Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How to Live and Pray in the Divine Will


How to begin to live in the Divine Will

Do we ask Jesus to pray with us?  Are we praying in the Divine Will at all times by calling the Divine Will into all of our actions, thoughts and words?

 Is the first thing we do upon waking in the morning to thank God for the new day, and make our first act of the day an act of love in the Divine Will?

Are we making the Rounds of Creation  (example: thanking God in all His creation, taking this love as our own and offering it back to Him as acts of homage, blessings and praise)?

- the Rounds of Redemption (example: partaking in all the acts of Jesus: His Conception, Birth, etc. , making all His acts our own and returning them to the Holy Trinity, following the acts of Our Lady, or doing the acts of the  Apostles supplementing all they did with the fullness of the Divine Sanctity of the Divine Will as if they had lived in the Divine Will.  Also for all the Popes, Priests, or saints past, present and future, each of the Sacraments, reparations to God for all the lack of obedience, reverence, etc.);    

- and the Rounds of Sanctification of man (example: giving our I Love You to the Holy Spirit in all the Sacraments of the Church; following the life of Luisa and the other saints who lived in the Divine Will on earth, re-giving to God the Glory that these souls did in their activities and rounds in the Divine Will.)

Do we ask, “What would Jesus or Mother Mary do in this or that situation?”

Are we always keeping Jesus company in all that we do saying, “Jesus wants to go to work, shop, eat, etc. now.”  (Jesus says, “This is to live in the Divine Will, keeping your Creator company at all times.”)

Are we receiving the Holy Eucharist in the Divine Will?  Jesus told Luisa,  “When I instituted the Eucharistic Sacrament and communicated the Apostles, I communicated Myself in the Will of the Father.  And with this, not only did I repair all, but finding in the Divine Will the Immensity and the All-Seeingness of everything and of everyone, I therefore embraced all and communicated all.  And seeing that many would not have taken part in the Sacrament, and the Father offended because they did not want to receive Life, I gave to the Father the satisfaction and the Glory as if all had received Holy Communion, giving to the Father for each one, the satisfaction and the Glory of a Divine Life.  You also: receive Communion in My Will, repeat that which I did, and thus not only will you repair all, but you will give Me to all as I intended to give Myself to all and you will give Me the Glory as if all had communicated.  My Heart is moved upon seeing that the creature – unable to give Me anything of itself that is worthy of Me – takes the things that are Mine, makes them its own, imitates the manner in which I did them, and to please Me gives them to Me.”

Are we making our confession in the Divine Will?  (Making reparation for our sins and the sins of all!)

Before we go the bed at night, do we bring all creatures to Jesus to make reparation for all who do not rest in Him?  Do we invite all the angels and saints and our Guardian Angels to pray while we sleep so that our heartbeats and breaths will be as prayers united to theirs (this will keep us in unceasing prayer even through the night)?

 Are we giving to God, in the name of everyone all the Glory they should give Him praying, excusing them, making reparation for each one in particular, descending into their minds, intelligence’s, glances, words, movements, hands, hearts, footsteps, uniting them to the Humanity of Jesus to satisfy the Father. 

Do we “pay attention” to Jesus when reading or hearing His words or do we allow our minds to wander?  Jesus says, “Be more attentive…and follow the Will of your Jesus, because watchfulness will show you where you are and what you are doing”  “…attention is the path to knowledge”  “…..be attentive, because it is important; it is about the most important thing that exists in Heaven and on earth..”

Are we reading the Volumes to learn from Jesus so we may gain in the knowledge He wants to give us?  Regarding knowledge Jesus tells us, “This knowledge will be like fertilizer to a tree, enabling the fruit to mature upon which creatures will feed.” “  Knowledge will make you appreciate and esteem more highly the Divine palace of My  Will .”  “…vigilance is the path of knowledge.  Knowledge changes the person and things disposing him to receive great gifts”  “Knowledge is the eye of the soul; the soul without knowledge is blind concerning those goods and truths.  In my Will there are no blind souls; rather, each new acquisition of knowledge leads them to a broader perspective.  Enter often, therefore into my Will, Broaden your horizons in My Will and, as I see this, I will return to tell you more about My Will.” “Knowledge prepares the way.  Knowledge is as the contract that I want to make for the gift which I wish to give, and for however much knowledge enters into the soul, so much more is she stimulated to desire the gift….”

Are we thinking more of our brothers and sisters rather than ourselves?  Luisa:  “He also taught me how to love creatures without ever separating myself from Him by seeing each person as an image of God.  If some good came to me, I was to recognize that He used the creature to lavish that good upon me.  If, on the other hand, it happened that I receive evil or harm, I was to think that God permitted it for my spiritual or bodily good.”  When I saw Him and His image in creatures, I could not loose esteem for them.  If they mortified me, I felt obliged to love them in God’s image and believe that they would acquire merits for my soul.”

Do we ask Our Lady to do everything with us - to give us her heart to love Jesus more, to give us her arms to hold Him, to give us the words to say to Him, etc?  (Prayer of Our Holy Father)

Are we accepting all that Jesus gives us - sufferings, trials, etc?  with a smile and joy in our hearts that He allows us to be like Him?  Do we way “Fiat” to everything and mean it?

Are we willing to change at a moments notice if Jesus asks us to do something else?

Do we recognize our nothingness?   From Vol. 1:  “So that I can pour my graces into your heart, it is necessary for you to convince yourself that by yourself you are nothing and are capable of nothing.  I look with much approval and bestow gifts and graces on souls that are wary of attributing to themselves the good effects that result from their own works made in correspondence to My graces.

How much do we desire and want to possess the Divine Will in us?  Jesus:  “…first I want to see that the soul truly wants to do My Will and never her own, that she is ready to sacrifice anything to do Mine, and that in all she does she asks Me always, even on loan, the Gift of My Volition.”

Are we taking time for adoration and meditation each day?   If  we wanted to know someone with whom we were living, we would observe his acts, his gestures; we would listen to his words; we would keep our eyes constantly focused on him and watch everything he does; we would examine his works; we would put ourselves as much as possible in contact with him.   Meditation attracts God to converse with the soul.  Luisa meditated on the Passion constantly.  She says regarding meditation on the Passion, “All the good I have received has come from this source of good and love.”  (On the Hours of the Passion, Jesus says: “How attentively and respectfully must the soul do these Hours, thanking that the Angels hang from their lips in order to repeat that which she says right after her.”  “…whoever always thinks on my Passion forms a fountain in his heart and the more he thinks on It, the more this fountain flows. In vol. 3 Jesus says, “Oral prayer serves to maintain correspondence, Interior meditation must serve as food to maintain the conversation between God and the soul.”

Are we asking Jesus, Our Blessed Mother, and Luisa to pray with us to the Father begging for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, for all mankind?

Are we praying for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our souls in the attainment of the gifts of the virtues? 

Are we aware of and recognize the gifts we receive each day and immediately thank God for them?  (Example:  You have a question about something regarding the Divine Will and are answered immediately)

Are we obedient to the teachings of our Holy Catholic Church, our Holy Father and our superiors?  In vol. 8 Jesus tells us: “Obedience is the space of my dwelling within the soul.  Where there isn’t this space of obedience, I could say that there is no place for Me inside of that soul; and I am forced to remain outside.”  “ The Will of God makes one take possession of the Divine, but obedience is the key to open the door and enter this possession.

Are we saying our Consecration daily or as much as possible?  Are we praying for the Beatification of Luisa?


When asked the way she used to enter into the Divine Will, Luisa responded briefly:  “To enter into the Divine Will, above all it is necessary for me to forget myself, my will, my interests – which for me no longer exist, and to preoccupy myself only with the interests of Jesus; that my everything disappear, and that in the Will of Jesus – the Love, the Prayers, the Reparations of Jesus Himself become mine.  Thus, everything that is His becomes mine: His Will too is mine;  and since in the Divine Will there are all goods past, present and future, thus all these goods, too, become mine.  To live in the Divine Will is to live on all that Jesus possesses.  But the “all” does not consist in a formula.  It was told to me that the soul must enter into the Divine Will at the cost of whatever sacrifice, when God asks it; and the greater the sacrifices to enter into the Divine Will, the more perfect will become the transformation and the acquisition that it will make.  To practice entering into the Divine Will with repeated formulas and with repeated intentions in all acts, even minimal, in so far as one can, is acceptable to God, and is a setting out toward this Divine Transformation, whereby the creature acts and operates in the Divine Will.”



(Volume 1)

On our nothingness:  “So that I can pour my graces into your heart, it is necessary for you to convince yourself that by yourself you are nothing and are capable of nothing.  I look with much approval, and bestow gifts and graces on souls that are wary of attributing to themselves the good effects that result from their own works made in correspondence to my graces.  The souls that consider my gifts and graces given to them by my Love - to have been acquired by themselves, are committing many thefts.” (Also in Vol. 19, pg. 46-46)

On humility:  Jesus says to Luisa, “If you had been more humble and closer to Me you would not have done that work so poorly.  But because you thought you could begin, continue and end the work without Me, you succeeded - despite your regret - but not according to my wish.  Therefore, ask for my assistance at the start of everything you undertake.  Always have Me present to work with you and it will be completed with perfection.  Know that if you always do this you will acquire the greatest humility.  If you do the opposite, pride will reenter you and choke the seed of the beautiful virtue of humility that has been sown in you.

Jesus says, “Say to me often, ‘Lord, give me the grace to do well, from beginning to end, all that I want to undertake solely for You.  I no longer want to be a slave to creatures.’  Do this so that when you walk, speak, work, or do any other thing, you will do it solely for my satisfaction and pleasure.  When you experience mortification’s, hurts and contradictions, I want you to have your eyes fixed on Me and believe that it all comes from Me and not from creatures.”  (From Vol. 1)

 On dryness in prayer (when unable to pray or meditate):  “At prayer, when you do not feel recollected, think of nothing and be at peace.  Do not think about why your prayer is unsuccessful, because this causes more distraction.  Instead, humble yourself, believe in the merits of suffering and remain tranquil.  Offer to Me your disappointments, boredom and distress as a sacrifice of praise, satisfaction, and reparation for the offenses done to Me.  Your prayer will then rise like fragrant incense to My throne.

Prayer of Pope John Paul II

Immaculate Conception, Mary, my Mother,

Live in me, act in me, speak in and through me,

Think your thoughts in my mind,

Love through my heart,

Give me your dispositions and feelings,

Teach, lead, and guide me to Jesus,

Correct, enlighten, and expand my thoughts and behavior,

Possess my soul,

Take over my entire personality and life,

Replace it with Yourself,

Incline me to constant

adoration and thanksgiving.

Pray in me and through me. 

Let me live in you, and keep me

in this union always.  Amen.

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