4:32 – “I have food to eat of which you
do not know.”
Book of
Heaven, Oct. 29,
“My daughter, when I see the character of the purpose of
Creation impressed in the soul, feeling satisfied with her because I see so
well accomplished the work created by Me, I feel a duty - or rather, not a
duty”, He immediately added, “because in Me there are no duties, but my duty is
a more intense love to repay her, advancing for her part of the celestial
happiness - that is, manifesting to her intellect the knowledge of the
Divinity; attracting her with the food of eternal truths; amusing her sight with
my beauty, making the sweetness of my voice resound to her hearing; to her
mouth, my kisses; to her heart, my embraces and all my tendernesses. And this
corresponds to the purpose for which I created her, which is: to know Me, to
love Me, to serve Me.”
Book of
Heaven, April 14, 1904
“My daughter, if in addition to the food of love you give Me
the bread of your patience - because patient and suffering love is a more
solid, more nourishing and fortifying food, for if love is not patient, it can
be said that it is empty, light love and with no substance, and therefore it
can be said that the necessary materials in order to form the bread of patience
are lacking - …so, if you give Me this, I will give you the sweet bread of
grace.” And while saying this, He gave me to drink what was inside the chalice
he carried in His hand, which seemed sweet, like a sort of liqueur which I am
unable to distinguish
Book of
Heaven, Oct. 27, 1904
My Will is enough for you in everything. It would be a
chastisement if I put you out of the divine sphere and I caused the food of my
Will to be lacking to you, which I want you to cherish and esteem above
everything. Besides, it is necessary that you remain without suffering for some
time in order to form a little void for Justice, so that It may chastise the
Book of
Heaven, Oct. 9, 1921
I was thinking, in the act in which my sweet Jesus was having
the Last Supper with His disciples; and my lovable Jesus, in my interior, told
me: “My daughter, while I was having supper with my disciples, it was not only
them that I had around Me, but the whole human family. One by one, I had them
near Me, I knew them all, I called them by name. I also called you, I gave you
the place of honor between Me and John, and I constituted you little secretary
of my Will. And while I divided the lamb, in offering it to my Apostles, I gave
it to all and to each
one. That lamb, bled dry, roasted, cut to pieces, spoke of Me;
it was the symbol of my Life and of how I was to reduce Myself for love of all.
And I wanted to give it to all as delicious food, which represented my Passion,
because everything I did, said and suffered, my love converted into food for
man. But do you know why I called all and gave the lamb to all? Because I too
wanted food from them; each thing that they would do, I wanted to be food for
Me. I wanted the food of their love, of their works, of their words - of
And I: ‘My Love, how can it be that our operating becomes food
for You?’ And Jesus: “It is not on bread alone that one can live, but on that
to which my Will gives the virtue of being able to make one live; and if bread
nourishes man, it is because I want it so. Now, whatever the creature, with her
will, disposes to make of her operating – that is the form it assumes. If with
her operating she wants to form food for Me, she forms food for Me; if love,
she gives Me love; if reparation, she forms for Me reparation. And if in her
will she wants to offend Me, she makes of her operating the knife to wound Me,
and maybe even to kill Me.”
Book of
Heaven, Nov. 24, 1923
Do you see, then, with what food this most loving Mother
nourishes Her children? It cost Her all Her life, unheard-of pains, the very
Life of Her Son, to form within Herself the abundant deposit of this food of my
Will, and to keep It ready to nourish all Her children as tender and loving
Mother. She could not love Her children more; by giving them this food, Her
love had reached the ultimate degree. Therefore, among the many titles that She
has, the most beautiful title that could be given to Her is that of ‘Mother and
Queen of the Divine Will’.
Now, my daughter, if my Mama did this for the work of
Redemption, so must you for the work of the Fiat Voluntas Tua. Your will must
have no life in you; and making all the acts of my Will for each creature your
own, you will deposit them within yourself; and while repaying my Will in the
name of all, you will form within yourself all the necessary food to nourish
all generations with the food of my Will. Each saying, each effect, each
additional knowledge about It, will be one more taste which that they will find
in this food, in such a way that they will eat it with avidity. Everything I
tell you about my Volition will serve to whet their appetite and so that they
may take no other food, at the cost of any sacrifice. If a food were said to be
good, to restore one’s strengths, to heal the sick, to contain all tastes; and
even more, to give life, to embellish and make one happy – who would not make
any sacrifice in order to take this food? So it will be for my Will. In order
to make It loved and desired, knowledge is necessary. Therefore, be attentive -
receive within yourself this deposit of my Will, so that, as a second Mother,
you may prepare the food for our children. In doing so, you will imitate my
Mama. It will cost you much as well, but in the face of my Will any sacrifice
will seem nothing to you. Do it as a little one, never descend from my arms,
and I will continue to narrate to you the story of my Will.”
Book of
Heaven, Aug. 9, 1924
And just as the fishes are hidden, disappeared inside the sea,
mute, yet they form the glory of the sea and serve as food for man, so do these
souls seem disappeared inside the divine sea, mute, yet they form the greatest
glory of Creation, and are the primary cause for my letting descend upon earth
the delicious food of my Will and of my grace.
Book of
Heaven, Oct. 17, 1925
Now, since the Eternal Wisdom has established that the soul
too should have food, she was assigned the Supreme Will as delicious food. So,
one who takes this food is strong in doing good; she is as though soaked with
love for her God. This food increases the divine blood in order to form the
growth of the Life of God within her. Like sun, it is reflected in her intelligence,
to make her know her Creator and be formed in His likeness. It puts liveliness
in the whole soul, in order to put all virtues in force, and it pushes her to
new works and to sacrifices unheard-of. The food of my Will gives itself in
every instant, at each breath, at night, during the day, in each thing, and as
many times as one wants; nor is there any danger, as with corporal food, that
in taking too much of it, it may do harm and even produce illnesses - no, no;
rather, the more one takes of it, the more it fortifies and raises the soul to
the likeness of her Creator. One can remain with one’s mouth always opened, in
the act of taking this celestial food. All the opposite for one who does not
take this food of my Will. For one who does not take it at all, it can be said
that she disposes herself to die eternally. As for one who seldom feeds
herself, she is weak and inconstant in good, she is cold in love, she is
lacking in divine blood, in such a way that the Divine Life grows as though
anemic within her. The light of her intelligence is so dim, that she knows
little or nothing of her Creator; and not knowing Him, His likeness is so far
away from her, for as much as she is far away from the food of His Will. She is
without liveliness in doing good, because she does not have sufficient food;
and now patience escapes her, now charity, now detachment from everything; so,
the poor virtues live as though strangled, without enough food of my Will. Ah!
if one could see a soul without this celestial food, one would weep over her,
so many are the miseries and the rubbish with which she is covered. However,
there is more for one to compassionate if one sees a creature starved of
corporal food, because many times she lacks the means in order to buy it; but
the food of my Will is given out for free, therefore one who does not take it
deserves condemnation; and the condemnation is formed by herself, because she
has rejected the food which gave her life.
Then, afterwards, I heard that various people had suffered
contrasts, humiliations and other things; and my sweet Jesus resumed His
speaking: “My daughter, just as the body contains bad blood which infects the
good one, and it is necessary to apply vesicants, leeches, bloodlettings, in
order to draw out the bad blood, otherwise one is in danger of remaining
paralyzed for the rest of one’s life; in the same way, the soul who lacks the
continuous food of my Will, contains many bad humors, and it is necessary to
apply the vesicants of humiliations, in order to draw out the bad humor of
self-esteem; the bites of leeches, in order to extract the infected humor of
the vainglory of one’s own self; immediate bloodlettings, to block and draw out
the bad blood of the little attachments which she keeps forming in her heart
toward the people whom she approaches in doing good. Otherwise, those humors
would grow so much as to infect everything she does, in such a way as to remain
paralyzed in good for the rest of her life. Punctures always do good; they are
the sentries of the heart which maintain the blood pure – that is, the
intention of the soul upright in doing good. Therefore, if all did good only in
order to fulfill my Will, punctures would not be necessary, because my Will is
the safeguard against all bad humors. So, punctures are also the penalties for
those who do not take enough food of my Will.”
Book of
Heaven, Nov. 22, 1925
And this is why I feed you the food of Its knowledges – to
make you grow in a divine manner and with Its perfect likeness. And it is for
this reason that my Will wants you always with Itself, wherever It operates –
that It may give you the act of Its operating, the value which the operating of
a Divine Will contains; and you may receive it.”
Book of
Heaven, Nov. 2, 1926
“My daughter, my Redemption came as remedy for man, and
therefore It serves as remedy, as medicine, as food, for the sick, for the
blind, for the mute, and for all kinds of sicknesses. And because they are
sick, they do not enjoy nor receive all the strength It contains - all the
remedies which I came to bring them for their good. The Eucharistic Sacrament
which I left as food in order to give perfect health - many eat It over and
over again, but they remain always sick. Poor food of my very Life, hidden under
the veils of the accidents of the bread – how many corrupted palates, how many
indigestible stomachs, that prevent man from enjoying the taste of my food, and
digesting all the strength of my Sacramental Life. So they remain sick; and
because they are limbs feverish in evil, they take it with no appetite. This is
why I long so much for the coming of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat – because
then, everything I did in coming upon earth will serve as food for those who
will enjoy perfect health. What is not the difference between a sick person who
takes the same food, and another who enjoys perfect health? The sick one takes
it without appetite, without taste, and uses it to sustain himself and not to
die. The healthy one takes it with appetite, and because he enjoys it, he takes
more, and maintains himself strong and healthy. So, what will not be my
contentment in seeing that in the Kingdom of my Will everything I did will no
longer serve as food for the sick, but as food for the children of my Kingdom,
who will be all full of vigor and in perfect health? Even more, by possessing
my Will, they will possess my Life, permanently present within them, just as
the Blessed in Heaven possess It. Therefore, my Will will be the veil that will
hide my Life in them. The Blessed
possess Me within themselves as their own life, because true happiness has its
origin inside the soul, and so the happiness which they receive continuously by
the Divinity holds hands and exchanges the kiss with the happiness which they
possess inside. This is why they are fully happy. In the same way, the soul who
possesses my Will will have my perennial Life within her, which will serve her
as continuous food – not once a day, like the food of my Sacramental Life. In
fact, my Will will make a greater display, and will not be content with giving
Itself once a day; rather, It will give Itself continuously, because It knows
that these have pure palates and strong stomachs to be able to enjoy and
digest, in every moment, the strength, the light, the Divine Life and the
Sacraments. My Sacramental Life will serve as food, as delight, as new
happiness for the Life of the Supreme Fiat which they will possess. The Kingdom
of my Will will be the true echo of the Celestial Fatherland, in which, while
the Blessed possess their God as their own life, they receive Him into
themselves also from the outside. Therefore, inside and outside of themselves,
they possess Divine Life, and they receive Divine Life. What will not be my
happiness in giving Myself sacramentally to the children of the eternal Fiat,
and in finding my own Life in them? Only then will my Sacramental Life have Its
complete fruit; and as the species are consumed, I will no longer have the
sorrow of leaving my children without the food of my continuous Life, because
my Will, more than sacramental accidents, will maintain Its Divine Life always
with Its full possession. In the Kingdom of my Will there will be neither foods
nor communions that are interrupted – but perennial; and everything I did in Redemption
will no longer serve as remedy, but as delight, as joy, as happiness, and as
beauty ever growing. Therefore, the triumph of the Supreme Fiat will give
complete fruit to the Kingdom of Redemption.”
Book of
Heaven, March 30, 1931
“My daughter, in creating man, Our Divinity issued from
Ourselves Sanctity, Love, Goodness, Beauty, and so forth, which were to serve
man to make himself holy, good, beautiful, and to give Us love for love. Now,
Our divine goods have not been taken completely by him, and so they are waiting
for one who would take them. Therefore, come into Our goods, come to take the
crumbs of Sanctity, of Love, of Goodness, the crumbs of Beauty, of Strength. I
say crumbs in comparison with those which you will leave out, because Our goods
are immense, and what the creature can take can be called crumbs compared to
what she leaves out; but, for her, they fill her so much as to overflow
outside. Only then is Our Love content - when It sees the creature loved in Our
goods, filled to the brim. Now, these crumbs form many different foods, one
more beautiful than the other, which she takes from Our celestial table, and
she nourishes herself abundantly from these divine foods; and since one gives
of that food which one takes, so, in giving Us her acts - of one who has
nourished herself of these divine crumbs which give of sanctity, of beauty, of
strength, of love, and has filled herself with such beauty, We immediately
recognize that it is food of Our crumbs that she gives Us in her acts, and – oh!
how content We remain, that the creature gives Us her acts that give of what is
divine; We feel Our fragrances, We touch Our Sanctity and Goodness, and feel
requited for the crumbs We gave her.”
Book of
Heaven, July 9, 1932
My little daughter of my Volition, courage, do not batter
yourself, the divine life formed and fed by my Volition cannot die, and if you
feel hunger, it is rather that you do not always hear my speaking on the other
wonders and novelties that my Will possesses. This interrupted speaking of mine
makes you feel the hunger always new for the food that He possesses. But this
prepares you to receive the new food of his knowledges in order to make you
grow and be fed only of Divine Volition, neither would you submit to take other
food, you would shun it and would content yourself with dying of hunger,
because one who has tasted him so many times doesn’t know how to adapt to take
other foods. But this hunger is also a fortune, because it can serve you as
access into the Celestial Country, and you should know that the only food of
these divine regions is the new act not ever interrupted of my Divine Will.
This food that possesses all tastes, all delights, is the daily food and of all
instants in the Celestial Jerusalem. And then feeling hunger says life, not
death, therefore wait with unconquered patience (for) the food of my Will,
which will re-make you anew from the hunger suffered, with such abundance that
you won’t be capable of taking it all.”
Book of
Heaven, Feb. 10, 1932
“You should know that the creature, with elevating herself in
our Divine Will leaves everything and reduces herself in her nothing. This
nothing recognizes her Creator, and the Creator recognizes the nothing that
went forth to the light, not the nothing encumbered with things that don’t
pertain to Him, no, and finding nothing he fills her with the All. Behold what
it means to live in my Will: to empty oneself of all and lightly, lightly fly
into the bosom of the Celestial Father in order to make this nothing receive
the life of He who created her. Beyond this our Will is our life and our food,
and since we have no need of material foods, therefore He gives us the food of
his holy works. And since the creature is one of our works, we want to find in
her our Will as life, so that not only she but all her works serve us (for)
food and we for exchange give her our food. This feeding each other with the
same foods forms the agreement between God and the creature. This agreement
produces peace, communication of goods, inseparability; it seems that the
divine breath/[fiato] breathes in the creature and that of hers in God, that
they unite so much as to feel as if the breath/[fiato] of the one (is) as if it
might be one alone with the other. Hence agreement of Will, agreement of love,
of works happen. We feel that breath/[fiato] that we put forth in the Creation
of man, that he broke with doing his will, is reborn anew in the creature; our
Will holds the virtue and office to regenerate in her that which she has lost
with sin and to reorder her as she went forth from our creative hands.”
Book of
Heaven, June 15, 1933
My poor mind is always occupied by the Divine Fiat, that not
only wants to make himself life, but also food, because life is not enough
without having something to satisfy the hunger, one would die of hunger. Behold
therefore often, very often, he gives me the delicious and celestial food of
some other truths that require the Divine Volition, so that he not only feeds
me, but he raises this life of his in me, and oh, how many times I feel the
need that blessed Jesus says something to me that regards his Volition, because
I feel myself die of hunger and my amiable Jesus, because He himself wants and
gives me this hunger, in visiting my little soul he said to me:
“My daughter, your desire of being fed by my nourishing word,
it wounds my heart, and I wounded, race forth from you, in order to give you my
divine food that I alone can give you. My word is life and forms in you Divine
life, it is light and illuminates you, and the illuminative virtue remains in
you that always gives you light, it is fire that makes the heat arise in you,
it is food and feeds you.
The sea of the Divine Volition continues to inundate me, and I
being incapable and unable at everything, it seems that he is delighted as to a
tiny little one to feed me with his hands, more than maternal, the food of his
Fiat, and teaching me word by word, syllable by syllable, the first vowels, of
the science of the Divine Will and when it seems that in some way I have
understood him, oh! how he makes festive, because he feels the whole certainty
of forming a soul all of Divine Will. And I in seeing his maternal cares, how
content I am of it and I thank him from the heart.
Book of
Heaven, May 10, 1937
“My little daughter of my Volition, every truth that I
manifest to you on my Fiat is a growth that you make of Him, it is one mouthful
more, that serves in order to fortify you, warm you and conform you all the
more in Him, it is one sip more that you drink from the immense sea of my Will,
it is one Divine property more that you acquire. Now you must know, that every
act more that you do in Him, we prepare before you our Celestial table, and if
you love, he feeds you our love, if you pass to understand us, he feeds you our
Wisdom, and oh how many beautiful news and knowledges he gives you of your
Creator, so that your God becomes your choice food, therefore in all that which
you do, now he feeds you with our Power, now with our Goodness, now with our
sweetness, now with our fortitude, light and our mercy. Hence the human
littleness, with living in our Eternal Volition absorbs us sip by sip, mouthful
by mouthful, because being little, also for how much it is possible for a
creature to take all together that which she must take of our Divine Being,
more so that this serves to delight each other, we to give, and she to receive,
we to give of ours, and she to give us her littleness, we to work her as we
want, and she who lends herself to let us work; it is the exchange on both
parts, the harmonizing ourselves to each other, the speaking to each other,
that forms our most beautiful works and we develop the life of our Will in the
creature, without doing anything, she does nothing. Therefore, it is necessary
to work, to speak, to make ourselves understood, to work, in order to make
beautiful statues, the repeaters of our life. “Hence when we find one who wants
to listen to us, to give themselves to us, in order to receive, we don’t spare
anything, of that [which] we are able and know how to do for creatures. Now my
daughter, when the creature is fed with our Fiat, even to not knowing other
food, and having formed the chain of her acts, all sealed by the
characteristics of divine virtues, God remains imprisoned in his divine virtues
in the creature, and then, if she loves it is God that makes display of the
power of his love, of his goodness, sanctity, et cetera, in the acts of the
creature, so that the power is such that goes forth through means of these acts
that God does in the creature, that it invests Heaven and earth, flutters over
all souls and with his powerful love, invests them, sweeps them away, makes her
give the kiss of the Divine Volition in a way that the human family will feel
his power, his love, that wants to reign. “More so, that the hidden God gives
them this right, through means of a creature that belongs to their human race.
Rights that they cannot refuse to acknowledge, unless some perfidious, but my
power will know (how) to knock down and conquer. Whence leave me to complete
the work of my Will in you, do not oppose in anything, and you and I will be
content to see him reign in the other creatures.”
Bauer, Apr. 2, 2019