Saturday, September 18, 2021

Prophecies of Venerable Elena Aiello


 Venerable Elena Aiello was declared Blessed on September 14, 2011 (Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross)  by Pope Benedict XVI

 “Upon initiating the usual sufferings, about the hour of 1:00 p.m., Jesus appeared to me, covered with wounds and bleeding, saying to me:

 ‘Behold my child, see to what ends the sins of man have reduced me. The world has lowered itself in overflowing corruption.  The governments of the people have risen like demons incarnated, and, while they speak of peace they prepare for war with the most devastating implements to destroy peoples and nations.  Men have become ungrateful to My Sacred Heart, and abusing My Mercy, have transformed the earth into a scene of crime’.

 ‘Numerous scandals are bringing souls to ruin particularly through the corruption of youth.  Stirred up, and unrestrained in the enjoyment of the pleasures of the world, they have degraded their spirit in corruption and sin. The bad example of parents trains the family in scandal and infidelity, instead of virtue and prayer, which is almost dead on the lips of many.  Stained and withered is the fountain of faith and sanctity the home’.

 ‘The wills of men do not change. They live in their obstinacy of sin. More severe are the scourges and plagues to recall them to the way of God; but men still become furious, like wounded beasts (and harden their hearts against the Grace of God).  The world is no longer worthy of pardon, but only of fire, destruction and death’.

‘There must be more prayers and penances from the souls faithful to Me, in order to appease the just wrath of God, and to temperate the just sentence of punishment, SUSPENDED on earth by the intercession of My Beloved Mother, who is also the Mother of all men’.

  ‘Oh! how sad is My Heart to see that men do not convert (or respond) to so many calls of love and grief, manifested by My Beloved Mother to errant men.  Roaming in darkness, they continue to live in sin, and further away from God!  But the scourge of fire is near, to purify the earth of the iniquities of the wicked.  The justice of God requires reparation for the many offenses and misdeeds that cover the earth, and which can no longer be compromised.  Men are obstinate in their guilt, and do not return to God’.

‘The Church is opposed, and the priests are despised because of the bad ones who give scandal.  Help Me, by suffering, to repair for so many offenses, and thus save AT LEAST IN PART, humanity precipitated in a slough of corruption and death’.

 ‘Make it known to all men that, repentant, they must return to God, and, in doing so, may hope for pardon, and be saved from the just vengeance of a scorned God’.

 “In so saying Our Lord God disappeared.  Then the Madonna appeared to me.  She was dressed in black, with seven swords piercing Her Immaculate Heart.  Coming closer, with an expression of profound sorrow, and with tears on her cheeks, she spoke to me, saying: ‘Listen attentively, and reveal to all:

  ‘My Heart is sad for so many sufferings in an impending world in ruin. The justice of Our Father is most offended.  Men live in their obstinacy of sin.  The wrath of God is near.  Soon the world will be afflicted with great calamities, bloody revolutions, frightful hurricanes, and the overflowing of streams and the seas’.

  ‘Cry out until the priests of God lend their ears to my voice, to advise men that the time is near at hand, and if men do not return to God with prayers and penances, the world will be overturned in a new and more terrible war.  Arms most deadly will destroy peoples and nations!  The dictators of the earth, specimens infernal, will demolish the churches and desecrate the Holy Eucharist, and will destroy things most dear.  In this impious war, much will be destroyed of that which has been built by the hands of man’.


‘Be not silent, my daughter, because the hours of darkness, of abandonment, are near.  ‘I am bending over the world, holding in suspension the justice of God.  OTHERWISE THESE THINGS WOULD ALREADY HAVE NOW COME TO PASS.  Prayers and penances are necessary because men MUST RETURN TO GOD and to My Immaculate Heart—the Mediatrix of men to God, and thus THE WORLD WILL BE AT LEAST IN PART SAVED’.

 ‘Cry out these things to all, like the very echo of my voice. Let this be known to all, because it will help save many souls, and prevent much destruction in the Church and in the world’.


 “The Blessed Mother, lovely and majestic, but with tears on her cheeks, spoke: ‘My daughter, it is thy Mother speaking to thee, listen attentively, and make known all that I tell thee, because men, in spite of repeated warnings, are not returning to God.  They refuse grace, and are not listening to my voice.  You must have no doubt about what I am making known to you, because my words are very clear, and you must transmit them to all.’

‘DARK AND FRIGHTFUL DAYS ARE APPROACHING!  Mankind is obscured by a thick fog, as a result of the many grievous sins, which are well nigh covering the whole earth.  Today, more than ever, men are, resisting the calls from Heaven, and are blaspheming God, while wallowing in the mire of sin’.

 ‘My daughter, look upon my Heart pierced by the thorns of so many sins; my face, disfigured by sorrow; my eyes, filled with tears.  The cause of such great sadness is the sight of so many souls going to Hell, and because the Church is wounded – inwardly and outwardly’.

 ‘The rulers of nations make so much ado and speak of peace.  But instead, the whole world will soon be at war, and all mankind will he plunged into sorrow, be cause the justice of God will not be delayed in fulfilling its course, and these events are near.  Tremendous will be the upheaval of the whole world, because men — as at the time of the Deluge — have lost God’s way, and are ruled by the spirit of Satan’.

 ‘Priests must unite by prayers and penance.  They must hasten to spread the devotion to the Two Hearts. The hour of my triumph is close at hand.  The victory will be accomplished through the love and mercy of the Heart of My Son, and of My Immaculate Heart, the Mediatrix between men and God.  By accepting this invitation, and by uniting their tears to those of My Sorrowful Heart, priests and religious will obtain great graces for the salvation of poor sinners’.

 ‘LAUNCH FORTH INTO THE WORLD A MESSAGE TO MAKE KNOWN TO ALL THAT THE SCOURGE IS NEAR AT HAND.  The justice of God is weighing upon the world.  Mankind, defiled in the mire, soon will be washed in its own blood, by disease; by famine; by earthquakes; by cloudbursts, tornadoes, floods, and terrible storms; and by war.  But men ignore all these warnings, and are unwilling to be convinced that my tears (Weeping Madonna of Sicily?), are plain signs to serve notice that tragic events are hanging over the world, and that the hours of great trials are at hand’.

 ‘If men do not amend their ways, a terrifying scourge of fire will come down from Heaven upon all the nations of the world, and men will be punished according to the debts contracted with Divine justice.  There will be frightful moments for all, because Heaven will be joined with the earth, and all the un-Godly people will be destroyed, SOME NATIONS WILL BE PURIFIED, WHILE OTHERS WILL DISAPPEAR ENTIRELY’.

 You are to transmit these warnings to all, in order that the new generation will know that men had been warned in time to turn to God by doing penance, and thus could have avoided these punishments’.

 But when will all this come about?’ I asked Our Lady.”  ‘My daughter,’ answered the Blessed Mother, ‘the time is not far off.  When men least expect it, the course of Divine Justice will be accomplished’.

 ‘My Heart is so big for poor sinners, and I make use of every possible means that they may be saved.  Look at this mantle, how big it is.  If I were not bent over the earth to cover all with my maternal love, the tempest of fire would already have broken upon the nations of the world!’

 “Then I exclaimed, ‘My lovely Mother, never before have 1 seen thee with such a large mantle.’ The Blessed Virgin, holding her arms wide, answered:”

 ‘This is the mantle of mercy for all those who, having repented, come back to My Immaculate Heart. See?  The right hand holds the mantle to cover and to save poor sinners, while with the left hand I hold back the Divine Justice, so that the time of Mercy may still be prolonged.’

 ‘To help me in this, I ask that the prayer, MATERNAL REFUGE, be spread as a most useful means to obtain graces and salvation for poor sinners, say often with your arms crossed:





 Sister Elena Aiello asked Our Blessed Mother: “What will become of Italy?  Will Rome be saved?”

 “The Madonna answered:” ‘In part, by the Pope!  The Church will be in travail, but the forces of Hell cannot prevail!  You must suffer for the Pope and Christ, and thus Christ will be safe on earth; and the Pope, with his redemptive word, will, in part, save the world.’

 “The Madonna then came closer, and with a sad expression, showed me the flames of Hell.  She said:” ‘Satan reigns and triumphs on earth!  See how the souls are falling into Hell.  See how high the flames are, and the souls who fall into them like flakes of snow look like transparent embers!  How many sparks!  How many cries of hate, and of despair! How much pain!’

‘See how many priestly souls! Look at the sign of their consecration in their transparent hands!  (In the palms of their hands the sign of the cross, in more vivid fire, could clearly be seen!)  What torture, my daughter, in my maternal Heart! Great is my sorrow to see that men do not change!  The justice of the Father requires reparation — otherwise many will be lost!’

 “See how Russia will burn!”  Before my eyes there extended an immense field covered with flames and smoke, in which souls were submerged as if in a sea of fire!

 “And all this fire,” concluded the Madonna, “is not that which will fall from the hands of men, but will be hurled directly from the Angels (at the time of the great chastisement or “housecleaning” that will come upon the earth). Therefore I ask prayers, penance and sacrifice, so I may act as Mediatrix for my Son in order to save souls.”


GOOD FRIDAY (March 23) 1961:

 The Madonna speaks: “My daughter, the scourge is near. Much is spoken of peace, but all the world will soon be at war, and the streets will be stained with blood!  No gleam of light is seen in the world, because men live in the darkness of error, and the enormous weight of sin angers the justice of God.”

 “All nations will be punished, because sin has spread all over the world! Tremendous will be the punishments, because man has arrived at an insupportable contest with his God and Father, and has exasperated His infinite Goodness!”

 “My heart bleeds for Italy also, which will be safe only in part for the Pope!  Oh, what grief to see the representative of Christ on earth hated, persecuted, outraged!”

  “He, who is the Spiritual Father of the people, the defender of the Faith and of truth, whose face, radiant with light, shines upon the world, is greatly hated.”

“He, who personifies Christ on earth, doing good for all, becomes thus outraged with impunity!”

 “Many iniquitous and wicked leaders of the people, who live and drag along with them their people outside the laws of God, showing themselves in sheep’s’ clothing, while being rapacious wolves, have ruined society, stirring it up against God and His Church.”

 “How can the world be saved, from the disaster that is about to crash down upon the misleading nations, if man does not repent of his errors and failings?  The only salvation is a complete repentance and return to God, and a true devotion to my Immaculate Heart, particularly in the daily recitation of my Rosary.”

“Once there was the chastisement by water, but if there is not a returning to God, there will come the chastisement by fire, which will cover the streets of the world with blood.”

 "My daughter, cry out loudly, and let it be known to all, that, if they do not return to God, Italy too, will only in part be safe for the Pope.”

 “My heart of Mother, and Mediatrix of men, close to the mercy of God, invites, with many manifestations and many signs, the people to penance and to pardon.  But they respond with a storm of hate, blasphemies and sacrilegious profanations, as if blinded by an infernal rage.  I wish prayers and penance, in order that I may again obtain mercy and salvation for many souls — otherwise they will be lost.”



 Our Blessed Mother speaks: “The world today is honoring me, but my Motherly Heart is bleeding, because the enemy is at our doors!  Men are offending God too much!  If I were to show you the number of sins committed in a single day, you would die of horror and sorrow!  The sins that distress God the most are those of the souls who should perfume the air with the fragrance of their virtues.  Instead, they contaminate (by their sinful lives) those who come near them.”

 “The times are grievous. The whole world is in turmoil, because IT HAS BECOME WORSE THAN AT THE TIME OF THE DELUGE!”

 “Everything is in suspense, like a thread; when this thread breaks, the justice of God will fall like a thunderbolt and will complete its terrible course of purification.”

 Sister Elena asked, “What will become of Italy?”

 The Virgin Mary answered: “Italy, my daughter, will be humiliated, purified in blood, and must suffer much, because many are the sins of this beloved country, seat of the Vicar of Christ.  You cannot imagine what will happen!  In those sad days there will be much anguish and weeping.  There will be a great revolution, and streets will be red with blood.”

 “The Pope will suffer much, and all this suffering will be like an agony, which will shorten his earthly pilgrimage.  His successor will guide the boat in the tempest.”

 “However the punishment of the impious will not be delayed.  That day will be most fearful in the world!  The earth will tremble.  All humanity will be shaken! The wicked and the obstinate will perish in the tremendous severity of the justice of the Lord.”

 “Launch at once a message into the world, to advise men to return to God by prayers and penances, and to come with confidence to my Immaculate Heart. My power must be shown, because I am the Mother of God, of the just, and of sinners. Through prayer and penance, my mercy will be able to hold back the hand of God’s justice.”


 Jesus, dripping with blood and with painful and suffering look, said: “Do you wish to unite with Me in My agony?  See how much I suffer!  The sins of men have reduced me to this!  What bitterness is poured into this Heart, pierced by many souls, who instead of loving me with sacrifices, and in flight from sinful vanities of the corrupt world, commit much iniquity!”

“Help me to suffer by consoling my grieved Heart, and make reparation for the many sins! Oh my beloved bride, if you knew the pain that my Heart suffers from the loss of so many souls!  Satan travels victorious over all the sinful earth!  I need generous souls to appease the outraged justice of the Father, because the world is headed for imminent ruin!  The hours of darkness are near!”

 “Then, the Madonna appeared to me, sad and shedding tears. She said”: ‘This great mantle which you see, is the expression of my mercy for covering sinners and for saving them.  Men, instead, cover themselves with even more filth, and do not want to confess their real faults.  Therefore, the justice of God will pass over the sinful world to purify humanity for so many sins, openly committed and hidden, especially those which corrupt youth!’

 ‘In order to save souls, I wish that there be propagated in the world the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mediatrix of men, devoted to the Mercy of God, and to the Queen of the Universe.’

‘The world will be once more afflicted with great calamity; with bloody revolutions; with great earthquakes; with famines; with epidemics; with fearful hurricanes; and with floods from rivers and seas.  But if men do not return to God, purifying fire will fall from the Heavens, like snowstorms, on all peoples, and a great part of humanity will be destroyed!’

 ‘No longer do men speak according to the true spirit of the Gospel.  The immorality of the times has ‘reached a peak!  But men do not listen to my motherly warnings, so the world must soon be purified.’

 ‘RUSSIA WILL MARCH UPON ALL THE NATIONS OF EUROPE, PARTICULARLY ITALY, AND WILL RAISE HER FLAG OVER THE DOME OF ST. PETER’S.  Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity!  The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope must suffer greatly!’

 ‘The only valid means for placating Divine Justice is to pray and do penance, returning to God with sincere sorrow for the faults committed, and then the chastisement of Divine Justice will be mitigated by mercy.  Humanity will never find peace, if it does not return to my Immaculate Heart as Mother of Mercy, and Mediatrix of men; and to the Heart of my Son Jesus!’



 The Madonna speaks: “How youth lives in perdition!  How many innocent souls find themselves enwrapped in a chain of scandals!  The world has become as a flooded valley, overflowing with filth and mud!  Some of the most difficult trials of Divine Justice are yet to come, before the deluge of fire.”

 “I, for a long time, have advised men in many ways, but they do not listen to my maternal appeals, and they continue to walk the paths of perdition.  But soon terrifying manifestations will be seen, which will make even the most obdurate sinners tremble!”  “Great calamities will come upon the world, which will bring confusion, tears, struggles and pain. Great earthquakes will swallow up entire cities and countries, and will bring epidemics, famine, and terrible destruction ESPECIALLY WHERE THE SONS OF DARKNESS ARE, (pagan or anti-God nations).”

"In these tragic hours, the world has need of prayers and penance, because the Pope, the priests, and the Church are in danger.  If we do not pray, Russia will march upon all of Europe, and particularly upon Italy, bringing much more ruin and havoc!  Hence the priests must be in the front line of defense of the Church, by example and sanctity in life, for materialism is breaking forth in all nations and evil prevails over good.”

 “The rulers of the people do not understand this, because they do not have the Christian spirit; in their blindness, do not see the truth.”

 “In Italy, some leaders like rapacious wolves in sheep’s’ clothing, while calling themselves Christians — open the door to materialism, and, fostering dishonest actions, will bring Italy to ruin; but many of them, too, will fall in confusion!”

 “Propagate the devotions to my Immaculate Heart, of Mother of Mercy, Mediatrix of men, who believe in the mercy of God, and of the Queen of the Universe.”

 “I will manifest my partiality for Italy, which will be preserved from the fire, but the skies will be covered with dense darkness, and the earth will be shaken by fearful earthquakes which will open deep abysses.  Provinces and cities will be destroyed, and all will cry out that the end of the world has come!  Even Rome will be punished according to justice for its many and serious sins, because here sin has reached its peak.”

“Pray, and lose no time, lest it be too late; since dense darkness surrounds the earth and the enemy is at the doors!”



 The Madonna speaks: “The hour of the justice of God is close, and will be terrible!”

 “Tremendous scourges are impending over the world, and various nations are struck by epidemics, famines, great earthquakes, terrific hurricanes, with overflowing rivers and seas, which bring ruin and death.”

 “If the people do not recognize in these scourges (of nature) the warnings of Divine Mercy, and do not return to God with truly Christian living, ANOTHER TERRIBLE WAR WILL COME FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST.  RUSSIA WITH HER SECRET ARMIES WILL BATTLE AMERICA; WILL OVERRUN EUROPE.

 The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood.  Italy, also, will be harassed by a great revolution, and the Pope will suffer terribly.”

 “Spread the devotion to my Immaculate Heart, in order that many souls maybe conquered by my love and that many sinners may return to my Maternal Heart. Do not fear, for I will accompany with my maternal protection my faithful ones, and all those who accept my urgent warnings, and they — especially by the recitations of my Rosary — will be saved.”

  “Satan goes furiously through this disordered world, and soon will show all his might.  But, because of my Immaculate Heart, the triumph of Light will not delay in its triumph over the power of darkness, and the world, finally, will have tranquility and peace.”

 GOOD FRIDAY — 1961:

 The Sorrowful Madonna speaks: “People pay no attention to my motherly warnings, and thus the world is falling headlong evermore into an abyss of iniquity.  Nations shall be convulsed by terrible disasters, causing destruction and death.

 “Russia, spurred on by Satan, will seek to dominate the whole world and, by bloody revolutions, will propagate her false teachings throughout all the nations, especially in Italy.  The Church will be persecuted and the Pope and the priests shall suffer much.”

Sister Elena Aiello speaks: “Oh, what a horrible vision I see!  A great revolution is going on in Rome!  They are entering the Vatican.  The Pope is all alone; he is praying.  They are holding the Pope.  They take him by force.  They knock him down to the floor.  They are tying him.  Oh, God! Oh God! They are kicking him.  What a horrible scene!  How dreadful!”

 “Our Blessed Mother is drawing near.  Like corpses those evil men fall down to the floor.  Our Lady helps the Pope to his feet and, taking him by the arm, she covers him with her mantle saying: ‘Fear not!’

 “Flagstaffs (flying the Red flag over St. Peter’s dome and elsewhere) collapse, and power is gone out of the clubs of those evil brutes. These atheists are ever shouting: ‘We don’t want God to rule over us; we want Satan to be our master!’

 Our Blessed Mother speaks again: “My daughter, Rome will not be saved, because the Italian rulers have forsaken the Divine Light and because only a few people really love the Church.  But the day is not far off when all the wicked shall perish, under the tremendous blows of Divine Justice.”

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary


“Each day, child, meditate for a few minutes on the Passion of Jesus, and I promise you that you will be holy.”




(Excerpts taken from Roses and Thorns by

Blessed Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita)


The First Sorrow – The prophecy of Simeon

“…there was a thorn for me in the words of Simeon, which embittered my soul for life; sorrow without a name, hearing that Jesus was destined as the ruin and resurrection of many in Israel, and to be a sign of contradiction.  Simeon said, ‘This child is destined for the ruin and the resurrection of many in Israel, and as a sign of contradiction.’  Then he continued immediately, prophesying, ‘And a sword shall pierce your own soul.’  What sword?  To see my children wander down the slope of vice, scorning the Gospel.  Stay and see if there is a greater sorrow for a mother than the eternal misfortune of her children.


The Second Sorrow – The flight into Egypt

“With what sorrow I recall the night of terror in which an angel told my spouse Joseph that we must flee into Egypt with the Child because Herod sought to kill Him.  It was not Herod who obliged the Son of God to flee, but the son of God who wished to do this.  He did not flee out of fear, but by design; not out of need, but of power.  There He was to seek out sorrow for the continuance of His path to Calvary in a burning desert, through a pagan land, by suffering the hardships of the long road in bad weather, by living in even greater poverty, exiled and without liberty, hiding Himself from men for your salvation.”  “My soul was crushed by the pain of what He was to suffer…”  “The echo of the wailing mothers whose children were sacrificed to save the life of the Savior – those innocent flowers, the first of the martyrs – reached me; my soul was drowned in sorrow…”


The Third Sorrow – The loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple

“What my heart endured at that time no one can conceive.  Can you even imagine Mary without her Jesus, the Virgin Mother without her divine son, the immaculate sheep without her holy Lamb who takes away the sins of the world?  Finally, after three deathly days for my heart, we found Him in the Temple among the doctors who looked upon Him, overwhelmed with His wisdom.”  “I humbled myself although I had no fault.  Night and day I wept and sacrificed myself until I found Him.  You must do the same.”



The Fourth Sorrow – The meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross

“With a glance of my soul, I followed Jesus as He left the house of Herod, in the white robe of a fool, the people hissing and howling with furious delight.  I saw Him as a criminal in the presence of Pilate…”  “I followed Him to the scourging, and, O child of my soul!  I did not die only because I had to be your mother.  O barbarous torment, which I will never forget!”  “Then I saw Him bearing the cross.”  “I saw how He spoke to the women who wept for Him with so much love.” 


The Fifth Sorrow – The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

“And among the throng of people and the crosses and the thieves who accompanied the innocent Lamb, I saw Him mount the hill of Calvary, staggering, and I saw Him extend Himself upon the cross in order to be nailed to it, so that He might attract you to Him when He was raised on high.  Each hammer beat opened a deep wound in my heart.”  “I saw how they nailed His purest hands, which knew only how to bless, and His sacred feet, which became fatigued in seeking you.  Then I heard those last words of life, of pardon, of mercy.  “During the three hours of torment I saw Him agonizing, and at the end, my child, dying without any support other than the cross, the nails, and the thorns.”


The Sixth Sorrow – The taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross

“There I stood to defend Him with a multitude of angels, who wept at the outrageous sacrileges…”  I waited until that divine Body would pass from the cross on which He expired to the living cross from which He was born.  And thus it was that I received the holy Body of Jesus in my trembling arms; with all the delicacy of my love, I took the crown of thorns from His blessed brow; and, my soul burning with celestial tenderness, I tried to communicate again some warmth and life to the cold Body of my son, because not even in death did He wish to close His arms so that He could wait for you to throw yourself into them.”


The Seventh Sorrow – The burial of Jesus

“The next farewell was when the stone closed the holy sepulcher and one body and two hearts remained in it: that of Jesus and mine; or, only one, so great a unity had we known!  What terrible sorrow, comprehensible only to a mother!  And I remained alone, alone; because everything was as nothing for me without Jesus.”


Book of Heaven - December 21, 1903 
Effects of the sorrows of the Celestial Mama

…. The Most Holy Virgin told me:  “My daughter, courage along the way of sorrow.  See, these seven suns which come out from within my Heart are my seven sorrows which produced much glory and splendor for Me.  These suns, the fruits of my sorrows, dart continuously through the throne of the Most Holy Trinity which, feeling wounded, sends Me seven channels of grace continuously, making Me the owner; and I dispense them for the glory of all Heaven, for the relief of purging souls, and for the benefit of pilgrim souls.”  While saying this, She disappeared, and I found myself inside myself.   

Lynne Bauer, JMJ

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Third and Fourth Watch

 (Sometime in 2007 during Adoration) I heard within my interior, “You are in the third watch.”  LB

(Ron L. told me, “The third watch is the midnight watch – it is before the dawn. Most of the time the enemy would attack then because most are asleep.”)

Shortly after this I was lead to read:

Exodus 14: Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord swept the sea with a strong east wind….

The Egyptians followed in pursuit: all Pharaoh’s horses and chariots and charioteers went after them right into the midst of the sea. In the night watch just before dawn, the Lord cast through the column of the fiery cloud upon the Egyptian force a glance that threw it into a panic; and he so clogged their chariot wheels that they could hardly drive. With that, the Egyptians sounded the retreat before Israel, because the Lord was fighting for them against the Egyptians. Then the Lord told Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea that the water may flow back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and their charioteers.” So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and at dawn the sea flowed back to its normal depth. The Egyptians were fleeing head on toward the sea, when the Lord hurled them into its midst. As the water flowed back, it covered the chariots and the charioteers of Pharaoh’s whole army which had followed the Israelites into the sea. Not a single one of them escaped. But the Israelites had marched on dry land through the midst of the sea, with the water like a wall to their right and to their left.

The Dawn

“To the Priests” from the Marian Movement of Priests, Our Lady says:

“I am the dawn which precedes the day.” (#252)

“I am the dawn which is arising to announce the great day of the Lord.” (#344)

“I am the daybreak which precedes the sun; I am the dawn which begins the new day.” (20)

From the Book of Heaven, The Divine King Appeals to His Children: “She (Our Lady) is traveling amongst the people of the Nations disposing and preparing them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of My Will. It was She who prepared the people for Me so that I could descend from Heaven to earth. And now, I am entrusting to Her the task of disposing the souls of our people to receive a Gift so great.” (The Gift of living in the Divine Will)

Vol. 24 – May 26, 1928: “And just as the Holy Virgin put an end to the night hours of the patriarchs and prophets and formed the dawn to make the Sun of the Eternal Word rise, so will this one form the Dawn to make rise the Sun of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.”

Vol. 35 – Sept. 26, 1937: “…just as nature has its day in human life, during which all the actions of life are performed, in the same way my Divine Will forms Its Day in the depth of the creature

who lives in my Will. As the creature begins to form her acts in It, calling It to her as her own Life, she starts her day, forming a most shining Dawn in the depth of her soul. This Dawn gathers its Power, renewing in the creature the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son, the Virtue and Love of the Holy Spirit. So she starts her Day together with the Most Holy Trinity, which descends in the most tiny acts and hiding places of the creature in order to live together with her, and to do whatever she does. This Dawn is the first rest of God within the room of the soul – it is the beginning of the eternal Day in which the Life of the Supreme Being starts together with the creature.”

The Sea and the Wall

Vol. 13 – July 20, 1921: “…when my love will make arise the Era of my Will – the new Era of maximum benefit for creatures – then will the seas and rivers of my Volition overflow; and as their gigantic waves rise, they will sweep everything into My Will – but no longer hiddenly; rather, Its roaring waves will make themselves seen by everyone and will touch everyone. And those who want to resist the current will run the risk of losing their lives.”

Vol. 7 – Feb. 12, 1906: “…but the wall of the soul who lives in the Will of God is a wall so high and deep that neither its depth nor its height can be found… since this wall is in the Divine Volition – that is, in God – God Himself keeps it, and there is no power that can defy God.”

Vol. 19 – Aug. 8, 1926: “It happens as between the sea and a little stream which is separated from the sea only by a wall; so much so, that if the wall were removed, the sea and the little stream would become one single sea… My daughter, the sea is God…the wall that separates them is the human nature, which makes one distinguish God and the creature, the overflowings, the waves which rise continuously to unload themselves into the little stream, are my Divine Will that wants to give so much to the creature, that the little stream, being filled and swelled up, may overflow, may form its waves, swollen by the wind of the Supreme Will, and may pour back into the Divine Sea, only to be filled again.”

Vol. 19 – Aug. 14, 1926: These knowledge’s will be an immensely high and strong wall, more than the terrestrial Eden, which will prevent the enemy from entering in order to molest those who, conquered by It, will pass to live in the Kingdom of My Will.”

Rev. 15:2: “And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands. And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb…

Rev. 16:15: “Lo, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is he who is awake, keeping his garments that he may not go naked and be seen exposed!”

THE FOURTH WATCH (The new era – the era of peace)

MT 14:[21] And the number of them that did eat, was five thousand men, besides women and children. [22] And forthwith Jesus obliged his disciples to go up into the boat, and to go before him over the water, till he dismissed the people. [23] And having dismissed the multitude, he went into a mountain alone to pray. And when it was evening, he was there alone. [24] But the boat in the midst of the sea was tossed with the waves: for the wind was contrary. [25] And in the fourth watch of the night, he came to them walking upon the sea.

[26] And they seeing him walk upon the sea, were troubled, saying: It is an apparition. And they cried out for fear. [27] And immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying: Be of good heart: it is I, fear ye not. [28] And Peter making answer, said: Lord, if it be thou, bid me come to thee upon the waters. [29] And he said: Come. And Peter going down out of the boat, walked upon the water to come to Jesus. [30] But seeing the wind strong, he was afraid: and when he began to sink, he cried out, saying: Lord, save me.

[31] And immediately Jesus stretching forth his hand took hold of him, and said to him: O thou of little faith, why didst thou doubt? [32] And when they were come up into the boat, the wind ceased. [33] And they that were in the boat came and adored him, saying: Indeed thou art the Son of God.

The fourth watch – (the time following the third watch)

“Seeing Him…” “they cried out in fear…” - “It is an apparition”

“…when they were come up into the boat, the wind ceased. [33] And they that were in the boat came and adored him, saying: Indeed thou art the Son of God. (The boat – the Catholic Church John Bosco’s dream, the wind - persecution) Those who enter into the Catholic Church after the warning will come to believe and those who remain in the Church will adore Him.

“…seeing the wind strong, he was afraid: and when he began to sink, he cried out, saying: ‘Lord, save me.’” (persecution of the Church)

[31] And immediately Jesus stretching forth his hand took hold of him, and said to him: O thou of little faith, why didst thou doubt? [32] And when they were come up into the boat, the wind ceased. [33] And they that were in the boat came and adored him, saying: Indeed thou art the Son of God.

Book of Heaven, Vol. 13 – July 20, 1921: “…when my love will make arise the Era of my Will – the new Era of maximum benefit for creatures – then will the seas and rivers of my Volition overflow; and as their gigantic waves rise, they will sweep everything into My Will – but no longer hiddenly; rather, Its roaring waves will make themselves seen by everyone and will touch everyone. And those who want to resist the current will run the risk of losing their lives.”

Twelve-hour night time division (Roman night watch division was adopted after Roman occupation began in 63 BC)


Sundown to 9PM

First watch

9PM to midnight

Second watch

Midnight to 3AM

Third watch *

3AM to sun rise

Fourth watch

* A trumpet call, known as the cockcrow signaled the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th watch.

So stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming: evening, midnight, cockcrow or dawn. Mark 13:35

Above taken from:

Above added 10/20/15

Lynne Bauer

More on the Fourth Watch from Msgr. Charles Pope:

Jan 09, 2014

Why Did Jesus “mean to pass by” his Disciples when He was walking on the water?

By: Msgr. Charles Pope

In the Gospel for daily Mass on this past Wednesday we read from Mark Chapter 6. It is the familiar story of Jesus walking on the water after having multiplied to loaves and fishes earlier that day.

There is to our modern ears an odd turn of phrase that takes place about midway through the gospel. It says: About the fourth watch of the night, [Jesus] came toward them, walking on the sea. He meant to pass by them… (Mark 6:48)

This seems odd. Why would Jesus approach them walking on the water, (astounding miracle that it is), and simply mean to pass on by?

The problem is, we think that it means that he will not to stop, but will keep walking passed them. But actually this is not what it means.

This expression of God “passing by” is common in the Theophanies of the Old Testament. For example, when Moses was up on the mountaintop, The text teaches us in Exodus, that he revealed himself to Moses by “passing by.” The text says:

Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.” And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” Then the Lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen.” (Exodus 33: 18-23)

Another example of this is in the appearance he made to Elijah who was hiding in a cave after his flight from Jezebel. At one point, God called him out of the cave so that he could “pass by” The text says,

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. (1 kings 19:11-13)

Some other example of this “passing by are:

1. When John the Baptist saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” (Jn 1:36)

2. Now hearing a crowd going by, [the Blind Man] began to inquire what this was. They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he called out, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”… (Lk 18:37-38)

Hence, for Jesus to “pass by” is not for him to walk past us in hiding. Rather, it is just the opposite, it is for him to reveal himself to us and summon us to Faith. This is also the case in the Old Testament texts where God “passes by” not to hide, but reveal himself and summon us to faith.

Some may argue that these phrases should be translated differently so that we can better grasp their meaning. Why not just say “He came toward them to reveal himself to them” ??

Perhaps there is some merit in this. But I would counter that more mileage is sometimes gained by the text causing us to ponder, and pray. Consider that in “decoding” this text we have looked at four other passages. Further, we have deepened our appreciation of what it means for God to “pass by.”

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Horrible Sacrilege

Marian Movement of Priests, #366 Oct. 13, 1987 – Anniversary of the Last Apparition at Fatima

“These are seventy years during which I have descended from heaven into your midst as the Woman Clothed with the Sun.  These are seventy years during which my Adversary satan, has come up from the abyss into your midst, to manifest himself as the Red Dragon in all his terrible power.  In fact, he has succeeded in extending his reign in many nations and in spreading his action of denial and of rebellion against God to every part of the earth.  Thus, during the period of these seventy years, the Red Dragon has bound men with the chain of his slavery.”

“You have lived seventy years as slaves of my Adversary, who has succeeded in transforming the world into the city of Babylon, perverse and sinful, which with the cup of pleasure and of luxury, has seduced all the nations of the earth.  But now the period this Babylonian slavery is about to end.”  “In this Marian Year, the heavenly Mother is opening the door upon the new era of your liberation.”  (1987)


Marian Movement of Priests, #485 – Dec. 31, 1999

“The fourth sign is the horrible sacrilege, perpetrated by him who sets himself against Christ, that is, the Antichrist.  He will enter into the holy temple of God and will sit on his throne and have himself adored as God.”

‘This one will oppose and exalt himself against everything that men adore and call God.  The lawless one will come by the power of satan, with all the force of false miracles and pretended wonders.  He will make use of every kind of wicked deception, in order to work harm.’ (Thes. 2,3,9-10)

‘One day, you will see in the holy place he who commits the horrible sacrilege. The prophet Daniel spoke of this.  Let the reader seek to understand.’  (Mt. 24:14)

“Beloved children, in order to understand in what this horrible sacrilege consists, read what has been predicted by the prophet Daniel: ‘Go, Daniel; these words are to remain secret and sealed until the end time.”

‘Now, from the moment that the daily Sacrifice is abolished and the horrible abomination is setup, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.  Blessed is he who waits with patience and attains one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.’ (Dn. 12:9-12)

“The Holy Mass is the daily Sacrifice, the pure oblation which is offered to the Lord everywhere, from the rising of the sun to its going down.

The Sacrifice of the Mass renews that which was accomplished by Jesus on Calvary.  By accepting the Protestant doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal, that is to say, a remembrance of that which Jesus did at His Last Supper. And thus, the celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed.  In this abolition of the daily Sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege accomplished by the Antichrist, which will last about three and a half years, namely, one thousand two hundred and ninety days.”

June, 1972 – Pope Paul VI – “The smoke of satan has entered the Church.”

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