Friday, December 17, 2021

The Treasure


The Treasure

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."  Matthew 13:44

The Field:  Book of Heaven, Oct. 20, 1923 – “You must know that the soul is my field in which I work, sow and harvest; but my favorite field is the soul who lives in my Will. In this field my work is delightful.”[LB1] 

LB - March,15, 2018 - This morning while in prayer just before Mass, I went through a prayer that I sometimes pray saying to Jesus something like “You are my heart, my life, my breath and my everything” – and for some reason I added, “You are my treasure.”   Since I have not heard Jesus speak to me in so very long or had any visions, I was quite surprised to see Him interiorly standing in front of me holding out towards me in His Hands something that looked like a crystal.  I continued to see this until just before receiving Holy Communion. I do not remember if this was before or after having received Holy Communion, but I suddenly saw Jesus enter into me, this was something I felt inside of me that is impossible to explain.  He stood with His back to me, still holding out the crystal in His hands as though wanting to give it to others. Somehow I understood that this represented a gift He gave to me and that I was to share His gift with others.   

Doubting what I had seen, when I returned home I picked up my Louis de Montfort Consecration to Day Five and read:  Mt. 6:19-21 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”   Then I read the Resolution for this day:  “In your prayer tonight, put all of the spiritual treasures that you receive during the day into the hands of Mary so that She can guard them and augment them for you.”  

 Book of Heaven, April 26, 1899 - “I am so very pleased with the souls who are detached from everything, not only in the affect, but also in the effect, that insofar as they keep stripping themselves, so does my light keep investing them, and they become just like crystals, which are such that the light of the sun finds no impediment to penetrate inside, as it finds with buildings and other material things.”

Book of Heaven, Jan. 30, 1916 - Now, my Will crystallizes the soul, and everything she does is reflected in Me; and I, wounded and enraptured by these reflections, send her all my light, so as to form another sun in her. So, it seems that there is one sun in Heaven and another on earth. What enchantment - and what harmonies between them! How many goods are poured out for the good of all! But if the soul is not fixed in my Will, it can happen to her as to the sun which is formed in the glass, which is a passing sun: after a while, the glass remains in the dark, and the sun in Heaven remains alone.”

Book of Heaven, Jan. 6, 1902 - “…if one tries to continue my life by doing what I did wherever he can – and where he cannot, at least with the desire and the intention – I keep it in my hands as if I were continuing my whole life in that soul, not as something past, but as if I were now living. This is a treasure in my hands, because as I double the treasure of everything I operated, I dispose it for the good of the whole of mankind. So, would you not want to be one of these?”

Book of Heaven, Feb. 7, 1908 - “My daughter, it is true that life is a weight, but when this weight is carried with Me, and one finds out that at the end of his life he can unload this weight within Me, he will find this weight changed into a treasure, in which he will find gems, precious stones, diamonds and all riches, such as to make him happy for eternity.”  

Book of Heaven, November 6, 1922 -  “My Will crystallizes the soul; and just as when any object is placed close to a crystal, another object is formed within it fully similar to the one which is placed in front of it, in the same way, my Will reflects everything It does in these souls, crystallized by my power; and they repeat and do what my Supreme Will does. And since my Will is present everywhere, in Heaven, on earth and in every place, these souls, containing my Will within them as their own life, wherever my Will acts, like crystal, they absorb It into themselves, and they repeat my act. So, as I act, I take greatest delight in placing Myself in front of them to see my own action being repeated in them. They are my mirrors, and my Will multiplies them for each act It does, and everywhere…”

Book of Heaven, January 18, 1928 - I was thinking to myself about the big issue concerning the writings on the Divine Will, which are in Messina, brought there by the blessed memory of venerable father Di Francia: how myself and my other superiors absolutely want them here, while the superiors in Messina, rigorously recommended by the venerable father before dying, want to keep them over there, for their publication when God pleases. So, we do nothing but [send] letters of fire, back and forth – them, to keep them, and us, to get them back. And I was feeling all worried, bored and tired, and was saying to myself: ‘How could good Jesus allow all this? Who knows whether He too feels disappointed?’ And He, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, you are worried, but I am not disappointed at all; on the contrary I enjoy in seeing the interest that priests take in these writings which will form the Kingdom of my Will. This means that they appreciate the great good of them, and each one would want to keep such a great treasure with himself, to be the first to communicate it to others. And while the issue of who is going to win lasts, one approaches the other in order to consult one another on what to do. And I enjoy that more of my ministers get to know that there is this treasure so great, of making known the Kingdom of my Divine Will; My daughter, what great treasure has been entrusted to you with so many truths I have told you on my Divine Will; a treasure which has its source in its divine womb, and which will always give light without ever ceasing. My truths are more than sun, which gives light to the earth, invests it, fixes on it; and in fixing on it, it gives birth, on the face of it and for each thing, to the effects and the goods which its light contains. But, jealous, it does not detach its light from its center; and this is so true that, as it moves on to illuminate other regions, the earth remains in the dark. On the other hand, the Sun of my truths, while it does not detach from its center, fixing itself in the soul, forms in her the perennial day….”  “and I use this to form the first priests of my coming Kingdom of my Fiat.”

Book of Heaven, November 4, 1928 - My daughter, what great treasure has been entrusted to you with so many truths I have told you on my Divine Will; a treasure which has its source in its divine womb, and which will always give light without ever ceasing. My truths are more than sun, which gives light to the earth, invests it, fixes on it; and in fixing on it, it gives birth, on the face of it and for each thing, to the effects and the goods which its light contains. But, jealous, it does not detach its light from its center; and this is so true that, as it moves on to illuminate other regions, the earth remains in the dark. On the other hand, the Sun of my truths, while it does not detach from its center, fixing itself in the soul, forms in her the perennial day….”

“The Spirit took me to the top of a great mountain which was very high, and the angel showed me Jerusalem, the Holy City which is that of the Lord.  It was coming down out of heaven from God.  It gleamed with the splendor of God; its radiance was like that of a precious stone, like a gem, clear as crystal.  The city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.”  Rev. 21:10 – 11, 23-27

“The Holy City shall, in the end, gather together that humanity which has been redeemed and saved, once it will have been set completely free from the slavery of satan, sin and evil, by means of the purification the great tribulation and the terrible chastisement.” 
“The sinful city will now have vanished, and thus all creation will open itself with joy to receive the Hoy City, the new Jerusalem, come down out of heaven, the permanent dwelling place of God with men.
  (“To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” MMP #483)


Lynne Bauer (LB), Mar/April, 2018


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