Tuesday, March 20, 2018

By their fruits you shall know them

“Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.”  Mt 7:20

When you hear of people, especially family and friends who are close to you, who have told you about their experiences while in Medjugorje - do not doubt but believe.

When you hear of the many people coming back to the Church and to the Sacraments because of Medjugorje - do not doubt but believe.

When you hear of the many Priests who have been called to their vocations due to Medjugorje – do not doubt but believe.

My conversion came even before I visited Medjugorje. It was on a trip to a horse show in Ocala, FL when my husband was telling me about a place where the Blessed Mother was supposed to be appearing that he had heard about from a friend.  We talked about this all the way to Ocala from where we lived which was about two hours away.  Just as we got to Ocala, we were passing a Catholic Church on the way to the showgrounds.  Noticing that people were just going into the Church, my husband decided that we should go.  I fought him as I did not want to go, but after much persuading, I decided to join him.

As I sat listening to the Homily given by the Priest, I sat in amazement hearing him speak about exactly what my husband was telling me on our two-hour trip there – all about the Blessed Mother appearing in a place called Medjugorje!

If that were not enough to get my attention, the Priest asked everyone to pray the prayer that was in the bulletin.  As I was leaving the Church, I felt compelled to take one of the bulletins, and opening it I read the prayer to the Holy Spirit (“Breathe on me breath of God”) that he requested we pray.  Even though I read this prayer only one time, it was imbedded in my heart and I never forgot it.

Well, we did go to Medjugorje a few years later, but it wasn’t that I had to go there to believe – that happened well before then.  I never had any doubt about Our Mother’s presence there, and I will thank Her for all eternity for bringing me to Her Son.

And what do I owe to this august Queen?  What do we all owe to Her?  We owe Her our life – the true life in God.  She has come to bring us back to life in the Divine Will.  So, open your heart and listen to those who have been converted because of our Lady’s visit to Her children, and thank Her – do not doubt but believe.

“Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.”   Mt. 7:20

Lynne B. Dec. 27, 2016

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