Ezekiel 1:15:
+verse 15
“Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon
the earth (1) beside the living creatures, one for each of the
four of them. (2)
(1) Book of Heaven, volume 12, 1/1/20: “My daughter, My Will is wheel, and
whoever enters into It remains so circumvented inside as to not find the
opening to leave. Moreover,
everything that she does remains fixed to the Eternal Point and opens in the
Wheel of Eternity.”
(2) CCC#1138: “...all creation (the four living
+verse 16
“As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction: their
appearance was like the gleaming of a chrysolite; and the four had the same
likeness (1), their construction being as it were a wheel within
a wheel. (2)
(1) Book of
Heaven, Volume 13, 2/2/22: “Now, the little wheel that was in the center
seemed as though it were a little sun-wheel; Jesus admiring Himself within
it, so as to see whether His adorable Person would reappear in its entirety in
the sun-wheel; His Person reappearing in it, Jesus was very happy....”
(2) Book of
Heaven, Volume 16, 9/21/23: “My daughter, this circle is my
Eternal Will that embraces the great wheel of Eternity. All that is within this great circle is none
other than all that My Humanity did in the Divine Will to impetrate that my
Volition be fulfilled on earth as in Heaven.”
+verse 17
“When they went, they went in any of their four directions without
turning as they went.
Book of Heaven, Volume 17, 8/14/24:
“My daughter, do you want to move always about in my
Volition? Oh, with what longing and with
what love do I wish for you to go always around in my Volition! Your soul will be the little wheel; my Will
will supply you the spring to make you go around speedily without ever
stopping. Your desire will be the
point of departure from where you want to leave, which way you want to
take, if it is in the past or the present, or if you wish to delight
yourself in future ways. It
will be as you choose. You will always
be dear, and you will give Me the greatest delight no matter which point of
departure you select.”
+verse 18
“The four wheels had rims and they had spokes and their
rims were full of eyes round about.”
Book of Heaven, Volume 14, 8/29/22:
“Imagine a wheel: the center is my Humanity; the spokes are
everything I did and suffered. The
circle (the rims) where all
the spokes unite is the human family (full of eyes) which
revolves around the center.”
+verses 19-20 “And when the living creatures went,
the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures rose from the
earth, the wheels rose. Wherever
the spirit would go, they went, and the wheels rose along with
them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.”
Book of Heaven, Volume 14, 8/12/22:
“....this wire of your human will shall fuse into My Will in the
great wheel of eternity; it shall reach to all places and will be
encountered everywhere.”
+verse 21
“When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and
when those rose from the earth; the wheels rose along with them (1);
for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels (2).
(1) Book
of Heaven, Volume 16, 2/2/24: “This
happens as in a machine where there is a prime wheel and many
other little wheels fixed around it.
As the prime wheel moves, the little wheels receive their motion;
but they never touch the prime wheel, nor do they know anything of what it does
of the good it contains. On the other
hand, another little wheel, which is not fixed, goes around by means of a
mechanism for all the wheels, in order to find itself in each motion of the
prime wheel and again do its round. Now
this little wheel, going around, knows what there is in the prime wheel and
takes part in the good it contains. Well
then, the first wheel is My Will; the
fixed wheels are the souls abandoned to themselves which render them
immobilized for doing good; the wheel going around is the soul that lives in My
Will; and the mechanism is total abandonment in Me. Thus, each lack of
abandonment is a round that one loses in the ambience of Eternity....”
(2) Book
of Heaven, Volume 13, 10/21/21: “Eternity turns you around like a wheel,
so that you take part in everything and nothing escapes from you; all of
this is so that my Will is honored and fully glorified in you.”
Book of Heaven, Volume 13, 2/4/22:
“My daughter, the souls that live in my Will are the
little wheels that turn in the great wheel of Eternity. My Will is the motion and the life of
the never-ending wheel of Eternity. As
these souls enter into my Volition to pray, to love, to work, etc., the
wheel of Eternity makes them turn in its endless circumference; in that
wheel they find everything that has been done and must be done, everything
that should have been done and is not done.
Oh, how beautiful it is to see a soul enter into my Volition! As it enters, the great wheel of
Eternity gives it a rope to make it turn in the massive structure of the
wheel, and the small wheel undergoes eternal turns. The rope of the great wheel puts it into
communication with all the divine ropes; as it turns, it does whatever its
Creator does.” “As the soul enters
into my Will - even by a simple acceptance, or an abandonment - I give it a
rope to make it turn. It turns as many
times as minds think, as creatures give glances, as they speak words, as they
take steps and accomplish works; they turn at every divine act, at every
movement, at every grace that descends from Heaven: in other words, at
whatever is done in Heaven and on earth, they turn. The turns of these little wheels are quick
and rapid; consequently, they
are incalculable to themselves.
Revelation 21:15-16
“And he who talked to me had a measuring rod of
gold to measure the city (Isaiah 60:14: “they shall call you the City of
the Lord...”) and its gates and walls.
The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its breadth.”
Zechariah 2:5-6
“And I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, a man with a
measuring line in his hand! Then I said, ‘Where are you going?’. And he said to me, ‘To measure Jerusalem to see what
is its breadth and what is its length.’”
The Book of Heaven, Volume 13, 2/2/22:
Luisa: “This morning, my ever amiable Jesus came, all
goodness and sweetness; He had a rope around His neck and in His hand an
instrument...” “Then
He removed the rope from His neck and placed it on my own; He then fastened the instrument in the center
of my person. A measuring device that
turned by a small wheel in the center of the instrument was measuring my
entire person, to see whether all the parts were equal. He was very careful to observe whether
the measuring device, as it turned around, found a perfect equality. Having found this equality, He gave a sigh of
great joy, saying: ‘If I had not found it equal, I would not have been able to
accomplish what I want.’” Now, the
little wheel that was in the center seemed as though it were a little
sun-wheel; Jesus admiring himself within it, so as to see whether His adorable
Person would reappear in its entirety in the sun-wheel; His Person reappearing
in it, Jesus was very happy.....”At that very moment, there descended from
Heaven another little wheel of light that was similar to the one that was in
the center of my person; but it did not detach its rays from Heaven. They became jointed together, and Jesus placed
them in me with His most Holy Hands.” “Acts
done in my Volition will turn always in the never-ending wheel of eternity, so
as to make themselves life, light, and warmth for everyone.”
Jeremiah 17:18: “The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: ‘Arise and go down to the potters house, and
there I will let you hear my words.’ So
I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. And the vessel he was making of clay was
spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it
seemed good to the potter to do.”
Lynne Bauer
Sept. 16, 1998
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