Sunday, December 22, 2024

How to make Jesus be born and grow in your heart

 Volume 8

December 25, 1908

How to make Jesus be born and grow in your hearts.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was longing for little Baby Jesus, and after

many hardships, He made Himself seen in my interior as a little Baby, and told

me: "My daughter, the best way to make Me be born in one’s own heart, is to

empty oneself of everything, because in finding empty space, I can place all my

goods in it. And only then can I remain in it forever, if there is room to be able to

carry all that belongs to Me, all that is my own. A person who went to live in the

house of someone else, could be called happy only if he found empty space in

which to be able to put all of his belongings; otherwise, he would be unhappy. So

I am.

The second thing in order to make Me be born and to increase my happiness, is

that everything the soul contains, both internal and external - everything, must be

done for Me; everything must serve to honor Me, to execute my orders. If only

one thing, one thought, one word, is not for Me, I feel unhappy, and while I

should be the master, they make Me a slave. Can I tolerate all this?

The third one is heroic love, magnified love, love of sacrifice. These three loves

make my happiness grow in a marvelous way, because they render the soul

capable of works which are superior to her strengths, as she does them with my

strength alone. They will expand her, by making not only her, but also others

love Me. And she will reach the point of enduring anything, even death, in order

to triumph in everything, and be able to say to Me: ‘I have nothing else;

everything is only love for You.’ In this way, she will not only make Me be born,

but will make Me grow, and will form a beautiful paradise in her heart."

As He was saying this, I looked at Him, and from little, in one instant He became

big, in such a way that I remained completely filled with Him. Then everything


Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Inner Cloister and the New and Divine Holiness

 “The Holy Spirit wants to give Christians a ‘new and divine holiness’

at the Dawn of the Third Millennium” - Pope John Paul II

To Conchita (Ven. Maria Concepcion Cabrera de Armida), Jesus speaks of “the inner


“I want to make you a saint known to Me alone. That is why I take care of you, advise you,

direct you, watch over you...I want you to be a mirror of hidden virtues ...nothing external. “You

are to live cloistered in the very inner sanctuary of your souls, for there is where dwells the Holy

Spirit. It is in this sanctuary you must live and die. There are your delights, your consolations,

your repose. Do not look elsewhere for it. You will never find it.”

“From today on, enter into the innermost regions of your soul, into those areas so

unknown to so many others, but where is found that happiness which I am. Enter into it never to

leave it. And here is the path which will lead you there: the inner...”

“Here is your cloister, your religious perfection. It is not enough to immure your body, to be

a nun....The ‘inner cloister’ is essential for the sanctification of the soul within to be all Mine.

You must never leave this inner sanctuary, even in the midst of your outside obligations.”

“There, in this sanctuary, which no one sees, is found true virtue and consequently the

contemplation of God and the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.” (Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary,


Ven. Mother Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche (1868-1915) spoke about the interior

life in her book containing messages from Our Lord, “The Love and Service of God Infinite

Love”. She says, “The interior life does not consist, as some people wrongfully think, in the

suppression of all activity; if that were so, it would be incompatible with good works, which are

the fruit of charity. The interior life can be established and maintained in the midst of the most

exacting employments, and many Saints who have added luster to the Church have prove this by

their lives which were filled with holy works and, which were at the same time, altogether

interior.” She goes on to say, “Let us unite ourselves with the Virgin Mary and, like her,

completely recollected in our interior, let us seek Jesus, Who reposes there in silence and in

peace. Let us think of the sentiments of Mary, and like her, detaching our souls more and more

from the exterior, passing things of time, let us live with the Divine Master that interior life

which will be for us a prelude of the life of happiness in Heaven.”

St. Faustina was told by her confessor, “Let God push your boat out into the deep waters,

toward the unfathomable depths of the interior life.”

From the writings of St. Louis Marie de Montfort: “Because Mary remained hidden

during her life, she is called by the Holy Spirit and the Church, Alma Mater, Mother hidden and

unknown. So great was her humility that she desired nothing more upon earth than to remain

unknown to herself and to others, and to be known only to God.”

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity speaks of interior silence saying, “It seems to me, that to

keep one’s strength for the Lord is to unify one’s whole being by means of interior silence, to

collect all one’s powers in order to employ them in the one work of love, to have this single eye

which allows the light of God to enlighten us. A soul that debates with its self, that is taken up

with its feelings, and pursues useless thoughts sand desires, scatters it forces, for it is not wholly

directed toward God. Its lyre does not vibrate in unison and when the Master plays it, He cannot

draw from it divine harmonies, for it is still too human and discordant...How indispensable this

beautiful inner unity is for the soul that wants to live here below the life of the blessed....”

Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta: “ be able to rest in God, inner silence is necessary...”

“But what is this inner silence? It is to silence our own passions by holding them in check; to

impose silence on desires, inclinations and sentiments; in summary, on everything which does

not call God.” (vol. 3, 5/20/1900)

Luke 17:20: The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed, and no one will

announce, ‘Look, here it is’ or ‘there it is’.”

Luke 2:19: “And Mary kept in mind all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

Lynne Bauer, 1998

Monday, December 9, 2024

Abomination of Desolation


Yesterday, something prompted me to pick up a book from my bookcase which I brought with

me to Adoration this morning. The book is “True Life in God”, Jesus’ messages through Vassula

Ryden. Yesterday, I was on a Catholic blog and someone had posted what they thought was

happening in the Church today, so I went to Fr. Gobbi’s book and posted what Our Lady said

about “the abomination of desolation”:

"This is the hour when the abomination of desolation is truly entering into the holy temple of

God. They are no longer the salt of the earth, but a salt without savor,, corrupted and

nauseating, good only to be strewn on the ground and trampled underfoot by everyone. They

are no longer the light on the candlestick, but darkness which makes the night even more

obscure. They are all poor ailing priest-sons of mine, because they have fallen under the

dominion of satan."

"Help them without ever judging them. Love them always. Do not condemn them, this is not

your role."

"This scandal will become even greater and more serious."

Live simply in surrender and trust, like my little children, in my Immaculate Heart."

(To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, The Marian Movement of Priests, #74)

This morning during Adoration, I opened Vassula’s book to the first message of June 19, 1995

and read:

“In these days and in your times I am confronted by the guilt of those who strike Me and the

wickedness of those who practice deceit. Do not commit this abomination which the prophet

Daniel spoke of, I say, but your steps persistently follow deceit; your era is challenging My

Power. Very well then, since your intentions, generation, are to trample on My Perpetual

Sacrifice and abolish It, I tell you: I shall do to you what I have done to Sodom and Gomorrah but

one hundred times more, to equal your sins – you see those ten Towers you have built for

yourselves as Lodges? Well, you will never live in them; your empire will crumble down together

with you; and those precious stones you have treasured? You will never possess them, for I am

going to pass through you to remind you that from the Beginning, My Name thrice Holy was to

be honored and kept Holy, and that your due to Me was to fear Me."

Wondering about what Jesus meant by the “ten Towers”, I was led to go to the messages of Fr.

Gobbi, and read,

“This Black Beast has ten horns and, on the horns, ten crowns, which are signs of domination

and royalty. Masonry rules and governs throughout the whole world by means of the ten

horns. The horn, in the biblical world, has always been an instrument of amplification, a way of

making ones voice better heard, a strong means of communication”. “For this reason, God

communicated his Will to his people by means of ten horns which made his Law known: the Ten

Commandments. The one who accepts them and observes them walks in life along the road of

the Divine Will, of joy and of peace.” “Freemasonry spreads everywhere through the power of

its ten horns, a law which is completely opposed to that of God.” MMP, #405, June 3, 1989

Lastly: This was a meditation during Adoration that I had on First Saturday, Feb. 4, 1995 (just 2

years after coming into the Catholic Church. Offered for your discernment:

Meditation on the Presentation of Jesus:

Sat., Feb. 4, 1995

As Our Lady presented the Infant Jesus to God the Father in the Temple, She also presents Him

to us each day at the Mass (in the Temple), and also presents each of us to God the Father as

She presented Jesus to Him. As Simeon and Anna knew that this Infant was the son of God, we

also must see Him in the Eucharist with the same faith as they did. We must believe in His true

Presence. Jesus has told me that the “abomination will soon be set up in the temple” and that

we must continue to walk in faith – “to be His Light” in the darkness surrounding us. I have

complained to Him to open the hearts of all the people that they may return to Him, and He has

told me many times that He “will not impose on their will.” He cannot enter the hearts of so

many as they are hardened and filled with pride – that many of them will be lost. We are asked

to continue to pray for them during this time of Mercy that their hearts may open. This is

where the “abomination” begins – in the heart”, but will “soon be set up in the temple”. As

Our Lady presented Jesus, She by tradition, was to be purified according to the Law (though She

was already pure!) – the Church must also be purified!

Lynne Bauer, Sept. 21, 2017

Friday, December 6, 2024

False Unity

 False Unity

I saw enlightened Protestants, plans formed for the blending of religious creeds, the suppression of papal authority… I saw no Pope, but a bishop prostrate before the High Altar. In this vision I saw the church bombarded by other vessels… It was threatened on all sides… They built a large, extravagant church which was to embrace all creeds with equal rights… but in place of an altar were only abomination and desolation. Such was the new church to be…Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824 A.D.), The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich, April 12th, 1820

“By accepting the Protestant doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal, that is to say, a remembrance of that which Jesus did at His Last Supper.  And thus, the celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed.  In this abolition of the daily Sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege accomplished by the Antichrist, which will last about three and a half years….”  (To the Priests, Our Ladys’ Beloved Sons, #485, Dec. 31, 1992)  (Daniel 12:9-12)

Time of Trial

“The Church will become small and will have to start afresh more or less from the beginning. She will no longer be able to inhabit many of the edifices she built in prosperity. As the number of her adherents diminishes… She will lose many of her social privileges… As a small society, [the Church] will make much bigger demands on the initiative of her individual members.

It will be hard-going for the Church, for the process of crystallization and clarification will cost her much valuable energy. It will make her poor and cause her to become the Church of the meek… The process will be long and wearisome as was the road from the false progressivism on the eve of the French Revolution — when a bishop might be thought smart if he made fun of dogmas and even insinuated that the existence of God was by no means certain… But when the trial of this sifting is past, a great power will flow from a more spiritualized and simplified Church. Men in a totally planned world will find themselves unspeakably lonely. If they have completely lost sight of God, they will feel the whole horror of their poverty. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new. They will discover it as a hope that is meant for them, an answer for which they have always been searching in secret.

And so it seems certain to me that the Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already with Gobel, but the Church of faith. She may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but she will enjoy a fresh blossoming and be seen as man’s home, where he will find life and hope beyond death.” —Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (POPE BENEDICT XVI), Faith and Future, Ignatius Press, 2009

“Take refuge now in my Immaculate Heart:  I want you here to strengthen you and to protect you at the time of the terrible trial.”  .  (To the Priests, Our Ladys’ Beloved Sons, #72, April 25, 1975)

March 2, 2012, Our Lady’s message to Mirjana:

"Dear children; Through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him – the High Priest. Thank you."

“The Church is truth, because Jesus has entrusted to it alone the He (Jesus) has entrusted it alone the task of guarding, in its integrity, all the deposit of faith.  He has entrusted it to the hierarchical Church, that is to say, to the Pope and to the bishops united with him.  Ecclesiastical Masonry seeks to destroy this reality through false ecumenism, which leads to the acceptance of all Christian Churches, asserting that each one of them has some part of the truth.  It develops the plan of founding a universal ecumenical Church, formed by the fusion of all the Christian confessions, among which, the Catholic Church.  (To the Priests, Our Ladys’ Beloved Sons, #406, June 13, 1989)

Lynne Bauer, March 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

And Jesus grew in wisdom and grace

 "And Jesus advanced in wisdom, and age, and grace with God and men."

[Luke 2:52]

Sept. 14, 1921 –
“My daughter, each time the soul does her acts in my Will, she grows more and more before Me in
wisdom, in goodness, power and beauty. In fact, as she keeps repeating her acts in my Will, she takes as
many bites of wisdom, of goodness, etc.; and the soul grows from that food with which she feeds herself.

This is why in the Holy Gospel it is written of Me that I grew in wisdom before God and before men. As God, I could neither grow nor decrease; my growth was no other than my Humanity which, growing in age, came to multiply my acts in the Supreme Volition; and each additional act that I did was
additional growth in the wisdom of my Celestial Father. And this growth of mine was so true, that even
creatures noticed it. Each one of my acts ran in the immense sea of the Divine Will; and as I operated, I
nourished Myself with this celestial food. It would take too long to tell you of the seas of wisdom, of
goodness, of beauty, of power, that my Humanity swallowed in each additional act It did.

The same happens to the soul. My daughter, the sanctity in my Will grows at each instant - there is
nothing that can escape growing, and that the soul cannot let flow in the infinite sea of my Will. The
most indifferent things - sleep, food, work, etc. - can enter into my Will and take their place of honor in It as agents of my Will. If only the soul wants it, all things, from the greatest to the smallest, can be
occasions to enter into my Will
- which does not happen with the virtues. In fact, if one wants to exercise the virtues, many times the occasion is missing. If the soul wants to exercise obedience, it takes someone who commands her, and it may happen that for days and weeks there is no one to give new commands for her to obey; therefore, as much goodwill to obey as she might have, the poor obedience will remain idle. The same with patience, humility and all the other virtues; since they are virtues of this low world, other creatures are needed in order to keep them exercised. On the other hand, my Will is virtue of Heaven, and I alone am enough to keep the soul, in each instant, in continuous exercise. It is easy for Me to keep her up above, night and day, in order to keep her exercised in my Will.

Friday, November 1, 2024


Isaiah 65:17-21

Thus says the LORD:

Lo, I am about to create new heavens

and a new earth;

The things of the past shall not be remembered

or come to mind.

Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness

in what I create;

For I create Jerusalem to be a joy

and its people to be a delight;

I will rejoice in Jerusalem

and exult in my people.

No longer shall the sound of weeping be heard there,

or the sound of crying;

No longer shall there be in it

an infant who lives but a few days,

or an old man who does not round out his full lifetime;

He dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years,

and he who fails of a hundred shall be thought accursed.

They shall live in the houses they build,

and eat the fruit of the vineyards they plant.

“My daughter, what is not enjoyed today, will be enjoyed tomorrow; what now seems darkness because

it finds blind minds, will turn into Sun tomorrow for those who have eyes. How much good they will do.

So, let's keep doing what we've done. Let's do what is needed from our side so that nothing may be

missing of help, light, good and surprising truth to make my Will known and to make It reign. I will use

every means of love, grace and chastisement. I will touch all sides of creatures in order to have my Will

reign. When it will seem that the true good is about to die, then, it will rise again more beautiful and

majestic." Book of Heaven, Vol. 36, Sept. 18, 1938

“The acts done in my Will, carrying the Creative Power within themselves, will be the new salvation of

man; and descending from Heaven, they will bring all goods upon earth. They will bring the New Era,

and the triumph over human iniquity.” Book of Heaven, Volume 12 - April 26, 1921

“The world is exactly at the same point as when I was about to come upon earth. All were awaiting a

great event, a new era, as indeed occurred. The same now; since the great event, the new era in which

the Will of God may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, is coming – everyone is awaiting this new era,

tired of the present one, but without knowing what this new thing, this change is about, just as they did

not know it when I came upon earth.” Book of Heaven, Volume 15 - July 14, 1923

Monday, October 28, 2024

The Coming New Era



The world is exactly at the same point as when I was about to come upon earth. All were awaiting a great event, a new era, as indeed occurred. The same now; since the great event, the new era in which the Will of God be done on earth as It is in Heaven, is coming – everyone is awaiting this new era, tired of the present one, without knowing what this new thing, this change, is about, just as they did not know it when I came upon earth. This expectation is a sure sign that the hour is near.  July 14, 1923

Therefore, in this Kingdom, a new era – a new Creation will begin for my Will. It will put out everything It had established to give to the creatures, as if they had always done Its Will, after having to keep these things for many centuries as though in deposit within Itself, to then release them for the good of the children of Its Kingdom.”

Too perfidious and ungrateful will be those who will not recognize in these manifestations of mine the echo of Heaven, the long chain of love of the Supreme Will, the communion of goods which our Celestial Father wants to give to the creatures; and as though wanting to put aside everything that happened in the history of the world, He wants to begin a new era, a new Creation, as if the new history of Creation were beginning just now.

“My daughter, the Will of God that the writings of my Divine Will come to light is absolute, and as many incidents as may occur, It will triumph over all. And even if it should take years and years, It will know how to dispose everything so that Its absolute Will be accomplished. The time in which they will come to light is relative and conditional upon when the creatures dispose themselves to receive a good so great, and upon those who must occupy themselves with being its criers, and make the sacrifice so as to bring the new era of peace, the new Sun which will dispel all the clouds of evils. Aug. 2, 1928

And from each Tabernacle I am as though on the lookout to accomplish the complete work – Redemption and Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven – content with sacrificing Myself and dying in each Host in order to make the Sun of my Divine Fiat, the new era, and Its full triumph, rise again.  Feb. 22, 1930

Now, my daughter, of all that my Will has established to give to the creatures, of all of Its acts, they have taken little - they have known little until now, because Its kingdom has not only not been known, but not even possessed. Therefore, in Heaven It cannot give all Its complete glory, or all the joys and happiness It possesses, because It finds Itself in the midst of children who are incapable and of little stature. This is why It awaits the time of Its Kingdom with great love and yearning – to have Its total dominion, and to give from Its Fiat everything It had established to give to the creatures, therefore forming children who are capable of receiving all of Its goods. Only because of these children – the children of the Kingdom of my Will – will the glory of all the Blessed be completed in the Celestial Fatherland, because these have enclosed what my Will wanted, giving It free field of action and of dominion.  Oct. 15, 1926

April 12, 1928 -  Calvary formed the dawn which called the Sun of my eternal Will to shine once again in the midst of creatures. Dawn means certainty that the Sun will come out; in the same way, the dawn which I formed on Calvary assures, even though some two thousand years have passed, that it will call the Sun of my Will to reign once again in the midst of creatures.

They fear so much that these writings on my Will might come out, because they see themselves losing their kingdom upon earth, which they acquired when man, withdrawing from the Divine Will, gave free step to his human will. Ah! yes, it was precisely then that the enemy acquired his kingdom on earth; and if my Will could reign upon earth, my enemy, on his own, would shut himself up into the deepest abysses. This is why they rage with such fury: they feel the power of my Will in these writings, and at the mere thought that they might come out, they fly into a rage and try anything they can in order to impede a good so great.

From Tom Fahy on the “New Era”

Speculation concerning how much time remains before the end of this Sixth Millennium 

and the beginning of the Seventh Millennium of the Reign of the Divine Will on earth as in 


Note: We do not know if the Seventh Millennium will last exactly 1000 years, and we can 

assume that each of the first six millenniums may not have been exactly 1000 years, but 

probably off just a few years more or less. 


I recently did some calculations based on our present calendar, even though experts on 

the calendars used since the time of Our Lord on earth, believe that our present calendar 

is a few years off. Some say our calendar is 7 years off; others say it is 4 years off; etc. 

(Some would say that the actual 2000 years from the Birth of Jesus would have been in 

1993 or 1996 according to our present calendar.) 


My personal calculations, based on our present calendar, would have the end of the 6th 

Millennium come in the year 2033, which would be 2000 years since Jesus' death, 

resurrection, and ascension into Heaven in the year 33 AD. 


Thus, my personal speculation would hold that we have 14 more years before  the Great 

Chastisement which ends these times and opens up the New Era of return to man's 

Original State with God as it was in Eden, which is the very purpose of the Lord's Prayer, 

repeated so many times over the past 2000 years. 


Finally, I calculated a comparison of a normal 24 hour day to a 1000 year day, as in the 

expressions found in the Bible: "A thousand years is as a day." Taking a 1000 year day and 

making it like a 24 hour day, I calculated, relatively speaking, that we have 20  minutes 

and 10 seconds to go.  This would mean that the 14 days left to the Sixth Millennium 

would be like 20  minutes and 10 seconds left in a 24 hour day. 

 I have no way of knowing how many mistakes I probably made in this personal 

calculation. God alone knows, but my purpose in sharing this, instead of keeping it to 

myself, is to provide an incentive  to readers to realize how short is the time left to us, our 

families, friends, and neighbors to give up attachments to the things of the world and get 

as close as possible to God as He so much wants of us—especially by accepting the Gift of the Divine Will and being Faithful and Attentive to it. 


Lynne Bauer, JMJ




Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Garment of the Divine Will


(all excerpts taken from the Book of Heaven)

June 12, 1899

“Jesus seemed to clothe my soul with the garment of Faith, of Hope and of Charity, and in the very act of clothing me, Jesus whispered to me the way I was to exercise myself in these three virtues.”

Nov. 21, 1899

“…our dear Queen Mama came to my help, carrying a pure white garment in Her hands, and all loving, She told me: “Daughter, do not fear; I Myself want to make up for you by clothing you with my innocence, so that, in reflecting Himself in you, my Son may find the greatest delight that can be found in a human creature.”  

“So She clothed me with that garment and She offered me to my dear Good, Jesus, telling Him: “Accept her out of regard for me, O dear Son, and delight in her.”

June 20, 1900

“…humility produces a garment of safety in the soul, in such a way that, wrapped in this garment of safety, the soul remains in the most profound calm, embellishing all of herself in order to be pleasing to her dearest and beloved Jesus.”

Oct. 31. 1900

I found the Queen Mama. As She saw me, She began to speak about Justice, and how It is about to clash with all Its fury against the people. She said many things about this, but I don’t have the words to express them. In the meantime I could see the whole of heaven filled with points of swords against the world. Then She added: “My daughter, you have disarmed divine Justice many times, contenting yourself with receiving Its blows upon yourself. Now that you see It at the summit of Its fury, do not lose heart, but be courageous; with heart full of holy fortitude, enter into this Justice and disarm It. Do not be afraid of the swords, of the fire, or of anything you may encounter; in order to obtain the intent, if you see yourself wounded, beaten, burned, rejected, do not draw back, but rather, let this be a spur for you to move on. See, so that you may do this, I Myself have come to your help by bringing you a garment; as your soul wears it, you will acquire courage and fortitude so as to fear nothing.” Having said this, from within Her mantle She pulled out a garment woven with gold, streaked with various colors, and She clothed my soul. Then She gave me Her Son, telling me: “And now, as a pledge of my love, I place my dearest Son in your custody, that you may keep Him, love Him and content Him in everything. 

Try to act in my stead, so that, as He finds all His contentment in you, the discontent that all the others give Him may not cause Him too much pain.” 

May 30, 1904

“…my Passion serves as garment for man, which covers his greatest miseries, embellishes him and gives back to him all the good of which he had deprived himself and had lost because of sin. So I give it to you as gift, that you may use it for yourself and for whomever you want.” On hearing this, a great fear came to me in seeing the greatness of the gift, fearing that I might not be capable of using this gift and therefore I might displease the Giver. So I said: ‘Lord, I do not feel the strength to accept such a gift - I am too unworthy of such a favor. It is better if You keep it, for You are everything and know everything, and You know to whom it is necessary and appropriate to apply this garment so precious and of immense value. But I, poor one, what can I know? And if it is necessary to apply it to someone and I do not do it, what strict account would You not ask of me?’ And Jesus: “Do not fear, for the Giver Himself will give you the grace not to keep the gift He has given you as useless. Can you believe that I would give you a gift to do you harm? Never.” I did not know what to answer, but I remained frightened and suspended, intending to hear what lady obedience thought about it. It is understood, however, that this garment wants to signify nothing other than all that Our Lord operated, earned and suffered, in which the creature finds the garment to cover her nakedness stripped of virtues, and riches with which to enrich herself, beauties to render herself beautiful and to embellish herself, and the remedy for all her evils.”

June 22, 1906  

Continuing in my state of sufferings, ever increasing, blessed Jesus came for a little, and showed me a garment, all adorned and whole, without seam and opening, suspended above my person. While I was seeing this, He told me: “My beloved, this garment is similar to my garment, which I have communicated to you by having shared with you the pains of my Passion, and by having chosen you as victim. This garment covers and protects the world, and since it is whole, no one can escape its protection. But the world, with its abuses, no longer deserves to be covered by this garment, but to feel all the weight of the divine indignation. So I am about to draw it to Myself, to be able to give vent to my justice, which has been restrained for a long time by this garment.” 

At that moment, it seemed that the light I had seen in the past days was inside this garment, and the Lord awaited both one and the other to absorb them into Himself.

Oct. 15, 1919

“…as the soul enters into the Divine Volition, she strips herself of herself, and I clothe her of Me, with royal garments; and these garments place on her the seal that she is my daughter. My Kingdom, just as It is Mine, is hers; and defending Our rights, she takes part in judging and in condemning others.”

Jan. 1, 1920

“My daughter, my Will is wheel, and one who enters into It remains encircled inside, to the point of not being able to find an opening to go out; and everything she does remains fixed on the eternal point, and pours into the wheel of eternity. But do you know what the garments are of the soul who lives in my Will? They are not of gold, but of most pure light; and this garment of light will serve her as mirror to make all of Heaven see how many acts she has done in my Will. In fact, in each act she has done in my Will, she enclosed the whole of Me, and this garment will be adorned with many mirrors, and in each mirror the whole of Me will appear. So, from whatever side she will be looked at - from behind, from the front, to the right, to the left - they will see Me, and multiplied for as many acts as she has done in my Volition. A more beautiful garment I could not give her; it will be the distinction of only the souls who live in my Will.”

Sept. 24, 1922

“My daughter, cover Me and warm Me, for I am cold. See, the creature, by sin, had stripped herself of all goods, and I wanted to form for her a more beautiful garment, weaving it with my works, pearling it with my Blood, and adorning it with my wounds. But what is not my sorrow in seeing this garment, so beautiful, being rejected, as she contents herself with remaining naked? And I feel stripped in them, and I feel their cold. Therefore clothe Me, for I need it.” 

And I: ‘How can I clothe You? I have nothing.’ And He: “Indeed you can clothe Me - you have my whole Will in your power. Absorb It into yourself and then put It out, and you will make Me the most beautiful garment - a garment of Heaven, and divine. Oh! how warmed I will be; and I will clothe you with the garment of my Will, so that we may be clothed with one single uniform.”

Feb. 28, 1926

More so, since in order to live in my Will, the soul is first stripped of the garments of the old guilty Adam, and is clothed anew with the garments of the new and holy Adam. Her garment is the light of the Supreme Will Itself, through which all Its divine manners are communicated to her, which are noble and communicative to all. This light makes her lose the human features and restores in her the physiognomy of her Creator. What is the wonder, then, if you take part in all that the Divine Will possesses, since one is the life and one the Will? Therefore, be attentive. I recommend to you - be always faithful to Me, and your Jesus will keep the pace of making you live always in my Will. I will be on guard, that you may never go out of It.” 

 Feb. 26 1927

Therefore, operating in my Will is the greatest miracle, and the fullness of all acts united together, and the triumph of the Divine act in the human act, because my Will was as though sterile in the midst of creatures, and It is now made happy by Its first daughter, in whom It sees Its many newborns who will come to light. So, It will no longer live as a sterile mother in the midst of the people, but as a mother fecund with many children. It used to be a widow, because in creating the first man It espoused the human nature, dowering it with the immense riches of Its Will, as the seal of the marriage It formed with man. As he withdrew from It, It remained a widow for many centuries; but now It has removed the mourning of Its widowhood, and marrying again, It has taken Its garments of bride and has released Its dowries into the field, once again - and the seal of the dowries are the knowledges about It, through which It offers the gift of the riches It possesses. Therefore, my daughter, be attentive in preserving your garments of bride, and in enjoying the dominions that my Will has given you as dowry.”

Lynne Bauer, Dec., 2018

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Sign of the Cross, The Creed and The Our Father

 The Sign of the Cross

 July 29, 1928 - Meaning of the blessing and of the sign of the Cross.

See then, what blessing means: confirmation of Our creative work, because the work We do once is so filled with wisdom, with sublimity and with beauty, that We love to repeat it always. And if Our blessing is nothing other than the sigh of Our Heart to see Our image restored in the creatures, as well as the repetition of Our confirmation of what We want to do, the sign of the Cross that the Church teaches to the faithful is nothing other than impetrating Our likeness on the part of creatures; and so, echoing Our blessing, they repeat: ‘In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Therefore, without knowing it, the Church and all the faithful harmonize with the eternal Creator, and all want the same thing: God, by blessing and pronouncing the words, ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’, wants to give His likeness; the creatures impetrate it by making the sign of the Cross, pronouncing the same words.” 

The Creed 

Volume 12 - January 29, 1919

I was doing the adoration of the wounds of blessed Jesus, and at the end I recited the Creed, intending to enter into the immensity of the Divine Will in which there are all the acts of the creatures, past, present and future, and even those acts which the creature should do, but did not, because of negligence or wickedness.  And I was saying:  ‘My Jesus, my Love, I enter your Volition, and with this Creed I intend to redo and repair all the acts of faith which the creatures have not done, all the disbeliefs, and the lacks of adoration which is due to God as Creator...’

The Our Father 

May 2, 1923 -  When the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ has Its fulfillment ‘on earth as It is in Heaven’, then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the Our Father take place. 

I felt my poor mind as though lost in the immensity of the Eternal Volition, and my sweet Jesus, returning to speak about the Most Holy Will of God, told me: “My daughter, oh! how well your acts done in my Will harmonize. They harmonize with mine, with those of my beloved Mama, and one disappears within the other, forming one single act - it seems like Heaven on earth, and the earth in Heaven; and the echo of one in three and of three in one, of the Sacrosanct Trinity. Oh! how sweet it sounds to Our hearing, how it enraptures Us, but so much as to capture Our Will from Heaven to earth. And when my ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ has Its fulfillment ‘on earth as It is in Heaven’, then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the Our Father take place - that is, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ I said: ‘Our Father, in the name of all, I ask You for three kinds of bread each day: the bread of your Will, or rather, more than bread, because if bread is necessary two or three times a day, this one is necessary at each moment, in all circumstances. Even more, it must be not only bread, but like balsamic air that brings life - the circulation of the Divine Life in the creature. Father, if this bread of your Will is not given, I will never be able to receive all the fruits of my Sacramental Life, which is the second bread we ask of You every day. Oh! how my Sacramental Life feels discomforted, because the bread of your Will does not nourish them; on the contrary, it finds the corrupted bread of the human will. Oh! how disgusting it is to Me! How I shun it! And even though I go to them, yet I cannot give them the fruits, the goods, the effects, the sanctity, because I do not find Our bread in them. And if I give something, it is in small proportion, according to their dispositions, but not all the goods which I contain; and my Sacramental Life is patiently waiting for man to take the bread of the 

Supreme Will, in order to be able to give all the good of my Sacramental Life. See then, how the Sacrament of the Eucharist - and not only It, but all the Sacraments, left to my Church and instituted by Me - will give all the fruits which they contain and complete fulfillment, when Our bread, that is, the Will of God, is done on earth as It is in Heaven. 

Then I asked for the third bread - the material one. How could I say: ‘Give us this day our bread’? In view of the fact that, as man would do Our Will, what was Ours would be his, and so the Father would no longer have to give the bread of His Will, the bread of my Sacramental Life and the daily bread of natural life, to illegitimate, usurping, evil children, but to legitimate and good children, who would share in the goods of their Father; it is because of this that I said: ‘Give us our bread.’ Then will they eat the blessed bread; everything will smile around them, and Heaven and earth will carry the mark of the harmony of their Creator. 

After this I added: ‘Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.’ So, charity also will be perfect. Then will forgiveness have the mark of heroism, as I had it on the Cross - once man has eaten the bread of my Will as my Humanity ate it. Then will the virtues be absorbed into my Will and receive the mark of true heroism and of divine virtues; they will be like many little rivulets which will gush forth from the bosom of the great sea of my Will. 

And if I added, ‘And lead us not into temptation’ - how could God ever lead man into temptation? - it was because man is always man, free in himself, since I never take away from him the rights I gave him in creating him; and he, frightened and fearful of himself, tacitly cries out, and prays without expressing it with words: ‘Give us the bread of your Will, that we may reject all temptations; and by virtue of this bread, deliver us from every evil. Amen.’ 

See, then, how all the goods of man find again their connection, the tight bond of the ‘Let Us make man in Our image and likeness’, the validity of each of his acts, the restitution of the lost goods, as well as the signature and the assurance that his lost happiness, both terrestrial and celestial, is given back to him. Therefore, it is so necessary that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, that I had no other interest, nor did I teach any other prayer but the ‘Our Father’. And the Church, faithful executor and depository of my teachings, has it always on Her lips, and in every circumstance. And everyone - learned and ignorant, little and great, priests and lay people, kings and subjects - all pray to Me that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.  

Do you not want, then, that my Will descend upon earth? But just as Redemption had Its beginning in a Virgin - as I was not conceived in all men in order to redeem them, even though whoever wants it, can enter the good of Redemption and each one can receive Me in the Sacrament for himself alone – in the same way, now my Will must have Its beginning, possession, growth and development in one virgin creature. And then, whoever disposes himself and wants it, will enter the goods which the living in my Will contains. Had I not been conceived in my beloved Mama, Redemption would never have come. In the same way, if I do not operate the prodigy of making one soul live in my Supreme Will, the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven’, will not take place in the human generations.”

The Hail Mary

The first canticle that they sang to my Mama was the ‘Hail Mary’, because in the ‘Hail Mary’ there are the most beautiful praises, the greatest honors; and the joy which She felt in being made Mother of God is renewed. Therefore, let us recite it together to honor Her, and when you yourself come to Paradise, I will let you find it as if you had recited it together with the Angels for the first time in Heaven.”

The Glory Be

 March 2, 1926 - The “Glory Be” of the soul in the Divine Will

I prayed Jesus to give me the grace to fulfill His Most Holy Will. And my beloved Jesus, as though wanting to cheer me, came out from within my interior, and squeezing me tightly to His Most Holy Heart, infused new strength in me. At that moment, the Heavens opened and I heard everyone say, in chorus: “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit”. I don’t know how, but it was my turn to answer: ‘As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.’ But who can say what was happening? In the word “Father” one could see the creative power flowing everywhere, preserving everything, giving life to everything. The mere breath of this word was enough to maintain everything He had created intact, beautiful and ever new. In the word “Son” one could see all the works of the Word, renewed, ordered, and all in act of filling Heaven and earth to give themselves for the good of creatures. In the word “Holy Spirit” one could see all things being invested with a speaking, operative and vivifying love. But who can say everything? I felt my poor mind immersed in the eternal beatitudes, and my adorable Jesus, wanting to call me back into myself, told me: “My daughter, do you know why it was your turn to say the second part of the ‘Glory be’? Since my Will is in you, it befitted you to bring the earth up to Heaven, in order to give, in the name of all, together with the Celestial Court, that glory which will never end - ‘world without end’. Eternal things, which never end, can be found only in my Will, and one who possesses It is in communication with Heaven. This soul takes part in everything they do in the celestial regions, and she is as though in act together with the celestial Blessed.”

May 1, 1920  The Sanctity of one who lives in the Divine Will is the continued ‘Glory Be’. 

My misery makes itself felt more; and in my interior I was saying: ‘My Jesus, what life is this?’ And He, without giving me time to say anything else, immediately answered: “My daughter, for one who lives in my Will, her Sanctity has only one point - it is the continued ‘Glory be’, followed by ‘as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.’ There is nothing which does not give glory to God - complete in everything, always stable, always the same, always queen, without ever changing. This Sanctity is not subject to setbacks, to losses – It is to always reign. So, Its foundation is the ‘Glory be’, Its prerogative is the ‘as it was in the beginning, etc.’”

All excerpts from The Book of Heaven

Friday, October 4, 2024


 “This is our great hope and our invocation: ‘Your Kingdom come!’ a

Kingdom of peace, justice and serenity, which will re-establish the original

harmony of creation.” Pope John Paul II, Papal Address on Psalm 97, Nov. 6,


“The love story between God and man consists in the very act that this

communion of will increases in a communion of thought and sentiment, and thus

our will and Gods Will increasingly coincide: God’s Will is no longer for me an

alien will, something imposed on me from without by the commandments, but it

is now my own will, based on the realization that God is in fact more deeply

present to me than I am to myself. Then self-abandonment to God increases and

god becomes our joy.” Pope Benedict XVI, ENCYCLICAL LETTER, DEUS


“I said the “triumph” will draw closer. This is equivalent in meaning to

our praying for the coming of God’s Kingdom.” Pope Benedict XVI, Light of the

World, p. 166, A Conversation With Peter Seewald

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Fire of the Holy Spirit




The Victorious Queen of the World, Sr. Natalia of Hungary (1901-1992)

I saw God's Holy Spirit — as a devastating fire — inundate the world.  This fire did not bring peace, nor mercy, but devastating punishment.  Wherever the flame of the Holy Spirit swept through, the evil spirits by the thousands fell back to hell.  But before everything was ruined, I saw the Holy Virgin fall on her knees before Jesus, praying, asking for mercy for the world.  Jesus did not look at her, but watched the Heavenly Father.  The Heavenly Father did not pull back His hand extended over the world in His just anger.  Then the Holy Virgin took from her shoulder the mantle of peace and suddenly covered the world with it.  All those parts of the world that were covered with the mantle escaped the punishment and shone in the blue color of peace.  But where the mantle did not cover the surface, the red color of anger could be seen glowing like embers.  I understood that we could escape from the just punishment of God only if we sought refuge under the mantle of our Blessed Virgin Mother, and pleaded for mercy through her.


The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Elizabeth Kindelmann (1913-1985)

“The flame of grace which I give you from my Immaculate Heart must go from heart to heart.  It will be the miracle which will blind Satan.  It is the Flame of Love and unity and we shall extinguish fire with fire: the fire of hate with the fire of love!  I obtained these graces from our heavenly Father through the wounds of my Holy Son.


 Book of Heaven, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta  (1865-1947)

  I saw that He was carrying an iron rod in His hand, which had a ball of fire at the top. ..

While saying this, He was swinging the rod He had in His hand, in the act of wounding man. I said to Him: ‘Lord, what are You doing?’ And He: "Do not fear; do you see this ball of fire? It will cause fire, but will only strike the evil – the good will receive no harm."  (Vol. 2, Aug. 10, 1899)


"My daughter, if you want to be always transformed in Me – even more, to be one single thing with Me - love Me always and you will maintain your transformation with Me. In fact, love is fire, and whatever woods are thrown into the fire, small or big, green or dry, they all take the form of fire and convert into fire itself; and after these woods have been burned, one can no longer discern which wood was one and which another, neither the green one nor the dry one – one can see nothing but fire. The same when the soul never ceases to love Me. Love is fire that transmutes the soul in God; love unites, its flames invest all of the human operations and give them the form of the divine operations."  (Vol. 10, Oct. 1, 1910)


"My Love is fire, but not like material fire which destroys things and reduces them to ash. My fire vivifies and perfects, while it burns and consumes all that is not holy - desires, affections, thoughts which are not good. This is the virtue of my fire: to burn evil and to give life to good. Therefore, if the soul does not feel any tendency to evil within herself, she can be certain that my fire is in her. But if she feels fire mixed with evil within herself, it is very doubtable whether that be my real fire."  (Vol. 11, Apr. 10, 1913)


I will purify the earth by fire, because the stench that emanates from it is such that I cannot bear it.  Many will remain buried in the fire.  In this way I will make the earth come to its senses.  (Nov. 2, 1917)


To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, Fr. Gobbi  (1930-2011)

“By the fire of the Spirit of Love, the work of the great purification will be quickly accomplished.” “It (the Church) will be deprived of its earthly goods and purified of many of its means of power that once again it may become poor, humble, simple and chaste.  In its pastors and its flock, it will again be crucified that It may give perfect witness to the Gospel of Jesus.” “Through the power of fire and blood, the whole world will also be renewed.  Humanity will return once again to the glorification of the Father, through Jesus, who will at last have established his reign in your midst.”   (#246, May 30, 1982)


“The great mercy will come to you as a burning fire of love and will be brought by the Holy Spirit, who is given to you by the Father and the Son, so that the Father may see Himself glorified and the Lord Jesus may feel Himself loved by all his brothers.” “The Holy Spirit will come down as fire, but in a manner different from his first coming; it will be a fire which will burn and transform everything, which will sanctify and renew the earth from its foundations.  It will open hearts to a new reality of life and lead all souls to a fullness of holiness and of grace.  You will know a love that is so great and a sanctify that is so perfect that it will be such as you had never known before.”  (#357, July 3, 1987)


The Holy Spirit will come to establish the glorious reign of Christ and it will be a reign of grace, of holiness, of love, of justice and of peace.  With his divine love, He will open the doors of hearts and illuminate all consciences.  Every person will see himself in the burning fire of divine truth.  It will be like a judgment in miniature.  And then Jesus Christ will bring his glorious reign in the world.”  (#383, May 22, 1988)


“Miraculous and spiritual tongues of fire will purify the hearts and the souls of all, who will see themselves in the light of God and will be pierced by the keen sword of his divine truth.”  (#574, May 26, 1996)


After the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit


The Victorious Queen of the World, Sr. Natalia of Hungary 


Jesus showed me in a vision that after the cleansing, mankind will live an angelic and clean life.  There will be an end to the sins against the sixth commandment and an end to lies!  The Savior showed me that unceasing love, happiness and divine joy will signify this future clean world.  I saw the blessing of God abundantly poured out upon the earth.  Satan and sin were completely defeated and took leave.  The cleansed world will gain, through the Blessed Virgin Mother, the peace of the Lord.


"My Immaculate Mother will be victorious over sin with her power as Queen.  The lily represents the cleansing of the world, the coming Age of Paradise, when humanity will live as if without sin.  This will be a new world and a new age.  This will be the age when mankind will get back what it lost in Paradise.  When My Immaculate Mother will step on the neck of the serpent, the gates of hell will be closed.  The hosts of angels will be part of this fight."


“I brought peace when I was born, but the world has not yet enjoyed it.  The world is entitled to that peace.  Men are the children of God.  God breathes His own Spirit into them.  God cannot let Himself be put to shame, and that is why the children of God are entitled to enjoy the peace that I promised.”


“Await with a penitent soul the coming of the great age which is getting closer and closer with each day!”  Jan. 31, 1987


Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary, Ven. Conchita deArmida (1862 – 1937)


"'It is time that the Holy Spirit reign.' Very moved, the Lord told me this. He went on, 'and not a remote reign as something very sublime, even though it be so and there is nothing greater than He since He is God united and consubstantial with the Father and the Word. But it is necessary that He reigns, here, right close, in each soul and in each heart, in all the structures of My Church. The day on which there will flow in each pastor, in each priest, like an inner blood, the Holy Spirit, then will be renewed the theological virtues, now languishing, even in the ministers of My Church, due to the absence of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit, the sole remedy. Let the ministers of My Church react, through the medium of the Holy Spirit, and the whole world of souls will be divinized. He is the axis around which revolve the virtues. There is no virtue without the Holy Spirit. The decisive impulse for raising up My Church from the state of prostration in which she lies, consists in reviving the cult of the Holy Spirit. Let His place be given Him, that is, the first in intellects and wills! No one will be lacking anything with this heavenly wealth. The Father and I, the Word, We desire an ardent and vitalizing renewal of His reign in the Church."  (Feb. 19, 1911)


“One of the main fruits of the mystical incarnation is the reign of the Holy Spirit which must bring about the disappearance of materialism.” (Feb. 19, 1911)


“This new Pentecost, this sanctifying action of the Spirit, must begin with priest and extend itself to the entire people of God as on the first Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and on the whole community assembled in the Cenacle.”


To My Priests, Ven. Conchita deArmida


“This holy Breath will sweep away all the impurities hearts, and all the errors in minds that they may correspond to Its influence.  The face of the world will be renewed, and all things will be restored in Me.”


Marie Julie Jahenny (1850-1941)


“The world will be laid in its casket, but after being cleansed in its own blood, it will be resurrected in such glory as I was resurrected from My grace…The rein of My peace will be wonderful and from the rising sun to the setting sun My name will be praised and will be called on for help.  This will be a call to all the nations to come and find refuge in My Heart.


Book of Heaven, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta


“O iniquitous world, you are doing everything you can to cast Me away from the face of the earth, to banish Me from society, from schools, from conversations - from everything.  You are plotting how to demolish temples and altars, how to destroy my Church and kill my ministers; while I am preparing for you an Era of Love - the Era of my third FIAT.  You will make your own way in order to banish Me, and I will confuse you by means of Love.  I will follow you from behind, and I will come toward you from the front so as to confuse you in Love; and wherever you have banished Me, I will raise my throne, and there will I reign more than before - but in a more astonishing way; so much so, that you yourself will fall at the foot of my throne, as though bound by the power of my Love.”


“Ah, my daughter, the creature rages more and more in evil!  How many machinations of ruin they are preparing!  They will reach the point of exhausting evil itself.  But while they are occupied with following their own way, I will be occupied with making the Fiat Voluntas Tua have Its completion and fulfillment, and my Will reign upon the earth - but in a completely new way.  I will be occupied with preparing the Era of the third FIAT in which my Love will show off in a marvelous and unheard-of way.  Ah, yes, I want to confuse man completely in Love Therefore, be attentive - I want you with Me, in preparing this Celestial and Divine Era of Love.  Volume 12 - February 8, 1921


The acts done in my Will, carrying the Creative Power within themselves, will be the new salvation of man; and descending from Heaven, they will bring all goods upon earth.  They will bring the New Era, and the triumph over human iniquity.  Therefore, multiply your acts in my Will to form the weapons, the gifts, the graces, so as to be able to descend into the midst of creatures and wage the war of love on them.”  Volume 12 - April 26, 1921




To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, Fr. Gobbi


It will be the Spirit of Love, with his powerful action of fire and of grace renewing the very foundations of the whole world.  It will be He, the Spirit of Love, with his great force of holiness and of light, bringing my Church to new splendor, making it therefore humble and poor, evangelical and chaste, merciful and holy.  It will be the Spirit of Love, through the fire of innumerable sufferings renewing all creation, that it may become that garden of God, that terrestrial paradise in which Jesus will always be with you, like a sun of light reflecting its rays everywhere.”   (#284, Jan. 28, 1984)


Take courage, resume the journey in trust and hope.  You are approaching moments of grace in which you will see flow out upon the world the torrents of divine mercy.  The world will then be purified by this divine fire of love, and it will be completely renewed, so that Jesus may bring into your midst his kingdom of grace and of holiness, of justice, of love and of peace.”  (#602, Dec. 8, 1997)


St. Augustine – “My Lord, grant that your Flame of Love may burn in me and growing into a single flame may it burn constantly on the altar of my heart.  May your Flame of Love burn through my soul and consume it, so that the last day of my life may be a day of union with you forever. Amen.”


Consecration to the Holy Spirit


O Holy Spirit, receive the perfect and total consecrate of all my being.


Deign to be from this moment hence in every instant of my life and in my every action:
my Director, my Light, my Guide, my Strength and all the Love of my heart.


I abandon myself without reserve to all Thy divine action


 and I want always to be docile to Thy inspirations.


Holy Spirit, transform me with Mary and in Mary into Christ Jesus


 for the glory of the Father and the salvation of the world.



Come, O Holy Spirit.

Come and change the face of the earth.

Come quickly.

Come in these last times.

Come now that the great trial has arrived.

Come and bring us your second Pentecost

so that our eyes may see your greatest miracle

that of the new heavens and the new earth.




Lynne Bauer, Sept., 2015


Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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