Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Second Advent




St. Louis Marie de Montfort – True Devotion Nos. 12-38:

“If then the knowledge and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ are to come into the world, they will be but a necessary consequence of the knowledge of the most holy Virgin Mary who brought Him into the world for the first time and will make His second advent full of splendor.”


From the Divine Appeal (in the Words of Jesus) – The Book of Heaven:

If you will give Me your will, all will be done just as I have said; and you will make Me happy, and you will be happy too. I long for nothing else than for My Will to reign among you. Heaven and earth will be smiling at you. My Heavenly Mamma will be sure to be a Mother and Queen to you. She knows the great good that the Kingdom of My Will will bring to you; and, in order to satisfy My ardent desires and to stop My weeping, and because She loves you as Her true children, She is traveling amongst the people of the nations disposing and preparing them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of My Will. It was She who prepared the people for Me so that I could descend from Heaven to earth. And now I am entrusting to Her, and to Her Maternal Love, the task of disposing the souls of our people to receive a Gift so great (the Gift of living in the Divine Will).


“To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”, MMP, #438:

“I was chosen by the Most Holy Trinity to become the Mother of the Word, who became incarnate in my virginal womb, and thus I have given you my Son Jesus.  His first coming among you took place in poverty, in humility and in suffering, because Jesus wanted to assume the limitations, the misery and the weakness of our human nature.  And so my motherly action was carried out in silence, in prayer, in hiddenness and in humility.

I was chosen by the most Holy Trinity to become the Mother of the Second Advent, and thus my motherly task is that of preparing the Church and all humanity to receive Jesus, who is returning to you in glory.  His second coming will take place in the light of his divinity, because Jesus will return to you on the clouds of heaven, in the splendor of his royalty and will make subject to Himself the peoples and the nations of the earth, and all his enemies will be crushed under the throne of his universal dominion.”


Book of Heaven, July 26, 1921:

“Such is my Will; It is not only queen, but more than soul of all created things; It is life of each heartbeat, of each fiber of the heart. My Will, like water, flows within everything - now silent and hidden, and now palpitating and visible. Man can subtract himself from my light, from my love, from my grace, but from my Will – never. He would be like someone who wanted to live without water. It is true that there might be some lunatic who hates water; but in spite of the fact that he hates it, that he does not love it, he will be forced to drink it - either water or death. So it is with my Will; since It is life of everything, creatures will keep It with them either with love or with hatred, but, even though unwillingly, they will be forced to let my Will flow in them, like blood in the veins.”


 “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”, MMP #603

“Enter with me into the fullness of time, which will take place when Jesus returns in the splendor of his divine glory.  This, his first coming, will reach its full significance only at is second coming.  My divine Child, whom you now contemplate in the manger and who cries and shivers from the cold, will one day return in the power of his divine gory and will bring time and history to its fullness.  Time and history will reach their completion; with his divine and glorious presence He will make all things new.”

‘You are living out the mystery of this second Advent, which is preparing you to receive Jesus, when He returns to you on the clouds of heaven.  Only then will the second Advent through which you are living reach its fulfillment.  Then time will attain its fullness.  Then will the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother attain her triumph, in the definitive and glorious triumph of her Son Jesus.”


Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop (Cat. 15, 1-3)

“There is a hidden coming, like that of rain on fleece, and a coming before all eyes, still in the future.”

“At the first coming he was wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger.  At his second coming he will be clothed in light as in a garment.  In the first coming he endured the cross, despising the shame; in the second coming he will be in glory, escorted by an army of angels.”

“His first coming was to fulfill his plan of love, to teach men by gentle persuasion.  This time, whether men like it or not they will be subjects of his kingdom by necessity.”

From a sermon of St Bernard of Clairvaux


The word of the Lord will come to us

We know that the coming of the Lord is threefold: the third coming is between the other two and it is not visible in the way they are. At his first coming the Lord was seen on earth and lived among men, who saw him and hated him. At his last coming All flesh shall see the salvation of our God, and They shall look on him whom they have pierced. In the middle, the hidden coming, only the chosen see him, and they see him within themselves; and so their souls are saved. The first coming was in flesh and weakness, the middle coming is in spirit and power, and the final coming will be in glory and majesty.

  This middle coming is like a road that leads from the first coming to the last. At the first, Christ was our redemption; at the last, he will become manifest as our life; but in this middle way he is our rest and our consolation.

  If you think that I am inventing what I am saying about the middle coming, listen to the Lord himself: If anyone loves me, he will keep my words, and the Father will love him, and we shall come to him. Elsewhere I have read: Whoever fears the Lord does good things – but I think that what was said about whoever loves him was more important: that whoever loves him will keep his words. Where are these words to be kept? In the heart certainly, as the Prophet says I have hidden your sayings in my heart so that I do not sin against you. Keep the word of God in that way: Blessed are those who keep it. Let it penetrate deep into the core of your soul and then flow out again in your feelings and the way you behave; because if you feed your soul well it will grow and rejoice. Do not forget to eat your bread, or your heart will dry up. Remember, and your soul will grow fat and sleek.

  If you keep God’s word like this, there is no doubt that it will keep you, for the Son will come to you with the Father: the great Prophet will come, who will renew Jerusalem, and he is the one who makes all things new. For this is what this coming will do: just as we have been shaped in the earthly image, so will we be shaped in the heavenly image. Just as the old Adam was poured into the whole man and took possession of him, so in turn will our whole humanity be taken over by Christ, who created all things, has redeemed all things, and will glorify all things.

Luke 21:25-27


(25) - And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves;

(26) - Men withering away for fear, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world. For the powers of heaven shall be moved; (27) - And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with great power and majesty.



Lynne Bauer, Dec. 2, 2018

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Eucharistic Reign of Christ


The Eucharistic Reign of Christ

MMP (Marian Movement of Priests) #360, Aug. 21, 1987

Because, in the Eucharist, Jesus Christ is really present, He remains ever with you, and this presence of His Will become increasingly stronger, will shine over the earth like a sun and will mark the beginning of a new era.   The coming of the glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the greatest splendor of the Eucharist.  Christ will restore His glorious reign in the universal triumph of His Eucharistic reign, which will unfold in all its power and will have the capacity to change hearts, souls, individuals, families, society and the very structure of the world. 

When He will have restored His Eucharistic reign, Jesus will lead you to take joy in this habitual presence of His, which you will feel in a new and extraordinary way and which will lead you to the experience of a second, renewed and more beautiful earthly paradise.

MMP #387, Aug. 31, 1988

The coming of the glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the triumph of the Eucharistic reign of Jesus.

MMP #443, Feb. 26, 1991

Today I ask all to throw open the doors to Jesus Christ who is coming. I am the Mother of the Second Advent and the door which is being opened on the new era. This new era will coincide with the greatest triumph of the Eucharistic reign of Jesus.

MMP #421, April 12, 1990

In fact, the coming of the glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the greatest splendor of His Eucharistic reign among you.  The Eucharistic Jesus will release all His power of love, which will transform souls, the Church and all humanity.

MMP #505, Nov.21, 1993 (Feast of Christ the King)

The glorious reign of Christ will be established after the complete defeat of satan and all the spirits of evil, and the destruction of satans diabolical power.  Thus he will be bound and cast into hell, and the gates of the abyss will be shut so that he can no longer get out to harm the world.  And Christ will reign in the world.

The glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the triumph of the Eucharistic reign of Jesus, because in a purified and sanctified world, completely renewed by love, Jesus will be made manifest, above all in the mystery of His Eucharistic presence.

The Eucharist will be the source from which will burst forth all His divine power, and it will become the new sun, which will shed its bright rays in hearts and souls, and then in the life of individuals, families, and nations, making of all one single flock, docile and meek, whose sole shepherd will be Jesus.

Letter of Luisa Piccarreta to Federico Abresch from Bologna


Don’t you know that Redemption is preparation for the Kingdom of the Divine Will? And the Sacred Heart of Jesus is nothing other than the immense Reign of His Will. It is not the Heart that dominates; it is the Divine Will that dominates His Divine Heart. Poor Heart, if it did not have a Will to dominate it, it would be good at nothing. If the will is good, the heart is good; if the will is holy, the heart is holy. If our will gives place to the Divine, letting It raise Its throne in our will, the heart acquires the divine qualities by grace. Therefore, both in the Divine and in the human order, it is always the will that has the first place, the prime act, it’s rule. The heart and all the rest are in the secondary order...


Therefore, to say that the Heart reigns, if the Divine Will does not reign, is absurd. They can be called devotions, pious practices...; if the Divine Will does not reign, the Kingdom does not exist. It exists in Heaven, but has no place on earth. However, the Holy Church, organ and messenger of the Supreme Fiat, through the Sacred Heart, through the Celestial Mama, beseeches the Kingdom of the Divine Will. She does not say it with words, but says it with facts. The Divine Volition is the King – His Heart, His wounds, His precious Blood, the sweet Queen, form the ministers that surround the King, and through them beseech the Kingdom of the Divine Will in souls.


Book of Heaven, Volume  11 – December 17, 1914

Continuing in my usual state and being very afflicted because of the privations of Jesus, after much suffering He came, making Himself seen in all my poor being. It seemed to me as if I were the garment of Jesus. Then, breaking the silence, He told me: “My daughter, you too can form the hosts and consecrate them mystically. Do you see the garments that cover Me in the Sacrament? They are the accidents of the bread from which the Host is made. The Life which exists in this Host is my Body, my Blood and my Divinity. My supreme Will is the act which contains this Life. This Will develops the Love, the reparation, the immolation and all the rest that I do in the Sacrament. The Sacrament never moves one point from my Volition. There is nothing that comes from Me which is not led by my Volition.


Here is how you too can form the Host. The host is material and totally human; you too have a material body and a human will. This body and will of yours – as long as you keep them pure, upright and far away from any shadow of sin – are the accidents, the veil in order to consecrate Me and make Me live hidden in you. But this is not enough; it would be like the host without consecration – my Life is needed. My Life is composed of Sanctity, Love, Wisdom, Power, etc., but the engine of all is my Will. So, after you prepared the host, you have to make your will die in it; you must cook it well, so that it may not rise again. Then you have to let my Will permeate all your being; and my Will, which contains all my Life, will form the true and perfect consecration. Therefore, there will be no more life for human thought, but only for the thought of my Volition, which will consecrate my Wisdom inside your mind; no more life for what is human – weakness, inconstancy, because my Will will form the consecration of the Divine Life, of fortitude, of firmness, and of all that I am. So, each time you let your will flow into Mine, I will renew the consecration of your desires, and of all that you are and that you can do. I will continue my Life in you as if in a living Host – not a dead one, like the hosts without Me.


But this is not all. In the consecrated Hosts, in the pyxes, in the Tabernacles, everything is dead – mute; not the sensitivity of a heartbeat, not a rush of love which may return my great love. If I didn’t wait for hearts in order to give Myself to them, I would be very unhappy; I would remain defrauded of my Love, and my Sacramental Life would remain without purpose. Though I tolerate this in the Tabernacles, I would not tolerate it in living Hosts. In the Sacrament I want to be fed with my own food: the soul will take possession of my Will, my Love, my prayers, my reparations, my sacrifices; she will give them to Me as if they were her own things, and I will nourish Myself. The soul will unite with Me, pricking up her ears in order to hear what I am doing, and to do it together with Me; so, as she keeps repeating my own acts, she will give Me her food, and I will be happy. Only in these living Hosts will I find the compensation for my loneliness, my starvation and all that I suffer in the Tabernacles.”



Book of Heaven, Volume  12 – October 20, 1917

Having received my Jesus, I was thinking about how I could give back love for love. It was impossible for me to be able to shrink and become smaller, like Jesus does in the Host for love of me. This is not in my power, as it is in the power of Jesus. And my beloved Jesus told my:

“My daughter, if you cannot contract all of yourself within the brief circle of a Host for love of Me, you can very well contract all yourself within my Will, to be able to make of yourself the Host in my Will. For every act you will do in my Will, you will make a Host for Me; and I will feed Myself from you, as you do from Me. What forms the Host? My own Life in it. And what is my Will? Isn’t It my whole Life? Therefore, you too can become Host for love of Me: the more acts you will do in my Will, the more Hosts you will form to give back to Me love for love.”


Vol. 20 -   “On the other hand, when I am in the soul who serves Me as living species, I and she develop life together; our hearts beat with a single beat; and, if I see her disposed, I communicate to her my pains and I continue in her my Passion.  I can say that from the sacramental species I pass into living species to continue my Life upon the earth, not alone, but together with her.  Therefore, my daughter, when I find a heart which loves Me and gives me sweet companionship, giving Me liberty to do what I wish, I reach to excesses; I disregard everything; I give so much that the poor creature feels herself drowned by my Love, by my Grace.  Then, my Sacramental Life no longer remains sterile, no, but reproduces and bilocates itself, continuing then to remain always in her.  This soul becomes my conqueror who administers to this poor Beggar of love her life and says to Me:  ‘My Love, Your turn with pains have ended; now is my turn; therefore, quit begging and let me suffer in your place.’

          “Oh, how content I am then!… My Sacramental Life remains in its place of honor, because it reproduces another of its lives in the creature.

           “Therefore, I want you always with Me, living life together; you make yours my Life and I will make mine yours.”


Book of Heaven,  April 20, 1923 - Therefore, to you is it given to tear these veils*, to knock down these barricades, and to make of all human acts as though one single act in the power of my Will, engulfing them all, and bringing them to the feet of my Celestial Father, as though kissed and sealed by His very Will; so that, in seeing that one creature has covered the whole human family with His Will, attracted, pleased, He may through her let His Will descend upon earth, making It reign on earth as It does in Heaven.” 


My experiences – Lynne B.

*The veil: 3/28/95 7:30AM Adoration Chapel at St. Paul of the Cross, N. Palm Bch. FL

While praying with my eyes closed, a bright light filled my vision. From the light I saw what appeared to be a very large chair with a high back and side arms. It was as though looking through a fog of light. I then could see, very vaguely, an outline of a person engulfed in the light. The light was very bright and I could not see clearly at all. At first I thought my mind conjured up a great sight! Then I began to think of Our Heavenly Father and fell into a prayer to Him. I then said to Him, "How can people not know that you are their Father, our Daddy. How can they think of you as being anything other than that (thinking about all the people that call Him Father-Mother, not recognizing Him as their Father). " I still thought that this was my imagination as I continued seeing this vision before me. It startled me to hear Him say to me, "Love them as I love them."  I then thought that this was possibly satan trying to trick me so I immediately prayed to cast out any evil spirits, but it just stayed there before my eyes. A little while later He said,  “The veil will soon come down.”  For some reason I didn't want to listen as I could feel that He was going to say something else, so I began praying again. He again said, "The veil will soon come down. Then you will see wonders as you have never seen. " Moments later He said, “I Am (slight pause) Yahweh. "


All of this must have taken about 20 minutes. It was as if in slow motion. His voice was so very tender and loving! He spoke very slowly and clearly. My body felt as though I were no longer there in the chapel, but when someone came in the door, I was aware of their presence After I left the chapel, throughout Mass and for some time later, my body felt "numb". I have felt the peace of Our Lord before, but never anything quite like this. During Mass at the elevation of the Host, I saw a light come out of the back of the Host, facing Fr. Art. After communion, extremely bright lights were flashing in my head mostly coming from the right side and many shadows appeared.     


The following day, (3/29/95 Late PM) my husband had asked me for this message (above) and while reading it said he didn't understand what "The veil will soon come down" meant. We had just prayed for an answer when a Bishop speaking on EWTN showed a picture of Pope Leo NIII. There was a lady in the picture who was wearing a veil on her head - her hands were on the veil looking as though she were going to pull it down over her face. The Bishop went on to explain that this represented a death approaching or that Rome or a civilization was coming to an end, or that there was going to be a new time approaching.


Feb. 7, 2003, Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament: After receiving Holy Communion, I saw within my soul Jesus sitting upon my heart as if on a Throne, His back toward me, looking outward with something in His right hand like a staff (or a rod) but without a hook (a few days after this I was reading something about Jesus holding a scepter in His hand and thought that perhaps this is what I saw).  He spoke interiorly to me saying, It is from here I will reign!”  Jesus then turned into a little child but remained sitting upon my heart still holding the staff.  Jesus then said to me, “I will reign in those who love me.”


Mar. 11, 2013 LB:  This morning while reading the Book of Heaven, opening it at random as I usually do, I opened to Volume 12, Oct. 19, 1918 where Jesus was speaking about a “general uproar” everywhere – How He will “renew the world with sword, with fire and with water, with sudden deaths and contagious diseases.”  Then He added, “I will make new things.”  I thought about a vision given to me years ago of a field of ash – there was nothing, no trees, buildings, nothing but a ground of what seemed to be ash and a sea of people all looking in the same direction towards the horizon where a brilliant cross appeared followed by a large ball of fire – not the sun (this is the only way I can explain it) which also appeared on the horizon causing everyone to prostrate themselves to the ground.  (this is explained in my notes) Is this what will be before He makes all things new?

 I also thought about what He had said to me years ago when all our belongings were ruined*, and wondered if this all related to each other, and that He will renew all things after the ruin.  As I had not finished my Liturgy of the Hours this morning prior to Mass, I went to the Adoration Chapel to finish it.  Having read all but the Morning Prayer Intercessions, I began reading and read, “Help us to work with you in making all things new in Christ.”

*Regarding what happened years ago when our belongings were ruined:  Several years ago while living in N. Palm Bch. FL, we were moving to a town just to the north and into a new home.  When our furniture arrived from the moving company, we noticed that every piece of furniture and all boxes were moldy and mildew.  It was either that evening or the next that we were having a Divine Will meeting at our new house.  God provided for us as we did have a metal banquet table and a few folding chairs, and went to a local store where we were able to buy beds (even our beds were ruined), and they were even on sale.  Even though all of this happened, I still felt great peace and at one time during the day I heard within my interior, “I make all things new!”  I never bothered about writing this down as I didn’t think it important – until after the above.

Lynne Bauer, July 21, 2018

Monday, November 23, 2020

Messages and visions of chastisements

 I felt it was time for me to begin posting this, and I offer them to you for your discernment:

Messages and visions of chastisements – from 1993-1997

 May 15, 1993  (I came into the Church in Jan. 12, 1993)

In a vivid dream, I saw a large brilliant cross against a dark sky just above the horizon.  I was standing in a very large barren field – no trees, plants, buildings, nothing but an ashen looking ground.  A thought came to me that everything had been destroyed.  There were people as far as the eye could see in front of me, and I was standing towards the back of them off to their left.  As the cross began to disappear, a very large ball of light appeared also on the horizon, like a ball of fire only somehow brighter.  The ball of fire appeared to the right of the cross.  When the cross was visible, the people were just standing and staring at it in awe, but when the ball of light appeared, everyone prostrated to the ground.

 End of June, 1995

“The world is covered with darkness.  Soon the light will come to dissipate the darkness, yet many will be lost as they will not open to the light.”

July, 30, 1995

“Soon there will be a whirlwind coming.  Hold on to me that you may not be swept away by the wind.”  (Somehow I understood that this did not mean a weather whirlwind, but something coming to the earth or Church – the wind represents error)

Beginning of Feb., 1996

(A vision of light – I knew God the Father was going to speak)  Soon as storm of fire will come.  I have sent My Son and My daughter and still they do not listen.  Do not fear my little one.  I hold you in the palm of My hand.  You will be lifted up above the fire.  I am coming.  Tell my children.  Be prepared.  I can wait no longer (pause) I can wait no longer.  I Am your Father.”

Later this day I asked for a confirmation of this message.  Ed had left the Bible opened to the book of Rev. which speaks about a fire coming.  Then I opened it at random first to Jude 23, “Save other by snatching them out of the fire” then to 2Peter 3:7 “The present heavens and earth have been reserved by the same word for fire, kept for the day of judgment and of destruction of the godless.”

 Mid-Feb., 1996

I had been reading a book about a coming chastisement and asked Our Lord if this was going to happen and if it would come from man or from Him.  He answered me saying, “Both!  The disasters will come one upon the other.  They will look to the heavens as there will be nowhere else to turn!”

 Mid August, 1996

“How long shall I wait?  Pray for your bother and sisters.  The scales are tilting.  The world Is falling deeper into darkness and it will be shattered.  But first, My mercy shall come!  My light will be there for all who want to be drawn into it.  Do not allow satan to distract you.  Know my child that satan hates you.  Keep focused on me alone.”

Beginning of Oct., 1996

While praying my morning prayers, I saw what appeared to be a glistening sea of water as though the sun were shining on waves of water making them appear as glass, and a feeling of great peace came over me.  Suddenly up from the sea came a large dark mass beginning on the left side and then almost covering the sea completely. Upon seeing this, the peace left me.  A while later while getting ready for Mass, I heard interiorly, “I do not want you to drown in the sea of doubt.  Listen carefully to My words and go where I lead you.  Latch on to me and do not let go!”  (and a little later) “Take heed of My words as I do not want you to be swept away in the tide of disbelief that is coming upon the world.”

 Wed. Oct. 16, 1996

“Pray for your brothers and sisters.  I need more prayers and sacrifices – I am loosing so many souls.  The darkness will become even darker before the light comes.  You will be as lambs among wolves.”

 Nov. 6, 1996

I was praying before Mass began and asked for God’s mercy on the U.S. after the results of the elections yesterday.  I told Him we were like wounded fighters in need of time to heal our wounds and He replied, “There is no time!”  I understood that we will have to rebound immediately in times when evil seem to win and to trust completely in Our Lord.

Jan. 29, 1997

Before Mass in the Adoration chapel a great sadness suddenly came over me.  It is impossible to describe what I felt and saw interiorly.  My attempt to explain:

I saw a vision of Jesus standing at a distance from me and could feel that He was very angry.  I then saw a very large bowl in His hands and it looked as though He were about to pour it out.  I then saw Our Lady standing off to His right side looking at Him and I ran to Her side dropping to the ground.  I called Her, but She did not answer, nor did she look at me but continued to look at Jesus.  I called again and she said very softly, “Son”.  The bowl then disappeared from Jesus’ hands and the vision left.

March 31, 1997

I was praying for Priests, and saw an interior vision of a large group of people who I later understood to be Priests, standing to the left of a very steep cliff.  To the right of the cliff was total darkness.  They were standing as though they were waiting for something, all crowded together. Some were standing close to the edge of the cliff and others farther away and they were looking about in different directions.  I understood that I must increase my prayer for Priests.

 Apr., 1997

“My Law is in My Church.  Read Romans.  This is why I will come to purify the Church.”

 April, 1997

“So many are lost.  Time is very short, shorter than you think.  The dim light within their souls will be taken away.”

 May, 1997

“The Antichrist is at the door!”  (I understand from this that is does not actually mean the person of the antichrist is here, but that the door will be opened to the antichrist.  He has not yet entered the door but is still outside of it.

 Nov. 1997

I was thinking how wonderful it will be when the Church is renewed as Our Lord tells us, and He spoke to me saying, “But My Passion (for the church) must come first.”  “I will be with you - I will be your food, I will be your shelter.


These are parts of the messages and visions given to me only up until the end of 1997.  There is more explanation of some of them in my notes.  I will work on those from my writings from 1997 to present.

Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Friday, November 20, 2020

"I Thirst"


“I Thirst”


"Afterwards, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said: I thirst."   John 19:28


"Jesus is God, therefore His Love and His Thirst are infinite. He, the Creator of the universe, asked for the love of his creatures. He has thirst for our love … These words:

“I THIRST” … Do they echo in our soul?  Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta


“My good daughter! The Pain that most transfixed Me on the Cross was My ardent Thirst.  I felt I was burning alive since all the vital humors had gone out through My Wounds, which were burning and wanted to quench, like many mouths, Their terrible Thirst.  I just couldn't contain Myself anymore, so I shouted: ‘I Thirst!'  This, ‘I Thirst,’ remained and is always in the act of saying: ‘I Thirst!'  I never stop saying it.  With My open Wounds, with My burnt Lips, I am always repeating: ‘I am burning—I Thirst! Please, Give Me a little drop of your love to soothe My ardent Thirst.'

 “In everything the creature does I keep repeating with My Mouth, opened and burned: ‘Let Me drink. I'm burning of Thirst.'  My dislocated and Wounded Humanity had only one cry: ‘I Thirst!'   Therefore, as the creature walks, I shout to her steps with My dry mouth, ‘Give Me your steps—done for love of Me, to quench My Thirst.'  If she works, I ask for her works—made only for love of Me, to cool My burning Thirst; if she speaks, I ask for her words; if she thinks, I ask for her thoughts—as many little drops to refresh My ardent Thirst.  It wasn't just My mouth that was burning, but all My Most Holy Humanity felt the urgent need of a refreshing bath for the ardent Fire of Love that burned within Me; and since it was for the creatures that I was burning in Excruciating Pains, only creatures, with their love, could quench My ardent Thirst and give to My Humanity a refreshing bath.  Now, I left this cry: ‘I Thirst!' inside My Will and I made the commitment to make the creatures hear it over and over again—to move them to compassion for My burning Thirst; to give them My Bath of Love and receive theirs—though being just little drops—to quench My devouring Thirst.  But who is listening to Me?  Who has compassion for Me?  Only the one who Lives in My Will.  All the others play deaf and even increase My Thirst with their ingratitude—making Me restless and with no hope of refreshment.

  “And not only My ‘I Thirst,’ but all that I did and said in My Will, is always in the act of saying to My Sorrowful Mother: ‘Mother, here are Your children.'  I place Her at their side as help and Guide, to be loved by her children; every instant She feels Her own Son close to all the children.  O! how much She Loves them giving them Her Maternity, to make Myself Loved as She Loves Me.  Not only this, but by offering Her Maternity She offers Perfection also among creatures, so that they Love each other with Maternal Love, which is a constant, sacrificing, unselfish Love.  But who receives all this Good?  Only the one who Lives in Our Fiat feels the Maternity of the Queen.  She feeds Her children with Her Maternal Heart, to let them suck and receive the Maternity of Her Love, Her Sweetness, and all the riches of Her Maternal Heart.

Book of Heaven, Vol. 36, April 20, 1938


If the agony in the Garden was in a special way for the dying, the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath. They are both agonies, but one is different from the other: the agony in the Garden, full of sadness, of fears, of anxieties, of frights; the agony on the Cross, full of peace, of imperturbable calm. And if I cried out ‘I thirst!’, it was the insatiable thirst that all might breathe their last in my last breath; and in seeing that many would go out of my last breath, out of grief I cried out ‘Sitio!’ [‘I thirst!’], and this ‘sitio’ still continues to cry out to all and to each one like a bell at the door of each heart: ‘I thirst for you, oh soul! O please, never go out of Me, but enter into Me and breathe your last in Me!’  Book of Heaven, Vol. 9, July 4,1910

  “My daughter, poor daughter, courage, the privation of Me excites the desire more, and in this excited desire the soul breathes God; and God, feeling more ignited by this excitement of the soul, breathes the soul.  In this breathing each other - God and the soul - thirst for love ignites more, and since love is fire, it forms the purgatory of the soul, and this purgatory serves her, not as just one Communion a day, as the Church allows, but as a continuous communion, just as the breathing is continuous.  But these are all communions of most pure love – only of spirit, not of body; and since the spirit is more perfect, as a consequence, love is more intense.  This is how I repay, not one who does not want to receive Me, but one who cannot receive Me, depriving himself of Me to content Me.”   Book of Heaven, Vol. 5, Dec. 5, 1903

 Lynne Bauer May 13, 2020

From my notes, Aug. or Sept. 2019

While praying the 33 day Consecration (33 Days to Morning Glory, Day 21), after reading something that was quoted by Mother Teresa and the Offertory verse (Psalm 68:21) for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, I seemed to understand what my mission was!  Several years ago, I was told by Jesus during Adoration that I had a mission to accomplish (as we all do). Remembering an experience I had just after coming into the Catholic Church; I had stopped in the Adoration chapel just before Mass (St. Paul of the Cross, No. Palm Bch. FL) and as soon as I walked in the chapel door, my heart burst out with the words, “I live to console You!”  This was not even in my thoughts, but the words just welled up in my heart and it was impossible to hold them in – there was no holding them back.  All these years I have not understood what this “mission” could be until I read the words of Mother Teresa, “Be the one.”  Be the one to console Jesus by satiating his burning thirst for love.  She writes, “Tell Jesus, I will be the one.  I will comfort, encourage and love Him...Try to be the one to share with Him, to comfort Him, to console Him.  So, let us ask Our Lady to help us understand.”  And the Psalm that day was, “My heart had expected reproach and misery.  And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, and there was none: and I sought one that would console me, and I found none”. 

It goes on to say, “But what exactly does this mean?  What does it mean to satiate the thirst of Jesus?  Two things: to console Jesus the Head of his Mystical Body and to console him in the members of his body.”  The prayer for that day was, “Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary, Help me to ‘be the one’ to console Jesus with Mary.

Now, as I sit here in Adoration, I feel this is where I can console Jesus – in His Temple (the Church) and I, like Mary and Joseph go in search for Him and can always find him here – in his Temple.  I feel like Mary Magdalene crying tears at his feet and Veronica wiping his Sacred Face. This is consoling the His Divine Heart.  When I offer my acts united with his, offered through the Heart of Mary, I console Him.  When I bring everyone, all of humanity, to the Mass and Adoration with me, I console him.  When I pray the Hours of the Passion and read his words in the Book of Heaven, offering every word back to Him for the salvation of souls, I console Him.  When I visit the sick and the dying, then do I console him. When Jesus says, “I thirst’, I console Him, Head of His Mystical Body, and I console Him in the members of His Body.

I ask Our Lady to give me Her Heart to console the Heart of Her Son and tell her, I will be the one!”


Sunday, November 15, 2020

"Give me a drink..."


Yesterday (Sunday, March 11, 2012) during Adoration before Mass, I was reading the Second Reading by St. Augustine in my Liturgy of the Hours about the Samaritan woman drawing water from the well and Jesus saying to her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink...’ I looked up at the Blessed Sacrament and felt tremendous love and felt myself being drawn towards Jesus. I began to feel obsessed with giving Jesus a drink of water and thought about what that water represented. It is impossible for me to explain in words what transpired in my heart and soul, but this overwhelming feeling stayed with me during the entire Mass and all day. Even today (Monday) I am still thinking about Jesus' words — and believe that the water represented an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the coming of God's Kingdom.

During Mass was thinking to myself that perhaps Jesus, as He usually does, would confirm to me my thoughts. They read the First and Second Readings and the Gospel, but no words about water. While following in the Missal during the Gospel reading, I happened to look over to the facing page for next Sundays Reading — it was about Moses striking the rock to bring forth water for the Israelites in the desert after they had been complaining. This brought light to what I had been contemplating during Adoration.

  After Mass, we went to breakfast with friends of ours, and one of them told me about a dream she had the night before and asked me if knew what it meant. She told me she dreamt she and her husband were in China and there was of a very large river of water where many, many people were floating. She said the people were not only Chinese, but of many different races —just floating alive down this river. I asked her if the water was rough and if it was dark in color, and she told me it wasn't. (l asked this because of a vision I was given many years ago (with my eyes), I saw a large body of water, very calm with little ripples, and felt very much at peace upon looking at it. I remember it made me smile. Then suddenly the water turned very dark and a large dark figure came up from the center of the water which was very frightening, and I shut my eyes and it disappeared.)

As continue to contemplate about what I experienced yesterday and what my friend told me about her dream, feel that this water represents an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and our giving Jesus a drink (our wills) in exchange for the “Gift of God” – His Divine Will.   LB           

Updated on Dec. 15, 2016 – during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament while reading Vol. 31, Nov. 27, 1932:  “Therefore there is great difference between one who works in my Will, and between one who works without Him. The first one is (the) source of which the font can be boasted of that its water never finishes, and that it can give water to whom it wants without ever drying out; the second is the font that doesn’t rise up and is dried up. The first one is fertile earth and its meadows always bloom, the second is sterile earth that hardly produces some wild plant. The first one holds the Sun at her disposition, which makes them drink large sips of light, of sweetness, of sanctity, of unconquered patience, of heroism, of sacrifices. The second holds the night that gives sips in order to maintain her passions, to weaken her and to make her lose the sight of Heaven. The difference between the one and the other one is great. Therefore, be attentive and make that my Divine Will consumes you and transforms you all in his light.”

Divine Love

Divine Love
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