Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Feast of Christ the King


The Feast of Christ the King




On the Feast of Christ the King in 1925, Our Lord tells Luisa:

“I come as a King to live among His people…My Heavenly Mama will be sure to be a Mother and Queen to you.  She is traveling amongst the people of the nations disposing and preparing them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of My Will.  It was She who prepared the people for Me so that I could descend from Heaven to earth.  And now I am entrusting to Her, and to Her Maternal Love, the task of disposing the souls of our people to receive a Gift so great.”


Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast of Christ the King in 1925



Volume 6 - August 5, 1904

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little, in the act of ruling and dominating everything, and of reigning with the crown of King on His head and with the scepter of command in His hand.  While I was seeing Him in this position, He told me (though in Latin, but I will say it according to what I understood):  “My daughter, I am the Ruler of kings and the Lord of lords.  To Me alone is this right of justice due, which the creature owes Me; and by not giving it to Me, she denies Me as Creator and Master of everything.”  While saying this, He seemed to take the world in His hand and turn it upside down, so that creatures would submit to His regime and dominion.  At the same time I could also see how the Lord ruled and dominated my soul, with such mastery that I felt all submerged in Him.  From Him came the regime of my mind, of my affections, of my desires; many electric wires passed between me and Him, through which He directed and dominated everything.


Volume  13 - November 19, 1921

Oh! Prodigies of my Will – who can ever number them and calculate their value?  This is why I love so much one who lives in my Will: I recognize my portrait in her, my noble features; I feel my own breath, my voice; and if I did not love her I would defraud Myself. I would be like a father without offspring, without the noble cortege of his court, and without the crown of his children. And if I did not have the offspring, the court and the crown, how could I call Myself a King? My Kingdom is formed by those who live in my Will, and from this Kingdom, I choose the Mother, the Queen, the children, the ministers, the army, the people. I am everything for them, and they are all for Me."…


Volume  15 - December 1, 1922
when Pilate asked Me whether I was King, and I answered:
‘My Kingdom is not of this world, for if It were of this world, millions of legions of Angels would defend Me’.


 And Pilate, on seeing Me so poor, humiliated, despised, was surprised, and said with greater emphasis: ‘What? You are a King?’ And I, with firmness, answered him and all those who are in his position: ‘I am King, and I have come into the world to teach the truth. And the truth is that it is not positions, nor kingdoms, nor dignities, nor the right of command that make man reign, that ennoble him, that raise him above all. On the contrary, these things are slaveries, miseries, which make him serve vile passions and unjust men, making him also commit many unjust acts which disennoble him, cast him into mud, and draw the hatred of his subordinates upon him. So, riches are slaveries, positions are swords, by which many are killed or wounded.

True reigning is virtue, to be stripped of everything, to sacrifice oneself for all, to submit oneself to all. This is true reigning, which binds all, and makes one loved by all. Therefore, my Kingdom will have no end, while yours is near to perishing.’ And, in my Will, I made these words reach the ear of all those who are in positions of authority, to let them know the great danger they are in, and to put on guard those who aspire to positions, to dignities, to command."


The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Lesson of the Queen of Heaven:


 Now, dear child, listen to Me: in this house of Nazareth, the Kingdom of  the Divine Will was formed in your Mama and in the Humanity of my Son, to make of It a gift for the human family, when it would dispose itself to receive the good of this Kingdom. But even though my Son was King and I was Queen, We were King and Queen without a people. Our  Kingdom, even though  It could enclose all and give life to all, was deserted, because  Redemption was needed first, in  order to prepare and dispose man to come into this Kingdom, so holy. More  so, since It was  possessed by Me and by my Son, who belonged to the human family according  to the human order, as well as to the Divine Family by virtue of the Divine Fiat and of the Incarnate Word, and  therefore creatures received the right to enter into this Kingdom. And  the Divinity conceded this  right, and left the doors open to those who wanted to enter. So, our  hidden life of so many years  served to prepare the Kingdom of the Divine Will for creatures. This is  why I want to let you  know what this Supreme Fiat operated in Me, so that you may forget your will, and as you hold the hand of your Mama, I may lead you into the goods which I have prepared for you with so much love. Tell Me, child of my Heart, will you make Me content, and also your, and my, dear Jesus, who await you with so much love in this Kingdom so holy, to live together with Us, and to live only of Divine Will?

Letter of Luisa Piccarreta to Federico Abresch


Don’t you know that Redemption is preparation for the Kingdom of the Divine Will? And the Sacred Heart of Jesus is nothing other than the immense Reign of His Will. It is not the Heart that dominates; it is the Divine Will that dominates His Divine Heart. Poor Heart, if it did not have a Will to dominate it, it would be good at nothing. If the will is good, the heart is good; if the will is holy, the heart is holy. If our will gives place to the Divine, letting It raise Its throne in our will, the heart acquires the divine qualities by grace. Therefore, both in the Divine and in the human order, it is always the will that has the first place, the prime act, its rule. The heart and all the rest are in the secondary order...


Therefore, to say that the Heart reigns, if the Divine Will does not reign, is absurd. They can be called devotions, pious practices...; if the Divine Will does not reign, the Kingdom does not exist. It exists in Heaven, but has no place on earth. However, the Holy Church, organ and messenger of the Supreme Fiat, through the Sacred Heart, through the Celestial Mama, beseeches the Kingdom of the Divine Will. She does not say it with words, but says it with facts. The Divine Volition is the King – His Heart, His wounds, His precious Blood, the sweet Queen, form the ministers that surround the King, and through them beseech the Kingdom of the Divine Will in souls.

Now, how can one know It? All the necessary things, the different circumstances in which we may find ourselves, are Will of God for us. If we are really determined to live in It, God is so pleased that, if miracles are needed, He will make them in order not to let us use our will. It is up to us to truly decide, and be willing even to give our lives in order to live in It; and dear Jesus and the Sovereign Queen will take on the commitment, will be our sentries, and will surround us with such graces as to not let us be betrayed by our own wills. More so, since our Lord does not teach difficult things, nor does He impose them or want them, but He facilitates all that He wants from us in an admirable way; even more, He puts Himself in our place to make it easy for us, and does together with us all that He wants us to do.


Oh Jesus, King of kings, God of Goodness, God of Love, God of Mercy, I adore, I love, I thank, I glorify Your Most Holy Will emanating from Your Omnipotence, guided by Your Wisdom, accompanied by Your Goodness and Love.

Everywhere and in every time, be it either in joy or in pain, may Your Most Holy Will, Your Divine Love, be the star that I gaze at, the law that governs me, the air that I breathe, the heartbeat of my heart, the substance or, better, the Life of my life. To such an end, I unite all my prayers and actions to Yours, all my life to Yours, as well as to that of the Virgin Mother, of Saint Joseph and of all the Elect that have been, are now and shall ever be, with all good, past, present and future which is real and possible in Heaven and on earth.

I consecrate and give all myself, what I have, what I am, what pertains to me, what is dear to me, my life, my death, my eternity, all that You have created and will create by Your Supreme Volition, by Your Infinite Love.  And I pray You, oh Infinite Wisdom, to inscribe me with indelible characters in Your adorable Heart as the ardent and zealous child of Your Divine Volition, of Your pure Love. I make this donation in the Power of the Father, in the Wisdom of the Son, in the Virtue of the Holy Spirit, in my name, and in the name of all creatures to obtain the advent and the expansion of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, of Your Divine Love upon the earth. For pity's sake, oh my Lord, grant that from every lip and from every heart there may continually be raised, as from a sacred altar, the prayer that You, Yourself, as the first, addressed to the Father, "YOUR KINGDOM COME! YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN."

Psalm 47

The Lord Jesus is King over all


All peoples, clap your hands,

cry to God with shouts of joy!

For the Lord, the Most High, we must fear,

Great King over all the earth.


He subdues peoples under us

and nations under our feet.

Our inheritance, our glory, is from Him,

given to Jacob out of love.


God goes up with shouts of joy;

the Lord goes up with trumpet blast,

sing praise for God, sing praise,

sing praise to our King, sing praise.


God is King over all the earth.

Sing praise with all your skill.

God is King over the nations;

God reigns on His holy throne.


The princes of the peoples are assembled

with the people of Abraham’s God,

the rulers of the earth belong to God,

to God who reigns over all.

L. Bauer, JMJ

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Roses and Thorns



“The first roses are the interior souls, who operate in their interior. These souls are symbolized by the rose petals which are turned inwards, adding a distinction of beauty, of freshness and of solidity, with no fear that some petals may fall to the ground. The external petals symbolize the blooming that the interior soul does outwards; receiving life from within her, her works are fragrant with holy charity and, almost like lights, they strike the eyes of God and of her neighbor.  Book of Heaven, October 2, 1903

I found myself outside of myself in the midst of a multitude of people; and up high there was the Queen Mama, speaking to that people and crying, so much so that, holding a bunch of roses on Her lap, She wet them with Her tears. I could not understand anything of what She was saying; I could only see that the people wanted to make tumults, and that the Celestial Mama was praying them, crying, to calm down. Then She detached one rose and, pointing to me in the midst of so many people, She threw it to me. I looked at it; the rose was pearled with the tears of my dear Mama, and those tears invited me to pray for the peace of the peoples.  Book of Heaven, May 1, 1921

“…because in the field sowed by Me, weeds and thorns have grown so much as to become trees. And these thorny trees do nothing but inundate my field with poisonous and pestilent waters, to the point that if some ear of grain remains intact, it receives nothing but punctures and stench, so much so, that it is impossible for more ears to germinate – first, because they lack the ground, which is occupied by so many noxious plants; second, because of the continuous punctures they receive, which give them no peace. So, behold the necessity of the slaughter – to root out so many bad plants; and of shedding of blood – to purge my field of those poisonous and pestilent waters. Therefore, do not want to grow sad at this beginning, because not only there where I have sent chastisements, but in all other places is purgation needed.”  Book of Heaven, July 21, 1900

Charity and obedience have their own thorns, which open large wounds and make the heart bleed; but they make the most ruby-red, fragrant and beautiful roses bloom.  Book of Heaven, Oct. 1, 1909

“Take the Rose which says ‘Love’ and rejoice in the ineffable mystery which it represents.  It is crimson and white.  Accept it, my child to adorn yourself with it, a rose uprooted from my heart.  It is a memento of your Virgin Mother; it is a token which insures heaven which I purchased for you.  Carry it in your heart and think of me when you see it, as the joyful Mother of Jesus.  The Thorn which this rose leaves in my heart is the ingratitude of many who will pass through the world without giving the least thought to the incomparable benefit of the Incarnation.”  Roses and Thorns, Meditation II – The Annunciation

“The promises of God were brought to fulfillment; the vows of the patriarchs, the signs of the just, the groan of men and their cries of impatience asking heaven to drop down its dew, that earth might bud forth a Savior. All this was for your happiness, but I knew very well all the thorns which it contained for me.  I was to be the mother of the Victim of your salvation.  Child of my sorrows, take this rose, pure as light, which my heart, full of tenderness, gives you today.  You will find the word FIAT written on its petals so that you remember all the days of your life, and especially today, the great love your mother holds for you.”  Rose and Thorns, Meditation III – Fiat

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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