Friday, January 29, 2016

Fire of the Holy Spirit

The Fire of the Holy Spirit

The Victorious Queen of the World, Sr. Natalia of Hungary (1901-1992)

I saw God's Holy Spirit — as a devastating fire — inundate the world.  This fire did not bring peace, nor mercy, but devastating punishment.  Wherever the flame of the Holy Spirit swept through, the evil spirits by the thousands fell back to hell.  But before everything was ruined, I saw the Holy Virgin fall on her knees before Jesus, praying, asking for mercy for the world.  Jesus did not look at her, but watched the Heavenly Father.  The Heavenly Father did not pull back His hand extended over the world in His just anger.  Then the Holy Virgin took from her shoulder the mantle of peace and suddenly covered the world with it.  All those parts of the world that were covered with the mantle escaped the punishment and shone in the blue color of peace.  But where the mantle did not cover the surface, the red color of anger could be seen glowing like embers.  I understood that we could escape from the just punishment of God only if we sought refuge under the mantle of our Blessed Virgin Mother, and pleaded for mercy through her.

The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Elizabeth Kindelmann (1913-1985)

“The flame of grace which I give you from my Immaculate Heart must go from heart to heart.  It will be the miracle which will blind Satan.  It is the Flame of Love and unity and we shall extinguish fire with fire: the fire of hate with the fire of love!  I obtained these graces from our heavenly Father through the wounds of my Holy Son.

Book of Heaven, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta  (1865-1947)

"My daughter, if you want to be always transformed in Me – even more, to be one single thing with Me - love Me always and you will maintain your transformation with Me. In fact, love is fire, and whatever woods are thrown into the fire, small or big, green or dry, they all take the form of fire and convert into fire itself; and after these woods have been burned, one can no longer discern which wood was one and which another, neither the green one nor the dry one – one can see nothing but fire. The same when the soul never ceases to love Me. Love is fire that transmutes the soul in God; love unites, its flames invest all of the human operations and give them the form of the divine operations."  (Vol. 10, Oct. 1, 1910)

Then He added: "My Love is fire, but not like material fire which destroys things and reduces them to ash. My fire vivifies and perfects, while it burns and consumes all that is not holy - desires, affections, thoughts which are not good. This is the virtue of my fire: to burn evil and to give life to good. Therefore, if the soul does not feel any tendency to evil within herself, she can be certain that my fire is in her. But if she feels fire mixed with evil within herself, it is very doubtable whether that be my real fire."  (Vol. 11, Apr. 10, 1913)

I will purify the earth by fire, because the stench that emanates from it is such that I cannot bear it.  Many will remain buried in the fire.  In this way I will make the earth come to its senses.  (Nov. 2, 1917)

To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, Fr. Gobbi  (1930-2011)

“By the fire of the Spirit of Love, the work of the great purification will be quickly accomplished.” “It (the Church) will be deprived of its earthly goods and purified of many of its means of power that once again it may become poor, humble, simple and chaste.  In its pastors and its flock, it will again be crucified that It may give perfect witness to the Gospel of Jesus.” “Through the power of fire and blood, the whole world will also be renewed.  Humanity will return once again to the glorification of the Father, through Jesus, who will at last have established his reign in your midst.”   (#246, May 30, 1982)

“The great mercy will come to you as a burning fire of love and will be brought by the Holy Spirit, who is given to you by the Father and the Son, so that the Father may see Himself glorified and the Lord Jesus may feel Himself loved by all his brothers.” “The Holy Spirit will come down as fire, but in a manner different from his first coming; it will be a fire which will burn and transform everything, which will sanctify and renew the earth from its foundations.  It will open hearts to a new reality of life and lead all souls to a fullness of holiness and of grace.  You will know a love that is so great and a sanctify that is so perfect that it will be such as you had never known before.”  (#357, July 3, 1987)

The Holy Spirit will come to establish the glorious reign of Christ and it will be a reign of grace, of holiness, of love, of justice and of peace.  With his divine love, He will open the doors of hearts and illuminate all consciences.  Every person will see himself in the burning fire of divine truth.  It will be like a judgment in miniature.  And then Jesus Christ will bring his glorious reign in the world.”  (#383, May 22, 1988)

“Miraculous and spiritual tongues of fire will purify the hearts and the souls of all, who will see themselves in the light of God and will be pierced by the keen sword of his divine truth.”  (#574, May 26, 1996)

After the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit
The Victorious Queen of the World, Sr. Natalia of Hungary 
Jesus showed me in a vision that after the cleansing, mankind will live an angelic and clean life.  There will be an end to the sins against the sixth commandment and an end to lies!  The Savior showed me that unceasing love, happiness and divine joy will signify this future clean world.  I saw the blessing of God abundantly poured out upon the earth.  Satan and sin were completely defeated and took leave.  The cleansed world will gain, through the Blessed Virgin Mother, the peace of the Lord.
"My Immaculate Mother will be victorious over sin with her power as Queen.  The lily represents the cleansing of the world, the coming Age of Paradise, when humanity will live as if without sin.  This will be a new world and a new age.  This will be the age when mankind will get back what it lost in Paradise.  When My Immaculate Mother will step on the neck of the serpent, the gates of hell will be closed.  The hosts of angels will be part of this fight."
“I brought peace when I was born, but the world has not yet enjoyed it.  The world is entitled to that peace.  Men are the children of God.  God breathes His own Spirit into them.  God cannot let Himself be put to shame, and that is why the children of God are entitled to enjoy the peace that I promised.”
“Await with a penitent soul the coming of the great age which is getting closer and closer with each day!”  Jan. 31, 1987
Conchita, A Mother’s Spiritual Diary, Ven. Conchita deArmida (1862 – 1937)
"'It is time that the Holy Spirit reign.' Very moved, the Lord told me this. He went on, 'and not a remote reign as something very sublime, even though it be so and there is nothing greater than He since He is God united and consubstantial with the Father and the Word. But it is necessary that He reigns, here, right close, in each soul and in each heart, in all the structures of My Church. The day on which there will flow in each pastor, in each priest, like an inner blood, the Holy Spirit, then will be renewed the theological virtues, now languishing, even in the ministers of My Church, due to the absence of the Holy Spirit. Then the world will change, for all the evils deplored today have their cause in the remoteness of the Holy Spirit, the sole remedy. Let the ministers of My Church react, through the medium of the Holy Spirit, and the whole world of souls will be divinized. He is the axis around which revolve the virtues. There is no virtue without the Holy Spirit. The decisive impulse for raising up My Church from the state of prostration in which she lies, consists in reviving the cult of the Holy Spirit. Let His place be given Him, that is, the first in intellects and wills! No one will be lacking anything with this heavenly wealth. The Father and I, the Word, We desire an ardent and vitalizing renewal of His reign in the Church."  (Feb. 19, 1911)
“One of the main fruits of the mystical incarnation is the reign of the Holy Spirit which must bring about the disappearance of materialism.” (Feb. 19, 1911)
“This new Pentecost, this sanctifying action of the Spirit, must begin with priest and extend itself to the entire people of God as on the first Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and on the whole community assembled in the Cenacle.”
To My Priests, Ven. Conchita deArmida
“This holy Breath will sweep away all the impurities hearts, and all the errors in minds that they may correspond to Its influence.  The face of the world will be renewed, and all things will be restored in Me.”
Marie Julie Jahenny (1850-1941)
“The world will be laid in its casket, but after being cleansed in its own blood, it will be resurrected in such glory as I was resurrected from My grace…The rein of My peace will be wonderful and from the rising sun to the setting sun My name will be praised and will be called on for help.  This will be a call to all the nations to come and find refuge in My Heart.

Book of Heaven, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
“O iniquitous world, you are doing everything you can to cast Me away from the face of the earth, to banish Me from society, from schools, from conversations - from everything.  You are plotting how to demolish temples and altars, how to destroy my Church and kill my ministers; while I am preparing for you an Era of Love - the Era of my third FIAT.  You will make your own way in order to banish Me, and I will confuse you by means of Love.  I will follow you from behind, and I will come toward you from the front so as to confuse you in Love; and wherever you have banished Me, I will raise my throne, and there will I reign more than before - but in a more astonishing way; so much so, that you yourself will fall at the foot of my throne, as though bound by the power of my Love.”
“Ah, my daughter, the creature rages more and more in evil!  How many machinations of ruin they are preparing!  They will reach the point of exhausting evil itself.  But while they are occupied with following their own way, I will be occupied with making the Fiat Voluntas Tua have Its completion and fulfillment, and my Will reign upon the earth - but in a completely new way.  I will be occupied with preparing the Era of the third FIAT in which my Love will show off in a marvelous and unheard-of way.  Ah, yes, I want to confuse man completely in Love!  Therefore, be attentive - I want you with Me, in preparing this Celestial and Divine Era of Love.  Volume 12 - February 8, 1921
The acts done in my Will, carrying the Creative Power within themselves, will be the new salvation of man; and descending from Heaven, they will bring all goods upon earth.  They will bring the New Era, and the triumph over human iniquity.  Therefore, multiply your acts in my Will to form the weapons, the gifts, the graces, so as to be able to descend into the midst of creatures and wage the war of love on them.”  Volume 12 - April 26, 1921

To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, Fr. Gobbi

It will be the Spirit of Love, with his powerful action of fire and of grace renewing the very foundations of the whole world.  It will be He, the Spirit of Love, with his great force of holiness and of light, bringing my Church to new splendor, making it therefore humble and poor, evangelical and chaste, merciful and holy.  It will be the Spirit of Love, through the fire of innumerable sufferings renewing all creation, that it may become that garden of God, that terrestrial paradise in which Jesus will always be with you, like a sun of light reflecting its rays everywhere.”   (#284, Jan. 28, 1984)

Take courage, resume the journey in trust and hope.  You are approaching moments of grace in which you will see flow out upon the world the torrents of divine mercy.  The world will then be purified by this divine fire of love, and it will be completely renewed, so that Jesus may bring into your midst his kingdom of grace and of holiness, of justice, of love and of peace.”  (#602, Dec. 8, 1997)

St. Augustine“My Lord, grant that your Flame of Love may burn in me and growing into a single flame may it burn constantly on the altar of my heart.  May your Flame of Love burn through my soul and consume it, so that the last day of my life may be a day of union with you forever. Amen.”

Consecration to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, receive the perfect and total consecrate of all my being.

Deign to be from this moment hence in every instant of my life and in my every action:
my Director, my Light, my Guide, my Strength and all the Love of my heart.

I abandon myself without reserve to all Thy divine action

 and I want always to be docile to Thy inspirations.

Holy Spirit, transform me with Mary and in Mary into Christ Jesus

 for the glory of the Father and the salvation of the world.


Come, O Holy Spirit.
Come and change the face of the earth.
Come quickly.
Come in these last times.
Come now that the great trial has arrived.
Come and bring us your second Pentecost
so that our eyes may see your greatest miracle
that of the new heavens and the new earth.

Pope Francis announced that the new jubilee, the year of Mercy, would begin on this year's Catholic feast of the Immaculate Conception, celebrated Dec. 8, 2015. It will close on Nov. 20, 2016, the day celebrated that year as the feast of Christ the King.

Lynne Bauer, Sept., 2015

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Rounds of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification


               They are an exchange of life, which is amplified and nourished with the Life of the Supreme FIAT.

               To give back to God the Glory which is due to Him.  To place oneself in relation with the attributes of God, which are spread throughout the Creation, and to impetrate the Kingdom of the Supreme FIAT upon earth.

               Acts of love, of reparation, of praise, of thanksgiving, of blessing, of recognition and of gratitude.

               To the Single and Continuous Act of God.

               With the immensity of God and with the creative and preserving power of the Divine Will, which sustains the whole Creation, including man.

               Love of gratitude, of recognition, of thanksgiving, of union, and an exchange of Light, because one receives Light to then give back the fruit of Light.
               An exchange of life, of peace, of serenity; an amplification and expansion of the soul in God, and of God in the soul.

               It is not simply going around to admire the created things.  Many holy souls have done this.  Here, instead, we are dealing with the possession of the very Life that sustains the Creation.  But in order to make It our own, we must enter into the Will of God, the Creator – that is, to unite ourselves to that FIAT through which the whole machine of the universe was released, to pronounce the FIAT in His Most Holy Will, to take possession of It, give thanks and offer It in return, to then receive It again and return It again.
               The more one goes around, the more the rounds is expanded, and the globe of Light – the Light of God, His Life within us – is expanded, while the human will, which induces us to perform human acts, becomes weaker.
               It is like putting the plug into the socket.  It is like the antenna of the TV.
               By doing the rounds we unite ourselves to the FIATs of Creation and of Redemption, to crown them and complete them with the act of the Third FIAT:  “FIAT Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven”.
               This FIAT is the fulfillment of the Work of God.  It is a step one takes toward Heaven, and a step that Heaven takes toward the creature, to the extent of reaching the Unity of Life in the Divine Will, like innocent Adam.
               These are powerful, holy acts, according to how the soul lives in the Divine Will.
               The rounds serve to form the nourishment of the soul.  They are acts of Light, because God is Light.
               It is the prayer of Glory; it is the prayer without personal interest, because one asks nothing for oneself, but only for the glory of God and for the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  Not even a shadow of human interest enters into it.
               The rounds are immense, because created things are linked to each other like members to the head; so, if one prays and reaches one created thing, at the same time one reaches all other things, because the acts are multiplied to the infinite through the lifeblood that circulates in the whole universe:  the Creative and Preserving Power of the Divine Will.
It is the life of Heaven that God wants to fecundate and complete in all the creatures who open their hearts to these knowledges.
               Jesus in the Holy Host also does His rounds, because, remaining in the Eucharist, He goes around all hearts, in order to fecundate His Divine Life in them and bring them back to the possession of Sanctity and to the Unity of the Most Holy Trinity.
               “…I pray that they may all be one. Father! May they be in us, just as you are in me and I am in you.  May they be one, so that the world will believe that you sent me.” (John 17,21)
               To go around in the Divine Will means to love, to appreciate, to praise and to possess God.
               That love which you have encountered in the sun, is the love that God has placed there for you; once you have reached it, by virtue of the act done in the Divine Will, it has become yours. 
               To enter into the works of God means to unite oneself in all and to penetrate into everything through the echo that reaches everything  and unites all.
               The rounds unite us to the Redeeming FIAT as the means of reconciliation between the Divinity and humanity; they form us and prepare us for the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God within us.  (Ref.: Vol.15 – Feb. 16, 1923)

               This Kingdom is within you.
               “No one will say,  ‘Look, here it is!’ or,  ‘There it is!’; because the Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17, 21).
               This is the Gift!
               Why Gift?  Because the human creature could never equal God.  And what can worthily glorify God but to give Him His own Love, Power, Goodness…?  But this can happen only if we enter into the sphere of Eternity – into the Divine Will.  In this way, one can give back to God what he has received.
               From here, the institution of the prayer of the Our Father.  With this prayer the seed of the Kingdom was sown, and for two thousand years the Church has been watering this seed by teaching it and having it recited by the great and the little, by the sick and the healthy, by the learned and the ignorant.  (Ref.: Vol.26 – Aug. 25, 1929)
               The FIAT contains the operating act of the Divine Will, and the Divine Will creates with Its creative word and multiplies the acts of the human creature who lives in the Most Holy Will of God.
               To go around in the Divine Will means to unite oneself to the acts done by Jesus in His Most Holy Humanity.
               “Man must begin to penetrate into my Eternal Will…” (Vol.15 – Feb. 16, 1923)
               Jesus operated within the sphere of His Divinity – that is, in Eternity, where the Act is always present, because God is eternal and His acts are eternal.
               E.g.:  The universe, the whole Creation, is always in act.
               In the same way, man, with his immortal soul, by virtue of the Holy Baptism lived in Its wholeness, even down here on earth can live the Divine Life, on earth as It is in Heaven, and ascend back to his original innocence.
               Man possesses a creation within himself – made of spirit, not of matter.
E.g.:  faculties, powers, intelligence, memory, will, thoughts, desires, love, character, tendencies, etc…
               It is all a spiritual patrimony that, if used and lived in the Divine Will, enters into direct contact with God through the whole Creation, and becomes Divine inheritance.
               This is the inheritance given to us by God, but it has not been benefited from, because of original sin.

“Continuing my usual round in the Supreme Will, I was saying to myself:  ‘My Jesus, your Will embraces and encloses everything, and I, in the name of the first creature that came out of your creative hands, up to the last one that will be created, intend to repair for all the oppositions of the human wills made against Yours, and to take within me all the acts of your adorable Will which the creatures have rejected, in order to return them all with love and adoration; in such a way that there may be no act of Yours without the correspondence of one act of mine…”  (Vol.20 – Oct. 15, 1926)                                                                                                                                                              


Do you want to know how to grow in the FIAT? 
“By calling it in everything you do, whether natural or spiritual.  In fact, everything is in the Divine Will; therefore It wants to love together with you, and if you call It, It gives you Its Love in your power in order to be loved; It gives you Its sanctity to make yourself a saint, Its light to make Itself known and to eclipse your weaknesses, miseries and passions, so that they may no longer have life in you, but only Its Will, laying and forming Its Life in your little act…”
(From the Letters of Luisa – Corato, January, 2, 1939)

Monday, January 25, 2016



1 .Make the act of fusing one’s soul in the Divine Will. This is done by calling (asking from heart, mind and soul) the Divine Will to animate and direct what you are doing or about to do, that is, to do in you what you are doing or about to do. The soul not only becomes merged in the Divine Will, flowing with It, but becomes dispersed in the Divine Will everywhere in all Creation with God.

 2. Since the soul becomes bilocated everywhere and operates in the mode of eternity, the soul’s intellect simply begins making acts of focusing, one after the other, on the places or activities to which it is now present in the bilocative and eternal mode and the will fused with the Divine Will begins to make acts of recognition, gratitude, praise, love and glory to God in each thing , or place, or activity where the intellect is focused.

 3. By making the rounds of recognition, gratitude, praise, love and glory to God, the soul becomes familiar with the things that God has created as well as His activity in Redemption. After a time, the soul goes beyond familiarization to the taking possession of them. Then, after some more time of familiarization and possession, the soul will come to be armed with the right to command created things. For example the soul might command the sun, planets and stars to pray the rosary in union with the soul by using the will, reasoning and voice of the soul, present in them. Using this right of command, at some point in the development of the Reign of the Divine Will on earth, souls will be able to command the elements, which will faithfully obey. And this is because the created things were created to be commanded and to obey the slightest wishes of the legitimate sons and daughters of the Divine Will. “Thus, fire, light, cold, will let themselves be commanded and will faithfully obey.”

4. Entering the endless realms of the Divine Will, the soul observes the great theater of Creation and the splendorous magnificence of the love that fills all things. She runs from work to work, gathering all the love that the Three Divine Persons have spread out through Creation. She takes it all upon her lap and comes before the Majesty of God to give Them the many different varieties of love that They have placed in created things. With that, the soul plays her song of love with the various notes of God’s creative love, and O with what joy the Holy Trinity receives from the festivities that begin between Heaven and earth and from the oceans of love surrounding Their Throne! They take the soul’s offering of love, and give back to her doubled love. Then, after celebrating the feast of all creation, the soul wants to bring doubled love to the Blessed Trinity, so she flows away from the Divine Throne to all created things, spreading the doubled love of the Trinity upon all created things, and with the power of the Divine Will, which she possesses, she makes everything say: “Love, love to our Creator!”

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Praying the Rounds - part 1

“Part One” About The Rounds: 
1. The Rounds in the Divine Will are of absolute importance. 
2. The Rounds are necessary to complete the glory of God on the part of Humanity.
3. The Rounds that God has planned for humanity to make have to be understood and completed before the world can end. 
4. The Rounds provide companionship for God in all his works in Creation and Redemption. 
5. The Rounds provide recognition for all that has come forth from the Bosom of God. 
6 .The Rounds give reciprocity of Divine Love to God for the Divine Love he gives each soul in each created thing and each act of Redemption. 
7. The Rounds can be used to make reparation to God in a variety of ways. 
8. The Rounds can be used to call the Kingdom of the Divine Will to reign on earth. 
9. The Rounds lead us to understand God, one of the prime purposes of the Gift of the Divine Will. 
10. The Rounds are a special way for us to give gratitude, praise, love, and glory to God. 
11. All that has come forth from the Bosom of God, and will come forth, must receive recognition, gratitude, and possession by human creatures and be returned to the Divine Bosom before the end of time. 
12. The Rounds done on earth in time will amass an immense dowry of blessings, delights, joys and happiness both in time and especially in eternity. This dowry will be permanently established in the soul, so that the soul will enjoy this dowry to the fullest in Eternity.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Sun of the Divine Will

GOD USES THE SUN TO TEACH ABOUT THE TRINITY AND THE DIVINE WILL Volume 16 – February 10, 1924 “…in my all-seeingness, I see that these writings will be for my Church like a new sun which will rise in Her midst; and drawn by its blazing light, creatures will apply themselves in order to be transformed into this light and become spiritualized and divinized, in such a way that, as the Church will be renewed, they will transform the face of the earth. The doctrine on my Will is the purest, the most beautiful, not subject to any shadow of the material or of interest, both in the supernatural and in the natural order. Therefore, like sun, it will be the most penetrating, the most fecund, and the most welcomed and appreciated. And being light, of its own it will make itself understood and will make its way. It will not be subject to doubts or suspicions of error; and if some word is not understood, it will be because of too much light which, eclipsing the human intellect, will not allow them to comprehend the whole fullness of the truth. However, they will find not a word which is not truth. At the most, they will not be able to comprehend it fully. Volume 3 – March 25, 1900 “Just as the sun is the light of the world, so did the Word of God, in incarnating Himself, become the light of souls. And just as the material sun gives light in general and to each one in particular, so much so, that each one can enjoy it as if it were his own, in the same way, the Word, while giving light in general, is Sun for each one in particular; so much so, that each one can have this Divine Sun as if It were for himself alone.” Volume 5 – June 16, 1903 “The sun is there for the benefit of all, but not everyone enjoys its beneficial effects. In the same way, the Divine Sun gives Its light to all, but who enjoys Its beneficial effects? One who keeps his eyes open to the light of truth. All others, even if they are exposed to the Sun, remain in the dark. However, it is one who is all intent on pleasing Me that truly enjoys and receives all the fullness of this Sun.” Volume 13 - November 12, 1921 “My daughter, the Sanctity in my Will is not yet known. This is the reason for their wonderment; in fact, when something has been known, the wonderment ceases. All sanctities are symbolized by something that is spread in Creation: there are sanctities symbolized by mountains, others by trees, others by plants, the little flower, the stars; and many other similes. All of these sanctities have their own limited and individual good; they have their beginning, as well as an end; they cannot embrace everything and do good to all, just as a tree or a flower cannot do so. Now, the Sanctity in my Will will be symbolized by the sun. The sun has always been, and will always be; and even though it had a beginning in illuminating the world, since it is light that took origin from my Eternal Light, it can be said that it has no beginning. The sun does good to all, it extends to all with its light; it makes no exception with anyone. With its majesty and its dominion it rules over everything and gives life to everything, even to the littlest flower - but silently, without noise, and almost unobserved. Oh! if a plant did a little something, a shadow of what the sun does, giving heat to another plant, all would proclaim a miracle. All would want to see it, and would talk about it with amazement. The sun that gives life and heat to everything, and is the continued miracle – no one talks about it; no amazement. And this happens because man keeps his eyes always down below and on earthly things - never up high and on celestial things. Now, the Sanctity in my Will, symbolized by the sun, will come out from the center of my Sanctity; It will be a ray delivered by my Sanctity, which has no beginning. So, these souls existed in my Sanctity; they exist, and will exist. They were together with Me in the good I did; they never went out of the ray in which I had issued them to the light. As they never departed from my Will, I amused Myself with them, and I still do. My union with them is permanent. I see them floating above everything; human supports do not exist for them, just as the sun does not lean on anything - it lives up high as though isolated, but with its light it encloses everything within itself. The same for these souls: they live up high like the sun, but their light descends to the deepest bottom and extends to all. I would feel as if I defrauded them if I did not keep them aware of, and did not let them do what I do. So, there is no good which does not descend from them. In this Sanctity I see my shadows, my images, hovering over the whole earth, in the air, in Heaven. And this is why I love and will love the world - because I am waiting for my Sanctity to have Its echo upon earth; for my rays to come out to the light and give Me complete glory, returning to Me the love and the honor which others have not given Me. However, just like the sun, they will be the most unobserved, without any clamor. But if anyone wants to look at them, my jealousy will be such that they will run the risk of remaining blinded, and will be forced to lower their gazes in order to regain their sight. Do you see how beautiful is the Sanctity in my Will? It is the Sanctity which is the closest to your Creator; therefore It will have primacy over all other sanctities, It will enclose within Itself all other sanctities together, and will be life of all other sanctities. What grace for you to know It! To be the first, like solar ray, to come out from the center of my Sanctity, without ever detaching from It! Greater grace I could not give you - more portentous a miracle I could not operate in you. Be attentive, my daughter, my ray, because every time you enter into my Will and operate, it happens as when the sun hits the glass: many suns are formed in it. In the same way, you repeat my Life as many times; you multiply It, you give new life to my love.” Volume 17 - January 22, 1925 “My daughter, this sun which you see within the intelligence of my Humanity, was formed by my Divinity, which endowed Me with the creative power and the all-seeingness of all things, in such a way that I was to be the new Sun of souls. And just as the sun which I created for the good of nature, covers the whole earth with its light, without denying the effects of its light to anyone, though it does not depart from the heavens, but unleashes from its center the rays which bring upon earth the goods that the sun contains – in the same way, without departing from Me, with Its inaccessible light, my Divinity formed in Me spokes of light. And these rays covered everyone and everything; and I, at each instant, covered each thought, word and act of all creatures, and constituted Myself perennial glory to my Father for each thought, act, word, etc., of all human generations. While rising to the Celestial Father, this light descended to take, as though in its power, all human acts in order to illuminate them, warm them and repair them. So, over each human act hovers a light that wants to do good to it, continuously. In Me, doing this was as though natural. You, my daughter, do not have this power to make one single act out of all acts, as I did. Therefore, in my Will you will go through each ray, one by one; and, little by little, you will follow the same path as my Humanity.” Volume 17 – Sept. 17, 1924 “My daughter, see how beautiful is the Sun of my Will! What power, what marvel! As soon as the soul wants to fuse herself in It in order to embrace all, my Will, turning into Sun, wounds the soul and forms another Sun in her. And as she forms her acts in It, she forms Its rays to wound the Sun of the Supreme Will; and overwhelming all into this light, she loves, glorifies, satisfies her Creator for all – and what is more, not with human love, glory and satisfaction, but with love and glory of Divine Will, because the Sun of my Will has operated in her. Do you see what it means to do acts in my Will? This is the living in my Will: the Sun of my Will, transforming the human will into Sun, acts within it as in Its own center.” Then, afterwards, my sweet Jesus went on taking all the books written on His Divine Will; He united them together, then He pressed them to His Heart, and with unspeakable tenderness, He added: “I bless these writings from the Heart. I bless each word; I bless the effects and the value they contain. These writings are part of Myself.” A letter from Luisa Piccarreta to Frederico Abresch “The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is symbolized by the SUN, which does good to all, gives Itself to all, denies Itself to no one, and while almost holding the earth on Its lap (giving to each plant, to some color, to some sweetness, to some fragrance – things which are all different and distinct among each other), yet, while doing so much good, the SUN never says a word; It allows Its light to be trodden by our steps; It follows us everywhere, and all the glory and honor is of God, who made It SUN. Such is the soul who lives in the Divine Will, whom the Lord uses to do good to all, and from whom He receives glory and honor, as if all had loved Him.” From Luisa’s Appeal “And in the first place, I appeal to the Highest Hierarch, to the Roman Pontiff, to His Holiness, to the representative of the Holy Church, and therefore the representative of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. At his holy feet, this little, tiny child places this Kingdom, so that he dominate It and make It known, and with his paternal and authoritative voice, call his sons to live in this Kingdom so holy. May the Sun of the SUPREME "FIAT" invest him and form the first Sun of the Divine Volition in Its Representative on earth; and forming Its primary Life in Him who is the Head of all, It will spread Its interminable rays in all the world; and eclipsing all with Its Light, It will form one flock and one Shepherd.” Lynne Bauer, March, 2013

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