This blog has been created for those who desire to live in the Holy Divine Will and would like to share their understanding of this great Gift of God, either through the teachings of the Saints, or through understanding and lessons given to them from God. Please do not use this Blog for any other purpose other than to extend the Kingdom of God on earth. God bless you.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Ways to fuse oneself in the Divine Will
As I fuse myself in It, an immense void, all of light, comes before my mind, in which one can find neither the extent of its height, nor of its depth, nor the boundaries on the right or on the left, nor those on the front or on the back. In the midst of this immensity, in a highest point, I seem to see the Divinity, or the Three Divine Persons waiting for me – but this, always mentally. And, I don’t know how, a little child comes out from me; although it is still I - maybe it’s my little soul. It is moving to see this little child putting herself on the path within this immense empty space - all alone, shy, walking on tiptoe, with her eyes always fixed to the place where she sees the Three Divine Persons, because she fears that if she lowers her gaze in that immense void, she wouldn’t know at what point she would end up. All her strength is in that gaze fixed on high. In fact, in receiving in return the gaze of the Supreme Height, she draws strength along the way. Now, as the little one arrives before Them, she plunges herself with her face into that empty space, to adore the Divine Majesty. But a hand from the Divine Persons raises the little child; and They say to her: “Our daughter, the Little Daughter of Our Will – come into Our arms.” In hearing this, she becomes festive, and makes the Three Divine Persons festive; and delighting in her, They await the performance of the office, which They entrusted to her. And with grace typical of a child, she says: “I come to adore You, to bless You, to thank You for all. I come to bind to your throne all human wills of all generations, from the first to the last man, so that all may recognize Your Supreme Will. May all adore It, love It, and give It Life within their souls.”
Then she added: “O Supreme Majesty, in this immense void there are all these creatures, and I want to take them all and place them in your Holy Will, so that all may return to the origin from which they came – your Will. This is why I came into your paternal arms – to bring You all your children and brothers of mine, and bind them all with your Will. And in the name of all and for everyone, I want to repair You and give You homage and glory, as if everyone had done your Most Holy Will. But, please, I beg You, let there be no more separation between Divine and human will! It is a little child who is asking you this, and I know that You can deny nothing to the little ones.”
But who can say all that I did and said? I would be too long. Besides, I lack the words to express what I say before the Supreme Majesty. It seems to me that here in the low world we don’t use the same language as in that immense empty space.
At other times, while I fuse myself in the Divine Will and that immense void comes before my mind, I wander around all created things, and I impress in them one “I love You” for the Supreme Majesty, as though wanting to fill the whole atmosphere with many “I love You’s,” in order to return the Supreme Love for His great love toward creatures. Even more, I go through each thought of creature, and I impress my “I love You;” through each gaze, and I leave my “I love You;” through each heartbeat, work and step, and I cover them with my “I love You,” addressing them to my God. I go down into the sea, into the depths of the ocean, and I want to fill every darting of the fish, every drop of water, with my “I love You.”
Then, after she has worked everywhere, as though sowing her “I love You,” the little child presents herself before the Divine Majesty, and wanting to make for Him a pleasing surprise, she says: “My Creator and my Father, my Jesus and my Eternal Love – look at everything, and hear how all creatures say that they love You. Everywhere there is an ‘I love You’ for You; Heaven and earth are filled with them. And so, now, will You not concede to your tiny little one that your Will descend into the midst of creatures, make Itself known, make peace with the human will, and take Its just dominion - Its place of honor, so that no creature may ever do her will again, but always Yours?”
At other times, while I fuse myself in the Divine Volition, I want to feel sorrow for all the offenses given to my God, and I start my round again in that immense void, in order to find all the sorrow that Jesus felt for all sins. I make it my own, and I wander everywhere, in the most hidden and secret places, in public places, over all the acts of evil men, to feel sorrow for all the offenses. And for each sin, gathering within me all the sorrow for all sins, I feel like crying out in every motion of all creation: “Forgiveness, forgiveness!” There is not one offense to God, even the slightest one, for which I do not feel sorrow and ask forgiveness. And so that all may hear my plea of forgiveness for all sins, I impress it in the rumbling of the thunder, so that sorrow for having offended my God may thunder in all hearts. “Forgiveness!” in the striking of lightening. Sorrowful repentance in the whistling of the wind, crying out to all: “Repentance, and plea of forgiveness!” And in the tinkling of the bells: “Sorrow and forgiveness!” In sum, the same in everything. Then I bring the sorrow of all to my God, and I implore forgiveness for all, saying: “Great God, let your Will descend upon earth, so that sin may no longer take place! The human will alone is what produces so many offenses that it seems to be flooding the earth with sins. Your Will will be the destroyer of all evils. Therefore, I beg you, make the Little Daughter of your Will content, who wants nothing else but that your Will be known and loved, and that It reign in all hearts.”
I remember that one day I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition, and I looked at the sky, as it was pouring rain. I felt great pleasure in seeing water pouring down upon the earth; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, with unspeakable love and tenderness told me: “My daughter, in those drops of water that you see pouring down from heaven, there is my Will. It flows rapidly together with the water. It runs to quench the thirst of the creatures, to descend into the human bowels and into their veins, to refresh them, and to become life of the creatures, bringing them my kiss and my Love. It descends to water the earth, to fecundate it, and to prepare the food for my creatures. It descends for many other needs of theirs. My Will wants to have Life in all created things, in order to give celestial and natural life to all creatures. However, though It descends festive and full of Love for all, It does not receive a fair return on the part of creatures, and It remains on an empty stomach. My daughter, your will too, fused in Mine, flows in that water that pours down from heaven. Run together with Me, wherever It goes. Never leave It alone, and give It the return of your love and gratitude for all.”
But as He was saying this, my eyes remained enchanted. I could not move them from that pouring water. My will was flowing together with it, and in that water I could see the hands of my Jesus multiplying into many, in order to bring water to all with His own hands. Who can say what I felt within me? Jesus alone can say it – He, Who is the Author of it. And who can say about the many ways of fusing myself in His Most Holy Volition? For now I have said enough. If Jesus wants me to continue another time, He will give me the words and the grace to say more, and I will start again.
In addition, I was saying to my Jesus: “Tell me, my Love, what is this void that comes before my mind when I fuse myself in your Most Holy Will? Who is this little child coming out from me, and why does she feel an irresistible force to come to your throne and place her little acts into the divine womb, almost to make Him a feast?”
My sweet Jesus, all goodness, told me: “My daughter, the empty space is my unrequited Will, placed at your disposal, which should be filled with so many acts - as many as the creatures would have done, had they all fulfilled Our Will. This immense void that you see, which represents Our Will, came out from Our Divinity for the benefit of all in Creation, to delight everyone and everything. Therefore, as a consequence, all creatures should have filled this void with the return of their acts, and by giving their wills to their Creator. But since they did not do so, they saddened Us with the most grave offense that can possibly be imagined. This is why We called you with a special mission: so that this void may be returned and filled with all that the others should have given Us. And this is the reason for which We disposed you with a long chain of graces, and then asked you if you wanted to live in Our Will; and you answered with a ‘yes,’ firm and irretractable, binding your will to Our throne. And you did not want to recognize it any more, because human will and Divine Will do not reconcile, and cannot live together. That ‘yes,’ your will, exists, and is tightly bound to Our throne. And this is why your soul, like a little child reborn in Our Divine Volition, is drawn before the Supreme Majesty: because as you rise up toward Us, your will – which is already Ours – precedes you, and you feel Our Will attracting you like a powerful magnet. And instead of looking at your will, you interest yourself only in bringing onto Our lap everything you did in Our Will, as the greatest homage which befits Us, and as the return most pleasing to Us. Your indifference to your will - as you’ve already lost sight of it - and Our Will alone living in you, make Us festive. Your little acts done in Our Will bring Us the joys of the whole Creation. It seems that everything smiles at Us, and that all created things make feast. And in seeing that you descend from Our throne with not even the slightest attention to your will – which is as though lost within Ours – and in seeing you going back to earth taking Our Will, is an infinite joy for Us. This is why I always say to you, ‘Be attentive upon Our Will’: because there is much to do in It. The more you do, the greater the feast you make Us - and Our Volition will pour out in torrents, inside and outside of you.” May 10, 1925, Vol. 17
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
The Feast of Holy Christmas
Volume 25
December 25, 1928
I was thinking about the birth of Baby Jesus, and I prayed Him to come to be born in my poor soul. And in order to sing His praises and form a cortege for Him in the act of His birth, I fused myself in the Holy Divine Volition, and flowing in all created things, I wanted to animate the heavens, the sun, the stars, the sea, the earth and everything with my ‘I love You’. I wanted to place all created things as though in waiting, in the act of Jesus’ birth, so that all would say to Him ‘I love You’ and ‘we want the Kingdom of your Will upon earth’.
Now, while I was doing this, it seemed to me that all created things would come to attention in the act of Jesus’ birth, and as the dear Baby came out of the womb of His Celestial Mama, the heavens, the sun, and even the tiny little bird, as though all in chorus, were saying, ‘I love You’ and ‘we want the Kingdom of your Will upon earth’. My ‘I love You’ in the Divine Will flowed within all things in which the Divine Will had Its life, and therefore all sang praises to the birth of their Creator; and I saw the newborn Baby who, flinging Himself into my arms, all shivering, told me: “What a beautiful feast has the little daughter of my Will prepared for Me; how beautiful is the chorus of all created things saying to Me ‘I love You’, and wanting my Will to reign. One who lives in It can give Me anything, and can use all stratagems in order to render Me happy and make Me smile, even in the midst of tears. Therefore, I was waiting for you, to have a surprise of love of yours by virtue of my Divine Volition. In fact, you must know that my life on earth was nothing but suffering, operating and preparing everything that was to serve the Kingdom of my Divine Will, which must be Kingdom of happiness and of possession; therefore, it is then that my works will have their full fruits and will change for Me and for creatures into sweetnesses, into joys and into possession.”
Now, while He was saying this, He disappeared from me; but after a little while He came back, inside a little cradle of gold, clothed with a tiny little garment of light. And He added: “My daughter, today is my birthday, and I have come to render you happy with my presence. It would be too hard for Me, on this day, not to render one who lives in my Divine Will happy, not to give you my first kiss and tell you ‘I love you’ as a requital of yours, and, clasping you tightly to my little Heart, make you feel my heartbeats that unleash fire, and would want to burn everything which does not belong to my Will, while your heartbeat, echoing within mine, repeats for Me your pleasant refrain: ‘May your Will reign on earth as It does in Heaven’. Repeat it always, if you want to render Me happy and calm my baby crying. Look - your love has prepared for Me the gold cradle, and the acts in my Divine Will have prepared for Me the little garment of light. Aren’t you happy?”
After this, I continued my acts in the Divine Fiat, going back to Eden, into the first acts of the creation of man; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, Adam was the first human sun, invested by Our Volition, and his acts were more than sun’s rays which, extending and expanding, were to invest the whole human family, in which one would see many in one, as though palpitating in these rays, all centralized in the center of this first human sun. And all were to have the virtue of forming their own suns, without going out of the bond of the first sun. In fact, since the life of each one would have its origin from this sun, each one would be able to be sun of his own. How beautiful was the creation of man. Oh! how it surpassed the whole entire universe. The bond, the union of one in many, was the greatest prodigy of Our Omnipotence, as Our Will, one in Itself, was to maintain the inseparability of all, the communicative and unifying life of all - symbol and image of Our Divinity, as We are inseparable, and even though We are three Divine Persons, We are always one, because one is the Will, one is the sanctity, one is Our power. This is why man is always looked upon by Us as if there were one alone, even though he was to have his very long generation, but always centralized in the one. It was the uncreated love that was created by Us in man, and therefore he was to give of Us and be like Us; and Our Will, the only one acting in Us, was to act as the only one in man, in order to form the unity of all and the bond of inseparability of each one.
Therefore, by withdrawing from Our Divine Fiat, man became deformed and disordered, and no longer felt the strength of the unity and inseparability, either with his Creator or with all generations. He felt like a divided body, broken in his members, which no longer possesses all the strength of his body as whole. This is why my Divine Will wants to enter again as prime act into the creature – to reunite the broken members and to give him the unity and the inseparability, as he came out of Our creative hands. We find Ourselves in the condition of an artisan who has made his beautiful statue, such as to astonish Heaven and earth. The artisan loves this statue so much that he has placed his very life in it; so, at each act or movement it does, the artisan feels within himself the life, the act, the movement of his beautiful statue. The artisan loves it with love of delirium, nor can he remove his gaze from it; but in so much love, the statue receives an encounter, it bumps, and it remains broken in its members and in its vital part which kept it bound and united to the artisan. What will his sorrow not be? And what will he not do in order to redo his beautiful statue? More so, since he still loves it, and to the raving love has added the grieving love. Such is the state the Divinity is in with regard to man. He is Our delirium of love and of sorrow, for We want to redo the beautiful statue of man; and since the bump took place in the vital part of Our Will which he possessed, once Our Will is reestablished in him, the beautiful statue will be redone for Us, and Our love will be satisfied. Therefore, I want nothing else from you but my Divine Will to have Its life.” Then He added with a more tender tone: “My daughter, in the created things the Divinity did not create love, but the flowerings of His light, of His power, of His beauty, etc. So, it can be said that in creating the heavens, the stars, the sun, the wind, the sea, the earth, it was Our works that We issued, and the flowerings of Our beautiful qualities. Only for man was this greatest prodigy of creating the life – and the life of Our love itself; and this is why it is said that he was created in Our image and likeness. And this is why We love him so much - because it is life and work that has come out of Us, and life costs more than anything.”
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Luisa the first to live in the Divine Will
October 6, 1922
The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in the Divine Will, was done by Jesus. Luisa, the first one to live in the Divine Will.
The first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in the Divine Will, was done by Jesus. Luisa, the first one to live in the Divine Will.
human acts, according to the purpose of Creation, were to have life in my
Volition, and form in It their plane of all human acts changed into divine
acts, with the mark of supreme nobility, sanctity and wisdom. It was not Our
Will that man withdraw from Us, but that he live with Us, growing in Our
likeness and operating with Our own manners. This is why I wanted that all his
acts be done in my Will - to give him the place in which to form his own little
river within the immense sea of my Will. I acted like a father who, possessing
great lands, says to His son: ‘I give you, in your possession, the center of my
possessions, so that you may not go out of my boundaries and may grow in my
riches, with my own nobility and with the greatness of my works, and so that
all may recognize that you are my son.’ What would be said of him if he did not
accept the great gift of his father and went into a foreign land to live of
miseries, disennobling himself, enslaved to cruel enemies? Such was man.
this plane, this little river in my Volition, I want from you. Let each one of
your thoughts flow in It, so that, in the reflections of Our intelligence,
which is thought of each one, it may rise over each intelligence and give Us
the homage of each thought in a divine manner. Let your words and works flow as
well, so that, in the reflection of Our word ‘Fiat’, which made all things and
is word of each one, and in the reflections of the sanctity of Our works, which
is life and motion of everything, they may rise and hover over everything,
giving Us the glory of each word and of each work, with Our own word ‘Fiat’ and
with the very sanctity of Our works. My daughter, if all that is human – be it
even one thought - is not done in my Will, the human plane takes no possession,
the little river is not formed, and my Will cannot descend upon earth to make
Itself known and to reign.”
On hearing this, I said to Him: ‘My
Love, Jesus, how is it possible that after so many centuries of life of the
Church, which has put out so many Saints - and many of them have astonished
Heaven and earth with their virtues and with the wonders they performed - they
would not operate fully in the Divine Will so as to form this plane You are
talking about? Were You waiting just for me, the most incapable, the most bad
little one, and ignorant, in order to do this? It seems just incredible.’
Jesus: “Listen, my daughter, my wisdom has means and ways which man ignores,
such that he is obliged to lower his forehead and adore it in mute silence; and
it is not up to him to dictate to Me the laws, whom I should choose and the
appropriate time, which my goodness disposes. And besides, first I had to form the Saints who were to resemble Me and copy
my Humanity in a more perfect way, as much as is possible for them; and this I
have already done. Now my goodness wants to go beyond, and wants to give in to
greater excesses of love; and therefore I want them to enter into my Humanity
and copy what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will. If the first have
cooperated with my Redemption in order to save souls, to teach the law, to
banish sin, being limited within the centuries in which they lived, the second
will go beyond, copying what the soul of my Humanity did in the Divine Will.
They will embrace all centuries, all creatures, and rising above all, they will
put in force the rights of Creation which are due to Me, and which concern the
creatures, bringing all things to the first origin of Creation and to the
purpose for which Creation came out. Everything is ordered in Me: if I issued
Creation, It must return to Me ordered, just as It came out of my hands.
first plane of the human acts, changed into divine in my Will, was done by Me;
I left it as though suspended, and the creature, except for my dear and
inseparable Mama, knew nothing. This was necessary. If man did not know the
way, the door, the rooms of my Humanity, how could he enter inside of Me and
copy what I did? Now the time has come for the creature to enter into this
plane and do also something of her own within mine. What is the wonder if I
have called you as the first one? And besides, it is so true that I have called you as the first, since to no other
soul, though dear to Me, have I manifested the way of living in my Will, the
effects of It, the wonders, the goods which the creature operating in the
Supreme Volition receives. Check as many lives of Saints as you want, or books
of doctrines - in not one of them will you find the prodigies of my Volition
operating in the creature and of the creature operating in It. At the most, you
will find resignation, union of wills; but in not one of them will you find the
Divine Will operating in her, and she in It. This means that the time had not
come in which my goodness would call the creature to live in this sublime
state. Even the very way I make you pray cannot be found in anyone else. Therefore,
be attentive. My justice demands this, my love is delirious; so, my wisdom
disposes everything in order to obtain the intent. It is the rights, the glory
of Creation, that We want from you.”
“The Saints and the Church
have known until now the conformity with the Will of God, the complete
abandonment, even the union with God’s Will, with His Divine Volition. We can see examples of this from such Saints
as St. Francis deSales or St. Vincent DePaul (and for that matter, hundreds of
other Saints) in the expression: “to empty oneself of himself and unite his
will totally to God’s such that there is only one will with His.” We could say that this is the highest point. And how does Luisa’s doctrine differ from
this union of wills? In the chapter
dated Oct. 6, 1922 (Vol. 14), Luisa asks the question how it is that she was
the first to live in the Divine Will after so many centuries and so many Saints
in the Church. (read from the highlights
above). This is to say that from the union of wills, which has been already
experienced, Luisa enters into the unity
of Wills, and into the activity of that Unity, to the activity and life of the
creature in the Divine Will, along with Its effects, etc.” Jose’
Luis Acuna
“…the greatest Saints, those richest
in grace and virtue, will be the most assiduous in praying to the most Blessed
Virgin, looking up to Her as the perfect model to imitate and as a powerful
helper to assist them…this will happen especially towards the end of the world,
and indeed soon, because Almighty God
and His holy Mother are to raise up great Saints who will surpass in holiness
most other Saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above the little
shrubs…these great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to
oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides. They will be exceptionally devoted to the
Blessed Virgin… Saint Louis de Montfort
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