Monday, September 4, 2017

Human Will into the Divine

Pope Pius XII - Encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi
["On the Mystical Body of Christ"] June 29, 1943

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Therefore, Our most learned predecessor Leo XIII of happy memory, speaking of our union with Christ and with the Divine Paraclete who dwells within us, and fixing his gaze on that blessed vision through which this mystical union will attain its confirmation and perfection in heaven says: "This wonderful union, or indwelling properly so-called, differs from that by which God embraces and gives joy to the elect only by reason of our earthly state."[160] In that celestial vision it will be granted to the eyes of the human mind strengthened by the light of glory, to contemplate the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in an utterly ineffable manner, to assist throughout eternity at the processions of the Divine Persons, and to rejoice with a happiness like to that with which the holy and undivided Trinity is happy."

Pope Benedict XVI speaks of placing the human will within the Divine Will

"We must learn to entrust ourselves more and more to divine Providence , to ask God to conform our wills to his," the Pontiff stated. "It is a prayer that we must make daily, because it is not always easy to entrust ourselves to God's will, to repeat the 'yes' of Jesus, the 'yes' of Mary."

The Holy Father reflected on Jesus' own struggle, as he -- unlike Adam and Eve -- "draws the human will back to its full 'yes' to God. [...] His human will is drawn into the 'I' of the Son, who abandons himself totally to the Father."

"Thus," the Pope said, "Jesus tells us that it is only in conforming one's own will to the divine will that the human being attains his true greatness, that he becomes 'divine'; it is only by going out of himself -- only in his 'yes' to God -- that the desire of Adam and of us all is fulfilled -- that of being completely free. This is what Jesus accomplishes in Gethsemane : by placing the human will within the divine will the true man is born, and we are redeemed."

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