Wednesday, June 27, 2018

What is living in the Divine Will?

St. Thomas Aquinas’ prayer before study:

“Grand me, I beseech Thee, O merciful God,

Ardently to desire, prudently to study,

Rightly to understand, and perfectly to fulfill

That which is pleasing to thee, to the

Praise and glory of Thy Name.  Amen.”

Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta:  “Have you seen what it is to live in my Will?  It is to disappear; it is to enter the sphere of Eternity; it is to penetrate into the all-seeingness of the Eternal One – into the Uncreated Mind, and to take part in everything, as much as it is possible for the creature, and in each divine act.  It is to enjoy the use, even while being on earth, of all the divine qualities; it is to hate evil in a divine way.  It is extending oneself to everyone without exhaustion, because the Will that animates this creature is divine.  It is the sanctity not yet known, which I will make known, and which will place the last ornament, and the most beautiful, the most refulgent, among all other sanctities, and will be crown and fulfillment of all other sanctities.  Now, to live united with Me is NOT to disappear – two beings can be seen together, and one who does not disappear cannot enter the sphere of Eternity to take part in all the divine acts.  Ponder well and you will see the great difference.”  (Book of Heaven, April 8, 1918)

Jesus to Venerable Conchita (1862 – 1937):  Listen. There are many progressive degrees in the transformation.  The highest degree on earth corresponds to a transformation of the creature not only in its manner of thinking and of acting, which becomes divine, but which in a certain sense causes it to disappear and annihilate itself to give place to Me.  This degree is the work of the Holy Spirit alone who becomes the soul of this soul and the life of this body.”  (Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary)

Father Philipon, Theologian and Editor of Conchita’s Diary)  “…we are incontestably in a new era of spirituality…a calling of all, even the laity, even of married people, to the greatest holiness.”

Jesus to Saint Faustina:  I want to pour out My Divine Life into human souls and sanctify them, if they are willing to accept My Grace.”  (Divine Mercy in My Soul)

Luisa explains the difference between “living resigned” and “living in” the Divine Will:

Living Resigned:  “In one who lives resigned to the Divine Will, it is almost impossible not to mix his own will with it.”

Living in the Divine Will:  “Living in the Divine Will means being inseparable, doing nothing by oneself, because in the face of the Divine Will one feels incapable of anything.”  “…one who lives in the Divine Will finds it impossible to do things by himself, even more, he feel nausea for his human works, though holy, because in the Divine Will all things, even the smallest ones, take on a different look.  They acquire nobility, splendor, Divine sanctity, Divine power and beauty, they multiply to infinity…”  “And after he has done everything, he says, ‘I have done nothing – Jesus did.’”

From the writings of Saint Maximilian Kolbe:

“The will of Mary Immaculate is so closely united with the Will of God that they seem to be only one will…Her will is united to and identified itself in the closest way with the Will of God.  She lives and operates only in God and through God.  So we should not be afraid to say that our only and deepest wish is to do the Immaculate’s will as accurately as possible.  By doing this, we shall belong to Her every day more.  And She shall take possession of our whole being.”  The first seven centuries (from the founding of the Franciscan Order) were only the preparation, the idea, the cause.  Now comes the realization of that truth, the manifestation of the Immaculate Virgin to souls;  Her introduction to souls with all the blessed effects which follow from it.  In every country there must arise Cities of Mary Immaculate…you will soon see tears flowing from the eyes of the most hardened sinners; prisons will be emptied; hones workers will unite; families will overflow with virtue, peace, and happiness; all discord will be banished, for it is now the new era.”

Prayer of Blessed Pope John Paul II:
Immaculate Conception

Mary my Mother,

Live in me, act in me, speak in and through me,

Think your thoughts in my mind,

Love through my heart,

Give me your disposition and feelings,

Teach, lead, and guide me to Jesus,

Correct, enlighten and expand my thoughts and behavior,

Possess my soul,

Take over my entire personality and life

Replace it with Yourself,

Incline of to constant adoration and thanksgiving

Pray in me and through me

Let me live in you, and keep me

In this union always.  Amen

This is our great hope and our invocation:

‘Your Kingdom come!’  a Kingdom of peace, justice and serenity,

Which will re-establish the original harmony of creation.”

Pope John Paul II, Papal Address on Psalm 97, Nov. 6, 2002

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

You are gods

Jesus says, “You are gods.” (Jn. 10:34) How is this possible?

At baptism, we become “partakers of the divine nature,” (CCC 1265 or 2Pt.1:4) or as St. Athanasius states that we are, “becoming by grace what God is by nature.” The Catechism quotes St. Athanasius to explain this teaching, “For the Son of God became man so that we might become God,” (460) and furthermore it explains, “The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that He, made man, might make men gods.” (CCC 460)

For most of us, the concept that “You are gods.” (Jn. 10:34) or that we are being “divinized” is difficult to grasp so let us first look at Jesus’ baptism when the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus and the Heavenly Father says, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matt. 3:17) Likewise, the Holy Spirit also descends into our souls at baptism, and we, too, become His sons and daughters as the Psalmist states, “You are ‘gods’; you are all sons of The Most High.” (82:6)  The Heavenly Father’s words also apply to us as when St. Faustina hears Him say, You are My delightful dwelling place; My Spirit rests in you.”  (Diary 346)

Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling

St. Paul reminds us that we are temples of God, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you?” (1Cor.6:19) and “For this reason, those in whom the Spirit dwells are divinized.” (CCC 1988) Divinization also means that the Holy Spirit makes us, “a new creature.” (CCC 1265) However, it is not just the Holy Spirit that dwells in our souls, but it is also the Holy Trinity.   The Catechism explains that baptism is the “entry into the life of the Most Holy Trinity,” (1239) and we become “the indwelling of His Presence in us” (2781).  


St. John Paul II enlightens us that “‘Divinization’…occurs through the admission into the intimacy of the Trinitarian life”, (Novo Millennio Ineunte no. 23) as when the Holy Trinity speaks in the soul of St. Faustina, “‘You are Our dwelling place.’ At that moment, I felt in my soul the presence of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I felt that I was the temple of God. I felt I was a child of the Father,” she said. (Diary 451)

St. Faustina says, “Divinize me so that my deeds may have supernatural value,” (1242) but she remains a meek and humble student of the indwelling Presence. She accepts to be molded regardless of her sins and frailties.  Jesus explains to St. Faustina what He can do despite our faults and failings, “Your heart is My constant dwelling place, despite the misery that you are.  I united Myself with you, to take away your misery and give you My mercy.” (Diary 723)  She learns to worship the Holy Trinity within her soul so well that the Blessed Virgin Mary appears to her explaining the divinization going on in her soul, “You are a dwelling place pleasing to the living God; in you, He dwells continuously with love and delight. And the living presence of God, which you experience in a more vivid and distinct way, will confirm you, my daughter, in the things I have told you.” (Diary 785)

Divine Mercy and St Faustina

St. Faustina continues to plead with God, “Divinize me that my deeds may be pleasing to You,” (Diary 1289) so the Blessed Virgin Mary gives her instruction on how to live continually with the indwelling Presence, “My daughter, strive after silence and humility, so that Jesus, who dwells in your heart continuously, may be able to rest. Adore Him in your heart; do not go out from your inmost being. My daughter, I shall obtain for you the grace of an interior life which will be such that, without ever leaving that interior life, you will be able to carry out all your external duties with even greater care. Dwell with Him continuously in your heart. He will be your strength. Communicate with creatures only in so far as is necessary and is required by your duties.” (Diary 785)

Divinization is difficult to understand due to the way we view ourselves, “we hold this treasure in earthen vessels,” (2Cor.4:7) but Instrumentum Laboris instructs us that the “Eucharist is the summit of the Church’s life, since communion with the Lord leads to the sanctification and “divinization” of the person.”  Similarly, to help St. Faustina comprehend, Jesus tells her that as she sees Him outside so He is within, “I am dwelling in your heart as you see Me in this chalice.” (1820)  But, why is all this relevant or important to us now?  Because “The hour is coming when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth.” (John 4:23)

“Yes, the hour is coming very soon when there will be no physical Church to worship in” (Pope Benedict XVI - Light of the World pgs. 16-17):

“This passage in chapter 4 of John’s Gospel is the prophecy of a worship in which there will no longer be any temple, but in which the faithful will pray without an external temple in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Gospel, in communion with Christ; where what is needed is no longer a visible temple but rather the new fellowship with the risen Lord.  That always remains important, because it signifies a major turning point in the history of religion as well.”

Inner Light – Source Unknown

Finally, believe and understand that He wants to divinize us not by the “counterfeit divinization of eros,” (Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est no. 4) as when the serpent says, “you will be like gods,” (Gen.3:5) but by being humble, intimate, and living temples of God as when Jesus states, “We will come into him, and make Our dwelling in him.” (Jn. 14:23) Therefore, in these turbulent times trust and have confidence that His loving indwelling Presence is always with us day and night to divinize us as Jesus tells St. Faustina, You are my dwelling place and my constant repose.  For your sake I bless the earth.” (Diary 431)


L. Bauer

Saturday, June 23, 2018

From the Aurora to Total Transformation


“The ways of knowledge are through faith, for only such knowledge of the faith disposes the understanding to union with the living God.”   John Paul the Great

The Aurora:

Thus, the first step in living in the Divine Will which gives Divine Order to the creature, takes place in the depths of the soul where grace moves her to empty herself of what is human, of tendencies, of passions, of inclinations, and so on.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 12)

“These truths on my Divine Will will form the day of my FIAT in the midst of the creatures. According to their knowledge, this day will be rising. So, as they begin to know the first truths which I have manifested to you, a most splendid dawn will arise - provided that they will have good will and the disposition to make their own life of these truths.” (Book of Heaven, Vol. 35, 11/7/37)

The Dawn or Daybreak:

“Then, once the dawn is risen, they will feel invested by a celestial peace, and more strengthened in the good. They, themselves, will yearn to know more truths, which will form the beginning of the day of my Divine Will. This beginning of the day will increase the Light and the Love; all things will turn into good for the creatures; passions will lose the power to make them fall into sin”.  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 35, 11/7/37)

“…since everything is established and ordered by the Divinity, It waits for the one who must give the strongest knock which, forcing the doors with invincible strength – the very strength of my Divine Will – will open wide the doors, and with her sweet chains of love, will bind the Eternal Will to make It come and reign in the midst of creatures. She will be like a bride who, bejeweling the groom with her loving chains, will carry him as though in triumph into the midst of creatures. And just as the Holy Virgin put an end to the night hours of the patriarchs and prophets, and formed the dawn to make the Sun of the Eternal Word rise, so will this one form the dawn to make rise the Sun of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven”.   (Book of Heaven, Vol. 24, 5/26/28)

“…just as nature has its day in human life, during which all the actions of life are performed, in the same way my Divine Will forms Its Day in the depth of the creature who lives in my Will.  As the creature begins to form her acts in It, calling It to her as her own Life, she starts her day, forming a most shining Dawn in the depth of her soul.  This Dawn gathers its Power, renewing in the creature the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son, the Virtue and Love of the Holy Spirit.  So she starts her Day together with the Most Holy Trinity, Which descends in the most tiny acts and hiding places of the creature in order to live together with her, and to do whatever she does.  This Dawn puts to flight the darkness of the soul, so that all becomes light for her, placing Itself as a vigil sentry, so that all her acts may receive the Light of the Divine Will.  This Dawn is the first rest of God within the room of the soul – it is the beginning of the eternal Day in which the Life of the Supreme Being starts together with the creature.”  (Vol. 35, 9/26/37)

I am the dawn which precedes the day.”  (To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons,  #252)

 I am the dawn which is arising to announce the great day of the Lord.”  (To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons,  #344)

“I am the daybreak which precedes the sun; I am the dawn which begins the new day.” (To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons,  #257)


The Full Day:

“…feeling the great good of the beginning of the day, they will long for the day to advance. They will then know more truths which will form the full day.  In this full day they will vividly feel the Life of my Will within themselves - its joy and happiness, Its operative and creative virtue within them. They will feel the possession of my very Life, becoming the bearers of my Divine Will. The full day will provoke in them so much yearning to know more truths that, once known, they will form the full afternoon”. (Book of Heaven, Vol. 35, 11/7/37)

“…in my Will there are no nights, nor sleep - it is always full daylight and full vigil. There is no time to sleep because there is much to do, to take and to be happy in It. Therefore, you must learn to live in the long day of my Will, so that my Will may have Its life of continuous attitude within you.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, 6/29/25)

“The soul who lives in our Will is the full Day of our continuous Works and our Life, palpitating and repeating our acts, which are always in action and never cease. She is our triumph - our little winner. Our delirium of love is exactly this: we want to be won by the creature. When she wins, our Love is unleashed, and our fidgets and delirium of love find life within the creature, and rest.” (Book of Heaven, Vol. 35, 9/26/37)


The Full Noon:

“In this (the full noon), the creature will no longer feel alone: between her and my Will there will be no more separation. What my Will will do, she will do as well - operating together. All will be her own by right - Heaven, earth, and God Himself.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 35, 11/7/37)

“What will it be when all the truths I have revealed to you about my Will are gathered together - the fecundity of Its Life, the good It contains, the infinite expansion of the merits that multiply, and all the rest.  When everything is gathered together, it will not form a few atoms or the dawning sun, but the sun of full noon.” (Book of Heaven)

“And just as one day He put Himself on the lookout at the doors of Heaven in order to enclose Himself in my womb, so is He now in the act of putting Himself on the lookout at the doors of my womb, which is more than Heaven. And the Sun of the Eternal Word rises in the world and forms in it Its full midday. So, there will be night no longer for the poor creatures, nor dawn, nor daybreak – but always sunshine, more than at the fullness of midday.”  (The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 21)

Rev. 21:25:  “...and its gates shall never be shut by day - and there shall be no night there.”

Rev. 22:5:   “And night shall be no more; they need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they shall reign forever and ever.

Isaiah 60:19-21:  The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you by night,; but the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.  Your sun shall no more go down, not your moon withdraw itself; for the Lord will be your everlasting light.”

Importance of the Knowledge:

“Do you see then, how noble, divine and precious will be the scope of these truths which I made you write on my Divine Will in order to form the day of the creature? For some they will form the dawn; for some the beginning of the day; for some others the full day and, lastly, the full afternoon. These truths will form, according to their knowledge, the different categories of the souls who will live in my Will. One knowledge more, or one less, will make then rise or stay in the different categories. Knowledge will be the hand to boost them up to the higher categories - it will be the very life of the fullness of my Will within them.” (Book of Heaven, Vol. 35, 11/7/37)

“Therefore, knowledge of It is like the herald of the gift of my Will which I want to give to the creature. Knowledge prepares the way; knowledge is like the contract I want to make of the gift I want to give; and the more knowledge I send to the soul, the more she is spurred on to desire the gift and to solicit the Divine Writer to place the final signature – that the gift is hers and she possesses it. So, the sign that in these times I want to give this gift of my Will is the knowledge of It. Therefore, be attentive not to let anything escape you of what I manifest to you about my Will, if you want Me to place the final signature on the gift which I yearn to give to creatures.”

(Book of Heaven, Vol. 18, 12/25/25)

Behold therefore, the necessity of Its knowledge’s.  If a good is not know, neither is it loved not wanted; therefore, the truths that I manifest to you to make known My Will will be the messengers, the forerunners, which announce My Reign.  Yes, My knowledge’s about My Fiat will pose now as suns (peacemakers), again as thunders (warriors), then as bursts of light (incessant prayer), and again as violent winds (as King, dominating and exhaling love, before whom they will bow their heads in submission), which will call the attention of the gifted, of the ignorant, of the good, and even of the wicked.  They will be as thunderbolts that will strike their hearts and, with irresistible force, will knock them down in order to make them rise into the goods of the knowledge’s acquired.  They will bring about the true renovation of the world”.   (Book of Heaven, Vol. 20, 10/30/27)

“When will this Kingdom come?”

‘My beloved Jesus, who knows when this Kingdom will come!’ And He: “My daughter, in order for Redemption to come, it took four thousand years, because the people that prayed and longed for the future Redeemer was smaller, of limited number. But those which belong to my Church are more peoples and - oh, how much greater in number than that one! Therefore, the number will shorten the time; more so, since religion is making its way everywhere, and this is nothing but the preparation of the Kingdom of my Divine Will.” (Book of Heaven, Vol. 24, 5/26/28)

Jesus:  “She is traveling amongst the people of the Nations disposing and preparing them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of My Will.  It was She who prepared the people for Me so that I could descend from Heaven to earth.  And now, I am entrusting to Her the task of disposing the souls of our people to receive a Gift so great.”  (The Divine King appeals to His Children)

Rev. 60:22:  The least one shall become a clan, and the smallest one a mighty nation;

I am the Lord; in its time I will hasten it.

I pray You to make arise the dawn of grace in all hearts

so that You, Divine Sun, may resurge in all hearts

and reign over everyone.”

 (prayer of Luisa’s from the Hours of the Passion)

 Lynne Bauer

Sept., 1998

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Trumpet of the Divine Will

The Trumpet of the Divine Will

Joshua 6:5
And when the voice of the trumpet shall give a longer and broken tune, and shall sound in your ears, all the people shall shout together with a very great shout, and the walls of the city shall fall to the ground, and they shall enter in every one at the place against which they shall stand.
Joshua 6:20
So all the people making a shout, and the trumpets sounding, when the voice and the sound thundered in the ears of the multitude, the walls forthwith fell down: and every man went up by the place that was over against him: and they took the city.

Book of Heaven, Volume 5, April 10, 1903
As I was in my usual state, I saw our Lord with a rod in His hand with which He touched the people.  As they were touched, they scattered and rebelled, and the Lord said to them:  “I have touched you to reunite you around Me, but instead of reuniting, you rebel and scatter away from Me, therefore it is necessary that I blow the trumpet.”  And while saying this, He began to blow the trumpet.  I understood that the Lord will send some chastisement, and men, instead of humbling themselves, will take the occasion to offend Him and to move away from Him; and on seeing this, the Lord will make the trumpet of more grave scourges resound.

"Be attentive, my daughter; you will be my spokesperson - the trumpet, to call them and to gather this generation, so beloved and longed for by Me."  Oct. 27, 1922

Book of Heaven, Volume 16, January 23, 1924
Each additional act of yours which you will braid with Our Fiat, will be a human kiss that you will have Our Fiat be given, a greater bond that you will form between the Divine Will and the human will, in such a way that, placed in accord, It may have no reluctance to making Itself known and taking Its royal dominion.  Everything is in making Itself known – the rest will come by itself.  This is why many times I have recommended to you that you omit to write nothing of what regards my Will – because knowledge is the way, and its light serves as trumpet to call those who are listening, to make itself heard; and the more the trumpet sounds – and it sounds more for as many more knowledges as it has, to be manifested – the more people will rush up.  Knowledge takes the attitude now of pulpit, now of teacher, now of compassionate father and excessive lover; in sum, it has all the ways in its power in order to enter the hearts, to conquer them and to triumph in everything.  And the more knowledges it contains, the more ways it has in its power.”

Book of Heaven, Volume 19, August 4, 1926
First I make the preparations, I form in you all the properties of It, and then I speak to you, so that, by feeling Its properties within yourself, you may be the spokesperson of my Will, the crier of It, Its telegraph and the little trumpet which, with a shrill sound, may call the attention of those passing by to listen to you.  The teachings I give you about the Kingdom of my Will will be like many electric wires, which are such that, when the appropriate communications are established and the necessary preparations are made, a single wire is enough to give light to entire cities and provinces.  The power of the electricity, with rapidity greater than that of the wind, gives light to public and private places.  The teachings about my Will will be the wires; the power of the electricity will be the Fiat Itself which, with enchanting rapidity, will form the light that will cast away the night of the human will, the darkness of passions.  Oh, how beautiful the light of my Will will be!  In seeing it, creatures will dispose the devices in their souls in order to connect the wires of the teachings, so as to enjoy and receive the power of the light that the electricity of my Supreme Will contains.  Do you want to see what will happen?  Look:  I take one wire of my teachings linked to your soul, and you emit your voice within the wire.  Say:  ‘I love You, I adore You, I bless You…’ – whatever you want to say, and be attentive on looking.”

Book of Heaven, January 10, 1926
It happens to my Will as to an actor who must present his show to the audience. Poor one! How many hidden works, how many vigils, how many preparations; how much art does he not prepare even in his movements so that his postures may make the audience, now smile, now cry! In all this crafting, the actor does not make feast; on the contrary, he sweats, toils and labors. And when everything seems to be prepared, he prepares himself to call the public to see his show; and the more people he sees, the more he feels joy arise in his heart, for, who knows, he might be able to make a beautiful feast. But the true fulfillment of his feast is when, the show having been performed, full-handed, he feels coins of gold and silver flow in his hands, as appreciation and triumph of his show. But if after so many preparations, he sets everything up, he plays and plays toy trumpets, but nobody shows up, or just a few people who leave him alone at the first acts of the show – poor one, how he suffers, and the hope of his feast turns into mourning. Who is it that so much embittered that poor actor, so capable and kind in performing his scenes? Ah! the ungrateful people, who did not even want to be spectators of the scenes of that poor actor.
Book of Heaven, July 27, 1929
"My Gospel can be called vowels, consonants which, acting as trumpeters, called the attention of the peoples to await some more important lessons which were to bring them a good greater than Redemption Itself. My very pains, my death and my Resurrection, confirmation of Redemption, are preparation for the Kingdom of my Divine Will. They were lessons more sublime, and made everyone stand at attention, awaiting yet higher lessons. And this I have already done, after so many centuries – which are the many manifestations I have made to you about my Divine Will, and that which I have made known to you more: how It wants to come to reign in the midst of creatures, to give back to them the right of Its Kingdom which they had lost, to lavish upon them all the goods and all the happinesses It possesses.

Book of Heaven, August 7, 1929

“My daughter, the principal means in order to make my Divine Fiat reign upon earth are the knowledges about It. The knowledges will form the ways, will dispose the earth to become Its Kingdom; they will form the cities, will act as telegraphs, as telephone, as postal service, as trumpeters, in order to communicate, city to city, creature to creature, nation to nation, the news, the important knowledges about my Divine Will. And the knowledges about It will cast into the hearts the hope, the desire to receive a good so great.  

Exodus 19:16
And now the third day (the Third Era – the Era of the Divine Will) was come, and the morning appeared: and behold thunders began to be heard, and lightning to flash, and a very thick cloud to cover the mount, and the noise of the trumpet sounded exceeding loud, and the people that was in the camp, feared.
Isaias (Isaiah) 27:13
And it shall come to pass, that in that day a noise shall be made with a great trumpet, and they that were lost, shall come from the land of the Assyrians, and they that were outcasts in the land of Egypt, and they shall adore the Lord in the holy mount in Jerusalem
Rev. 11:15 – The Seventh Trumpet
And the seventh angel sounded the trumpet: and there were great voices in heaven, saying: The kingdom of this world is become our Lord's and his Christ's, and he shall reign for ever and ever. Amen.

Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Most Powerful Enemy Destroyed

"Be faithful to the time spent in prayer and make sure that at least half of your prayer is spent in silence. This will bring you closer to Jesus. If you deepen your prayer life you will grow in holiness and obtain many graces for the souls entrusted to your care. Deepen your love for one another by praying for each other and by sharing thoughts and graces you have received in prayer and reading."
— Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I offer this that came to me after reading the Liturgy of the Hours.  It all came together as I was lead to read from the Book of Heaven after this reading.  For your discernment:

June 14,, 2018 – Liturgy of Hours
First Reading – Joshua 5:13 – 6:21

The most powerful enemy city is destroyed

When Joshua was near Jericho, he raised his eyes and saw a man standing there before him, grasping a naked sword. Joshua walked towards him and said to him, ‘Are you with us or with our enemies?’ He answered, ‘No, I am captain of the army of the Lord, and now I come…’. Joshua fell on his face to the ground and worshipped him and said, ‘What are my Lord’s commands to his servant?’ The captain of the army of the Lord answered Joshua, ‘Take your sandals off your feet, for the place you are standing on is holy.’ And Joshua obeyed.  (obedience)

  Now Jericho had been carefully barricaded against the Israelites; no one came out, no one went in. Then the Lord said to Joshua, ‘Now I am delivering Jericho and its king into your hands. All you fighters, valiant warriors, will march round the town and make the circuit once, and for six days you will do the same thing. But seven priests will carry seven trumpets in front of the ark. On the seventh day you will go seven times round the town and the priests will blow their trumpets. When the ram’s horn rings out (The shofar, made of rams  horn is blown in synagogue services on Rosh Hashanah and at the very end of Yom Kippur, and is also blown every weekday morning in the month of Elul running up to Rosh Hashanah), when you hear the sound of the trumpet, the whole people must utter a mighty war cry and the town wall will collapse then and there; then the people can storm the town, each man going straight ahead.’

  Joshua son of Nun called the priests and said to them, ‘Take up the ark of the covenant, and seven priests are to carry seven trumpets of ram’s horn in front of the ark of the Lord (carried the ten Commandments in it).  He said to the people, ‘Forward! March round the town and let the vanguard march before the ark of the Lord.’ All was done as Joshua ordered the people. Seven priests carrying the seven trumpets of ram’s horn in front of the Lord moved onwards and blew their trumpets; the ark of the covenant of the Lord came behind them, the vanguard marched in front of the priests with their trumpets, the rearguard followed behind the ark; the men marched, the trumpets sounded.

  Joshua had given the people the following order: ‘Do not shout, do not utter even a word; let nothing be heard from you till the day when I say: Raise the war cry. Then you are to shout.’

  At Joshua’s command, the ark of the Lord went round the town and made the circuit once; then they returned to the camp and spent the night there. Joshua rose early and the priests took up the ark of the Lord. Bearing the seven ram’s horn trumpets, the seven priests walked before the ark of the Lord sounding their trumpets as they went, while the vanguard marched before them and the rearguard behind the ark of the Lord, and the march went on to the sound of the trumpet.

  They marched once round the town on the second day and returned to the camp, and so on for six days. On the seventh day they rose at dawn and marched seven times round the town in the same manner. Only on that day did they march round seven times. At the seventh time the priests blew their trumpets (the number seven denotes completeness or perfection) and Joshua said to the people, ‘Raise the war cry, because the Lord has given the town into your hands.

  ‘The town and everything inside it must be set apart for the Lord under a ban; only the life of Rahab the harlot is to be spared, with all who are in her house, since she hid the messengers we sent. But beware of the ban yourselves; do not be covetous and take anything that is under the ban; that would lay the whole camp of Israel open to the same ban and bring disaster on it. All the silver and all the gold, all the things of bronze and things of iron are consecrated to the Lord and must be put into his treasury.’

  The people shouted, the trumpets sounded. When they heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a mighty war cry and the wall collapsed then and there. At once the people stormed the town, every man going straight ahead; and they captured the town. They enforced the ban on everything in the town: men and women, young and old, even the oxen and sheep and donkeys, massacring them all.

“the wall will collapse” - 

Luisa:  “I could see my littleness, the nonentity of my being, and I was stunned at how daring I had been, wondering from where had I taken that courage to offend a God so good, who, in the very act in which I was offending Him, assisted me, preserved me, nourished me. And if He had any rancor with me, it was for the sin I committed, which He greatly hated, while He loved me immensely, He excused me before divine justice, and was all occupied with removing that wall of division between the soul and God, which sin had produced. Oh! if all could see who God is, and who the soul is in the act of sinning, they would all die of sorrow, and I believe that sin would be exiled from the earth.”  Vol. 1

“the ark”

“…the fugitives drew around Me, surrounding Me like a crown; and with tears and sighs, they asked for my forgiveness for they had so cravenly abandoned their Master, and had run away from Him. I welcomed them maternally in the ark of refuge and salvation of my Heart; I assured all of them of the forgiveness of my Son, and I encouraged them not to fear. I said to them that their destiny was in my hands, because He had given them all to Me as my children, and I recognized them as such.  (The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will)

 “the sound of the trumpet” - 

“See now, how necessary it is that my Will be known in all relations - in the prodigies, in the effects, in the value - what I did in this Will for the creatures, and what they must do. And this will be a powerful magnet in order to draw creatures, to make them receive the inheritance of my Will, and make the generation of the children of light come out into the field. Be attentive, my daughter; you will be my  spokesperson - the trumpet, to call them and to gather this generation, so beloved and longed for by Me.”  Book of Heaven, Oct. 27, 1922

               “This is why many times I have recommended to you that you omit to write nothing of what regards my Will – because knowledge is the way, and its light serves as trumpet to call those who are listening, to make itself heard; and the more the trumpet sounds – and it sounds more for as many more knowledges as it has, to be manifested – the more people will rush up. Knowledge takes the attitude now of pulpit, now of teacher, now of compassionate father and excessive lover; in sum, it has all the ways in its power in order to enter the hearts, to conquer them and to triumph in everything. And the more knowledges it contains, the more ways it has in its power.”  Book of Heaven, January 23, 1924

“All the silver and all the gold, all the things of bronze and things of iron” –

Now, you must know that my Will is most pure gold; and so that the thread of your will may become most pure gold - in such a way that, as the thread of your will is braided with Mine, one would not be able to distinguish which one is yours and which one is Mine - it takes only sacrifice and pains. Consuming the thread of your human will, they substitute it with the golden divine thread which, identifying itself with mine, forms one single thread, and braiding the whole great wheel of Eternity, extends everywhere and finds itself in every place. But if my Will is gold and yours is iron, you will remain behind, and Mine will not lower Itself to be braided with yours. If you take two objects of gold, though each one may have its own different shape, by melting them, you will be able to form one single object, and would no longer be able to distinguish the gold of one from that of the other. But if one object is of gold and the other of iron, one will not stick to the other, and it will be impossible to form one single object of gold. So, only sacrifice changes the nature of the human will.”  Book of Heaven, Aug. 12, 1922

“..saw a man standing there before him, grasping a naked sword. Joshua walked towards him and said to him, ‘Are you with us or with our enemies?’ He answered, ‘No, I am captain of the army of the Lord, and now I come…’”
Saint Michael the Archangel

“My beloved, the most pleasing and most consoling words for my Mother are: ‘Dominus Tecum’ [‘The Lord is with Thee’]. In fact, as soon as they were pronounced by the Archangel, She felt the whole of the Divine Being being communicated to Her, and therefore She felt invested with divine Power, in such a way that, in the face of the divine Power, Her own dissolved; and so my Mother remained with the divine Power in Her hands.”   Jan. 10, 1903

Luisa’s prayer: Archangel Saint Michael, defend me from the infernal enemy, who puts so many obstacles in my mind to make me fail this obedience. Archangel Saint Rafael, and you, my guardian Angel, come to assist me and to accompany me, to direct my hand, that I may write the truth alone.
Lynne Bauer, JMJ - June 14, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Difference between living in the Divine Will and doing the Divine Will

The Great Difference Between Living in the Divine Will

and Doing the Divine Will

Volume 3 - July 10, 1900

Difference between living for God and living in God.

While I was in the same confusion, He made Himself seen like a flash and made me understand that I had not written everything He had told me the day before – that is, that the soul must not only live for God, but in God.  So, blessed Jesus repeated to me the difference that exists between living for God and living in God, saying to me:  “In living for God, the soul can be subject to disturbances, to bitternesses, to being inconstant, to feeling the weight of passions, to meddle in earthly things.  But the living in God – no, it is completely different, because the most important thing so that one person may enter to dwell inside another person is to lay down all that belongs to him – that is, to strip himself of everything, to leave his own passions; in a word, to leave everything in order to find everything in God. 

Now, when the soul has not only stripped herself, but has slimmed down well, then will she be able to enter through the narrow door of my Heart to live in Me, according to my way and from my own Life.  In fact, even though my Heart is immense, so much so, that there is no end to Its boundaries, Its door, however, is extremely narrow, and only one who is stripped of everything can enter into It.  This, with reason, because since I am Most Holy, I would never admit anything to live in Me which is extraneous to my sanctity.  Therefore, my daughter, try to live in Me and you will possess Paradise in advance.”

Who can say how much I understood of this living in God?  But then He disappeared and I was left in my same state. 

Volume 12 - August 14, 1917

Jesus did nothing other than give Himself prey to the Will of the Father.  Difference between living resigned to the Will of God, and living in His Will.

As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus just barely came, passing by, and told me:  “My daughter, I did nothing other than give Myself prey to the Will of the Father.  Therefore, if I thought, I thought in the mind of the Father; if I spoke, I spoke in the mouth and with the tongue of the Father; if I worked, I worked in the hands of the Father.  I even breathed my breathing in Him, and everything I did was ordered the way He wanted.  Therefore, I could say that I carried out my Life in the Father, and that I was the bearer of the Father, because I enclosed everything in His Will and I did nothing by Myself.  My main point was the Will of the Father, because I did not care about Myself, nor did I interrupt my course because of the offenses I received; rather, I kept flying more and more toward my center.  Only then did my natural Life end, when I fulfilled the Will of the Father in everything.

The same for you, my daughter.  If you give yourself prey to my Will, you will no longer have concerns for anything.  The very privation of Me, which torments you and consumes you so much, flowing in my Will, will find support, my hidden kisses, my Life in you, clothed with you.  In your very heartbeat you will feel Mine - burning and sorrowful; and if you don’t see Me, you feel Me; my arms hold you tightly.  How many times you feel my motion, my refreshing breath, which refreshes your ardors!  You do feel all this; and when you try to see who squeezed you, who breathes on you, and you do not see Me, I smile at you, I kiss you with the kisses of my Will, and I hide more within you, in order to surprise you again, and let you jump once more into my Will.  Therefore, do not sadden Me by afflicting yourself - but let Me do.  May the flight of my Volition never cease in you; otherwise you would hinder my Life within you.  On the other hand, as you live in my Will, I do not find any hindrance, and I make my Life grow, and I carry out my Life as I want.”

Now, out of obedience, I want to say a few words on the difference between living resigned to the Divine Will, and living in the Divine Will.

First:  living resigned.  According to my poor opinion, this means to be resigned to the Divine Will in everything, both in prosperous and in adverse circumstances, seeing in everything the Divine Will, the order of the divine dispositions which the Divine Will has over all creatures, such that not even one hair can fall from our head if the Lord does not want it so. 

It seems to me like a good son, who goes wherever his Father wants, and suffers whatever his Father wants.  Poor or rich, it is indifferent to him; he is happy just being what his Father wants.  If he receives or asks for an order to go somewhere to carry out some business, he goes only because his Father wanted it so.  But in the meantime, he has to take some refreshment, stop to rest, have some food, deal with people; therefore he has to put much from his own will, even though he goes because his Father wanted it.  However, in many things he finds himself in the circumstance of doing them by himself; so it may happen that he is far away from his Father for days, for months, without receiving specification of the Will of his Father in all things. 

Therefore, for one who lives resigned to the Divine Will, it is almost impossible not to mix his own will with It.  He will be a good son; however, he will not have the thoughts, the words and the life of his Father fully portrayed within himself, in everything.  In fact, since he has to go, return, follow and deal with people, love is already broken - because only a continuous union makes love grow, and it never breaks - and the current of the Will of the Father is not in continuous communication with the current of the will of the son.  During those intervals the son may get used to doing his own will.  However, I believe that this is the first step toward sanctity.

Second:  living in the Divine Will.  I would like the hand of my Jesus to write this.  Ah, He alone could say all the beauty, the goodness and the sanctity of living in the Divine Will!  I am not capable; I have many concepts in my mind, but I lack the words.  My Jesus, pour Yourself into my word, and I will say what I can.

Living in the Divine Will means being inseparable, doing nothing by oneself, because in the face of the Divine Will one feels incapable of anything.  He does not ask for orders, nor does he receive them, because he feels incapable of going by himself.  So he says:  If You want me to do this, let us do it together, and if You want me to go, let us go together.’  Therefore, he does all that his Father does.  If the Father thinks, he makes the thoughts of the Father his own, and does not add one thought to those of his Father.  If the Father looks, if He speaks, if He works, if He walks, if He suffers, if He loves, he too looks at what the Father is looking at; he repeats the words of the Father; he works with the hands of the Father; he walks with the feet of the Father; he suffers the same pains of the Father, and he loves with the love of the Father.  He lives inside his Father, not outside of Him; therefore, he is the reflection and the perfect portrait of his Father - which is not, for the one who lives only resigned.  It is impossible to find this son without his Father, nor the Father without him; and not only externally, but all his interior is as though interwoven with the interior of the Father - transformed, dissolved completely, completely, in God.

Oh, the rapid and sublime flights of this child in the Divine Will!  This Divine Will is immense; in every instant It circulates within everyone; It gives life and order to everything.  And the soul, wandering within this immensity, flies to all, helps all, loves all, but as Jesus Himself helps and loves - which cannot be done by one who lives only resigned. 

Therefore, one who lives in the Divine Will finds it impossible to do things by himself; even more, he feels nausea for his human works, though holy, because in the Divine Will all things, even the smallest ones, take on a different look.  They acquire nobility, splendor, Divine sanctity, Divine power and beauty; they multiply to infinity, and in one instant one does everything.  And after he has done everything, he says:  ‘I have done nothing - Jesus did.  And this is all my contentment:  that, miserable as I am, Jesus gave me the honor to keep me in the Divine Will, to let me do what He Himself has done.’  Therefore, the enemy cannot bother this child - whether he has done well or badly, little or much - because Jesus Himself did everything, and he together with Jesus.  He is the most peaceful one; he is not subject to anxiety; he loves no one and loves everyone - but divinely.  One can say that he is the repeater of the Life of Jesus, the organ of His voice, the heartbeat of His Heart, the sea of His graces. 

True Sanctity, I believe, consists only in this.  All other things are shadows, larvae, specters of sanctity. 

In the Divine Will, virtues take their place in the Divine order; while, outside of It, in the human order, they are subject to self-esteem, to vainglory, to passions.  Oh! how many good works, how many attended Sacraments are to be cried over before God, and to be repaired, because they are empty of  Divine Will, and therefore without fruits.  Heaven willing that all would understand true sanctity.  Oh! how all other things would disappear.

So, many find themselves on the false way of sanctity.  Many place it in the pious practices of piety - and woe to those who move them!  Oh, how they deceive themselves!  If their wills are not united with Jesus and transformed in Him - which is the continuous prayer - with all of their pious practices their sanctity is false.  And it shows how these souls pass very easily from pious practices to defects, to amusements, to the sowing of discord, and other things.  Oh, how dishonoring this kind of sanctity is!  Others place it in going to church, in attending all the services, but their will is far from Jesus.  And it shows how these souls have little care for their own duties; and if they are hindered, they get angry, they cry that their sanctity goes up in the air.  They complain, they disobey, they are the wounds of families.  Oh! what a fake sanctity.  Others place it in frequent confessions, in scrupulous spiritual directions, in having scruples for everything; but they do not have any scruple if their will does not run together with the Will of Jesus - and woe to those who contradict them!  These souls are like inflated balloons:  a little hole is enough for the air to come out, and their sanctity goes up in smoke, and falls to the ground.  These poor balloons always have something to say; they are mostly inclined to sadness.  They live always in doubt, and therefore would like to have a director for themselves, who would advise them, give them peace and console them in every little thing.  But they are soon more agitated than before.  Poor sanctity, how forged it is.

I would like the tears of my Jesus in order to cry together with Him over these false sanctities, and make everyone know how true sanctity is in doing the Divine Will and in living in the Divine Volition.

This sanctity puts its roots so deeply that there is no danger that it may oscillate, because it fills Heaven and earth, and finds its support everywhere.  This soul is firm, not subject to inconstancies or voluntary defects.  She is attentive to her duties; she is the most sacrificed and detached from everyone and everything, even from spiritual directions themselves; and since her roots are deep, she rises up so high that the flowers and fruits bloom in Heaven.  She is so hidden in God that the earth sees little or nothing of this soul.  The Divine Will keeps her absorbed within Itself; only Jesus is the author, the life, the form of the sanctity of this enviable creature.  She has nothing of her own, but everything is in common with Jesus.  Her passion is the Divine Will; her characteristic is the Will of her Jesus, and ‘FIAT’ is her continuous motto.

On the other hand, the poor and false sanctity of the balloons is subject to continuous inconstancies, and while it appears that the balloons of their sanctity swell up so much as to seem to be flying in the air at a certain height, to the point that many, and even their directors, are amazed - soon they are disillusioned.  One humiliation, one favor of the directors toward someone else, is enough to deflate these balloons, because they see this as a theft against them, considering themselves the neediest.  So, while having scruples for silly things, they then reach the point of disobeying.  Jealousy is the woodworm of these balloons, which, consuming the good they do, keeps sucking air from them, and the poor balloon deflates and falls to the ground, reaching the point of dirtying itself with earth.  Then the sanctity that was in the balloon appears.  And what can one find in it?  Love of self, resentment, passions, hidden under the aspect of good, almost to have occasion to say:  they have become the amusement of the devil; so, of all their sanctity, nothing was found but a mass of defects, apparently disguised as virtues.  But then, who can say everything?  Only Jesus knows the worst evils of this fake sanctity, of this devout life without foundation, because it leans on false piety.  These fake sanctities are spiritual vines without fruit - sterile, and cause of who knows how much crying for my lovable Jesus.  They are the ill feeling of society, the worry of very directors, and of families.  One can say that they bring with themselves a noxious air that harms everyone.

Oh! how so very different is the sanctity of the soul who lives in the Divine Will!  These souls are the smile of Jesus.  They are far away from everyone, even from the very directors.  Only Jesus is everything for them; therefore, nobody worries for them.  The beneficial air which they possess embalms everyone; they are the order and the harmony of everyone.  Jesus, jealous of these souls, becomes actor and spectator of whatever they do – there is not one heartbeat, breath, or thought which He does not regulate and dominate.  Jesus keeps this soul so absorbed in the Divine Will that she can hardly remember that she is living in exile.

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Divine Love
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