Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Abomination of Desolation

Yesterday, something prompted me to pick up a book from my bookcase which I brought with me to Adoration this morning.  The book is “True Life in God”, Jesus’ messages through Vassula Ryden. Yesterday, I was on a Catholic blog and someone had posted what they thought was happening in the Church today, so I went to Fr. Gobbi’s book and posted what Our Lady said about “the abomination of desolation”:

"This is the hour when the abomination of desolation is truly entering into the holy temple of God. They are no longer the salt of the earth, but a salt without savor,, corrupted and nauseating, good only to be strewn on the ground and trampled underfoot by everyone. They are no longer the light on the candlestick, but darkness which makes the night even more obscure. They are all poor ailing priest-sons of mine, because they have fallen under the dominion of satan."
"Help them without ever judging them. Love them always . Do not condemn them, this is not your role."
"This scandal will become even greater and more serious."
Live simply in surrender and trust, like my little children, in my Immaculate Heart."
(To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, The Marian Movement of Priests, #74)

This morning during Adoration, I opened Vassula’s book to the first message of June 19, 1995 and read:
“In these days and in your times I am confronted by the guilt of those who strike Me and the wickedness of those who practice deceit.  Do not commit this abomination which the prophet Daniel spoke of, I say, but your steps persistently follow deceit; your era is challenging My Power.  Very well then, since your intentions, generation, are to trample on My Perpetual Sacrifice and abolish It, I tell you: I shall do to you what I have done to Sodom and Gomorrah but one hundred times more, to equal your sins – you see those ten Towers you have built for yourselves as Lodges?  Well, you will never live in them; your empire will crumble down together with you; and those precious stones you have treasured?  You will never possess them, for I am going to pass through you to remind you that from the Beginning, My Name thrice Holy was to be honored and kept Holy, and that your due to Me was to fear Me.

Wondering about what Jesus meant by the “ten Towers”, I was led to go to the messages of Fr. Gobbi, and read,

 “This Black Beast has ten horns and, on the horns, ten crowns, which are signs of domination and royalty.  Masonry rules and governs throughout the whole world by means of the ten horns.  The horn, in the biblical world, has always been an instrument of amplification, a way of making ones voice better heard, a strong means of communication”.  “For this reason, God communicated his Will to his people by means of ten horns which made his Law known: the Ten Commandments. The one who accepts them and observes them walks in life along the road of the Divine Will, of joy and of peace.”  “Freemasonry spreads everywhere through the power of its ten horns, a law which is completely opposed to that of God.”  MMP, #405, June 3, 1989

Lastly: This was a meditation during Adoration that I had on First Saturday, Feb. 4, 1995 (just two years after coming into the Catholic Church.  Offered for your discernment:

Meditation on the Presentation of Jesus:

Sat., Feb. 4, 1995

As Our Lady presented the Infant Jesus to God the Father in the Temple, She also presents Him to us each day at the Mass (in the Temple), and also presents each of us to God the Father as She presented Jesus to Him.  As Simeon and Anna knew that this Infant was the son of God, we also must see Him in the Eucharist with the same faith as they did.  We must believe in His true Presence.  Jesus has told me that the “abomination will soon be set up in the temple and that we must continue to walk in faith – “to be His Light” in the darkness surrounding us.  I have complained to Him to open the hearts of all the people that they may return to Him, and He has told me many times that He “will not impose on their will.”  He cannot enter the hearts of so many as they are hardened and filled with pride – that many of them will be lost.  We are asked to continue to pray for them during this time of Mercy that their hearts may open.   This is where the “abomination” begins – in the heart”, but will “soon be set up in the temple”.  As Our Lady presented Jesus, She by tradition, was to be purified according to the Law (though She was already pure!) – the Church must also be purified!

About the “ten horns (towers)” - Around the time of the above, I was given a vision of a vast sea.  The sea was calm with only a few ripples and it made me feel totally at peace and made me smile.  I felt as though I could just stay there forever looking at this sea. Then suddenly up from the sea rose a black cloud (this is the only way I can describe it) that made me incredibly frightened.  I knew I was to continue to look at it, but because I became so frightened I looked away and when I looked back, it disappeared.

Added recently:  Rev. 13 – “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads”….”and the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months”…”Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them”…”If any one has an ear, let him hear….

I would suggest reading Rev. 13 very carefully praying to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and understanding.

 Lynne Bauer, Sept. 21, 2017

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