Thursday, February 4, 2021



“Every time I speak to you about my Will and you acquire new cognitions and knowledges, your act in my Will has more value and you acquire more immense riches. It happens as to a man who possesses a gem and knows that this gem has the value of a penny: he is rich one penny. Now, it happens that he shows his gem to a competent expert, who tells him that his gem has a value of five thousand lira. That man no longer possesses one penny, but he is rich five thousand lira. Now, after some time he has the opportunity to show his gem to another expert, even more competent, and this one assures him that his gem contains the value of one hundred thousand lira, and is ready to buy it if he wants to sell it. Now that man is rich one hundred thousand lira. According to his knowledge of the value of his gem, he becomes richer, and feels greater love and appreciation for the gem; he keeps it in custody more jealously, knowing that it is all his fortune, while before he held it as a trifle. Yet, the gem has not changed – as it was, so it is; he is the one who went through the change, by understanding the value that the gem contains.

Now, the same happens with my Will, as well as with virtues. According to how the soul understands their value and acquires knowledge of them, she comes to acquire new values and new riches in her acts. So, the more you get to know about my Will, the more your act will acquire Its value. Oh! if you knew what seas of graces I open between you and Me every time I speak to you about the effects of my Will, you would die of joy, and would make feast, as if you had acquired new kingdoms to dominate.”  Vol. 13, Aug. 25, 1921

 You must know that I acted with you like a king who begins to love a friend, who is very dissimilar from him in status; but his love is so great, that he has decided to render him similar to himself. Now, this king cannot do everything at once and render his friend like himself; he does it little by little. First he prepares for him a royal palace similar to his own; then he sends him the decorations to adorn the royal palace. He forms for him a little army; after that, he gives him half of the kingdom, so as to be able to say: ‘What you possess, I possess. King am I - king are you’. However, each time the king gave him his gifts, he looked at his faithfulness; and giving the gift to him was the occasion of new contentment, of greater glory and honor for himself, and of a new feast. If the king had wanted to give to his friend, all at once, everything that he gave him little by little, he would have embarrassed his friend, because he was not trained to be able to dominate. But, little by little, through his faithfulness, he has become instructed, and he finds everything easy.    Sept. 2, 1921

A Poem for Jesus: (prayer given to me by Jesus)

Feb., 1998

All that is mine is Yours –

All that is Yours is mine–

Therefore, I give you my mind,

            And I take Your mind to think with

I give you my eyes,

            And I take Your eyes to see with

I give you my mouth,

            And I take Your mouth to speak with

I give you my ears,

            And I take Your ears to listen with,

I give you my hands,

            And I take Your hands to work with,

I give you my feet,        

            And I take Your feet to walk with,

I give you my heart,

            And I take Your Heart to love with!

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