Early 1995: A few weeks ago while praying in the Adoration Chapel, my prayer was interrupted and I heard, "I will make of you a great nation." I continued to pray ignoring this as I felt this could not possibly be from Our Lord. Why would He say this to me and what could it have meant?
Then today (3/30/95
- 7AM) while reading a meditation on the reading for today before Mass
(Exodus 32:7-14), "Then I will make
of you a great nation", I remembered what I had heard a few weeks ago.
I then heard, "Let your heart be
consumed by the heat of the *fire, then I will make of you a great nation.
(Doubting) Believe in my words, my little one." During the reading at
Mass, I understood how urgent it is that we plead for God's mercy for those that
are lost. It became very clear to me that we are not to give up on them or to
lose hope, no matter what may happen. Even though the people became
"depraved" and worshipped idols, when the Lord said to Moses, "Let me alone that my wrath may blaze
up against them to consume them”, Moses continued to implore God's mercy.
God then relented in the punishment He had threatened. We must continue to make
reparation and to implore God's mercy! As the people in Moses' time only had
Moses to beg for God's mercy, so today there are very few begging Him - we must
beg! This became very, very clear to me
during the Mass. *About the fire, Jesus
says: “I will purify the earth by fire, because the stench that emanates
from it is such that I cannot bear it.
Many will remain buried in the fire.
In this way, I will make the earth come to its senses.” Nov. 2, 1917
(added on 3/9/22)
Feb. 15, 2009, Before Mass I felt strongly the
presence of God and understood something which I can only explain as “like Moses!” Feeling I was going to be asked
something (it is something I felt in my interior, but cannot be explained) I
answered interiorly saying, “No Lord”.
Immediately I felt very bad for not having given my Fiat to God for
whatever He was going to ask of me, so I begged His forgiveness and told Him I
would do whatever He wanted. In the
afternoon this day while I was sorting out a pile of papers, I came across the
paper I wrote on the **“third watch”
(Moses, the night watch, and the dawn) which I had forgotten about writing. **(see my notes on “the third watch’
March 9, 2022:
I seem to understand more about what “like Moses”
could mean. This is only my opinion, but
after reading the Liturgy of Hours this morning (Exodus 10:21-11:10) perhaps
the three days of darkness that the land of Egypt experienced was an example of
what will happen during the coming chastisement from God – the three days of
darkness as spoken of by several mystics.
God brought plagues upon Egypt and we are presently experiencing plagues
(Covid, Omicron, etc) As Pharoah refused
to listen, also today many refuse to listen to the warnings of God through the
seers and mystics of today. God eventually
led His people into the promised land but not before many sufferings. Are those who are trying to live in God’s
Will going to travel the same route as the Israelites did – into the New Era (a
land of milk and honey) Jesus: “Everything
in you must be sweetness and peace, in such a way that it may be said of you
that which is said about Me: that nothing but milk and honey flows within Me,
symbolizing sweetness with hone and peace with milk.” Book of Heaven, Vol. 7, Dec. 3, 1906
in 2007 during Adoration I heard within my interior, “You are in the third watch.”
L. told me, “The third watch is the
midnight watch – it is before the dawn.
Most of the time the enemy would attack then because most are asleep.”)
Shortly after this I was lead to read:
Exodus 14: Then Moses
stretched out his hand over the sea, and the
Lord swept the sea with a strong east wind….The Egyptians
followed in pursuit: all Pharaoh’s
horses and chariots and charioteers went after them right into the midst of the sea.
In the night watch just
before dawn, the Lord cast through the column of the fiery cloud upon
the Egyptian force a glance that threw it into a panic; and he so clogged their
chariot wheels that they could hardly drive.
With that, the Egyptians sounded
the retreat before Israel, because the Lord was fighting for them against the
Egyptians. Then the Lord told Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea that
the water may flow back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and their
charioteers.” So Moses stretched out
his hand over the sea, and at dawn the
sea flowed back to its normal depth. The Egyptians were fleeing head on
toward the sea, when the Lord hurled them into its midst. As the water flowed back, it covered the
chariots and the charioteers of Pharaoh’s whole army which had followed the
Israelites into the sea. Not a single one of them escaped. But the Israelites had marched on dry land
through the midst of the sea, with the
water like a wall to their right and to their left.
The Dawn
“I am the dawn which
precedes the day.” (#252)
“I am the dawn
which is arising to announce the great day of the Lord.” (#344)
“I am the daybreak which
precedes the sun; I am the dawn which begins the new day.” (20)
From the Book of Heaven, The Divine King Appeals to His
Children: “She (Our Lady) is traveling amongst the people of the Nations
disposing and preparing them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of My
Will. It was She who prepared the people
for Me so that I could descend from Heaven to earth. And now, I am entrusting to Her the task
of disposing the souls of our people to receive a Gift so great.” (The
Gift of living in the Divine Will)
Vol. 24 – May 26, 1928: “And just as the Holy
Virgin put an end to the night hours of the patriarchs and prophets and formed
the dawn to make the Sun of the Eternal Word rise, so will this one form the Dawn
to make rise the Sun of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.”
Vol. 35 – Sept. 26, 1937: “…just
as nature has its day in human life, during which all the actions of life are
performed, in the same way my Divine Will forms Its Day in the depth of the
creature who lives in my Will. As the
creature begins to form her acts in It, calling It to her as her own Life, she
starts her day, forming a most shining Dawn in the depth of her soul. This Dawn gathers its Power, renewing in the
creature the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son, the Virtue and Love of
the Holy Spirit. So she starts her Day
together with the Most Holy Trinity, which descends in the most tiny acts and
hiding places of the creature in order to live together with her, and to do
whatever she does. This Dawn is the
first rest of God within the room of the soul – it is the beginning of the
eternal Day in which the Life of the Supreme Being starts together with the
The Sea and the Wall
Vol. 13 – July 20, 1921: “…when
my love will make arise the Era of my Will – the new Era of maximum benefit for
creatures – then will the seas and rivers of my Volition overflow; and as their
gigantic waves rise, they will sweep everything into My Will – but no longer
hiddenly; rather, Its roaring waves will make themselves seen by everyone and
will touch everyone. And those who want
to resist the current will run the risk of losing their lives.”
Vol. 7 – Feb. 12, 1906: “…but the
wall of the soul who lives in the Will of God is a wall so high and deep
that neither its depth nor its height can be found… since this wall is in
the Divine Volition – that is, in God – God Himself keeps it, and there is
no power that can defy God.”
19 – Aug. 8, 1926: “It happens as between the sea and a little stream which
is separated from the sea only by a wall; so much so, that if the
wall were removed, the sea and the little stream would become one single sea…
My daughter, the sea is God…the wall that separates them is the human
nature, which makes one distinguish God and the creature, the overflowing’s,
the waves which rise continuously to unload themselves into the little stream,
are my Divine Will that wants to give so much to the creature, that the little
stream, being filled and swelled up, may overflow, may form its waves, swollen
by the wind of the Supreme Will, and may pour back into the Divine Sea,
only to be filled again.” LB March,
1997: “When you human nature ceases, then will My Will reign.”
Vol. 19 – Aug. 14, 1926: “These
knowledge’s will be an immensely high and strong wall, more than the
terrestrial Eden, which will prevent the enemy from entering in order to molest
those who, conquered by It, will pass to live in the Kingdom of My Will.”
Rev. 15:2: “And I saw what
appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who had conquered
the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of
glass with harps of God in their hands.
And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song
of the Lamb
Rev. 16:15: “Lo, I am coming
like a thief! Blessed is he who is awake,
keeping his garments that he may not go naked and be seen exposed!” “…humility produces a garment of safety in
the soul, in such a way that, wrapped in this garment of safety, the soul
remains in the most profound calm, embellishing all of herself in order to be pleasing
to her dearest and beloved. Jesus.” Book
of Heaven, June 20, 1900
But to you I say: Possess their land which I will give
you for an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey. I am the Lord your God, who have separated
you from other people.” Leviticus 20:24
LB (The Fourth
Watch – to be continued…)
* A trumpet call, known as the cockcrow signaled the end of
the 3rd and beginning of the 4th watch.
So stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is
coming: evening, midnight, cockcrow or
dawn. Mark 13:35
The Promised Land
Today while
contemplating the people that Moses was to bring into the promised land, they
did not enter into the promised land because
they did not believe God’s Words to Moses (“And we see that they could not enter in, because of unbelief”.
[Hebrews 3:19]
What is the
promised land today? To enter into the Divine Will, where walls are built to
keep the enemy out. “…once the soul has made everything go out of herself, then do I enter,
and united with the will of the soul, we build a house. The foundations of it
are based on humility, and the deeper
they are, the higher and stronger the walls will be. These walls will be built
with the stones of mortification, cemented with the purest gold of charity.
After the walls have been built, I, like a most excelling painter, plaster it
and form the most excelling paintings - not with lime and water, but with the
merits of my Passion, represented by the lime, and with the colors of my Blood,
represented by the water. (Book of
Heaven, Oct. 28, 1899)”
“At the most, they have known the shadow
of my Will, the grace, the sweetness that doing It contains; but to penetrate inside of It, to embrace immensity, to multiply
oneself with Me and penetrate everywhere, even while being on earth, both into
Heaven and into the hearts, to lay down the human ways and act with the divine
ways - this is not yet known; so much so, that not to a few will it appear
strange, and those who do not keep their minds open to the light of truth will
not understand a thing. Book of Heaven, Jan. 29, 1919)
Lynne B. March 20, 2018