Saturday, January 25, 2020

Divine Lives


May 21, 1913 - As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, I want the true consummation in you - not imaginary, but true; though in a simple and feasible way. Suppose that a thought came to you which is not for Me; you must destroy it and substitute it with the divine. In this way you will have formed the consummation of the human thought and acquired the life of the divine thought. In the same way, if the eye wants to look at something that displeases Me or does not refer to Me, and the soul mortifies herself, she has consumed the human eye, and acquired the eye of the divine life; and so with the rest of your being. Oh, how I feel these new divine lives flowing in Me, taking part in everything I do! I love these lives so much that I surrender everything for love of them. These souls are first before Me; and if I bless them, through them others are blessed. They are the first to be benefited and loved; and through them, others too are benefited and loved.”

March 19, 1924 - “My daughter, everything you say is true - I am everywhere; but it is my power, immensity and all-seeingness that allows Me to be everywhere, it is not the love and the acting of the creature in my Will that makes Me be everywhere and multiplies Me. But when the soul enters into my Will, it is her love - it is her acts that, being filled with divine virtue, make my Life arise, according to how her acts are more or less extended and are done. This is the reason for my feast in seeing that the creature takes of my own and gives Me my love, my glory, and even my very Life. My contentment is so great that it is not given to the creature to comprehend it while she lives in the exile; but she will comprehend it in the Celestial Fatherland, when she sees herself repaid with as many Divine Lives for as many as she formed upon earth.”

October 6, 1926 - But you must know that my Will is life, and every time the creatures do not do It, and reject It, it is a Divine Life that they reject and destroy within them. And do you think that the pain, the continuous martyrdom of my Will is something trivial - in feeling so many acts of life which It wants to make arise in the creatures with so much goodness, being cut off as though by a deadly sword? In place of this Divine Life which was cut off within them, they make arise the life of passions, of sin, of darkness, of weaknesses. Not doing my Will is Divine Life that creatures lose. Therefore, since It reigns in you, by depriving you of Me, It makes you feel the pain of the many Divine Lives cut off by the creatures, to be repaired and compensated in you for the many acts of life which they make It lose.

February 13, 1927 - Now, my Will has not withdrawn – there is not one point to which Its Divine Life does not extend; there is not one creature which is not invested by this Supreme Will. But while It extends everywhere and invests everything and everyone, It cannot form Its life. How many Divine Lives suffocated in the creatures; how many deny to It the first place in their acts; how many place It after unworthy and vile acts, denying Its dominion to It. And do you think that the destruction of so many Divine Lives of this Will of Mine in the creatures is something trivial? …of so many of Its acts, noble and sublime, which It feels as being destroyed, while they use It to form human lives, deplorable lives, monsters that will serve for hell? Do you think this is trivial, my daughter?

May 24, 1927 - “My daughter, each act that the Divine Will does united with the soul forms a Divine Life, because, being Divine, It cannot help forming Divine Lives within Its acts; in such a way that, wherever It reigns, as the soul operates, speaks, thinks, palpitates, etc., my Divine Will makes Its work, Its word, Its thought and heartbeat flow within that of the creatures - first forming Its act, Its word in them, and then forming the place for Its Divine Life. Therefore, in everything she does, the soul releases from herself so many Divine Lives, as to fill Heaven and earth with as many images of Divine Life. She becomes the reproducer, the bilocator of the Divine Life. My Will is not less powerful in the soul in whom It reigns with the power of Its dominion, than It is within the womb of the Three Divine Persons. Therefore, by possessing the virtue of bilocation, It not only forms in the soul as many lives as It wants, but It forms Its heaven, Its sun, seas of love, flowery fields within her, and makes the soul say to her God: ‘You gave me heaven, and heaven do I give You; You gave me sun, and sun do I give You; You gave me seas and flowery fields, and seas and flowery fields do I give You. Your Will repeats in me everything You have done for me in Creation and in Redemption, so that I may give You everything, just as You gave me everything.' Oh, Power of my Will! What can It not do in the soul in whom It reigns!

Lynne Bauer, JMJ, July 18, 2018

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Adam in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Adam in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Volume 15 - April 25, 1923 
I was praying, and my sweet Jesus came, placing Himself near me in order to pray together with me; even more, His intelligence was reflected in mine, and I prayed with His; His voice echoed in mine, and I prayed with His word.  But who can say the boundless effects of this prayer?  Then, afterwards, my beloved Jesus told me:  “My daughter, I wanted to pray together with you in order to strengthen you in my Will, and to give you the grace of letting you be present before the Supreme Majesty in the act of the creation of man.  As We endowed him with all goods, and his will was Ours, and Ours was his, everything was harmony between him and Us; whatever he wanted he would take from Us: sanctity, wisdom, power, happiness, etc.  He was Our prototype, Our portrait, Our happy son.  So, at the beginning of his existence, Adam had a period in which he perfectly fulfilled the purpose for which he was created; he experienced what it means to live of the Will of his Creator, and We also were happy in seeing Our acts being reproduced in Our image.  Then, as he broke his will from Ours, he remained separated from Us; but the first acts of man are still in Our Will, and I want nothing else from you but to come into Our Will to continue on from where Adam left, so that you may bind within yourself all the harmonies that he broke.  And just as this first creature, because he was created by Us as the head of the whole human family, by withdrawing from Our Will brought unhappiness to all, in the same way, as you come to continue on from where he left, We constitute you the head of all, and therefore the bearer of that happiness and goods which had been assigned to all had they lived in Our Will.”   And I:  ‘My Jesus, how can this be possible?  If not even when You Yourself came upon earth to redeem us and to suffer so many pains, was the happiness acquired which the first man lost for himself and for all, how can it be now, that by binding myself within your Eternal Volition, I may give back this lost happiness?’  And Jesus:  “My daughter, all times are in my hands, I give to whomever I want, and I use whomever I want.  I could very well bring the happiness that my Will contains upon earth, but I found no human will that wanted to live perennial life in Mine, so as to retie the bonds of Creation, give Me back all the acts of the first man as if he had done them all with the seal of my Supreme Will, and therefore place the lost happiness in the field.  It is true that I had my dear Mama, but She had to cooperate with Me for Redemption.  Besides, man was a slave, imprisoned by his very sins, infirm, covered with wounds - the most repugnant ones; and I came as a loving father to shed my Blood in order to rescue him, as a doctor to heal him, as a teacher to teach him the way – the escape so as not to fall into hell.  Poor ill one, how could he extend himself in the eternal flights of my Volition if he was unable to walk?  Had I wanted to give the happiness which my Will contains, it would have been as though giving it to the dead and letting it be trampled upon.  He was not disposed to receive such a great good, and this is why I wanted to teach the prayer to dispose him, and I contented Myself with waiting for different eras, letting centuries upon centuries go by, to make known the living in my Will – to give the start to this happiness.”
And I:  ‘My Love, if with your Redemption not all are saved, how can it be that your Will will give this happiness to all?’  And Jesus:  Man will always be free, I will never take away from him the rights which I gave him in creating him; only, in Redemption I came to open many ways, small paths and shortcuts to facilitate salvation, the sanctity of man, while with my Will I come to open the royal and straight way which leads to the sanctity of the likeness of their Creator, and which contains true happiness.  But in spite of this, they will always be free to remain – some on the royal way, some on the small paths, and some completely outside; however, in the world there will be what now is not – the happiness of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.  Man did his first acts in my Will and then he withdrew, therefore he was ruined; and since he was the head of all, all members were ruined together.  My Humanity formed the plane of all human acts in the Divine Will; my Mama followed Me faithfully; so, everything is prepared.  Nothing else is now needed but another creature who, wanting to live perennially in this Will, may come to take possession of the plane formed by Me, and may open the royal way to all, which leads to terrestrial and celestial happiness.”

Volume 16 - February 8, 1924 
I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Divine Will, and in doing this, as the littlest of all, I place myself ahead of all generations, even before Adam and Eve were created, so that, before they would sin, I may prepare, ahead of them, the act of reparation to the Divine Majesty, because in the Divine Will there is neither past nor future, but everything is present; and also so that, being little, I may approach the Divine Majesty in order to plead with Him and do my little acts in His Will, so as to cover all the acts of creatures with His Divine Will, and therefore be able to bind the human will, which had split off, with the Divine, and make them one.  Now, while I was about to do this, my annihilation, my misery and extreme littleness were such that I said to myself:  ‘Instead of placing myself ahead of everyone in the Most Holy Will, I should rather put myself behind everyone, even behind the last man who will come.  Since I am the most abject and the most miserable of all, it is the last place that befits me.’  Now, while I was doing this, my beloved Jesus came out from within my interior, and taking my hand, told me:  “My little daughter, in my Will the little ones must be ahead of all; even more, inside my womb.  One who must plead, repair, unify Our Will, not only with her own, but with those of all, must be near Us and so united with Us as to receive all the reflections of the Divinity in order to copy them within herself.  She must have a thought which may be the thought of all; a word, a work, a step, a love, which may be of all and for all.  And since Our Will envelops everyone, may that thought of yours, which in Our Will be the thought of all, that act, that love, shine in each thought, word and act of all generations, and in the power of Our Will, may they become antidotes, defenders, lovers, operators, etc. If you knew with what love Our Celestial Father awaits you, and the joy, the contentment He feels in seeing you, so little, bring the whole Creation onto His lap, to give Him the return of all….  He feels the glory, the joys, the amusements of the purpose of Creation come back to Him.  This is why it is necessary that you come before all; and after you have come forward, you will make a turn in Our Will, and will go behind everyone; you will place them as though on your lap, and will bring them all into Our womb.  And We, in seeing them covered with your acts done in Our Will, will welcome them with more love, and will feel more disposed to bind Our Will with those of creatures, so that It may return to Its full dominion.  Therefore, courage; the
little ones get lost in the crowd, and this is why it is necessary that you come forward in order to fulfill the mission of your office in Our Will.  In Our Will, the little ones have no thoughts for themselves, nor their own things, but everything in common with the Celestial Father.  Therefore, just as everyone enjoys the sun, as they are all inundated by its light, because it was created by God for the good of all, in the same way, all enjoy the use of the acts done by the little daughter of Our Will, which, more than sun, dart over all, so that the Sun of the Eternal Volition may rise again with that purpose for which all generations were created.  Therefore, do not get lost in the crowd of your miseries, of your abjection, of self reflections, but think only about your office of little one of Our Will, and be attentive on fulfilling your mission.”

Volume 18 - December 20, 1925
‘My Love, Jesus, so, your eyes have shed also my tears, as well as those of our first father Adam.  And I want You to pour them upon my soul, to give me the grace not only to do your Most Holy Will, but to possess It as my own thing and my own will.’  At that moment, Jesus shook His head, and from His face tears flowed onto my poor soul; and He added:  “Daughter of my Will, indeed I shed your tears, so that, as they would pass through my eyes, I might give you the great gift of my Will.  That which Adam could not receive with his tears, even though they too passed through my eyes, you can receive.  In fact, before sinning, Adam possessed my Will, and with the possession of my Will he grew in the likeness of his Creator; and he grew so much as to form the enchantment of all Heaven, and all felt honored in serving him.  After sin, he lost the possession of my Will, and even though he wept over his fault and he sinned no more, he was able to do my Will, but not to possess It, because the Divine Offended One was missing, who was to form the new divine graft between the creature and the Creator, in order to let him cross again the thresholds of the possessions of the Eternal Volition.   This graft was made by Me, Eternal Word, after four thousand years, when Adam had already passed on to the thresholds of Eternity.  But in spite of this divine graft done by Me with tears and sighs and unheard-of pains, how many reduce themselves to the conditions of Adam after sin – merely doing my Will?  Others do not want to know It; others rebel against It.  Only one who lives in my Will rises to the state of Adam innocent, before falling into sin.  In fact, there is great distance between those who do my Will and those who possess It – the same distance which passes between Adam innocent and Adam after sin.  And I, in coming upon earth, was to act as God; I was to complete the work of man in everything; I was to raise him to the first point of his origin, by giving him the possession of my Will.  And even though many make use of my coming as remedy for their salvation, and therefore take my Will as medicine, as strength and as antidote in order not to go to hell, I will still wait, that souls may arise who take It as life; and by making It known, they may take possession of It.  In this way, I will complete the work of my coming upon earth, and the divine graft, formed anew with the creature, will have fruit.  Then will my tears turn into celestial and divine smiles, for Me and for them.”

Volume 19 - February 28, 1926
"…in order to live in my Will, the soul is first stripped of the garments of the old guilty Adam, and is clothed anew with the garments of the new and holy Adam.  Her garment is the light of the Supreme Will Itself, through which all Its divine manners are communicated to her, which are noble and
communicative to all.  This light makes her lose the human features and restores in her the physiognomy of her Creator.  What is the wonder, then, if you take part in all that the Divine Will possesses, since one is the life and one the Will?  Therefore, be attentive.  I recommend to you - be always faithful to Me, and your Jesus will keep the pace of making you live always in my Will.  I will be on guard, that you may never go out of It.”

Volume 21 - April 8, 1927
I was thinking to myself:  ‘How is it that, by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam fell from such a height to such a low level?’  And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, in the natural order, one who falls from a very high point, either perishes completely, or remains so wrecked and disfigured that it is impossible for him to recover his original state of health, of beauty and of stature.  He will remain as a poor cripple, bent over and lame; and if he is a father, from him will come the generation of the cripple, of the blind, of the hunchback, and of the lame. In the same way, in the supernatural order, Adam fell from a point which was extremely high.  He had been placed by his Creator at a point so high as to surpass the height of the heavens, of the stars, of the sun.  By living in the Divine Will, he dwelled above everything – within God Himself.  Do you see, then, from what level Adam fell?  Given the height from which he fell, it was a miracle that he did not perish completely; but even though he did not perish, the blow he received with the fall was so violent, that it was inevitable for him to remain crippled, wrecked, and disfigured of his rare beauty.  He remained shattered in all his goods, numb in working, dazed in his intellect.  A continuous fever debilitated him, and weakened all of his virtues; therefore he no longer felt the strength to dominate himself.  The most beautiful character of man – the dominion of himself – had vanished, while passions took its place, to tyrannize him, and to render him restless and sad.  And since he was father and head of the generations, from him came the family of the cripple.   They think that not doing my Will is something trivial, but instead, it is the total ruin of the creature; and as many acts as she does from her own will, so many times does she increase her evils, her ruin, digging the most profound abyss in which to fall.”

Continued from Volume 21 - April 8, 1927
I was following the acts that the Divine Will did in all creation, and I was also searching for the acts It did in the first father Adam, as well as all those It did in all the saints of the Old Testament, especially those in which the Supreme Volition made Its power, Its strength, and Its vivifying virtue stand out.  And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, the greatest figures of the Old Testament, while being images concealing the future Messiah, enclosed also the gifts and the images symbolizing all the gifts that the Children of the Supreme Fiat would possess.  When he was created, Adam was the true and perfect image of the Children of my Kingdom.  Abraham was the symbol of the privileges and the heroism of the Children of my Will.  Calling Abraham to a promised land in which milk and honey would flow; making him the owner of that land, a land so fecund as to be enviable and yearned for by all the other nations – everything was a symbol of what I would do for the Children of my Will.  Jacob was another symbol of Them, because from him the twelve tribes of Israel were to descend, and from their midst the future Redeemer was to arise, who was to bind once again the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat to my children.  Joseph was the symbol of the dominion which the Children of my Will would have; and just as he did not let many peoples die of starvation, as well as his ungrateful brothers, so will the Children of my Divine Fiat have dominion and be the ones who will not let perish the peoples which will ask for the bread of my Will from them.  Moses was the image of the power; Samson, the symbol of the strength of the Children of my Will.  David symbolized the reigning of Them; all the prophets symbolized the graces, the communications and the intimacies with God which, more than within themselves, would dwell in the Children of my Divine Fiat. See, all these were nothing but symbols – images of Them; what will happen when the lives of these symbols will arise?  After all of these, came the Celestial Lady, the Sovereign Empress, the Immaculate, the Spotless – my Mother.  She was not a symbol or an image, but a reality – the true life, the first privileged daughter of my Will; and in the Queen of Heaven, I looked at the generations of the Children of my Kingdom.  She was the first unmatchable creature, who possessed, as whole, the life of the Supreme Volition, and therefore She deserved to conceive the Eternal Word, and to mature within Her maternal heart the generation of the Children of the Eternal Fiat.  Then came my own Life, in which the Kingdom that these fortunate Children were to possess, was established. From all this you can comprehend how the primary purpose of everything that God did, does, and will do, from the beginning of the Creation of the world, is to form the Kingdom of His Will in the midst of creatures.  These are all Our aims – this is Our Will; and to these Children, all of Our goods, Our qualities and Our Likeness, will be given.  And if I call you to follow all the acts that my Will has done, both in the Creation of the universe and in the generations of the creatures, not excluding either those which It did in my Mother, or those which It did in my own Life, it is to centralize all of Its acts in you, to give them to you as gift, to be able to release from you, all together, the goods that a Divine Will can possess, in order to form the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat with decorum, honor and glory.  Therefore, be attentive in following my Will.”

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Reflections on Confession from the Book of Heaven

Some reflections on Confession from the Book of Heaven

Volume 1

I would say to Him: “…my beloved, give me sorrow for my sins, so that, consumed by sorrow and by regret for having offended You, my sins may be erased from my soul, and also from your memory. Yes, give me as much sorrow, for as much as I have dared to offend You. Even more, let sorrow surpass this, so that I may draw more intimately close to You.”

All humbled and confused as I was, prostrated at the feet of the good father Jesus, through the rays He was sending into my mind, I tried to excite myself more to sorrow by saying - though I don't remember everything: „Great, immense, has been the evil I have done against You. These powers of mine and these senses of my body were meant to be as many tongues with which to praise You. Ah! instead, they have been like many poisonous vipers which were biting You and were even trying to kill You. But, holy father, forgive me – do not want to cast me away because of the great wrong I have done to You by sinning.’ 

And Jesus: “And you – do you promise to sin no more, and to banish from your heart any shadow of evil that might offend your Creator?”

And I: “Ah! yes, with all my heart I promise You. I would die a thousand times rather than sin again. Never again, never again.”

And Jesus: “And I forgive you, and I apply to your soul the merits of my Passion, and I want to wash it in my Blood.”

And as He was saying this,  He raised His blessed right hand and pronounced the words of the absolution – exactly like the words that the priest says, when he gives absolution. And in the act of doing this, a river of blood poured down from His hand, and my soul was completely inundated by it.

Volume 6 – September 7, 1904

I was concerned because I had read in a book that the reason for so many frustrated vocations is the lack of incessant sorrow for sin; and since I do not think about this, but I only think of blessed Jesus and of how to have Him come, and I occupy myself with nothing else, I thought to myself of what a bad state I was in. Then, as I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, attention on not committing sin makes up for the sorrow; and even if one were sorry, but in spite of this he committed sins, his sorrow would be vain and fruitless. On the other hand, a continuous attention on not committing sins not only takes the place of sorrow, but pushes grace continuously to help the soul in a special  way not to fall into sin, and it maintains the soul always purged. Therefore, continue to be attentive on not offending Me even slightly, for this will make up for all the rest.”

Volume 6 – July 18, 1905

“My daughter, when a confessor manifests to the souls his way of operating in their interior, he
loses the drive to continue to operate; and the soul, knowing the purpose that the confessor has over her, will become negligent and nervous in her operating. In the same way, if the soul manifests her interior to others, in revealing her secret her drive will evaporate, and she will be left all weakened. And if this does not happen when she opens herself to the confessor, it is because the power of the Sacrament keeps the steam, increases the strength, and places its seal upon it.”

Volume 9 – August 3, 1910

And Jesus added: “My daughter, do not trouble yourself, when there is true sin, it is not necessary for Me to say it; the soul already perceives it by herself, because sin, when it is voluntary, upsets the natural humors: man undergoes as though a transformation in evil, he feels as though soaked with the sin he has voluntarily committed. Just as true virtue transforms the soul in good, her humors remain all in harmony among themselves, and her nature feels as though soaked with sweetness, with charity, with peace – so it is with sin.  So, have you perceived this turmoil? Have you felt as though soaked with impatience, with anger, with disturbances?” And while He was saying this, He seemed to look deep into me, to see whether that was in me, and it seemed that it was not. And He continued: “You yourself have seen it”.

Volume 14 – November 16, 1922

Afterwards, I was receiving absolution, and I said to myself: „My Jesus, I want to receive it in your Will.‟ And immediately, without giving Me time, Jesus added: “And I absolve you in my Will; and as I absolve you, my Will puts the words of absolution on the way, to absolve whomever wants to be absolved, and to forgive whomever wants forgiveness. My Will takes all, not one alone; but those who are disposed will take more than anyone.”

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Abandonment to the Will of God


Volume 1 – What I want from you is that you abandon yourself in my arms as if you were dead. Until you keep your eyes opened to look at what I am doing and at what the creatures do and say, I cannot operate freely upon you. Don’t you want to trust Me? Don’t you know how much I love you, and that everything I allow, either through creatures, or from demons, or directly from Me, is truly for your good and serves for nothing but to lead the soul to that state for which I have chosen her? Therefore, I want you to remain in my arms with your eyes closed, without looking at and investigating this or that, trusting Me completely, and letting Me operate freely.”

Volume 12, July 2, 1918 - I was saying to my beloved Jesus: ‘Jesus, I love You; but my love is small, therefore I love You in your love, to make it great. I want to adore You with your adorations, pray in your prayer, thank You in your thanksgivings.’ Now, while I was saying this, my lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, as you placed your love in mine in order to love Me, yours remained fixed in mine, and it became longer and larger within mine; and I felt I was being loved the way I would want the creature to love Me. And as you adored in my adorations, prayed, thanked, these remained fixed in Me; and I felt I was being adored, prayed and thanked with my adorations, prayers and thanksgivings. Ah! my daughter, it takes great abandonment in Me. And as the soul abandons herself in Me, I abandon Myself in her; and filling her with Myself, I Myself do what she must do for Me. But if she does not abandon herself, then what she does remains fixed in her, not in Me; and I feel the operating of the creature as full of imperfections and miseries - which cannot please Me.”

Vol. 12, August 6, 1919 –  “Abandonment in Me is the image of two torrents, each one unloading itself into the other with such impetus, that their waters blend together; and forming gigantic waves of water, they arrive at even touching Heaven, to the point that the bed of those torrents remains dry. And the roaring of those waters, their murmuring, is so sweet and harmonious, that Heaven, in seeing Itself touched by those waters, feels honored and shines with new beauty; and the Saints, in chorus, say: ‘This is the sweet sound and the harmony that enraptures, of a soul who has abandoned herself in God. How beautiful it is - how beautiful it is!’”

Another day He told me: “What do you fear? Abandon yourself in Me, and you will remain surrounded by Me as though within a circle, in such a way that if enemies, occasions or dangers come, they will have to deal with Me, not with you; and I will answer for you. True abandonment in Me is rest for the soul and work for Me; and if the soul is restless, it means that she is not abandoned in Me - a just pain restlessness is, for one who wants to live of her own, doing great wrong to Me, and great harm to herself.”

Volume 13, Oct. 18, 1921“…disturbance is nothing other than lack of abandonment in Me, and I want you so abandoned in my arms, that you must have not even one thought of yourself; and I will take care of everything.”

Volume 16, Feb. 10, 1924 –  “if the soul did not live completely abandoned in my Will, she would be like someone who lived in a sumptuous palace, and now leaned out of a window, now out of a balcony, now went down to the main door. So, only seldom or in passing does the poor one pass through some of the rooms, and therefore she knows little of the regime, of the work that is needed, of the goods which are there present, of what she can take, and of what she can give. Who knows how many goods are in there, and she knows little about it, therefore she does not love that palace as she should love it, nor does she esteem it as it deserves. 

Now, for the soul who lives in my Will and is not completely abandoned in It, self reflections, cares for herself, fears, disturbances, are nothing other than windows, balconies and main doors that she forms in my Will; and by going out very often, she is forced to see and feel the miseries of human life. And since the miseries are her own property, while the riches of my Will are mine, she becomes more attached to the miseries than to the riches, and so she will not come to love, nor will she enjoy what it means to live in my Will. And having formed the main door, one day or another she will go away to live in the miserable hovel of her own will. See, then, how complete abandonment in Me is necessary in order to live in my Will. My Will does not need the miseries of the human will; It wants the creature to live together with It - beautiful, just as It delivered her from Its womb, without the miserable provision that she has formed for herself in the exile of life. Otherwise, there would be disparity, which would bring sorrow to my Will and unhappiness to the human will.”

Volume 35, Mar. 6, 1938 – My daughter, when the creature abandons herself in our Will, our satisfaction is so great that she pours into Us, and We pour into her, giving her our new Life, new love, new sanctity and new knowledge of our Supreme Being. When the creature abandons herself in our Divine Volition, We can make the greatest prodigies and the most surprising graces in her, since our own Will will receive and deposit what We want to give to the creature. By abandoning herself in our Will, she storms Heaven, and her empire is such that she imposes herself over our Divine Being, enclosing It within her littleness; while she, triumphant, encloses herself within our Divine Womb.”

Volume 36, June 12, 1938“Oh, if everyone abandoned themselves in my arms! The earth would disappear for them, they wouldn't pay attention to anybody, I would be enough for all. I love, so much, the one who lives abandoned in my arms that I show her the greatest excesses of my love, my love jokes, my caresses. I reach the point of inventing new love tricks to keep them busy and centered in my love. Therefore, live abandoned in my arms and in everything you will find your Jesus defending, helping and sustaining you."

Volume 20, Nov. 16, 1926 – …the more you abandon yourself in the Supreme Will, the more you advance along Its ways, the more knowledges you acquire, and the more you take possession of the goods which are in the Divine Will; because in It there is always something to know and to take.”

Vol. 36, Sept. 5, 1938 -  “…I was thinking to myself: it seems to me difficult to live in It; how can the creature reach this point? The human weaknesses, the circumstances of life, many times, are too painful; the unexpected encounters, the so many difficulties that one doesn't even know what to do - wouldn't all these things lead the creature astray from a life so holy that it would take a perfect attention not to? And my sweet Jesus, continuing His say with such a tenderness that I felt my heart exploding, added: "My little daughter of my Will, my interest and my continuous yearning for the creature to live in my Will is such that, once we've made the agreement, Myself and her, with a firm decision that she must live in my Fiat - this being My Will - I am the first one who makes the sacrifice to obtain the intent, so that she may live in It. I place Myself at her disposal. I give her all the graces, light, love and the very knowledge of my Will, so that she herself has to feel the need to live in It. When I want something, and she promptly accepts doing what I want, I take care of everything; and when she fails for weakness, for inconstancy or for negligence, not for will, I come to compensate, and I do what she was supposed to do, transferring to her what I did as if she had done it.”

From In Sinu Jesu, When Heart Speaks to Heart -

 “How does one come to that degree of trust?  By entrusting to Me very little things, day by day, as they arise, and by leaving them to Me. This was also the wisdom of My priest Don Dolindo.  ‘Jesus’, he used to say to Me, ‘you take care of this.’ And then he went his way lighthearted and confident that I would honor the confidence he placed in Me.”

Jesus, I abandon myself to you. You take care of everything!

 The Glory be….

May 1, 1920 - “My daughter, for one who lives in my Will, her Sanctity has only one point - it is the continued ‘Glory be’, followed by ‘as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.’ There is nothing which does not give glory to God - complete in everything, always stable, always the same, always queen, without ever changing. This Sanctity is not subject to setbacks, to losses – It is to always reign. So, Its foundation is the ‘Glory be’, Its prerogative is the ‘as it was in the beginning, etc.’”

March 2, 1926 - I prayed Jesus to give me the grace to fulfill His Most Holy Will. And my beloved Jesus, as though wanting to cheer me, came out from within my interior, and squeezing me tightly to His Most Holy Heart, infused new strength in me. At that moment, the Heavens opened and I heard everyone say, in chorus: “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit”. I don’t know how, but it was my turn to answer: ‘As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.’ But who can say what was happening? In the word “Father” one could see the creative power flowing everywhere, preserving everything, giving life to everything. The mere breath of this word was enough to maintain everything He had created intact, beautiful and ever new. In the word “Son” one could see all the works of the Word, renewed, ordered, and all in act of filling Heaven and earth to give themselves for the good of creatures. In the word “Holy Spirit” one could see all things being invested with a speaking, operative and vivifying love. But who can say everything? I felt my poor mind immersed in the eternal beatitudes, and my adorable Jesus, wanting to call me back into myself, told me: “My daughter, do you know why it was your turn to say the second part of the ‘Glory be’? Since my Will is in you, it befitted you to bring the earth up to Heaven, in order to give, in the name of all, together with the Celestial Court, that glory which will never end - ‘world without end’. Eternal things, which never end, can be found only in my Will, and one who possesses It is in communication with Heaven. This soul takes part in everything they do in the celestial regions, and she is as though in act together with the celestial Blessed.”  

Lynne Bauer

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What is "Living in the Divine Will"

St. Thomas Aquinas’ prayer before study:

“Grand me, I beseech Thee, O merciful God,

Ardently to desire, prudently to study,

Rightly to understand, and perfectly to fulfill

That which is pleasing to thee, to the

Praise and glory of Thy Name.  Amen.”

Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta:  “Have you seen what it is to live in my Will?  It is to disappear; it is to enter the sphere of Eternity; it is to penetrate into the all-seeingness of the Eternal One – into the Uncreated Mind, and to take part in everything, as much as it is possible for the creature, and in each divine act.  It is to enjoy the use, even while being on earth, of all the divine qualities; it is to hate evil in a divine way.  It is extending oneself to everyone without exhaustion, because the Will that animates this creature is divine.  It is the sanctity not yet known, which I will make known, and which will place the last ornament, and the most beautiful, the most refulgent, among all other sanctities, and will be crown and fulfillment of all other sanctities.  Now, to live united with Me is NOT to disappear – two beings can be seen together, and one who does not disappear cannot enter the sphere of Eternity to take part in all the divine acts.  Ponder well and you will see the great difference.”  (Book of Heaven, April 8, 1918)

Volume 17 - September 18, 1924

The Gift of the Divine Will

To live in my Will is to live as a son; to do my Will is to live as a servant.  In the first state, what belongs to the father belongs to the son, and many times servants make more sacrifices than sons do; they have to expose themselves to more toilsome and more humble services, to cold, to heat, to traveling on foot.  In fact, how much have my Saints not done in order to execute the orders of my Will?  On the other hand, a son remains with his father, takes care of him, cheers him with his kisses and with his caresses; he commands the servants as if his father were commanding; if he goes out, he does not go on foot, but travels in a carriage.  And while the son possesses everything that belongs to his father, servants are given only the retribution for the work they have done, remaining free to serve or not to serve their master; and if they do not serve, they have no more right to receive any further compensation.  On the other hand, between father and son, no one can remove these rights:  that the son possess the goods of the father; no law, either celestial or terrestrial, can remove these rights, nor unbind the sonship between father and son.  My daughter, the living in my Will is the living that is closest to the blessed of Heaven; and it is so distant from one who does my Will and is faithfully submitted to my orders, just as Heaven is distant from the earth, just as the distance between a son and a servant, and between a king and a subject.  And besides, this is a gift which I want to give in these times, so sad - that they may not only do my Will, but possess It.  Am I perhaps not free to give whatever I want, whenever I want, and to whomever I want?  Is a master not free to say to his servant:  ‘Live in my house, eat, take, command like another me’?  And so that no one may prevent him from possessing his goods, he legitimizes this servant as his own son, and gives him the right to possess.  If a rich man can do so, much more can I do it.

This living in my Will is the greatest gift I want to give to creatures.  My goodness wants to make ever greater display of love toward creatures; and since I have given them everything, and have nothing else to give to make Myself loved, I want to give them the gift of my Will, so that, by possessing It, they may love the great good they possess.  And do not be surprised if you see that they do not understand.  In order to understand, they would have to dispose themselves to the greatest of sacrifices:  that of not giving life, even in holy things, to their own will.  Then would they feel the possession of Mine, and would touch with their own hands what it means to live in my Will.  You, however, be attentive, and do not be bothered by the difficulties they raise; and I, little by little, will make my way to make them understand the living in my Will.”  (Book of Heaven, Vol. 17, Sept. 18, 1924
Jesus to Venerable Conchita (1862 – 1937):  Listen. There are many progressive degrees in the transformation.  The highest degree on earth corresponds to a transformation of the creature not only in its manner of thinking and of acting, which becomes divine, but which in a certain sense causes it to disappear and annihilate itself to give place to Me.  This degree is the work of the Holy Spirit alone who becomes the soul of this soul and the life of this body.”  (Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary)

Father Philipon, Theologian and Editor of Conchita’s Diary)  “…we are incontestably in a new era of spirituality…a calling of all, even the laity, even of married people, to the greatest holiness.”

Jesus to Saint Faustina:  I want to pour out My Divine Life into human souls and sanctify them, if they are willing to accept My Grace.”  (Divine Mercy in My Soul)

Luisa explains the difference between “living resigned” and “living in” the Divine Will:

Living Resigned:  “In one who lives resigned to the Divine Will, it is almost impossible not to mix his own will with it.”

Living in the Divine Will:  “Living in the Divine Will means being inseparable, doing nothing by oneself, because in the face of the Divine Will one feels incapable of anything.”  “…one who lives in the Divine Will finds it impossible to do things by himself, even more, he feel nausea for his human works, though holy, because in the Divine Will all things, even the smallest ones, take on a different look.  They acquire nobility, splendor, Divine sanctity, Divine power and beauty, they multiply to infinity…”  “And after he has done everything, he says, ‘I have done nothing – Jesus did.’”

From the writings of Saint Maximilian Kolbe:

“The will of Mary Immaculate is so closely united with the Will of God that they seem to be only one will…Her will is united to and identified itself in the closest way with the Will of God.  She lives and operates only in God and through God.  So we should not be afraid to say that our only and deepest wish is to do the Immaculate’s will as accurately as possible.  By doing this, we shall belong to Her every day more.  And She shall take possession of our whole being.”  The first seven centuries (from the founding of the Franciscan Order) were only the preparation, the idea, the cause.  Now comes the realization of that truth, the manifestation of the Immaculate Virgin to souls;  Her introduction to souls with all the blessed effects which follow from it.  In every country there must arise Cities of Mary Immaculate…you will soon see tears flowing from the eyes of the most hardened sinners; prisons will be emptied; hones workers will unite; families will overflow with virtue, peace, and happiness; all discord will be banished, for it is now the new era.”

Prayer of Blessed Pope John Paul II:
Immaculate Conception

Mary my Mother,

Live in me, act in me, speak in and through me,

Think your thoughts in my mind,

Love through my heart,

Give me your disposition and feelings,

Teach, lead, and guide me to Jesus,

Correct, enlighten and expand my thoughts and behavior,

Possess my soul,

Take over my entire personality and life

Replace it with Yourself,

Incline of to constant adoration and thanksgiving

Pray in me and through me

Let me live in you, and keep me

In this union always.  Amen

This is our great hope and our invocation:

‘Your Kingdom come!’  a Kingdom of peace, justice and serenity,

Which will re-establish the original harmony of creation.”

Pope John Paul II, Papal Address on Psalm 97, Nov. 6, 2002

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Third Watch

I heard within my interior during Adoration, “You are in the third watch.”

Ron L. told me, “The third watch is the midnight watch – it is before the dawn.  Most of the time the enemy would attack then because most are asleep.”

Shortly after this I was lead to read:

Exodus 14:  Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord swept the sea with a strong east wind….

The Egyptians followed in pursuit:  all Pharaoh’s horses and chariots and charioteers went after them right into the midst of the sea.  In the night watch just before dawn, the Lord cast through the column of the fiery cloud  upon the Egyptian force a glance that threw it into a panic; and he so clogged their chariot wheels that they could hardly drive.  With that, the Egyptians sounded the retreat before Israel, because the Lord was fighting for them against the Egyptians.  Then the Lord told Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea that the water may flow back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and their charioteers.”  So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and at dawn the sea flowed back to its normal depth. The Egyptians were fleeing head on toward the sea, when the Lord hurled them into its midst.  As the water flowed back, it covered the chariots and the charioteers of Pharaoh’s whole army which had followed the Israelites into the sea.  Not a single one of them escaped.   But the Israelites had marched on dry land through the midst of the sea, with the water like a wall to their right and to their left.

The Dawn

“To the Priests” from the Marian Movement of Priests, Our Lady says:

I am the dawn which precedes the day.”  (#252)

“I am the dawn which is arising to announce the great day of the Lord.” (#344)

I am the daybreak which precedes the sun; I am the dawn which begins the new day.” (20)

From the Book of Heaven, The Divine King Appeals to His Children:  “She (Our Lady) is traveling amongst the people of the Nations disposing and preparing them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of My Will.  It was She who prepared the people for Me so that I could descend from Heaven to earth.  And now, I am entrusting to Her the task of disposing the souls of our people to receive a Gift so great.” (The Gift of living in the Divine Will)

 Vol. 24 – May 26, 1928:  “And just as the Holy Virgin put an end to the night hours of the patriarchs and prophets and formed the dawn to make the Sun of the Eternal Word rise, so will this one form the Dawn to make rise the Sun of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.”

Vol. 35 – Sept. 26, 1937:  …just as nature has its day in human life, during which all the actions of life are performed, in the same way my Divine Will forms Its Day in the depth of the creature who lives in my Will.  As the creature begins to form her acts in It, calling It to her as her own Life, she starts her day, forming a most shining Dawn in the depth of her soul.  This Dawn gathers its Power, renewing in the creature the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son, the Virtue and Love of the Holy Spirit.  So she starts her Day together with the Most Holy Trinity, which descends in the most tiny acts and hiding places of the creature in order to live together with her, and to do whatever she does.  This Dawn is the first rest of God within the room of the soul – it is the beginning of the eternal Day in which the Life of the Supreme Being starts together with the creature.”

The Sea and the Wall

Vol. 13 – July 20, 1921:  “…when my love will make arise the Era of my Will – the new Era of maximum benefit for creatures – then will the seas and rivers of my Volition overflow; and as their gigantic waves rise, they will sweep everything into My Will – but no longer hiddenly; rather, Its roaring waves will make themselves seen by everyone and will touch everyone.  And those who want to resist the current will run the risk of losing their lives.”

Vol. 7 – Feb. 12, 1906:  “…but the wall of the soul who lives in the Will of God is a wall so high and deep that neither its depth nor its height can be found… since this wall is in the Divine Volition – that is, in God – God Himself keeps it, and there is no power that can defy God.”

Vol. 19 – Aug. 8, 1926:  “It happens as between the sea and a little stream which is separated from the sea only by a wall; so much so, that if the wall were removed, the sea and the little stream would become one single sea… My daughter, the sea is God…the wall that separates them is the human nature, which makes one distinguish God and the creature, the overflowings, the waves which rise continuously to unload themselves into the little stream, are my Divine Will that wants to give so much to the creature, that the little stream, being filled and swelled up, may overflow, may form its waves, swollen by the wind of the Supreme Will, and may pour back into the Divine Sea, only to be filled again.”

Vol. 19 – Aug. 14, 1926:  These knowledge’s will be an immensely high and strong wall, more than the terrestrial Eden, which will prevent the enemy from entering in order to molest those who, conquered by It, will pass to live in the Kingdom of My Will.”

Rev. 15:2:  “And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands.  And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb…

Rev. 16:15:  “Lo, I am coming like a thief!  Blessed is he who is awake, keeping his garments that he may not go naked and be seen exposed!”

Lynne Bauer

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

"My Dove"

March 11, 2018
For so many years I have hesitated to write this because of my doubts, but today I understood its meaning,  and so I write:

Just after coming into the Catholic Church many times Jesus called me, “My dove”.  At that time I wondered what it could mean and remember that all I could think of was soap (Dove soap – now I think how silly this was!)  I had never heard this expression before.  Then today I read from an article about Sr. Mildred Neuzil (from the Contemplative Sisters of the Indwelling Trinity):

Catholic Scriptural teaching has always seen the dove as the emblem of the Holy Spirit, understood as Love personified in the inner life of the Trinity itself, and in its smallness of form, as Humility when it comes to the way in which the Spirit works in us and in the world for our sanctification.  His way is hidden, interior, gentle, quiet, meant not to be seen but to be experienced deep within the soul, like a gentle breeze, not in the roar of thunder.”  The dove is a symbol of peace and new life after purification.

Added from Luisa’s writings from The Book of Heaven– Mar. 17, 2018:

Book of Heaven, Nov. 22, 1901 - “My daughter, when the soul does the will of someone else in everything, it is said that she has trust in that person, therefore she lives from someone else’s volition, and not from her own. In the same way, when the soul does my Will in everything, I say that she has faith. So, Divine Will and faith are branches produced by the same trunk; and since faith is simple, faith and Divine Will produce a third branch, that of simplicity. And here is how the soul comes to reacquire the characteristics of a dove in everything. Don’t you want, then, to be my dove?”

Book of Heaven, June 20, 1926 “…you are the tiny little dove that has gone around and around Me, and while I spoke to you about my Will, manifesting to you the knowledges about It, Its goods, Its prodigies and even Its sorrow, you beat your wings, and hurling yourself over the many seeds I placed before you, you grabbed them with your beak and, triumphant, you continued your flight around Me, waiting for more seeds of my Will which I would place before you. And, again, grabbing them with your beak, you nourished yourself and, victorious, continued your flight, manifesting the Kingdom of my Will. So, my prerogatives are yours, my Kingdom and yours are one; we have suffered together – it is right that together we enjoy our conquests.”

Update: Dec. 22, 2018
This morning during Adoration in the Chapel at SJN, I was thinking about this writing (above) that I came across yesterday in my notes and had forgotten about it.  While meditating on the “dove”, a thought came to my mind about the Ark, Noah and the dove and how this relates to us today.  Noah sent the dove out of the ark to circle the earth – our Ark today is Our Blessed Mother – we do all our acts through Her Immaculate Heart and together with the Holy Spirit go out of the Ark bringing our Acts, united with Jesus’ Acts, to all the earth.  As the dove returned to the ark with the olive branch, so we return to Him giving Him our acts of love and reparation, and representing the dove returning with an olive branch, He brings us His peace.  I understood so much more, but unable to put into words.

Then, as I was thinking to myself that I would never show this to anyone else, I proceeded to read this from Vol. 12 (June 14, 1918):   

“ When you pass over my intimacies with you – over the display of my Love, I feel as though betrayed, because in that display of love, in those intimacies with you I tried to attract not only you to know Me and love Me more, but also those who would read my intimacies of love, in order to receive more love also from them. …Yes, this is the weakness of all the good, who out of humility, out of fear, deny love to Me and in hiding themselves, they want to hide Me.  Instead, they should manifest my Love, to make Me loved.  So, I remain always the Jesus betrayed in love - even by the good.”

And so, I will come out from hiding and offer this to you and whatever else Our Lord wishes me to share.  Fiat!

Song of Songs 2:14
"O my dove in the clefts of the rock,
in the secret recesses of the cliff,
Let me see you,
let me hear your voice,
For your voice is sweet,
and you are lovely."

Luisa's prayer from the 23rd hour of the Hours of the Passion:

My Love, if a lance has wounded your Heart for me, I pray that You too, with your own hands, wound my heart, my affections, my desires – all of myself. Let there be nothing in me which is not wounded by your love. I unite everything to the harrowing pains of our dear Mama, who, for the pain of seeing your Heart being ripped open, falls into a swoon of sorrow and love; and like a dove, She flies in It to take the first place – to be the first Repairer, the Queen of your very Heart, the Mediatrix between You and the creatures. I too, with my Mama, want to fly into your Heart, to hear how She repairs, and to repeat Her reparations for all the offenses You receive. O my Jesus, in this wounded Heart of Yours, I will find my life again; therefore, anything I may be about to do, I will always draw from It. I will no longer give life to my thoughts; but if these want life, I will take Yours. My will will no longer have life; but if it wants life, I will take your Most Holy Will. My love will no longer have life; if it wants life, I will take your Love. O my Jesus, all of your Life is mine – this is your Will, this is my will.

Lynne Bauer, Dec. 22, 2018

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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