Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Seek My Face

Seek My Face, and all the rest will be given you besides.

There are souls so attached to what they think I should give them in answer to their prayers, that when I give them what is best for them, and most glorious for Me and for My Father, theu fail to see it. This is because they do not intercede or ask in the Holy Spirit. Instead, they pray out of the obscurity, blindness, and narrowness of their own perceptions, limiting what I can do for them, and using their prayer as an attempt to control My loving omnipotence.

When you ask, do so with a complete abandonment to My wisdom, My love, and My perfect will. Pray in this way, and you will begin to see wonders surpassing all that you can imagine.

How unfortunate are those who come to Me proposing their own solutions, when all they need to do is to bring Me their problems, their needs, and their requests. When you intercede for one who is ailing, it is enough for you to say to Me: "Lord, the one whom Thou lovest is sick."  Leave all the rest to My most loving Heart. If you ask for a cure or healing, do so with such confidence in My love that your faith is ready to embrace My response to your prayer in whatever form it takes.

If I am teaching you how to intercede before My Eucharistic Face, and how to present souls to My Eucharistic Heart, it is because I want you to intercede much, to ask boldly, and to obtain great things from My omnipotent love. If you are praying well, that is, praying as I teach you how to pray, then act boldly and confidently, for I am with you and I will not forsake you, and My blessing will rest upon all that you do with a pure heart for My glory and the glory of My Father.
Excerpt from "In Sinu Jesu"

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