Friday, November 21, 2014


There is a great danger in the Church today to place the focus on the people of God rather than on God Himself.  We are the body of the Church - not the head.  That is not to say that we shouldn't love one another, as Jesus taught us to love our neighbor as ourselves, but we should love God first.  Our focus should always be on God first: Mass, Adoration, prayer - this comes before all else for this is loving our neighbor.  The focus should not be on "community" for God will take care of our community if we take care of His concerns - He will take care of ours.  It is only through prayer that we understand what God's Will is for us, whatever that may be, but first we must pray.

I am going to fight for God's Church, but I must receive all the Graces I can in order to continue the fight; take up my weapon - the Rosary - is what I will do in my fight, Adoration of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament is what I will do to combat the enemy, and praying for true renewal of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

We need to learn to say "no" when asked to participate in programs and groups that deny the Truth in order to place the people before God. (Mt. 5:37).

"The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith."

Lynne Bauer
Nov., 2012

I understand that by not doing God's Will, we leave the order that God had intended for the world and walk our own road (Jesus says, "I am the way.." - this means not our way, but His!).  All becomes disorder and chaos from the moment we choose not to accept God's Will as our own.  As an example, let us take the person who God had chosen to be a missionary who left God's Will to do his own will, becoming something other than a missionary - all the people who would have been converted through this person by God's Will, have not become converted and so are left pagans.  Or the person called by God to become a Priest who instead followed his own will - all the people who would have heard the Word of God through this Priest and did not, and remain unconverted and the Truth remains hidden for them.  This Order of God's Will has been left by humanity and God wishes us to return to the order and purpose for which we have been created (to know Him, to serve Him and to love Him).

Therefore, our continuous prayer should be that God make us into that image that He first had of us when we were first in His thoughts.  Only by God's grace can we return to and be molded into that perfect image. 

Lynne Bauer 

Seventh word on the Cross, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."  and bowing His head, He breathed His last.
As the Church will follow Jesus' sufferings, even though it will seem as though dead (it will breathe its last), when the "veil" is torn in two ("As the veil in the Temple was rent in two, so will my Church be." ), Jesus will offer the Father the Church and it will be resurrected.

 More understandings:

Reading from the Liturgy of the Hours June 24, 2014
From a sermon by Saint Augustine, bishop:

St. Augustine says,“…if I lack either the time or the ability to study the implications of so profound a mystery…”
I will try my best to explain what I have been given the Grace to understand, although it is days later and I have forgotten much of what I understood during the reading of the Liturgy of the Hours and during the readings at Mass that day:
St. Augustine, “John, then, appears as the boundary between the two testaments, the old and the new. That he is a sort of boundary, the Lord himself bears witness, when he speaks of the law and the prophets up until John the Baptist. Thus he represents times past and is the herald of the new era to come.” 
Luisa then is the “precursor of the Lord” in our time.
St. Augustine, “The release of Zechariah’s voice at the birth of John is a parallel to the rending of the veil at Christ’s crucifixion.”
The Book of Heaven is Jesus speaking through Luisa (one crying in the wilderness – as she suffered from the privation of Jesus) from which the veil reveals new Truths as given to us through Luisa in the Book of Heaven: (Vol.  7, “the truth is manifested as though covered or veiled.”
In March, 1995, Jesus told me, “The veil will soon come down”.  I did not understand what that meant, but that evening while watching EWTN, a Bishop was showing a picture of Pope Leo XIII.  There was a lady in the picture who was wearing a veil on her head.  Her hands were on the veil looking as though she were going to pull it down over her face.  The Bishop went on to explain that this represented a death approaching or that Rome or a civilization was coming to an end,  or that there was going to be a new time approaching.

The Mass Reading for this day (Tues. June 24, 2014, the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist) Reading 1 Isaiah 49:1-6
From this reading:
It is too little, he says, for you to be my servant,
to raise up the tribes of Jacob,
and restore the survivors of Israel;
I will make you a light to the nations,
that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.
(This happened several years ago while living in Florida) During a class of Sr. Maureen’s (St. Paul of the Cross), I was asked to read from the Book of Isaiah.  While reading Isaiah 49 verse 6, I saw the words, “It is too LATE for you to be my servant.”  Sister corrected me and read the correct words.  When asked again later to read this verse again, I SAW the words, “It is too LATE for you to be my servant.”  Everyone laughed at me, but I was sure that I had seen the word “late” and not “little”.
In Luisa’s writings, Jesus tell us that those who live in His Will are not servants but (brothers and sisters or children?)

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