Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Abomination of Desolation

Yesterday, something prompted me to pick up a book from my bookcase which I brought with me to Adoration this morning.  The book is “True Life in God”, Jesus’ messages through Vassula Ryden. Yesterday, I was on a Catholic blog and someone had posted what they thought was happening in the Church today, so I went to Fr. Gobbi’s book and posted what Our Lady said about “the abomination of desolation”:

"This is the hour when the abomination of desolation is truly entering into the holy temple of God. They are no longer the salt of the earth, but a salt without savor,, corrupted and nauseating, good only to be strewn on the ground and trampled underfoot by everyone. They are no longer the light on the candlestick, but darkness which makes the night even more obscure. They are all poor ailing priest-sons of mine, because they have fallen under the dominion of satan."
"Help them without ever judging them. Love them always . Do not condemn them, this is not your role."
"This scandal will become even greater and more serious."
Live simply in surrender and trust, like my little children, in my Immaculate Heart."
(To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, The Marian Movement of Priests, #74)

This morning during Adoration, I opened Vassula’s book to the first message of June 19, 1995 and read:
“In these days and in your times I am confronted by the guilt of those who strike Me and the wickedness of those who practice deceit.  Do not commit this abomination which the prophet Daniel spoke of, I say, but your steps persistently follow deceit; your era is challenging My Power.  Very well then, since your intentions, generation, are to trample on My Perpetual Sacrifice and abolish It, I tell you: I shall do to you what I have done to Sodom and Gomorrah but one hundred times more, to equal your sins – you see those ten Towers you have built for yourselves as Lodges?  Well, you will never live in them; your empire will crumble down together with you; and those precious stones you have treasured?  You will never possess them, for I am going to pass through you to remind you that from the Beginning, My Name thrice Holy was to be honored and kept Holy, and that your due to Me was to fear Me.

Wondering about what Jesus meant by the “ten Towers”, I was led to go to the messages of Fr. Gobbi, and read,

 “This Black Beast has ten horns and, on the horns, ten crowns, which are signs of domination and royalty.  Masonry rules and governs throughout the whole world by means of the ten horns.  The horn, in the biblical world, has always been an instrument of amplification, a way of making ones voice better heard, a strong means of communication”.  “For this reason, God communicated his Will to his people by means of ten horns which made his Law known: the Ten Commandments. The one who accepts them and observes them walks in life along the road of the Divine Will, of joy and of peace.”  “Freemasonry spreads everywhere through the power of its ten horns, a law which is completely opposed to that of God.”  MMP, #405, June 3, 1989

Lastly: This was a meditation during Adoration that I had on First Saturday, Feb. 4, 1995 (just two years after coming into the Catholic Church.  Offered for your discernment:

Meditation on the Presentation of Jesus:

Sat., Feb. 4, 1995

As Our Lady presented the Infant Jesus to God the Father in the Temple, She also presents Him to us each day at the Mass (in the Temple), and also presents each of us to God the Father as She presented Jesus to Him.  As Simeon and Anna knew that this Infant was the son of God, we also must see Him in the Eucharist with the same faith as they did.  We must believe in His true Presence.  Jesus has told me that the “abomination will soon be set up in the temple and that we must continue to walk in faith – “to be His Light” in the darkness surrounding us.  I have complained to Him to open the hearts of all the people that they may return to Him, and He has told me many times that He “will not impose on their will.”  He cannot enter the hearts of so many as they are hardened and filled with pride – that many of them will be lost.  We are asked to continue to pray for them during this time of Mercy that their hearts may open.   This is where the “abomination” begins – in the heart”, but will “soon be set up in the temple”.  As Our Lady presented Jesus, She by tradition, was to be purified according to the Law (though She was already pure!) – the Church must also be purified!

About the “ten horns (towers)” - Around the time of the above, I was given a vision of a vast sea.  The sea was calm with only a few ripples and it made me feel totally at peace and made me smile.  I felt as though I could just stay there forever looking at this sea. Then suddenly up from the sea rose a black cloud (this is the only way I can describe it) that made me incredibly frightened.  I knew I was to continue to look at it, but because I became so frightened I looked away and when I looked back, it disappeared.

Added recently:  Rev. 13 – “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads”….”and the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months”…”Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them”…”If any one has an ear, let him hear….

I would suggest reading Rev. 13 very carefully praying to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and understanding.

 Lynne Bauer, Sept. 21, 2017

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Sun of the Divine Will


Volume 16 – February 10, 1924

“…in my all-seeingness, I see that these writings will be for my Church like a new sun which will rise in Her midst; and drawn by its blazing light, creatures will apply themselves in order to be transformed into this light and become spiritualized and divinized, in such a way that, as the Church will be renewed, they will transform the face of the earth. The doctrine on my Will is the purest, the most beautiful, not subject to any shadow of the material or of interest, both in the supernatural and in the natural order. Therefore, like sun, it will be the most penetrating, the most fecund, and the most welcomed and appreciated. And being light, of its own it will make itself understood and will make its way. It will not be subject to doubts or suspicions of error; and if some word is not understood, it will be because of too much light which, eclipsing the human intellect, will not allow them to comprehend the whole fullness of the truth. However, they will find not a word which is not truth. At the most, they will not be able to comprehend it fully.

Volume 3 – March 25, 1900

“Just as the sun is the light of the world, so did the Word of God, in incarnating Himself, become the light of souls. And just as the material sun gives light in general and to each one in particular, so much so, that each one can enjoy it as if it were his own, in the same way, the Word, while giving light in general, is Sun for each one in particular; so much so, that each one can have this Divine Sun as if It were for himself alone.”

Volume 5 – June 16, 1903

“The sun is there for the benefit of all, but not everyone enjoys its beneficial effects. In the same way, the Divine Sun gives Its light to all, but who enjoys Its beneficial effects? One who keeps his eyes open to the light of truth. All others, even if they are exposed to the Sun, remain in the dark. However, it is one who is all intent on pleasing Me that truly enjoys and receives all the fullness of this Sun.”

Volume 13 - November 12, 1921

               “My daughter, the Sanctity in my Will is not yet known. This is the reason for their wonderment; in fact, when something has been known, the wonderment ceases. All sanctities are symbolized by something that is spread in Creation: there are sanctities symbolized by mountains, others by trees, others by plants, the little flower, the stars; and many other similes. All of these sanctities have their own limited and individual good; they have their beginning, as well as an end; they cannot embrace everything and do good to all, just as a tree or a flower cannot do so.

Now, the Sanctity in my Will will be symbolized by the sun. The sun has always been, and will always be; and even though it had a beginning in illuminating the world, since it is light that took origin from my Eternal Light, it can be said that it has no beginning. The sun does good to all, it extends to all with its light; it makes no exception with anyone. With its majesty and its dominion it rules over everything and gives life to everything, even to the littlest flower - but silently, without noise, and almost unobserved. Oh! if a plant did a little something, a shadow of what the sun does, giving heat to another plant, all would proclaim a miracle. All would want to see it, and would talk about it with amazement. The sun that gives life and heat to everything, and is the continued miracle – no one talks about it; no amazement. And this happens because man keeps his eyes always down below and on earthly things - never up high and on celestial things.

Now, the Sanctity in my Will, symbolized by the sun, will come out from the center of my Sanctity; It will be a ray delivered by my Sanctity, which has no beginning. So, these souls existed in my Sanctity; they exist, and will exist. They were together with Me in the good I did; they never went out of the ray in which I had issued them to the light. As they never departed from my Will, I amused Myself with them, and I still do. My union with them is permanent. I see them floating above everything; human supports do not exist for them, just as the sun does not lean on anything - it lives up high as though isolated, but with its light it encloses everything within itself. The same for these souls: they live up high like the sun, but their light descends to the deepest bottom and extends to all. I would feel as if I defrauded them if I did not keep them aware of, and did not let them do what I do. So, there is no good which does not descend from them.

In this Sanctity I see my shadows, my images, hovering over the whole earth, in the air, in Heaven. And this is why I love and will love the world - because I am waiting for my Sanctity to have Its echo upon earth; for my rays to come out to the light and give Me complete glory, returning to Me the love and the honor which others have not given Me. However, just like the sun, they will be the most unobserved, without any clamor. But if anyone wants to look at them, my jealousy will be such that they will run the risk of remaining blinded, and will be forced to lower their gazes in order to regain their sight. Do you see how beautiful is the Sanctity in my Will? It is the Sanctity which is the closest to your Creator; therefore It will have primacy over all other sanctities, It will enclose within Itself all other sanctities together, and will be life of all other sanctities.

What grace for you to know It! To be the first, like solar ray, to come out from the center of my Sanctity, without ever detaching from It! Greater grace I could not give you - more portentous a miracle I could not operate in you. Be attentive, my daughter, my ray, because every time you enter into my Will and operate, it happens as when the sun hits the glass: many suns are formed in it. In the same way, you repeat my Life as many times; you multiply It, you give new life to my love.”

Volume 17 - January 22, 1925

“My daughter, this sun which you see within the intelligence of my Humanity, was formed by my Divinity, which endowed Me with the creative power and the all-seeingness of all things, in such a way that I was to be the new Sun of souls. And just as the sun which I created for the good of nature, covers the whole earth with its light, without denying the effects of its light to anyone, though it does not depart from the heavens, but unleashes from its center the rays which bring upon earth the goods that the sun contains – in the same way, without departing from Me, with Its inaccessible light, my Divinity formed in Me spokes of light. And these rays covered everyone and everything; and I, at each instant, covered each thought, word and act of all creatures, and constituted Myself perennial glory to my Father for each thought, act, word, etc., of all human generations. While rising to the Celestial Father, this light descended to take, as though in its power, all human acts in order to illuminate them, warm them and repair them. So, over each human act hovers a light that wants to do good to it, continuously. In Me, doing this was as though natural. You, my daughter, do not have this power to make one single act out of all acts, as I did. Therefore, in my Will you will go through each ray, one by one; and, little by little, you will follow the same path as my Humanity.”

Volume 17 – Sept. 17, 1924
“My daughter, see how beautiful is the Sun of my Will! What power, what marvel! As soon as the soul wants to fuse herself in It in order to embrace all, my Will, turning into Sun, wounds the soul and forms another Sun in her. And as she forms her acts in It, she forms Its rays to wound the Sun of the Supreme Will; and overwhelming all into this light, she loves, glorifies, satisfies her Creator for all – and what is more, not with human love, glory and satisfaction, but with love and glory of Divine Will, because the Sun of my Will has operated in her. Do you see what it means to do acts in my Will? This is the living in my Will: the Sun of my Will, transforming the human will into Sun, acts within it as in Its own center.”

Then, afterwards, my sweet Jesus went on taking all the books written on His Divine Will; He united them together, then He pressed them to His Heart, and with unspeakable tenderness, He added: “I bless these writings from the Heart. I bless each word; I bless the effects and the value they contain. These writings are part of Myself.”

A letter from Luisa Piccarreta to Frederico Abresch

“The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is symbolized by the SUN, which does good to all, gives Itself to all, denies Itself to no one, and while almost holding the earth on Its lap (giving to each plant, to some color, to some sweetness, to some fragrance – things which are all different and distinct among each other), yet, while doing so much good, the SUN never says a word; It allows Its light to be trodden by our steps; It follows us everywhere, and all the glory and honor is of God, who made It SUN. Such is the soul who lives in the Divine Will, whom the Lord uses to do good to all, and from whom He receives glory and honor, as if all had loved Him.”

From Luisa’s Appeal

“And in the first place, I appeal to the Highest Hierarch, to the Roman Pontiff, to His Holiness, to the representative of the Holy Church, and therefore the representative of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.   At his holy feet, this little, tiny child places this Kingdom, so that he dominate It and make It known, and with his paternal and authoritative voice, call his sons to live in this Kingdom so holy.   May the Sun of the SUPREME "FIAT" invest him and form the first Sun of the Divine Volition in Its Representative on earth; and forming Its primary Life in Him who is the Head of all, It will spread Its interminable rays in all the world; and eclipsing all with Its Light, It will form one flock and one Shepherd.”

 Lynne Bauer, Mar. 2013

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Explanation of the Rosary Prayers


The Sign of the Cross

See then, what blessing means: confirmation of Our creative work, because the work We do once is so filled with wisdom, with sublimity and with beauty, that We love to repeat it always. And if Our blessing is nothing other than the sigh of Our Heart to see Our image restored in the creatures, as well as the repetition of Our confirmation of what We want to do, the sign of the Cross that the Church teaches to the faithful is nothing other than impetrating Our likeness on the part of creatures; and so, echoing Our blessing, they repeat: ‘In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Therefore, without knowing it, the Church and all the faithful harmonize with the eternal Creator, and all want the same thing: God, by blessing and pronouncing the words, ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’, wants to give His likeness; the creatures impetrate it by making the sign of the Cross, pronouncing the same words.”   July 29, 1928

The Creed

I was doing the adoration of the wounds of blessed Jesus, and at the end I recited the Creed, intending to enter into the immensity of the Divine Will in which there are all the acts of the creatures, past, present and future, and even those acts which the creature should do, but did not, because of negligence or wickedness.  And I was saying:  ‘My Jesus, my Love, I enter your Volition, and with this Creed I intend to redo and repair all the acts of faith which the creatures have not done, all the disbeliefs, and the lacks of adoration which is due to God as Creator...   Book of Heaven, Vol. 12, Jan. 29, 1919

The Our Father

 “My daughter, oh! how well your acts done in my Will harmonize. They harmonize with mine, with those of my beloved Mama, and one disappears within the other, forming one single act - it seems like Heaven on earth, and the earth in Heaven; and the echo of one in three and of three in one, of the Sacrosanct Trinity. Oh! how sweet it sounds to Our hearing, how it enraptures Us, but so much as to capture Our Will from Heaven to earth. And when my ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ has Its fulfillment ‘on earth as It is in Heaven’, then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the Our Father take place - that is, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ I said: ‘Our Father, in the name of all, I ask You for three kinds of bread each day: the bread of your Will, or rather, more than bread, because if bread is necessary two or three times a day, this one is necessary at each moment, in all circumstances. Even more, it must be not only bread, but like balsamic air that brings life - the circulation of the Divine Life in the creature. Father, if this bread of your Will is not given, I will never be able to receive all the fruits of my Sacramental Life, which is the second bread we ask of You every day. Oh! how my Sacramental Life feels discomforted, because the bread of your Will does not nourish them; on the contrary, it finds the corrupted bread of the human will. Oh! how disgusting it is to Me! How I shun it! And even though I go to them, yet I cannot give them the fruits, the goods, the effects, the sanctity, because I do not find Our bread in them. And if I give something, it is in small proportion, according to their dispositions, but not all the goods which I contain; and my Sacramental Life is patiently waiting for man to take the bread of the Supreme Will, in order to be able to give all the good of my Sacramental Life. See then, how the Sacrament of the Eucharist - and not only It, but all the Sacraments, left to my Church and instituted by Me - will give all the fruits which they contain and complete fulfillment, when Our bread, that is, the Will of God, is done on earth as It is in Heaven.

Then I asked for the third bread - the material one. How could I say: ‘Give us this day our bread’? In view of the fact that, as man would do Our Will, what was Ours would be his, and so the Father would no longer have to give the bread of His Will, the bread of my Sacramental Life and the daily bread of natural life, to illegitimate, usurping, evil children, but to legitimate and good children, who would share in the goods of their Father; it is because of this that I said: ‘Give us our bread.’ Then will they eat the blessed bread; everything will smile around them, and Heaven and earth will carry the mark of the harmony of their Creator.

After this I added: ‘Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.’ So, charity also will be perfect. Then will forgiveness have the mark of heroism, as I had it on the Cross - once man has eaten the bread of my Will as my Humanity ate it. Then will the virtues be absorbed into my Will and receive the mark of true heroism and of divine virtues; they will be like many little rivulets which will gush forth from the bosom of the great sea of my Will.

And if I added, ‘And lead us not into temptation’ - how could God ever lead man into temptation? - it was because man is always man, free in himself, since I never take away from him the rights I gave him in creating him; and he, frightened and fearful of himself, tacitly cries out, and prays without expressing it with words: ‘Give us the bread of your Will, that we may reject all temptations; and by virtue of this bread, deliver us from every evil. Amen.’

See, then, how all the goods of man find again their connection, the tight bond of the ‘Let Us make man in Our image and likeness’, the validity of each of his acts, the restitution of the lost goods, as well as the signature and the assurance that his lost happiness, both terrestrial and celestial, is given back to him. Therefore, it is so necessary that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, that I had no other interest, nor did I teach any other prayer but the ‘Our Father’. And the Church, faithful executor and depository of my teachings, has it always on Her lips, and in every circumstance. And everyone - learned and ignorant, little and great, priests and lay people, kings and subjects - all pray to Me that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. 

Do you not want, then, that my Will descend upon earth? But just as Redemption had Its beginning in a Virgin - as I was not conceived in all men in order to redeem them, even though whoever wants it, can enter the good of Redemption and each one can receive Me in the Sacrament for himself alone – in the same way, now my Will must have Its beginning, possession, growth and development in one virgin creature. And then, whoever disposes himself and wants it, will enter the goods which the living in my Will contains. Had I not been conceived in my beloved Mama, Redemption would never have come. In the same way, if I do not operate the prodigy of making one soul live in my Supreme Will, the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven’, will not take place in the human generations.”   Book of Heaven, May, 2, 1919

The Hail Mary

The first canticle that they sang to my Mama was the ‘Hail Mary’, because in the ‘Hail Mary’ there are the most beautiful praises, the greatest honors; and the joy which She felt in being made Mother of God is renewed. Therefore, let us recite it together to honor Her, and when you yourself come to Paradise, I will let you find it as if you had recited it together with the Angels for the first time in Heaven.”   Book of Heaven, Aug. 15,, 1899

The Glory Be

 I prayed Jesus to give me the grace to fulfill His Most Holy Will. And my beloved Jesus, as though wanting to cheer me, came out from within my interior, and squeezing me tightly to His Most Holy Heart, infused new strength in me. At that moment, the Heavens opened and I heard everyone say, in chorus: “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit”. I don’t know how, but it was my turn to answer: ‘As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.’ But who can say what was happening? In the word “Father” one could see the creative power flowing everywhere, preserving everything, giving life to everything. The mere breath of this word was enough to maintain everything He had created intact, beautiful and ever new. In the word “Son” one could see all the works of the Word, renewed, ordered, and all in act of filling Heaven and earth to give themselves for the good of creatures. In the word “Holy Spirit” one could see all things being invested with a speaking, operative and vivifying love. But who can say everything? I felt my poor mind immersed in the eternal beatitudes, and my adorable Jesus, wanting to call me back into myself, told me: “My daughter, do you know why it was your turn to say the second part of the ‘Glory be’? Since my Will is in you, it befitted you to bring the earth up to Heaven, in order to give, in the name of all, together with the Celestial Court, that glory which will never end - ‘world without end’. Eternal things, which never end, can be found only in my Will, and one who possesses It is in communication with Heaven. This soul takes part in everything they do in the celestial regions, and she is as though in act together with the celestial Blessed.”  Book of Heaven, March 2, 1926

 “My daughter, for one who lives in my Will, her Sanctity has only one point - it is the continued ‘Glory be’, followed by ‘as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.’ There is nothing which does not give glory to God - complete in everything, always stable, always the same, always queen, without ever changing. This Sanctity is not subject to setbacks, to losses – It is to always reign. So, Its foundation is the ‘Glory be’, Its prerogative is the ‘as it was in the beginning, etc.’”   Book of Heaven, May 1, 1920

L. Bauer Oct. 2, 2018

Divine Love

Divine Love
Adore Him!

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