Monday, April 26, 2021

Abandonment to the Will of God



Volume 1 – What I want from you is that you abandon yourself in my arms as if you were dead. Until you keep your eyes opened to look at what I am doing and at what the creatures do and say, I cannot operate freely upon you. Don’t you want to trust Me? Don’t you know how much I love you, and that everything I allow, either through creatures, or from demons, or directly from Me, is truly for your good and serves for nothing but to lead the soul to that state for which I have chosen her? Therefore, I want you to remain in my arms with your eyes closed, without looking at and investigating this or that, trusting Me completely, and letting Me operate freely.”

Volume 12, July 2, 1918 - I was saying to my beloved Jesus: ‘Jesus, I love You; but my love is small, therefore I love You in your love, to make it great. I want to adore You with your adorations, pray in your prayer, thank You in your thanksgivings.’ Now, while I was saying this, my lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, as you placed your love in mine in order to love Me, yours remained fixed in mine, and it became longer and larger within mine; and I felt I was being loved the way I would want the creature to love Me. And as you adored in my adorations, prayed, thanked, these remained fixed in Me; and I felt I was being adored, prayed and thanked with my adorations, prayers and thanksgivings. Ah! my daughter, it takes great abandonment in Me. And as the soul abandons herself in Me, I abandon Myself in her; and filling her with Myself, I Myself do what she must do for Me. But if she does not abandon herself, then what she does remains fixed in her, not in Me; and I feel the operating of the creature as full of imperfections and miseries - which cannot please Me.”

Vol. 12, August 6, 1919 –  “Abandonment in Me is the image of two torrents, each one unloading itself into the other with such impetus, that their waters blend together; and forming gigantic waves of water, they arrive at even touching Heaven, to the point that the bed of those torrents remains dry. And the roaring of those waters, their murmuring, is so sweet and harmonious, that Heaven, in seeing Itself touched by those waters, feels honored and shines with new beauty; and the Saints, in chorus, say: ‘This is the sweet sound and the harmony that enraptures, of a soul who has abandoned herself in God. How beautiful it is - how beautiful it is!’”

Another day He told me: “What do you fear? Abandon yourself in Me, and you will remain surrounded by Me as though within a circle, in such a way that if enemies, occasions or dangers come, they will have to deal with Me, not with you; and I will answer for you. True abandonment in Me is rest for the soul and work for Me; and if the soul is restless, it means that she is not abandoned in Me - a just pain restlessness is, for one who wants to live of her own, doing great wrong to Me, and great harm to herself.”

Volume 13, Oct. 18, 1921“…disturbance is nothing other than lack of abandonment in Me, and I want you so abandoned in my arms, that you must have not even one thought of yourself; and I will take care of everything.”

Volume 16, Feb. 10, 1924 –  “if the soul did not live completely abandoned in my Will, she would be like someone who lived in a sumptuous palace, and now leaned out of a window, now out of a balcony, now went down to the main door. So, only seldom or in passing does the poor one pass through some of the rooms, and therefore she knows little of the regime, of the work that is needed, of the goods which are there present, of what she can take, and of what she can give. Who knows how many goods are in there, and she knows little about it, therefore she does not love that palace as she should love it, nor does she esteem it as it deserves.

Now, for the soul who lives in my Will and is not completely abandoned in It, self reflections, cares for herself, fears, disturbances, are nothing other than windows, balconies and main doors that she forms in my Will; and by going out very often, she is forced to see and feel the miseries of human life. And since the miseries are her own property, while the riches of my Will are mine, she becomes more attached to the miseries than to the riches, and so she will not come to love, nor will she enjoy what it means to live in my Will. And having formed the main door, one day or another she will go away to live in the miserable hovel of her own will. See, then, how complete abandonment in Me is necessary in order to live in my Will. My Will does not need the miseries of the human will; It wants the creature to live together with It - beautiful, just as It delivered her from Its womb, without the miserable provision that she has formed for herself in the exile of life. Otherwise, there would be disparity, which would bring sorrow to my Will and unhappiness to the human will.”

 Volume 35, Mar. 6, 1938 – My daughter, when the creature abandons herself in our Will, our satisfaction is so great that she pours into Us, and We pour into her, giving her our new Life, new love, new sanctity and new knowledge of our Supreme Being. When the creature abandons herself in our Divine Volition, We can make the greatest prodigies and the most surprising graces in her, since our own Will will receive and deposit what We want to give to the creature. By abandoning herself in our Will, she storms Heaven, and her empire is such that she imposes herself over our Divine Being, enclosing It within her littleness; while she, triumphant, encloses herself within our Divine Womb.”

Volume 36, June 12, 1938“Oh, if everyone abandoned themselves in my arms! The earth would disappear for them, they wouldn't pay attention to anybody, I would be enough for all. I love, so much, the one who lives abandoned in my arms that I show her the greatest excesses of my love, my love jokes, my caresses. I reach the point of inventing new love tricks to keep them busy and centered in my love. Therefore, live abandoned in my arms and in everything you will find your Jesus defending, helping and sustaining you."

Volume 20, Nov. 16, 1926 – …the more you abandon yourself in the Supreme Will, the more you advance along Its ways, the more knowledges you acquire, and the more you take possession of the goods which are in the Divine Will; because in It there is always something to know and to take.”

Vol. 36, Sept. 5, 1938 -  “…I was thinking to myself: it seems to me difficult to live in It; how can the creature reach this point? The human weaknesses, the circumstances of life, many times, are too painful; the unexpected encounters, the so many difficulties that one doesn't even know what to do - wouldn't all these things lead the creature astray from a life so holy that it would take a perfect attention not to? And my sweet Jesus, continuing His say with such a tenderness that I felt my heart exploding, added: "My little daughter of my Will, my interest and my continuous yearning for the creature to live in my Will is such that, once we've made the agreement, Myself and her, with a firm decision that she must live in my Fiat - this being My Will - I am the first one who makes the sacrifice to obtain the intent, so that she may live in It. I place Myself at her disposal. I give her all the graces, light, love and the very knowledge of my Will, so that she herself has to feel the need to live in It. When I want something, and she promptly accepts doing what I want, I take care of everything; and when she fails for weakness, for inconstancy or for negligence, not for will, I come to compensate, and I do what she was supposed to do, transferring to her what I did as if she had done it.”

From In Sinu Jesu, When Heart Speaks to Heart -

 “How does one come to that degree of trust?  By entrusting to Me very little things, day by day, as they arise, and by leaving them to Me. This was also the wisdom of My priest Don Dolindo.  ‘Jesus’, he used to say to Me, ‘you take care of this.’ And then he went his way lighthearted and confident that I would honor the confidence he placed in Me.”

Jesus, I abandon myself to you. You take care of everything!


Friday, April 23, 2021

A New and Divine Holiness


A “New and Divine Holiness” as spoken of by Pope St. John Paul II:

Saint Annibale Maria di Francia was the Extraordinary Confessor to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarretta. He was founder of the Rogationists and Daughters of Divine Zeal.  In His Address to the Rogationist Fathers on the Centennial Anniversary of the Foundation of the Congregation of Rogationist Fathers of the Heart of Jesus, on May 16, 1997, Pope John Paul II said:

“The modern means that human sciences and contemporary technology make available and that you rightly try to use in your apostolic work will only be effective if they are sustained and guided by the original charismatic inspiration of the blessed founder, who saw in the "Rogate" the means God himself had provided to bring about that "new and divine" holiness with which the Holy Spirit wishes to enrich Christians at the dawn of the third millennium, in order to "make Christ the heart of the world".


A new type of Holiness – by Fr. Philipon in the Diary of Conchita de Armida

There is no question here of a type of holiness departing from the Gospel, but rather of a resource taken in view of a new application of this same Gospel.

To depart from the spirit of the Gospel and from the teachings of the Cross would be to deny Christ. We are speaking in the same sense Therese of Lisieux spoke of a "wholly new way." We are incontestably in a new era of spirituality.

What constitutes its newness is:

1)  A calling of all, even of the laity, even of married people, to the greatest holiness.

2)  Through transfiguration of daily life, the sanctification of the profane, divinization by faith, by love and by the spirit of sacrifice in ordinary life.

3)  The greatest holiness. Transcendence of the message of the Cross. Even the most banal actions are made of value to the infinite by the offering of love in union with Christ, in imitation of the last years on earth of the Mother of God, in the service of the nascent Church.

Pope St. Paul VI in his message Urbi et Obi, April 4, 1971 said: “The unity of the world will be.  The dignity of the human person shall be recognized not only formally but effectively.  The inviolability of life, from the womb to old age… Undue social inequalities will be overcome.  The relations between peoples will be peaceful, reasonable and fraternal. Neither selfishness, nor arrogance, nor poverty…(shall) prevent the establishment of a true human order, a common good, a new civilization.”

Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Echo of Love

 The Echo of Love

“Mary was created only for God, and it is unthinkable that she should reserve even one soul for herself.  On the contrary, she leads every soul straight to God and to union with Him.  Mary is the wonderful echo of God.  The more a person joins himself to her, the more effectively she unites him to God.  When we say ‘Mary’, she re-echoes ‘God’.”  (God Alone, Secret of Mary, St. Louis Marie de Montfort, p/268)

 “…you never think of Mary without Mary thinking of God for you.  You never praise or honor Mary without Mary joining you in praising and honoring God.  Mary is entirely relative to God.  Indeed I would say that she was relative only to God, because she exists uniquely in reference to Him.  She is an echo of God, speaking and repeating only God.  If you say “Mary” she says “God.”  When St. Elizabeth praised Mary calling her blessed because she had believed, Mary, the faithful echo of God, responded with her Canticle, ‘My soul glorifies the Lord.’” (God Alone, True Devotion to Mary,  St. Louis Marie de Montfort, p/362)

Book of Heaven, Vol. 2, October 25, 1899: 

“My daughter, my love toward creatures is so great that it resounds like an echo in the celestial regions, it fills the atmosphere and diffuses over the whole earth.  But what is the correspondence that creatures give to this loving echo?  Ah, they requite Me with an echo of ingratitude, poisonous, filled with every kind of bitterness and sins; with an echo almost deadly, fit only for wounding Me.  But I will depopulate the face of the earth, so that this echo resounding with poison may not deafen my ears.”

“Tell me, my only Good, how could I sweeten this poisonous echo for You which afflicts You so much?”  And He: “The only means is that you always do all your actions with the sole purpose of pleasing Me, and that you employ all your senses and power for the purpose of loving Me and of glorifying Me.  Let your every thought, word, and everything else, want nothing but the love you have for Me: in this way your echo will rise pleasant to my throne and will sweeten my hearing.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 3, January 22, 1900:

“What I recommend to you is correspondence to my grace, and in order to be faithful, you must be like the echo that resounds in an empty space: as soon as a voice is emitted, immediately, without the slightest hesitation, one can hear the echo booming after it.  In the same way, as soon as you begin to receive my grace, without even waiting for Me to finish giving it, begin immediately the echo of your correspondence.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 6, December 28, 1903:

“My daughter, all human lives are in my Humanity in Heaven as though inside a cloister; and since they are inside my cloister, the regime of their lives comes from Me.  Not only this, but my Humanity, being the cloister, conducts the lives of each soul.  What joy is mine when souls remain in this cloister, and the echo that comes from my Humanity blends with the echo of each human life of the earth?”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 11, April 1, 1916:

My daughter, for one who really loves Me and does my Will in everything, her heartbeat and mine become one.  So I call them my heartbeats and, as such, I want them around and even inside the heartbeat of my Heart – all intent on consoling Me and sweetening all my sorrowful heartbeats.  Her heartbeat in mine will form a sweet harmony, which will repeat my whole life for Me, and will speak to Me of souls, forcing Me to save them.  But, my daughter, what stripping is required to be the echo of my heartbeat!  It must be a life more of Heaven than of earth – more divine than human!  Even one shadow, one little thing, is enough to prevent the soul from feeling the strength, the harmonies, the sanctity of my heartbeat; and so she does not echo my heartbeat, she does not harmonize together with Me, and I am forced to remain alone in my sorrow or in my joys.

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, May 10, 1917:

“And when I find a soul who loves Me, how sweet her breath is, how she amuses Me – I feel cheered.  An echo of harmonies is formed between Me and her; so she remains distinct from the other creatures, and she will be distinct also in Heaven.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, June 4, 1918:

“If you want to be safe, repair always, and repair together with Me.  Identify yourself with Me so much, as to form one single echo of reparations between Me and you.  Wherever there is reparation, the soul is as though in shelter, where she is protected from cold, from hail and from everything.”  “Times are most sad, and if the circle of reparations is not enlarged, there is the danger that those who remain uncovered may be struck by the thunderbolts of Divine Justice.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, Jan. 2, 1919:

“Here is, my daughter, the true portrait of loving souls.  Everything must remain silent in them and around them: esteem, glory, pleasures, honors, greatness, will, creatures.  And if the soul had these things, she must remain as though deaf, and as if she did not see anything.  On the other hand, my patience, my glory, my esteem, my pains, must take over within her; and everything she does, thinks and loves will be nothing other than love, which will have one single echo with Mine, and will ask Me for souls.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, Feb. 13, 1919:

“they (the souls that will live in the Divine Will) are exactly the ones, who, without the shadow of interest and of personal sanctity – but rather, fully divine – will live for the good of their brothers, forming one single echo with Heaven.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, Dec. 6, 1919:

“My daughter, echo of my Life, while you were praying, my Mercy was softening, and my Justice was losing sharpness – and not only in the present time, but also in the future, because your prayer will remain in act in my Will. By virtue of it, my softened Mercy will flow more abundantly, and my Justice will be less rigorous.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, May 24, 1920:

“What will the happiness of the soul be when she finds herself up there in Heaven and sees her acts done in my Will, as defenders of my Throne, and which, having a continuous echo of reparation, will reject the echo of the offenses that come from the earth?

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, Nov. 28, 1920:

“Oh!  If all could see this blessing of Mine, they would feel it in the water they drink, in the fire that warms them, in the food they take, in the sorrow that afflicts them, in the moans of their prayer, in the remorses of guilt, in the abandonment of creatures.  In everything they would hear my creative word saying to them – but, alas, it is not heard:

‘I bless you in the name of the Father, of Myself, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  I bless you to help you, I bless you to defend you, to forgive you, to console you – I bless you to make you a saint.’  And the creature would echo my blessings, by blessing Me too, in everything.  These are the effects of my blessing; and my Church, instructed by Me, echoes Me, and in almost all circumstances – the administration of the Sacraments and others – She gives Her blessing.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, May 1, 1921:

“In the soul who lives in my Will, I feel the echo of my power, of my love, of my sanctity; in all of my acts I feel the echo of her own.

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 13, Nov. 12, 1921:

“This is why I love and will love the world: because I am waiting for my sanctity to have Its echo over the earth, and for my rays to come out to the light and to give Me complete glory, returning to Me the love and the honor which the others have not given to Me.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 14, March 28, 1922:

“Therefore, one who lives in my Will is the echo of my voice, the repeater of my Life, the perfect glory of my Creation.  How could I not love her?  How could I not give to her all that I should give to all the other creatures together, giving her primacy over everything?  Ah, my love would feel constrained if I did not do so!”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 14, April 17, 1922:

“The echo of Our Volition will be the echo of Our own Volition possessed by you; the exchanges will be mutual, love will be reciprocal; we will be in full harmony, and the creature will disappear within her Creator.  Then, nothing else will be lacking to Our joy, to Our happiness, for which We delivered Creation.  The ‘Let Us make man in Our Image and likeness’ will have its effect.  Our Will alone, as actor within the creature, will give completion to everything, and the Creation will bring Us the divine purpose, and We will receive It in Our womb as Our work, just as We delivered It.  And then, if you cannot be without Me, it is the echo of my love that resounds in your heart, and unable to be without you, it reverberates in you; and you, shaken, look for the One who loves you so much.  And I, seeing that you are searching for Me, feel the echo of your love within mine, and I feel drawn to send you a new current of love, so that you may look for Me more.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 14, June 9, 1922:

“In you I hear the echo of my creative word: ‘Let Us make man in Our image and likeness,’ and I see the fulfillment of it.  Ah!  Our Will alone will make man return to this first origin.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 14, July 28, 1922:

“Expand your will in Mine – nothing must escape you which is not caught in the net of my Will and of yours.  My Will in Me and my Will in you must fuse together and have the same endless boundaries; but I need that your will be disposed to extend within Mine, and that nothing escape it of the things created by Me, so that in all things I may hear the echo of the Divine Will in the human will, and generate my likeness in it.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 14, Oct. 19, 1922:

“I am not the isolated God – no.  I want the creature together with Me; my echo must resound in hers, and hers in mine, so as to make them one.”

Book of Heaven, Vol. 15, May 2, 1923:

“My daughter, oh, how well your acts done in my Will harmonize!  They harmonize with Mine, with those of my beloved Mama, and the ones disappear into the others, forming one single act.  It seems that Heaven is on earth and that the earth is in Heaven.  And the echo of one act in three and of three in one, of the Most Holy Trinity – oh, how sweetly it sounds to Our ears, how it enraptures Us; so much as to capture Our Will from Heaven to earth!”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 16, Dec. 6, 1923:

(Luisa) “I will not depart from our throne if You do not bind the human will with the Divine, so that, as I take It to earth, the Kingdom of your Will may come upon earth.  Nothing is denied to the little ones, because what they ask is nothing other than the echo of your own Will and of what You Yourself want.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 16, May 24, 1924:

“So, everything I have told you about my Will had this as my purpose: that my Will

Be known and come to reign upon earth – and what I have said will be.  I will overwhelm everything in order to obtain this, but everything must return to Me within that word – ‘Fiat’.  ‘Fiat’ did God say, and ‘Fiat’ must man say.  In all his things, he will have nothing but the echo of my Fiat, the mark of my Fiat, the works of my Fiat, so that I may give the goods which my Will contains.  In this way, I will fulfill the complete purpose of all Creation.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, Oct. 2, 1924:

“Daughter of Our Eternal Will, prostrate yourself before Our Supreme Majesty and offer your adorations, your homages, your praises, in the name of all, with the Power of Our Will, with the Wisdom and with the Will of Our Supreme Love.  In this way We will feel in you the Power of Our Will adoring Us, the Wisdom of Our Will glorifying Us, the Love of Our Will loving Us and praising Us.  And since the Power, the Wisdom and the Love of the three Divine Persons are in communication with the intellect, the memory and the will of all creatures, We will feel your adorations, homages and praises flow within all the intelligences of creatures, which, rising between Heaven and earth, will make us hear the echo of Our own Power Wisdom and Love, adoring Us, praising Us and loving Us.  Greater adorations, more noble homages, love and praises more divine, she cannot give Us.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, Oct. 30, 1924:

“Not only did the creature not want to maintain this alternation of love or to respond to the echo of the love of her Creator, but she rejected this Love, she denied It and offended It.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, Feb. 22, 1925:

“My daughter, how my Heart is wounded by the prayer of one who seeks only my Will!  I hear the echo of my prayer, which I did when I was upon earth.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, April 23, 1925:

“Therefore, you must know that in creating man, God infused Life in him with His breath; and in this Life He infused in him an intelligence, a memory and a will, to place them in relation with His Divine Will.  This Divine Will was to be like a king; It was to dominate all of the interior of the creature and to give Life to all in such a way as to form the intelligence and the memory wanted by the Supreme Will in her.  Once this was formed, it was as though natural for the eye of the creature to look at created things and to know their order and the Will of God over the whole universe.  The hearing was to hear the prodigies of this Eternal Will.  The mouth, which was to feel the continuous breath of its Creator, communicating to it the Life and the goods contained in His Will, was to echo that Eternal Fiat with its word, to narrate what ‘Will of God’ means.  The hands were to be the expression of the works of this Supreme Will.  The feet were to do nothing but follow, step by step, the steps of their Creator.  So, once the Divine Will is established in the will of the creature, she has the eyes, the hearing, the mouth, the hands, the feet of my Will.  She never departs from the origin from which she came…”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, April 26, 1925:

“…no, it is not true that I have left you.  How is it, don’t you feel Me within yourself?  Don’t you hear the echo of my prayer in your interior as I embrace everything and everyone in such a way that no one can escape Me, since all things and all generations are like one single point for Me, and so I pray, I love, I adore my Father, I repair for all?  And you, echoing my prayer, feel as if you were holding everyone and everything in your power and you repeat what I do.”  Is it perhaps you or your capacity to do this?  Ah, no, no!  It is I, who am within you.”

Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, Aug. 2, 1925:

“I was praying and fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will.  I wanted to wander everywhere, up to the Heavens, in order to find that Supreme ‘I love you’ which is not subject to any interruption.  I wanted to make it my own so that I too might have an ‘I love you’ which is never interrupted and which might echo the Eternal ‘I love you’ and by possessing the source of the true ‘I love you’ within me, I might have an ‘I love you’ for each one and for all – for each motion, for each act, for each breath, for each heartbeat, and for each ‘I love you’ of my Jesus Himself.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, Oct. 21, 1925:

“All of Heaven is in my Will; and being in this Supreme Volition, they feel everything I do and the echo of my acts, and corresponding to my echo, they repeat whatever I do.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 18, Feb. 6, 1926:

“…my aim upon you is exactly this: to make you return to the origin as when We created man.  Therefore I do not want division between Me and you, nor that what is Mine may not be yours; rather, in order to give you your rights, I want you to recognize what is Mine, so that loving everything and letting your ‘I love You’ flow upon all things, all of Creation may recognize you.  They will feel in you the echo of the beginning of the creation of man, and delighting in it will yearn to be possessed by you.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, March 14, 1926:

“Now, one who has won the Divine Will has won the whole Creation and even God

Himself; therefore, by right of justice, she must possess all that my Will possesses.  More so, since the Creation is mute for Its Creator; and I made It mute because the one to whom I was to give It and who was to live in my Will, would, herself, have speech in all created things so that all things made by Me might be speaking, not mute.  So, you will be the voice of the heavens; and echoing from one point to another, it will make your word heard, which resounding through the whole celestial atmosphere, will say: ‘I love, I glorify, I adore my Creator…”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, April 9, 1926:

“But do you want to know in whom all created things find the echo of their joy and happiness?  In one in whom they find my Will reigning and dominating, because that Will which reigns in them as whole, that which God Himself possesses, and that which reigns in the soul, become one and make seas of joys, of happiness, and of contentments overflow into one another.  Indeed, it is a true feast.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, April 16, 1926:

“You must be Our echo, that echo of Our Celestial Mama, because She alone lived perfectly and fully in the Supreme Volition, therefore, She can be your guide and act as your teacher.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, July 2, 1926:

“My daughter, come with Me in the midst of Creation.  Heaven and earth await you – they want the one who, animated by that same Will that animates them and gives them life, would make the whole Creation resound with that most sweet echo of the eternal love of their Maker.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, July 20, 1926:

“…do you know what is the enchantment that enraptures Me?  Your little ‘I love You’ on each created thing.  With this little ‘I love You’ of yours impressed on each of them, they all speak to Me of your love, they speak to Me of my newborn of my Will; I hear the harmonious echo of the whole Creation that speaks to Me about you.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, July 29, 1926:

“Now, had I come upon earth to redeem him, one drop of my Blood, one little pain of mine would have been enough to put him in safety; but since I came not only to save him, but to give him back my Will, which he had lost, this Divine Will wanted to descend into all my pains, into my tears, into my sighs and moans – into everything I did and suffered, in order to reacquire the dominion in all and over all human acts, and therefore be able to form, once again, Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures.  So, as a little child, when I cried, wailed, moaned, my Divine Will more than solar ray, invested all Creation with my tears, with my moans and sighs.  The stars, the sun, the starry sky, the sea, the little flower – all cried, moaned, wailed and sighed because the Divine Will present in Me was the same as that which reigned in all Creation and, therefore, as though naturally, the stars cried, the sky moaned, the sun wailed, the sea sighed.  The light of my Will brought my echo into all created things, and repeating my acts, they kept company with their Creator.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, August 29, 1926:

Luisa:  “My Love, I have many things to tell You – many things to establish between You and me; I must ask of You that your Will be known and that Its Kingdom have Its full triumph…Jesus interrupting my speaking, with unspeakable tenderness pressed me so very tightly to Himself, and kissing me told me: “My daughter, how beautiful on your lips is the prayer for the triumph of the Kingdom of the Supreme Will. It is the echo of my own prayer, of my sighs and of all my works.” *

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, Sept. 7, 1926:

Luisa:  I was about to resume my flight in the Supreme Volition, to make my usual visit in the Kingdom of the Divine Will and to extend myself within Its boundaries in order to let my ‘I love You,’ my adoration, my ‘thank You’ echo for each created thing.

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 19, Sept. 15, 1926:

Luisa:  Then, while I was in the arms of Jesus, the immense light of the Divine Will that filled Heaven and earth called me to go around in It, to have me do my usual acts, to have my “I love You” my adoration echo in the whole Creation that It might have the company of Its little daughter in each created thing in which It reigns and dominates.  Then, after I did this, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, what light, what power, what glory the act of the creature acquires done in My Will!  These acts are more than sun.

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 20, Sept. 20, 1926:

Luisa:  Having finished writing a book and having to start another one, I felt the weight of writing and almost embittered, I sighed.  And my sweet Jesus…told me:  “My daughter, you have not understood well what it means to live in my Will.  While you were sighing, the Creation and everyone, and even Myself, have sighed together with you, because for those who live in It, one is the life, one the act, one the motion, one the echo.  They cannot help doing the same thing together because God is the prime motion, and since all created things have come out of a motion full of life, there is nothing which does not possess His motion – they all go around the prime motion of their Creator…My daughter, your sigh of regret has formed its echo in everyone.”

Book of Heaven, Vol. 20, Nov. 1, 1926:

“…continuing your round in the space of Creation, you will arrive at the sun, a sphere which is closer to the earth than the heavens, in order to bring to the creatures the fount of terrestrial happiness, the similes of the beatitudes, and the flavors of the happiness of the Celestial Fatherland.  Do you want to know then what my Will does in the sun?  It glorifies Our interminable light, Our innumerable flavors.  It loves and glorifies Our infinite sweetnesses, the indescribable shades of Our beauties; and with its heat, It echoes Our immense Love.  Oh!  How the sun sings Our praises; how it loves and glorifies Our Divine Being.  Just as Our Divinity, unveiled, beatifies the whole Celestial Fatherland with every new acts, in the same way, the sun, faithful echo of its Creator, celestial bearer of the Supreme Majesty, veiled by its light in which my Will dominates and reigns, brings terrestrial happiness to the earth.

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 20, Dec. 8, 1926:

“My daughter, you are Our echo.  As you enter into Our Will in order to love, to praise, to ask for the coming of Our Kingdom, We hear in you the echo of Our Love, the echo of Our Glory, the echo of Our Fiat that wants to come upon earth in order to reign, that wants to be prayed, and prayed again, and be pressed to come to reign on earth as It does in Heaven.  And as you go around through the whole Creation to follow the acts of the Supreme Will in It, We hear your echo in the sea, in the valleys, on the mountains, in the sun, in the heaven, in the stars – in everything.  How beautiful is this echo – it is Our echo which resounds in all of Our things.  In this echo, We hear the echo of Our voice, the motion of Our works, the treading of Our steps, the motions – the pulsation of Our heartbeat, and We greatly delight in seeing your littleness, as you, while echoing try to imitate Our voice, to copy the motions of our works, to make the same sound as Our steps, and to love with Our own heartbeat.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 21, March 16, 1927:

“…in order to give back to him (man) this Kingdom – these universal goods; first He wants, by right, a creature who by living in this Fiat would communicate this universal act to Him.  So, as she loves, adores, glorifies and prays, together with His Will, she constitutes herself as universal love for all – adoration and glory for each creature; and diffusing her prayer as if everyone were praying, she prays in a universal manner that the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat may come into the midst of creatures.  When a good is universal, universal acts are needed in order to obtain it; and these acts are only in my Will.  As you love in It, your love extends wherever my Will is; and my Will feels your love in every place – It feels Itself followed everywhere.  Therefore, It feels in you the original love, with which It had established to be loved by the creature in the beginning of Creation; It feels Its own echo in your love, which does not know how to love with a little and finite love, but with infinite and universal love.  It feels the first love of Adam before he sinned, when he did nothing but repeat the echo of the Will of His Creator…”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 22, June 8, 1927:

“…you must know that my Will forms the echo of Its works, of Its love, of Its word in the soul in whom It reigns, in such a way that on hearing Its echo, the soul repeats the work, the love and the word of the Divine Fiat.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 22, July 30, 1927:

“Now, Our Will, life and perfect echo of Our Divine Being, is incessant motion, and therefore, It is perfect good and a good which can give itself to all.  When a good is incessant, all can take it, its continuous motion makes it possess the spring of inexhaustibility.  Therefore, one who must live in my Divine Will must possess the echo of my Will and, with incessant motion, follow Its acts and the good that comes to you, which places you in the order of the divine motion, moves you with enchanting rapidity, and goes around together with all created things.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 23, Sept. 25, 1927:

“Therefore, I call you to work together with Me in this, my Kingdom.  I work by preparing the earth; it is necessary to purify it, it is too sullied, there are certain points which do not deserve to exist any more so many are their evils, therefore it is necessary that both its inhabitants and the sullied earth itself disappear.  The Kingdom of my Divine Will is the holiest, the purest, the most beautiful and orderly Kingdom that must come upon earth, therefore, it is necessary that the earth be prepared and purified; and so, while I work on purifying it and, if needed, on destroying places and people unworthy of a Kingdom so holy, you will work by moving Heaven and earth with your acts done in my Volition.  Your echo will be incessant, which you will make resound in all Creation asking for the Kingdom of my Fiat with your continuous acts, if needed, your pains, and even your life.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 23, Sept. 28, 1927:

“How beautiful these divine lives in the creatures would have been.  In looking at them, We were to find in them Our reflection, Our image, the echo of Our happiness.  What joy, what feast Creation would have been for Us and for the creatures!”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 24, April 16, 1928:

“My daughter, as the Divine Will pronounced Its Fiat in Creation, it formed the echo.  As it resounded in the empty space of the whole universe, this divine echo drew and carried all of Our qualities with it and it filled Heaven and earth with Our Love.  As it came out from Our Fiat, this echo created the most beautiful things – heavens, suns, winds, seas, and many other things.  This echo remained in each created thing and it maintains the life of the blue heavens with all the stars; the life of the sun, and continuing with its echo of light and heat, it preserves it full of light, whole and beautiful just as it created it.  So, each created thing has the echo of Our Fiat as its beginning and preservation; this is why they preserve the order, the power, the harmony, the magnificence of Our works.  Whenever the Divinity wants to operate and reproduce, even Our very Life, Our Fiat forms the echo and the echo creates and forms whatever We want.  See also in instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Our Fiat formed the echo; the echo invested the bread and wine and formed in them my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.  That echo still resounds in each Host and so my Sacramental Life is perpetuated continuously.  Now, this echo resounded in the creation of man, but by withdrawing from Our Will, man lost this echo – he no longer felt, inside and outside of himself its sweet, powerful, harmonizing sound which had the virtue of preserving him just as he came out of Our creative hands; so he became weak and disharmonized.  Poor man, without the echo of Our Fiat which had given him life – he was no longer able to reorder himself – he no longer felt within himself the echo of the Light of his Creator, the echo of Love, the echo of order, of power, of wisdom, of divine sweetness and goodness.  Without the echo of Our Fiat, man became like a child who grows without mama, who has no one to feed him the words, to teach him works and steps; or like a student who has no teacher to teach him how to read and write; and if he does anything at all by himself, he will do it disordered.  Such is man without the echo of Our Fiat…”  “Now, as the soul keeps calling my Will as the beginning of all of her being, she will feel Its divine echo.  This echo will call her back to her beginning and resounding in her, it will reorder her anew; and just as Our echo retreated from man because he withdrew from Our Divine Will, in the same way, as creatures recognize It, love It and want nothing but Our Divine Fiat, the echo of Our Will will return to the midst of creatures.  The Kingdom of Our Fiat is exactly this: the return of Our divine echo  not the far away echo which has often resounded to the hearing of man from the time he withdrew from Our Will; but the continuous echo which will resound in the depth of souls and transforming them, it will form Divine Life in them giving back to them the order of man as he was created.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 24, April 26, 1928:

“My daughter, indeed nothing escaped my Mama because everything I did and suffered resounded like a deep echo in the depth of Her soul.  And She was so attentive in waiting for the echo of my acts that the echo, together with everything I did and suffered, would remain imprinted in Her.  And the Sovereign Queen emitted Her echo within Mine and made it resound in the depth of my interior, in such a way that torrents would run between Me and Her – seas of light and of love which unloaded themselves into each other; and I made the deposit of all my acts in Her maternal Heart. 

I would not have been content had I not had Her always with Me – had I not felt Her continuous echo which, resounding in Mine, drew even my heartbeats and breaths to be deposited in Her. Likewise, I would not be content if, from that time, I did not have you, who were to follow all of my acts in my Divine Will.  In fact, from that time I made their deposit in you, moving the echo of my Mama into the depth of your soul.  And through the length of the centuries I looked at the echo of my Mama in you in order to realize the Kingdom of my Divine Will.  This is why you feel as though drawn to follow all of my acts – it is Her maternal echo that resounds in you…”

Book of Heaven, Vol. 24, April 29, 1928:

“…you must know that when all things, small and big, were created, I never tired of beading them with my repeated and incessant ‘I love you’s’ for you; and just as I did not tire of placing them, so I do not tire of hearing them being repeated by you.  On the contrary, I enjoy that my ‘I love you’ does not remain isolated, but has the company of yours; and as yours echoes in Mine, they fuse together and live a common life.”

Book of Heaven, Vol. 25, Oct. 7, 1928:

“My daughter, this group of people whom you see all in motion for the opening of the House of My Divine Will is symbolic of that group of people when I wanted to be born in Bethlehem and the shepherds were coming and going to visit Me, a little Baby.  This pointed out to all the certainty of My birth.  In the same way, this group of people, all in motion, points out the rebirth of the Kingdom of My Divine Will.  Look at how all of Heaven echoes My birth, when the Angels, celebrating it, announced Me to the shepherds and putting them in motion made them keep coming to Me, and I recognized in them the first fruits of the Kingdom of My Redemption.  So now, in this group of people, of little girls and nuns, I recognize the beginning of the Kingdom of My Divine Will.”

Book of Heaven, Vol. 25, Oct. 10, 1928:

“How beautiful is the company of one who does My Divine Will.  My Will brings into the depth of the soul the echo of everything I do in this Holy Host, and I do not feel alone in My Acts – I feel that she is praying together with Me; and as our supplications, our sighs, unite together, we ask for one same thing – that the Divine Will be known and that Its Kingdom come soon.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 25, Oct. 17, 1928:

“You too pray, and as you echo My prayer, I hear your continuous speaking by putting all My Acts. And all created things in motion; and you ask Me, in the name of everyone and everything, that My Will be known and form in them Its Kingdom.

Your echo and Mine are one, and we ask for one same thing – that everything may return into the Eternal Fiat and Its just rights be given back to It.

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 25, Oct. 28, 1928:

“Oh!  If the leaders of the Church knew what I have manifested to you about My Divine Will, what I want to do, Its great prodigies, My yearnings, My sorrowful heartbeats, My anguishing sighs, for I want My Will to reign, to make everyone happy, to restore the human family – they would feel that in this Feast of Christ the King is nothing other than the secret echo of My Heart that, echoing in them, without their knowing it, has them institute for Me the Feast of Christ the King in order to call their attention and reflection: Christ the King…And His true people – where are they?  And they would say:  ‘Let us hasten to make His Divine Will known; let us let It reign, that we may give a people to Christ the King whom we have called so.  Otherwise, we have honored Him with words, but not with facts.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 26, April 21, 1929:

“Daughter, I entrust It to you that you may never go out of It and may make your continuous echo resound from one point to another in such a way that all of Heaven may hear that Our endless inheritance of Our Fiat on earth is not isolated, but is inhabited by Our little daughter.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 27, Jan. 26, 1930:

“So, each word I have spoken to you on My Divine Volition has been a Fiat pronounced by Us, that has come out like a child from the womb of Our Will.  This Fiat is the same Fiat as that of Creation, that, forming Its echo, makes Its vital strength felt there where Our Will resides.”  “My daughter, when My Divine will wants to pronounce Itself, It extends everywhere and makes Its echo and Its creative strength felt in all the things in which It reigns.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 28, April 23, 1930:

“…Our Supreme Being found itself, and still is, in the condition of necessity to love him, because man is still the one created by Us – his breath We feel within Our own, his word is the echo of Our Fiat.  All of Our gifts We have not withdrawn – We are the Immutable Being, nor are We subject to changing.  We loved him and love him, and this Love of Ours is so great that We Ourselves placed Ourselves in the condition of necessity to love him.  And this is the reason for Our many stratagems of Love, and the final assault, as We want to give him the great Gift of Our Fiat, that he may let It reign in his soul.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 30, Nov. 16, 1931:

“…true Love constitutes a Right in the creature – Right of Relationship, Right of Participation in the Goods, Right to be Loved.  Each of his acts of Love is a vibrating  note that palpitates in the Divine Heart; and with its sound it says: ‘I Love You – Love me.’  And the sound does not cease if he does not hear the note of his Creator that, echoing the sound of the soul, answers to him: ‘I Love you, O son.’”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 30, Jan. 12, 1932:

…when My Divine Will operates in the soul, one knows it immediately: as It operates, It lays in the human being gentleness, sweetness, peace, fortitude, firmness; before It operates, It blows into it and impresses in it Its omnipotent fiat that extends Its Heaven around the work It wants to do.  It seems that without Its Heaven, My Will is unable to operate; and while It operates, It makes Its sweet harmonious echo resound in the three Divine Persons keeping Them aware of what It is doing in the soul.  In fact, since the Will that is operating in her is one with that of the Divine Persons, it happens that whatever It does in the Divine Persons It makes Its powerful echo resound in the creature; and in this echo It brings to her the admirable secrets, the ineffable sweetness’s, the inseparable Love as the Divine Persons love one another and the sweet accord among them.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 32, April 23, 1933:

“Therefore, if you want to obtain everything, if you want to truly love Me, live abandoned in My arms, let Me hear the echo of My Life in every instant: ‘Into Your hands I abandon myself completely’, and I will carry you in My arms as the dearest of My children.”

 Book of Heaven, Vol. 33, Nov. 26, 1933:

In fact, one sees the littleness of the creature acting as queen in Our Divine Being, re-uniting Our immensity and power together and making Us ask ourselves what she wants and We want.  She understands well that there is no other good than Our Will alone, and in order to obtain the intent she makes it asked by the Infinity of Our Divine Qualities, and one sees the little tiny one littler and powerful enriched with the prerogatives of Our Divine Qualities as if they were hers which gives her such charm of beauty as to enrapture Us, debilitate Us in order to make Us do what she wants and We want.   She becomes Our echo, and she does not know how to say anything else to Us nor ask for anything other than that Our Will would invade everything and would form one single Will with all creatures.”

Book of Heaven, Vol. 33, Dec. 18, 1933:

And in Our emphasis of Love We told him: ‘how very beautiful you are; you are Our work, you will be Our glory, the outlet of Our love, the reflection of Our wisdom, the echo of Our power, the bearer of Our eternal love.’”

 “Yes, a Psalm is a blessing on the lips of the people, a hymn in praise of God, the assembly’s homage, a general acclamation, a word that speaks for all, the voice of the Church, a confession of faith in song.  It is the voice of complete assent, the joy of freedom, a cry of happiness, the echo of gladness…” “Day begins to the music of a Psalm.  Day closes to the echo of a Psalm.”  “The psalmist of old used it, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, to make earth reecho the music of Heaven.”  ( St. Ambrose)

  “Let us look now with the eyes of faith, to Christ’s Kingdom, and repeat, “May Your reign come.”  Pope Saint John Paul II


Lynne B.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

From Union to Unity - The Diary of Conchita de Armida


From union to unity

It is not possible to imagine transformation into Christ as a static reality. Divine life, communicated to man in his earthly pilgrimage, is of itself in constant progress.

From the outset of all Christian life, by the new birth "of water and of the Spirit," transformation into Christ begins, but it is but an initial transformation, a seed which must grow.

Even on the summits of the spiritual life this vital progress continues. This life of union still mounts toward unity, of course not a unity in the order of being, but in the intentional order of knowledge and of love.  Marie Michel Philipon, O.P.

Jesus to Conchita:
"Listen. There are many progressive degrees in the transformation. The highest degree on earth corresponds to a transformation of the creature not only in its manner of thinking and of acting which becomes divine, but which, in a certain sense, causes it to disappear an annihilate itself to give place to Me.

"This degree is the work of the Holy Spirit alone who becomes the soul of this soul and the life of this body.

"This point which leads to union, even more, to unity, is the point of perfection which approaches most the Trinity.

"The creature left to itself would be incapable of attaining this degree without the most powerful aid of Him who is the inexhaustible Source of graces, the Holy Spirit. The mystical incarnation attracts the Holy Spirit, loving, mighty and divine of the Word who possesses the soul. Transformation is in the innermost part and the most noble of the creature" (Diary, Aug. 6, 1912).

Lights about the Unity of the Trinity

"Today, in my prayer, the lord gave me some radiant lights clarifying the Unity of the Most Holy Trinity. What abysses of perfections! What delights in God! What will heaven be, my God?" (Diary, April 9, 1913).

"Today, the Lord enveloped my soul in the depths of His uncreated light. He made me penetrate into these abysses of light the perfection of the Most Holy Trinity. He told me: 'Look and pay attention. All God's perfections are infinite, but they are based on one alone: on Unity. This Unity contains all the eternal riches. The highest perfection of souls consists in simplifying oneself, eliminating the multiplicity of objects and of things, in order to approach thus this essential Unity, fecund in its eternity, which without movement multiplies itself in its immutability in one eternal instant. There are Three Divine Persons but only one Essence, only one Substance, one eternal and indivisible Unity. Precisely in this Unity is found the secret of its fecundity. The more souls unify themselves with this Unity by union, the more these souls are fecund, since, in the measure they approach the Most Holy Trinity, is the superabundance of light, of grace and of gifts they receive from it. In this beautiful and divine Unity, the Three Divine Persons and the blessed find their beatitude. In this Unity are contained all the goods of earth and heaven, all graces, all crated beings, and all those which will be created in the future. It is the eternal hearth of all movement and of all being. It is Love. It is God.

"Simplify your spirit. Remove all complications coming from creatures and things. Love Me in Unity; live, breath, act, bring about that all virtues and all despoiling of yourself tend toward this Unity… You must live in this essential Unity, in this Unique God, bringing together your spiritual life in one only Love: Him; in one only will: His. In this capital point of unity of wills consists the perfection of this Unity.'

"That is what the Lord told me during Mass, and during my prayer He added: 'The end of every creature consists in this unity in God. There is found peace and lasting felicity. Souls which tend more and more to identify themselves in this Unity, that is, to make themselves but one with the Incarnate Word, the prototype of every creature's perfection, and which let themselves be divinized by Him in the Holy Spirit and in the Father, these souls are the holiest since holiness depends on love and the more love there is the more likeness there is to God, the more Unity there is with Him, the more perfection and holiness.

" 'One of the secrets of the Holy Spirit for developing divine life in souls and consequently union, is simplifying them in unity, that is, enriching them by love which is the essence of Unity in heaven and on earth. Spiritual marriage tends to this Unity through the Holy Spirit. Mystical incarnation tends toward this same unity through the Word. It is crowned in heaven by the Father, the mover and cause of spiritual marriage and of mystical incarnation… The whole economy and all the designs of redemption on souls, all the means of the mystical life, the role of the Incarnate Word who loves souls passionately and of the Holy Spirit who brings them to perfection for glorifying the Father in them, all this tends toward this Unity of which I speak. It is due to love which simplifies, which raises from the terrestrial to the divine, which unites and identifies the soul with the Divinity. The whole Christian life, the whole mystical life, tends to lead to this culminating point, toward this end offered to every soul which wishes to be saved and to be sanctified toward Unity" (Diary, April 11, 1913).

With the mystique of the Cross we come to the highest summits of Transformation by the Holy Spirit who unites to the Word and leads to the Father.

The fastest road to Unity

"What is the fastest road to come to this unity? It is the Holy Spirit who unites to the Word, who gives testimony of Him, who leads us toward the Father, a mission which pleases Him to the supreme degree. By title of Sanctifier, He sanctifies; sanctifying, He simplifies souls, leads them to the Father, making them lovers of the Trinity.

"The Lord told me complacently: 'God is One, and it is at the interior of this Unity His perfections are reproduced to infinity. God is One, but He does not dwell alone. There are three Persons in this Being which is One, and this One does not remain inactive. He cannot remain inactive because of the super-abundant fecundity of His Being. He is One, but it is precisely from this Unity that He draws the force of His action, of His creative power, of His fecundity. He produces Himself in each act, I might say so that you understand me, as you would express it. Contemplate this abyss of light, approach Him. But know that in God, there is no succession of acts. He operates eternally in one creation, all things in one only instant, the eternal instant of Unity in which is reflected and exists always present, past and future. That is when eternities without end vanish in Him. You, you measure time by the succession of your acts, but in God there is no time. All His acts, all His creations of nature and of grace, He Keeps them as in a mirror in the purity of His Spirit, brings out and reproduces out of His bosom and of His immensity all worlds, recompenses, crowns and all the beings that glorify Him, without the slightest movement on His part, in one only act of infinite Might.

" 'God multiplies Himself while still remaining One and without the least change. Immutable, eternal, He rejoices, I the infinite instant of His Unity, of His Being and of His numberless perfections.

" 'The souls closest to Him in heaven are those who, on earth, are most united to Him, putting aside all that could be an obstacle. They broke all attachments of evil passions and all else by the exercise of virtues and by self-spoliation, whose who by perpetual separations and a constant abnegation united themselves unconditionally to His will.'

"I saw abysses of light in this beloved Trinity. What depths, or rather what sublime perfections and what marvels!

"I said to Him: 'Lord, how would I be able to simplify myself?'

"He answered: 'By dying to your will and by making it one with Mine' "(Diary, April 11, 1913).

"The Lord continues to show the practical way to arrive at Unity: 'I insist that, for simplifying your acts in one finality, super-naturalizing them in God, you simplify your loves in one only love, in that of God, whence comes love of neighbor in the Unity of this God.'

"Learn to have but one only outlook, one only tendency, one only affection and will in God. Employ your existence loving God most simply, without detours, without complications, without seeking other ways or paths to come to Him, but seek only this essential Unity in which you must plunge yourself.

"The very virtues you practice, direct them all to this Center of love, to this Unique Being whence all grace and holiness come, to this unity which is God. The Holy Spirit, one with the Father and the Son will bear you on His wings up to the heart of this Unity, that you may understand, move, breathe and live in It. This divine Spirit, on spiritualizing you, that is, on unifying you, will make you penetrate into what is Spirit, that is, into the essential Divinity, having prior to this passed through Jesus Christ in your transformation into Him in virtues and through love.

"This is most sublime, but not impossible for the creature. This is not an ideal perfection I ask of you, but a most practical perfection by means of the exercise of virtues. This implies renunciation, simplification for uniting oneself more closely with Simplicity itself: God, one in the spirituality of His substance, this One in Three and these Three in One, indivisible and all perfect.

"All that you do and practice, cast it as often as possible into this Unity which must bring you along by the infinite perfection of its ever new beauties and by its infinite love. Your pains, your sufferings, your joys, your acts of renunciation, your desires and your hopes, your needs and your feelings, cast them all into this Unity which by its contact will simplify your life, the essence of your life, until you come to make yourself like to this unity itself in the plurality of virtues" (Diary, April 15, 1913).

The secret of arriving at unity is to let yourself be conducted by the Holy Spirit since it is He who brings about Unity in God Himself.

"Loving is perfecting and living with the love the Father has for the Son, that is, through the Holy Spirit - (this) is the most sublime perfection.

"Once transformation into Jesus is brought about in a soul, the Holy Spirit also becomes the spirit of the creature raised to a more or less higher degree according to the intensity and amplitude of transformation, which strictly depends on the growth of the soul in virtue. The Holy Spirit absorbs the creature's spirit in the course of transformation and fills it with this so pure love which is Himself. Then, it is with this same Love that the creature loves the divine Word, that is, with the same Love with which the Father loves Him, with absolute Love.

"Loving with the Holy Spirit is the grace of graces, the fusion of divine charisms, it is heaven itself placed at the disposition of that poor creature. The creature no longer acts, for its is the Holy Spirit who acts, whose heart beats, and who lives in it, and who loves with it and wholly surrounds it" (Diary, April 17, 1913).

When the heights of this spiritual life are perceived it could be asked whether this ideal is reserved for some rare privileged souls or if it belongs to the normal development of the life of grace.

The Lord gives us the answer: "I did not choose saints to tell them Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. I addressed Myself to all men, to the good and to the evil. All without exception are obliged to sanctify themselves" (Diary, April 15, 1913).

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Feast of Mercy



Nov. 5, 1934 - St. Faustina to Jesus:  “I am very surprised that You bid me to talk about this Feast of Mercy, for they tell me that there is already such a feast (there is a Church of the Feast of Divine Mercy in Cracow that celebrates the Exaltation of the Cross) and so why should I talk about it?  And Jesus replied, “And who know anything about this feast? No one!  Even those who should be proclaiming My mercy and teaching people about it often do not know about it themselves.  That is why I want the image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it.”  #341

“My Heart rejoices in this title of Mercy.”  #300  “Proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of God.  All the works of My Hands are crowned with mercy.”   #301

“This Feast emerged from the very depths of My mercy, and it is confirmed in the vast depths of My tender mercies.  Every soul believing and trusting in My mercy will obtain it.”  #420

“My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy.  I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners.  On that day, the very depths of My tender mercy are open.  I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy.  The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.  On that day, all the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened.  Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.  My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.  Everything that exists has come forth from the very depths of My most tender mercy.  Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity.”  #699

“I am giving you three ways of exercising mercy toward your neighbor: the first – by deed, the second – by word, the third – by prayer.  In these three degrees is contained the fullness of mercy, and it is an unquestionable proof of love for Me.  By this means a soul glorifies and pays reverence to My mercy.  Yes, the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy, but there must also be acts of mercy, and I demand the worship of My mercy through the solemn celebration of the Feast and through the veneration of the image which is painted.  By means of this image I shall grant many graces to souls.  It is to be a reminder of the demands of My mercy, because even the strongest faith is of no avail without works.”  #742

“Souls perish in spite of My bitter Passion.  I am giving them the last hope of salvation; that is, the Feast of My Mercy.  If they will not adore My mercy, they will perish for all eternity.  Secretary of My mercy, tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near.”  #965

“…before I come as the just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy.”  #83  (1934)



“The two rays denote Blood and Water.  The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which is the life of souls…  These two rays issued forth from the very depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross.  These rays shield souls from the wrath of My Father.  Happy is the one who will dwell in their shelter, for the just hand of God shall not lay hold of him.”  #299

“Not in the beauty of the color, nor of the brush lies the greatness of this image, but in My grace.” #313

St. Faustina: “Today I saw the glory of God which flows from the image. Many souls are receiving graces, although they do not speak of it openly. Even though it has me up with all sorts of vicissitudes (usually unforeseen change in circumstance), God is receiving glory because of it; and the efforts of satan and of evil men are shattered and come to naught.  In spite of satans anger, the Divine Mercy will triumph over the whole world and will be worshiped by all souls.”  #1789


“The loss of each soul plunges Me into mortal sadness.  You always console Me when you pray for sinners.  The prayer most pleasing to Me is the prayer for their conversion.  Know, My daughter, that this prayer is always heard and answered.”   #1397

Saint Faustina’s prayer for sinners:  #72


O Jesus, eternal Truth, our Life, I call upon You and I beg Your mercy for poor sinners. 


O sweetest Heart of my Lord, full of pity and unfathomable mercy, I plead with You for poor sinners. 


O Most Sacred Heart, Fount of Mercy from which gush forth rays of inconceivable graces upon the entire human race, I beg of You light for poor sinners. 


O Jesus, be mindful of Your own bitter Passion and do not permit the loss of souls redeemed at so dear a price of Your most precious Blood. 


O Jesus, when I consider the great price of Your Blood, I rejoice at its immensity, for one drop alone would have been enough for the salvation of all sinners. Although sin is an abyss of wickedness and ingratitude, the price paid for us can never be equaled. 


Therefore, let every soul trust in the Passion of the Lord, and place its hope in His mercy. God will not deny His mercy to anyone. Heaven and earth may change, but God's mercy will never be exhausted. 


Oh, what immense joy burns in my heart when I contemplate Your incomprehensible goodness, O Jesus! I desire to bring all sinners to Your feet that they may glorify Your mercy throughout endless ages.

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