the
complete union of our will with God’s. The principal effect of love is so
to unite the wills of those who love each other as to make them will the same
things. It follows then, that the
more one unites His will with the Divine Will, the greater will be his love of
God. Mortifications, meditation,
receiving Holy Communion, acts of fraternal charity are all certainly pleasing
to God – but only when they are in accordance with God’s Will, He not only
finds no pleasure in them, but He even rejects them utterly and punishes them.
From the Book of Heaven, (Luisa Piccarreta) Sept. 26,
greatest good that the creature has received from God was being created in His
image and likeness, and endowed with three powers – intellect, memory and
will – and there is no sin that the creature commits in which these three
powers do not concur. So, she stains and disfigures the beautiful divine image
that she contains within herself, using the gift to offend the Giver.
Father, may your Will, made known in Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
reign in us through Mary!
Spirit, Mother Mary, unite us to Jesus, that together we may live in the Bosom
of the Father – in the Heart of the Trinity – in the Name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
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