LORD TO TERESA HIGGINSON, born in Holywell, England - died in Chudleigh, Devon. (Servant of God, 1844-1905)
Our Blessed Lord told Teresa that “the
sufferings of His Body, yet they are but like a drop in the ocean compared with
what His Soul endured.” (Jesus told
Luisa in Vol. 12, 1/29/19: “ My daughter, first I had to make known what My
Humanity did and suffered exteriorly, to be able to dispose souls to know what
My Divinity did interiorly.”) He also
told Luisa: “...the Passion that creatures gave Me on the lst of my days was
nothing other than the shadow, the image of that which the Divinity made Me
suffer during the course of my Life.” (Vol.
12, 2/4/19)
Our Lord impressed upon Teresa - His Soul
is not know, His Soul is not loved.
(June, 1883)
“Our divine Lord suddenly represented to me
the Divinity as a very large precious crystal stone in which all things are
reflected of exist; past, present and to come, in such a manner that all things
are present in Him. This immense precious stone sent forth
streams of richly colored lights brighter beyond comparison than ten thousand
suns, which I understood represented the infinite Attributes of God. This great jewel also seemed to be covered
with innumerable eyes which I understood represented the Wisdom and Knowledge
of God....Our Blessed Lord showed me this Divine Wisdom, as the guiding power
which regulated the motions and affections of the Sacred Heart, showing me that it had the same effect and
power over its least action, in raising it, as the sun draws up the vapor from
the ocean.” (from a letter to her
confessor about her first revelation in 1879)
“Our Divine Lord says that the time is at
hand when the Wisdom of the Father shall be adored and the Love of God for man
shall be revealed in the Light which shineth in darkness and enlighteneth every
man that cometh into the world. It is
the Will of Our Dear Blessed Lord that His Sacred Head be adored as the Seat of
Divine Wisdom; not the Sacred Head alone, but the Head as the shrine of the
Powers of the Soul and the faculties of the Mind and in these the Wisdom which
guided every affection of the Sacred Heart and motions of the whole Being of
Jesus Our Lord and Our God.” (1879)
“....His Sacred Humanity is the Tabernacle of
the Thrice Holy Trinity; ...St. John had especially spoken of this devotion for
the Most High revealed to him that He should be thus worshipped before the end
of the world, and he spoke of it as a magnificent city, seeing the multitudes
of variety and beauty and splendour of this Seat of Divine Wisdom. It is a world of infinite magnitude, a sea of
fathomless depths, a never setting sun of inaccessible light and immeasurable
heights .....
“....He said that as by the cunning and
deceit of the devil, man first fell away from God in Paradise and incurred
darkness of intellect and death - so in these later days of darkness, self-indulgence,
intellectual pride and conceit, the splendour of eternal light, *into which no
defiled thing may enter, shall shine out more glorious and brilliant than ten
thousand suns, and the image of God’s goodness and majesty and power shall be
seen in this unspotted mirror of truth, purity, knowledge and love. Oh my father, do we not see the depth of that
Divine Wisdom in the time that He has reserved for this manifestation of His
adorable Will in this respect? Each
time, He also shows me the great blessings and graces He has in store for all
who shall further His Divine Will to this end, and makes me tremble with terror
at the dread punishments He has in store for all who shall hinder, or try to
hinder the furtherance of this Heavenly Devotion, for their jaws He says shall
be locked as were those of the lions in the den into which Daniel was
cast. They shall be shattered and
reduced to nothingness. And the twelve
Fruits of the Holy Ghost that sparkle so beautifully in the Divine Wisdom are,
as it were, the foundations to this City of the Lord which He has dug deep in
humility.” (to her confessor in
1880) *To Luisa 3/3/1919: In the Divine Eden the entrance is closed to
the devil, to the passions, and to the weaknesses. Indeed, satan himself does not want to
“I understand too that in the devotion to
the Seat of Divine Wisdom, the Holy Ghost will be unveiled to our
understanding, or His attributes will shine forth in the Person of God the Son;
that the more we practice devotion to the Sacred Head, the more we will
understand the working of the Holy Spirit of God in the human soul, and the
better we will know and love the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost who are
every in a Unity of Essence though in a Trinity of Persons......” (1880)
(Jesus to Luisa,
Jan. 29, 1919 - “I will carry out the renewal by manifesting what my Divinity
did in my Humanity....”)
To Fr. Powell, her confessor: The question you asked me was why our Dear
Blessed Lord wished His Sacred Head to be honored as the ‘Shrine of the powers
of His Holy Soul,’ when the soul was certainly all over the body and the head
was not considering the acting seat of all the powers of the soul. And this is what I understand - that as the
Reason or Intellect in us in that part of the soul that is nearest to God - is
in a special manner the Image of God, nay, is the very light of God in the
soul, in which we see God as He is, and ourselves as we are, and are capable of
judging right from wrong, and as the
head is the seat of the reasoning powers, and the faculties of the mind repose
therein, so from the Sacred Head shine forth in a blaze of resplendent light
all knowledge, wisdom, understanding and a guiding power to direct and govern
the Will and Affections of the Sacred Heart.......The soul pervades every part
of the body, but as the reasoning powers are the highest faculties of the soul,
and as the head is said to contain or be the Shrine of these faculties in a
special way, and the memory is said to exist in the brain, so the reason
(intellect) guides and directs the will and love or affections of the human
heart. The head is the highest and
noblest part of man, but I do not mean that the soul is divided, no, these
three powers (memory, intellect, and will) though really distinct, cannot be
separated any more than the Person of the Adorable Trinity could be separated -
they form together but one soul which is immortal and perfect in its powers
when filled with sanctifying Grace as is the Holy Soul of Jesus.” (“It is in the intelligence that God places
the image of the Most Holy Trinity.
Book of Heaven, Vol. 35, 8/29/37)
“Jesus, the True Light, will arise and shed
true Light and Wisdom and heat over the face of the earth. He will give us to eat of the Tree of
Knowledge. He will feed us with good
fruit, the wheat of His elect, and from the wine which makes virgins, He will
give us to drink nectar and honey.....(Book of Heaven, Vol. 13) The Sun of Justice shall arise and we shall
see Him in the very light of His countenance, and if we allow ourselves to be
guided by this light, He will open the eyes of the soul. He will instruct the understanding. He will recollect the memory. He will feed the imagination with real and
profitable substance. He will guide and
bend the will. He will fill the hearing
with good things and the heart with all it can desire.” (Nov. 1880)
(Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, 8/12/26
and Vol. 17, pgs. 100-101)
“I see more clearly now why Our Dear Lord
is called the Word - because He is produced by the Father’s thought or
contemplation of Himself....” “And
although the Son and the Holy Ghost are equally powerful, yet the almighty
power is attributed in a special manner to the Eternal Father and as the three
Divine Persons have the same wisdom and goodness, yet the Wisdom is
particularly attributed to the Son and the Goodness to the Holy Ghost........”
“I saw how the Sacred Head was in a special
manner the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost, and as at the moment of the
Creation the Spirit of God moved upon the waters, so He is ever enshrined in
the Sea of glass, and His brightness is the light thereof, and His love the Sun
that gives light and governs all things in this terrestrial and celestial
Paradise as the sun rules the things of the earth. I have understood from Our Dear Blessed Lord
that He wished the great mystery of The Incarnation to be made very clear or
taught very carefully to the children.
“ present I feel as though I had not
to run after God as it were, but that I possessed Him and was more closely
united to Him than my soul is to my body, that He is the soul of my existence
and that I feel and live in Him, and He does all and that I do nothing.” (from a letter to Fr. Snow in 1887)
“He told me frequently that as I had given
myself wholly to Him to be His entirely, so He would be all mine, and that He
would glorify me in the sight of the angels and saints, because I had emptied
myself and become as naught to myself......”
(Oct. 1887)
“....the uncreated Wisdom of God is God the
Father, Son and Holy Ghost...God the Son, becoming man and being the image of
the uncreated Wisdom of God, built for Himself a House which is the Sacred Head
- (for Wisdom has built Herself a house..) And as Jesus has promised to remain
with us forever, so He and the Spirit of Truth will guide and govern and
enlighten His Church to the end of time.
“....and holy souls will comfort and
console with Him, honouring His Divine Soul, and here souls will be drawn to
His Soul and they will be instructed by Him in the Wisdom of His Sacred
Teresa to a Poor Clare Colenttine who
nursed her in her last illness (1905):
“In one of our spiritual talks, I asked Teresa
how one could comply with Our Lord’s desire in praying without ceasing, for it
seemed tiring to be saying vocal prayers all day long. She replied that Our Lord did not mean us to
be on our knees praying from morning til night, but that He wishes us to raise
our minds and hearts from material things to things Divine.”
“My dear child, how can I be disappointed
at anything our dear Lord sends to me.
He is the Eternal Wisdom and Love, and I just press His dear Hands a
little closer in mine and say, ‘Dear Lord, Thou knowest what is best.’ My dear child, whatever happens to you,
always trust our dear Lord and remember all He sends is best even though you
cannot understand. You must believe in
His love hidden in the sufferings He sends and love His Holy Will. Make it your one joy and your one happiness;
if you do this, I assure you, you will enjoy a heaven upon earth; but, of
course, in order to love God’s Holy Will, one must first know God and love Him,
and trust Him, and then we will willingly serve Him with love.” Teresa herself, loved the Divine Will with a
most intense love. It was indeed the
keynote of her sanctity, but she had the gift of knowledge. She knew our dear Lord. He was the only one that was real to
her. Everything else beside Him was only
a shadow or a phantom”
She writes to a priest concerning Our Blessed Mother and Queen:
“As the heavens are above the earth, so is
the glory and majesty of Mary above the highest of God’s creatures and their
beauty fades almost to nothingness beside her.
For in the very instant of her Immaculate Conception she far exceeded
the cherubim and seraphim in knowledge, love and perfection, and each breath
she drew, every motion and action of her whole life and being was one of next
to infinite homage, adoration and profoundest knowledge and love; each beating
of her heart was an immeasurable height and depth of perfection, and all the
love and perfection of all the angels and saints united in one would not reach
to her perfection at her birth.”
“I feel as though I had no heart of soul,
but that God Himself is my soul and there He shines and rules all in such
wonderful wisdom and peace. His glory
and holy Will are all I desire.”
“Around His Sacred Head shone a light of
indescribable brilliancy and beauty; as it were, a sun in which sparkled 12
magnificent crystal stones reflecting all the colours of the rainbow. (5/23/1880)
The following
lines found written in her writing book after her death under the title,
“Submission, “show how the love of God and His Divine Will were the keynotes of
her sanctity:
Father of all, we fain would say, as did
Thy Only Son,
In every hour of every day, Oh! let Thy Will be done.
In thought, in word, in deed, in death,
things finished or begun,
Let every transitory breath whisper, Thy
Will be done.
In daily cares to thousands known or known
perchance to none,
Let this request be heard above, Oh! Lord Thy Will be done.
In sickness though some stroke unseen may
oft the senses stun,
Let grace suggestive intervene to feel Thy
Will be Done.
In health, when in it’s full career the
race of man is run,
Let joy be taught by holy fear to pray, Thy
Will be done.
Amidst the rocks and shoals of life which
few can ever shun,
Let peace compose each spark of strife and
cry Thy Will be done.
And when the bow of hope shall blend all
colours into one,
Time in eternity shall end with - Lord, Thy
Will be done.
O Seat of Divine Wisdom and guiding power
which regulates and govern all the motions and love of the Sacred Heart, may
all minds know Thee, all hearts love thee, and all tongues praise Thee now and
Lynne Bauer
Aug. 2000
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